Document 405943

Cathedral Architect
The Chapter of Coventry Cathedral is
appointing a Cathedral Architect from June,
2015 to be its principal professional adviser
on all matters relating to the fabric of the
Cathedral, its structure, contents and its
The Architect will be responsible for
overseeing all major repair and conservation
works and for any maintenance work which
would materially affect the fabric. The post
holder will have overall responsibility for
advising Chapter on all aspects of the fabric.
Spiritual Formation Course 2015
Discover ancient resources that have
sustained Christians across the world over
the past 2000 years.
Richard Foster wrote in his book
“Celebration of Discipline” – “Superficiality is
the curse of our age. The desperate need
today is not for a greater number of
intelligent people, or gifted people, but for
deep people.”
If you are looking for ways to grow deeper
in God, this course could be the next step
for you. Why not come and explore what
The successful applicant will be a registered it’s all about at one of our FREE taster events
architect or a member of the Royal
at Methodist Central Hall on Tuesday 18th
Institution of Chartered Surveyors, who is
November at 7.30pm, or at St John’s Church
qualified as a chartered building surveyor. He Centre, Berkswell on Wednesday 26th
or she will have an understanding of and
enthusiasm for complex 20th Century and
historic ecclesiastical building, together with Leaflets for the courses which will run at
the ability to work creatively with the
both centres in 2015 are available on the
Chapter to enhance the Cathedral’s ministry community table, or you could ask Margaret
through innovative architectural solutions.
Parker (76594916) or Margaret or John
Lloyd about their experiences of the course
A detailed information pack can be
at Berkswell in 2013 and 2014.
downloaded from or telephone
And finally… we’re on live TV!
024 76 521200. Applications, in the form of The BBC One Show will be broadcast live
a curriculum vitae, should be received by
from the Cathedral on Wednesday 12th
Monday 8th December 2014.
November at 7pm. Thank you for to all
those who are taking part. Dean John
11th November at 11am - Remembrance
Day service in University Square.
14th November - Anniversary of the Blitz
events and the Peace Prize Ceremony (at
15th November at 7.30pm - Saint
Michael’s Singers perform Verdi’s Requiem.
w/c 17th November - Cathedral closed
for Coventry University Graduations.
Saturday 29th November at 4pm Baptism and Confirmation service.
Please send items for inclusion in the next edition of Cathedral Matters
by end of TUESDAY 11th November 2014 please.
Tel: 02476 521200 or email:
9th November 2014
Three before Advent
Sunday 9th November
Holy Communion
The Cathedral Eucharist
Choral Evensong
Cathedral Praise
Sunday 16th November
8.00am Holy Communion
10.30am The Cathedral Eucharist
4.00pm Choral Evensong
6.30pm City Praise and Prayer at the
Welcome Centre
The Coventry International Prize for Peace and Reconciliation
It was announced earlier this week that the Coventry International Prize for Peace and
Reconciliation has been awarded to Thérèse Mema Mapenzi from the Justice and Peace
Commission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The Peace Prize recognises those who work at a grass roots level
with a passion for reconciliation and a determination to change their
communities for the better.
Thérèse Mema Mapenzi is the Sexual Violence Programme Leader
for the Justice and Peace Commission funded by CAFOD. Rape is
a weapon of war which has a devastating impact on the lives of
women and girls and the communities within which they live.
Her work provides a safe place and a voice for those whose lives
have been affected by sexual violence through a project called the
Listening Rooms.
I am hugely excited about Thérèse’s work; both because of its
impact in the Democratic Republic of Congo but also because as a way of working with
people who have suffered trauma it can translate so easily into other contexts. I hope that
we will be able to set up something like the Listening Rooms here in Coventry that is
inspired by her example.
The award will be presented on Friday 14th November in the Cathedral at 6.30pm - all are
welcome to attend. We hope that Thérèse will be joining us at the Cathedral Eucharist next
With love in Christ, John
The Very Reverend John Witcombe MA MPhil
Breadmaking – can you spare some
time to help?
Bread for our Sunday and daily services is
baked by members of the community. If
anybody wishes to take part in this very
important and rewarding part of our worship
please speak to Eileen Third.
Silent Voices
1st - 16th November 10am-4pm
In the Chapel of Unity there is a thought
provoking photographic exhibition showing
everyday life in the village of Bil’in, in the
occupied West Bank of Palestine, as seen
through the eyes of the children who live
there. Entry is free (with an e-pass that can
be downloaded from the Cathedral’s
website). Ann Farr
together to provide a Christian service for
the people of Coventry according to need as
a sign of God's love in their midst.
The CSC steering group sees itself as heirs to
the vision, never realised, for an ecumenical
Christian Service Centre, as well as a Chapel
of Unity, proposed in 1944 as an essential
Peace building and Bach
part of the new Cathedral.
Tuesday 11th November
John Witcombe, Keith Parr, Adam Sanders,
Join us for an evening of reflection including
Yvonne Stone, Greg Bartlem, Helen Spicer, Gavin
readings and music by JS Bach. Donald
Kibble, Kathryn Fleming, Jean Fargher. Margaret
Reeves, who has undertaken mediation work Lloyd.
in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Serbia since 1999, will
be performing a combination of JS Bach’s
Cathedral Walkers
chorale preludes. The concert will begin at
Wednesday 19th November
6.30pm, and doors will open at 6pm. The
This is our last walk of the year, so don't miss
concert will be free. Olivia Hayes
out! We aren't parking at the lunch pub this
time, so read the details on the Community
Verdi’s Requiem
Table more carefully than usual. Please let
Saturday 15th November at 7.30pm
me know if you intend to walk, to lunch (NB:
Don’t forget to purchase tickets to enjoy
slightly earlier than usual at 12:15), or both.
Verdi’s Requiem on Saturday 15th November Dave Goodall, 024 7646 1946
with our own Saint Michael’s Singers. Tickets
are available at the Nave reception and Gift
Job Vacancy - Events Manager
Shop. Pam Norman
(35 Hours a week, £25,000 per annum)
We are looking to recruit an experienced
An hour of prayer for the Christian
Events Manager to generate sales and lead on
Service Centre
the logistical and operational planning and
Thursday 13th November 12.10pm-1pm delivery of a range of profit making
Led by Reverend Yvonne Stone (from
conferences, gala dinners, receptions and
Warwick Road United Reformed Church)
meetings and to oversee non-revenue events
and will be held in the Chapel of Christ the
and exhibitions as required.
Servant following the noon Litany of
Reconciliation. This hour of prayer is held
The closing date for receipt of applications is
every second Thursday of the month - on
noon on Friday 14th November 2014 and
Thursday 13 December it will be led Adam interviews will take place at our offices on
Sanders from the Methodist Central Hall.
Thursday 27th November 2014. Shortlisted
candidates will be informed by Tuesday 18th
All are welcome to join us in seeking God for November. The job pack and application
Bardsley Work Club, the first initiative of the form can be downloaded from the Cathedral
CSC, and for future projects, through which website: or
the Cathedral, Queens Road Baptist Church, email:
Methodist Central Hall, Warwick Road URC,
Urban Hope and Mosaic church seek to work
They provide safe space to share and listen,
to seek understanding, healing and
reconciliation. They continue to provide
schools, hospitals and other essential services
to local people, maintaining a sense of
normalcy as much as possible. Often their
leaders can become trusted peacemakers.
If faith groups can respond to conflict then
perhaps they can also help to prevent it. That
is the concept being investigated in a
“Airline, carry me to Bethlehem, to see workshop that is being hosted by St Michael’s
the Lord ... “
House, which looks at the role of faith groups
Hmm! No, doesn’t work, does it? But what and faith-based organisations in conflict
will work is a pilgrimage to the Holy Land
prevention and early warning. The project
next year, June 8th – 18th led by Canon
brings together a network of The Anglican
David Tilley who has worked in Bethlehem
Alliance, Coventry Cathedral, the Office of
and Jerusalem in recent years. Walk in the
the Archbishop of Canterbury and academics
footsteps of Jesus and the disciples, paddle in from Coventry University’s Centre for Trust,
the Sea of Galilee, renew your baptism
Peace and Social Relations.
promises where Jesus was baptised, and
follow the Way of the Cross in the Old City Visiting our cathedral over two days will be
of Jerusalem. A never-forgotten, life-changing bishops and other senior clergy from Nigeria,
experience! Further details and brochure
Pakistan, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, the
from David. 02476 302508,
Democratic Republic of Congo and Kenya.,uk.
They will then travel to Lambeth Palace to
present their research to a wider group of
Churches look to prevent conflict and government, civil society, community and
faith leaders. Each of these countries has
Stories of war and violent conflict are never
suffered deeply from violent conflict. We
far from our minds or from the media.
hope that in coming together, sharing their
Whether it is civil war in South Sudan or
stories and learning from the research, our
turmoil in the Middle East, the results can be visitors will be able to leave equipped and
devastating. 1.5 billion people live in countries inspired to continue and build upon their
affected by conflict, and they are three times faithful work of peace-making.
more likely to be undernourished. The World Amy Taylor, Programme Co-ordinator (Archbishop
Bank believes the cost of the average civil war of Canterbury’s Reconciliation Ministry)
to be more than 30 years’ worth of GDP.
Conflict is more than costly. It is
Cake Today
development in reverse.
The Choir Parents Association are holding a
cake sale after the morning service to raise
Churches, mosques and other local faith
funds for the choir.
groups are often the first responders during
Clayre Coopey
times of conflict and crisis. They provide
emergency relief and shelter to the displaced.