D ear

ear Ones of First Lutheran,
When I sit back and think about the community of
faith that makes up First Evangelical Lutheran
Church here in Idaho Falls, I am amazed at the variety of
journeys people have taken to call First Lutheran their
faith community. First of all there are people from different
Lutheran traditions in our congregation. (There are now
35 different Lutheran churches in the United States. Some
of them are very small groups but still they represent a
different brand of Lutheranism.) Others are part of First
Lutheran who were once members of another protestant
denomination like the Presbyterians, the Methodists, the
Baptists, Assembly of God, the Nazarene Church, the
Episcopal Church, the Alliance Church, etc. Some of you
have come from a Roman Catholic background. Others
have come out of a non-denominational background, or a
Mormon background. For some, First Lutheran is their
first community of faith, and they don't know of any other
faith community and its practices.
With all the different backgrounds come some very
different traditions and faith practices, some more
important to you than others. As you think about your
background, you may wonder from time to time about
the way we “do things” at First Lutheran and the “why”
we do things the way we do. It might have to do with the
times of sitting and standing during worship. It might
have to do with the parts of worship that are always the
same and the parts that are different, or the confession
of sin and the confession of faith, or where the
announcements are given and the passing of the peace
is done. It might be the weekly practice of Holy
Communion whereas when you were younger in a
different setting, Holy Communion was maybe only once
a month or 4 times a year, or by individual request. And
it was always wafers and individual communion cups,
never by intinction or with home made bread. Only the
pastor distributed the elements of bread and wine. And it
wasn't continuous communion with people coming and
going, but one table at a time. Or it was brought to you
where you were sitting and passed down the row much
like the offering plate is. And it was grape juice and not
wine. And certainly children didn't take Holy Communion
but only those who had been confirmed sometime after
9th grade. You had to be a Lutheran to participate. You
had to be a member of the church to have Holy
Communion. So many different traditions. So many
preferences. Some more important to you than others.
Volume 113, No. 11
The one I would like to address this month is that ,once in
a while, I am asked why Lutherans never have altar calls.
I can only answer that by asking these questions: On
what Sunday morning worship services are you not
invited to come forward to the altar? And when you come,
who do you receive? Who speaks to you in the words,
“This is my body given for you. This is my blood shed for
you.” ? How do you use that time? How do you prepare
for that time? What fruit does that time bear in your life?
How does this special opportunity function for you? Is it a
time of spiritual formation and renewal, or a habit for
which you give little thought? We all get caught up in our
lives taking important relationships for granted  with
your wife, your husband, your parents, your children, a
good friend, etc. Could the same happen with your Lord?
When you come and receive Jesus at the table of Holy
Communion with, through and under the bread and the
wine, you do know that he promises to come to you,
right? Would you dare tell him, “I'm going to skip receiving
you this week.” “I think I've had enough of you.” “If you
come to me so often, I might start taking you for granted
and our relationship will lose its specialness.” Do you
really think, believe that you can get too much of Jesus?
So we have our traditions that we bring with us and
traditions that bear more weight than others. Some bear
discussing. Others should be dismissed. Others should
never be missed. See you at the table.
Sincerely, Pastor Larry
Volume 113
Issue 9
September 2014
Inside this issue:
Worship & Music
Outreach & Missions
Youth & Family
Stephen Ministry
Notes from Pastor Sarah
FELC Preschool
Worship Assistant Schedule
Thanks & Prayers
Intergenerational Activities
Faith & Fellowship Photos
November 2014
Worship & Music
Advent Services
Children’s Cantata Choir
Advent Services will be held on Wednesdays
December 3rd, 10th, and 17th. Potluck soup and
bread will be shared
at 6:30 p.m. with
worship at 7:15 p.m.
Once again our
confirmation students
will be serving.
Calling Children 3rd – 8th grades: Rehearsals for
the children’s cantata choir will begin on Sunday,
November 2nd, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
The schedule for this commitment is:
5 Sundays in November 1:00 - 3:00p.m.
Saturday, December 6th, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 7th, 8:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
(Warm-up 7:30 a.m.)
Hymn of the Month
Brunch at 9:30 a.m. and a presentation at 6:30 p.m.
(Warm-up 5:00 p.m.)
Saturday, December 13th, Presentation 11:00 a.m.
(Warm-up 9:30 a.m.) Noon – Lunch, Recording 1:00 p.m.
The hymn of the month for November is
#829 “Have You Thanked the Lord?”.
Sunday, December 14th, 4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Warm-up 2:30 p.m.
Christmas Cantata
You are cordially invited to this year’s Christmas Cantata “Jesus, Our Peace”.
The cantata will be presented:
 Sunday, December 7 , at 8:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. with a congregational brunch at 9:30 a.m.
Another presentation will be given that evening at 6:30 p.m.
 Saturday, December 13 , at 11:00 a.m. for our homebound, followed by a soup and bread luncheon.
 Sunday, December 14 , at 4:00 and 6:30 p.m.
The offerings collected will be divided among the Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen, Food Bank, and
Rescue Mission. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will be providing some matching funds.
A very special thank you to members of FELC for your financial donations. Along with general
funds to the worship and music budget, thousands of dollars given by you for music special funds,
and those who give their simply giving offerings to the music fund, we are able to host our yearly
Christmas Cantata. This is a costly ministry, both in dollars and time, which proves each year to be
a blessing for our church as well as our community. I am touched each year by thank-you notes
that I receive from many, both in our church and in the community. Notes that tell of lives changed,
by listening to the beautiful story of our Savior’s birth. I personally love that music transcends all
boundaries and that people of many faiths feel welcome to attend and hear with their own ears
about the love that Jesus has for each of them. A huge thank you to all who will participate this
year in any and every way.
God bless each of you. ~ Penny Dixon
Volume 113, No. 11
November 2014
Christmas Cantata – Coordinators Needed.
Coordinators are needed to recruit teams that will work on a list of activities to prepare for
the Christmas season and during Cantata weekend.
Signups for the activities needing to be performed by these teams will be available at the signup
table (expected out in early November). Here are some of the activities we have identified:
Setting up and decorating Christmas trees.
Evening Cantata Fellowship time with punch/cold drink, coffee & cookies. Need to set up,
serve and clean up after the event. Three separate evening performances will need a
coordinator so that one person is not working at all of them. Dates are December 7 th,
at 6:30, December 14th, at 4:00 and 6:30.
Cantata Brunch on December 7th, at 9:30. A coordinator for each of the following tasks
would be extremely helpful. This person should be recruiting helpers so one person doesn’t end up working on all of
these tasks.
 Someone to set up and help decorate on Saturday, December 6th, (time – To Be Determined)
 Arrive at church early enough to check on coffee, receive food and instructions (if any), put breads and fruit in
bowls (if needed). This person will also help to set out food just prior to the brunch.
 Waiters – youth included and appreciated! Serve coffee and cold drinks during brunch. Check on condiments that
are on the table, help older individuals by taking their plates if they are done eating, cleaning up the tables so that
the next group of diners can sit at a clean table.
Clean up. Washing dishes and checking the garbage cans so they aren’t overflowing. Stay till the end of cleaning,
wash tables after the brunch and clean up the kitchen and Fellowship Hall.
More activities may be determined and will be listed on the sign-up sheets.
Thank you for participating in one of First Lutheran’s major Service Events.
Fellowship Ministry team
Kathy Katainen & Michelle Hanson
2014-15 Council members
Executive Council
President: Dave McDaniel
Vice President: Jane Kaestner
Secretary: Shelley Williams
Treasurer: Rick Bolton
Congregational Council Members
Greg Katainen
Mariah Williams
Eric Swenson
Dave McDaniel
Nathan Wentzel
Jane Kaestner
Jerry Litteer
Shelley Williams
Megan Hanson
Rick Bolton
Gordon Rhiger
Jodi Eldridge
Chris Walsh
Fellowship for All
Assignments for our November Praise and Potluck on
Sunday, November 9th, following worship.
Last Names Beginning With:
S and T
A, B and C
D, E F, and G
H, I, J, K, and L
M, N, and P
W and Y
bread, butter, cheese, or fruit
green or fruit salad
a pasta or potato dish
a hot dish/casserole or meat
clean-up & kitchen duties
before, during and after the meal
Ministry Team Chairpersons:
Administration: Gary McDannel
Care & Concern: Marda Kirkwood
Christian Education: Adult Ministry: Patty Cottrell
Children’s Ministry: Bobbi Hasner
Fellowship: Kathy Katainen
Finance: Richard Williams
Missions: Karen Bateman
Outreach: Amelia McDaniel
Property: Steve Galbraith
Worship & Music: Penny Dixon
Youth & Family: Kami Shadley
Please Note: It would be very much appreciated if your
potluck dish is baked, cooked, cleaned, thawed, mixed,
cut, etc., etc. ! Food can be kept cold or warm until it is
time to be served. Preparation is up to you.
Thank you,
Your FELC Fellowship Ministry Team
Volume 113, No. 11
November 2014
Outreach & Missions
Coming to First Lutheran ─ 10,000 Villages/Dunia Marketplace
Friday, November 7th, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 8th, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
This nonprofit fair trade store sells artisan-crafted items from more than 130 artisan
groups in some 38 countries. As one of the world's oldest fair trade organizations,
Ten Thousand Villages has spent more than 60 years cultivating trading relationships
in which artisans receive a fair price for their work and consumers have access to
distinctive handcrafted gift items, personal accessories and home decor from across
the globe, including jewelry, musical instruments, toys, coffee, and holiday
decorations. 10% of the sales will benefit Hospice of Eastern Idaho and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
are providing matching funds.
Volunteers are needed to unpack on Thursday, November 6th, and packing up unsold items on Saturday
beginning at 6:00 pm. Call Carole Mason 525-8232.
Penny Power
Mark Your Calendar! National Collection Week for
Operation Christmas Child: November 17 – 23 2014!!
Penny Power funds for September are being used to purchase
two goats through the Heifer International organization.
Do you know that:
 Dairy goats are quite often the best solution for a hungry family.
 Goats provide up to a gallon of rich, nutritious milk each day.
 Goats don’t require large tracts of land.
 Since goats can thrive on the plants and leaves that other
livestock cannot eat, they help family flourish when resources
are limited.
 Perhaps, best of all, because each nanny will have two or
three kids each year, the gift of goats can quickly transform
entire communities as each family passes on the gift of
offspring to another.
For additional information about Heifer International, visit their
website at www.heifer.org.
Please join others in our community, our country, and around
the world to provide gift-filled shoeboxes to children in
need. Forms and shoeboxes are available for your use in the
narthex. What to pack? Include small toy items that children
will enjoy (dolls, trucks, stuffed animals), school supplies (pens,
pencils, sharpeners, paper), and hygiene items (toothbrush,
soap, washcloth, comb).
The Operation Christmas Child website suggests that a box
include at least one item a child can
immediately embrace such as a
stuffed toy, doll, ball or toy truck.
If you have any questions, or need
further assistance in how to pack a
gift box, please contact Kami
Shadley at 520-1153.
November Penny Power funds will be used to
purchase items for the Operation Christmas Child
boxes. The Mission Team voted to cover the $7
donation fee for every box the kids can fill.
Sunday, November 2, 2014, (All Saints Day)
This is the day we remember the members of our
community and congregation who have died this past
year, pray for health care providers and volunteers who
minister to body and to spirit, and pray for the
partnership we share as a faith community and hospice
as we care for the dying and their families. We
remember those who died with a white rose on the altar
provided by Hospice of Eastern Idaho.
9,985,210 gift filled shoeboxes were distributed in 2013. These
gifts, lovingly packed will give Operation Christmas Child
Ministry the opportunity to share God’s love and message of
salvation through faith in Jesus Christ with children around the
world. In many countries, the shoebox is the beginning of a
child’s incredible journey of faith.
Attention all 7th-12th Graders and interested adults
We have a wonderful Mission Trip Servant opportunity
available for you. Please come help after school on
Thursday, November 6th, with the unloading of 10,000
Villages merchandise or help with the packing up of
unsold inventory, Saturday, November 8th, at 6:00 p.m.
Ten Thousand Villages is a nonprofit fair trade store that
sells artisan-crafted items from more than 130 artisan
groups in 38 countries. Come share your time and energy
by giving back to a worthy organization. For additional
information, please contact Carole Mason 201-7905.
Volume 113, No. 11
The Mission team voted to donate $100 toward the
purchase of items needed for the African Children's
Choir. Jodi Eldridge will purchase
the items and mail them to the
appropriate address so that they
will reach them for their January
Children's Choir.
November 2014
Youth & Family
November holds a plethora of events for Youth and Family!
Your presence at one, some, or all is encouraged!
Mission Trip Meetings ~ Parents of and youth in grades 8th – 12th (and any other interested adults),
If you or your child are interested in going on next year’s mission trip, please join members of the mission team
for the 2015 Mission Trip Meetings.
We will meet the first Sunday of the month (November 2nd, December 7th, January 4th, February 1st, March 1st,
Saturday, April 4th, and May 3rd). These meetings will be held after worship in the High School Sunday School
room. Come prepared to learn about expectations, fundraisers, service events and requirements for the trip. If
you have any questions, please contact Jade Anderson at 589-2378.
Faith Sharing with Heidi Ibach ~ Heidi will be sharing her story about her journey from Germany to
the United States during and after World War II. It is riveting and inspiring! This event will be on
Monday November 3rd at 7:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Hope to see you there!
Movie Opportunity & Discussion! “When the Game Stands Tall” (Rated PG) – Saturday, November 8th at 6:45 p.m. (7:00 movie
start time) Join the Youth & Family Ministry Team along with Pastor Sarah at the Paramount (2085 Niagara St). Let’s meet in the
Paramount movie lobby (after your purchase of your movie ticket) 15 minutes before show time and sit together as a group. Movie
discussion after the movie showing will be held at Perkins.
As with any Hollywood movie viewing adventure, we leave it up to individual families’ discretion as to who may want to join their
FELC church family at the Paramount. For reviews, trailers, and additional movie information, please reference www.imdb.com This
activity is for everyone, age 0 to 150! We hope to see you at the movies!
Youth Night with Pastor Sarah ~ November 9th. PreK—3th grade will meet from 3:30 to 4:30 and
4th—12th grade will meet from 4:30 to 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall. We will have an activity centered in
Christ, plus games and refreshments! Any parents who wish to help at the event are most welcomed!
Please contact Pastor Sarah at pastorsarah@firstlc.com
Youth Coffee Hour ~ Pastor Sarah will be meeting with the teens of FELC for a time of devotion centered in Christ.
The meeting is intended for the youth to offer spiritual support to one another, and get to know their pastor. Where:
Starbucks on 17th St, Time: 7:30 a.m. Dates: November 10th and 24th.
Pie Servant event ~ Attention all 7th – 12th Graders, Please join together in a great Servant
opportunity to serve pies to the residents of Good Samaritan Nursing Home. We will meet at the
church at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 16th, and drive to the Nursing Home together. (Or if you
prefer, meet us at the Nursing Home by 3:30 p.m.)
Last year, we had the wonderful opportunity to serve 13 pies to the residents and staff. Thank you to
all children for the generous donations toward Penny Power for this wonderful opportunity to give back
to our community. For additional information, please contact Carole Mason at 201-7905 or Mariah
Williams at 521-9411.
Young Family Meeting with Pastor Sarah ~ If you are between the ages of 19-39 with a family, then you are invited to attend! This
is an opportunity to tell Pastor Sarah what you as a young family need and want in the church programs and services offered at First
Lutheran. You talk and she listens. Refreshments provided! Date: November 22nd , Time: 1:00 p.m., Place: Fellowship Hall
Please notify Pastor Sarah, pastorsarah@firstlc.com, if you are planning to attend
Do you love to bake? Do you have a sweet tooth? Members of the Youth & Family ministry
team invite you to a fun morning of baking on Saturday, November 29th at 10:00 a.m. in the
fellowship hall & kitchen. This is a wonderful multi-generational activity and a great
opportunity to share a recipe or two. The activity will conclude when we are done sharing
yummy samples together. Please bring your recipes and ingredients and of course your healthy
appetite for sweets. If you have any questions, please contact Mariah Williams at 521-9411.
Volume 113, No. 11
November 2014
Stephen Ministry
and read about their experiences by going online to the
national website: www.stephenministries.org. There is a
multitude of information there for you…Is God calling you?
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (friendship )
Two are better than one, because they have a good
reward for their labor. 10 For if they fall, the one will lift up
his fellow; but woe to him who is alone when he falls, and
doesn’t have another to lift him up.
A Message from your Stephen Ministers…
Must be a Christian, a member of this congregation, willing
to care for others. God will supply goodness, appropriate
gifts for the position, and grace. Stephen Leaders will
supply training and encouragement in January 2015. Watch
for further information regarding applications to register.
This is so important as we come together for Stephen
Ministry to share our cares, needs and faith in Christ.
All of you have been extremely wonderful to me and I
am very grateful to have been a part of Stephen
Ministry again this summer. Jo Glissendorf
A closing prayer
Heavenly Father we give you praise and honor as we
gather in your name. Guide us to know the path you
want us to take. Guide us in our diligent care of those
in need of a listener and confidant as they continue to
find their way. Bless these people who give so easily
and freely of their time to minister to God's people.
As His Son shines on all of God’s people.
Our next class is a wonderful opportunity for you to grow in
faith, develop stronger relational skills, and bring Christ’s love
into the lives of hurting people. You will find that being a
Stephen Minister is not only helpful to others—but also one of
the most fulfilling and joyful experiences you’ll ever have.
You can learn more about what it is like to be a Stephen
Minister, what topics are included in the 50 hours of training,
Notes from Pastor Sarah
Notes from Pastor Sarah
Youth Talk With Pastor Sarah
I have been reflecting lately on all the many
blessings God has given me this past year, and all of you
at FELC are always at the top of my list. I am of course
grateful for my husband and the two fury children I have
at home. When I first came here, I was very green when
it came to ministry, but I have learned so much working
at First Lutheran. This school year has already blessed
me, by giving me the opportunity to teach Confirmation
and work with children of all ages at “Youth Night with
Pastor Sarah”. The children of this church are so
precious to me and fill my life with such joy! This fall I am
getting the chance to continue work with the wonderful
people on the charters in my ministry; Youth and Family
and Christian Education. We are planning some
wonderful events such as the “Confirmation Reunion
Dance” and “Operation Christmas Child”. These events
are a wonderful way for all of us to fully understand all
the blessings God has given us in our lives and at our
church. With so many blessings, we are obligated by
God to reach out and help those both around us and in
the world. It is through people like us that God delivers
his blessings to the poor both financially and spiritually.
God’s blessings go both ways! He not only blesses the
poor, but blesses those that bless others! All of you at
First Lutheran are truly loved and blessed by God, and I
consider it a blessing that God has given me the
opportunity to be a servant to you.
With so many pressures to fit in and do what
society says is normal, it can be easy for a young person to
think, “My parents may mean well, but are they making me
miss out on experiences I really ought to be having?”
This can be hard to handle, even when you
know God exists, and you basically want to live His way
of life, and you do not want to be a “pop culture zombie”
following mindlessly the superficial people around you.
Deep down inside, you know that what today’s society
considers “normal” is not necessarily right with God—or
right for you. But, still, the temptations are there.
Should you really try to “live it up” while you can?
Surely that is part of what being a “normal” teenager is
all about—right? Wrong! It does not have to be that way.
In fact, it should not be. Consider a parable related by
Jesus Christ—who, by the way, knew what it was like to
be a teen. He told of a father who had two sons. One
“sowed his wild oats” and sought to experience all the
extremes life had to offer, living his life with abandon. But
when the fun came to an end, how did this prodigal son
come to feel? We read that he would “gladly have filled his
stomach with the pods that the swine ate.” The party was
over for him, and his life was miserable (Luke 15:11–32).
Join me for Youth coffee hour twice a month on the
2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 7:30 am at Starbucks
on 17th St. This is a good way to connect with other teens.
Also, if you ever need to talk with me, I am always available
to you for guidance and as a friend in Christ.
Pastor Sarah
Peace to You Brothers and Sister’s in Christ,
Pastor Sarah
Volume 113, No. 11
November 2014
FELC Preschool
Our FELC preschool
2014-2015 school
year is running
smoothly with 21
preschool children.
Our first day was
September 9th. We
currently have three
openings. This year
we have 4 members
of FELC in preschool. This is community outreach
with 17 nonmember children.
message that we are each a special child of God
and how much He loves us. We thank them for that.
As a part of the Early Childhood Vision, the preschool
provides scholarships for those who cannot afford the
full tuition. This year we have 8 families out of 21
families that are receiving tuition help from the
congregation. We provide a reduced fee if the student
and family are members of our congregation. We have
had members of our congregation who have
individually supported families with their financial gifts
towards tuition costs. If you want to help in this way,
please call us. We also receive financial support from
the Mission team.
All year we will be working on introducing the letters
of the alphabet and their sounds, numbers 1-20, the
basic colors and shapes, scissor skills, and we
memorize two Bible verses each month. We will
also introduce preschool level math and science.
The children work on many craft projects throughout
the year with the theme matching the season.
We are always accepting preschool items like
books, paper, crayons, toys, etc. If you have
anything age appropriate that you would like to
donate, we would appreciate it.
Thank you, FELC, for your support of our
preschool ministry!
Each week, we look forward to attending chapel in
the sanctuary with either Pastor Larry, Pastor Sarah
or Penny Dixon. Through stories, music, puppets,
songs and prayer they are helping to reinforce the
Your Preschool co-directors and A.M. Teachers:
Patti Chapin and Wendy Cudmore
P.M. teachers: Anne McDannel and Barbara Carlson
Worship Assistant Schedule
+=Cross Bearers
# = Coordinator
Greg Katainen#
Jim & Peggy Jessmore
Greg & Kathy
Marda Kirkwood,
Judy Sahr
Greg Dornfeld#
Herm Hackman,
Lisa Swenson
Marge Dineen Marda Kirkwood,
Lisa Swenson Judy Sahr
Nov. 2
Sarah Lerum+
10:15 am Natalie & Madeline
Andy Wentzel Pat Matthews Bev Novak
Nov. 9
Austin Walsh+
10:15 am Sydney Walsh,
Cody Treutel
Nov. 16
Shawn Cleverly+
10:15 am Damien Hasner,
Chloe Hasner
Barb Hayes
Patty Cottrell
Donna & Paul Jim Sahr#
Gary Holst,
Paul Worth
Richard &
Marda Kirkwood,
Judy Sahr
Nov. 23
Sarah Lerum+
10:15 am Paul Lerum
William Lerum
Sandra Kruger Dave Sheldon#
Jerry & Anita Litteer
Jerry & Anita
Marda Kirkwood,
Judy Sahr
Nov 30
Makayla Hayes+
10:15 am Bryson Hayes,
Emi Ryland
Dora Evans
Greg & Kathy
Marda Kirkwood,
Judy Sahr
Volume 113, No. 11
Greg Katainen#
George & Elaine Harris
November 2014
12:00 PM Private
6:00 PM
Reunion Dance/
Fellowship Hall
For the most up-to-date events
please refer to our webpage @ www.firstlc.com
8:45 AM Choir
9:00 AM Adult Bible Story Hour
9:00 AM GIFT - All ages
9:00 AM New Member Class
10:15 AM Worship with Holy
11:45 AM 2015 Mission Trip
Planning Meeting/High School
Sunday School Rm
1:00 PM Cantata Practice - Adults
and Children
10:00 AM Friends for
Learning - Greek Class
3:45 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM Care &
6:00 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
7:00 PM Faith sharing
with Heidi Ibach/
Fellowship Hall
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
10:30 AM FELC @ IF
Soup Kitchen
1:00 PM Preschool
3:45 PM Kindermusik
5:00 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM Bell Practice
Set up for 10,000
9:00 AM Preschool
9:30 AM Kindermusik
10:45 AM
1:00 PM Preschool
7:00 PM
Set up for 10,000
Villages/Fellowship Hall
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Kaffeeklatsch
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in Prayer
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
7:00 PM Adult Bible Story
7:00 PM Stephen
Ministry Meeting
9:00AM -7:00PM
10,000 Villages/
Fellowship Hall
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
King's Men
9:00AM -6:00PM
10,000 Villages/
Fellowship Hall
6:00 PM Come
help packup
unsold items
from the sale
8:45 AM Choir
9:00 AM Adult Bible Story Hour
9:00 AM GIFT - All ages
9:00 AM New Member Class
10:15 AM Worship with Holy
11:30 AM Outreach Meeting in
the Lounge
11:30 AM Praise & Potluck
1:00 PM Cantata Practice - Adults
and Children
3:30 PM Youth Night with Pastor
4:30 PM Youth Night with Pastor
Sarah/4th - 12th grade
7:30 AM Youth Coffee
Hour 7th - 12th/Starbucks
on 17th
10:00 AM Friends for
Learning - Greek Class
3:45 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
12:00 PM Happy Stitchers
Bible Study
1:00 PM Preschool
3:45 PM Kindermusik
5:00 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM Bell Practice
6:30 PM Property
7:30 PM Finance
Meeting (Lounge)
9:00 AM Preschool
9:30 AM Kindermusik
10:45 AM
1:00 PM Preschool
7:00 PM Confirmation
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Kaffeeklatsch
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in Prayer
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
7:00 PM Adult Bible Story
10:00 AM
1:00 PM Out to
Lunch Bunch/
Dixie's Diner
6:00 PM Church
Council Retreat/till
7:30 AM Men in
Mission - Breakfast
- Fairwinds
7th - 12th grade youth deliver/
serve pies at Good Samaritan
8:45 AM Choir
9:00 AM Adult Bible Story Hour
9:00 AM GIFT - All ages
9:00 AM New Member Class
10:15 AM Worship with Holy
11:45 AM "Team Talk"
1:00 PM Cantata Practice - Adults
and Children
10:00 AM Friends for
Learning - Greek Class
12:00 PM Friends for
Learning - Cuisine Dinner
till 9:00 PM
3:45 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
10:30 AM FELC @ IF
Soup Kitchen
1:00 PM Preschool
3:45 PM Kindermusik
5:00 PM Kindermusik
6:00 PM Bell Practice
7:00 PM Regional
Council Meeting/Trinity
United Methodist Church
9:00 AM Preschool
9:30 AM Kindermusik
10:45 AM
1:00 PM Preschool
7:00 PM Confirmation
9:00 AM Preschool
10:00 AM Kaffeeklatsch
1:00 PM Preschool
1:00 PM Women in
3:45 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
7:00 PM Adult Bible Story
7:00 PM Stephen
Ministry Meeting
9:00 AM
Council meeting /
10:00 AM
1:00 PM Quilting
Hall till 4:00
9:00 AM Baptismal
quilt tying/
Fellowship Hall till
1:00 PM Young
Families meeting
with Pastor Sarah/
Fellowship Hall
New Member Sunday
8:45 AM Choir
9:00 AM Adult Bible Story Hour
9:00 AM GIFT - All ages
10:15 AM Worship with Holy
1:00 PM Cantata Practice - Adults
and Children
7:30 AM Youth Coffee
Hour 7th - 12th/
Starbucks on 17th
8:00 AM Newsletter
10:00 AM Friends for
Learning - Greek Class
6:00 PM TOPS - Weight
Loss Group
No Preschool, Thanksgiving Break
9:00 AM Happy Stitchers
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
6:00 PM Administration
6:00 PM Bell Practice
7:00 PM Council
No Preschool,
Thanksgiving Break
7:00 PM Community
Thanksgiving Eve
Service/Location to be
Happy Thanksgiving/
Office Closed
No Preschool
Office Closed
10:00 AM Holiday
Hall & Kitchen/All
10:15 AM Worship with Holy
1:00 PM Cantata Practice - Adults
and Children
Volume 113, No. 11
9:00 AM Church
Council Retreat/till
For the most up-to-date events
please refer to our webpage @ www.firstlc.com
November 2014
Thanks and Prayers
Families and friends who mourn the loss of loved ones:
 JoLee Thorngren, Sheree Englestad’s mother
 Joanne Lance, Cal Miller’s sister-in law
 Gary DeLong, Aundria Horton’s boyfriend
The Soup Kitchen wants to thank you for your
generous donation of $600. Support such as yours
helps the Soup Kitchen continue to help the needs in
our community. We thank you very much and
appreciate your kindness.
Sincerely, Marilyn Sanow, Soup Kitchen Coordinator
Those who are ill:
 Gail Wentzel, Andy Wentzel’s mother
 Brock Steingruber, Rebecca Steingruber
& Carrie Jenkins’ nephew
 Jean Bruno, Jo Glissendorf & Sue Cox’s friend
 Bob Gould, Liselotte Gould’s son
 Shirley Roberts, Shawn Cleverly’s mother
 Connie Tatman, Pastor Sarah’s aunt
 The Murray Family, Rachel Clausen’s relatives
 The Derrick Family, Dora Evans’ relatives
 Craig Cleverly, Shawn Cleverly’s brother
 Coleen Schroeder, Jerry Litteer’s friend
 Stephanie Silva, Shelley William’s friend
 Bob Adolfson, Laurie Ballain & Christy Tenerowicz’s brother
 Karen Swanson, Doug Swanson’s mother
 Jamie Muirbrook, Marie Mathewson’s granddaughter
 Bill Bubb, Jyl Jackson’s father
 Lance Bergstrom, Marda Kirkwood’s friend
 Chaplain David Hunsicker, Chaplain John Piirto’s friend
 Derek Harmon, Cheryl Swenson’s son
 Clara Rasmusan, Bobbi Hasner’s relative
 Betty Benjamin, Lisa Mullinix’s mother
 Gary Bean, Cathi Bean’s father-in-law
 Frances Shadley, Jeff Shadley’s grandmother
 Jesusa Fretz, Shelley Williams’ friend
 Amy Schmutz, Carole Mason’s friend
 Karen & Geoff Turner, Ann Hurley’s cousins
 Transformation Church
Dear Friends at First Lutheran
We at FISH and the children we serve would like to
thank you for your generous contribution of school
supplies and your check for $700 for our school supply
program. During the 2013/2014 school year we have
equipped 825 boys and girls to learn and grow, free
from distraction by feelings of inadequacy. We are truly
grateful for your faith in our program through your
Sincerely, Bev Kemp, FISH Chair
Thank you so much to all of my First Lutheran friends
who have helped me in any way in giving support to
my recent move to a new home. It meant so much to
me that you shared your prayers, time and physical
help. Starting over again is quite a complicated task,
but you all have made this transition much easier.
God bless each of you! ~ Pat Matthews
From Mission Team
Thanks to everyone who helped us meet our
fundraising goal for Pastor Jeff and Mim Nellermoe,
our China Missionaries. With the children's VBS
money, the auction, donations and matching funds we
are able to give them a check for the missionary work
in China for $4109. Well done First Lutheran.
Missionaries: Lutheran Bible Translators Rev. Michael &
JoAnn Megahan in Botswana; and Rev. Jeff & Mim
Nellermoe, Missionaries to China
 Earl & Nonda Myer
 Brian & Jo Daniels
 Debbie Holden
 NellFisher
& Reba
 Joyce Stultz
 Linda
 Kathy Swanson
Kathy Swanson
Asher Clark
Debbie Holden
Easton Jardine
John Cox
Pastor Acts: Pastor Larry Cudmore
10/5/2014 Aiden Christenson
Celebration of marriage
10/11/2014 Abby Wentzel and Jordan Elison
On the first Sunday of each month, there will be a
colored book mark with a list of prayers regarding
the ministries at First Lutheran. They are designed
for you to take home and place in your Bibles and
remember in your daily prayers. Each month the
worship and music team will draft a new list for
you. If you miss getting a book mark on the first
Sunday of the month they will also be available on
the table in the entryway.
Volume 113, No. 11
Friends and family serving in the military: Andrew
Wallace, Skylar Hudman, Marc Schoonmaker, TJ Litteer,
Mike Stultz, Garrett Marchington, Kyle Skeen, Jeff
Knudson, Thomas Butler, Alton Helm, Eric Gratzke, Rob
Slanger, Mike Monroe, Calvin Wilde, Kevin Hancock,
Jody Townsend, Paul Roege, Craig Bukowski, Michael
Smith, Jack Hogan, and Kali Rice
November 2014
Crosswalk is a publication of
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Idaho Falls ID
First Evangelical Lutheran Church
455 West Sunnyside Road
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
Tel: (208) 522-9301
Fax: (208) 522-1898
E-mail: office@firstlc.com
Website: www.firstlc.com
Address service requested
Sunday Worship Schedule
8:45 am: Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am: God’s Instruction For Today (GIFT)
10:15 am: Worship Service
11:30 am: Fellowship and Coffee
Staffed Nursery Care is available
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Reverend Larry Cudmore
The Reverend Sarah Shanks
The Reverend Paul Spaulding
Pastor Emeritus
The Reverend John Piirto
Director of Music Ministries
Penny Dixon
Church Administrator
Heide Weatherby
Directors of Christian Preschool
Wendy Cudmore and Patti Chapin
Salvador Bolainez (Sal)
Financial Secretary
Patty Cottrell
Martha Wentzel
Crosswalk Editors
DiAnn Brown and Karen Guilford
Put news items for the Crosswalk in the “Newsletter” box at the church office
OR e-mail items to: diannbrown@cableone.net and knsg1949@gmail.com
First Reading
Volume 113, No. 11
Second Reading/Gospel
Nov. 2
Revelation 7:9-17
1 John 3:1-3 and Matthew 5:1-12
All Saints Sunday
Nov. 9
Mary and Martha
John 11
Pentecost 23
Nov. 16
The Prodigal Son
Luke 15
Pentecost 24
Nov. 23
Ananias and Sapphira
Acts 5:1-11
Christ the King
Nov. 30
Isaiah 64:1-9
1 Corinthians 1:3-9 and Mark 13: 24-37
Advent 1
November 2014