Wesley Connector Traveling Together In this Issue

November 2014 | Monthly Newsletter of Wesley Chapel UMC
Wesley Connector
Traveling Together
In this Issue
Traveling Together
Thank You
Intentional Faith
Caring for People
Serving Our Community
Event Calendar
Welcome to Wesley Chapel
When Jesus invited disciples to, “Follow me,” he gave the impression that
they were traveling on a journey. He took the disciples on an exciting
three-year adventure of ministry. Storms were calmed; the dead were
raised; the sick were healed; the crowds were fed, and the message of the
Kingdom of God was proclaimed.
Jesus invites us to continue the journey as the people of Wesley Chapel
United Methodist Church. We travel together with Jesus proclaiming the
good news of his resurrection. We serve together, feeding the hungry and
helping those in need. We care for those who are going through difficult
times with our prayers and our actions. We study God’s Holy Word
together so that we can live out the mission of making disciples. We pray
together that we might be formed more into the likeness of Jesus.
Let us continue this journey together through the end of 2014 and on to
2015. November is the time of year we give thanks to God for the great
things God has done for us. By looking into the past we can find a renewed
commitment to the future God is preparing for us. Let us commit ourselves
to loving God in worship, strengthening our faith in Bible Study, renewing
our compassion by caring for people and serving our community and one
another for God’s glory. November is also a time to reflect on the financial
resources God has provided and will provide for us and to commit all we
have to God. As you reflect, will you renew your commitment to God by
continuing to give generously to the ministry of Wesley Chapel? Jesus
continues to invite us to follow him. When we make the choice to follow
Jesus, we are joined by our brothers and sisters in Christ as we travel
together to offer hope to a hopeless world.
Pastor Tony Alstott
Thank You
Wesley Chapel,
Thanks for the beautiful prayer blanket. I very much
appreciate the prayerful support and concern of Wesley
Yours in Christ,
Bishop Michael Coyner
Wesley Chapel Family,
Thank you so much for the many ways you have touched
our hearts and lives. Your prayers, visits, cards, flowers,
and food have meant so much to us. The peace lily is
beautiful. Even though mother’s death was unexpected,
we are so grateful she is Home. She was a dear lady of
great faith.
Bill and Ruth Amerson
Dear Wesley Chapel,
Thank you so much for the beautiful prayer blanket I
received while in the hospital. It brought me so much
comfort and peace knowing that you all prayed over it for
me. Thank you all for your kindness and prayers. May
God continue to bless you all and the wonderful work that
Wesley Chapel does for so many.
God be with you,
Chris Castor (Cindy Kanning’s sister)
Wesley Chapel,
During a time like this we realize how much our family and
friends really mean to us. Your expression of sympathy will
always be remembered.
The family of Michael G. Naville
Dear Blanket Ministry,
We thank you for the wonderful prayer blanket. God is
answering prayer and we love the blanket.
God bless all of you,
Norm and Maxine
Dear Wesley Chapel Family,
Thank you for all the love and prayers during the loss of
Philip’s mother, Jo Ann Kruer. Your prayers sustained us
during this difficult time. We have always been so blessed by
our church. The peace lily was wonderful and it resides in
Abbi and Brandon’s home. We wanted them to have it. We
love you all!
Philip, Cheryl, Gregg, Audrey Kruer
Abbi and Brandon Pulliam
“Sharing the Gospel”
On Monday, November 17 from 5:45-6:45 p.m. Bible Study Fellowship will hold a seminar on “Sharing
the Gospel”. This study will help participants learn how to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with
others whenever an opportunity arises. Anyone is welcome to attend this seminar. If you are interested
contact Becky Perkins by Sunday, November 9 at beckyperkins@wesleychapel.org or 812.944.2570, ext.
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bought. Be sure to put this date on your calendar and
invite a friend. Childcare will be provided upon request.
For questions contact Vicki Ingram at
vickietta@yahoo.com, 812.948.8818, or 502.424.7750.
Church Plant Update
Congregational Development has announced the Riverside
United Methodist Church, a new church plant in
Jeffersonville, has closed. Please pray for the planting
pastor, Daniel Payton, and his family as they transition to a
new appointment. Continue to pray for the leaders who are
working on what’s next for those Riverside reached and
people who are yet to be reached in our area.
Transportation Team
Card Ministry
The annual Turkey Supper will be on Friday, November 14
from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. The cost is $8.00 for adults and
$4.00 for children 10 and under. The Bazaar and Sweet
Shop open at 3:00 p.m. If you have any craft items,
homemade goods or items for the sweet shop contact
Shaaron Wilson at 812.949.2092 or Linda Freeman at
The Card Sending Ministry Team serves Wesley Chapel
members and their families by sending cards during times
of illness or grief. Each team member sends cards for a
one-month period of time. This is a good way to serve in
the church if you have physical limitations or transportation
issues, because you can do this from the comfort of your
home. To sign up and serve on this team or for more
information, contact Ruth Ann Bandy, 282.6141 or
bandy2@twc.com by November 30.
UMW Ladies Night Out and Gift Exchange
Marriage Tip
UMW Turkey Supper
The Ladies Christmas event will be Thursday, December
4, 2014. This event is for all ladies church-wide and
guests. There will be a pitch-in and gift exchange with lots
of food, fun and fellowship. Bring an appetizer, salad or
dessert to share. Also bring 8 like items for the gift
exchange and a basket or bag to take home all your
goodies. Gift exchange items may be homemade or
Commit your lives and marriage to Jesus Christ. That must
be done by each spouse, individually. Encourage your
spouse to grow closer to Christ through Bible study,
worship and prayer. He or she will be a better marriage
partner when Christ comes first.
Caring for Military and Veterans
The Caring for Military and Veterans team will be collecting Care packages in conjunction with Veterans Day. These
baskets ease the transition for veterans into civilian life. The VA hospital says these baskets are a great help for our
veterans. Suggested items include cleaning supplies, toiletry items, pots and pans, etc. Sign up at the Serving Our
Community table in the lobby on Sunday and get a complete list of helpful items and to bring in a basket. Please return
your baskets by November 9.
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Triumphant Quartet Concert
The Serving Our Community team is sponsoring the Triumphant Quartet
Concert on Thursday, November 20 at 7:00 p.m. at the 150 Campus.
Tickets are on sale at the Serving Our Community table in the lobby.
Tickets are also available at Sweet Frog on Veterans Pkwy and Graeter’s
Ice Cream on Charlestown Rd. The cost is $12.00.
This event will be led by a certified Zumba Instructor in the Wesley Center. Childcare will be
available. There is no set cost to attend. Monetary donations will be accepted to support the
Helping Hands Ministry of Wesley Chapel UMC Funds raised will help a cancer patient with medical
bills and expenses. 100% of all the funds raised will go directly to this ministry. Receipts will be
available. We appreciate your generous donation.
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12:00p Mary Martha Circle
6:30p Serving Our Comm.
6:55p Bible Study Fellowship
5:00p Knight Small Group
6:55p Bible Study Fellowship
7:00p 150 Facility Meeting
6:55p Bible Study Fellowship
5:00p Knight Small Group
6:55p Bible Study Fellowship
Election Day
9:30a Quilters
1:00p Staff Meeting
4:00p Tutoring
5:30p Wesley Wednesdays
6:30p Revive
6:30p D-Groups
7:00p Worship Rehearsal
Sunday Morning Services
8:30 am; 9:45 am; 11:00 am
7:00a Men's Emmaus
9:30a Quilters
9:30a Woman to Woman
1:00p Staff Meeting
6:30p Finding God in Bestsellers 7:00p Worship Rehearsal
8:00p Alcoholics Anonymous
7:00a Men's Emmaus
9:30a Quilters
9:30a Woman to Woman
1:00p Staff Meeting
6:30p Finding God in Bestsellers 4:00p Tutoring
7:00p Servant Leader Board
5:30p Wesley Wednesdays
8:00p Alcoholics Anonymous
6:30p Revive
6:30p D-Groups
7:00p Worship Rehearsal
7:00a Men's Emmaus
9:30a Woman to Woman
6:00p Youth Council Mtg
6:30p Adult Ed Team Mtg
6:30p Finding God in Bestsellers
7:00p Rebekah Circle
8:00p Alcoholics Anonymous
7:00a Men's Emmaus
9:30a Quilters
9:30a Woman to Woman
1:00p Staff Meeting
6:30p Finding God in Bestsellers 4:00p Tutoring
8:00p Alcoholics Anonymous
5:30p Wesley Wednesdays
6:30p Revive
6:30p D-Groups
7:00p Worship Rehearsal
11:00a Connect Class
1:00p Puppets
Daylight Savings Time Ends
11:00a Connect Class
12:00p Elem./Preschool Tchr Mtg
1:00p Puppets
2:30p INUMC Charge Conf.
11:00a Connect Class
1:00p Puppets
11:00a Connect Class
1:00p Puppets
2:30p Charge Conf. Delegate
1:00p Puppets
Brown- Highway 150 Campus
Green- Grantline Campus
Black– Off site
Sunday School
9:45 am & 11:00 am
9:00a Precept
1:00p Blessings in a Backpack
2:30p Tutoring
5:30p Special Needs Group Mtg
6:30p Chapel Rehearsal
6:30p Ladies’ Bible Study
9:00a Precept
9:00a Turkey Supper Prep
1:00p Blessings in a Backpack
2:30p Tutoring
6:30p Chapel Rehearsal
6:30p Ladies’ Bible Study
6:30p IUMC Youth Mission Mtg
9:00a Precept
1:00p Blessings in a Backpack
2:30p Tutoring
6:30p Chapel Rehearsal
6:30p Ladies’ Bible Study
27 Church Office Closed
Happy Thanksgiving!
Newsletter Deadline
9:00a Ladies’ Study
6:30p Koinonia Game Night
9:00a Ladies’ Study
4:00p Turkey Bazaar
9:00a Ladies’ Study
28 Church Office Closed
8:00a Men’s Breakfast
6:30p Youth to Lecrae
9:30a Zumba
5:30p CC Class Dinner
3:00p Wesley Bowl II
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Wesley Connector
A publication of
2100 Highway 150
Floyds Knobs, IN 47119
Welcome to Wesley Chapel
Wesley Chapel UMC
2100 Hwy 150, Floyds Knobs
Office: 944-2570 ~ Fax: 944-2851
Tony Alstott ~ Lead Pastor
extension 27 email: pastortony@wesleychapel.org
Peter Curts ~ Teaching Pastor
extension 29 email: pastorcurts@wesleychapel.org
Becky Perkins ~ Director of Christian Education
extension 30 email: beckyP@wesleychapel.org
Stephen Wagner ~ Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry
extension 25 email: youth@wesleychapel.org
Brian Frame ~ Director of Worship
extension 24 email: praise@wesleychapel.org
Gina Wampler ~ Secretary
extension 21 email: secretary@wesleychapel.org
Melissa DeLuca ~ Receptionist
extension 22 email: receptionist@wesleychapel.org
Wayne Perkins ~ Maintenance/Building Security
Salena Pavey ~ Custodian
email: custodian@wesleychapel.org