“Just as Jesus died and has risen again, So through Jesus God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep; and as in Adam all die so also in Christ will all be brought to life.” 1Thess 4:14, 1Cor 15:22 November 2, 2014 A Message From Fr. Thanh Today we celebrate All Souls, the commemoration of All the Faithful Departed. Why do we remember the dead? Praying for the dead consoles Christians by maintaining connection between the living and the dead. Since my father died, I continue to treasure memories of him; I look at photographs, recall stories about things we did together. These things console me by keeping me connected and reminding me of his significance in my life. It is true that prayer helps us remember loved ones and the importance of their life on earth. Giving due honor to the dead assuages some of our grief that we can no longer see or touch them. Today’s feast reminds us of our human condition. Life involves continuous growth and change, death and rebirth. From the moment we are reborn in the waters of salvation to our final surrender in death, life is a constant dying and rising. Yet when we face pain and death, we are left with unanswered questions. Why do we have to suffer and die? Is death the final absurdity? Though our human minds cannot fathom the mystery of life, we know in faith that death is not the end. Because Christ has died, we live! It is the will of God that all who believe may have eternal life. The souls of the just are in the hand of God and no torment will ever touch them. With the faithful departed, we shall dwell in the eternal home of the Lord. Today’s feast also reminds us that every soul is precious to God, who creates each person to share in his love and goodness. The psalmist profoundly captures the beauty and mystery of each person’s origins under God’s watchful care: “You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! My very self you know …. Your eyes saw me unformed; in your book all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came to be” (Psalm 139: 13-14,16). When we reflect, for even just a moment, how precious we are to God, it changes our perspective on how we live out each day. There will be someday in the future that we will come to see God face to face. On that day, we will give an account of the way we have lived in our lives. God will ask us: What did you do with the time I gave you? What did you do with the gifts I have granted you? Did you use them for the sake of the Gospel, for the sake of the Kingdom of God, for the sake of loving me with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and for the sake of loving your neighbor as yourself? Or did you use them just for yourself? I think Stewardship commitment is the best way to prepare ourselves to give an account of the way we have lived on earth. Each of us has a task to be done. Each of us has been given gifts and talent. Those gifts and talent belong to God and we must use them for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Trust in God. Put God first. As we begin the month of November and observe All Souls’ Day, let us use this opportunity to remember those who have died and commend their souls to God. Let us reflect on the remaining time we have in our lives to focus on what truly matters - with our loved ones, those we know, and those we may encounter who are suffering, alone or broken in any way. By using our time, talents and gifts that God has given us, we resolve to help everyone we meet, whether man, woman, or child, to understand how precious they are in God’s eyes. “May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.” Eucharistic Adoration All Souls’ Day Mass In Cemetery Eucharistic Adoration is one of the great treasures here at St. Joseph’s. Our current schedule is as follows: · Mondays 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m., · Wednesdays 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. · Fridays 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. There will be an All Souls’ Day Mass on Sunday, November 2nd at 6:00 p.m.in the St. Joseph's Cemetery at the Crucifix. Fr. Thanh would like to propose the following changes and additions to our schedule. · Monday 9:00: a.m.- 9:00 p.m. · Tuesday 9:00 a.m.-5:45 p.m. · Wednesday 9:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m. · Thursday 9:00 a.m.-5:45 p.m. · Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:45 p.m. At this time Fr. Thanh is asking for feedback from the Parish about this possible change. Please email Patrick Kinnare, Parish Administrator with your thoughts. pkinnare@stjosephsjax.org. If you are able to commit to spending an hour with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament please call or email to confirm the day and time. Please note: any changes that take place will not occur until January 1st. All are invited to attend to remember their family and friends who have died. The blessing of the graves will start at 5:30 p.m. before Mass. Candles will be provided. Please bring chairs or blankets to sit on. There will be fellowship and refreshments following Mass in the Cody Center. In the event of rain, Mass will be held in the Historic Church. For further information contact Lisa Pohlgeers 464-0396. Are You New to the Parish? We would like to welcome you to our Catholic Community. In order to better serve you, please fill out a registration card located at the table in the gathering area of the Church and leave it with a greeter or usher, submit the form on the Registration page of the website, or call the office at 268-5422. In order to be a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation, you must be a registered parishioner. Also, in order to have a Baptism at the Parish, you should be registered first. If you are unsure whether or not you are registered with the Parish, please call the church office between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., 268-5422. All Souls’ Day Job Opportunity: St. Joseph’s Parish Director of Activities St. Joseph’s Parish in Mandarin has an opening for the position of Director of Activities. The primary function of this person is the management of the Cody Enrichment Center as well as the scheduling of events across the entire St. Joseph campus; this includes the Main Church, Historic Church and School. In addition to scheduling events and entering into contracts when necessary this person will ensure that these events run smoothly from start to finish. The Cody Enrichment Center is used for Parish events, ministry fundraisers, ministry meetings, Diocesan sponsored events as well as wedding receptions and a variety of smaller functions. In addition to these duties this person will ensure that the building is well maintained, reporting any necessary repairs to the Parish Administrator and/or Head of Maintenance. The ideal candidate will have experience in event planning and event management, they must be a team player with excellent communication and people skills. The candidate must be able to work a flexible schedule which includes days, nights and weekends. Work schedule varies based on number of events and time of year. This person must be technologically proficient. This is a full time position with Diocesan benefits. Salary is commensurate with experience. Please email or mail a letter of interest, resume and completed Diocesan employment application to Patrick Kinnare, St. Joseph’s Parish Administrator. 11757 Old St. Augustine Rd. Jacksonville, FL. 32258 pkinnare@stjosephsjax.org Deadline for applying is November 7th. This weekend our second offering will be for Divine Mercy House. Next weekend the second offering will be for Building and Property Maintenance. Faith Direct for October Regular Offering Mass in Latin Mass in Portuguese Mass in Spanish Divine Mercy House All Souls Poor Box Children’s Offering St. Joseph’s Parish Assessments Building and Property Maintenance $32,304.74 $22,694.51 $484.00 $249.00 $653.00 $1,374.33 $738.00 $30.90 $35.00 $341.00 $405.00 Faith Direct Electronic Giving If you would like to sign up for eGiving please visit www.faithdirect.net and use our church code, FL423. Their contact number is 866-5078757. Parish Staff Clergy Rev. Thanh Nguyen Pastor Rev. Michael Morgan Chancellor Rev. Bernard Ahern Parochial Vicar Rev. Bernardine Eikhuemelo Parochial Vicar Kevin Boudreaux Deacon Tony Colichio Deacon Moe Culver Deacon Jason Roy Deacon Chris Supple Deacon Finis E. Thompson Deacon Staff—268-5422—Hours 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Patrick Kinnare Parish Administrator Jackie Gould Office Manager Wyndee Joseph Bookkeeper Eileen Hewitt Receptionist Laura Blancato Youth Director Frank DeProspo Music Director Ali Quinn Echo Intern Gerry Serfilippi Maintenance/Cemetery Carron Tooke Bulletin Editor/Wedding Coordinator Cody Enrichment Center—880-6404—activities@stjosephsjax.org Hours 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Dodi Flora Director of Religious Education Sheila Pearson Office Assistant Joann Kaczorowski Interim Director of Activities/ Building Manager C.E.C School Office Staff—268-6688 Hours 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Rhonda Rose Principal Theresa Twisdale Assistant Principal Cecile Fung Office Manager Teresa Blumenstock Business Manager Parish Directors Pete Kelley—-Parish Council President John Alexander—Director of Finances/Building Coordinator Steve Kerlin—Stewardship Director Bulletin Deadline Please remember that bulletin announcements are due in the office by 9:00 a.m. Monday. You may either email them to Carron at ctooke@stjosephsjax.org, FAX them to 292-0248, or drop them off at the church office. Thanks! Baptism Parents/guardians wanting to have their baby baptized need to pick up a Baptismal Packet at the parish office and make a reservation to attend a Baptismal Seminar. Please make sure you return your completed packet to the office no later than two weeks prior to the seminar. Please don’t set a Baptism date until you complete a Baptismal Seminar. You do not have to wait until your child's birth to complete a seminar. For more information please call the office at 268-5422. Driver wanted to take my Mother to Mayo Clinic Daily—Drop off in the a.m. and Pick-up at night time. Times may vary— You will use your car—$30.00 per trip.—Must have decent driving record—Please call her son Sean at 954-614-7326. It is a 20 minute trip each way. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. Schedule for the Main Church Mass Friday—8:15 a.m. (School Mass—Everyone Welcome!) Saturday—5:30 p.m.—Sunday Vigil Sunday—8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon Reconciliation Saturday—4:30 p.m. (Marian Center) You may also call the office for an appointment, 268-5422 Schedule for the Historic Church Mass in Polish 10:00 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month Mass in Portuguese Sunday—6:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish Misa en español todos los Domingos a las 8:30 a.m. y todos los Jueves a las 7:00 p.m. Misa de Sanacion el primer Miercoles de cada mes a las 7:30 p.m., oficiada por Padre Manuel Puga Confesiones y Consejería los, Domingos 8:00 – 8:20 a.m. Círculo de Oración los Martes a las 7:30 p.m. en la Capilla de la Escuela St. Joseph Traditional Mass in Latin Sunday—11:15 a.m. Confessions available before Mass On the 4th Sunday of each month immediately following Mass there will be Vespers and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. 2nd On the Sunday after Mass there will be Anointing of the Sick Daily Mass Monday-Thursday, and Saturday—8:00 a.m. Tuesday and Thrusday—6:00 p.m. First Friday Healing Mass—7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration in the Cody Center Mondays: 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. Wednesdays: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Fridays: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Adoration for Vocations Last Friday of each month 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. First Friday Adoration following the Healing Mass and continuing until 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning Children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour Wednesday: 10:00–11:00 a.m. Becoming a Catholic: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) · Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Church? · Are you baptized but have never received any formal religious education or embraced any specific church and are now considering a personal relationship with God? · Are you not baptized but recognize a need for spirituality in your life? · Are you married or engaged to a Catholic, already attend Mass, and want to further your life in the Church? · Are you answering a call to become Catholic but are not sure how or where to begin? If you are, please consider attending the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The Catholic Church uses the RCIA Process to instruct and welcome new members. The instruction covers all major aspects of the Catholic Faith. However, it’s much more than just a classroom experience. The RCIA process offers a living experience of the Catholic Community. The teaching staff includes our parish priests and deacons, religious, and members of the laity. Your sponsors are members of the parish community and will stand beside you throughout your journey. In addition to receiving instruction, you will have unlimited opportunity to ask questions about the Faith, enjoy the company of others on the journey with you, and see the parish community expressing and living the Faith. Meetings are on Sundays in the Marian Chapel of the Main Church and begin at 9:00 a.m. For more information about St. Joseph’s RCIA process, please contact Roger and Linda Lestina at 288-9603 or 303-5799 or ljlest@bellsouth.net. Parish Nurse Ministry is planning our Annual Health Fair for Sunday November 9th during all masses. Walgreens will provide Flu shots. All healthcare professionals are welcome to participate in our health fair. Please call Jackie Borello RN at 904-699-4749 to reserve a table at the Health Fair. We are looking for companies that can provide a free screening for our parishioners. Tables are $50. Families Following Christ Please join FFC – Families Following Christ on Wednesday, November 5 at 7:00 p.m. at the Cody Center as we continue our 2014 series: A Year of Prayer. The night is titled "Come, Now is the Time to Worship" and will focus on things in our daily lives that can lead us to worship. We will begin with an extended praise and worship session led by Phil Militante and will continue with small group discussion. Nursery is available for ages 6 months to 3 years old. Children’s catechism class is available for ages 4 to 11 years old. Please RSVP for the children’s ministry to familiesfollowingchrist@gmail.com. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Stephen Coots at (904) 226-9157. In verdant pastures he give me repose; Beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul. Weddings To schedule a wedding, an engaged couple must meet with their parish priest or deacon at least eight months before their proposed wedding date. Preparation for the sacrament includes attending a diocesan program such as Engaged Encounter or Pre Cana, and completing the FOCCUS inventory. Couples of child-bearing age will also need to take a full course of Natural Family Planning. Preregistration for each of these programs is required. For more information on marriage preparation programs, please contact the Diocesan Family Life Center at www.dcfl.org or 551-2619. You may also call the church office, 268-5422. “Call down your mercy on me and on her, and allow us to live together to a happy old age.” —Tobit 8:7b Diocesan Anniversary Celebration A celebration honoring the beautiful witness of the sacrament of marriage. Saturday, November 22 If you are celebrating a 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th or more wedding anniversary, you are invited to attend this special celebration with Bishop Estevez. 1:00 p.m. Mass | Reception to follow at Christ the King Catholic Church 742 Arlington Road, Jacksonville, FL 32211 Register at www.dcfl.org or call 551-2619 by November 17. Diocesan Marriage Renewal Would you like an opportunity to relax with your spouse, dream dreams, and renew your commitment of love? Becoming one in mind, heart, and spirit is a lifelong journey in faith and love. Have a special weekend together to revitalize your marriage on a Diocesan Marriage Renewal Weekend at our diocese’s own Marywood Retreat Center. The next date when you can come refuel your relationship this year is November 14 - 16. Register and reserve your space now for one of these weekends by going online at www.dmrjax.org or simply calling Jerry and Anne Webster at 904-2683758. Supplies are Needed for the Honduras Medical Mission Thank you to all who support our mission that touches many hundreds of lives each year! We are in need of multivitamins (no gummies, please) for adults and children. Tylenol, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and new reading glasses are needed for the patients of the medical mission. Please drop off donation items in the Honduras Medical Mission basket in the church foyer. For more information, please contact Denise Sink at 904-9553774 or denisesink@aol.com or Mary Williams at mmwilliams3@comcast.net. Monetary donations are always welcome and help us continue providing support for children and families with desperate medical and dental needs. These donations pay for all the medicines we take to the poor people. Send donations to: Friends of the Missions, Inc., 2643 Tacito Trail, Jacksonville, FL 32223, Or donate online: www.friendsofthemissions.org (Click on Honduras Group to donate). He guides me in right paths for his name’s sake. Our Lady of Good Counsel, Pray for Us! President: Kathy Shives kshives2010@gmail.com, 894-9226 · · Tuesday November 4, 7:00 p.m.—Council meeting—Speaker is Mr. Miller who trains guide dogs for service to humans. Belk tickets are now on sale—$5 per ticket—for the November 8 event at Belks from 6:00-10:00 a.m. St. Anne’s Circle Are you pregnant or a mother of a child birth to 10 years old? Then St. Anne's Circle is the place for you! In the spirit of Christian fellowship, we support each other throughout pregnancy & early parenthood. We offer fun outings for the moms and kids, weekly playgroups, and service opportunities within our parish and community. We even have Mom's Meals for moms with newborns! Come join an amazing group of mothers just like YOU! For more information or questions, please contact: Victoria Davenport at JoinStAnnes@gmail.com or (904) 4002164. Upcoming events: · Wednesday, November 5—Park Day/Lunch at Landon Park (San Marco) and lunch at Maple Street Biscuits · Friday, November 7—7:00 p.m.—Moms' Night Out at Jamie B's house The Annual Fall Clean Up for the Adopt an Island Ministry will be held on Saturday November 22, 2014 from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m.. Please make plans to attend. Sign in sheets will be at the front of the church, so please stop by, say hi, grab a cup of coffee and a treat before you start your work. If you don’t have an island feel free to come join us, there is plenty of work to spread around. This is a great way to serve community hours. Please remember all children must be accompanied by an adult. If you are unable to attend, please see that your assigned island is cared for prior to the holidays. We will be hosting many visitors throughout the holiday season and want the grounds to reflect the beauty of our church. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Karen Belkot at 904 716 2119 or keb0154@gmail.com Festival d’Vine Join Catholic Charities at the 11th Annual Festival d’Vine! Saturday November 8 at Treaty Oak Park, 1207 Prudential Drive, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. More than 200 wines available to taste and delicious food from some of Jacksonville’s best restaurants! Tickets are $75 for regular patrons, and $50 for those ages 21 to 35. Purchase tickets online at ccbjax.org or call 224-0062. All proceeds benefit Catholic Charities Emergency Assistance Program, and prevents homelessness in our community. Florida’s Fallen Tribute November 1—14 On the Corner of Old St. Augustine Road and Hood Landing Please join St. Michael’s Soldiers, Knights of Columbus Assembly 2679 and Knights of Columbus Council 10850 as they honor the brave military of our country and pay tribute to the Fallen Heroes of Florida. Walk amongst the crosses with family and friends remembering the centuries of bravery and valor of our countrymen and women of America’s Armed Forces. If you want to make a significant contribution to your parish and the community at large consider joining the Knights of Columbus. All men of the Parish are invited to join. For more information contact John Holechek at 904-699-5220 or grandknight@kofc10850.org or Bruce Allen at membershipdirector@kofc10850.org. Schedule of upcoming events: November 6—2nd Degree Exemplification November 11—Veteran’s Day Parade November 13—Council Meeting November 15—Turkey Bingo Patriot Plaza Bricks are still available. Each brick is $50. If you have any questions, please contact Bruce Ennis, 891-7443. Coats for Kids The Knights of Columbus is collecting coats and jackets for kids who don't have warm clothes this winter. Please consider donating any coats out-grown by your children for those in need. Handi Craft Cleaners has graciously agreed to clean all clothing items prior to distribution. Donation receptacles will be placed inside the entrances of the Main Church and the Cody Center. Please consider helping a local child who needs a coat this winter! Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side with your rod and your staff that give me courage. Our regular November meeting will be held Sunday November 9 at 2:00 p.m. at The Cody Center. Thanksgiving turkey dinner will be featured. Turkey will be provided by our club. Members are asked to provide accompanying turkey fixings. Members are also asked to bring items for the food bank. Please call Roger Schockling, 268-6768, for more information. The Divine Mercy House We would like to extend a heart-felt THANK YOU! to all of our volunteers. It is only through our volunteers that we are able to continue to operate. For further information on volunteering at the Divine Mercy House or our Divine Mercy Thrift Store please contact Nellie at 904-2686282. Job Opportunity: The Divine Mercy House has current part-time job openings for an Assistant Resident Director and for Weekend Resident Staff. For further information and to receive a more complete job description please contact Bill and Jackie Hardy, Co-Executive Directors, at hardy@divinemercyhouse.org . Hope you can join us for our Thanksgiving lunch on Tuesday November 4 at 1:00. It Will be held in the Cody Center, in the Kilkenny room. So thankful for all of you. For any questions call Jeanne at 2300546. HOMELESS OUTREACH MINISTRY We now embark on a much needed leg of the journey for our homeless community – coats and warm sweaters! Winter is approaching and there was an amazing outpouring of support for last year’s drive. Please take a look at home, and spread the word to family, friends, and co-workers. Let’s all pull together for another wonderful winter of giving. December 20th is the target date, so all donations will need to be into our bin by no later than December 13th to make this distribution date. Don’t wait! Start getting the word out and let the donations come rolling in. For those of you who do not have gently used coats around the house, you can still make this a family project by checking the Divine Mercy House Thrift Store or Goodwill for coats at bargain prices, some as low as $10.00. There’s no limit to the creative ways you can participate even if you don’t have a coat of your own to give. Let’s put those thinking caps on… Please remember that our items are a witness; make sure that all coats are clean prior to donation with no tears or damage! We are also in desperate need of the following items: “travel size” toothpaste and toothbrushes, “travel size” deodorant, and disposable razors. All other toiletries are necessary as well to replenish our reserves. Warm gloves are always appreciated with winter approaching. For additional information, questions, or to join our team, contact Melanie Poyer by email at ccw.poyer@gmail.com or by phone at (904) 673-0181. You spread the table before me in the sight of my foes; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Congratulations to our 16 new Altar Servers commissioned to service at St. Joseph’s on October 19th: Sarah Adair, Anna Corapi, Maggie Duncan, Olivia Evans, Louise Everett, Kylie Guernick, Thomas Hebert, Lauren Jackson, Audrey Lendvay, Jackson Liveringhouse, Sam Martins, Emily O’Mara, Angelina Raspanti, and Kaitlyn Vontur. (Not pictured: Jacob Fraidenburg and James Thompson) You are a blessing to our St. Joseph’s family and to the Ministry! We look forward to seeing these new faces at the altar beginning in November. God Bless you all as you begin your very special service to our Lord! PREP: Please contact our DRE Dodi dflora@stjosephsjax.org for more information. · · · · · · Flora, 880-6404, November schedule: Monday, November 3—6:30 p.m.—Level I (1st year confirmation students) parent/teen meeting—Cody Center Wednesday, November 5—Class Wednesday, November 12—Class Please note: Both sessions of Communion classes will meet at 6:30 p.m.—Main Church Both sessions of Confirmation classes will meet at 6:30 p.m.—Cody Center Saturday, November 15—9:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m.—First Reconciliation Retreat Wednesday, November 19—Class Wednesday, November 26—No Class—HAPPY THANKSGIVING Wee Worship: For children ages 6 months to 5 years old. Classes take place during the 10:00 a.m. Sunday mass on the St. Joseph School Campus. Babies and toddlers are cared for in the nursery. The 3-5 year olds are in classes where they will learn bible lessons, do crafts, sing songs, have story time, and attend puppet shows. Snack is provided. For more information please contact Terry Chrisley tchrisley@comcast.net or (904) 622-7305. Only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life; . . . St. Michael’s Soldiers The 4th Annual Stockings for Soldiers Project, which sends stockings of cheer to our deployed men and women of the United States military, is underway. This could be the rewarding project for you! The second Stocking Saturday is next weekend at Fields Cadillac in Orange Park. We start at 9:30 a.m. and work until 2:00ish. Please contact Vicki at victoriaadpi@comcast.net if you plan to attend. If you can’t make it November 8, mark your calendar for the 15 and 22. Contact Vicki at victoriaadpi@comcast.net to get more information. To all our wonderful supportive families; Please return your stocking bags to the back of church. 5th 6th It is open to all and 7th grade boys and girls. Registration forms are available in the Gathering Area, and the Cody Enrichment Center. Deadline for registration is November 6 Class size is limited!! . . . and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for years to come. Saturday, November 1 † Chas D. MacLean, III 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. † Lita Jayme Sunday, November 2 † Max Shanks 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Deceased Members of the Rice/Tooke Family 12:00 noon † Irene Kalna To Diane Erickson and Family on the death of her Mother, Catherine Dearinger To Linda and Inaldis Sibilla on the death of their Son, Inaldis Sibilla Jr. St. Joseph Cemetery Commission The St. Joseph Cemetery Commission is exploring the option of expanding and renovating the existing maintenance building in order to more efficiently and productively maintain the perpetual care of the Parish Cemetery. The Cemetery Commission is in search of an architect who would be willing to share his/her time and talent with the Parish to aid in this project. Please contact Parish Administrator, Patrick Kinnare, for more information. The office number is 2685422. Anointing of the Sick If you know of anyone who is admitted to Baptist South hospital and will be undergoing surgery or a medical procedure and would like Anointing of the Sick, please call the parish office, 268-5422, and a priest will visit them promptly. Parish Nurse Ministry If you would like someone from our ministry to contact you, please call Jackie Borello, RN, 699-4749 or email Jackie.borell@gmail.com. Readings for November 3-9 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Phil 2:1-4/Ps 131:1-3/Lk 14:12-14 Phil 2:5-11/Ps 22:26b-30ab, 30e-32/ Lk 14:15-24 Phil 2:12-18/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14/Lk 14:25-33 Phil 3:3-8a/Ps 105:2-7/Lk 15:1-10 Phil 3:17-4:1/Ps 122:1-5/Lk 16:1-8 Phil 4:10-19/Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9/ Lk 16:9-15 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9/ 1Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 Main Church With Love, Ann Brown Carron & Russ Monday, November 3 † Ed Acuna 8:00 a.m. Historic Church The Legaspi Family Tuesday, November 4 † John Kwiatek (1st Anniversary) † Thomas Guido † Steve Rogero 8:00 a.m. Historic Church Your Wife & Family The Correale Family Mary Monfort † Phyllis Connolly To Linda Rolsom and Family on the death of her Mother, Virginia Snowden Historic Church Your Parents Main Church The Legaspi Family 6:00 p.m. Bobbie & John Pezzuti Wednesday, November 5 † Manuel Souto 8:00 a.m. Historic Church Marina Frees Thursday, November 6 † Edward Johnson † Steve Rogero † Steve Rogero 8:00 a.m. Historic Church The Johnson Family The Salvatore Family Priscilla Wenner † Rita Diamond 6:00 p.m. The Truss Family Friday, November 7 † Steven Stockton 8:15 a.m. Main Church Rose & Larry Stockton Saturday, November 8 † Max Shanks 8:00 a.m. Historic Church Regnum Christi Family Main Church The Legaspi Family † Edwin Legaspi Sunday, November 9 † Mary Heaney † William K. Fewox, Jr. 5:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. For the People of the Parish 12:00 noon Main Church Russ & Carron Tooke All my love, Shirl St. Joseph’s Mission Statement The members of St. Joseph’s Parish believe that Jesus Christ is the focal point of a caring Christian Community. The mission of our Parish Family, therefore, is to create, maintain, nurture, and foster an environment that will encourage us, and assist us in reaching our full potential through growth in the knowledge and image of Christ in every facet of our lives. Challenged by life-long learning and affirmed by active participation, St. Joseph’s Parish Family proclaims boldly the Word of God, and with abounding joy celebrates the Holy Eucharist—the summit of Christian worship and spirituality—and through outreach, supports and ministers to the community at large. The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Please Pray for our Ill Families and Friends Larry Powers Sue Ferguson Josephine Filosa Anita Cruz Camille Burley Lance Mora Annette Kasnekaw Deacon Finis Thompson Robert Culver Elizabeth Forte Lt. Ryan Timoney, USA Pfc. Kevin Raye Jennifer Nelms Melissa Adkinson Byron Googins Pam KerlinLaney Olson Carlo Clemente Dave Huber Bill Hennessey Lou Smith Marie Jenkinson Larry Adkinson Mary Jones Dolores Hoffman Joe Segilia Jake Murray Sr. Anne Marie Lennon Chris Hearn Jo Priapi Deacon Sal Daidone Frank Franzak Rafael Santos Wanda Figurski Liam McCue Tyler White Pat Gibney Danny Scott Tony Alvarez Melanie Poyer Susan Rezsonya Bernadette Gawron Karl Bardin Dorothy Rotte Lynn Taylor-Mitchell Karen Zambetti Jane Thompson Pat Perkovich Alyssa Marie York Jerry Collins Leslie Lee Joe Meyer Katie & Loriann Joiner Marina Fussell Ginny Gladney Bob Ascher, Sr. Betty Crowell Charlie Davis Priscilla Wenner David Jones John Day Patricia J. Hassell Frances Garner Phil Argento Alan Rees Clair Murray Monica Gallien Karla Santiago Bert Brohman Millie Cannillo Vincent Cannillo Roberta Dunn Bill Keegan Chris Hodges Azariah Kusmirek George Gallavan Nancy Stark Maria Johns Greg Aviles, Jr. Daniel Zuzarte Maureen Aldrin Fred Pascual Ryan Belkot Barbara Bigda Catherine Schaeffer Grayson Sena Harold Stearn Freda Holland Rick Ferro Egda Intriago Harold Stearn Freda Holland Ana Maria Bohrmann Stacy Dues Colyn Mohler Denise Stepankow Melody Chapman Regeana Rupard Hershel Andrey Jeanne Ludwig Bob McDermott Dana McDermott Mary Hume Solange Cruz Leroy Dell Rick Spenser Tammy Walsh Tom Arens Carmen Cononie Nella Hubbersty Josephine Ridge Rose Danek Audrey Golden Peggy Reisbam John Kenny Michael Mattson Peggy Hornish Hank Harkins Dan Danson Guerlain Carmedelle Pablo Cruz Joseph Fitzmayer Bernadette Michel Brenda Becza Shirlee Meyung Jess Fontaine Michelle Lanier Pauline Cioffi Anthony Monfort Please Pray for Our Deployed Military Mark Lewis Gray, WANG Matthew Peter Rogero, USAF Terry Haney, USAF Michelle Sanner, USA Matthew Allan, USN Cory Cosio, USMC William Bryan Scott, USAF Jarred Fischer, USAF Victor Fischer, USA Todd Carter, USMC Brendan Allan, USAF Ryan McDonald, USN Blaine Berquist, USA Andy Mahan, USAF Joseph Armando Samuel, USMC Robbie Little, USA Jeffrey Molnar Kyle Johnson, USA Matthew Jones, USA Rick Ziminski, USN CWO3 Brandon Jacobson, USN Steven Daniel Neuendorf, USA Alex Ensell, USMC Jacquelne Vogelsong, USA Matthew Chesser, USMC SSG Scott Kovach, USA Cpt. Michael Calvin Baker, USAF Jerrod Garrett, USMC George Hull, USA Brandon Wassmer, USA Adam Graves, USMC Jason Murphy, USN Arvin Bada, USAF Cpt. Brian Herring, USA PFC Matthew Torres, USA Jake Shanks, USA Brian Knutson, USMC Mathew Malone, USA LCPL Thomas E. Jowers, USMC Richard Pace, USA Francis Gabriel Peralta, USAF Robert A. Weber, USA Daniel Ramsey, USA Paul Nguyan Jared Rich, USA Ryan Behring, USA Christopher A. Carter, USA Jonah Kinney, USN AJ. LCPL Ramirez Cruz USMC David Matfinetz, USA Clinton Dean, USA Matthew Pradon, USN Daniela Patron, USN Richard Dexter, USA 1st Lt. Philip D. Cotter, USA Orlando Ramos Stephen Albanna 1st Lt. Zack Rome, USMC Lt. Sergio Ibarra, USN Anthony Striano, USA Luis Ramos, USMC Deanne C. Murawsky, USA Cory Brumley, USN Sean Kellogg, USA Vincent Mortara, USA Sgt. Daniel Braniff, USA Josh Woodruff, USA Jeb Galasco, USA Jonalexis E. Rodriguez, USA Anthony V. Santos, USMC Thomas Scarff, USA Gregory Smith, USN 1st Lt. Guido A. Gonzalez “Chaplain” Richard Kalpan, USA Jubal Stokes , USA Matt Brock, USN Jason M. Guadalope, USAF J.T. Walchonski Sam Kersten, USN Tammy Walch, USCG Chase Rothman, USN James Eckert, USANG George W. Kovach, Jr., USA Brian James Eckert, USANG Mark Picinich, USN Mike Reiynders, USN Brian Cotroneo, USN Andrew Brown, USN Brendan McGoey, USN Christian Cruz USN VP-10, USN LTJG Ian Schumaker, USN Please Pray for our Expectant Mothers Sarah Rogers Margaret Lodes Sindy Indacochea Kristen Krulic Amy Olson Gina Kaeser Kelly Teichert Schwabe Megan Reese Rebecca Clayton Lavie Elizabeth Clayton Wilson Tonia Nadeau Sarah Lee Caitlin Duffy Christine Coots Selena Seckinger Terri Fuss Kathleen Cook Anne Clement Melanie Sembach
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