2015 Student Booklist Wishart State School Orders due: 30 October 2014 Year 1 DELIVERIES: 1 December 2014 – 12 December 2014 Fundraising: The booklist scheme is a fundraiser for the school. 10% of stationery sales will be forwarded to the school to be used towards additional resources and improving the quality of education provided to students. Please support this fundraising effort. Ordering Options: Online Ordering - Order your requirements online at www.schoolandoffice.com.au. Click on the BOOKPACKS link to take you to bookpack ordering. You will need to key in the school code to access the booklists. Payment will be expected at the checkout by Mastercard or Visa. SCHOOL CODE: WIS01 Order Form - Complete an order form and hand it in to the school or to School and Office Supplies by the due date, with payment by Cheque, Money Order, Visa or Mastercard. Payments in store can be made by cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS, Visa or Mastercard. Delivery: The delivery periods (above) have been selected by the School. All packs are delivered, however if delivered to your home, you are not expected to be there to accept delivery. Deliveries can be made to an alternate address eg. PO Box, work, neighbours, relatives etc. The delivery address cannot be changed after your order is submitted. A delivery fee of $3.30 is charged per student. Orders cannot be collected as they are packed in another facility. Late Orders: We do accept late orders, however orders placed after the due date cannot be processed on our production line with the on-time orders for your school and will be subject to a handling fee of $15.00 which will partially cover the additional costs associated with packing single orders. Orders will be delivered as soon as they are ready (but not before the delivery dates for on-time orders). School supplies can be purchased at any time from our store in Wynnum (open 6 days). Shop pricing will differ to booklist pricing. Changes/Returns/Cancellations/Queries: The booklist content is compiled by the school and lists the items they expect your child to bring along at the commencement of the school year. If there are items on the booklist that your child already has that are in good working order, there is no need to purchase them. Please choose carefully. Changes - Changes cannot be made to your order once submitted. Returns – If a product is damaged in transit or faulty we will provide you with a replacement. Cancellations – Order cancellations are accepted if your child(ren) will no longer be attending the school. A 10% cancellation fee will apply. Cancellations will not be accepted after 31 January 2015. Queries - If you have any queries regarding your order, please direct them to School & Office Supplies (NOT to the School), via email to bookpacks@schoolandoffice.com.au. Please be aware that the phones can become congested during January, so email is the best method to contact us. Checking Your Order(s): We encourage you to check your order once received. You must report any damaged, missing or incorrect items to us within 14 days of receiving your order. WISHART STATE SCHOOL 2015 REQUIREMENTS - YEAR 1 STUDENT NAME ORDER FORM ADDRESS For gender colour purposes only Male Female PHONE Item Quantity Price Extension Required Description Total TEXTS 9781741350487 9780170123709 9781742152202 LETTERS & SOUNDS MY BEGINNER'S DICTIONARY QLD 4TH ED QUEENSLAND HANDWRITING MADE EASY BOOK 1 WORKBOOK TARGETING MATHS AC EDITION STUDENT BOOK YEAR 1 (NEW) 1 1 1 6.95 12.95 16.95 6.95 12.95 16.95 10 2 4 4 1 0.22 1.53 4.74 0.33 2.02 2.20 3.06 18.96 1.32 2.02 1 2.02 2.02 1 7 1 1 1 1 6 6.42 2.11 0.81 4.04 0.56 1.20 1.58 6.42 14.77 0.81 4.04 0.56 1.20 9.48 5 0.73 3.65 1 2 2 1 1 1 0.57 1.43 1.39 0.59 4.28 8.89 0.57 2.86 2.78 0.59 4.28 8.89 1 18.64 18.64 2 2.33 4.66 1 5.50 5.50 1 3.30 3.30 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FAB12-1111-HB BS52-12 FC1611653810 MRERM303 MRSCR100 FABER-CASTELL ECONOMY SCHOOL PENCIL HB - SINGLE CRAYOLA REGULAR SIZE CRAYONS 92 X 8MM BOX 12 FABER-CASTELL GRIP TRIANGULAR COLOUR PENCILS BOX 10 MICADOR ERASER #3030 SMALL PLASTIC IN SLEEVE MICADOR SIZZLE SCISSORS - 130MM RIGHT HAND RED (OR Left-handed option below) MRSCL200 MICADOR SIZZLE SCISSORS - 130MM LEFT HAND GREEN (OPTIONAL - NOT Included in 100% Pack Total) BF369977 BOSTIK KIDS PVA 236ML BF313106 CLAG SCHOOL GLUE STICK 40 GRAM MRPRM022 MICADOR DOUBLE HOLE METAL SHARPENER - SINGLE MROPM216 MICADOR OIL PASTELS S-16 STANDARD PACK 16 MRRWE30 MICADOR RULER ESSENTIAL WOODEN 30CM (UNPOLISHED) SP142469 OLYMPIC STORY BOOK A4 48 PAGE 12MM 2/3 RULED & 1/3 PLAIN SP190996 OLYMPIC SCRAPBOOK AFRICAN SAFARIBOND 335X240MM 80GSM 72 PAGES SP140745 OLYMPIC EXERCISE BOOK YEAR 1 QLD RULING - A4 48 PAGE 24MM MR1600R06 ROYMAC 1600 ROUND HOG BRISTLE PAINT BRUSH SIZE 6 SP141357 TUDOR DISPLAY BOOK - REFILLABLE - A4 20 POCKET AA20110-ASSTD MARBIG WALLET FOOLSCAP POLYPICK ASSORTED COLOURS SP140792 OLYMPIC GRID BOOK 10MM QUAD 225 X 175MM 48 PAGE 3M70070554293 3M MASKING TAPE TARTAN 5142 24MM X 55M CB228488 DECOR CONTAINER TELFRESH OBLONG 900ML #2560 203X142X52MM PX3426-GR ART SMOCK LONG SLEEVE AGE 6-9 YEARS NYLON GREEN ITEMS DELIVERED TO THE SCHOOL JHFT200/2 SP158150 REGAL FACIAL TISSUES 2 PLY 200 SHEETS (Not In Pack - Delivered Direct to School) AUSTRALIAN OFFICE PAPER WHITE A4 80GSM 500 SHEETS (Not In Pack - Delivered Direct to School) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS (Not supplied by SOS) WISHART SS CHAIR BAG (Available from the Uniform Shop) WISHART SS LIBRARY BAG (Available from the Uniform Shop) WISHART SS SWIMMING BAG (Available from the Uniform Shop) WISHART SS SWIMMING CAP (Available from the Uniform Shop) DELIVERY CHARGE FOR ALL ORDERS #BPDEL BOOKPACK DELIVERY CHARGE PER STUDENT Items marked * may be retained from previous year Option A 100% Pack Option B Selected Items Only $157.41 Tick this option for the 100% pack. (Excludes items retained from previous years and optional extras.) . Tick this option for selected items only. Clearly mark your requirements and place your total here. OR 1/70 Tingal Road, Wynnum Q 4178 $ School & Office Supplies Phone: 1300 PENCIL(736245) www.schoolandoffice.com.au Fax: 1300 WYNNUM(996686) 1 3.30 Please complete the following in as much detail as possible: STUDENT DETAILS Surname: First Name: Parent/Guardian Name: Contact Phone Number/s: Email Address: (Required) DELIVERY DETAILS **Deliveries can be made to any address – home, work, neighbours, relative, PO Box** NOTE: You are NOT expected to be home to accept your delivery. Delivery Address: Suburb: Postcode: Delivery Instructions: (You can specify a safe place for the pack/s to be left if you will not be home, eg. leave in carport.) PAYMENT DETAILS TOTAL OF THIS ORDER: $___________ (If you have more than one child at the School, please attach additional orders to that of your ELDEST child ) PLUS other children at the School with orders: Name: Name: Name: Name: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Year Level Year Level Year Level Year Level in 2015: _____ in 2015: _____ in 2015: _____ in 2015: _____ ORDER TOTAL (including all other children for which there are orders listed above) $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ Total: **PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY THIS ORDER** Payment details should only appear on the order form of the ELDEST child. Payment Method (place a next to your selection): Cheque – made payable to “School & Office Supplies”. Money Order – made payable to “School & Office Supplies”. Credit Card Mastercard Visa Card Number: __ __ __ __ /__ __ __ __ /__ __ __ __ /__ __ __ __ Expiry Date: _____ /_____ CCV: ________ Name on Card: ________________________________________ Cardholder’s Signature: ____________________________ **PAYMENTS TO BE INCLUDED WITH ORDER FORM(S) IN A SEALED ENVELOPE** **NO CASH PERMITTED UNLESS ORDER SUBMITTED IN-STORE**
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