SUNDAY MASS TIMES Halston Street Sat – 6pm (Vigil); Sun – 12noon WEEKDAY MASS TIMES Halston Street Mon – Sat 10am Miraculous Medal Devotions Mondays after Mass in Halston Street Parish of St. Michan Halston Street Dublin Gospel Choir will sing at the 7pm Sunday Mass in Church Street on Sunday, 9th November (second Sunday of the month). The choir join us on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. Further information on Secular Franciscan Order Monthly meetings take place at 3pm and 7:30pm on Wednesday, 12th November in Church Street Saint Pio Prayer Group Monthly meeting takes place at 7:30pm on Thursday, 20th November in Church Street Confessions from 7pm until 7:25pm; Mass at 7:30pm and blessing with the relic Saint Pio after Mass Markets Mass The ANNUAL MASS for all the deceased members of the Fruit & Vegetable Markets, Moore Street Traders and surrounding markets takes place on Friday, 14th November 2014 at 12noon in THE MARKETS BUILDING Come and join us in Praying for our Dead CAMINO de SANTIAGO Annual Camino Talk on Saturday, 15th November 2014 @ 2pm in the Clyde Court Hotel, Lansdowne Road. "BRINGING THE CAMINO HOME" How to make the Camino relevant to our everyday lives. Speaker is John Brierley (Author/Pilgrim). Admission free. Please email to confirm your place. Parish � Capuchin Parish 8730599 � 9th November 2014 Pioneer Association Why not consider a ShortTerm Pledge for November in honour of the Holy Souls. Phone (01) 8749464 for information or November Dead Lists are available in both churches. Please take one and return completed lists to the parish office or to the sacristy. “It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead” Irish Miscarriage Association of Ireland Annual Service of Remembrance takes place on Sunday, 9th November 2014 at 3pm in St. Teresa’s, Donore Avenue A Night of Soul featuring The Dublin Gospel Choir in the Church of St. Martin de Porres, Tallaght, Dublin 24 on Saturday, 15th November at 8pm. Adults €15 and Children/Students/Concessions €10 and are available from St. Martin’s Parish Office Tel: 01 4510160. Beginning Experience is a support group for those coping with the pain of loss of their life partner, through Death, Separation or Divorce. This is a healing ministry, which helps to resolve the grief that goes with separation. Next residential weekend will be held 14th 16th November in All Hallows, Drumcondra. For further information please contact 086 0877379 or Servant of God – Frank Duff Founder of the Legion of Mary 34th ANNIVERSARY MASS In St. Mary’s ProCathedral, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 Saturday 15th November 2014 at 3pm ALL ARE WELCOME Please pray for Thomas Flanagan who died recently During November, why not keep the ancient Irish custom of praying for those who have died whenever you see a leaf fall in front of you? Readers (This Week) Monies collected in Halston Vigil Brendan Martin Street over last weekend 12noon John Molloy & Offertory – €165.00 Lily Kearns Raffle raised €11,112.50 since 2nd March Share €120.00 Readers (Next Week) 2013. The 5050 Raffle takes place at the 6pm Envelopes – €490.51 Vigil Monica O’Toole Saturday and noon Sunday Masses. collection for the upkeep of 12noon Lily Kearns & St. Michan’s, Halston Street Many thanks for all your help John Molloy PLEASE TAKE A COPY OF THE BULLETIN HOME WITH YOU SUNDAY MASS TIMES Halston Street Sat – 6pm (Vigil); Sun – 12noon WEEKDAY MASS TIMES Halston Street Mon – Sat 10am Parish � Capuchin Parish 8730599 � Miraculous Medal Devotions Mondays after Mass in Halston Street Parish of St. Michan Halston Street 2nd November 2014 Monthly Mass for our Recently Deceased Pioneer Association parishioners and friends takes place on Saturday, st 1 November at 6pm in Halston Street. This month we remember in a special way all those who died during September 2014 Margaret O’Rourke Áine De Bruin SFO Phil (Conroy) Dunne Mary Woulfe Willie Dawson Elizabeth Vero Trudy Kavanagh Why not consider a ShortTerm Pledge for November in honour of the Holy Souls. November is traditionally dedicated as the Month of the Holy Souls when we pray in a special way for family members who are no longer with us. For further information contact (353) 1 8749464 or November Dead Lists are available in both churches. Please take one and return completed lists to the parish office or to the sacristy. “It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead” Holy Hour for Church Renewal Takes place on Thursday, 6th November from 5pm to 6pm in Church Street, with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Meditation Evening Prayer and Benediction Calls to the housebound will be made this coming Thursday and Friday. If you would like to be added to the First Friday calls, please contact one of the priests of the parish at 8730599. Ignatian Outreach 2014 Gardiner Street Parish offers a new course on Tuesdays from 4th November to 16th December (7:15pm8:45pm). Optional ‘Guided Prayer in Daily Life’ will be offered during Advent. Servant of God – Frank Duff Founder of the Legion of Mary 34th ANNIVERSARY MASS In St. Mary’s ProCathedral, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 on Saturday, 15th November 2014 at 3pm ALL ARE WELCOME Markets Mass The ANNUAL MASS for all the deceased members of the Fruit & Vegetable Markets, Moore Street Traders and surrounding markets takes place on Friday, 14th November 2014 at 12noon in THE MARKETS BUILDING Come and join us in Praying for our Dead A Weekend of enrichment for Married Couples 14th 16th November 2014 (8pm Friday to 4:30pm Sunday) at the Lake Hotel, Killarney, Co. Kerry. Further details on or phone 8324429. Please pray for Margaret (Peggy) Sherry who died recently Monies collected in Halston Street over last weekend Offertory – €195.00 Share €165.00 Envelopes – €453.82 collection for the upkeep of St. Michan’s, Halston Street The Christian and Meditation with Br. Richard Hendrick in The Sanctuary, Stanhope Street, Dublin 7 Starting Monday3rd November 2014 and continuing each Monday until 8th December 2014 from 7pm to 8:30pm. Cost: €75.00 Many people are unaware of the ancient tradition of Meditation that lies at the heart of Christianity. This six week evening course will introduce you to this wonderful way of opening the heart to the depth dimension of life through the Christian meditative tradition. God our Father, Your power brings us to birth, Your providence guides our lives, and by Your command we return to dust. Readers (This Week) Vigil Paddy Pender 12noon John Molloy & Lily Kearns Readers (Next Week) Vigil Brendan Martin 12noon Lily Kearns & John Molloy Raffle raised €10,982.50 since 2nd March 2013. The 5050 Raffle takes place at the 6pm Saturday and noon Sunday Masses. Many thanks for all your help PLEASE TAKE A COPY OF THE BULLETIN HOME WITH YOU
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