Document 407342

 The Ma
w Arn
nold Schoo
Kingston Road,
Staines-upon-Thames,, Middlesex, TW
W18 1PF Head
d of School: Mrrs M Gould
E: info
atthew-arnold.s T: 01784 4572275 F: 01784 450037
Registered in
n England num
mber 7849259
ober 2014 Dear Parrents / Carerss Year 7 Uppdate 1 ‐ October 2014 Thank yo
ou very much
h for your sup
pport since sttarting here aat Matthew A
Arnold in Septtember. 1. Geneeral information Progresss reports from
m the first reporting r
cyccle were sentt home toda
ay via your cchild. If you require a duplicatee copy pleasee email Karen
n Juliff on kju liff@matthew
w‐ I would llike to thank you for yourr continued ssupport in im
mproving the sstandard of uuniform. As we move towards winter we are a keen to maintain m
thesse high stand
dards. Details on uniform
m expectation
ns can be Guide on page
e 12. This doccument is avaailable on the
e school webssite. found in the Parent G
The scho
ool planner m
must be signe
ed on a weeklly basis by a parent or carrer. Students are expected
d to have their plaanner every d
day to record
d homework and assist in
n general organisation. If aa student losses his or her planner replacem
ments can be purchased frrom the Head
d of Year. Stu
udents must be prepared each day with thee correct boo
oks, homework and basic equipment. Some of our students neeed support with this organisation; your heelp here will m
make a big diffference with
h their learnin
ng and progreess. 2. Paren
nts’ Evening information Year 7 Paarents’ Evening is on Wed
dnesday 17th December. LLetters and appointment ssheets will be
e given to your chiild nearer to
o the time. This will proovide a real insight to how h
you chilld is progresssing and achievingg here at Matthew Arnold
d School. 3. Impo
ortant dates ffor next term
m  Tueesday 4th Novvember: Year 7 Girls 7asidee tournamen
nt: 4pm @ Ma
atthew Arnol d th
 Thu
ursday 6 Novvember: Year 7 Boys 7asidde tournament: 4pm @ M
Matthew Arnoold th
 Tueesday 11 No
ovember: Year 7 Girls Netbball: 3.30pm @
@ Magna Carta  Wednesday 19thh November: Year 7 Boys R
Rugby 7 aside
e @ Matthew
w Arnold th
 Wednesday 26 November: All Year Cros s Country during the day @
@Laleham th
 Thu
ursday 27 No
ovember: Yea
ar 7 Girls Nettball: 3.30pm
m @ St Pauls
 Frid
day 28th Noveember: Inset day ‐ school cclosed for stu
udent th
 January 14 201
15: Reportingg cycle 2 ‐ repports home to
o parents PE fixture boaard 2 days prior to a fixture. Your son//daughter is aware of All fixturres are displaayed on the P
this and will need to check this bo
oard for addittional fixturess that will be scheduled. 4. Roun
nd‐up 
We have ended the half term
m with 101622 Positives! W
Well done Year 7 – top in tthe school! W
Well done to R
Ryan Tillier 7D and Lily Thomas Burke 7D on receivving the top p
positives in thhe year group
p and the Assistant Head o
of the Half term award froom Mr Keeling. 6.45% which is the highesst in the schoo
ol. 7D are currently attenndance champ
pions. Atteendance is 96
nctuality – students are working w
hardd to arrive to
o school and lessons on ttime, Year 7 currently pun
nctuality cham
mpions also. Possitive Pars ‐ th
he winning fo
orm with the most positive
e pars is 7D w
with 1859 Possitives…well d
done! 
Congratulations to all the sports teams for your hard work so far and for the Year 7s who took part in the school production of Fame. Emily Colgate, Amelia Rafferty, Ella Scott, Tilly Sharp, Charlotte Farley, Amy Nightingale, Zahra
Shakeel, Baileigh Brown, Isabella Hodge, Maddison Adams-Faulkner, Rianna Liddiard, Georgina
Clark, Kaycee Spriggs , Shannon Clark, Lunanthi Moss, Grace Andrews, Jimena Rodriguez,
Summer Kazhal, Isabelle Evans, Paige Johnson. 5. Awards, Students of the Half Term, chosen by Tutors/HOY: Most Improved Student: Taylor‐Alfie Smithers 7R. Well done to Taylor for his continued hard work; and the positivity he has shown. Keep it up. 7M‐Tilly Sharp 7A‐Brandon Parr 7R‐ Maddison Adams‐ Faulkner 7N‐Katie Rogers 7O‐Jas Pawar 7L‐ Fayth Meades 7D‐Chloe McCarthy Well done to all the year 7 pupils. You have made a great start in your first year here, and I hope that you continue to work hard and achieve. I am a very proud Head of Year, and I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you further as the year progresses. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I wish you all a very pleasant half‐term break. Yours sincerely Miss Jones Head of Year 7 ljones@matthew‐ C:\Documents and Settings\abowen\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content
.Outlook\8NVB395S\Update 1 Yr 7 (3).docx