Buc k a le w B uz z Buckalew Elementary School buckalew.conroeisd.net Nov.3rd, Nov.3rd , 2014 201 4 UPCOMING Mrs. Crews’ News EVENTS Nov.3rd-7th Food Drive Nov.10th-14th Book Fair Nov. 13th 3rd Grade Program 6:30 p.m. Nov. 24th -28th The coat drive was a great success and came just in time for the cooler weather. Fall may actually be here! I'm looking forward to the third grade program. Our students, parents and staff have all been working hard to present a fabulous show. This time of the year seems to fly by, so be sure you look over the Buzz carefully and mark your calendars for the many events and activities coming up. • Thanksgiving Break Linda Crews, Principal • Teacher Achieving Excellence (TAE) Are you looking for an easy way to brighten someone’s day? Then send your child’s teacher or special staff member a TAE. Go to your child’s Parent Access account. Look for the TAE button and then follow directions. The teacher receives a special message that is electronically copied to their principal! The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age,or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended,Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner. For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IXCoordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936)709-7752. Visitor Identification Please have a picture form of identification when visiting Buckalew. For safety reasons you cannot enter the school without having your I.D or having had one scanned in our system. Thank you for understanding. Lunch Visitor Procedures Parents, we welcome you to enjoy lunch with your child. Please sign in at the front desk and fill out the green paper with your child’s name on it. We ask that you do not go to your child’s classroom but wait near the cafeteria for your child. When your child arrives give the teacher the green paper and proceed to the bistro for lunch. Please return your child to the cafeteria 5 minutes before the designated lunch time is over so that your child can go to recess with his/her classmates. If you have family or friends visiting your child during lunch without you being present, you must send a written letter granting permission on the date of the lunch, or you may send a letter giving permission for the entire 2014 & 2015 school year. Buckalew Volunteers To volunteer at Buckalew visit the CISD website choose the parent section then Volunteer in CISD. You must sign up at each school that your child attends. You will not be able to volunteer at Buckalew until we have approval from CIS Keys for Success Weekly, students have the opportunity to be nominated for a "Student of the Week" award when they demonstrate any of the 7 Keys to Success we teach at Buckalew Elementary. Students nominated receive a special certificate to take home. They are then entered into a weekly drawing. The winners are on the announcements and are presented a "Principal's Award" Medallion. One student per grade level is drawn weekly. Congratulations to the following students: Week of Oct.27th Taylor Crenshaw Blake McCullough Christian Pierce Benjamin Salinger Nora Wang Week of Nov.3rd William Barras Alexa Friddle Elle Funkhouser Dominic Hurley Jonathan Qu GT NOMINATIONS FOR 2014-15 SCHOOL YEAR The window is now open for parent Nominations for GT Screening and will continue through December 19, 2014. Parents may nominate their student for Spring GT Testing by filling out the District Nomination Form, available through any 3rd or 4th Grade Teacher, or by asking Belinda in the front office. Parents may now nominate, one time per level of test. In other words, students may test once each school year to see if they meet district requirements and/or qualify in other subject areas. GT Testing will be held at Buckalew during the school day, in a date yet to be determined mid January/February 2015. Nomination forms may be returned to your student's 3rd or 4th grade teacher OR to Belinda in the front office. All second grade students will be nominated by Buckalew after receipt of CogAT scores. CogAT scores are one of two qualifying scores for the district’s GT Program. All nomination forms are due NO LATER THAN December 20, 2014. Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Step into Sir Readsalot’s Castle for our Fall Book Fair! We are still looking for several volunteers for Preview Week, Sales Week and Take Down. If you would like to help please email Elizabeth Clarke at: fosteringcommunication@gmail.com. Students will continue to check out books so we will still need the regular library volunteers to come in at their scheduled time. Book Fair Preview and Sales will take place on regularly scheduled library days. The Book Fair will also be open before school for grades K-2 and during lunch for grades 3-4. We have one late afternoon sales event on Thursday, November 13th from 3-6pm. Stop by and shop with your kids! Book Fair Schedule: Preview Week: November 3rd-7th *during regularly scheduled library time Book Fair Sales: November 10th-13th Hours: M-Th 7:30am-3:00pm Thursday, November 13th 3:00-6:00pm Take Down: Friday, November 14th *If you are sending a check with your child please be sure to include your date-of-birth and driver’s license number. Contests: During Preview week students will have the opportunity to participate in coloring contests and estimation contests. Entries will be due November 7th. Winners will receive a free paperback book from the Book Fair! You can also visit our online Book Fair at http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/homepage/buckalewelemsch If you have any question regarding the Book Fair please contact Elizabeth or Mrs. Laird at mlaird@conroeisd.net Thank you very much and happy reading! Mindy Laird Buckalew Librarian News from the Nurse Many schools in our area as well as across Texas have been experiencing an increase in lice cases. Most of our students lead busy, active lives, and are involved in activities outside of school such as gymnastics, sports, cheerleading, etc. Exposure can occur when students carpool, attend birthday parties, or have sleepovers with friends or family members. Many students have younger siblings in pre-school where there is lots of head-to-head contact from activities such as sleeping on mats, playing on carpet, or playing “dress-up”. A child can be lice free one day, and have a case of lice the next day if there is exposure. Constant head checks at school take valuable class time and are not effective at decreasing the incidence of lice cases. Because of this, it is important for every parent to be involved in helping out with this problem. For all parents, this includes: Be proactive. Know what to look for and start checking your child weekly for head lice whether or not you have been notified of an outbreak. Checking your child's hair more often if there is exposure to an actual case of lice from friends, family, or classmates Checking the hair very carefully if your child complains of head itching Reminding your child to NEVER share a brush, hat, or helmet Encouraging your child to wear her hair up. Notifying the school nurse and anyone who has come into close contact with your child should you discover he or she has a case of lice Here are the things we are doing at Buckalew to decrease the prevent the spread of head lice: ♦ If a teacher notices a student scratching his or her head excessively, the student will be sent to the clinic for a head check. ♦ Teachers will be (and have already been) looking for ways to limit accidental head-to-head contact inside the classroom. ♦ If there are active cases of head lice in a grade level, parents will be notified by email. There are many good sources of information on the internet. www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/head/gen_info/faqs.html www.dshs.state.tx.us/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=25920 www.dshs.state.tx.us/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=25925 PTO CORNER Holiday Food Drive The Third Grade Class and the Buckalew PTO community Outreach Committee will be conducting the annual Holiday Food Drive to benefit Interfaith Food Pantry. Collection dates will be November 3-7 and collection boxes will be located in the school lobby. The food drive is excepting unexpired nonperishable food items. Thanks for your generosity! The Buckalew PTO and the Kindergarten class would like to thank everyone that donated coats to the Coats for Kids drive. The drive was a huge success. Scholastic Book Fair! Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Prepare to Enter the Kingdom of Books!! Join us for Sir Readsalot’s Scholastic Book Fair November 10th-14th. Preview week is November 3rd- 7th. If you would like to work at the sale, please either go to www.buckalewbearspto.com/#!volunteer/cyiu and complete the volunteer info or email me directly at fosteringcommunication@gmail.com. Help Raise Funds for Buckalew at Raising Cane’s on November 9! Box Tops for Education Thank you so much for your Box Tops and Labels for Education donations! We raised $2,000 dollars in our Fall Collection! Please keep saving your Box tops and Labels! Our next competition will be in February! The winners of the Fall competition are: Kinder-Murphy First-Balzer Second- Segal Third-Garrett Fourth-Thibodeaux They will receive an ice cream party!!! Yearbooks Are On Sale! 2014-15 Buckalew Yearbooks can be ordered now for $25 until October 31st.. After October 31, the price will increase to $30. Yearbooks can be ordered online at the Spirit Store at buckalewbearspto.com. Order Questions? Please contact Wendy Whamond at wwhamond@hotmail.com. IF YOU ARE UNSURE WHETHER YOU HAVE ALREADY PLACED YOUR YEARBOOK ORDER, PLEASE CHECK WITH WENDY BEFORE ORDERING AGAIN! Community Partners Dr. Todd Hughes is one of our gold sponsors. Dr. Hughes and his team are honored to provide patients with a life-long beautiful (and functional) smile through high quality orthodontics. Dr. Hughes and his staff will provide a complimentary new patient exam so he can evaluate your oral health. His goal is to offer affordable, expert orthodontic care and outstanding customer service to children, teens and adults in a fun and friendly environment. You can contact Dr. Todd Hughes at 281-466-1414 or please visit his website at toddhughesortho.com. Thank you Dr. Hughes! Cartridges For Kids We are collecting and recycling large laser ink cartridges for Cartridges For Kids. The CFK collection box is located in the front office. Thank you! For More Detailed Information Regarding PTO Activities, Please See the PTO Newsletter on the PTO Website at buckalewbearspto.com.
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