Page 2 St. Clare’s HOLY MASS INTENTIONS (+ - repose of the soul) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 8A +Louise Murray, requested by Gillian Murray 10:30A +Curtis McKenzie, & deceased members of McKenzie Family requested by Doreen Sthyr & Carla 12:30P Gianfranco Montalto on the occasion of His Baptism, requested by Fr. Andy MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 8:30A In Thanksgiving, requested by Florcy Chery Adrien TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 8:30A Constance Mondestin, requested by Dulia Prophete WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 8:30A God’s Blessings, requested by Bernadette Appah THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13 8:30A +Family Malary, requested by Marcelle Malary Dedication of the Lateran Bsilica GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING 2013 2014 $6604.00 $6717.00 WEEKLY SCRIPTURE READINGS Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. Ez 47:1-2, Jn 2:13-22 Ti 1:1-9, Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, Lk 17:7-10 Ti 3:1-7, Lk 17:11-19 Phlm 7:20, Lk 17:20-25 2 Jn 4-9, Lk 17:26-37 3 Jn 5-8, Lk 18:1-8 Prv 31:10-13, Mt 25:14-30 With respect, admiration and thankfulness we pray for those who are currently serving around the world and those to be deployed in the near future in defense of our nation. Ricardo A. Wilson, Frank Kestler, Joseph Giordano, Trevor Gordon. THIS WEEK Sunday, November 9 9A Faith Formation Classes 10:30 Holy Name Society Mass/Mtg - RB SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 10:30A RCIA 8:30A In Thanksgiving 11:30A Baptism Class - Academy 5P Special Intention, requested by the Bowman Family 6P AA Mtg - Annex Wednesday, November 12 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 7:30P Prayer Group - Rectory Basement 8:00 Molly & Edward Whyte, requested by Thursday, November 13 Margaret Whyte 7:30P Baptism Class - Church 10:30A People of the Parish 12:30P Jacquely Lafontant, requested by Friday, November 14 Micha Gurdon 6:30P Youth Minstry - Rectory Basement 7:15P Girl Scout Mtg - Annex Saturday, November 15 12:30P Baptism Gala Dance ALL SOULS ENVELOPES are 6:30P 7P NA Mtg Annex available in the church today. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:30A +William McWilliams, requested by Marvis & Annie Andrews In November we remember and pray for the souls of the dead especially our family members, friends and fellow parishioners. Feel free to take an envelope and fill in the names of your beloved dead whom you wish to have prayers offered during November. Please return the envelope in the collection or to the Parish Office. HOLIDAY CLOSING. Due to Veteran’s Day observance this Tuesday, November 11th, the Parish office will be closed VISION STATEMENT OF ST. CLARE’S PARISH: With Jesus our Lord and Broth- November 9, 2014 St. Clare’s Page 3 Gathering us together, We, the People of St. Clare’s, faith-filled, hope filled and loving, November 9, 2014 2014 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL “When We Give We Share The Light Of Faith” TIME IS RUNNING OUT! The 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal will soon be over and our parish is still short of our goal ($50,424.00) by $16,873.00. The total amount pledged by 177 families is $47,048.00. The amount paid $33,551.00 If you have not done so, please make a pledge or gift. Help us to get up, up and away into success. Thank you to all those families who have pledged and donated. ANNOUNCED MASS OFFERINGS. The oppor tunity to pray in a special way for the repose of the soul of a loved one or other prayerful intention is made available each day with announced Mass offerings. You may choose to commemorate a death anniversary, wedding anniversary or birthday remembrance. Masses are presently available in 2014 from November to December. Also the 2015 Mass Book is now open. Each offering is $20.00 per Mass. Please come to the Parish Office to make special Mass intentions for your loved ones. ST. CLARE’S Page 4 ST CLARE’S CHRISTIAN CONNECTION ORGANIZATION Adult Confirmation Adult Choir Adult Faith Formation Alcoholics Anonymous Altar Servers Athletic Association Baptism Registration Bible Study Consolation Ministry Eucharistic Ministers Family Life Com Finance Committee Fundraising Girl Scouts Holy Name Society Hospitality Committee Knights of Columbus Lectors Liturgy Committee Marriage Registration Music Ministry Narcotics Anonymous Nocturnal Adoration Parish Youth Prayer Group Publicity Coordination RCIA Religious Education Rosary Society Social Justice St. Clare’s Academy Ushers CONTACT Lorena DeFilippis Devon Olivas Lorena DeFilippis Rectory Gillian Murray Joann Arbitello Deacon Chris Lorena DeFilippis Gillian Murray Deacon Chris Deborah Wright Fr. Andy Fr. Andy Gillian Murray Ifeanyi Ezissi Loretta Ariola John Shanck Deacon Chris Deacon Chris Rectory Devon Olivas Rectory Cathy LeBlanc Fr. Andy Fr Andy Deacon Chris Lorena DeFilippis Lorena DeFilippis Joyce Barber Lorena DeFilippis Mary Basile Rectory PHONE 718-527-6153 718-341-1018 718-527-6153 718-341-1018 718-341-1018 718-640-3128 718-341-1018 718-527-6153 718-723-3581 718-341-1018 718-341-1018 718-341-1018 718-723-3581 718-739-5543 718-528-9428 718-276-6924 718-341-1018 718-341-1018 718-341-1018 718-341-1018 718-341-1018 718-977-1992 718-341-1018 718-341-1018 718-341-1018 718-527-6153 718-527-6153 516-812-8542 718-527-6153 718-528-7174 718-528-7174 SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH THANKSGIVING LITURGY will take GIVES BACK St. Clare’s will share in the profits. For each car, place on Thursday, November 27th at 9:00AM. Let us come together as a parish famitruck or van, running or not The Society of St. Vinly and give thanks for God’s bouncent de Paul will give back to our ty shared among all of us. Each church $50/$100 per vehicle. Maybe family is asked to bring one food you don’t have a vehicle, but a family item to be blessed and returned to member, friend or neighbor has an old your table at home. Again this or neglected vehicle in their driveway year each family will receive a that they would like to dispose of. Call decorative placemat containing the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at prayers to be offered before the Thanksgiving din(718)491-2525. Thank You! ner. Register for a 4-Week Civil Service Exam Preparation! FREE! For City, State and Federal Vacancy Postings. Must be 18 years and older. Seats are limited. 168 W 125 St. NY. 212-961-4400 or 212-9615812. Call for other requirements. The ALTAR BREADS AND WINE which will be used at the celebrations of the Eucharist throughout BULLETIN INSERTS - All requests for bulletin in- this week have been donated IN THANKSserts/announcements must be submitted IN writing GIVIGN, r equested by MARIE DENIZE. two weeks in advance. Please forward requests to the Parish Office November 9, 2014 ST. CLARE’S WANT TO LOWER YOUR HEAT, GAS OR ELECTIR BILLS? TIPS for Energy Savings, and more. PRESENTED BY NATIONAL GRID Thursday, Nov. 20th (9:30AM—11:30AM) will be hosted by Catholic Charities satellite office in our rectory basement. All are welcome to attend. FEELING LUCKY? The St. Clare’s Rosary Altar Society would like to satisfy your feeling by inviting you and your friends to BINGO GAME NIGHT on Fr iday, November 21st. at 7:30PM in the academy auditorium. Tickets are only $5.00 and include free refreshments and the chance to win fabulous prizes. Raffle chances are on sale today following the Masses. ($1 per or $5 a book) For tickets please call Joyce at (516)732-2983 LEFTOVER DECORATIONS. Now that Halloween is over you may be wondering what to do with your holiday decorations. At the church we have begun our harvest decorating and will gladly accept your pumpkins, corn stalks, gourds, etc. that are still in good shape. Feel free to drop off your decorations at the Parish Office during the week. the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults If you are not CATHOLIC If you have not received COMMUNION If you have not received CONFIRMATION *call the rectory at: (718) 341-1018 or *speak to Ms Lorena DeFilippis (718) 527-6153 VOCATION NEWS - Project Andrew is an opportunity for young men to learn more about the priesthood. Join Bishop DiMarzio and other priests and seminarians for an afternoon of prayer, dinner and conversations. Date is Sunday, November 23rd at 4:30PM @ Saint John Paul II House of Discernment, 341 Highland Blvd. Brooklyn. For more information, please contact Fr. James Rodriguez at 718-827-2454. Page 5 SANCTUARY LAMP MEMORIAL Church Sanctuary - is available Rectory Chapel - is available REMEMBER A LOVED ONE! THE ST. CLARE TREE OF LIFE located at the main entrance of the church offers a unique opportunity to memorialize a loved one or event in our lives. More details are outlined in the brochure located in the church vestibule. CATHOLIC CHARITIES A Rosedale Field Office for Catholic Charities is open at Saint Clare’s on the THIRD THURSDAY of each month fr om 9AM to 3PM in the rectory basement. A Catholic Charities representative will be present to help people find proper resources for various needs including food and financial assistance, counseling, other Catholic Charities and community programs, etc. If you know of anyone who needs help ask them to make an appointment by calling Christina Smith at (347) 472-5043 or (718) 217-1238. ST CLARE’S FIGHTS HUNGER!! Feeding the hungry in our own community by supporting the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry at Christ the King. Starting Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014 thru Sunday, Nov 23, 2014 . Please donate non-perishable food items each week, you come to church. Canned goods— tomato sauce, vegetables, fruits, soups, meats, boxed cereals, pasta, rice, macaroni & cheese, oatmeal, grits. Leave donations at the back of the church in the designated boxes. Thank you for you generosity—Family Life Committee. CELEBRATE THE CREATIVE SPIRIT!! We invite all hand crafters of the church, family and friends to sell their work at our Christmas Holiday Handcraft Gift Fair on Sunday, December 7, 2014. Cost 1/2 table $10.00, full table $20.00. Limited Space, Please reserve early. Please see Flyer in CHURCH BULLETIN for registration details. Email Deborah Wright Continue the Journey to the Promised Land where all God’s people will be one.
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