"DO YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND?" By JEAN VANIER Somewhere this cry of, "Do you want to be my friend?" touched me. I began visiting asylums, hospitals, different institutions, families, and I discovered an immense world of pain which I never, never could have imagined. What I discover today is every time I see a man or a woman with a severe mental handicap — the incredible cry that is coming from them — what I would call the primal cry — which is, "Do you love me?" — a very deep cry. And you find with people with mental handicaps that this is their — "Do you love me?", "Why have I been abandoned?" or "Has my life any value?" Somewhere this cry of, "Do you want to be my friend?" touched me. I began visiting asylums, hospitals, different institutions, families, and I discovered an immense world of pain which I never, never could have imagined. I had been schooled in the Navy and in a world of efficiency. I'd then been schooled in the world of philosophy and theology. Suddenly to discover these big hospitals with hundreds — sometimes thousands — of mentally handicapped people living in obvious pain. And from their being came immense cries of violence, of auto-mutilation — hitting their heads. So I discovered all this world which I hadn't even imagined existed. I met parents — the pain of parents. And it seemed very clear to me that Jesus was asking me just to take one or two men and to start living together. So I was able to buy a small, broken-down house and I welcomed two men, Raphael and Philippe, from an institution. Raphael had had meningitis. He couldn't walk very well, he couldn't speak very well. Philippe had had encephalitis — one arm paralyzed, one leg paralyzed — living in a world of dream, but also with quite a severe mental handicap. We began to live together. I did the cooking, so we didn't eat very well! We did everything together. We cooked, we worked in the garden together, we fought together, we prayed together, we forgave each other. And so, a whole sort of journey began. I began by thinking that I could do good for them, but then as the days and then the months moved on I began to discover, little by little, what they were doing for me — transforming me, changing me. I thought I was going to teach them something and suddenly I was discovering that they were teaching me quite a bit. When Jesus says, "Whoever welcomes one of these little ones in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the Father," or "the one who sent me" — when Jesus says, "I was in prison and you visited me, I was sick and you visited me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me to drink, I was a stranger, I was strange, I was different, and you welcomed me" — it's really true. I never knew this. I mean, I'd read it in the gospels but I didn't know what it meant and I'm not sure that I really believed it. I'm beginning to realize that if Christians believed in Jesus hidden in the poor the world would change. Of course, the great pain of the world — people sometimes talk about "the pain of handicapped people" and "the pain of the poor" and it's true there is an immense, immense, immense world of suffering everywhere — immense world of suffering. But what I am discovering is that the greatest suffering is not that man with the handicap, not that boy who is blind, who is deaf and severely brain damaged, but the greatest pain is in those who reject them. The greatest pain, without any doubt, is in the rich. There I'm seeing how people can lock themselves up behind prisons. We can call these prisons the prisons of comfort, the prison of security, but it's a terrible prison, because we lock ourselves away from humanity. You see, the whole mystery of Jesus is that he came to bring peace and our world is a world of immense conflict. And I am beginning to see how fundamentally so many people are ridden with guilt — ridden with quilt. And the great mystery that Jesus came to announce, and there I see that with clear evidence every day, is that Jesus came to take away from our shoulders the yoke of guilt. People are ridden with guilt. People have the sort of feeling that "nobody can love me." I see this with our handicapped people, but I see it also with everybody — the feeling that "nobody can love me, I'm no good and I've hurt people." I see parents ridden with guilt because they feel they've hurt their child. I see husbands ridden with guilt because they haven't been able to correspond to the cry of their wives. I see women ridden with guilt because they cannot, they don't know how to correspond to their husbands. Covenants have been broken. I see Christians ridden with guilt because when they read the gospels it doesn't correspond to what they're living. Jesus says, "Leave everything you have and follow me and give it to the poor." But they know they can't do it, they don't do it, and when they see the poor they see the poor as a nuisance and they see the poor as people who disturb them. They don't see the face of Christ in the poor because somewhere they are ridden with guilt. BAPTISM PASTORAL STAFF PASTOR: Rev. Augustine Uthuppu, MS DEACON: Deacon Thomas P. Contrades PARISH SECRETARY: Millie C. Curtis PARISH BOOKKEEPER: Marina Pascua PARISH ACCOUNTANT: Mercedes Casticimo PASTORAL COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON: Noli Melchor RESPECT LIFE COORDINATOR: Janis Benn FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON: Jerry Vigil DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Allison Carveiro CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Weekday masses at the Old Historic Church. Monday - Friday: 7 AM Wednesday- Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help after the morning mass. Saturday: 5 PM Sunday Vigil Sunday: 7 AM (Old Historic Church) 930 AM (New Church) (Rosary is prayed 30 mins before every mass) (Rosary is prayed 30 mins before RELIGIOUS EDUCATION every mass) Pre-School through Grade 8: Sunday, 8:30 - 9:20 AM Confirmation: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 10:45 AM -12:30 FOOD PANTRY: Tina Brun 742-6788 CHOIR PRACTICE: Wednesday, 6:30 PM ST. RAPHAEL CEMETERY- Open Sat & Sun 8AM- 6PM CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS BAPTISM - Submission of application form and required papers; baptism class: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 6 pm. Baptisms held the 3rd Sunday of the month, following the 9:30 am Mass. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION - a two year program of preparation. CONFIRMATION - a two year program of preparation. OF MARRIAGE - Contact the priest at least 6 months before wedding; Engaged Encounter required. RECONCILIATION - Confession on Saturdays, 4:15 -4:45, or call the office to schedule on a weekday. R.C.I.A. (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS) - Process to initiate adults into our Catholic Christian Community and to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. FUNERALS -Arrangements are first to be confirmed with the parish office to schedule date and priest. NOVEMBER 09,2014 Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time VOL 2 ISSUE 50 Oldest Catholic Church on Kauai - 1841 3011 Hapa Road, Koloa, Hawaii 96756 Phone: (808)742-1955 Fax:(808)742-1845 Rectory(808)742-1958 Email: st.raphael@hawaiiantel.net ~ ~ Web: St-Raphael-Kauai.org November 09, 2014 Stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour. — Matthew 25:13 Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm November Birthdays! EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED If it ever crossed your mind that Jesus was somewhat lacking in a sense of humor, today’s Gospel should belie any such notion. Jesus’ story of the five wise and five foolish bridesmaids is downright hilarious. The circumstances of the story were surely familiar to Jesus’ listeners, just as they are—if we think about it—to us. Weddings never, never start on time. There’s always a delay. Buttons pop off at the last minute. Flowers wilt. Cars full of wedding guests get caught in traffic. Soloists contract laryngitis. Brides or grooms or priests show up late! So the only reasonable way to approach a wedding is with a sense of humor, to realize that something probably will go awry, and, when that happens, to smile about it. Jesus tells this funny story to encourage us to be watchful, yes; to be ready, yes. But he doesn’t tell it to make us dour and somber. The heavy-hearted tremble, waver, lose sight of their place and purpose, and fall asleep. The lighthearted know that the unexpected will happen—is bound to happen—so they are awake in their place and ready in their purpose when it comes. Janis Benn 11 David Carveiro 09 Romeo Galam 14 Crystal Kanoho 13 Loren Rendon 10 Tyler Valencia 13 Ron Botier 13 Ben Clark 14 Hali Gardner 11 Shanyn Nakaahiki 10 Chanin Rivera 14 Thomas Veatch 14 Taylynn Carvalho 11 Alanna Decosta 13 Lorraine Kaneko 09 Soli Negrillo 11 Taylynn Taniguchi 11 November Anniversary! St. Theresa School extends a big Mahalo to the parishioners of St. Raphael Parish for their generous second collection for our school on Sunday 11/2/14. Your generosity helps the school to continue to minister to all God's children who want to attend our school and receive an excellent education rooted in Catholic/Christian values. God Bless, Mrs. Mary Jean Buza-Sims, Principal Bob& Angelina Vegas 11 May God continue to fill your life with love! © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Wisdom is easily discerned by those who love her (Wisdom 6:12-16). Psalm — My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God (Psalm 63). Second Reading — Since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have died (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 [13-14]). Gospel — Stay awake! You know neither the day nor the hour (Matthew 25:1-13). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Wis 1:1-7; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Wis 2:23 — 3:9; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Thursday: Wis 7:22b — 8:1; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: Wis 13:1-9; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] . Living Stewardship Now BE PREPARED We ought not to be sanguine about anything; the right rule is to hope nothing, to fear nothing, to expect nothing, to be prepared for everything. —John Henry Cardinal Newman GOVERNMENT Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees; and both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people. —Henry Clay VISITORS - ALOHA AND WELCOME Have you committed your abilities, your time, and your financial resources to your parish for God and the Church? Is your involvement a true reflection of your gratitude to God? Do you need to give more, or give differently? Please remember St. Raphael Church in your last will and testament. Mahalo We pray that you enjoy celebrating with us this weekend. Whether you are new to the community or have been living here, know that you are invited to join our parish family. If you are visiting for the weekend, we hope you enjoy your time with us and consider us your "home away from home! Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. . Mahalo to Father Mark Gantley for helping our parish …what's happening in our parish… *Please visit the St Raphael Church website to learn about our Parish and for more information, at St-Raphael-Kauai.org *We welcome sponsors for our bulletin production, please contact the parish office. *We are looking for more Parish Ministry volunteers. Please contact the office for more information. *Meeting for all the members of Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Council on Nov. 11. (Tuesday) 7.P.M. Members please be there.. WELCOME TO ST. RAPHAEL CHURCH COMMUNITY ! last weekend. Thank you for celebrating with us. Please complete the form to register as a new parishioner or to update your information. You may drop it in the collection basket or at the church office. Thank you! Name__________________________________________ Mailing Address__________________________________ Email address____________________________________ Telephone number/s (with area code) Home_____________ Cell/Mobile______________ New Update Stewardship of Treasure November 02, 2013 Collection Gift Shop Votive Candles Mass Intentions All Souls Donations 2nd Coll St. Theresa Sch Book Sale Food Pantry Faith Formation Fr Kaliath School FCC $2710.00 $138.00 $160.00 $60.00 $1686.00 $880.00 $165.00 $661.00 $20.00 $200.00 $418.00 Total $7098.00 Thank you for your generous support!
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