amble. 01. Western Wayne News Wednesday, November 5, 2014 - 17 Email your ads to: WANTED TO BUY WANTED: Antiques, Paintings & Overbeck Pottery, Sets of Sterling, Antique Toys, Old Advertising Pieces, Anything unusual - Give us a Call!! Wheeler’s Antiques 107 W. Main Street Centerville, IN (765) 855-3400 FOR RENT Price Reduced! HOUSE FOR RENT IN CAMBRIDGE CITY: 132 E Main. 2BR, 1BA, dining & living room, large kitchen, washer/dryer hook/up, shed in back yard, large front porch. Professionally landscaped, brick paver walkway. $535 month + $750 security deposit. New paint & carpet. $25 fee for credit application. Good credit a must. No pets. 630-777-4391. (7/31 OGB) FOR RENT FOR RENT: 2 Large Bedroom Upstairs Apt. For Rent, 1.5 Bath, Heat, Water, Stove, Ref. Furnished. $550/Per Month Plus Deposit. No Pets - Call 765-478-6376 Leave Message. (11/12) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Centerville-Center Township Public Library is hiring a Children’s Librarian. This position is ideal for a person who relates well to children, who loves children’s literature, and is creative about activities and programming. Teaching or library experience is preferred. Computer aptitude is required. This Monday-Friday position is approximately 30 hours per week. Interested candidates may contact the director, Beth Treaster, at btreaster@ or 765-8555223, or in person at the library. (11/5) LEGAL ADVERTISING SUMMONS - SERVICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF WAYNE ) IN THE WAYNE CIRCUIT COURT CAUSE NO. 89C01-1410-MF-000170 FIRST BANK RICHMOND, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST STEPHEN A. BAIN, Deceased, FOR RENT: House in LewisNOTICE OF SUIT ville. Underground house in The State of Indiana to the Defendant(s) above named, and any country. Two bedroom, no CLOCK REPAIR * > =; > >; smoking. $600 a month, $400 THE OLD CLOCK SHOP have been sued in the Court above named. The nature of the suit against deposit. References required. you is: Complaint on Note and to Foreclose Mortgage against the propClock Repair, FOR RENT: Extra-large 2nd stoCall 765-874-1495. (11/5) erty commonly known as 4735 Turner Rd., Richmond, IN 47374, and deCLASS A CDL DRIVERS Old & Modern Clocks, WANTED. We Offer: Home DAILY, scribed as follows: Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 23, Township Watch Battery Replacement, ry, 2BR apt. New carpet & tile HOUSE FOR SALE 14 North, Range 1 West, more particularly described as follows: Begin Great Pay, Great Retirement, Old & New Lamp Repair. Large bathroom & eat-in kitchen. OPEN HOUSE: Sun, Nov. 9, ]^\;'>% ning at an iron pipe in the North line of said Quarter Section, said pipe be320 S. Ash St. ing 212.87 feet East of the northwest corner of said Quarter, and running Rent $450 per mo. References 1-4 pm. 15152 Jerry Myers Rd, Call Today! 877-600-2121 Centerville, IN thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes East on said north line 480.12 feet required. Call 765-478-6512. No Cambridge City. 3BR, 2BA, full (11/12) 765-855-5511 to an iron pipe; thence South 1 degree 32 minutes East 265.7 feet to the basement, 30x45 detached gacenter of a small stream; thence North 76 degrees 36 minutes West along Bill Senters & Larry Hensley pets. (11/5) HELP WANTED: Motor Route said Stream 200 feet; thence North 50 degrees 15 minutes West along 2BR APT FOR RENT: 330 W %""#*;[; Newspaper Carriers needed in WANTED: USED AUTOS said stream 363.5 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.8 acres, Church St, Cambridge City. No 765-238-2708. (11/5) Hagerstown area earn about more or less. DUBLIN USED AUTO PARTS yard, no pets. $350 mo + $400 FOR SALE OR RENT $500 every 2 weeks, 7 days a EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Situated in the Northeast Quarter, 38 North Dublin Street deposit. 765-825-5886. No calls week, early morning. Vehicle & val- Section 23, Township 14 North, Range 1 West, Wayne Township, Wayne HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Dublin, IN after 8 p.m. (11/19) County, Indiana, being part of a 1.8 acre tract as described in Deed Re8555 S. CR 500 E. in Straughn. id driver’s license required. Call the cord Book 444, Page 481, as recorded in the Wayne County Recorder’s Wanted: used batteries, motorCourier Times 765-575-4647. (11/5) FOR RENT IN HAGERSTOWN: Large farmhouse on double lot. cycles, trucks, cars, lawn mow# *;"">#""% ers, tractors & scrap metal. Will Neat attractive home. 2BR, ga- 3BR, 2BA, barn, fenced yard, iron pipe found at the northwest corner of said Quarter; Thence South INSIDE GARAGE SALE haul away. Free estimates on rage. Deposit & References re- storage buildings and work- INSIDE GARAGE SALE (HEAT- 89º30’00” East 212.87 feet along the north line of said Quarter, in Turner quired. Call 966-4026. (11/5) Road, to a mag nail set at the POINT OF BEGINNING for the tract hereshop. Pets are welcome. Ref- ED): buying junk cars & trucks. North Pearl St, Pershing. erences will be checked. $500 Nov 6-8, 9am-? Ladies, mens boys in described; Thence continuing South 89º30’00” East 339.12 feet along Call Gary Longnecker FOR RENT: 2BR mobile home in deposit. $650 per month plus ~ " " "" said north line, in said road, to a mag nail set, witness an iron rod set at 765-478-4519 Cambridge City, stove, refrigeraSouth 01º32’00” East 20.00 feet, (all iron rods set are 5/8” rebar with plasutilities. Call 765-686-0220 or ~["" tic cap stamped “RLS 7955”); Thence South 01º32’00” East 233.12 feet, or 765-265-2033. (OGB) tor, gas heat, some blinds. Water, 765-541-2086. (11/5) spreads, tablecloths, pillows, rugs. to an iron rod set; Thence North 76º36’00” West 54.16 feet, to an iron rod sewer & trash paid. References. R&R SALES FOR SALE Bake-ware, dishes, silverware, set; Thence North 52º38’17” West 368.21 feet, to the point of beginning, 765-478-3339. (11/5) We buy batteries, copper, containing 1.000 acres, more or less, as shown on drawing No. B-590, FOR SALE: \;# lamps, electric heaters, paper dated 15th August, 2005, being subject to the right of way of Turner Road junk cars & trucks, FOR RENT IN CAMBRIDGE sleeper. Forest green. Like shredder, Cosco step stool, play and all legal easements of record. wrecked or runnable. CITY: 3BR house, gas heat, new. $250 or best offer. 765- pen, booster seat, twin box spring ;>*;"*"">#""$HIGHEST PRICE PAID A/C, fenced back yard. No pets. 332-2657. Leave message. & mattress, 7 ft Christmas tree, ing named defendant(s) whose whereabouts are unknown: The Unknown FOR JUNK CARS! References. 765-478-3339. (11/5) (11/5) toys, tools & lots of misc. Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, Assignees, Lienors, Creditors, Trustees, or We will pick up. other Claimants claiming by, through, under or against Stephen A. Bain. FOR SALE: 18 brown egg layFOR RENT: 1-2BR, 329 W HOLIDAY HOOPLA! GLEN REDD If you have a claim for relief against the plaintiff arising from the same ing hens. $5 each. 765-855Church St, Cambridge City. No 765-825-0166 transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer or (11/5) 5185. 2ND ANNUAL pets. $400 plus deposit. 825response. You must answer the Complaint in writing, by you or your ator 765-265-1800. (9/24) HOLIDAY HOOPLA 5886. No calls after 8 p.m. (11/26) torney, within thirty (30) days after the Third Notice of Suit, and if you fail Shop your favorite products to do so a judgment by default may be entered against you for that relief LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING demanded, by the Plaintiff. from local consultants PARKER LAW LLC, Craig C. Parker Attorney No. 25370-89 STATE OF INDIANA ) Date: Saturday, November 8th NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Attorney for Plaintiff 303 South A Street, ) SS: Cause No. In the Wayne Circuit Court of Time: 10 am – 1 pm Richmond, IN 47374 (765) 373-8065 COUNTY OF WAYNE ) 89D01-1410-ES-000044 Wayne County, Indiana Location: The Pour House NOTICE PARKER LAW LLC IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. In the Superior Court 1 of Cause No. Vendors: Mary Kay #258-14 11/5, 11/12, 11/19/2014 IN THE WAYNE Wayne County, Indiana 89C01-1410-ES-000047 Origami Owl Jewelry Notice is hereby given that Notice is hereby given that on the CIRCUIT COURT Pampered Chef Rhonda Corbin, was on the 15th 10th day of October, 2014, Tonya Cause No. 89C01-1409-AD-000012 STATE OF INDIANA ) STATE OF INDIANA ) Pink Zebra * Thirty-one day of October, 2014, appointed Webber Fowler is appointed Per) SS: ) SS: z*{|# Personal Representative of the es- sonal Representative of the Estate IN RE THE ADOPTION OF: COUNTY OF WAYNE ) COUNTY OF WAYNE ) tate of MICHAEL GENE TAYLOR, of LARRY J. SCHOETTMER, de- BRENNAN HUNTER GRUBBS Minor Child who died on the 3rd day of July ceased, who died on the 10th day LEGAL ADVERTISING IN THE WAYNE IN THE WAYNE CIRCUIT COURT BY: MATTHEW B. TURNER 2014. of September, 2014. CIRCUIT COURT CASE NO. STATE OF INDIANA ) Petitioner & Stepfather All persons who have claims All persons who have claims Case No. 89C01-1410-MI-000089 89C01-1409-MI-000079 ) SS: against this estate, whether or not against this estate, whether or not COUNTY OF WAYNE ) PUBLISHED NOTICE TO ;;"" ;;"" IN RE CHANGE OF IN RE CHANGE OF TERRY LEE GRUBBS II, ##"'#;- ##"'#; NAME OF MINOR: NAME OF MINOR: IN THE WAYNE NATURAL FATHER in three (3) months from the date three (3) months from the date of Tristan Edward Tyner Mason Daniel Grubb SUPERIOR 2 COURT #*;"# *;" # Cause No. 89D02-1409-MF-000161 Terry Lee Grubbs II, who or within nine (9) months after the or within nine (9) months after the Emily Sue Harrison Katrina Anne Harris decedent’s death, whichever is decedent’s death, whichever is have been named the father of Petitioner. Petitioner. WEST END BANK, S.B. earlier, or the claims will be forever earlier, or the claims will be forever the minor child Brennan Hunter Plaintiff, Grubbs, born on the 6th day of barred. barred. NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING VS. Dated at Richmond, Indiana, Dated at Richmond, Indiana, this BRAD EIDEM, LAURA L. ISAACS, petition for adoption of the child this 15th day of October, 2014. 10th day of October, 2014. Notice is hereby given that PetiNotice is hereby given that "##%"'# IVY GREEN, LLC, FINANCE SYSDebra Berry, Clerk Debra Berry, Clerk Petitioner Katrina Anne Harris, tioner Emily Sue Harrison, pro se, TEM OF RICHMOND, INC., and Wayne Circuit Court, Wayne CounWayne Superior Court 1 Wayne Circuit Court * " "#% LORIE LADD, ty Courthouse, Richmond, Indiana Thomas D. Seal, Atty Gary E. Smith, Atty for Change of Name of Minor to of Name of Minor to change the Defendants. 47374 on September 4, 2014. The #248-14 10/29, 11/5/2014 Jamie H. Harvey, Atty change the name of minor child name of minor child from Mason petition for adoption alleges that #253-14 11/5, 11/12/2014 from Tristan Edward Tyner to Daniel Grubb to Mason Daniel SUMMONS Terry Lee Grubbs II has abandoned " Tristan Edward Harris. and deserted the child. The petition is scheduled for This Summons is to the defendants On said date, the petitioner NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION hearing in the Wayne County Cir- The petition is scheduled for hear""**#; above-named and to any other person In the Wayne Superior Court #2 In the Wayne Circuit Court of cuit Court on December 22, 2014, ing in the Wayne Circuit Court who may be concerned. by publication along with supportof Wayne County, Indiana Wayne County, Indiana at 3:30 o’clock p.m., which is more on December 19, 2014, at 8:30 # " Cause No. Cause No. than thirty (30) days after the third o’clock a.m., which is more than =;>>; search has been made and that 89D02-1410-EU-000060 89C01-1410-EU-000057 notice of publication. Any person thirty (30) days after the third notice been sued in the Wayne Superior 2 Terry Lee Grubbs II cannot be loNotice is hereby given that on the Notice is hereby given that on the has the right to appear at the hear- of publication. Any person has the Court, Wayne County Courthouse, 22nd day of October, 2014, Joan 28th day of October, 2014, Charles cated. " right to appear at the hearing and 301 E. Main St., Richmond, IN 47374, If Terry Lee Grubbs II wishes L. Rantanen is appointed Person- Northrop is appointed Personal or before the hearing date. The " telephone number (765) 973-9220, al Representative of the Estate of Representative of the Estate of to contest the adoption of the child parties shall report to Wayne Circuit fore the hearing date. The parties in an action entitled West End Bank, CARL H. TURNER, deceased, who FRANK A. MULLEN, deceased, ;" S.B. vs. Brad Eidem, Laura L. IsaaCourt, 301 East Main Street, Rich- shall report to Wayne Circuit Court, died on the 14th day of October, who died on the 9th day of Octo- adoption in accordance with I.C.31mond, IN 47374. 301 East Main Street, Richmond, cs, Ivy Green, LLC, Finance System 19-10-1 in the above named Court ber, 2014. 2014. Filed on Oct. 23, 2014 IN 47374. of Richmond, Inc., and Lorie Ladd, within thirty (30) days after the date All persons who have claims All persons who have claims Debra Berry, Clerk Filed on Oct. 23, 2014 Cause No. 89D02-1409-MF-000161, of service of this notice. against this estate, whether or not against this estate, whether or not Wayne Circuit Court Debra Berry, Clerk, by the person above-named as plainIf Terry Lee Grubbs II does not ;;"" ;;"" Dated 10-23-2014 Wayne Circuit Court tiff. This Summons by publication spe"* ##"'#;- ##"'#;Filed Sept. 19, 2014 ""> # ?; in three (3) months from the date in three (3) months from the date within thirty (30) days after service Distribution: L. Isaacs and Lorie Ladd, of whose #*;"# #*;"# of this notice, the above named Katrina Ann Harris Distribution: whereabouts is unknown. or within nine (9) months after the or within nine (9) months after the Court will hear and determine the 43 South 52nd Place Emily Sue Harrison decedent’s death, whichever is decedent’s death, whichever is petition for adoption. Their consent Richmond, IN 47374 54 South 52nd Place The named plaintiff is represented by earlier, or the claims will be forever earlier, or the claims will be forever will be irrevocably implied and they Richmond, IN47374 David J. Burton, #16666-53, Burton & will lose their right to contest either barred. barred. Christopher Lee Shaver 765-373-8676 Simkin, 25 North Seventh St., Richthe adoption or the vaildity of their Dated at Richmond, Indiana, this Dated at Richmond, Indiana, this 6884 B W US Hwy 40 mond, IN 47374. The nature of this implied consent to the adoption. 28th day of October, 2014. 22nd day of October, 2014. Centerville, IN 47330. #262-14 11/5, 11/12, 11/19/2014 suit against you is a Complaint on a Terry Lee Grubbs II will lose his Debra Berry, Clerk, Debra Berry, Clerk #255-14 11/5, 11/12, 11/19/2014 secured Promissory Note executed right to establish his paternity of the Wayne Superior Court #2 Wayne Circuit Court by Brad Eidem, in favor of West End child under I.C.31-14-4-1. Paul F. Kortepeter, Atty Timothy R. Smock, Atty Bank, and to foreclose on a real esLEGAL ADVERTISEMENT #257-14 11/5, 11/12/2014 #254-14 11/5, 11/12/2014 tate, commonly known as 434 RichFILED SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 mond Ave., Richmond, Wayne County, The Wayne County AdvisoDebra Berry, Clerk Indiana. ry Plan Commission will meet at Wayne Circuit Court NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION 6:00 PM on Thursday, November Robert J. Delaney, Atty In the Wayne Superior Court #2 of Wayne County, Indiana An answer or other response in writing 20, 2014 in the Wayne County #217-14 10/22, 10/29, 11/5/2014 Cause No. 89D02-1410-ES-000048 %*" ; " Commissioners and Council ChamNotice is hereby given that on the 21st day of October, 2014, Mary by you or your attorney on or before 30 NOTICE bers, Wayne County Administration Stiner is appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of DANIEL M. days after the last notice of the action Building, 401 East Main Street, STINER, deceased, who died on the 6th day of September, 2014 Richmond, IN 47374. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not now The Centerville Town Council will is published, and if you fail to do so, a by j.s.p. ;;""##"'#; hold a public hearing on Tuesday, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded by November 11, 2014, at 6:45 p.m. in By: Ken Paust, President QXZ##*;"# at Western Wayne Attest: Steve Higinbotham, (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims the Municipal Building, 204 E. Main the plaintiff. News & Building 125! St., Centerville, Indiana for the purSecretary will be forever barred. Filed: Sept. 11, 2014 pose of annexation. Dated at Richmond, Indiana, this 21st day of October, 2014. New cards Debra Berry, Clerk #259-14 11/5/2014 Debra Berry, Clerk, in stock now! Wayne Superior 2 Court Janice Roberts, Clerk-Treasurer Wayne Superior Court 2 Email westernwayneTown of Centerville, Indiana ‘MUSICAL’ Notes Adam G. Forrest, Atty #245-14 #250-14 10/29, 11/5/2014 Now at Stage Door! 10/22, 10/29, 11/5/2014 #252-14 10/29/2014 Greeting Cards Western Wayne News, Wednesday, November 5, 2014 - 19 Western Wayne Sports By Rodney Klein Lincoln High School Honor Roll 1St 9 Weeks Superior Honor Roll – A Average Seniors - Libby Buhl, Megan Corum, Shelby Craig, Kelsey ! "#$ Clarissa Ramsey, Michaela Storms, Mesay Taylor, Eric Underwood, Kerrigan Werking, Nellie Williamson Juniors % &$ $ & '$ (# )'& *"$ )#!)+./ 3 6$ 6 Sophomores % ) " ) ( 8 . . . ( : * ; < !! 8 ich, Garron Laymon, Seth Martin, Cassandra Mattingly, Sydney #3)3 6 West, Lauren Weston Freshmen % )+ $ . )$ $$ 8 $ ! 6$ Outstanding Honor Roll – B Average Seniors % & '$ + (/ 8 tin Dunaway, Brooke England, Kayla George, Sydny Gunder, ! )! ! =$))+ ;)+)! ;& 3#8 + $ '$ & ! Trumbo, Kassidy West Juniors – Ben Bertsch, Victoria Blevins, Ross Bohlander, ) +)(. ((+($$ *&(+8 ! ! ! ) ;) & " + ! 6 #& 3$ 3 3+ Dalton Robbins, Quintin Robertson, Kaitlyn Shaffer, Chandler Stuart, Kimberly Vaught Sophomores – Cheyenne Barnes, Logan Bryant, Nick Cupp, Shaila Dalrymple, Dawson Delks, Lacey Elliott, Chris > "& 3 Leslie Richardson, Brianna Sparks, Sidney Steele Freshmen % )+ #3 ( ( 8 * + ### (&##( &+)8 ren Miles, McKinnah Moore, Bethany Morgan, Caden Nichols, $$ 3)#3# Megan Saylor, Carmen Shute, Bryce Smith, Mallie Smith, Ryan $# )6$ "+8 na Wineinger Thanks for Reading Western Wayne News! Local Subscriptions $25 Year. Hours: Tue - Fri 9-5 *Closed Monday Ad Deadline: Thursday 5 p.m. Thank You The Women’s Ministry Group of Eastern Indiana Bap) & + sincerely thank the following merchants who helped make our Regional Women’s Retreat ")# ?? )8 cess with their generous dona > # $) *$ @ > ( ) 6# *$ ) # A # + & Both Bob Evans Locations, * ) Comfort Inn, Cracker Barrel, (##F H Designing Women, G&G Country Crafts, Golden Corral, 3 #$ @" !OP 6<! ! Fire & Security, Kroger, Lee’s Famous Recipe, Mancino’s, Marsh Grocery, McDonalds, Mendenhall’s True Value & & Day Spa, Nature’s Nook, "YY " 3)$ @ " ") *$ Z $ 8 ant View Nursery, Reid Diabetes & Nutrition, Richmond + > 3)$ ) Theater, Richmond Sympho ") [ ( Subway, Sunshine Cafe, Trinity Gifts & Books, US Bank 8900 E Main, US Bank Rich$ / 6$ 6 County Tourism Bureau, West Main Chase Bank & ) 8 tributors from the Cambridge (# ] Edward @ 8 ter, Wayne Bank and Trust, Lakeview Restaurant, Roses & Rainbow’s Florist, Carousel Beauty Shop, Western Wayne News, US Bank, Becker’s Flo ^ $ & ( $Y> & - Willow ## $8 '& @ Centerville - Warm Glow Candle Corp, US Bank Centerville, Cinnamon Spice Bakery, Winchester86)+Falmouth 8*$*$> Connersville - Bertsch *$ +^_>` + ) $ *8 ness, Dunn’s Steak N Buffet, ( Y & . </ Y # ! // ! ' j > First Merchants Bank, Rusty ) ") / Mancino’s, Clark’s Flower Shop, Brookville - Four Season’s Florist, Liberty 8 Y Dairy Inn, North Vernon > Go Eagles! Follow Lincoln Athletics on Twitter @ LHS Golden Eagles! LEGAL ADVERTISING REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR GUARANTEED SAVINGS CONTRACT PROJECTS Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for proposed conservation measures through a Guaranteed Savings Contract with respect to renovating, improving and upgrading the elementary school building and the middle/high school building (the “project”) for Western Wayne Schools (the “School Corporation”) will be received until 12:00 p.m. (noon) E.S.T. on December 12, 2014 at the School Corporation’s Administration #"\;[ X**"; ;*">%X|; #*"Q|Z;;>*>#> #;"*;%XQ\;"Z *>#|#z|[;* #>["QZX \;"'""#"" wage rates as determined for the project under the Guaranteed Savings Contract. All **";#| * #""\;";"#[ ##["%*" \; [ X * * # anyone interested in being considered by the School Corporation as the successful \;"\;";;; attend the pre-award meeting. The School Corporation reserves the right to terminate for any reason, or for no reason at all, any of the projects prior to a Guaranteed Savings Contract with respect to such projects being executed by the School Corporation, to reject for any reason, or for no reason at, any and all proposals and to be the sole judge of the value and merit of the proposals offered. The School Corporation further reserves the right to waive any and all informalities or any defects in any and all of the proposals offered. *;" ;;z^#[" Trustees of Western Wayne Schools will select the proposal for the project and award the Guaranteed Savings Contract. >["^#["; LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION >[;*%; #>%;> %;z > z; "%^;"%"%> #**"|*##?¡?? ^ ?|>#; "" * " ; ; " "##"'#;QXZ## *;"#QZ# whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. z|># z^>%"' Wayne Superior Court 1 [| > LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISPOSE OF SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY TO ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER % [ |^= ] ^ # %;> % Q^Z # >%;>Q%;>Z" scribed parcel of real estate that is now owned by County is not needed for governmen"*;*#%;>;*>;^ further determined that the highest and best use of the property is to offer it for sale to an eligible abutting landowner. **> ; # "> ' Q; Z [;[|*>"z particularly described as follows: ;"#QZ#?[;%> #|>%;> ## acre, more or less. = | ||z;**>>"> " "*;;%X##*; **> ; > ; Q % XQZ ; #> QZ >#;QZ"*'#>; An eligible offer must be in excess of the offering price which is one hundred dollars ($100.00) plus the actual costs of publication incurred by County in placing this notice that is estimated to be less than one hundred dollars ($100.00). Such offers should be " ; # Q which time all offers will be opened and read aloud) and directed as follows: >%;>^#% >%;>^" [|X ^" =% =^|z%[[|[ z^; Thanks for Reading Western Wayne News! Local Subscriptions $25 Year. Armadillo Customs & Automotive Winter is Coming - Don’t Get Stranded Winterize Your Car - $24.99 w/coupon Brake Specials Ask About Pickup and Drop-off Service Standard Oil Change $ 29.99 Synthetic Available 10 S. Walnut Street • Cambridge City, IN 47327 765-312-0023 Expires 11/30/14
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