Department of Education Region III DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS AngelesCity Jesus Street, Pulungbulu, Angeles City Tel. No. (045) 322-5722; 888-0582; 322-4702 / Fax Nos. (045) 887-6099 ctober /6 - 11- If q~ I~~ 28, 201 ~ \.i. DIVISION No. 87 MEMORANDUM S. 2014 SEMINAR ON UNDERSTANDING AND DEMONSTRATING ACTIVE AND COllABORATIVE LEARNING METHODS WITH THE USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY FOR INDUSTRIAL ARTS (IA) TEACHERS(PHASE 2) TO: PUBLIC SCHOOLS DISTRICT SUPERVISORS PUBLIC elEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL HEADS/OICs ELEMENTARYSCHOOLS INDUSTRIAL ARTS (IA) COORDINATORS SECONDARY SCHOOLS INDUSTRIAL ARTS (IA) TEACHERS 1. The Phase 2 of the Division Seminar-Workshop on Active and Collaborative Learning shall be conducted on November 24,2014,7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (Part 1) and December 15, 2014, 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (Part 2) at the Gabaldon Building, Pulungbulo, Angeles City. 2. The objectives of the seminar-workshop phase 2 are: a. to equip IA teachers with the skills and methods in utilizing active and collaborative learning in classroom teaching b. to train lA teachers on how to integrate online content and learning resources with curriculum and instruction to expand their students' learning beyond the walls of the classroom. c. to encourage IA teachers to pursue a change or improvement in their teaching. d. to help IA teachers determine the best active and collaborative learning methods for optimal teaching and learning for their students. 3. The participants to this seminar-workshop phase 2 are the following: Elementary Schools IA Coordinators Secondary Schools IA Teachers Education Program Supervisor in IA Education Program Supervisors 4. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. L. l Schools Department of Education Region III DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS Ange\es CIty .1",,,, Street, PUIWlg hulu. \Jlgd.,. (ll\ SEMI R 0 . II OER TA 01 GAD DEMO, STRATll'IG ACTIVE AND COLLABORATJ\E LEAR L' \1E HOD ITH THE l 'E OF DIGJT L TECHNOLOGY FOR INDll TRIAL ART' (lA) TE CHERS (PHASE 2-PART 1) T Gabaldon ~OVEMBER . _ORTH Building, DepFD 24, 2014, Angeles 700 A. \1 City - ~ 00 P i\1 DISTRICT ~A, IE OF PARTICIPANT 1 David, .2 Ignacio, Eduardo P Virgen Delos Remedios ES Abel G 3 Ramos, Corazon C 4 Calma, Angelito G. Angelita '\; 6 Medina, Maoseth Mari A Mane Jane 8 Panliho, r.h Ie -, 9 Guiao, Rowena 10 Sazon, >\lma J 11 Calilung, Dennis Salapungan l-S Salapungan ES EPZA 5 Granito, 7 David, SCHOOL Resettlement Sitio Pader B Pulung Sta Dr Clemente '\ C R. ES Cacutud vlaria ES ES FS Davnt. Sr l5 Dr Clemente N Dayru, Sr ES \\ariso) Buss ES 1 P Tinio ES Department of Education Region III DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS Angeles City .1..""1' SITe",. Pulung nul\!. \ngd"" <.. 1\' I ~1.,\,) (04~) .\22-5'22: SEMI - R O~ l'l DER Tt COLLABORATIVE TECH OLOGV LEAR FOR I inu Gabaldon OVEMBER EAST 1 Balagtas, 2 Aguilar, '-' Lourdes Rowena Nt " 3lAgustin, 4 Diamse, 5 \lasbang 7 8 9 (04') R87-uO')<) 01 G AI 0 O("MOi\iSTR T'~G I G METHODS TRIAL WITH THE use ARTS (lA) TEACHERS BUIlding, DepED Angeles 24, 2014, 7 00 ~.M ('"fiVE A 0 OF DIGITAL (PHA .. E 2-PART 1) ('it) - ') 00 PM DISTRICT l\AME OF PARTICIPANT 6 1 .l22-,J702 lav. Rhea A GiJ M \1a Paz S Arrozal, Christina Jx Velasco, Danilo B Dizon, Juanita T Salas, Roberto Jr M. 10 Carahan, Arcel 1\1 11 vlarun, Ricardo 1 12 Canlas, Nilda V. 13 Cano, LUCia D 14 Tan, Dorina L. SCHOOL Belen Homesite Sapalibutad ES ES Mining ES Cutud ES Cutud L'; San Ignacio ES Sto Domingo IS Sto Domingo IS Ennea Sandico ES Enrica Sandico fS Jose P Dizon ES(fomlerI) Pandan ES) Jose P Dizon ES(formerIy Pandan ES) Don Arnbrocio Mendiola ES Pineda-Gutierrez ES Department of Education Region III DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS Angeles City De-) k,>u,>StTO''t_ !'ulung Imin. \ngd"" l'l' lei ,,(fJ..J5i122-5722. 122--j7()2 I <I.X. «()..J5)XX7-o099 EM1NAR 0 llNDERS 1A -DING AND )IUVIO Sl RA'I1 'G A( Tl E AND COLLABORATIVE LEAR JNG METHODS WITH THE l SE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY FOR I DlJSTRIAL ARTS (IA) TEACHERS (PH. SE 2-PART I) Gabaldon "JOVEMBER WE --- Building, Depf D Angeles City 24, 2014. 700 A 1\1 - '.00 P 1\1 T --'DISTRICT ----------l-AME 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 or PARTICIPANT Lacson, Racquel C Clemente. John P Cunanan, Kiara Mane Pamintuan Noel Z Aquino, Annabelle ;X Cunan, Dominic M Pabusian, Ar\ene C Lopez, Jo-Ann Marti V Musni, Emmanuel M Castaneda, Elsa D, Nunag, Marites C Miclat. Lisa B Dizon, Gilbert Rodriguez, Rowena D Pineda, Geraldine A Aquino, Jeremiah G SCHOOL ·•••. msic IS Arnsrc IS Anisic IS Sta Teresita ES Sta Teresita ES Cuayan ES Cuayan ES Gueco Balibago ES Gueco Balibago ES Air Force Citv ES A G Pabalan ES A G Pabalan ES Parnpang ES Sapangbato ES E, \1 Ganzon ES Malabanias 1S Department of Education Region III DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS Angeles CIty q."",tl NO ~.ov. \, ?" ..:=:.. " « "- -< 0 . .2:: Jcve-, SIT"'-'\.. Puhmg "nlu lei ,,(045) ~22·'722~ \ngel"" 122--j7(J2 lax e,l> «()4~) 1<87·6099 SEMINAR ON U, DERST DI GAD DEMO STR TI G ACTIVE AND COLLABORATIVE LK RIG METHOD ITH 1H USE OF DIGITAL TECH OLOGY FOR J DU TRI L ARTS (I ) TE ('HER, (PH E 2-PART 1) k Gabaldon '\iOVEMBER SOUTH Building, DepED ngeles 24. 2014. 700 Citv \1 - 500 P ~1 DlSTR1CT NAME OF PARTICIPANT 1 Caladiao. 2 Sirnbulan, Edgardo I Frederick \'f. J Ocampo, Ma Victona M Tolentino Jr. R 4 Marimla, 5 Marcelo. 6 Nacpil, 7 Manabat, Annaliza Marilen Irene M G SCHOOL l.ourdes '\;orthwest ES ~d Nepomuceno ES Don Pepe Henson ES Leoncia Village ES Apung Guidang Nepomuceno Sto Rosario ES Cutout F~ ES Department of Education Region III DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS Angeles CIty Jesus Street, Puluug bulu \n""k-.. <. I'" '.0 (lJ4'i) 322-5722: J22-470] It. l-a x (045) 8X7-nO'l'l SEMI AR ON ~ DERSTANDI GAD D••:MO. STRATING ACTIVE A. D COLLABORATIVE LEARING METHOD WITH THE U,-E OF DIGITAL TECH -OLOG) FOR I DO TRIAL ART (l ) TE. CHER (PH E 2-P RT 1) Gabaldon Building, DepbD Angeles CIty O\EVtBER 24, 20J4, 700 . \1. - 5.00 PM. SECONDAR Y SCHOOLS NAME OF PARTICIPANT 1 Magsino, Miraflor B 2 Canlapan, Karen F 3 Baligad, Annabel D. 4 Rivera, Ma. Luina 5 Mariano, Ener G 6 Alonzo Cielito S. 7 Deana, Nelson M 8 Reganit, ~oe\ M 9 Mallari, Alveen A Noel 10 Manaang, 11 ISalonga. Roberto L. 12 Manalo. Joel G. Francisco Francisco Francisco Francisco SCHOOL G 1\epomuceno G Nepornuceno G ~epomuceno G Nepomuceno Bonifacio V RIlIll':1Il \1HS MHS :\1HS M HS I h(J(lfIl](:rh I P Bomfacro V Romero II\ilorrnerh Northville 15 1ntegrated ~orth'v11h: I ~ Integrated rr; R I [\) J:P/A RI 1\) School School Claro M Recto J CT High School Rafael L Lazatin MHS Angeles City National HS Angeles City National HS
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