The Parish Community of Jesus, the Good Shepherd Worshipping at St. Peter’s Church 101 Middleton Street Riverside, NJ 08075 St. Joseph’s Church 805 Warren Street Beverly, NJ 08010 Our Mission We, the people of Jesus, the Good Shepherd Parish, are a diverse Catholic community with Christ at our center and led by the Holy Spirit. We meet the challenge of our bap@smal call through prayer, stewardship, lifelong faith forma@on and joyful celebra@on of the Eucharist. We strive to work together for social jus@ce and the common good. Parish Of*ice 101 Middleton Street Riverside, NJ 08075 Phone: (856) 461-‐0100 Fax: (856) 764-‐6133 Email: November 9, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Parish Staff Pastor Rev. Selvam Asirvatham (Rev. Gerald Johnson) Deacons Richard Benner Salvatore Lancieri • Herman Mosteller Gary Schmitt • Matthew Stap Mass Schedule Saturday, November 8, 5:00PM- St. Joseph’s Church Mary Jane & Eriberto Bucchi & Eleanor Marks 7:30PM- St. Peter’s Church People of the Parish & Earle A. Gale Sunday, November 9, 8:00AM- St. Joseph’s Church Alfred & Lillian Pennise 10:00AM- St. Peter’s Church Holy Name Society 12 Noon- St. Peter’s Church Joseph T. Finn 6:00PM- St. Peter’s Church Anna & Earl Rogers Monday, November 10, 9:00AM- St. Joseph’s Chapel Holy Innocents Society Tuesday, November 11, 9:00AM- St. Peter’s Chapel Pauline DiNoia & Earle A. Gale Wednesday, November 12, 9:00AM- St. Joseph’s Chapel Mary Hayoway & Edward Boyle Thursday, November 13, 9:00AM- St. Peter’s Chapel Chet D’Ascendis & Jack Flanagan Friday, November 14, 9:00AM- St. Joseph’s Chapel Pauline DiNoia Saturday, November 15, 9:00AM- St. Peter’s Chapel Enzo Spinella & Al Norwicki 5:00PM- St. Joseph’s Church Joe Laufer 7:30PM- St. Peter’s Church Mario Tome Sunday, November 16, 8:00AM- St. Joseph’s Church Pauline DiNoia & Steven M. Balsama 10:00AM- St. Peter’s Church Eleanor Marks & Anthony Matteo Family 12 Noon- St. Peter’s Church People of the Parish 6:00PM- St. Peter’s Church Chet D’Ascendis & Veneta Hutchinson Lay Trustees Vince Carey & Henry Schwartz Religious Education Office Maria Gimello, DRE THE FRUIT OF YOUR GENEROSITY N0VEMBER 2, 2014 $ 6,610.00 Weekly Collection $ 220.00 Electronic Giving $ 1,833.50 Heat $ 573.00 All Saints $ 1,780.50 All Souls We strongly encourage everyone to use their Offering Envelopes so that we can properly record your donation for tax purposes. Also, we are in need of individuals with time available on Monday mornings to help us count our collection. If you are interested or need envelopes, please contact the Parish Office. Please remember Jesus, the Good Shepherd parish in your will! “I ask you one thing: do not tire of giving to God, but do not give your leftovers.” Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Muito obrigado pela sua generosidade. A familia da Paroquia Jesus, o bom pastor, muito lhes agradece pelea seu dizimo e oracoes. CHAPEL & ADORATION Our monthly day of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be every second Thursday of the month. Our next day of Eucharistic Adoration will be Thursday, November 13, from 9:30AM to 6:30PM, ending with Benediction. SANCTUARY LIGHTS This week the Sanctuary Light in St. Joseph’s Church will illuminate the Blessed Sacrament in Memory of Alfred Pennise. This week the Sanctuary Light in St. Peter’s Church will illuminate the Blessed Sacrament in Memory of the Varsaci Family. If you would like the sanctuary light to illuminate the Blessed Sacrament in memory of your loved one, please call the Parish Office at 856- 461-0100. READINGS November 16 , – 33rd Sunday in OrdinaryTime 1st Reading: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20,30-31 (157A) 2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 th 1 511 November 9, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson The calendar has done it again. Just as with last weekend, the 2014 calendar brings to a Sunday a feast usually lost to most hard-working Christians by occurring on a weekday. It is called the “Dedication of the Lateran Basilica.” So, in modern parlance, “What’s the deal here?” If you were to go to the Eternal City you could visit this church, one of the four so-called “major basilicas” of Rome, and not know its significance. Some background is necessary. The basilica sits on land donated to the infant Church by the wealthy Lateran family way back in the fourth century. Such a donation was only recently possible, as the Church had just been relieved of official state persecution only a few years by decree of the newly-converted emperor Constantine, who issued his edict in 313 AD. Eleven years later, on November 9, 324 A.D., Pope St. Sylvester I dedicated the brand new building. Ever since, this Church has been honored as the locale of the pope’s official “seat” (cathedral) as the Bishop of Rome. (It is a mistake to think this of St. Peter’s basilica.) According to an inscription placed on the facade of the present building, Pope Clement XII in the eighteenth century declared that St. John Lateran is “the mother and head of all the churches of Rome and the world.” It was the site of five Ecumenical Councils. Pope Innocent X commissioned the present structure in 1646, so it was already 130 years old when our country was formed in Philadelphia. Beneath the high altar of this church rests the remains of a small wooden table on which, according to tradition, St. Peter himself celebrated Mass. The church honors St. John the Baptist. I hope you find this brief sketch of the building’s history more for encouragement than education. Sometimes I believe that the pace of modern life added to its intensifying secularism, can intimidate us Christians. We might think that we have become little more than a fringe group with little experience and nothing to say to the wide world. This ancient building we are honoring today gives powerful witness to the fact that our calendar pages embrace centuries not decades. Our worldwide community numbering more than a billion souls has weathered numerous assaults, and has only lasted because of Jesus’ promise of standing with it and the Holy Spirit’s dwelling within it. But the real joy for us this day is captured in St. Paul’s Letter. He tells us that we are the real temple of God. No building, no matter how historic or splendid in decor can match that of a soul in love with God. No edifice of material construction is as important to God as the relationship we build with Him each day of our life. So, while we remain proud of all the historical markers a great basilica such as St. John Lateran gives us, there is really only one mark that counts. It is His signature on our souls. First Reading: Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 This section describes a vision of the prophet in which life-giving water flows down from the Temple mount, a dramatic symbol of the life-giving power that “flows” from God, who dwells in the sanctuary there. Second Reading: I Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17 St. Paul compliments his Corinthian converts by likening them to a holy temple, built on the solid foundation of Christ alone. But he also warns them that no other can dare replace Christ. Gospel: John 2:13-22 Here we come to the second of John’s seven “signs” pointing to the reality of Jesus, coming right after the Cana miracle story. John’s version of the event differs from that in the other three Gospels. After driving away the money-changers and the animal sellers, Jesus predicts the fate of another “temple.” 2 511 November 9, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK AND ALSO FOR THEIR CAREGIVERS SACRAMENTAL SPONSORSHIP CERTIFICATE A Sacramental Sponsorship Certificate is required to be a Godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation. To receive this form, the following requirements must be met: o Be at least 16 years of age o Be a registered, active participant of a parish o Completed the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. o If married, be in a valid marriage according to the laws of the Catholic Church. Requests for sponsorship certificates will be honored after the individual making the request has been a registered member of the parish for a period of 3 months or more. Kaye Allis, Benjamin Ambrose, Helen Antonieski, Connie Cucinotta Anthony, Ron Atzert, Carmen & Betty Balsama, Michael Barton, Alice & Russell Bowles Sr., Marie Busch, Cheryl Cannava, Georgianna Carney, Helen Stuckert Carpenter, Earl & Betty Carty, Alex Cerasoli, Dylan Cherry, Vince Comegno, Priscilla Cormney, Ellen Doak, Brian Emmons, Helen Fazzone, Tom Feeney, Betty Fox & Family, Patricia Horn, Maryann Hubbs, Gloria Huston, John Jenkins, Amanda Jester, Priscilla Jester, Audrey Joynt, Frances Kauffman, Margaret Keller, Kristina Layden, Dana Longo, Dawn Longo, William Mack Sr., Norma Marrazzo, Thomas Marrazzo, Shirley Marsh, Kevin McCloskey, Francis Nitchkey, Fran Ogazalek, Charles Parker, Della Pestridge, Cheryl Porter, Bill Rawls, Carol Reale, Frank Reale Sr., Chuck & Margo Rider, Marie Rizzo, Pat Jester Roper, Hunter Russo, Eleanor Saia, Rita Santucci, Barney Schultz, Mary Shahade, Cecilia Shinn, Harold Shinn, Maryann Speaker, Pauline Srerich, Sr. Mary Terese, Mildred Stanly, Bonnie Sweet, Dan Tedesco, Rhonda Vinett, Joseph Voelmle, Annette Volpe, Deborah Wilkins, Hannah Wilkins, Steven & Cindy Yodzis. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Providence House Domestic Violence Services (PHDVS) of Catholic Charities provides services to survivors of domestic abuse and their children in Burlington County. The program is currently in need of volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, contact Marcia Fishkin, Community Affairs Program Supervisor, at 856-8240599 or email” FOR OUR MILITARY Please keep in your prayers our parishioners Kevin Benner, US Army SN. Gregory Borger, US Navy Lt. Col. Elaine Cunningham, USAF LTJG Casey Czarzasty, US Navy LT Devon Czarzasty, RN, US Navy PFC Anthony Foster US Army Lt. Karl Scheimreif, US Navy Lt. Karlee Scheimreif, US Navy CDR. Eric Wirstrom, US Navy Capt. Kathryn R. Reynolds, US Army Daniel Edge, US Navy C. Warrant Officer John Rawls, US Navy Nicholas J. Rizzo, US Air Force John L. Wade, US Army Anthony Yannarella, US Army PFC. Joseph Yannarella US Army and all those serving our country throughout the world. Lord, hold our troops in Your loving Hands. Bless them and their families. Amen. FRANCISCAN CORNER Mark your calendars. St. Peter's Secular Franciscans will be selling Advent candles, Advent calendars, and assorted holiday items during the weekend of November 15/16 at all masses (both churches) while supplies last. Our candles are good quality - reasonably priced. Please consider buying from us. VIRTUS TRAINING PROTECTING GOD'S CHILDREN Under the requirements of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Diocese of Trenton, all staff and volunteers working around children must attend a one-time Virtus seminar and be fingerprinted every four years. If you need to attend a Virtus training I will be holding a seminar on Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014. It will be held in St. Peter's School at 6:30 pm. To register or for further information please call Maria Gimello at the Parish Office 856-461-9343. PRAYER NETWORK Please contact Della Pestridge from 9AM to noon at 856-764-0168 or Priscilla Jester at 856461-5767 from 4PM-8PM. GIFTS AT MASS If a weekend Mass is being celebrated at your request and you would like to bring forward the bread and wine during the Preparation of the Gifts, please notify the ushers before Mass. Proper attire must be worn. 3 511 November 9, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica DISCIPLES NEEDED AT GOOD COUNSEL HOME Good Counsel Home, located in the old convent at St. Casimir’s, Riverside, would appreciate volunteers to help with child care during the day and a few weeknights. They currently house 11 moms, 7 babies and 2 toddlers. During the day, moms work, have doctor appointments, etc. Evening volunteers help with the children during life skill classes from 7:30-8:30PM. Any time, from one hour to a few hours, any day, will be appreciated. Please contact JoAnn DiNoia at ALTAR ROSARY FALL BAKE SALE November 22nd and 23rd Bake Sale at both churches. If you would like to make a donation of one of your favorite desserts, please call President Joyce Horton at 856-764-1447. ALTAR ROSARY THANKS YOU! On behalf of Altar Rosary Society, we would like to sincerely thank our members, our parish, and our donors for the success of our recent Pasta Dinner. Your support helps our society accomplish many of the needs for maintaining our altars at each church. Thank you again and may our Blessed Mother shine her face on you and protect each of you this Fall. GIVING TREE PROJECT Although it may seem a bit early to be thinking about Christmas, planning is now underway for our parish Giving Tree Project. Again this year, we will focus solely on our own parish families in need. If you need help this Christmas season or know of a parishioner who needs some assistance, please call Maria Gimello, Religious Ed. Office, at 856-4619343. Please call no later than Nov. 17. Due to the time needed to process requests, we unfortunately cannot accept requests after this date. All calls are confidential. ALTAR ROSARY COOKBOOK Altar Rosary Society is looking into making a Parish Cookbook. St. Peter’s Parish, Riverside had done one 30 years ago and had been a very successful endeavor for the Parish School at that time. We are looking for family recipes that are easy with ingredients that are usually found in the home. We would also like Crock pot recipes, Vegan recipes, and Gluten free recipes. Your name, or your family recipe name will be listed with your recipes. Please contact Kathy Robertson at 856-764-1130 with any questions, and more information to follow once we get this coordinated with Fr. Gerald. THE MUSIC MAKERS We are the MUSIC MAKERS, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Yet we are the movers and shakers. Of the world forever, it seems. MEN’S RETREAT Men’s Retreat, November 14-16, at the Marianist Family Retreat Center, Cape May Point, NJ 08212. Call (609) 884-3829 or for more info. This weekend, open to men from all walks of life, focuses on unique male issues on the spiritual journey. The retreat will consist of Eucharist and other prayer, input, quiet time, small group sharing, socializing and fun within a supportive, intentional community of men. Cost: $125per person double occupancy. Join our Praise Choir and help us to be the movers and shakers of our church. Rehearsals Thursdays 7 P.M. at St. Joseph's Church. CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS CHOIR The Children's Christmas Choir will begin rehearsals on Tuesday November 11 immediately following CCD classes. These rehearsals will last approximately 45 minutes. A sign-up form will be sent home with your child and should be returned to his/her teacher as soon as possible. The choir will sing at least once during Advent and at the 5 P.M. mass on Christmas Eve. Please encourage your child to participate. VETERAN’S DAY The Parish Office will be closed on Tuesday, November 11, in observance of Veteran’s Day. 4 511 November 9, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica THIS WEEK AT JESUS THE GOOD SHEPHERD OUR PROMISE TO PROTECT Please check the Parish Calendar on our website for late updates Mon. Nov. 10, 9:30a-9:45a Miraculous Medal after 9AM Mass 7:00p-8:15p Religious Ed. Gr. 5-8 Tues. Nov. 11, Veteran’s Day Office Closed 9:30a-9:45a St. Anthony After 9AM Mass 4:15p-5:30p Religious Ed. Gr. 1-4 7:00p-9:00p ESL Wed. Nov. 12, 8:00p-9:30p Charismatic Prayer Group Thur. Nov. 13, 9:30a-6:30p Adoration in School Chapel 1:00p-2:00p SVdP Food Pantry 7:00p-9:00p Praise Choir Rehearsal 7:00p-9:00p ESL Fri. Nov. 14, 5:30p-10:00p Bingo Doors Open at 5:30 First Game 7:15 6:00p-9:00p Spanish Music Rehearsal 8:00p-9:00p Portuguese Prayer Group Sat. Nov. 15, SFO Advent Candle Sale After All Masses 10:15p-12:00p Holy Innocents 11:00a-12:00p SVdP Food Pantry 3:30p-3:30p Confessions StP. 5:45p-5:45p Confessions StJ 4:00p-6:30p Spanish Prayer & Life Classes 6:00p-7:15p Port./Brazilian RCIA 6:30p-7:15p Port./Brazilian Children’s Rel. Ed. Sun. Nov. 16, SFO Advent Candle Sale After All Masses 8:00a-10:30a RCIA Class 11:30a-12:30p English Baptism Class 2:00p-5:00p Good Counsel Home Bingo Benefit The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the initiatives outlined in the U.S. Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in regard to the reporting and investigation of sexual abuse allegations involving minors. If you have been sexually abused as a minor by a member of the clergy or anyone representing the Catholic Church, or if you know of someone who was, you can report that abuse through the diocesan Abuse Hotline: 1-888-296-2965 or via e-mail at GOOD COUNSEL COACH BAG BINGO Please come and support the moms and babies of our Riverside Home….and join us for our first bingo fundraiser! AND -WIN a designer Coach bag – for yourself – or for a Christmas gift! Sunday, November 16, 2PM at Jesus, the Good Shepherd Parish—Toth Hall 101 Middleton St., Riverside, NJ. Tickets are $30 in advance or $35 at the door. You can reserve a table (Seats 6) for $180. There will be 20+ Vendors for shopping as well! FOR TICKETS: Please call JoAnn DiNoia 609-3872928 or email CONFESSIONS 3:30pm on Saturday at St. Peter’s Church and after 5pm Mass at St. Joseph's Church or by appointment. Liturgical Bits & Bytes – Silence We don’t have very much of it during the liturgy. Two places where it usually occurs, if only briefly, is after each of the first two readings. Before plunging into the psalm we are invited to take time to reflect on the word which has been proclaimed to us. Likewise, after the second reading, we are invited to reflect on the word before we move on to the Gospel. Frequently there is also silence following the homily and following communion. Copyright © 2008 Resource Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 511 November 9, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 9 de NOVIEMBRE de 2014 XXXII DOMINGO ORDINARIO~ “Dedicación a la Basílica de Letrán” 1a Lectura Sabiduría 6, 13-17 = Nada más importante en la vida de una persona que encontrar la sabiduría que de sentido a todo lo que hace. Salmo 2a Lectura Evangelio BASILICA DE LETRAN Salmo 162 = Mi alma está sedienta de ti, Señor, Dios mío Tesalonicenses 4, 22-17= La fe cristiana se apoya en la fidelidad del Señor que otorga transcendencia a nuestra vida. Mateo 25, 1-13= Los cristianos deben permanecer siempre vigilantes porque Dios se les puede cruzar en el camino en cualquier momento. No sabemos ni el día ni la hora en que vendrá…pero vendrá! La siguiente es la Archibasílica Papal del Santísimo Salvador y de los santos Juan Bautista y Juan Evangelista, llamada San Juan de Letrán. Esta iglesia es la Catedral de Roma, y forma parte de las cuatro Basílicas Mayores de Roma, siendo la más antigua e importante, y de las cinco Basílicas Patriarcales. Se encuentra, de hecho, en territorios pertenecientes a la Ciudad del Vaticano. Tiene el título de "Omniun urbis et orbis ecclesiarum mater et caput", es decir, que es la madre y cabeza de todas las iglesias de Roma y del mundo, por ser la Sede del papa. ESCUELA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA INTENCIONES DE LAS MISAS: Pase por la oficina parroquial a registrar sus intenciones con dos semanas de anticipación. Se le llenará su hoja de intenciones y aparecerá luego en el boletín parroquial. Oficina- miércoles de 4:30pm-6:30pm 856-461-9343 GRUPO DE ORACION PROYECTO “GIVING TREE” Como en años anteriores, estamos C lllevando a cabo el proyecto de ayudar al necesitado en la época de navidad, n tanto a nuestros parroquianos como aquellas personas necesitadas. Para colaborar o recibir ayuda, comuníquese al 856-461-9343 con Mrs. Maria B. Gimello antes del 17 de noviembre. “María, Reina de los Inmigrantes” Sábado, 15 y 29 de noviembre-7pm-San Pedro CLASE PRE-BAUTISMAL Rafaela – 973-296-3600 BAUTISMOS – Segundo Domingo de cada mes. LECTORES y MINISTROS - NOVIEMBRE ADVIENTO – En este tiempo nos preparamos MES NOVIEMBRE para recibir al Niño Jesús en nuestras vidas. Según preparamos y decoramos nuestras casas, así también preparemos el corazón para que Jesús nazca en él. Tendremos confesiones en español. DIA 09 16 23 30 LECTOR Martin Adriana Josefina Alicia MINISTROS Rafaela/Edgar Sandra/Daniel Paola/Nancy ANUNCIOS COMUNIDAD BRAZILERA Y PORTUGUESA CATEQUESIS INFANTIL Todos os sabados as 6:00pm no predio da escola Saint Peter. (Dona Geni e Ariadines) CURSO DE BATISMO Todo 1* Domingo incricoesbna missa de lingua portuguesa aos sabados com (Greyck e Marcia) 6 511 PAGE FUNERAL HOME 302 E. UNION ST., BURLINGTON, NJ 08016 BARBER SHOP Specializing in Today’s Styles GALDO JEWELERS FINE JEWELRY AT DISCOUNT PRICES 764-9635 UNI-SEX HAIRSTYLING Children’s Cuts• Walk-Ins Hours: M, Tu, Th, F: 9-6:00pm Sa: 8-2pm • Closed Weds 525 Cinnaminson Ave. Palmyra, NJ 08065 856-829-9730 Serving the Area Since 1962 NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 3 Scott St., Riverside DELRAN CHIROPRACTIC Dr. A. Richard Polino Dr. John S. Sinibaldi Dr. Jason R. Polino Dr. Nancy Cilio-Polino 856-461-6262 EMERGENCIES WELCOME 3001 Bridgeboro Rd. Delran, NJ FAMILY PRACTICE 478 Cooper Street Beverly, NJ Michael T. Daley, Mgr. Patrick Daley, Mgr. 856.461.1116 609-386-3700 William T. Slimm, Jr., Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 4218 Brian P. Horne, N.J. Lic. No. 4258 Michael J. Drahuschak, N.J. Lic. No. 4599 TONY’S 337 Bridgeboro Street Riverside, NJ N.J. Lic. 4534 609.387.0098 N.J. Lic. 4171 New Touch from Brasil Unisex Salon Haircut, Hair Color Manicure, Pedicure Massage, Waxing Waxing • Facials Walk-ins Welcome 23 Scott St., Riverside 856-393-7633 10% OFF Mon-Wed Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. 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