Document 410860

The Mustard Seed
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
The Monthly Newsletter for
Christ United Methodist Church of North Huntingdon
Irwin, PA 15642
To know Christ and to make Him known! November 2014 ~ Volume 15, Issue 11
Permit No. 373
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The Mustard Seed
The Monthly Newsletter for
(October 12, 2014)
8:00-12 Noon
Office Hours
Youth Coordinator
Jodi Schricker
Ron Seabol
Gale Pastirik
Bill Beaumont
Choir Director
Pam Bouldin
Sonbeam Preschool
Judy Burns
Barb Ford
Pam Allen
Office Assistant
Tammy L. Falcsik
Associate Pastor
Tammy L. Falcsik
Rev. Doug Burns
Church Staff
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Parsonage 412-754-1125
Church Fax 412-751-5989
Church Office 412-751-8219
McKeesport, PA 15131
2800 Coulterville Road
Christ United Methodist Church
Anniversary Memories
From your Pastor
Mission News
Meals on Wheels
Food Pantry
Shoebox Due ate
Hardtack Info
November Church Calendar
Worship Servants
Poinsettia Order Form
News of the Church
Election Day Lunch/Bake Sale
Committee Updates
Fundraiser News
Activities of the Church Pics
Spiritual Growth Opportunities
Monthly Devotional
Monthly Wesley Quote
Christ United Methodist Church of North Huntingdon
50th Anniversary Kick-Off Service & Celebration!
From Your Pastor
men." Stopping by a tax collecting
table, Jesus asked Matthew to follow him and then went that night to
share a meal with he and his
friends. These men were being
asked to come and lead a life of adventure and risk.
owners of everything that can’t be
bought.v6”You’re blessed when
you've worked up a good appetite
for God. He’s food and drink in the
best meal you’ll ever eat.v7”You’re
blessed when you care. At the moment of being ‘care-full,’ you find
yourselves cared for.v8 “You’re
Perhaps no where in the Bible are
blessed when you get your inside
the risks and rewards more identifi- world-your mind and heart-put
able than in Jesus Sermon on the
right. Then you can see God in the
Mount in Matthew chapter five. A outside world.”v9 “You’re blessed
life lived by the beatitudes will not when you can show people how to
be a monotonous life. A life experi- cooperate instead of compete or
enced with the seasoning of Jesus
fight. That’s when you discover
teachings on true blessedness and who you really are, and your place
true happiness is certain to give us a in God’s family.”v10 “You’re
taste of what life really is,
blessed when your commitment to
God provokes persecution. The
persecution drives you even deeper into God’s kingdom.”v11-12
“Not only that-count yourselves
blessed every time people put you
What about our spiritual lives? Is
down or throw you out or speak
there enough "risk and adventure"
lies about you to discredit me.
in our spiritual lives to give us a
What it means is that the truth is
"taste" of the life of Christ. We
too close for comfort and they are
know that Jesus came that we might
uncomfortable. You can be glad
have life and have it to the fullwhen that happens-give cheer,
est. Often times Jesus would use the
even!-for though they don’t like it,
The Message translation puts these I do! And all heaven applauds.
Greek word Kainos which meant a
ancient truths in current language
new quality of life. There was a
And know that you are in good
brand new experience of life that he for us. (Matthew 5:1-12).
company. My prophets and witwanted us to have.
nesses have always gotten into this
v3 “You’re blessed when you’re at
kind of trouble.”
the end of your rope. With less of
His calling of the disciples certainly
you there is more of God and his
reveals this was his intent for them
“Living the life of Christ is dangerrule.”v4 “You’re blessed when you
and also for us. In Jesus time, men
ous.” Living certainly does not
would follow after a Rabbi for a cer- feel you’ve lost what is most dear to
have to be monotonous and tasteyou. Only then can you be emtain amount of time and then ask if
less. The choice is before us.
they could be a disciple. Usually the braced by the One most dear to
you.” Only then can you be emanswer for quite a while was, "no"
braced by the One most dear to
you cannot be my disciple. Jesus
turned this model on end and actual- you.”v5 “You’re blessed when
you’re content with just who you
ly sought out people and told them
Offering Christ,
"you can be a disciple." He shocked are-no more, no less. That’s the
moment you find yourselves proud
Peter when by his fishing boat he
Pastor Doug
said to him, "come and be a fisher of
"Living life can be very dangerous" so said the adventurer
attempting to recreate Theodore
Roosevelt's decent down the River
of Doubt in South America in
1814. The name of the river is metaphorical for how we experience life
these days. We have so many
doubts and so few true convictions,
that cause us to live enough on the
edge, to show we are really
alive. One canoeist said, "adventure
and risk are the salt of life,” and “an
over-safe monotonous living takes
away the taste, the emotions of
life." If this is true of life, than how
is also true of our spiritual lives. I
enjoy time in the wilderness because
the unknown and adventures of
even paddling down the Youghiogheny River let me taste life again.
Monthly Devotional
Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1863
It is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power
of God; to confess their sins and transgressions in humbler sorrow, yet with assured hope that
genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations are blessed whose
God is Lord.
We know that by His divine law, nations, like individuals, are subjected to punishments and
chastisements in this world. May we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war which
now desolates the land may be a punishment inflicted upon us for our presumptuous sins, to the
needful end of our national reformation as a whole people?
We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these
many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other
nation has ever grown.
But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace
and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of
our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.
It has seemed to me fit and proper that God should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully
acknowledged, as with one heart and one voice, by the whole American people. I do therefore
invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and
those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November as a day of Thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father Who dwelleth in the heavens.
A. Lincoln, October 3, 1863
Give Thanks with a grateful
Wesley Quote of the Month
“Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May
we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion?
Without all doubt, we may. Herein all the children of God may
unite, notwithstanding these smaller differences.”
― John Wesley
The Church Has Had a Very Full & Active Month!
From Hayrides
50th Anniversary Luncheon
To Wrapping Shoeboxes
Community Outreach
Food Pantry
The Pantry is struggling to fill the need of 400 plus persons. Our peanut
butter & jelly was greatly appreciated.
November items: Canned meats
(Tuna, Spam, Vienna Sausages, Chicken, Beef , etc.)
and Candy Making
Meals On Wheels—Cookies
Fall brought out our best baking of cookies! Eunice did walnut chocolate
chip, Marion made chocolate coconut cherry drops, Marge baked snicker doodles, Mary
Lou’s were chocolate nut rounds, Joanne did oatmeal and chocolate chip, while Peggy
made chocolate cupcakes, and Delores iced her pumpkin cut-out sugar cookies. The
pumpkin tags from Tammy with orange tags made all the treats seasonal and special.
November we will wrap on Monday, the 10th at 10:00 am.
Personal Growth Opportunities
The Hedge Breakers are
starting a new video series
for the Christmas seasoned
entitled “Christmas”. This
will be another lesson presented by Pastor Kyle Idleman. We encourage all
ladies to come and join us as we dig deeper into
the meaning of Christmas and how it applies to
our lives and the world we live in today. We meet
Monday evenings at 7:00 pm in the choir room.
Hope to see you all this Monday!
…. Peggy
Bible study is still going strong with participants
learning the meaning of Jesus’ Parables. Pastor
Doug leads this study on Thursday evenings at 7:30
pm in the conference room of the church. There is
a place at the table for you, so please plan on joining this group this Thursday!
Every Sunday Morning at
9:40. Both children and
adult classes offered.
Mitten Tree - There will be a tree in the narthex to hang
your donations of hats, mittens, scarves, etc. for The
Women’s Place in McKeesport.
Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes are due in to the
no later than November 19th. Remember a $7.00 check needs
to accompany each box to cover shipping.
November 2014
cumc fundraiser information
at Christ Church
10:30 Bokwa
7:00 YOUTH
7:00 YOUTH
7:00 YOUTH
Heart& Hand Donations
3 Sonbeam
7:00 Hedge Breakers
Election Day
Luncheon &
Bake Sale
5 Sonbeam
7 Sonbeam
7:30 Bible Study
12 Sonbeam 13
14 Sonbeam 15
6:30 Play Practice
10 am Meals on Wheels
7:30 Bible Study
7:00 Hedge Breakers
10:30 Bokwa
7:30 Zumba ®
7:30 Dartball Home vs.
Central Highlands
17 Sonbeam
19 Sonbeam
12:30 Fellowship
7:30 Zumba ®
Shoeboxes for
Operation Christmas Child are due
at the church.
7:00 Hedge Breakers
7:30 Dartball Home vs.
24 Sonbeam
12:00 Pizza & Hanging of 7:30 Dartball Home vs.
the Greens
7:00 YOUTH
30- First Sunday of Advent
The ordering phase of this fundraiser is now complete and orders are
being tabulated to send on to our Indian River Fruit Distributor. Additional information on a specific delivery date will be forthcoming.
Thank you again!
10:30 Bokwa
6:30 Play Practice
7:30 Dartball Away vs.
Central Highlands
10 Sonbeam
Fruit Sale Fundraiser Update
21 Sonbeam 22
10:30 Bokwa
Hard Tack Candy Now Available!
6:30 Play Practice
7:30 Bible Study
26 Sonbeam 27
We have two opportunities this
month to not plan Sunday lunch!
The Anniversary Committee will
host a hoagie sale on Nov. 2nd &
the Youth Group will host an additional sale on Sunday, Nov. 16th. Once again the purchase price is set a $6.00
per hoagie. Thank you for supporting these groups!
This annual delicacy is once again available for purchase this year! With the price set at just
$9.00 per pound, this treat would make a great addition to any gift this season. Also, please
remember teachers, postal workers, hairdressers or anyone else on your list you need “a little
something” for and treat them to a bag of CUMC homemade hardtack!
7:30 Zumba ®
November Birthdays and Anniversaries
Christ United Methodist Church Committee Updates
The Anniversary Committee will be hosting a sub sale
on Nov. 2nd. These delicious sandwiches will be available for purchase for only $6.00 after each worship service. Looking forward, please mark your calendars for
Dec. 21st as we will be commemorating another 50th
Anniversary milestone in the life of our church. Once
again there will be one service beginning at 10:00 am.
Also, the committee is asking anyone who wishes to
share a paragraph of their memories of CUMC, to be
added to the historical booklet, honoring our 50th anniversary to please drop it off to office by the end of Nov.
01 Denise Gray
04 Kelly Carper
04 Lori Holloway
04 Corey Seabol
04 Justin Seliga
06 Kayla Brutout
07 Scudder Stewart
08 Derek Stern
09 Karlie Johnson
10 Bill Richards
11 Angela Russo
12 Katie Jacobovitz
12 Jonathan Jacobovitz
12 Maxine Leffard
12 Cathy Light
12 Patricia Reagan
14 James Holland
14 Dianne Spivak
15 Chad Brutout
15 Krista Brutout
15 Kelsey Brutout
15 Marion Byard
15 Roxane Wergin
15 Diane Zello
16 Brooke Cain
16 Rob Crossett
16 Peggy Holland
18 Gary Brutout
18 Gabriella Cain
18 Connie McClintock
18 Mark Pavlovic
20 Sally Blazevich
20 Heidi Davis
20 Kelly Morrissey
20 Pam Bouldin
November Worship Servants
Sunday, November 2nd
The Nominations committee met two times in October to fill positions within the church which will
meet the needs of the church in all facets for 2015. To those who have graciously accepted membership
on a board or committee, thank you; to those still considering and praying about your answer, the committee holds you in prayer as well and looks forward to continued discussion with you.
Lay Reader
Tiffany Ford
Jodi & Kurt Schricker
Jodi Schricker
Kelly Carper & Vickie Luehm
Pam Allen
Sunday, November 9th
The trustees met and discussed upcoming projects to get underway as
we continue to “spruce up” our church for our 50th anniversary service
with the Bishop. Work is currently being done on the storage shed, as
well as updates to our restrooms. Several other items were discussed
and tabled until 2015. Thank you to the trustees for work already completed: parking lot, exterior painting, driveway signs repainted, and repairs made to dishwasher and restrooms, just to name a few. We appreciate all your work.
Lay Reader
Della Beitler & Dale Wright
James Falcsik
Dick & Doe Burtnett
Carol Couchenour
21 Barb Hiquet
22 Mike Palm
22 Michael Pastirik, Sr
22 Lauren Weinberg
24 Brady Hernandez
25 Carol Couchenour
25 Cathy Jo Wrona
26 Lucas Ackerman
26 Craig Couchenour
26 Greg Matta
26 Kevin Sisley
27 David Bertok
27 Marcy Clair
27 Logan Clair
27 Jacob Elm
28 Holly Asaro
28 Tyler Farmer
29 Garrett Boalo
30 Christopher Kevana
30 Lloyd McIntosh
29 Magen Caputo
Please let the office know of any
changes you are aware of.
Sunday, November 23rd
Lay Reader
Tognarini Family
Adrie Tognarini
Saunne Whetsel & Barb Lindh
Doe Burtnett
Sunday, November 30th
Lay Reader
Marflak Family
Kellly Carper & Vickie Luehm
Pastor Doug
Hanging of the Greens
Sunday, November 16th
Lay Reader
02 Joseph & Lori Cimino
02 William, Jr & Jeanne McGavern
05 Charles & Kathy Carrozza
08 Dale & Connie Bradley
16 Ed & Linda Robertson
17 Scott & Chris Shank
22 Robb & Jennifer Ross
22 Scot & Missy Stern
29 Rob & Kris Crossett
30 Ron & Leah Seabol
Lib Carrozza
Michael Shaver
Barb Ford
Kelly Carper
and Lunch
November 23rd following
11:00 Service
December Newsletter Deadline
November 19th
2014 Poinsettia Order Form
We are again offering the 6-inch Poinsettias for Christmas. The cost is $7.50 each. They will be available in red, white, marble & pink. Please fill out the form below and include your check made out to
the church. Be sure to circle ‘Honor’ or ‘Memory’ of, or use the ‘To God’s Glory’ space. Please use
multiple forms as needed. Extras can be found in the narthex. All orders & payments are due in the
office by December 7 or will not be guaranteed for delivery.
Circle One
Exactly how you want the name printed
Honor or Memory of:
Honor or Memory of:
Honor or Memory of:
To God’s Glory
Please print below exactly how you want your name listed in the bulletin:
Date ordered/paid: ______________________________
Phone: ______________________________
Cash _______
Check # _______
Other News of our church
Election Day
Bake Sale &
November 4th is Election Day. Help is needed to serve
the luncheon along with baked good donations. Plan
to come for a delicious lunch, and to buy some home-baked desserts to take
Payments must accompany order form.
Play practice scheduled for every Sunday evening at 6:00 and
Thursday evening at 6:30. This is subject to change as the play
date approaches!
Veteran’s Day
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Thank a Veteran Today
Thanksgiving Day
November 27, 2014
Have a blessed day!
Christmas Dinner & Drama
Christ Church’s Annual Christmas Dinner and Drama will be on Saturday,
December 13th, at 5:30 pm. The drama this year will be “Scrooge Revisited” by Daniel Wray and will follow after the dinner. Watch for the sign
up and ticket sale soon!
Three years after Scrooge’s transformation from a miserly old humbug
into a benevolent, generous soul, he has lost his mirth. The Spirit of
Christmases Yet to Come visits him first. She shows him a materialistic
family of the future, for whom Christmas Present offers Scrooge a deeper meaning. Christmas Present
offers Scrooge a glimpse of the Crachit home, where Bob is feeling uneasy for not telling Scrooge about
the Someone he is missing. Christmas Past takes Scrooge to a stable in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago.
There, he sees Mary, Joseph, and a baby---the Messiah, Jesus. The Spirit tells him, “He came for you,
Ebenezer.” Scrooge’s emptiness is filled with joy!