Register of the Saskatchewan College of Psychologists Name Abrams Ackbar Acton Adams Adams Adelman Aghamohseni Ahmad Alfano Allen Allen Alphonso Ambrose Amos Andrie Anstey Anwar Arbuthnott Arbuthnott Arnold Arnot Asmundson Austin Babich Bain Barbopoulos Barker Barnabas Baydala Beatch Beattie Bell Bell Bellows Bellrose Belton Berard Berg Berg-Kolody Bidwell Blakely Block Bodnarchuk Boechler Bonli Booth Bourgault-Fagnou Braden Bradley Braithwaite November 10, 2014 Murray U. Salma Bryan Bruce Shelley Stacey Fahimeh Nahid Dennis Krista Sean Carole Jeannette Judith Sarah Bernell Selim Dennis Katherine James Linda Gordon Bryan Randal Dana Anastasia Conor Ida Angelina Romeo Jennifer Garry Ruthanne Kristin Sheila Ellen Nathalie Donald Lisa Noelle Douglas Gerald Diane Stephen Rupal Mary Lee Michelle Jennifer Marie Stacey Degree Type1 APE2 Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Sc Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. M.A. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.C. M.Sc. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. PP FP FP NP FP FP FP FP FP PP PP FP FP NP PP FP FP FP NP FP FP FP PP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP NP FP FP FP FP NP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP NO Yes Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes Yes NO NO Yes Yes NO NO Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1 of 11 Name Brazier Brenneman Bridge Bright Brock Brodie Brown Brown Brummelhuis Bulitz Burdan Buttinger ON LEAVE: Byblow Calhoon Campbell Campbell Camponi Carleton Carlson Carr Carson-Tempier Carverhill Cavanaugh Cayuga Cey Chalmers Chartier Cherniak Clark Clarke Clarke Clayards Claypool Coates Cochran Cochrane Cooper Corbett Corbin Dwyer Cornish Crassweller Crawford Crittenden Crossley Crowdis Johnson Cummings Cunningham Curry Dahlem Daniels Darbellay Davies Davis Delparte November 10, 2014 Bette Heather Gary Wendy Susan Karen John Robert Cynthia Deborah Evan Pamela Denise Kellsey Alison Mary Rosa R. Nicholas Lorri John Ann Philip Patricia Caroline Emma Jennifer Brian Michelle Gail Allyson Pamela Heidi Timothy Dennis Kathryn Krista Christopher Lynn Sonya Peter Patricia L. Michele Lorri Margaret Mary Jorden Joanne Judy Anne Therese Donna Daniel Darrell Chelsea Degree Type1 APE2 Ph.D. Ph.D. M.A. M.A. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. M.C. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. Ph.D. M.A. M.Ed. M.Psy. Ph.D. M.A. M.A. M.Ed. Psy.D. Ph.D. M.Sc. M.Ed. M.A. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Sc. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. Psy.D. M.A. Ph.D. M.A. FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP NP FP FP FP PP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP FP FP PP FP PP FP PP FP FP FP FP PP FP NP FP FP FP FP FP NP FP FP FP NP FP FP FP FP PP Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes NO NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes NO Page 2 of 11 Name Derow Desautels Desorcy Deswiage Dorey Driediger Dueck Dumelie Dumitrescu Dumont Duncombe Dunlop Dupuis Dusterbeck-Colhoun Dzuba Dzurich Eamon Eaton Eddy Elias Elliott Ellis Erker Evans Fehr Fair Farkas Farthing Farthing Fauchoux Fedak Fehr Ferguson Fieldgate Fiissel Finlayson Finlayson Flahr Fletcher Flood Focht Forrester Forsyth Foster Fotheringham Frederick Frey Friesen Friesen-Ford Froese Fuchs-Lacelle Garcea Gardiner Garratt November 10, 2014 Melissa Carleen Danielle` Eileen Lee Theresa Kenneth Theresa Cristina Daniel Gail Wanetta Claudette Tammy Ethelwyn Lydia Karen Carole Kali John Heather Jana Linda Darcia Deborah Judith Michelle Frederick Gerald Laurissa Stephanie Teresa Tammy Catherine Bree Dorothy Robin Bonnie Mary Lou Mona Cindy Brent Sasha Lyndsay Janine Joanne Carol Sarah Cindy Alexandra Shannon Laurie Sandra Tara Degree Type1 APE2 M.Sc M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Sc. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.A. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A.Sc. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Sc. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. FP FP PP PP FP FP NP FP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Yes NO NO NO NO Yes NO Yes Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes NO NO NO Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO NO Yes NO Yes NO NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 3 of 11 Name Gerrard Gess-Nygren Gibson Giles-Sander Gilleta Golem Goodfield Gordon Gordon Gorrie Gosselin Gough Graham Graham Banman Graham-Marrs Grayston Greenough Greenough Gryba Hadjistavropoulos Hadjistavropoulos Halbert Hallman Hampton Handley Hansen Harbin Hardenne Harding Hardy Harkness Harnaha Harper Hart Hay Helmer Helmsing Hengen Hengen Herman Heskha Hicks Hildebrandt Hill Hillis Hjertaas Hoiseth Holden Holtslander Hopfner Hounjet Hugie Hunter Hunter November 10, 2014 Nikki Debra Karlene Mary Lynn Karen George Cindi Audrey Bruce David Marilyn Rhonda Maureen David Holly H. Norman Sally Timothy Paige Heather Thomas Gary David Mary W. Bruce Lis Carol Tanya Val Kenneth Lorrie Anne Beverley Marlene Regan Deborah D'Arcy Joan Shelley Thomas Vicki Jeffrey Carrie Carla Rosalynde Sarah Judith Derek Roger Franci Yumi Jacqueline Dean Della Paulette Degree Type1 APE2 Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.A. M.A. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ed.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Sc. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Sc. Ph.D. M.A. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.A. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. FP NP PP FP FP FP NP FP FP FP FP FP NP FP PP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP NP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP NO NO NO Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes NO NO Yes NO NO Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes NO Page 4 of 11 Name Hurst Huyghebaert Ip Ivanochko Iversen Jackiw Jackson Jacobson James Janzen Claude Jardine Javed Jeancart Jenner Johnson Jordan Jurgens Kambeitz Keele Keller Kemp-Koo Kempton-Doane Kinzel Kirk Kitz Klein Klein Kleisinger Klest Klippenstine Kluger Knight Knorr Koekkoek Koopman Korczak Koushik Kowalyk Krahn Krammer Krieger Krishnan Kruger Kuntz Labuik Lake Lalonde Lalonde Lamonde Lane LaPlante Larrea Larson Lebell November 10, 2014 Susan Holly Sau Mei Elizabeth Sharleen Janelle David Stephen Shamus J. Amy Brenda Nayyar Heather Jerry Tanya Jason Douglas Jolee Ross Jenny Debra Gina Audrey Robert Karen Carolyn Leslie Carmel Bridget Kent Joseph Diane Lyndsay Caroline Peggy Pamela Nikhil Kristine Ellen Randall Ronelle Sudheej Holly Gary Tara Deborah Gisele Florence Annie Beverley Jileon Fernando Larry Richard Degree Type1 APE2 Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.A. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.A. M.Ed. M.A. Ph.D. M.A. Ph.D. Psy.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D.. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Phil. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Sc. M.Ed. Ph.D. FP FP NP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP NP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP NP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP FP NP FP PP PP FP FP FP NP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Yes Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes NO NO Yes Yes NO NO Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes NO NO Yes Yes Yes NO NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO NO Page 5 of 11 Name Leckett Lee Legault Lehman Leis Leitner Lejbak Lenton-Young Levitt Lewis Liebman Lingenfelter Litke Little Loutzenhiser Ly Lyons Lyons-Belt MacAusland-Berg MacDonald Macdonald MacGregor MacKinnon MacKinnon MacLean Magel Markwart Martin Martin May-Melin McBeth McCaw McDonald McFadyen McFadyen McGrath McGuire McHarg McIntyre McKay-McNabb McKee McKenney McMahon McMullen McMurtry McWilliams Mercado Merkosky Messer-Engel Meyer Meyer Michalko Miller Million November 10, 2014 Walter Rori Ellen Tannis Timothy Joanne Lisa Marta Terry J. Dufton Sara Sacha Karen R. James Lynn Linda Wanda Tanya Ian Debra Marilyn Michael David Kimberly Marilyn Beverly Lori Ronald Stephanie Gail Trisha Matthew Brian Cindy Danielle Elizabeth Lawrence Katharine Robert Kim Karen Deanne P. John Linda Bruce Lachlan Annalyn Amanda Karen Linda Lori(lee) Kelly Harold M. Louise Degree Type1 APE2 Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.A. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.C. Ph.D. M.A. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ed.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.C. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.S. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Sc. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ed.D. Ph.D. FP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP PP FP FP FP NP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP NP FP PP FP FP NP NP FP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP Yes Yes Yes NO NO Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes NO NO Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes NO NO Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Page 6 of 11 Name Degree Type1 APE2 Mirwald Morhart Morrissey Mulvogue Mundt Murray Mustafaeva Myszczyszyn Nadon Samantha Christa Valerie Myriah Cynthia Maureen Shahlo Debbie Susan M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. Ph.D. M.A. M.A. M.A. Ph.D. FP FP FP PP FP FP PP FP FP NO NO NO NO Yes Yes NO Yes Yes ON LEAVE: Nagy Anna Jo Rachel Jessie Kendra Sharon Surina Brendan Terry Laura Timothy Jennifer Nancy Andrea Merle Harriett M. Kate Margaret Megan Pamela Trevor Mark Jennifer E.G. Cordell Patricia Julia Katherine Kim Andjelka Devon Melanie Glenn Chris Joey James Deborah Patricia Shirley Jill Dylan Jason Cynthia Colette Bonny M.A. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. Psychol.Sci. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.S.E. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.A. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.A. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. PP NP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP NP FP FP FP FP FP PP NP PP FP FP FP FP NP FP NP FP FP FP FP NP FP PP FP FP FP PP NO NO Yes NO Yes NO NO Yes Yes Yes NO NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO NO NO Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes NO NO NO Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes NO NO NO Nanson Negere-Wong ON LEAVE: Nesbitt Nesbitt Neufeld Neveling Newton Nicholaichuk Nicholson Nickel Nicol Nixon Nostbakken Nostbakken Novak-Galgan O'Brodovich O’Byrne O’Connell Olson Olson Olver Osberg Osmond Ostertag Ouellette Owens Paisley Palikucin-Reljin Palmer Palmier Pancyr Paniak Panko Pappas Parker-Loewen Parmarshwar Paulson Pawlovich Carey Payne Peebles Pellerin Pelletier Peng November 10, 2014 Page 7 of 11 Name Perry Petroski Petroski Petterson Pettypiece Phillips Phillips Phillips Pitariu Pitre Podetz Podjan ON LEAVE: Pokol Polvi ON LEAVE: Poock Pope Powell Presniak Presse Pringle-Nelson Pyle Quaale Quaife Quine Quinlan Raab Rabyj Ralston Randall Rapley Rector Rector Reekie Reid Reid Rempel Rhinas-Helberg Richards Richardson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robin Robinson Rojas Ross Ross Rowlett Rozon Ruznisky ON LEAVE: Safinuk Safnuk Salerno November 10, 2014 Garry Gregory Marilyn Sara Robyn Dawn Laurel Maggie Gabriela Raymond Stacy Patricia Jenna Natalie Jocelyn Judith S. Keith Michelle Lucinda Coralee Nathan Rebecca Terra Allisson Colleen Verna Kristina Margaret David Sherry Brian Patricia Dustin Dorothy Gregory Miranda Jacqueline Jai Marnie Gayleen Lindsay Lloyd Susan Thomas Erika Graham Mary Iris Danielle Sonja Danaka Tania Fabio Degree Type1 APE2 M.A. M.A. M.A. M.Ed. M.C. Ph.D. M.A. M.Sc. Ph.D. M.Ed. Psy.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. MSc Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.A. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.A. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.A. Ph.D. M.A. NP FP FP FP PP FP FP PP FP FP PP FP PP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP NP PP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP PP FP FP NO Yes Yes NO NO Yes Yes NO Yes NO NO Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO NO NO Yes NO NO Yes Yes NO NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Page 8 of 11 Name Sanderson Saul Savage Savoie Sax Scheffler Schlapkohl Schmidt Schmidtke Schnell Schoenroth Schwartz Scissons Sebastian Sebastien Sekhar Sevigny Seymour Sharp Shaw Shaw Sheckter Shepel Shercliffe Shimp Shymkiw Sirup Smith Smith Smith Bringsli Solomon Sojonky Sothmann Sowden Spagrud Spark Spice Springer St. Amand-Doepker Stadnyk Stambrook Steeves Steginus Stephenson Stern Stevens Stewart Stewart Stockdale Stockdale Winder Stonehouse Stonehouse Storey Stusick November 10, 2014 Barbara Wanda June Dallas David Gary Wayne Renee Dieter Doris Natashia Colin Mary Darly Jolene Aparna Phillip Berkley Maegan Michelle Stephen Marc Lawrence Regan Lana Joanne Blair Krista Robert Nicole Marilena Todd F. Caitlin Justina Lara Carol Kerry Crystal Beatrice Bobbi Michael Donna Evelyn Robert Angela Gregory Francis Linda Keira Fern Christopher Marya Katherine Erin Degree Type1 APE2 M.Ed. M.C. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.A. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.A. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Sc. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. M.S.E. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Sc. M.A. Ph.D. M.A. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. M.A. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.A. M.A. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.A. M.A. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP NP FP FP FP FP PP PP FP PP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP PP FP PP FP PP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP FP FP NO Yes Yes Yes NO NO Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes NO NO Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes NO NO NO Yes NO Yes NO Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes NO Page 9 of 11 Name Sullivan Suurkivi Sveinson Switzer Szmukier Szuch Tamaki Tarko Taylor Taylor Thacker Thauberger Tholl Thompson Thorpe Thorpe Tkachuk Todd Tom Tomes Torrens Tosney Traquair Tunney Turner Tuttle Vandergoot Vilness von Baeyer Vrbancic Walker Walker Walls Ware Warrington Waskowic Wawryk-Epp Weber West-Johnson White Whitney Widdifield-Konkin Wiebe Wiebe Macnab Wilhelm Williams Williams Willick Wilson Wilson Wilson Winsor Witzel Wong November 10, 2014 Kathleen Marilee Brian Heather Teresa Shantelle Shelley Christina Laura Stacy Cheryl Linda Linda Maureen Angela Kathleen Brian Karen John Heather Donna Elizabeth H. Morgan Kevin Christopher Megan Mary Laura Carl Mirna Maureen L. Patricia Kathleen Darlene Elaine Tracey Lynne Shannon David Michael Debbie Leslie Angela Joni Leonard Catherine Janet Myrna Laurene Michelle Robert Karen Wendy Ruth Degree Type1 APE2 M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.A. M.Sc. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. M.A. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. Ph.D. M.Psy. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.A. M.Ed. MSc Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.A. Ph.D. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ed.D. FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP NP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP FP FP NP FP FP FP FP FP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP NP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO NO NO Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes NO NO Yes Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes NO NO Yes Yes NO NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes NO Yes Page 10 of 11 Name Wood Woods Wormith Wotherspoon Wright Wright Wright Yates Yonan Young Young Yuen Zaharia Zaluski 1. 2. Megan Meghan Stephen Karen Judith Karen Kristi Pamela Jesay Judith Leslie Wai Marilee Selina Degree Type1 APE2 M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.Ed. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.C. M.A. M.Ed. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. FP PP FP FP PP FP FP NP PP FP FP FP FP FP Yes NO NO NO NO Yes Yes NO NO NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Non-practising (NP) member: someone not actively working as a psychologist; Full Practising (FP) member: able to practise without supervision or any other restrictions; Provisional Practice (PP) member: has been granted a provisional license to practise until they complete the remaining requirements of registration, which is most often additional supervised experience Yes: the psychologist has been approved by the College to make diagnoses; NO: the psychologist does not have this approval This list was last revised in October 2014. If you have additional questions about the register, please contact the SCP office directly. November 10, 2014 Page 11 of 11
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