The Bells of St. Mary’s Cathedral Weekly Bulletin 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday November 16, 2014 St. Mary’s Cathedral • 112 S . Cedar • P.O. Box 936 • Grand Island, NE •(308) 384-2523 • • Facebook: St. Mary’s Cathedral Grand Island Ne Mass & Calendar November 16, 2014 Mass Schedule & Intentions Day/Date Page 2 Upcoming Events Time Name of Intention Monday, November 17 Mo. 11/17 7:00 am Louise Borowski † Tu. 11/18 7:00 am Lila Rose Wilson 7 am Mass (English) 1 pm Quilters 12:15 pm and 5:15 pm Rosary for Peace 7 pm KC 7 pm Youth Group leaders (Sp) We. 11/19 7:00 am The Intention of the Priest We. 11/9(Sp) 5:15 pm The Intention of the Priest Th. 11/20 7:00 am Mary Elizabeth Kuhn Th. 11/20 5:15 pm Carol Ann Smith † Fr. 11/21 7:00 am Norm Buck † Fr. 11/21 5:15 pm Helen Nordhues † Sa. 11/22 7:00 am The Intention of the Priest Sa. 11/22 5:00 pm - Fr. TP Leonard Bialy † Su. 11/23 7:00 am - Fr. RP Pro Populo Su. 11/23(Sp) 8:15 am -Fr. JC Su. 11/23 10:00 am - Fr. RP Su. 11/23(Sp) Noon - Fr. JC Su. 11/23 5:00 pm - Fr. TP The Intention of the Priest Jack & Dottie Cameron Family † Domingo Francisco-Toledo † Mary Elizabeth Kuhn Tuesday, November 18 7 am Mass (English) 10 am EP Bible Study CS Basement Wednesday, November 19 7 am Mass (English) 4:45 –5:10 pm Confession 5:15 pm Mass (Español) 6:30 pm Rel Ed Class 7 am Mass (English) 11am—Noon Confession 5 pm Mass (English) 6pm YG (Sp) $2,477.00 Holiday Bulletin Deadlines All articles must be e-mailed to: Deadline, Monday, November 17th for Sunday, November 30th Deadline, Monday December 8th for Sunday, December 21st Deadline, Friday December 12th for Sunday, December 28th Deadline December 17th for Sunday, January 4th For more information call Barbara at 384-2523 ext 233 Please remember your parish in your planned giving. 10 am EP Rosary 1 pm Quilters 2pm Tai Chi 6:30 pm RCIA 7 pm DivorceCare 7 pm EP Bible Study Friday, November 21 November 9th Collection Parish Debt Collection 7 pm Confirmation Class 7 am Mass (English) 9-10 am Confession 4:45 –5:10 pm Confession 5:15 pm Mass (English) 6 pm EP Bible Study CS Basement 7pm Music/Choir Rehearsal 7 am Mass (English) 4:45 –5:10 pm Confession 5:15 pm Mass (English) $11,866.50 4 pm Quinceañera Rehearsal Thursday, November 20 Please note only on Sunday Masses you will notice initials of the priest that will be saying Mass by that time . The initials for Fr. Richard—Fr. RP, Fr. Thomas—Fr. TP, Fr. Jose- Fr. JC Subject to change. Regular Collection 4pm Rental 7 pm EP Bible Study 7pm Sp Young Adult Gp Saturday, November 22 8 am EP 9 am EM Gathering 10 am Citizenship Class 2 pm Quinceañera Sunday, November 23 7 am Mass (English) 8:15 am Mass (Español) 10:00 am Mass (English) Noon Mass (Español) 5 pm Mass (English) 8:45 am Sunday Rel Ed 10 am RICA (Sp) 2 pm Pre Baptism Class (Sp) 4 pm EP 6pm Music/Choir Rehearsal Eucharistic Adoration 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Blessed are you who fear the LORD. — Psalm 128:1a Ramblings/Ministry Schedule Page 3 Back to a popular topic among Catholic circles—the murdering of bishops. Recently a priest in Kenya was convicting killing his bishop in 2005. Now the priest himself didn’t do the despicable deed, he hired out. After the bishop began to look into the financial affairs of the padre the same priest hired four Muslim men to ambush and slay his boss (do Catholic assassins cost more?). The former pastor and gunmen will appeal the conviction; but it does bring up the question, does this happen often? Certainly bishops, priests and religious risk their lives every day in countries persecuting Catholics and other Christians; many have died for the faith. What about good old fashioned murder? One of our former bishops would complain bitterly and with outrage when he read of bishops being killed in third world countries by rival tribes. This same bishop never seemed to realize that women and children were also being killed in these intertribal conflicts. For those of us who are amateur Church historians the topic of Episcopal elimination is an old story found in every epic of the past two thousand years. The most interesting assassination attempts deal of course with the papacy. Up until 1967 as part of a Papal Mass, the sacristan (the guy who sets up everything before Mass) would bring three hosts to the Pope; the Holy Father would watch while the sacristan rubbed a random host over the paten, and then consume it. The sacristan then poured wine into the chalice and drank it in front of the Pope. Why the host rub and wine consumption at the beginning of Mass you ask? Simple—to avoid poison. The Venerable Pope Paul VI did away with this ritual calling it unnecessary, but why was it necessary in the first place? Some past popes and many bishops have died over the millennia under suspicious circumstances; usually related to their not getting along with the local king/ruler. Others have found the food tasted funny and were soon face to face with Jesus after rival claimants to the papacy or diocese decided to hurry up the natural progression from life to death. Is it a coincidence that our own beloved bishop waits to see others eat before he brings fork to mouth? Murder, however, is serious business and the fact of it happening even in the Church is an indicator of times when people stray from the path that Jesus has set. We are to use our talents, our gifts for the increase of the Kingdom of God; when we focus on intrigue and things of this world we bury the gifts and find ourselves on a deviant path, led off course into rivalry, jealousy, prejudice, greed, etc. We’ve been given great responsibilities by the Lord Himself; use what God gave you and extend holiness to all you meet. Father Rector Next Sunday’s Ministry Schedule (November 22nd and 23rd) Mass Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am Sunday 8:15 am (Español) Sunday 10:00 am Sunday Noon (Español) Sunday 5:00 pm Servers/ Monaguillos * Beginner Open Open E. Leon G. Leon JJ Hernandez J. Spotanski J. Spotanski C. Molina D. Romero V. Castellanos L. Ramirez R M D. Nordhues J. Rohweder Eucharistic Ministers G. Stittsworth R. Sekora K. Douglas Deacon P. Donner J. Shafer R. Stoltenberg M. Stoltenberg Deacon D. Shafer E. Ramos C.M. Pascual N. Erives I. Torres G. Torres O. Torres M. Mosqueda Open Open P. Hranac Deacon Open N. Rivera M. Molina A. Mendoza N. Mendoza J. Mejia J. Mejia JJ Escalante J. Romero B. Nordhues J. Nordhues Open Deacon Open Lectors G. Stittsworth D. Tenski I. Marcos J. Calmo H. Bravo D. Countryman L. Fierro E. Fierro M. Aguayo S. Dolton Ushers/ Ujieres P. Mulligan M. Carreon A. Nicolas L. Cornelius B. Marquez Open H. Castorena P. McPhillips A. Ramirez M. Ceja C. Egnoske I. Ramirez G. Morales L. Bradley J. Mateo N. T. Francisco J. Ramirez F. Sebastian M. Carrillo If you cannot serve your scheduled time, please find a substitute, thank you. Parish News Page 4 Prayer Requests Director of Religious Education Please remember the following in your prayers: * Virginia Bedner, Jerome Kosmicki, Susan Puhalla, Carol Schuster, Gretchen Eakes, Dawn Pirkey, Lynne Peterson. New additions to the prayer list. Names remain on the prayer list for two months. Names may be resubmitted upon request. To request daily prayers, call the Parish Prayer Chain: Phyllis at 382-0306 or Joy at 379-4741. To add or remove a name from this list, please call the Parish office 384-2523 ext 233 In this week's Gospel reading we hear, "Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities". We are all destined for great things! Our own children and those of our Parish are a great responsibility! This past week with the RE and Confirmation students we learned about those great people who suffered and were persecuted for living their life for and with Christ. We also discussed the Beatitudes. The Lord does work in us, it is then up to us to listen to his calling and make the right choices. As Catholics it is our responsibility to not only role model and live our faith but also to encourage and share our faith. We do this not only by taking our children to Mass, but by including our faith and standing up for our faith everyday of our life no matter how hard that may be. That is what the Saints did. Please share and encourage your faith with the children. Take time to help them learn their prayers and read the Bible. It is not so much memorization as it is to apply the words of the prayers and verses from the bible to our current life. By living, sharing and passing of our faith we will increase with great value and we all may have the chance to reap the rewards of eternal life. Military Names We pray for the following parishioners family and friends who are currently serving in the military: New names in blue Lance Corporal Ryan Twehous 2nd Lt. Jordan Hughes USMC LCpl John G. Frankenberg SPC Kevin Donovan STG2/ E5 Cesar Soria SPC. Jessica Paup SP Force Gunner SSgt. Ron Cameron II WO TJ Cameron HM2 Andrew Dodendorf LTC Chad Sekutera Major Sam Schneider Sgt. Christopher Donner Specialist Chad Holmes Sgt. Noel Jones Commander Douglas E. Kennedy Sgt. Jeffrey D. Michalski Lt. Col. Brian Jovag Msgt. Timothy Mahoney God Bless, Mary Rose USMC Sgt. Brandon T. Russell Director of Religious ED Office Hours If you know someone who is in the military and would like to have their name included in this space please email the information to Mary Rose office hours are: Tuesday 9 am– 2 pm, Wednesday 1 pm -9 pm, Thursday 9 am -2pm, and Sunday 8 am-11a with name and rank. Thank you. You can email Mary at Mary’s Closet Weekly Special Hours subject to change. Thrift Store Nov 17th-22nd Still need teachers for 3rd & 6th grade Wednesday and Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6th– Sunday. Also helpers in the classroom or help with Curtains, Tablecloths, Pajamas, Nightgowns, special projects. Contact Mary Rose 384-2523 Ext 213 Robes, Hats, Scarves, Gloves 50% off Advent Retreat Ziploc type bags are in need Mary’s Closet The thrift store is in need of Ziploc type of plastic bags for putting items in the bags. Small snack to large gallon plastic bags are welcome. Drop bags off at top of stairs of the store in the Church. Rosary for Peace—Last day Monday, November 24th will be our last day for the rosary due to the colder weather. The Catholic Daughters wants to thank everyone who participated in the Rosary for peace in the 12 weeks at 12:15 pm or 5:15 pm on Monday in the Cathedral. We encourage everyone to continue saying the rosary at home on Mondays for peace. Rosary on November 17th and 24th. New to the Parish "We give a sincere welcome to all new families moving into our Parish. Please register in the Parish Office as soon as possible. Families who plan to move from our parish community are requested to inform us." St. Mary’s Cathedral Ladies are sponsoring an Advent morning retreat on December 6, at Cathedral Square from 9 am until noon, with registration from 8-9 am Fr. Richard Piontkowski will present “A Commentary on the Synod on the Family.” Cost is $10/person (payable at door) and includes a light breakfast and lunch. Pre-registration is required for food count. Contact: Marie Schuster (308) 382-5387; De Tenski (308) 381-8348; Glenda Stittsworth (308) 379-9325. The retreat is open to everyone. In Memory Please remember in your prayers all the faithful departed members of St. Mary’s Cathedral Especially: Dr. Michael McCarty Mary Caddy May they rest in Peace. Parish Information Christmas Musicians’ Rehearsals Please mark your calendar now. Rehearsals will be: Thursday, November 20, Thursday, December 4, Thursday, December 11, Thursday, December 18 Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry…November… Yep, we’re already planning our celebration of Birth of Jesus, and a key component is YOU! To enable the maximum number of people to participate, we are going to have five rehearsals on the six Thursdays prior to Christmas (no rehearsal on Thanksgiving Day) from 7 – 9 pm in the Cathedral. While attending all five rehearsals is the goal for creating a beautiful and inspiring Liturgy, if participants can attend at least three rehearsals, they should be sufficiently prepared to take part in the music for Midnight Mass, etc. Everyone is invited. Fellowship– Eucharistic Ministers Come and join us for fellowship where we can gather together for questions, guidelines and sharing our ministry. Please try to make one of the following times: Saturday, November 22nd, 9:30 am Coffee & rolls (will be provided) Monday, November 24th, 6 pm Potluck (bring what you want and let’s share a meal together- refreshment will be provide) Let Barbara know which one you are coming too! Anyone wishing to become a Eucharistic Minister is invited and encouraged to attend. Questions please contact Barbara Bosak at 384-2523, ext. 233 or Lectors: Pick up your workbook Please pick up your new Workbooks in the sacristy after Mass. Please note these go into effect November 30, 2014 Organ for Sale Mary’s Closet has an organ to sell. May see the organ in the Church basement by Mary’s Closet. Questions please contact Ann Baker at 391-1527 Thank you Thank you to all of you who have purchased my cd, "Gratitude." It has been just over a year now that it was released with half of the sales donated back to the Cathedral. I'm pleased to say that together we've given back $750 to St. Mary's! You have helped me realize a dream by your support and I am deeply humbled and grateful. I am truly blessed whenever I can bring glory to God through music and also blessed to be part of such a wonderful church family! With much "Gratitude", Dianne Schneider Page 5 Parish Nurse’s Notes November is National Men's Health month. Men rarely talk openly about their health. It can take a medical emergency to bring a man to the doctor. The smells of a doctor’s office, and the people running around in white coats makes guys nervous. Men all over the world are growing their facial hair for “Movember,”the charity that raises funds and awareness for men's health - but it's up to their wives, girlfriends and mothers to make sure they stay on the right path and get them to important medical screenings. For guys in their 20s: Get medical history and “baseline” data on blood pressure and cholesterol levels. If there is a family history, start diabetes testing. Go the dentist annually. Discuss safe sex. About 12,000 cancers associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV) occur in men each year, and a vaccine series is available. HIV cases are on the rise, especially among young men. Talk about testicular cancer, it is the most common cancer among young men. Do your own screening once a month to look for lumps. Develop a relationship with your doctor. Set a routine and develop “healthy habits for life.” 30s: Check for blood pressure and a lipid profile. Men over 34, should be tested for cholesterol every five years. In this age group, about 15 percent of men will have elevated blood pressure. Discuss eating habits and exercise. There is a national obesity epidemic, and as men move into their 30s they pick up some pounds. 40s: Get screened for diabetes if you have a body mass index (BMI) greater than 25 and other risk factors. Start prostate cancer screening with a digital exam and PSA blood test. About 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed during his lifetime. Update tetanus immunizations, every 10 years. Get an annual flu shot. 50s: Get a colonoscopy. Excluding skin cancers, colon cancer is the #3 killer of men. Repeat every seven to 10 years, unless multiple polyps are found. Check for cardiovascular disease risks: blood pressure (keep below 135/85), lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides) and diabetes. Discuss weight gain, smoking and alcohol risks. Check out the five steps men can take to avert a heart attack. Get an eye exam for glaucoma and a hearing test every two years. 60s: If you have smoked more than a pack of cigarettes a year for 30 years or have quit within the last 15 years a chest CT scan can pick up lung cancer earlier. Keep fit, preferably with weights to build muscle. Walking is the "superfood" of fitness, experts say. Osteoporosis poses a risk for millions of older men. Prostate exams in the 55 to 69 age group are a good age for detection and aggressive treatment. Check your mental health. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death for all ages, men are reluctant to admit they are depressed. REF: Parish News Page 6 St. Mary’s Cathedral Budget Comparison Report Summary Format For The Third Period Ended September 30, 2014 ——Period To Date ——— Actual Operating Revenue/Receipts: General Collections Restricted Collections Bequests/ Donations Interest & Dividends Other Income Total Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Salaries & Fringe Benefits Restricted Collections GI CCHS Support Diocesan Cathedraticum Supplies Repairs & Maintenance Utilities Food Insurance Other Expenses Major Capital Purchase Interest Total Operating Expenses Net Operating Surplus (DEFICIT) Current Budget ——Year To Date ——— Budget Difference Actual Current Budget Budget Difference $56,910 $5,136 $14,320 $1 $44,292 $120,659 $48,000 $7,600 $12,430 $2 $46,323 $114,355 $8,910 ($2,464) $1,890 ($1) ($2,031) $6,304 $152,201 $12,062 $34,730 $2 $72,691 $271,686 $156,000 $20,700 $37,290 $6 $73,519 $287,515 ($3,799) ($8,638) ($2,560) ($4) ($828) ($15,829) $23,085 $5,136 $17,597 $0 $2,200 $7,240 $2,285 $5,773 $9,292 $16,108 $0 $3,783 $92,499 $28,160 $21,871 $7,600 $17,597 $0 $2,794 $7,525 $2,677 $1,913 $7,809 $17,893 $0 $3,717 $91,396 $22,959 ($1,214) $2,464 $0 $0 $594 $285 $392 ($3,860) ($1,483) $1,785 $0 ($66) ($1,103) $5,201 $69,780 $12,062 $52,790 $8,306 $5,461 $28,011 $8,207 $9,908 $20,047 $39,802 $1,474 $11,363 $267,211 $4,475 $65,614 $20,700 $52,790 $8,625 $10,137 $22,575 $9,451 $7,038 $23,427 $37,621 $987 $11,152 $270,117 $17,398 ($4,166) $8,638 $0 $319 $4,676 ($5,436) $1,244 ($2,870) $3,380 ($2,181) ($487) ($211) $2,906 ($12,923) $430 ($3,568) $450 ($3,156) ($20) ($412) $1,430 ($8,286) $1,450 ($11,768) ($20) $3,482 Other Revenue/Expenses: Cathedral Square Receipts: Cathedral Square Expenses: Cathedral Square NET Surplus (DEFICIT) Daycare Center: Daycare Receipts Daycare Expenses Daycare NET Surplus (DEFICIT) ($3,138) ($2,706) ($432) ($6,856) ($10,318) $3,462 $71,658 ($73,290) ($1,632) $72,817 ($73,304) ($487) ($1,159) $14 ($1,145) $215,547 ($226,029) ($10,482) $236,968 ($235,391) $1,577 ($21,421) $9,362 ($12,059) SMIP (Immigration) SMIP (Immigration) Receipts SMIP (Immigration) Expenses SMIP NET Surplus (DEFICIT) $10,652 ($10,714) ($62) $5,000 ($4,316) $684 $5,652 ($6,398) ($746) $30,947 ($29,392) $1,555 $15,000 ($11,698) $3,302 $15,947 ($17,694) ($1,747) $23,328 $20,450 $2,878 ($11,308) $11,959 ($23,267) $1,508.000 $0 $1,508.000 Combine Net Surplus (DEFICIT) Diocese Loan-Principal, Balance If you have any questions please contact Fr. Richard at 384-2523 ext 201 or email: Cualquier pregunta hablar con el padre Ricardo ext. 201 o por email: Youth/Parish News Page 7 We have lots of fun here at Cathedral Daycare. Come join us! Enrolling ages 2-5. We never charge extra for preschool. Ask about our enrollment special! Cathedral Daycare 308-398-4047 Central Catholic Central Catholic Fundraisers It’s Crusader Calendar Lottery time at Central Catholic! Purchase 1 for $50 or 3 for $100 and be entered into a drawing for fabulous cash prizes! One grand prize of $5,000 and two $2500 cash prizes will be drawn the evening of the 2014 Knight, “A Knight at Tiffany’s” on November 21 and cash prizes will be awarded each week in 2015. Ask a GICC student to purchase your chance to win, or call the foundation office – 382-5499. Help support GICC and you might also be a big winner! Students remember! For selling 3 calendars you will receive a uniform-free day on December 3rd. For every additional 3 calendars you sell, you will be entered into a drawing for a $250 tuition credit for the 2014-2015 school year! Calendars are a great way to help support GICC. Thank you to everyone for your support! A Knight at Tiffany’s: Looking for the opportunity to purchase the perfect Christmas gifts for all members of your family? An adorable yellow lab pup for the kids, a beautiful piece of jewelry for mom and choose from a fishing, hunting or golfing trip for dad. All of these items and much, much more will be available at this year’s “A Knight at Tiffany’s” on Friday, November 21 at Grand Island Central Catholic. Can’t attend? You can still bid with your cell phone on the silent auction items! Call the Foundation office at 382-5499 to find out how. Calendar Lottery sales are also available at this time. Purchase your calendar today to be entered for fabulous cash prize drawings! Calendars are 1 for $50 or 3 for $100. Ask your favorite GICC student or call the foundation office to purchase your calendars today! If you are able to help before, during or after the event, please visit the school’s web site and sign up to help via Volunteer Spot. There are separate links for adults and students; the links can be found on the scrolling bar on the right hand side of the home page. Thank you for your willingness to help make this year’s Knight a success! GICC’s Annual Art and Craft Show Mark your calendar and please plan to join us for our annual Art and Craft Show, sponsored by the Grand Island Central Catholic Art Club. This year’s event will be on Friday, December 5 from 4:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, December 6 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Vendor registration forms are due by Sunday, November 30. For additional information, view our vendor information sheet on Central Catholic Cheers! Go! Fight! Win! We can’t think of a better way to spend an evening than by cheering on our Crusader teams. Our athletics teams are in full swing and would love your support! The feeling of excitement for each game is contagious and electrifying. You can find the schedule for all sporting events at Christmas Shopping Made Easy Need a Christmas gift for that hard to buy for Crusader? How about a new uniform shirt or sweatshirt! Orders need to be in by December 1st. Order forms are on the GICC website or by visiting this link. site_0428/GICC_DressCodeTopOrderForm103014.pdf Check out Grand Island Central Catholic page: News/Spiritual Page 8 Today Readings St. Mary’s Cathedral Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Intentions First Reading — The woman who fears the LORD is to be praised Vocations. That many people may hear the call of Christ and follow Him in the priesthood and religious life. (Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters, you are children of the Pro Life. That all people will come to value human life as God’s precious gift to be accepted and loved rather light (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6). than a burden to be destroyed. Gospel — Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you Holy Father’s Prayer November 2014 great responsibilities (Matthew 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]). Loneliness: That all who suffer loneliness may experience the Thoughts: GET READY closeness of God and the support of others. Mentors: That young seminarians and religious may have wise The Letters of Paul to the Thessalonians are among his earliand well-formed mentors. est writings, and are driven by his belief and the belief of the entire early Christian community that the return of Christ was immiWord of Life nent. Therefore, to devote time or attention to anything else was “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, foolish. before you were born I dedicated you, As time progressed, this fervor receded a bit. Today we may a prophet to the nations I appointed you.” wonder, when we hear these readings about the coming endtimes, if we should take them to heart. What should we do when Jeremiah 1:5 (NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.) we hear that the day of the Lord will come upon us “like a thief at night”? (1 Thessalonians 5:2) Does this mean we are to stop our GOD’S WORD TODAY long-range goal-setting, get rid of our yearly calendars and plan- During the time of Jesus, a talent was an extremely large sum of ners, or stop putting money in the college education fund? Of money. Sixty minas made up one talent and a mina equaled one course not. What it does mean is that we need to change our hundred dinarii. Two thousand years ago, an average worker in lives, living like children of the light and illuminating the world Palestine earned one dinarius a day. When Jesus told the parable around us with the light of the gospel. Then, on that day, when the we hear in today’s Gospel, he knew his listeners would realize details of our daily living become unimportant, we will be ready to that each of the servants had been entrusted with a huge sum of find our peace and security in Christ Jesus. money. This money, well invested, had the potential for earning a tremendous amount more. The spiritual talents entrusted to us Saints and Special Observances during our pilgrimage on earth also have the potential for yielding Sunday: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time extraordinary results. These spiritual gifts must be invested. In Monday: St. Elizabeth of Hungary other words, they must be used. When used, they help build up Tuesday: Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter the kingdom of God. They bring peace and comfort to the and Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne despairing. They bring the good news to the disenfranchised. Friday: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary They bring food and shelter to the hungry and homeless. As the Saturday: St. Cecilia liturgical year winds down, this parable asks us to assess the extent to which we have invested our spiritual talents. Their potential is extraordinary. How extraordinary are the results of our investment of them in the last year? From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company Feel Rush with Holidays Does the rush of Christmas preparations keep you from being present to the spiritual meaning of the Advent and Christmas seasons? The Benedictine Peace Center at Sacred Heart Monastery, Yankton, invites you to slow down and come to “In the Fullness of Time,” an Advent Retreat on Saturday, December 6, from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Retreatants may choose to extend their retreat time by staying Friday and/or Saturday night. For more information or to register, call 605-668-6292, or e-mail, or go to our webpage We will slow down and experience how God gifts us with special moments in this holy time. “Please remember the Cathedral in your will” Anuncios en Español En la lectura del Evangelio de esta semana escuchamos, “Puesto que has sido fiel en lo poco, te daré una gran responsabilidad.” ¡Todos estamos destinados a grandes cosas! Nuestros propios hijos y los de nuestra parroquia son una gran responsabilidad. Esta semana pasada con los estudiantes de catecismo y los estudiantes de Confirmación aprendimos acerca de esas grandes personas que sufrieron y fueron perseguidos por vivir su vida por Cristo y con Cristo. También hablamos sobre las Bienaventuranzas. El Señor trabaja en nosotros, y es entonces que depende de nosotros para escuchar su llamado y tomar las decisiones correctas. Como católicos es nuestra responsabilidad no sólo seguir y vivir nuestra fe, sino también para fomentar y compartir nuestra fe. Lo hacemos no sólo cuando llevamos nuestros hijos a misa, sino también con nuestra fe y defender nuestra fe todos los días de nuestra vida, no importa lo difícil que sea. Eso es lo que los santos hicieron. Por favor, comparta e inspire su fe con los niños. Tómese el tiempo para ayudarles a aprender sus oraciones y leer la Biblia. No es tanto la memorización, sino la aplicación de las palabras de las oraciones y versículos de la Biblia a nuestra vida actual. Por vivir compartiendo y pasando nuestra fe vamos a aumentar con gran valor y todos vamos a poder tener la oportunidad de cosechar los frutos de vida eterna. Dios los bendiga, Mary Rose Horarios de Oficina de Mary RoseDirectora de Educación Religiosa Mary Rose es la nueva persona encargada del programa de Educación Religiosa para los grados Kínder-al 12. Esto incluye todo relacionado a las Primeras Comuniones y Confirmaciones. Usted puede encontrar a Mary Rose en su oficina los Martes y Jueves de 9am-2pm, los miércoles de 1-9pm, Domingos 8am11am. Por teléfono al 384-2523 ext. 213 correo electrónico El Especial de la semana en Mary’s Closet:Ven a comprar la semana de Nov. 17-22. Las pijamas, camisones, batas, gorros, bufandas y guantes están a mida de precio. La tienda está abierta los Lunes, Miércoles de 1-4pm y los sábados de 10am-3pm. Necesitamos Tú ayuda El comité de liturgia estarán alistando los himnos y misales en inglés para este próximo año litúrgico. Necesitan ayuda con esto, el sábado 29 de noviembre 8am en la iglesia. Personas con horas comunitarias son bienvenidos a participar. En Memoria Amorosa Recordemos en nuestras oraciones a todos los fieles que han fallecido esta semana, especialmente: al Doctor Michael McCarty y a la señora Mary Caddy quien por muchísimos años fielmente lavo y plancho las albas de los padres y monaguillos, manteles del altar y mucho más. Gracias Mary por tu servicio, siempre serás recordada en nuestra parroquia como una de las fieles voluntarias. Que descansen en paz. Page 9 Platica Pre-bautismal para el mes de Noviembre: El domingo 23 de Noviembre es la siguiente platica prebautismal a las 2pm en el Centro Parroquial. Solamente se permitirá que tomen esta plática las familias que se han registrado para tomarla. Los interesados por favor llamen a la oficina para que se les pueda decir los requisitos necesarios. 308 -384-2523 lunes a jueves de 8:30am-4:30pm. Rosario por la Paz El ministerio de señoras Católicas invitan a toda la comunidad a rezar el rosario por la paz. Los lunes a las 12:15pm o a las 5:15pm en la Iglesia. Si no pueden venir por favor de rezar el rosario en su hogar. Esto continuará hasta Nov. 24 Renovación del TPS Hondureños con el TPS, ya pueden enviar sus aplicaciones para la renovación del TPS. Para más detalles hablen con Carmen Corona en la oficina de inmigración 308-3812855 por favor dejen sus mensajes si no contestamos. Danza Rosa de Guadalupe Se invita a los jóvenes , jóvenes adultos y todas las personas en general a participar en la danza la Rosa de Guadalupe. Para los horarios y lugares de práctica por favor de comunicarse con Sergio Gutiérrez al 308-850-0708. RICA : Recordatorio: clases para adultos se están llevando a cabo todos los domingos de 10 am a 11:30 am. Todos son bienvenidos! Si quieren saber y conocer de nuestra Fe y lo que nuestra Iglesia Católica nos enseña o si le falta uno o todos sus sacramentos de iniciación (Bautismo, Eucaristía, Confirmación) venga y le prepararemos para que los obtenga! Gracias por su atención. Esther Gómez Ministerio Hispano Celebración de la Virgen de Guadalupe Queridos parroquianos de Santa Maria! A partir de hoy les hacemos la cordial invitacion a la celebración de Nuestra Patrona de las Américas Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe!! En los siguientes domingos estaremos informando de los preparativos de la celebración y para esto necesitamos la colaboración de todos ustedes! Recuerden que comenzamos con la procesión y rosario y culminamos con la Misa a las 12pm en la escuela Católica 1200 Ruby & 13th st. este DIA no tendremos Misa de 12 en la Iglesia La comida es gratis si colaboramos con las cosas necesarias para la preparación. Desde hoy comenzamos a recibir donaciones necesitamos: platos, vasos, tenedores y cucharas, servilletas, condimentos para la carne, sal, aceite, sal sazonadora, chile seco rojo, cebollas, tomates, cilantro, limones, chiles jalapeños, tortillas de maíz, azúcar, limonada instantánea, yo estaré en mi oficina domingos por la mañana o si desea dejar su donación durante la semana favor de hacerlo en horas de oficina. 8:30 am 4:30 pm. Esperamos contar con su colaboración para que nuestra celebración sea un éxito!! También les recordamos que los rosarios a la virgen comienzan el 3 de diciembre este año lo haremos en las casas Yo estaré en la parte de atrás hoy para apuntar a quien desee tomar un día y culminar con las mañanitas el dia11 al 10pm, en la iglesia y la Misa en honor a la virgen en su día a las 7pm procedida por el padre Ricardo. Gracias Dios les Bendiga Esther Gómez Ministerio Hispano Anuncios en Español FORO ASUNTOS DE VIDA Page 10 Noviembre de 2014 Una luz en la oscuridad Aaron Matthew Weldon Una persona podría elegir abortar, o suicidarse, por diversos motivos. Una mujer soltera podría sentir que no tiene los medios para cuidar a un niño. Un esposo con una enfermedad terminal puede no querer que su esposa lo vea sufrir. Las personas sienten el impulso a realizar estos actos trágicos por motivos profundamente personales. Pero hay mucho más dando vueltas aquí. En estas historias dolorosas, en las que la gente elige en contra de la vida, se puede vislumbrar un vacío generalizado, una oscuridad espiritual. Ese vacío no se limita a las personas, sino que es parte de nuestra cultura contemporánea. Una desesperanza oculta amenaza con penetrar nuestra sociedad secular moderna de hoy. La cultura occidental se haya inundada por un malestar espiritual que disminuye el deseo humano de preservar la propia vida, de luchar contra la muerte y de realizar los esfuerzos necesarios para construir un mundo estable para que lo disfruten las generaciones futuras. La secularización es uno de los principales factores aquí. La pérdida de esperanza en algo eterno, de fe en una realidad que trasciende lo mundano, ha creado un vacío que puede hacer parecer sin sentido la lucha contra la muerte. La lucha por la esperanza es real para personas en muy diversas situaciones. Mientras los enfermos terminales con razón captan nuestra atención, piensa en aquellos que, habiendo sufrido años de reclusión en soledad en el sistema de justicia penal de nuestra nación, intentan matarse. Para muchas personas, seguir viviendo es una lucha. Cuando las distracciones que nos da nuestra cultura consumista dejan de funcionar, ¿dónde encontrarán esperanza las personas que sufren? Como personas de vida, debemos ser personas de esperanza. Nuestros hogares y parroquias deben ser oasis de esperanza en el desierto espiritual de nuestro tiempo. Un encuentro con un cristiano debería acercarnos a una persona que está poseída por la esperanza en el Dios que de la muerte da vida. Sin duda, la esperanza no es un optimismo ingenuo. Nuestro Señor esperaba en Dios mientras lloraba en el Monte de los Olivos a pesar de la oscuridad que amenazaba. La esperanza cristiana se forma en la prueba del Calvario, cada vez que participamos en el santo sacrificio de la misa. Una cultura de la vida brota de la esperanza, y sus actitudes y prácticas respaldan la esperanza. Por ejemplo, vemos una cultura llena de esperanza en las obras corporales de misericordia. Visitamos a una prisionera para recordarle, de una manera tangible, que no la hemos dejado afuera de las relaciones; que es querida. Enterramos a los muertos, llorando con los que están de luto, esperando el día en el que los difuntos resucitarán a la nueva vida en Cristo. Damos de comer al hambriento y vestimos al desnudo, a la espera del día en el que seremos compañeros en el banquete eterno del Reino de Dios. Los cristianos deben ser personas que se detienen junto a los que han perdido la esperanza y los levantan. En un mundo que ofrece poco a quienes luchan entre la vida y la muerte, debemos acompañar a las personas en la oscuridad. Nuestra vida debe dar testimonio de la Luz que brilla en las tinieblas y que las tinieblas no pueden vencer. Aaron Matthew Weldon es asistente de personal para el Secretariado de Actividades Pro-Vida de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos. Para más información sobre las actividades pro-vida de los obispos, visite Ensayos para los músicos para Navidad Musicos Ho, Ho, Ho, Feliz Nov... Sí, ya estamos A todos los Grupos de música de Santa Maria se les hace una planeando nuestra celebración del nacimiento atenta invitacion a participar en la celebración de nuestra señora de Jesús, y un componente clave es USTED! de Guadalupe Para permitir que el máximo número de personas participen, va- El 7 de diciembre, en las mañanitas el 11 a las 10, y el 12 en la mos a tener cinco ensayos en los seis jueves antes de la Navidad misa a las 7. Practica comenzaran domingo 16-23-30 inmediata(sin ensayo en el Día de Acción de Gracias) de 7:00-9:00pm en la mente después de la misa! De igual manera a todo el que quiera Iglesia El propósito a lograr mientras participamos en los cinco participar en el coro cantando. Todos son bienvenidos! ensayos es la creación de una hermosa e inspiradora Liturgia, si Gracias DIOS les Bendiga! Esther Gómez Ministerio Hispano los participantes pueden asistir a por lo menos tres ensayos, deben estar lo suficientemente preparados para tomar parte en la música para la Misa de la media noche, etc. Por favor, marque su calendario ahora. Los ensayos serán: 20 de noviembre, 04 de diciembre, 11 de diciembre, 18 de diciembre Todos están invitados. Esperamos verte en el 13! Scott Rieker Director de Música Catedral Sta. Maria. EL QUETZAL Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 BAKERY • PANADERIA Ceramic Tile • Granite, Wood Cultured Stone • Brick Commercial & Residential 318 North Madison, GI 308-382-0671 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. NEW PATIENTS AND REFERRALS WELCOME 384-N. Walnut 308-382-7144 Pan Centroamerico: Pasteles Cakes • Donas Donuts DENTAL HEALTH CARE — DRS. JANDA & JANDA Dr. David E. Janda – Dr. Leona K. Janda 2009 West Faidley Ave., Grand Island, Nebraska 68803-4644 COME SMILE WITH US!! Phone: 308-382-8677 Castillo’s Cleaning Co. LLC Home/Business Grand Island and Areas 308-380-2572 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Español Certified Residential & Kerry Chiropractic Kerry Rodocker-Wiarda, D.C. Laura Sweley, D.C. REAL ESTATE APPRAISER By State of Nebraska SHEILA J. ALDER 308-398-2255 Office: 308-384-5838 United Food and Commercial Workers Terry Mostek Union Representative Business Office: 2410 N. Colorado • Fremont, NE 68025 (402) 721 - 0429 2308 S. Locust • Grand Island, NE (308) 384-3178 Pella Windows & Doors Professionally Installed By Us! Wood, Fiberglass and Vinyl windows. Replacement, Remodel, New Construction Windows and Doors to fit every project and every budget. 2224 North Broadwell Avenue Grand Island, NE 68803-2152 J. J.’S SALON 1405 W. CHARLES ST. (308) 382-5868 • 384-1359 J.J. CHMELKA (308) 384-0800 Livingston-Sondermann Funeral Home Joint Replacement, Carpal Tunnel Surgery, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Knee Arthroscopy & Cremation Services and Work-Related Injuries. (800) 782-6959 FREE 620 North Diers Avenue Suite 200 • Grand Island, NE 68803 West Faidley Medical Center 308-398-2929 Dan Naranjo Grand Island, NE 68801 Funeral Director / Owner MEX JEWELERS • 14k Jewelry • 14k Religious Pendants • Repairs • Design & Manufactures Derek Apfel PHONE: 308-384-0590 Funeral Director/Owner FAX: 308-384-5642 of Jewelry • 14k Rosaries TOLL FREE: 877-479-4478 308-750-1459 308-383-6990 FULLY INSURED W/WORKERS COMP. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING LASTING RESULTS WALLPAPER REMOVAL PAINTING OF CEILINGS/WALLS/TRIM VARNISHING/STAINING VARIOUS CEILING REPAIR RETEXTURING/ETC. Senior Citizen Discounts What We Can Offer You and Your Business: • Many ad size options to meet your budget in color or black and white • One-on-one customer service to help build and design your ad • The ability to change your ad up to 12 times per year J.S. Paluch Company 1.800.945.6629 See Your Ad in Knights of Columbus Council 1159 A Catholic men’s organization meets the 3rd Monday of the month SINCE 1907 “OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY” 1123 WEST SECOND GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 DOUGLAS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INC. STEPHEN J. DOUGLAS, EA, ATP, ECS MEMBER OF THE GOLDEN RULE • YEAR ROUND TAX SERVICE • ELECTRONIC FILING • QUALITY SERVICE • DATA PROCESSING • BUSINESS CONSULTANTS • INDIVIDUAL & BUSINESS BOOKKEEPING Short-Term Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Center Serving Grand Island For Over 20 yrs. 3119 West Faidley Avenue Grand Island, NE 68803 308-384-2333 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH SUPER—SAVER ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Employee Owned GRAND ISLAND • 1602 W. 2nd Street • (308) 382-6822 COLOR Call J.S. Paluch Today! 1.800.945.6629 719 W. 3rd Street - Grand Island, NE 68801 (308) 382-6082 - Fax (308) 382-6832 - - On The Web at Serving Grand Island and the Surrounding Area Since 1890 Kevin Wood, Chris McCoy & Jerry Quandt-Funeral Directors VALERIE JENSEN 2929 South Locust 406 W. 3rd Grand Island, NE 68801 Tel. 308-384-7191 308-382-7070 ESTIMATES All Faiths Funeral Home ORO 601 N. Webb Road Grand Island, NE TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-945-6629 154600 St Mary Cathedral For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Parish Information Weekend Masses–English Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 7 am ,10 am & 5pm Daily Masses–English Mon - Sat 7am Thu- Fri 5:15 pm Horario de Misas-Español Domingo 8:15 am & Noon Miércoles 5:15 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Wed - Fri - 4:45 - 5:10 pm & Thursday 9– 10 am Saturday 11:00 - 12:00 pm or by appointment. Adoration, Healing Mass, Chaplet, and Rosary Hora Santa: Primer Sábado de cada mes a las 7pm First Friday Rosary– 4:50 pm before 5:15 pm Mass 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration – 2nd/4th Tuesday Chaplet of Divine Mercy – Second Tuesday-2:50 pm Healing Mass- (English) – Second Thursday- 11 am Rosary for Pro Life– Every Thursday 4:45 pm El Pescador Rosary – Every Tuesday -6 pm El Pescador Rosary –Every Thursday -10 am Daily Rosary—After every 7 am Mass Religious Ed Class Times (September– April) 6:30 pm– 730 pm Wednesday, 8:45 am-9:45 am Sunday Confirmation 7– 8:30 pm Wednesday Marriage: Contact a priest directly at least 4 months in advance of proposed wedding date. Deposited required. Children's Baptism: parents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation class. Pre-Registration is required. English class: 2nd Monday of each month. Spanish class: 4th Sunday of each month, 2 pm Deadline for pre-registration is the Thursday before the class. Please bring: proof of address and your child’s Birth Certificate. The Godparent (s) must provide a letter of good standing. Questions? 384-2523. Mary’s Closet Mary’s Closet open 3 days a week: Mondays and Wednesdays 1-4 pm & Saturdays 10 am– 3 pm Donations of clothing, small appliances, toys, home decorations and kitchenware, but furniture and large electronic will be accepted only by Ann Baker. Volunteers are welcome to come and help any time. Questions or to volunteer please contact Ann Baker at 391-1527 or Mary’s Closet Page 12 PARISH STAFF/ ADMINISTRACIÓN PARROQUIAL (308) 384-2523/ (308) 384-2527 (fax) Facebook: St. Mary’s Cathedral Grand Island Ne Associate Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Richard Piontkowski Jr.,ext 201 Rev. Thomas Pasala, ext 204 Episcopal Vicar for Hispanic Ministry in the Diocese of Grand Island, in residence: Rev. Jose Chavez, ext 211 Director of Religious Education Parish Activities Coordinator: Mrs. Mary Rose ext 213 Bulletin Editor: Mrs. Barbara Bosak, ext 233 Director of Music: Secretary/Bookkeeper: Mr. Scott Rieker ext 219 Ms. Angelica Calderon ext. 220 Hispanic Ministry: Bi-Lingual Secretary/Secretaria: Mrs. Esther Gomez, ext 300 Mrs. Patty Zuniga, ext 221 Parish Nurse: Maintenance Director: Mrs. Kena Zebert RN, ext 235 Deacon John Farlee, ext 226 Cathedral Daycare: Director: Mrs. Judy Priess, 398-4047 or Assistant Director Mrs. Misty Uhrich, 398-4047 Mary’s Closet Ms. Ann Baker, 391–1527 Immigration Office Carmen & Jacinto Corona / Yolanda Chavez Nuncio 308-381-2855 Ext. 301 The Parish Office Hours are Monday—Thursday 8:30 am– 4:30 pm St. Mary’s Immigration Office– 308-381-2855 Monday~ Closed -Tuesday - Friday: 9:00am –Noon and 1-5:30pm Saturday: By Appointment Only Sunday~ Closed Bilingual NFP- - - Planificación Natural Familiar Mr. & Mrs. Chávez (308) 383-1199/ (308)383-1474 Cathedral Daycare NOW ENROLLING Combined Child Care/ Preschool Program No need to worry about how to get your preschooler to daycare. Our year-round preschool program for ages 2 to 5provides the best of both worlds. Stop by for a tour! We have transportation for school age students of Wasmer, Gates and Dodge for afterschool. 5:30am-6:00pm Monday-Friday 6 weeks to 12 years ~ Call for availability All Faiths Welcome!
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