Brent Multiagency EHC Assessment, timescales and planning process Referral from Parent/ Young person who are over age of 16 Referral from Professional Referral from School/Setting Co-ordinator gathers professional advice and Information from parents/young person 4 weeks To make decision Multi-agency EHC Decision Group consider request for Assessment (SEN, EP, School) – Health Rep and Social Care Rep(CWD/ transition, early years) will be invited to Panel EHC decision group decide to assess or not Yes No Case Worker allocated Case Worker/co-ordinator communicates and gathers parents/young person’s view/ aspirations via a meeting. Professionals contacted to seek advice (if necessary). Social Care (via MASH) and health will be contacted Case Worker Draft EHCP or Note in Lieu issued(NIL) Case Worker shares a Draft EHCP plan with a parent and obtains parents/young person’s views(via a meeting) on the proposed plan and work with parents to agree the final EHC plan If required consult Professionals (via a meeting or electronically) Amend proposed EHC plan if necessary) 4 weeks Case Worker allocated Case Worker writes to parents with decision not to assess – must be issued no later than 6 weeks after request made – Given information on right to appeal and mediation 6 weeks Seek further advice 10 weeks EHC Needs assessed and Eligibility applied (via school Banding & relevant panels) Complex Panel decision on EHCP or NIL 13 weeks NIL Note in Lieu issued – Must be issued no later than 16 weeks after start EHC 3 weeks to draft EHCP or Note in Lieu 2 weeks to get views from parent 15 weeks Consultation with School (15 calendar days) 2 weeks to consult school 1 week to make amends EHC plan Issued to parents and shared with professionals 17 weeks 18 weeks 2 week to finalise 20 weeks Maximum time for whole process to be completed is 20 weeks At every stage, child and their parent and/young person is fully involve, their views and wishes taken into account Co-ordinator (SENAS) receives Request for an EHC assessment
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