Country( * University* COORDINATOR* University*of*Basilicata** * Italy( ! !!!!!!!!!! ! ( Italy( University*of*Rome*Sapienza* ! ( Italy( University*of*ChietiCPescara** * ! University*of*Ljubljana** * ( Slovenia( ! University*of*Minho*** * ( Portugal( ! ! University*Poli.*Madrid*** * Spain( Spain( UPC*Barcelona** * ! NTU$Athens$$ $ Greece% ! University$of$Aveiro$$ $ Portugal% ! ! Country( University* elarch PROJECT (2014-‐2018) elarch is a scholarship and mobilitI project fLnded under the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 ParOPership (EMA2) coordinated by the UniversitI of Basilicata. The project is aimed at fostering scientific cooperation in the field of protection of heritages betXeen European and Latin American Higher Education InstitLtions. The scholarship progYam is open to nationals Zom Bolivia, PerL, Ecuador, ParagLay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, UrLgLay and Venezuela who want to stLdy or work at one of the nine European parOPer Universities and to nationals Zom Italy, Slovenia, PorOLgal, Spain and Greece who want to stLdy or work at one of the eleven Latin American parOPer Universities. The project is also supporOed by a number of associate organizations active in natLral risk mitigation and interPational development. A total number of 119 mobilitI will be involved in scientific activities at the undergYaduate, masters, PhD, postdoctoral and academic-‐staff level. The ELARCH scholarship covers: Travel exfenses, monthly subsistence allowance, insurance coverage and tLition fees. ! (Joint!Coordinator)! University!Cartagena!de!Indias!!! ! ( Colombia( * University!Catolica!Boliviana!S.!Pablo!! ! Bolivia( * Pontificia!Univ.!Cattolica!del!Perù!! ! ! Peru( * University!S.!Gregorio!de!Porto!Viejo!! ! Ecuador( * National!University!of!Itapua!! ! Paraguay( * University!Michoacana!S.!Nicola!Hidalgo!! ! Mexico( * University*of*Magdalena** * Colombia( ! Chile( University*of*Concepcion** * ! University*of*Oriente,*Santiago** * Cuba( ! University*Federal*de*Santa*Catarina*** * Brazil( ! Colombia( ! ! WELCOME TO THE KICK-‐OFF MEETING OF THE University*of*Nariño** * PROJECT SUMMARY Objective of this project is to establish higher education cooperation betXeen institLtions across Europe and Latin America, through academic mobilitI measures in natLral risk reduction and preserhation of the cultLral heritage. Researchers, fLtLre policy makers and practitioners will stYengOhen their curYicula in architectLre, engineering, geological sciences, environmental sciences, management and planning, etc. Specific educational and interdisciplinarI research activities will focus on innovative practices in: conserhation of the cultLral heritage, life-‐cycle analysis and resilient/ sustainable desigP, health monitoring and diagPostics, seismologI, exferimental stLdies, social/economical impact evaluation, disaster and asset management, national and interPational policy. Cooperation will take place betXeen universities and research centers active in protection of the cultLral heritage, environmental risk mitigation and tYaining. MobilitI will involve 36 UndergYads, 32 Masters, 23 PhDs, 17 Post-‐Docs, and 11 Staff. Universities, NGOs, Philanthropy gYoups, local and InterPational Authorities will develop a human resources inZastYLctLre incorforating credit recogPition, joint degYees, innovative E-‐learPing platforms, field case-‐ stLdy laboratories, cultLral policy stYategies, and social inclusion.
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