Fear and Trembling Giving My Life Away Through Missions

# of children
requiring childcare
Fear and Trembling
Express: Worship
Accidental Pharisee
How to Study the Bible
One Way Love
Prayer (Youth)
Grace in Chrisan Growth
What is the Free Church?
Forgo,en God
Work as Worship
FREE: Romans 6 & 7
Giving My Life Away
Grace-Filled Home (link)
“My relaonship with
Jesus is the most
relaonship in my life. It
guides everything I do.”
“I feel really close to
Christ and depend on
Him daily for
“I believe in Jesus
and am working
on what it means to
get to know Him.”
Fear and Trembling
Who is this for? People who
consider themselves Exploring Christ,
Growing in Christ or Close to Christ
will benefit from this opportunity to
learn more about the holiness and
majesty of God as a driving force in worship.
Video presentaon by R.C. Sproul
Saturday, November 22 (9:00am-12:30pm)
he fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov.
1:7), but o%en we do not fear the Lord as we ought
because we forget how He is revealed in Scripture. We
tend to view God as a heavenly grandfather, not as one
who is a consuming fire. We think God is like us, when
instead He is u,erly holy. Unl we understand who God
is, we will not have the right a.tude toward Him. In this
series, Dr. R.C. Sproul helps us to understand who God
really is, showing us the One who is holy.⌂
Express: Loving God Through Worship
Who is this for? Anyone of almost any age and stage
who wants more out of personal and corporate worship.
Friday, November 28 (7:00-9:00pm)
oving God is a key component of discipleship, a
catalyst that helps us grow in our relaonship with
God. Just like human relaonships need love and
respect, expressing our love, adoraon and respect
for God is vital for deepening our relaonship with Him.
Yet it is not limited only to singing and spoken prayer.
Scripture reveals many ways where people express their
love, awe and adoraon for God.
Express will be a different prayer and worship
service than our typical Sunday morning. In addion
to music, there will be a variety of opportunies to
discover new ways of responding to God in worship.
Childcare provided up to age three. Older
children and youth are encouraged to parcipate with
their families and friends.
Please register so we know how many to expect.
NOTE: You don’t need to be ‘arsc’ to a,end this
evening— you are more than welcome to simply
observe new ways to hear from and respond to God.⌂
“I believe in God, but I
am not sure about
Christ. My faith is not a
significant part of my
Fear and Trembling
Express: Worship
Giving My Life Away
Accidental Pharisee
How to Study the Bible
One Way Love
Prayer (Youth)
Grace in Chrisan Growth
What is the Free Church?
Forgo,en God
Work as Worship
FREE: Romans 6 & 7
Grace-Filled Home (link)
# of children
requiring childcare
Close to Christ
Growing in Christ
Exploring Christ
Equip-U: Providing disciples of Christ with next steps for their journey of faith. To discover
which course is best for you, consider where you see yourself in your walk with Christ.
Equip U Registra:on
Complete and return to the church office
or The Nook by November 16, 2014
Who is this for? People who self iden#fy as Exploring
Christ or Growing in Christ will gain from this, as will
people wondering where to start in reading the Bible.
Facilitator: Michael Elsdon
Sunday, November 23 (9:15am / Fireside Room)
ooking for a consistent fallback plan for your
devoonal life that is easy to use? This one-hour
workshop will introduce a simple way of ge.ng into
God’s Word on a daily basis. A proven and effecve way
to make sure that every day of your year includes an
encounter with God! Please bring a pen and notepad or
Giving My Life Away Through Missions
Who is this for? People wondering what self-sacrifice
really means and how it applies to missionary living
overseas or missional living in Okotoks.
Facilitator: Rob Busn
Sunday, November 23 (6:30-8:00pm)
ver wondered what it means to take a risk for your
faith? What might it look like if you walked away from
something in your current life and embraced something
enrely new for God? Hear an OEFC missionary share
the joy of giving his life away as he tells his story of God
at work transforming a Calgary petroleum engineer into
a Bible translator in Ethiopia.⌂
Accidental Pharisee
Who is this for? Anyone wrestling to find balance
between zeal for God and grace for other believers
will be blessed by this presenta#on.
Video presentaon by Larry Osbourne
Monday, November 24 (7:00-9:00pm)
hile calls for radical Chrisans have challenged
many to be more passionate about their faith,
the downside can be a rising arrogance and selfrighteousness that “accidentally” sneaks into our
outlook. Based on his book, Accidental Pharisees, Larry
Osborne, senior pastor of North Coast Church, explains
six warning signs of an over-zealous faith and
encourages Chrisans to develop a Christ-like zeal
for God.⌂
How to Study the Bible
Who is this for? People who are Growing in Christ or
Close to Christ and want more from their Bible study
will be equipped to handle Scripture with confidence.
Facilitator: George Budd
Tuesday, November 25 (7:00-9:00pm)
f you have been studying the Bible for a while now
(on your own or in a group), then get ready to take
your study to the next level. This course offers advanced
tools for studying Scripture. Learn how to properly
outline the passage, make game-changing observaons,
understand the context of when and where the passage
was wri,en, figure out what the author’s point was,
then struggle past the hardest part of Bible study: What
will I do to apply this to my life? You will also gain tools
to discover the Greek and Hebrew meanings of words
without having to a,end seminary and study ancient
NOTE: For those who have already taken this course you
are welcome to a,end and study a new passage of
scripture. ⌂
Con#nued on reverse...
One Way Love
Who is this for? Anyone wondering what God’s grace
looks like will enjoy this session, especially those who
are Exploring Christ or Growing in Christ.
Video presentaon by Tullian Tchividjian
Tuesday, November 25 (7:00-9:00pm)
eal life is long on law and short on grace: the
demands never stop, the failures pile up, and fear
sets in. Life and culture demand a stable marriage,
successful children, and a certain quality of life.
Anyone living inside the guilt, anxiety, and
uncertainty of daily life knows that the weight of life
is heavy. We are all in need of some relief.
Bestselling author Tullian Tchividjian is
convinced that our exhausted world needs a fresh
encounter with God's inexhausble grace—His oneway love. Sadly, many Chrisans treat our faith as a
vehicle for good behavior and clean living rather than
the only recourse for those who have failed over and
over again.
Tchividjian calls the church back to the heart
of the Chrisan faith—grace. We will hear real-life
stories of people transformed by God's amazing
grace. Chrisanity is not about good people ge.ng
be,er; rather, it is good news for bad people coping
with their failure to be good.⌂
Prayer (Youth) adults welcome too!
Who is this for? Any youth or adult desiring
to be be0er equipped for prayer.
Video presentaon by Francis Chan
Wednesday, November 26 (7:00-9:00pm)
rayer is a frequent theme in Scripture, but
students o%en struggle with quesons about
the purpose, pracce and power of prayer. Is this
invisible God just a magic genie in heaven who gives
me what I want? Does God really want to hear from
me, and if so, how does He talk back? If God already
knows everything, what's the point of praying? Why
doesn't God always answer my prayers?
We'll explore these tough quesons and
hear students share how prayer impacted the tough
situaons they were facing.
Francis Chan will unpack what the Bible has to
say about prayer, helping teens understand how they
should pray, what they are called to pray for, and
why God invites them to communicate with Him.⌂
Forgo?en God
Who is this for? People desiring to understand what
role the Holy Spirit plays in our growth, or trying to
understand the basics of the Trinity will gain from
this seminar, especially those Exploring Christ or
Growing in Christ.
Video presentaon by Francis Chan
Wednesday, November 26 (7:00-9:00pm)_______
n this dynamic companion to the book Forgo0en
God, author Francis Chan reminds us of the true
source of the church's power—the Holy Spirit. Chan
contends that we've ignored the Spirit for far too
long. Without Him, we operate in our own strength,
only accomplishing human-sized results.
This video offers a compelling invitaon to
understand, embrace, and follow the Holy Spirit's
direcon in our lives. It is designed to iniate and
facilitate discussion, interacon and praccal
applicaon of the message of Forgo0en God.⌂
Grace in Chris:an Growth
Who is this for? Anyone who is wrestling with
balance between being forgiven by Christ and fervor
for their faith will enjoy this session, especially those
who consider themselves Exploring Christ, Growing in
Christ or Close to Christ.
Video presentaon by Bryan Chapell
Thursday, November 27 (7:00-9:00pm)
xplore what grace looks like in the Chrisan life—
in our personal failures and within our families,
communies and church. Bryan Chapell, chancellor
and professor of praccal theology at Covenant
Theological Seminary, speaks about our identy in
Christ and what His grace means for our Chrisan
Free: A Refreshing and Libera:ng
study of Romans 6 and 7
Who is this for? People of any age and stage of life
who are wrestling with God’s forgiveness and their
struggle with sin. Video presentaon by Andy Stanley
Saturday, November 29 (9:00am-12:30pm)
ere are two Bible verses everyone can relate to:
“I do not understand what I do. For what I want
to do I do not do, but what I hate, I do. …For I have
the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it
out” Romans 7:15, 18 (NIV).
Can we get an amen? Perhaps a been there,
done that? So what do you do when you just can’t
seem to do what you know you ought to do?
Fortunately, the gentleman who described
the problem (Paul) provided the answer. Andy
Stanley walks us through some of the most complex
and life-changing verses in the New Testament.⌂
November 22-30, 2014
At Home Op:ons
What is the Free Church?
Who is this for? People who desire to know more
about our church, denomina#on, and membership
process. Facilitator: George Budd
Thursday, November 27 (7:00-9:00pm)
hat is OEFC’s history, vision, culture and values?
Learn about the Evangelical Free Church of
Canada (ethos, disncves, statement of faith)
and what membership at OEFC entails.⌂
Work as Worship
Who is this for? Anyone who is curious about
merging their voca#on with their faith and making
their mundane missional. Video presentaon by
Ma, Chandler, Norm Miller, and J.R. Vasser
Saturday, November 29 (9:00am-12:30pm)
hatever it is you fill the 9 to 5 with—planng
crops, building cars, taking care of paents,
teaching students, running a business—work is
where we spend most of our waking hours.
We o%en forget to connect our faith to our
work. We don’t consider the reasons God may have
us at our job. We don’t think about the purpose and
meaning we could bring to our work. We simply
focus on how it makes us feel.
But what if we saw our work as an
opportunity to worship? In this inspiring video
session, you will discover that your mission is in the
marketplace. Around the conference table, around
the water cooler, or around the cubicle, you have an
opportunity to worship the God who created you.⌂
Grace-Filled Home
Who is this for? People who want more of God’s joy
and grace in their home. Register and receive a link
to watch the videos at home—online—at your leisure.
Video presentaon by Tim Kimmel
November 22-30
o ma,er what age and stage you and your child
are in, no ma,er what your family dynamic is,
the principles of grace can set your family free and
unlock everyone’s true potenal. Tim Kimmel,
founder and execuve director of Family Ma,ers,
talks about how to take the grace that we receive
from Christ’s death on the cross and bring it into
all of our relaonships.⌂
November 22-30
onnect with others through Facebook, Instagram
and Twi,er to hear their expressions of praise
and how God is working in their lives.⌂
28 Westland Rd
Okotoks AB T1S 1T2