HIGHLAND CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) November 9th, 2014, Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost - Color, Green Congregational Hymn Morning Has Broken Choir Selection Fairest Lord Jesus p. 53 (Children ‘9’ and under dismissed for Children’s Ministries) The Chimes Scripture Reading The bell has struck its one, two, three; be still is what it says to me. For this is God’s most Holy Day and we are here to learn His way. Count Your Blessings Music Call to Worship Come, Sing a Song of Harvest Welcome & Announcements *Hymn of Worship Jean Raines p. 719 Rev. Ray Ticknor My Country, ‘Tis of Thee p. 721 (Please stand) *Call to Worship Nancy Sherbondy ***************************************************************************** L: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing. P: For he has made known to us in all wisdom and insight the mystery of his will, according to his purpose which he set forth in Christ. L: For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God. U: Until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. ************************************************************************** *Invocation and Lord’s Prayer (full text p. 775-left) “...forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us…” *Gloria Patri: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, World without end. Amen, Amen. (Congregation may be seated) Elder, Bill Keller Silent Meditation Enter into the Presence of God Prelude Philippians 2: 1-5 Pastoral Prayer —Today we pray especially for that together we will boldly proclaim your Good News in Jesus Christ. Hymn of Communion In Remembrance of Me Introduction to Communion p. 403 Rev. Ray Ticknor Invitation to the Lord’s Table and Prayer: We obser ve open Communion ever y Sunday. All are invited to partake with us. You need not be a member of this congregation nor of this denomination. Please partake of the bread as it is passed, then hold the cup so we all may partake together. Offertory The Old Rugged Cross *Doxology p. 46 *Prayer of Dedication Special Music Selection Sharon Golaway Rev. Ray Ticknor He Touched Me Norvil Lantz Sermon “Barnabas - The Encourager” Rev. Ray Ticknor *Invitation Hymn Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory p. 705 *Benediction *Benediction Chorus Pastor He Touched Me (chorus only) *Please Stand (those who wish may remain seated) p. 564 A Church for EVENTS THIS COMING WEEK Today The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Board Meeting 4pm Tuesday, Nov 11th - Veterans Day Wednesday, Nov 12th - Choir Practice 4pm Current Prayer List David Tropansky Walt Shearer Joyce Bertline Ron Brown Cody Hodge Carroll Smith Bill Freeman Bob Sumerwell Harriet Strickler Homer Brinkman JoAnn Brinkman Don Slade Dick Tessmer Bill Green Monday, Nov 10th - Jack Cowgur Bob Roggendorf Bobby Bethea Faye Bethea Danette Tropansky Cherie Kirby Cindy King Bessie Brown Kay Elery Chuck Doane Rose Smith Forrest Strickler Linda Reeves Rachel Brackeen Saturday, Nov 15th - Disciples Men 8:30am Sunday, Nov 16th - Congregational Meeting Elders Thanksgiving Meal (Disciples of Christ) 1500 Forest Hills Blvd / Hwy 279 — P. O. Box 3016 Bella Vista, Arkansas 72715 — 479-855-2780 highlandchristian@cox-internet.com www.HighlandChristianChurchBV.org REMINDER: Disciples Men’s meeting next Saturday will have Cari Kaufman from Home Instead Senior Care, speaking on Alzheimer’s & Dementia. Cari comes highly recommended and will be of interest to everyone in the congregation. Coffee and Donuts will be served instead of the usual breakfast. Hope to see you there, Jerry Loch Lois Wheeler and family will be hosting the Thanksgiving potluck on Thursday, Nov. 27th. Please let her know if you will be attending and if possible what side dish you could bring. There will be a sign up sheet in Fellowship Hall. NURSING HOME REMINDER - please visit Bessie Brown - Osage Assisted Living - Bentonville Don Slade - Ashley - Rogers David Tropansky - Highland Rehab NOVEMBER 2014 Homer Brinkman - Concordia BIRTHDAYS: Dick Tessmer - Highland Rehab 10 Lorna Lewis - Concordia Catered Care Terra Silverman George Lowe Sunday, November 9th, 2014 Attendance: Worship 100 Church School 47 13 Members Serving Next Week, November 16th, 2014 Elder Worship Leader: Diaconate: Communion Preparation: Greeters: Steward: Flowers: Refreshments: Children’s Ministries Ushers: Highland Christian Church Bill Keller Vivian Keller Jimmie McIntire, Brian Seal, Mary Middleton, & Lee Golaway Mary Middleton Judy Smith & Granddaughters Sara Denning Lila Hole Coffee Only Cathy La Porte Ray Gerstein, Gary & Mary Brown Pastor—Paul Seal Pastor Emeritus—Bill Keller Pianist—Sharon Golaway Choir Director—Karen Frankenfeld Sunday Church School—9:00 am Worship Service—10:30 am We are glad you are worshiping with us today! Members Serving Today, November 9th, 2014 Elder Worship Leader: Diaconate: Communion Preparation: Greeters: Steward: Flowers: Refreshments: Children’s Ministries Ushers: Bill Keller Nancy Sherbondy Jimmie McIntire, Brian Seal, Ellen Halbrook, & Lee Golaway Brian Seal Betty Moehler & Lila Hole Nancy Sherbondy John & Mary Middleton Deborah Seal Faye Bethea Ray Gerstein, Gary & Mary Brown In Essentials, Unity—In Nonessentials, Liberty—In All Things, Love
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