Our Love & Prayers Go Out To… Calendar Worship Info WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Nursery available—Both Services Beginners Church (10:45am Only) for ages 2-Kindergarten Jr. Church 1st -5th grade (10:45am Only) Fellowship time—9:30am (Adults/Children) Sunday, January 25 6:00p Reflect Monday, January 26 10:00a Staff Meeting 6:00p Quilting Tuesday, January 27 8:30a Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30p Women’s Bible Study Wednesday, January 28 6:30p Choir 7:30p Praise Team Thursday, January 29 7:00p Bible Study Saturday, January 31 4:00p AXIS Class Party at Hibbs. SERVING THIS MONTH COMMUNION PREPARATION Communion: Carol Grayshock, Terry Benson Bread: Carol Grayshock Laundry: Kathy Chappell SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 & 3 Yr. Olds: Dianne Royer, Sharon Brannon 4 & 5 Yr. Olds: Vera Jean & Dan Best 1 & 2 Grades: Linda Borner or Ada May Royer 3-5 Grade: Sarah Casper BEGINNER’S CHURCH 2 & 3 Yr. Olds: Naomi Burnette 4 & 5 Yr. Olds: Jennifer Royce JUNIOR WORSHIP Watsons and Boldens SERVING TODAY NURSERY Bible School: Barb Gray Celebration: Janis Gessman, Ginny Tallman OUTSIDE COMMUNION Jeff Nathaniel, Ray and Carol Adlon If you have any questions please call Pat Glasser Ministry Team Darryl Moulder, Senior Minister Jim Gindlesberger, Associate Minister Josh Robinson, Minister of Youth Sharon Brannon, Children’s Director Jim Mitzel, Music Director Super Bowl Party Attention all teens. The Robinson’s will once again be hosting a party to watch the Super Bowl. Their house will be open from 6:00-8:00 (roughly halftime). There will be board games, good food, and, of course, THE GAME will be on. Invite a friend and plan to come over for a fun night of fellowship. If you need directions, or have questions, see Josh or Candice. LIFE on Mission “Life on Mission” by Tim Harlow is an exciting series which will help us rediscover God’s heart for the world! Books are $12 each, and we have several available (see Jim G.) Our next round of Life Groups start February 8th. Be sure to sign-up at the Welcome Center if interested. We would love to have multiple groups on different nights both at church and in homes. How To Become A Christian 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:16). Place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8). Repent of your sins (Acts 2:38). Confess Jesus as Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9,10). Be baptized by immersion (Mark 16:15,16). Live a life of service and gratitude (Romans 12:1,2). Continue to pray for our Church Family, Shut-ins, Friends, Relatives, CoWorkers, Our Leaders, Military and Our Missionaries Our Leaders and Military: Dakota Vawlter, Dennis Jr. Spohn, Michael Spohn, Dan Howe, Eric Pamer, David Hutton, David Beal, Jay Dempsey, Leigh Winslow, *Zack Coyle, Joe Maken, David Williams, Josh Wheeler, Nathan Koby, Brock Barton, James Byrd, Tim & Greta Grant, Ben Emch, Erik Kuntzleman, Joshua Prokop, *Gabe Travers, Jack Marsh, Jacob Glover, Alex Cercone, John Spohn and Greg Funk Please call the Church Office with updates. Lakeview Missionaries: Mid India, Lower Caribbean Mission, Central Brazil Mission, Mission to Russia, Vida Nueva Mexico, Christian Arabic Services, Round Lake Christian Camp, Christian Children’s Home, Canton Christian Home, Noah, ARM, IDES, Good Neighbors, As He Is--Doctor Zindoga Bungu and Pregnancy Solutions Women Ministry Team Do you want to Serve? Get to know others? Feel like you’re a part of God’s Plan? This is a great opportunity to get to know others while serving. There are several committees you can sign-up to help on, from preparing Communion, Laundry, Funeral Dinners (serving or preparing a dish), Nursery Workers, Sonshine Committee (sending cards out), Fellowship dinners, etc. There is a sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center Vision Statement “To boldly present Christ in a Biblical, credible, creative, and caring way in an environment where people can find and commit themselves to Jesus; growing to their full potential in Him.” If, because of health challenges, you are not able to attend Sunday Services and would desire someone to bring outside communion, please call the church office before 2:00pm on Friday. Encouragement and Prayer Cards The importance of prayer is affirmed throughout the Bible. As a church, we are committed to pray—your needs are important to us. Please share your encouragement/prayer request by filling out the card in the pew and placing it in the box in the foyer. The staff will diligently pray for your request during the week. Preschool — Acme Receipts We are again collecting Acme Receipts dated from September 18, 2014 through February 4, 2015. There is a box on the bulletin board by the Preschool to place them in. Last year you helped us raise over $275 toward new equipment. Thank you so much! Offering Statements As usually offering statements were sent out last week. If you did not receive one and would like one please contact Sue Brandt at the Church Office. If you put your offering in a pew envelope and marked your name on it or gave by check we should have those recorded. Reminder: Employee Matching Funds Several employers offer matching funds for churches, if you are interested check with your company. January 25, 2015 2015 Church Officers Chairmen of the Elders: Bob Nickoson Vice Chairman: Bob Payne Secretary: Mike Dezso Chairman of the Deacons: Doug Bussey Vice Chairman: Bob Fowler Secretary: Myron Long February Mission: Vida Nueva Ministries The unchanging mission of Vida Nueva Ministries is to fulfill the Great Commission, which is: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you, Matthew 28: 19-20. Specifically, we exist to assist the people of Mexico in developing and cultivating a personal relationship with Jesus, which is the Great Command, Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind, Matthew 22:37. In order to accomplish our mission, we operate practical programs that help build a relationship bridge with people so that the love of Christ can be shared and His salvation received. The programs and methods we use will change as conditions change, but the message of salvation and hope found in Jesus Christ will never change. We are an independent Christian ministry, not a social agency. Our programs are designed to practically impact a physical, social, or moral need, and do so in order to nurture the affected individual's or community's receptiveness to learning more about the Savior in whose Name these needful actions are done. Everything we do is designed to enhance opportunities to address the eternal, spiritual needs of the individual. Vida Nueva directs such ministries as food distribution, health care, child care, education, worship, recreation, vocational skills training, church planting and church leadership training programs. All of these programs serve to connect people with Christ so that He can bring them hope and freedom from the vicious cycle of poverty and spiritual emptiness from which many suffer. As God leads and provides, we will expand our programs and grow our ministry in order to reach as many of the Mexican people as possible. We are planning a Mission Trip to Vida Nueva’s Piedras Negros campus during the Summer of 2016. If you are interested in this trip please see Jim G. for more details. “The Lost Son” Outside Communion Celebration Service Welcome Opening Prayer A Time For Worship A Time To Remember Communion, For All In Christ A Time To Give A Time To Share Luke 15:11-32 Jim Gindlesberger A Time To Respond I Have Decided 602 Closing Lakeview Christian Church Welcomes You! 4613 S. Main St., Akron, OH 44319 330-644-8809 www.lakeviewcc.net
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