Owner Report November 2014 Holiday Sampling Event Save these Dates! Join us for our FREE holiday sampling event featuring live music by guitarist Michael Fogler and generous samples including: Antibiotic-free turkey, Marksbury Farm ham, lentil chestnut roulade, corn pudding, glazed carrots, whipped sweet potatoes, winter squash gratin, cheese fondue, vegetables with hummus, pumpkin pie with cinnamon whipped topping, iced local apple chai, organic fair trade coffee and much, much more! November Events November 7 Holiday Sampling Event November 27 Thanksgiving Day Buffet December Events December 10 - 14 Owner Appreciation Days December 25 Christmas Day - Store Closed FREE food and live music ... what’s not to love? January Events January 1 2nd Annual Hangover Brunch When: Friday, November 7, 5 – 7 pm ETA on Local Thanksgiving Meats Garrard County Pike Valley Farm fresh, whole (local heritage breed) turkeys arriving November 20th, $5.99/lb. Marksbury Farms fresh and frozen, smoked half hams arriving November 6th, $8.99/lb. Visit www.goodfoods.coop for more turkey and ham information. 455 Southland Drive Lexington, KY 40503 Phone: (859) 278-1813 8 am – 10 pm Every Day! Welcome Bill Bickford Alicia Hullinger Board President Please join us in welcoming Bill Bickford, our new General Manager for Good Foods Co-op. Bill Bickford brings to Good Foods Co-op 15 years experience working his way up from cashier to Store Manager at Wheatsville Co-op in Austin, Texas. Bill played a key role opening a second co-op store at Wheatsville, so he will be able to apply his expertise to growing our co-op in a way that meets our community’s needs. We are fortunate and delighted to have Bill join our community! Bill started on Monday, October 20. He has been busy training and learning the systems behind the scenes while meeting staff, owners, and community members out front in the store. He will spend his first few months observing, listening, and asking lots of questions so he can better understand our community. He will incorporate what he learns into his extensive co-op knowledge and previous experience in order to set a direction that aligns with our shared vision for the future. Sharing his initial reaction to his first day, Bill said: “What an awesome community and organization I’m joining! The welcome I’ve received has truly been special. I look forward to many years of growing together with the co-op and getting to know this wonderful and vibrant community.” Board of Directors board@goodfoods.coop Alicia Hullinger, President John-Mark Hack, Vice President Joel DiGirolamo, Secretary Stephanie Cooley, Treasurer Joseph David Janet Tietyen Mullins Rob Walker Nominating Committee nomcom@goodfoods.coop Claire Carpenter Jennie Leavell Kate Seago Be sure to say ‘hi’ and welcome Bill to Lexington. goodfoods.coop Give Where You Live Partner November/December Partner The Good Foods Co-op Charitable Foundation The Good Foods Co-op Charitable Foundation supports charitable causes that further the development of the local food system, increases access to healthy food for all and promotes the cooperative business model. Thanks to our generous shoppers, Good Foods Co-op donated $753.08 to Lexington Rescue Mission, our July/August Give Where You Live Partner. Pies! Pies! Pies! Thanksgiving Day Starting November 7th and valid through November 27th these pies are available at special holiday prices: Pumpkin pie, $9.99 Vegan pumpkin pie, $9.99 Pecan pie, $14.99 Vegan pecan pie, $14.99 Apple pie, $19.99 Blueberry pie, $19.99 Join us Thanksgiving Day as we host our holiday buffet; including Bourbon Orange Brined Turkey Breast with Confit of Leg and Thigh, Lentil Chestnut Roulade (vegan), Butternut Squash, Gorgonzola and Sage Lasagna (vegetarian), Cornbread Dressing (vegan/wheat-free), KY Proud Mashed Potatoes, Turkey Gravy, Maple Whipped KY Proud Sweet Potato (vegan/ wheat-free), Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Candied Almonds (vegan/wheatfree), KY Proud Winter Squash Gratin, Roasted Mushrooms and Pearl Onions with Balsamic Glaze (vegan/wheat-free), Glazed Carrots (vegan/wheat-free), Corn Pudding, Sautéed Fresh Green Beans with Crispy Onions (vegan/wheatfree), Good Foods Kale and KY Proud Weisenberger Corn Muffins. Our bakery makes each and every pie from scratch! We use a house-made whole wheat pie crust, free range local eggs, fair trade vanilla, organic flour and sugars, organic pumpkin and all natural dairy products. Soups: KY Proud Blue Sky Farm Shiitake Mushroom & Barley Soup (vegan); KY Proud Cushaw, Pecan & Sage Bisque; Pork Pozole and Cod Chowder. Complimentary hot apple cider with your dine-in meal. Hot Buffet: 10 am – 4 pm, $9.99/lb hot buffet and salad bar Store hours: 8 am – 5 pm Shop our Grab & Go for Your Holiday Meal Our Grab & Go section will be stocked with our Thanksgiving menu items prepared and conveniently packaged so that you can grab a side or your entire meal and enjoy at home! Good Foods Owner Benefits Just Got Sweeter! Owners receive benefits at these local businesses. Just show them your owner card. For a complete listing of business partners, see our website http://s.coop/1b1gy Fred F. Moore Music Co. 443 S Ashland Avenue Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-7737 www.fredmooremusic.net 10% off merchandise The Last Genuine Leather Company 373 Southland Drive Lexington, KY 40503 (859) 253-3121 www.lastgenuineleather.net 10% off of items in store only Happenings at Good Foods November 1 Store Tour, 11 am – 12 pm November 1 Sampling Saturday, 11 am – 2 pm November 5 Wellness Wednesday, 8 am – 10 pm November 7 Holiday Sampling Event, 5 – 7 pm November 17 Good Foods Board Meeting, 7 – 9 pm November 27 Thanksgiving Store Hours 8 am – 5 pm November 27 Thanksgiving Hot Buffet 10 am – 4 pm See our calendar in-store or online for a full list of events!
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