Welcome to St. Peter! While we celebrate the rich history of our parish, we strive to promote the promise of the future through the Four Pillars of Dominican Spirituality— Prayer, Study, Community and Preaching. Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Church? Our RCIA Team would love to meet you! - Join us Thursday, November 13th at 7 p.m. Childcare available upon request. A Dominican Parish Established in 1840 November 9, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome Fr. Auggie’s Reflection - Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome EZ 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; PS 46; 1 COR 3:9C-11, 16-17; JN 2:13-22 From 1st Corinthians: Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? Reflection: We are proud of our buildings, artwork, music, and so many other enriching elements of our life of faith. However, if we focus on these aspects of our community purely for themselves, then we can miss their purpose: To help us be the most beautiful temples of the Holy Spirit we can be. Indeed, God dwells in each of us. When such an honored guest dwells in our homes, do we not clean and prepare the home? Do we not offer warm hospitality? We should do no less to our own souls and bodies in preparation for the Lord. Our prayers, good works, proper healthcare, and avoidance of sin aid in our being prepared to welcome the Holy Spirit in our hearts. As we celebrate this feast of the Universal Church, let us remember that we each are part of the Body of Christ, the Church, and that we all play a part in the Church’s holiness and beauty. Join our parish weekly email list! CLERGY Rev. Augustine DeArmond, O.P. .................Pastor adearmond@stpeterchurch.org Rev. John Lydon, O.P. ....................Parochial Vicar jlydon@stpeterchurch.org Rev. Mr. Eddie Ramsey................................Deacon merscpa@aol.com Rev. Dr. Paul D. Watkins, O.P. …..............Director, St. Martin de Porres Shrine and Institute frpaulop@gmail.com Rev. Victor E. Laroche, O.P. ................In Residence Get the latest news and reminders about our parish activities each week. To subscribe to the list, visit our parish website and click on the 'Join Our Email List" link. EVENTS OF NOTE at ST. PETER Thursday, November 13th Saturday, November 15th Sunday, November 16th 7 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 2 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Bible Study,/RCIA/ Choir Baptism Preparation Class Virtus Training Dominican Laity Meeting PARISH STAFF Leon Coffey..........................................Maintenance Christina Klyce...........Dir. of Religious Education Devan Langston........Youth Team Co-Coordinator Brenda Pryor...................................Office Manager Jane Scharding-Smedley.....Organist/Choirmaster Julia Waggoner..........Youth Team Co-Coordinator St. Peter Catholic Church 190 Adams Avenue at Third Street Memphis, Tennessee 38103 (901)527-8282 • Fax (901)526-6882 Emergency Line (901)828-6488 www.stpeterchurch.org To plan a Baptism, Funeral or Wedding at St. Peter, please call the parish office at (901)527-8282. MASS SCHEDULE CONFESSION SATURDAY VIGIL - 5:00 p.m. SATURDAY - 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. SUNDAYS - 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. (East tower inside the church) OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. ST. MARTIN DE PORRES SHRINE (Shrine Chapel - enter on Third St.) MASS SCHEDULE MORNING PRAYER WEEKDAYS - Mon. - Fri. - 12:05 p.m. with the Dominican Community CONFESSION Visit our parish website for general information about our church. WEEKDAYS - Mon. - Fri. - 11:30 a.m. WEEKDAYS - Mon. - Fri. - 7:30 a.m. WEDNESDAY: Rosary at 11:30 a.m. / Veneration of St. Martin’s relic during Mass PARISH LIFE STUDY VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children Training for Adults will be held on this Saturday, November 15 at 2 p.m. and Thursday, December 4 at 7 p.m. This important safe environment training is required for all who volunteer with children, teens, and vulnerable adults in our parish and diocese, and recommended for all parents with children in our parish programs. Sign up in the Welcome Corner or by email to cklyce@stpeterchurch.org. The flowers on the altar this weekend are in honor of the marriage of Angela Raines and Bill Adelman on Saturday. On Monday the flowers will be delivered to Catholic Charities for their Bouquet of Hope program. ______________________ Our Parish Book of Remembrance is available in the back of church for you to write the names of loved ones you wish remembered in prayer during this month Virtue of Stewardship This year, our parish is using the Dominican Sisters’ program “Virtues in Practice” which profiles a virtue and saint each month for children in grades PK-8. Families are invited to download the parent guide and children’s workbooks (for free) at http://nashvilledominican.org/Apostolate/ Evangelization_and_Catechesis. Stewardship: Returning to God the first fruits of your time, talent, and treasure. YOUTH GROUP NEWS (grades 7 – 12) A steward is someone who is given the responsibility to care for and protect things that belong to someone else. Because each of our lives is a gift from God, we are all “stewards” who will give our lives back to God when we go to heaven. So while we are on earth, we must take care of and use wisely all the time, talents, and material things with which God has blessed us, using all for the benefit of others and the glory of God. Virtues in Practice, Year I: Year of Faith Workbook for Grades 3-5, SOUP SUNDAY THIS SUNDAY. Every second Sunday of the month, Calvary Church sells delicious soups in our gathering area. The proceeds help defray the cost of their Sunday morning breakfast for the homeless. $5/pint—$10 quart. . Walk begins at 9am. Register at givethankswalk.org . November 9-December 21 Fr. Robert Barron’s “Priest, Prophet, King” 6 week series facilitated by Andrew Bowie, Ann Leatherman, and Dick Wager. Optional study guide is $25. Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study: Join us as we study the Book of Revelation by Catholic Scripture Study International. We meet on Fridays from 9:1510:45 at the home of Julia Azar, 385 Goodwyn St. For more information, please contact Ginger Taylor at 901-323-2779 or yazoocity@aol.com. The virtue for November is stewardship. You are invited to show your support for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital by joining the St. Jude Give Thanks Walk on Saturday, November 22 at Carriage Crossing Mall in Collierville. Join us for a morning of music, food and fun as we raise funds for the children of St. Jude. Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food, because all a family should worry about is helping their child live. We need your help. Check-in begins at 7am Upcoming Sunday Morning Adult Faith Formation Opportunities--We meet in the Parish Hall at 9:45 and all are welcome! St. Peter Youth (grades 7 – 12) High School Bible Study Sunday morning at 9:30 "Screwtape Letters and Living the Catholic Faith" A light breakfast will be provided! Come 2-gether for lunch! (Every 2nd Sunday) Sunday, November 9. Huey's Midtown Join us for lunch after 11am Mass Please see the full calendar at http:// www.stpeterchurch.org/religioused/youthgroup.html YOUNG ADULTS In your 20s or 30s? We want you to join the young adult ministry! Get involved by emailing youngadults@stpeterchurch.org and check our calendar on www.stpeterchurch.org/community/ youngadults.html. Young Adults Sunday Bible Study—9:45 a.m. Front Conference Room.. November 9 + Dedication of the Lateran Basilica + 2014 Music for St Dominic Mass is found on card in Hymnal 5 p.m. Vigil Mass Lector * Parts of the liturgy sung by all * EM Kim Schwarz Ken Vilag Sandra Douglass Server Brennan Geta Cantor Usher Bro. Phil Jones David Whitehead Leo Arnoult Bob Nieman Pachelbel Ein Feste Burg Penitential Rite * GLORIA: HYMN 314 Collect * (11) Dismissal of Children (all sing): We send you forth to hear the Word of the Lord Vermulst Picard Take these words to heart and walk in God's way. Liturgy of the Word * * Iwona Pawlikowska (L) Kay Johnson (C ) Tower Bell Organ Prelude A Mighty Fortress Welcome HYMN 818 A MIGHTY FORTRESS IS OUR GOD Greeting Serving in Liturgical Ministry this weekend First Reading, page 83 Ezekiel 47:1-2.8-9,12 PSALM, page 84 Psalm 46 Second Reading I Corinthians 3:9-11,16-17 GOSPEL ALLELUIA (on card in Hymnal) St. Dominic Mass Holy Gospel John 2:13-22 Homily Creed, page 96 General Intercessions Response: Lord, hear our prayer. Liturgy of the Eucharist * (5/8:30) HYMN 758 CHRIST IS MADE THE SURE FOUNDATION Regent Square (11) Anthem Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Wood * MASS ORDINARY (on card in Hymnal) St. Dominic Mass * Communion: HYMN 633 I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE (Refrain) Post-Communion Prayer Frank Berretta Sacristan Greeter Giftbearers NEED 8:30 a.m. SUNDAY MASS Lector Jim Owen (L) Lowry Whitehorn (C ) EM Ted Krausser Genevieve Imbalzano Marian Taylor Aggie Fratta Server Jake Jorgensen Elisabeth Van Brocklin Cantor Usher Pierre Landaiche Bob Waggoner Stan Hyland Sam Klyce Malcolm Prtatt Sacristan Mike Fitzmorris Greeter Beth & Chuck Mitchell Giftbearer NEED 11:00 a.m. SUNDAY MASS Lector EM Terry Pyrdom Jeff Smith Tina Todd Fred Azar Richard Buchignani Lee Askew Celine Croce Final Blessing and Dismissal Aurelia Jim Latta Server THANK YOU to all who made last Sunday’s musical offering of the Special appreciation to Martha Payne and her reception committee Philip Cox for recording the concert – and especially St. Peter Choir Elisabeth Ann Neel Cantor Jennie Latta Usher Tim Anderson Jack Casey Chris Cornaghie & guest musicians who created the beautiful sounds we experienced. Join “CHRISTMAS CHOIR” and help sing for Midnight Mass! Rehearsals: Thursdays, December 4, 11, 18 (7 – 8:30 PM) All voices (age 16 & older) welcome & needed! Michael Michael Susan Morris Annie Leatherman Fauré Requiem such a marvelous and prayerful celebration! Contact Jane by THIS Saturday: 527-8282, ext. 15 Cheryl O’Bannon (I) Louis Montesi (II) Mary Ellen Restivo (C ) Pulpit Announcements – Welcome of Visitors Blessing of November Birthdays/Anniversaries * HYMN 762 (stz 1 & 5) BAPTIZED IN LIVING WATERS Katheryne Cooper Richard Asbury Cornelius Fabre´ Bill Robinson Ernie Restivo Sacristan Mike Fitzmorris Greeter Olivia Cabigao Giftbearer NEED Sandwich Lee Askew Deliverer PARISH MINISTRY CONTACTS PRAYER MASS INTENTIONS for the week Saturday, November 8th thru Tuesday, November 11th Sunday, November 9th Wednesday, November 12th Thursday, November 13th Friday, November 14th Saturday, November 15th Sunday, November 16th For the Patrons of the St. Martin Shrine & Institute For the Parish 11 A.M. Thomas Justin Pitts + Billy Rose, Jr. + Bernard B. McCauley + Peggy & Salvatore Palazolo + 5 P.M. Elizabeth B. Witherington + 8:30 A.M. For the Parish 11 A.M. Call the parish office to reserve a Mass intention date - (901)5278282. Liturgy Committee Tommie Cervetti............tommiec111@aol.com Music Ministry Jane Scharding-Smedley..mrsjane@bellsouth.net Bereavement Ministry Kathy Anthony...............canthony1@juno.com Ministry of the Sick Kathy Anthony...............canthony1@juno.com Jim Owen........................jimo1142@gmail.com Prayer Shawl Ministry Laura O. Robinson.....laurabutch1@gmail.com STUDY Director of Religious Education Christina Klyce……..cklyce@stpeterchurch.org PRAYERS COMMUNITY Parishioners who are homebound: Sara Folis, Sue Tufts Stefanac, 175th Celebration Robert Estabrook, Myra Wilson Lee Askew.................................lee@anfa.com Parishioners, family and friends requesting prayers: Dick McStay, Catherine Rainey, Tommie Saxon, Jamie Ramsey, Joe Linder, Tommy Buford, James Clarke, Norman Lewandowski, Marie SensTaylor, Gloria Andereck, Jithendar Murmu, Brooks Hussey, Mary Lou Watkins, Jennifer Warren Rhem, Patricia Dugger, Glenda & Mike Martin, Jane Sacharczyk, Maria Meyers, David Davis, Marilyn Dilworth, Joscelyn Shoptaw, Lily-Kate Anthony (Please call the office to update information) Archives Prayers for New Life Please pray for our expectant parents and their babies! Bobbie Rennie.............1rennieb@gmail.com Building & Maintenance......(currently vacant) Communication Brenda Pryor.................bpryor5@bellsouth.net Dominican Laity Ted Krausser ............ kraussers@earthlink.net Finance Expectant Parents Due Date Ramon Marus..............rmarus@brycecorp.com Avery & Chris Morrison Kristin Hennessy-McDonald & Mark McDonald Lizzy & Alex Sharp March 5 Jan. 31 Jan 12 Hospitality EXPECTANT PARENTS: Would you like to be included on our Expectant Parents Prayer List? Would you like to receive the Expectant Parent packet? Contact Christina Klyce at cklyce@stpeterchurch.org or (901)527-8282. Melissa Petersen...melissa@ediblememphis.com New Parishioner Ministry Warren Johnson.................wsjohns45@aol.com Parish Council Leslie Coleman..........lcoleman11@comcast.net COLUMBARIUM: St. Peter Church has a columbarium in the Shrine courtyard. Each niche provides for the placement of two urns. For more information about the columbarium, call Chris Cornaghie (901)454-9888. Remember the following parishioners and/or family members who are serving in harm’s way around the world: 1st Lt. Robert Campbell, Capt. Stephen White, Tom Tufts, Jr., Gregory Tufts, William Perry, Capt. Robert Latta, Lt. Col. Steve Reed. These names are in a special book that is brought to the altar at every Mass. Please contact the parish office at 901-527-8282 to update information or to add a name. Prayers for Those Serving in Harm’s Way: MINISTRY TO THE SICK (St. Peter emergency line is (901)828-6488. Please call the parish office (901)527-8282 to let us know of ill or homebound parishioners or upcoming surgeries. You can arrange a visit by a priest, deacon or lay minister when you, a family member, or friend is ill, homebound, hospitalized, in an assisted living facility or nursing home. All ministers can bring Holy Communion, pray or just visit with anyone not able to get to church. Priests can administer other sacraments as desired. Saintly Seniors Glenda Jones.........................gckjones@aol.com Stewardship Bill Robinson ......WRobinson@Archinsurance.com Young Adults Melissa Esposito ...youngadults@stpeterchurch.org Youth Group Julia Waggoner & Devan Langston YouthMinistry@stpeterchurch.org MINISTRY First Works – Kitchen Angels ..…………….... Parish Office Hospitality Hub Kay Clark…………….ksc131313@bellsouth.net Jubilee Schools ................Parish Office Sandwich Ministry Annette Askew...............aaskew3@comcast.net
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