OUR MASS Mon-Fri: 6.30am, 9.30am Saturday: 8am, 6pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7.30am, 9am, 10.30am, 6.00pm Redfield College Sunday 8.30am OUR SACRAMENTS Reconciliation & Exposition: 8.30-9.30am Sat Baptisms: By appointment Weddings: By appointment Anointing of The Sick: As requested OUR PARISH TEAM Fr Paul Durkin Fr Harry Kennedy Fr Joseph Choi Mal Weber Tomasz Kukielka Tina Muscat Debbie Doughty Parish Priest Assistant Priest Assistant Priest Parish Secretary Youth Minister Catechist & Sacramental Co-ordinator Book Keeper OUR PLACE Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am – 3pm Phone: 9484 1427 Fax: 9484 0053 Website: www.stagatha.org.au Parish School: 9484 7200 E-Mail addresses: frpaul@stagatha.org.au frharry@stagatha.org.au frjoseph@stagatha.org.au tom@stagatha.org.au nyrelle@stagatha.org.au tina@stagatha.org.au debbie@stagatha.org.au parishsecretary@stagatha.org.au Callahan Centre: 20 Boundary Road Pennant Hills NSW 2120 Postal Address: PO Box 127 Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Parish School : Kevin Bauer, Principal 9484 7200 School Email: saph@dbb.edu.au CONVERSION 33rd Sunday in Ordinary time Yr A 16 November, 2014 June, 2009 Weekly bulletin for the parish of St Agatha, Pennant Hills TODAY'S READINGS Entrance Antiphon: The Lord says: my plans for you are peace and not disaster; when you call to me, I will listen to you, and I will bring you back to the place from which I exiled you. First Reading: A Reading from the book of Proverbs 31:10-13. 19-20. 30-31 This text must be seen in context yet, looked at closely, it is not out of date. Women today surely do not wish to be valued simply for their beauty. They want to take their place in the building up of the world. ‘Beauty is empty’ says scripture. Women, like men, find their worth in more enduring qualities and works. Responsorial Psalm – Ps 127:1-5 Happy are those who fear the Lord. Second Reading: St Paul to the Thessalonians 5: 1-6 It does not matter that the Day of the Lord is going to come like a thief in the night. As children of the light, we belong to the day, and shall never be caught off guard! Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, Alleluia! Live in me and let me live in you, says the Lord; my branches bear much fruit. Alleluia! Gospel: Matthew 25: 14-30 The prudence of the man who buried his talent and gave it back was condemned, because the gospel does not simply encourage us not to lose the grace and gifts we have received. The good news is a message of love, and love must have imagination and creativity; it must be lived. Saints of the week: Friday 21st – Presentation of the blessed virgin Mary Sat 22nd – Memorial of St Ceceilia COMMUNITY MISSION St Agatha’s parish Reflection The Gospel tells a simple story. A wealthy man leaves goods for each of three servants to manage while he is gone. The ‘talent’ Jesus refers to was an enormous quantity of precious metal (26 kgs of gold or silver). The immensity of the wealth entrusted to the servants was far beyond the experience of Jesus’ hearers. Even one talent could be worth more than a labourer would earn in a lifetime. The parable challenges us to recognise that God’s immense blessings bring great responsibilities. We are called as God’s people to ‘stay awake and sober’, living as ‘children of the light’. The owner left his servants all his possessions, everything he had. God has been very generous to us also, has given us so much, and asks us to ‘invest’ in that life, to live it to the full, to ensure that it produces good fruit - not be hidden away or wasted. It is as if God says to us: “Your life is my gift to you, what you make of your life is your gift to me!” Please pray for our recently deceased: Colette MacKinnon, Benedick Leung, Margaret King Requiem Mass for Colette MacKinnon Tuesday 18th November at 11.30am.Those attending are welcome at Pennant Hills Golf Club (Copeland Rd Beecroft)from 1pm. The parish community assures Duncan and the family(Simon, Roderick, Ruth & James) of our prayers and support at this time. Colette taught at Our Lady Help of Christians (Epping) for approximately 20years and was also part of the Parish Altar Society. The family will have a private cremation on Wednesday. And for those whose anniversaries that occur at this time: Ron Farrow Please pray for the sick in our community: Juliet Bowron, Max O’Connor, John Swan, Aida Chan Adoration All are welcome to attend Adoration in the Church from 10am – 10pm on Friday 5th December Appointment of Archbishop of Sydney St Agatha’s Parish congratulates and prays for Bishop Anthony Fisher OP, who was installed as the ninth Archbishop of Sydney on 12th November. SERRA VOCATIONS MASS AND DINNER Father Viet Nguyen SVD, Head of the Divine Word Community in Marsfield and Father Elmer Ibarra SVD, Vocations Director for Australia, New Zealand and Thailand, will be celebrating Mass for Serra at Sacred Heart Church, 2 Richard Porter Way Pymble on Wednesday 19th November 2014. (Please note change of day and date) The evening will commence with Mass at 6.30PM followed by a light meal and a short meeting. This month Father Elmer will be our guest speaker and he will be speaking to us about the missionary activities of the Society of the Divine Word. Everyone is welcome. We would especially encourage the members of the Vietnamese Community to “come and see”. Please remember to pray every day for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and the religious life, for the perseverance of existing vocations and for all seminarians. Please telephone: Terry Scanlan on 0438 887 295 or email terry_scanlan@bigpond.com if you would like to attend. Baptism Congratulations! Samouel Tarus Mamachan Who will be baptised this Sunday Sacramental & Pastoral Visits for November Mon 17th November at 11am: Chesalon Nursing Home Anointing of the sick Wed 26th November at 11am: Lutanda Manor Anointing of the sick Date Savers: Mass for those with Special Needs: Sunday 30th November at 10.30am Second Rite of Reconciliation: Wednesday 10th December at 7.30pm Family Mass for term 4 Sunday 23rd November – 9am Mass with anointing of the sick Wednesday 19th November at 9.30am Ladies Lunch Tuesday 18th November at 12noon – Dural Country Club All welcome to attend ANNUAL DIOCESAN MASS FOR PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS AND THEIR FAMILIES HERE AT ST AGATHA’S The Annual Diocesan Mass for People with Special Needs and their Families will be celebrated by Fr Vince Casey, Diocesan Administrator, Sunday 30 November at 10.30am at St Agatha’s Parish, Everyone is most welcome! To RSVP (for lunch) please call Colleen/Leanne on 9847 0448 or 4332 9825 or email registrations@dbb.org.au Parishioners please note there may be changed parking arrangements on the day. Thank you to all who have offered to provide slices/biscuits for dessert! Food can be dropped to the Callahan Centre, when attending Mass on Saturday night or Sunday morning. Additional slices/biscuits would be greatly appreciated! St Agatha’s parish Youth Happenings D-GEN Yr9-11:– 21st November Plenty of fun, games, friendship and food, in the Callahan Centre from 7-9pm. FRAGGIES Yr7+8: Friday 28th November – Fun and fellowship to be had. See you in the Callahan Centre opposite the Church for a 7pm sign-on & sign off at 9pm. YOUTH GROUPS: Bring yourself, a friend, your great personality and $2. New people are always welcome. Enquiries: Tomek - 0405 393 872 or tom@stagatha.org.au https://www.facebook.com/stagathaYM STUDENTS & YOUNG ADULTS! Check the noticeboard for events happening around Sydney. Live Life to the Full..Share your Faith..Encounter Christ iWitness Conference 11th – 14th December(18-35 yr old) A great opportunity to experience Christian community, with great international and domestic speakers. For more information visit – www.lifetothefull.com.au or contact Fr Paul or Tomek 0405 393 872 CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Every Monday in the Parish Centre at 10.30am You are most welcome to participate Envelopes for Planned Giving: Please collect the envelopes for planned giving from the back of the church. The parish owes a great debt of gratitude to those who are so faithful and generous in supporting its works. St Vincent de Paul Appeals in December: St Vincent de Paul cards and calendars are on sale in the church foyer. St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal: All Masses on the weekend of 13th & 14th December Hampers ready for distribution: Sunday 7th December (charities have been notified). Overseas Volunteering! Palms Australia is a Catholic organisation that has been sending volunteers to developing countries for 50+ years. We have recently received numerous urgent requests from communities in Timor Leste, Kiribati, Kenya and India for skilled professionals, such as teachers, accountants, doctors, etc. Want to know more? We are holding an information session on Sunday 30 November 2014 at 10.30-11.30am at Aquinas Academy (141 Harrington Street, The Rocks NSW 2000). Please RSVP before 27 Nov to joey@palms.org.au or call (02) 9518 9551. Look forward to seeing you there! A New Conversation in the Australian Church, Mission and Culture Seminar with Rev Noel Connolly SSC on Friday 21 November from 9.30am to 12.30pm. Gain a deeper understanding of Pope Francis’ call for a Church that can dialogue with the world. Please book online: www.trybooking.com/FXBP To be held at the Caroline Chisholm Centre, Bldg 2, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills. Please see the flyer on the Church Foyer for further details ‘Give a Gift to Christ this Christmas’ If you would like to make up a hamper for a family, please take a tag showing the make-up of the family you wish to help. Please return the hamper on Sunday the 7th of December before the 10.30am Mass Thank you for your generosity Just a few helpful points for when you are making up the hamper: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mark the boxes clearly with the hamper number Eg. R7, C5, H17, V3 Use plastic rather than glass bottles. Although we can handle glass if necessary. For ease of handling use 2 boxes rather than one large box. Don't forget to mark both boxes though. Please DO NOT include any alcohol, red or green cordials or toy guns. In some cases, hampers may take up to Christmas Day to be delivered, so perishables may not last. So please include long life food where possible. 6. Include foods you would normally buy for your own family. Remember its always nice to have Christmas food at Christmas, but it is also nice to be able to eat in January. 7. The Christmas food could include a small tinned ham, a Christmas cake and a Christmas pudding! ENJOY MAKING UP THE HAMPERS & HAVE A HAPPY AND HOLY CHRISTMAS St Agatha’s parish This Week’s Parish Ministers: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th November 2014 Redfield College Mass Times 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 10.30am 6.00pm 8.30am Celebrant Fr Harry Fr Paul Fr Harry Fr Dennis Fr Harry Fr Joseph Readers M Boldt J Gracie P Carneiro P Smith A Lim L Rossi Y Thomas S Thomas D Lea M Friend Wardens R Adji J Mulders J Marsden S Santos Youth Communion M Limbrey J Crane 1. R Adji 1A. D Riemer K Holst 2. J Gimenez 3. R Hyland 4. S Zeaiter M Gimenez 5. P Foertsch L Nery S De Silva Z Friend S Gupte D Anderson Altar Servers J Grace C Grace M Wiggins N Deitch A De Silva J Notohamiprodjo K Notohamiprodjo N Pangilnan C Pangilnan Preparation C Joy E & R Spencer J Placido M Lynam De Souza Family Music Ray & Ronnie Quiet Pearl & Venitia Choir Youth for Christ Childrens’ Liturgy Welcomers Money Counters th rd 16 & 23 November Julia Bradley Louise Gardiner Joan McHugh Rhonda Miller Neville Green (c) Rae Fehon Jeanette Chin Ruth Stewart Martha Roberts Mark Rowley Rosary Statue 18th Nov 8pm Margot Menzies Tim & Karin Abrams 4 Binet Way Glenhaven Ph: 9659 9036 Sue Macko Carmael Underwood Cecilia Notohamiprodjo Altar Society 23 November A Hughes Joan McHugh Toni Bennett Jessie Steinhour Rosita Sidik Fifi Logan This Week’s Parish Ministers: Our Lord JESUS CHRIST KING of the UNIVERSE 23rd November 2014 Mass Times Celebrant Redfield College 6.00pm 7.30am 9.00am 10.30am 6.00pm 8.30am Fr Paul Fr Paul Fr Paul Fr Denis Fr Harry Fr Harry Readers G Hall C Underwood A Woods K Holst Family Mass N Fongalland S Revoltar Ayesha Saldanha Anjeli Saldanha Wardens A Messina C Cawley A King D De Silva M Dooley 1. E Spencer 1A. A Rangel J Crane 2. F Doughty 3. T Cheung 4. M Mouhayet 5. S Thomas E Kukeilka N Guerlin N Fongalland A Parsons E Logan A Raffel D Anderson Communion M Mockler A Wong C Shaw Altar Servers M Ishak C Ishak G DaSilva N Rossi M Rossi G Kang K Kukielka J Jenson D Saverimutti Preparation R Paton P Cheung Deitch Family Hendrawan Family Saldanha Family Ray & Ronnie N Mascarenhas Family Mass Jean Paul Newton Family Mass Family Mass Moniek Borsovsky De Silva Family Music Childrens’ Liturgy Welcomers Money Counters th rd 16 & 23 November Floral Ministry for November Shirley Reay Neville Green (c) Rae Fehon Jeanette Chin Ruth Stewart Martha Roberts Mark Rowley Narelle Macken Rosary Statue 25 Nov 8pm Pauline & Michael Tight 6A Thorn Street Pennant Hills 9484 7943 Altar Society 30 November Anne Poile Christine Denis Yunita Futrismo A Hughes Floral Ministry for November Fifi Logan
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