St. Christopher Parish November 9, 2014 St. Christopher Church Fr. Richard Kelley, Pastor 62 Manchester St. Nashua, New Hampshire 03064 (603) 882-0632 (603)881-8728 fax St. Christopher School Mrs. Cindy Clarke, Principal Grades PreK - 6 20 Cushing Ave. Nashua, New Hampshire 03064 (603) 882-7442 (603)594-9253 fax Veterans Day Prayer Worship Schedule Morning Prayer Daily Mass Saturday Vigil Sunday Mass Vietnamese Mass 7:00 AM Weekdays 7:15 AM Weekdays 4:00 PM 8:00 & 10:00 AM 1:00 PM Sunday Confessions 3:00-3:30 PM Saturday Rosary 7:00 PM Tuesday Eucharistic Adoration 1:00-4:00 PM 1st Friday of the Month September - June May we remember that the freedoms we enjoy in our most gracious home, the United States of America, did not come without a price. May the Lord bless all those who served, all those who continue to serve, and the families that those serving left behind. May we never forget. Amen Our Parish Prayer Heavenly Father, we pray for all of the people and programs of St. Christopher Parish. Unite us as a community of believers and grant us the wisdom, grace, and strength to do your will. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. AMEN. Our Mission We are a Roman Catholic parish whose members live and proclaim the saving message of Jesus Christ. Our Vision Welcome New Parishioners! If you would like to register or you have changed your address, please fill out the form on page 5. Those moving from the parish are also asked to contact the rectory. Thank you! St. Christopher Church serves as a spiritual home where all are welcome to share in its ongoing commitment to providing opportunities for • Worship through the celebration of the Sacraments, • Service through active and compassionate participation in the community, • Education in God’s Word and the Catholic faith, and • Fellowship through parish events that nurture and support family life. November 9, 2014 2 Mass Intentions Saturday, November 8 4:00 PM Veterans Mass Robert Desjarlais, 21st Anniversary by John & Clarie Herbert Sunday, November 9 8:00 AM Annette Dewhirst Aunt Carol Ann & Uncle Tom Skabo 10:00 AM Joan Gagnon, 1st Anniversary by The Family 1:00 PM Vietnamese Mass Monday, November 10 7:15 AM Thomas Long by Family & Friends Tuesday, November 11 7:15 AM Tony Courounis, 7th Anniversary by His Wife Wednesday, November 12 7:15 AM Daniels & Donahue Families by the Daniels Family Thursday, November 13 7:15 AM Matthew Ennis by His Sisters Friday, November 14 7:15 AM John Voveris, Month’s Mind by St. Christopher Parish Saturday, November 15 4:00 PM Joanbeth Gurskis by Al & Family Sunday, November 16 8:00 AM Mike Farren by Michael & Andrea Richards 10:00 AM Edward Courtemanche, 4th Anniversary by The Koitzsch/ Courtemanche Families 1:00 PM Vietnamese Mass The Sanctuary Lamp Burns This Week: For Thomas Long by Family & Friends Altar Bread and Wine: The Altar Bread and Wine, which will become the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ at all Masses celebrated during the month of November 2014, is offered in memory of Robert Desjarlais, his 21st Anniversary, and the Desjarlais Family by John and Claire Hebert. Hello again..... This past week was mostly spent at the parish but I would like to share a few of the high-lights that took place. On Wednesday, I visited with Fr. Richard McAlear, an Oblate priest who lives in one of their homes in Tewksbury. Fr. McAlear is a good friend of mine whom I have known since high school. Both of us are from Boston (he is from the Jamaica Plain section, I was raised in West Roxbury). For a few summers when we were young, both of us worked at a boating program which was run by the City of Boston. I have many pleasant memories of our younger days. For most of his priesthood, Fr. McAlear has been involved in the preaching and healing ministries. He has travelled throughout the world and is a highly respected preacher of the gospel. Many of you may remember him when he was last here in 2002. He gave a very successful retreat here at that time, so I purposely asked him to return. He will be here on the weekend of March 7 & 8. The parish retreat will continue for the next three days (March 9, 10, & 11). I am really looking forward to his return visit to the parish and I enjoyed getting together with him this past week while we planned the retreat. On Thursday, I was in Boston for a day off when I learned of the passing of former Mayor Thomas Menino. There were differences between some of his views and that of some of the teachings of the church, but it is also known that he was a churchgoing Catholic who always did what he thought was the right thing to do. We pray for and entrust his soul to the Lord. On Saturday at the 4:00 PM Mass, we especially honored and prayed for deceased members of the parish who died during the past year. The names of 39 people, those who funerals were held here or who had connections with the parish, were read. Relatives and friends of the deceased, some of whom came from a distance, were at this Mass. This is a good thing to do on All Souls weekend and it was also good to see so many of the relatives and friends participating in this Mass. On Sunday, the NET team was here to give a retreat for the Confirmation students. They have been here many times in the past and once again they were excellent. I can’t praise the NET team enough and I pray that the Lord will continue to bless them and their ministry. VETERANS – This weekend is Veterans Day week-end. We honor our Veterans who have served our nation, especially those who have served in our nation’s wars. To our Veterans – Thank You! It is good to have you here this weekend. FINANCE COMMITTEE – will meet on Tuesday evening, November 11 at 7:00 PM at the rectory. From the Pastor, continued on page 4 YOU are invited to a FREE Parish Appreciation Breakfast Sunday, November 9 following 8:00 and 10:00 AM Mass! Sponsored by the Parish Council and Finance Committee We want to thank YOU for all you support of St. Christopher Parish over the past year! Please be our guest at a FREE pancake breakfast following both the 8:00 and 10:00 AM mass. Going to the 4:00 PM or 1:00 PM masses? Stop on by and have breakfast with us, anyways...we’d love to see you! November 9, 2014 Catholic Daughters Meeting and Fundraiser Meeting: The Catholic Daughters of the Americas will be holding their monthly meeting on November 11 in St. Christopher’s Parish Hall at 6:30 PM. You are cordially invited to come and get acquainted with us. For information please call Anne Carruth at 888-6459 or Lillian Anderson at 882-7004. Fundraiser: The Catholic Daughters of the Americas are holding a fundraiser and raffle for three beautiful baskets: (1) An Italian Treat; (2) A Refreshing Spa; and (3) Movie Night. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. We will be downstairs in the Parish Hall after all Masses on the weekend of Nov. 29th and 30th. Please come and see us - you will be glad you did! For more information please call Lillian Anderson at 882-7004. Book Club to Meet The St. Christopher Book Club will meet at 7:00 PM at the Panera Bread on Amherst Street on Tuesday, November 25. This month we are reading “Igniting the Flame” by Jim Reisler. This is the story of the 14 college athletes who represented the United States at the first modern Olympic games in 1896. Readers will be inspired by how the athletes succeeded in sports they have never before attempted as well as the hospitality of Greece in hosting the games. This is sure to be an interesting selection, and we hope to see you there! We extend a special welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Gregory McDonald and their children who recently registered at the parish and pray that they will find a warm welcome and spiritual home at St. Christophers. CREATING FOR OUR COMMUNITY Prayer Shawl Group Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 18 at 12:30 PM in the Pennell Center. If you would like to knit or crochet a Prayer Shawl, please come join us! If you or someone you know could use a Prayer Shawl, please contact the rectory. Questions? Call or email Andrea Richards at 598-4295 or This Week’s Parish Activities Saturday, November 8, 2014 St. Vincent de Paul Society Thanksgiving Basket Appeal Confessions @3:00pm Vigil Mass @4:00pm Sunday, November 9, 2014 Parish Appreciation Breakfast St. Vincent de Paul Society Thanksgiving Basket Appeal Re.Ed. Pre-K to 6-Class Canceled @7:30am Sunday Mass @8:00am Sunday Mass @10:00am The Carmelites @11:00am Youth Choir Rehearsal @11:10am Confirmation Class @7:00pm Monday, November 10, 2014 7:15 am Morning Mass Rel. Ed. Grades 7 & 8-Class Canceled RCIA @7:00pm Tuesday, November 11, 2014 7:15 am Morning Mass Cub Scout Troop Pack 253 Meeting @6:40pm Baptismal Class @7:00pm Rosary @7:00pm The Catholic Daughters of Americas meeting @7:00pm Wednesday, November 12, 2014 7:15 am Morning Mass Senior Yoga @8:00am Adult Choir Rehearsal @7:00pm Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:15 am Morning Mass Boy Scout #773 @7:00pm Friday, November 14, 2014 7:15 am Morning Mass Saturday, November 15, 2014 Confessions @3:00pm Vigil Mass @4:00pm Sunday, November 16, 2014 Sunday Mass @8:00am Re.Ed. Pre-K to 6 @8:30am Sunday Mass @10:00am Youth Choir Rehearsal @11:10am 1st Reconciliation Class @6:30pm Confirmation Class @7:00pm Confirmation Class @7:00pm We’re Here for YOU at St. Christopher Parish! Rectory Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00-3:00 Rectory Phone:882-0632 Parish Email: Vietnamese Ministry: Rev. Thien Nguyen Parish Life Coordinator Linda Sanborn Religious Education Alana Kocsis Confirmation Deacon Jim Daly Bookkeeper Jean Dickson Music Director Carol Ann Skabo Parish Council Chair Elizabeth Cote Right to Life Coordinator Dan Hogan 880-8157 Bulletin Marta Nissen Bulletin submissions are due one week before publication. Thanks! Visitation of the Sick Please call the Rectory, 882-0632, if a loved one is hospitalized, in the care of a nursing facility, or confined at home, and would like to receive the Sacraments. Overwhelmed by life, by care? May we help with our prayer? St. Christopher’s Prayer Line -24/7 from us to Heaven! Call the Prayer Line (Coordinator Maureen Brown) at 882-8634 Go online to Send email to 4 November 9, 2014 cont’d. November 2, 2014 Offertory Envelopes$4,667.00 Loose$1,205.50 Children’s Envelopes $6.00 Faith Direct $1,011.00 Total$6,889.50 OVER Budget $789.50 NH Priest Retirement $40.00 (total to date $2,099.00) Fuel$535.00 (total to date $712.00) All Saints $414.00 (total to date $504.00) All Souls $391.00 (total to date $636.00) Mission Sunday $65.00 (total to date $512.00) Catholic Univ. & USCCB $10.00 (total to date $481.00) Finance Year to Date as of Sept. 2014 Income $86,730.19 Expense$89,780.74 UNDER Funded $3,050.55 Nashua’s Diocesan Catholic Schools www. St. Christopher School Grades Pre-Kindergarten - 6 882-7442 • Infant Jesus School Grades Pre-Kindergarten - 6 889-2649 • Nashua Catholic Regional Junior High School Grades 7 & 8 882-7011 VOCATION AWARENESS WEEK – Please continue to encourage and pray for more vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. After 42 years and counting as a priest, I can honestly say that I would do it all over again. I know many priests in this diocese and elsewhere. I would also say that I know at least 20 happy priests for every one priest who says he is unhappy or lonely. The job satisfaction among priests is the highest for any vocation as well. At the present time we have 9 seminarians who are in various stages of preparation for service in the Diocese of Manchester. They are the following: • at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, Maryland: Michael Sartori, Joshua Livingston • at St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, Massachusetts: David Harris, Matthew Schultz, David Wong, Andrew St.Hilaire • at Our Lady of Providence Seminary in Providence, Rhode Island: David Gagnon, Ryan Amazeen, Rory Traynor Please pray for them and for more men to serve as priests of Jesus Christ. They are needed. St. Christopher School PreKindergarten to Grade 1 Open House Friday, November 21 9:30 AM -- Church Hall Do you have a child or grandchild who will be entering PreKindergarten, Kindergarten or Grade One for the 2015-2016 school year? St. Christopher School invites you and your family to visit the school at their Open House on Friday, November 21 at 9:30 AM! The presentation will focus on the younger grades and the advantages St. Christopher School offers young learners. A tour will follow the presentation. No reservations are necessary to attend. Come see what we mean by “Not just an education. A moral foundation”! The parts preceding the liturgy of the word namely, the Entrance Song, Greeting, Pentitential Rite, Kyrie, Gloria and Opening Prayer have the character of a beginning, introduction and preparation. In October I talked about the purpose of the Entrance Hymn. I will continue this journey through the Gloria, Responsorial Psalm and the Alleluia over the next few weeks. The Gloria is an ancient Hymn in which the Church assembled in the Holy Spirit, praise and entreats the Father and the Lamb. The Gloria is sung or said on Sundays outside Advent and Lent, on solemnities and Feasts and in special, more solemn celebrations. I will not leave my computer keyboard without pleading for Choir Members. We are in need of new members to join our Adult Choir and our Youth Choir. Please come and join us in Praising God in Song! We look forward to hearing from you. Christmas Book Fair Thanks again to all who came to this year’s “Keep Christ in Your Family’s Christmas” Book & Gift Fair! The event raised $235.13 for St. Christopher Parish. In case you want to do some more shopping, similar events are happening this weekend (Saturday evening, Sunday morning, and Sunday evening) at St. John Neumann in Merrimack, and then in Saint John XXIII parish Nov. 15/16 (at Infant Jesus) and Nov. 22/23 (at St. John the Evangelist across the river). Or you can give us a call any time—we promise to find what you want and give you a great price on it. (Contact information for The Christian Book Corner is on the back of the bulletin.) Corpus Christi Brown Bag The Pantry’s needs are year round. For those of you who would like to continue to help, suggested donations include: pancake mix, syrup, creamed soups, toilet paper, canned stew and toothpaste. As always, there are baskets at each of the church entrances for your donated items. 5 November 9, 2014 A.O.H. Winter Clothing Drive Once again, The Ancient Order of Hibernians, Bishop O’Neil Division, Greater Nashua, is conducting their annual Winter Clothing Drive on the weekend of November 22 and 23. All the clothing that is collected will be distributed within the Greater Nashua area. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Let your old but clean and serviceable winter coat warm twice. Once for the person who receives it, and you for helping someone in need. Bring adult and children sized winter coats or sweaters to Mass on the November 22 or 23 or call Pat Heffernan at 603 882-8736. Parish Nurse Notes As mentioned last week, the GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT occurs NEXT week on Thursday the 20th. Mark this date on your calendar and plan to NOT smoke on that day, if a smoker, or encourage a smoker that you know to observe that one day of not smoking as a positive step to ceasing entirely. Cigarettes should be put on the shelf for that day and ignored! A good first step. Smoking cessation is DIFFICULT but there are many new helpful aids to assist you in beating the habit. Take it one day at a time. And good luck in your efforts!!!! Parish Nurse is present at the Pennell Center the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month following daily Mass (8:00 to 10:00 AM) to assist you with health issues. Yoga for Seniors Are you looking to improve your overall health and well being? Create a new healthy habit and join the St. Christopher Yoga for Seniors class weekly on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 AM in the Church Hall. Yoga for Seniors is a class that moves the whole body through a series of seated and standing yoga poses to increase flexibility and range of motion, improve balance and core strength, and help promote stress reduction and mental clarity. Classes are provided free of charge to St. Christopher’s seniors. Please take note of our upcoming class schedule: November 12 -- Regular Class 8:00 AM November 19 -- NO CLASS November 26 --Regular Class 8:00 AM Discerning a Vocation? “For we are God’s co-workers….” How are you being called to build the kingdom of God as His co-worker? Consider the generous service of priesthood or consecrated life. Call Fr. Jason Jalbert at (603) 663-0132 or write: Families of Nazareth Our Church Stands Strong Against the Chaos “In the face of great historical storms, in a world tormented so often by barbarianism, where people have lost understanding of the sense of human life, in a world that doubts everything including itself, the Church alone gives the impression that she knows well what she is aiming for.” Rev. Tadeusz Dajczer, in The Gift of Faith. HAVE YOU BEEN THINKING ABOUT DOING SOMETHING NEW TO DEEPEN YOUR EXPERIENCE OF LIVING THE GOSPEL IN UNION WITH THE EXAMPLE AND INTERCESSION OF OUR BLESSED MOTHER? Come to 27 Biscayne Pkwy in Nashua this coming THURSDAY, November 13th. All are welcome -- you may pick up a flyer in the vestibule of the church ahead of time, if you wish to find out what these Families of Nazareth meetings are all about. Join us for coffee/ tea at 7 PM or just arrive in time for the Luminous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary beginning at 7:15. Meeting concludes approximately 8:30 PM. Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families, For the selfless acts they perform, For us in our time of need. And give us peace. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen. Please pray for the following service people from our parish: Children of William and Yvette Berthelotte: Maj. Joseph Berthelotte (Army); Maj. Brian Berthelotte (Army); Maj. Mark Berthelotte (Air Force); Lt. Brad Berthelotte (Navy) Son of John and Alana Kocsis: Pfc. John Kocsis III, (Army) Son of Joseph and Sue Strob: Maj. Rob Strob Husband/Father of Lynn, Thomas and Jack: Sgt. Francis Hyland (Army) Grandson of Pat and Kaye Heffernan: Eamonn Garber, Corporal (USMC) Son of David and Patricia Taylor: SFC James Taylor (Army) To add names to our weekly military prayer list, please call Linda at the rectory at 882-0632. Welcome! St. Christopher Parish welcomes all visitors to our Spiritual Home! If you are interested in joining the parish, please complete the form below and either drop it in the Offertory Basket or mail it to the Rectory. One of our Parish staff members will be in touch. Registration forms are also available online at Name ____________________________ Phone _________________ Address __________________________ Email __________________ _________________________________ November 9, 2014 6 Prayer to Saint Michael With so many challenges confronting us these days, we need help and strength to meet them head on. Please join us in praying daily that through the intercession of Saint Michael, we will remain faithful and strong in the Lord’s service and in defending the Truth which resides in the Church! St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl around the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Faith Formation News Classes for Faith Formation are underway. There is still time to join us. Register now! Forms are available on our parish website, on the bulletin board in the church hall and by calling the parish office. The schedule for the next few weeks: Sunday Morning classes meet in the school. Parents and children are to gather in the parish hall at 8:30 AM November 9 - No Class, Veterans Day November 16 -- Regular Class Junior High meets on Monday evening for Grades 7 and 8 at 6:30 PM in the church hall. November 10 -- No Class, Veterans Day November 17 -- Regular Class Sacrament Preparation The next class for First Penance is Sunday, November 16 at 5:30 PM in the church hall. The children are to come prepared to discuss chapters 6 and 7 in the study book. The Good Shepherd Banner Take a moment to notice the Good Shepherd Banner that is hanging to the left of the Altar. Each sheep on this banner represents a child that is preparing to celebrate First Penance on December 6th. Please keep the children and their families in your prayers. Home Study Program Our parish offers a Home Study Program for families who wish to teach our Catholic Faith to their children. This option is open to children in Grades Pre-K to 8. Registration is required. The next meeting for this program is November 30 at 6:00 PM in the church hall. Confirmation News Corpus Christi Adoration Chapel Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 12:00 —8:00 PM 43 Franklin Street Nashua , NH Volunteers are needed to commit to one hour of adoration each week. Adoration provides a wonderful time of grace-filled peace in the presence of our Lord. Please contact Sr. Elizabeth Castro, H.M.S.P. at 8820893 or 882-2262 to sign up. “You will receive power!” This was the theme of the Confirmation Retreat that took place on November 2nd. The Confirmation Directors of St. Christopher and St. Aloysius came together as hosts to 75 high school students, including some from Immaculate Conception. A team of 11 young adults working for the NET Ministries (National Evangelical Team) conducted the retreat. These young adults dedicate a year of service traveling from diocese to diocese. They describe their ministry as “Challenging Young Catholics to Love Christ and Embrace the Life of The Church.” During the retreat the students had the opportunity to take time out of their busy lives to concentrate on their faith. Through fellowship, prayer, testimonies, music, skits and games, the students learned ways to keep Christ in their everyday lives and many reasons to embrace their Catholic faith. The retreat ended with the students receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This NET Team’s strong love of our Catholic faith and their gentle approach to conveying their faith during this retreat is an example to all. Thank you to the Host Families We thank the families who opened their homes to members of the NET Team. We especially thank Father Marcos GonzalezTorres, Dennis and Janet Murphy, Phil and Giselle North, and Tom and Karen Prieto for their hospitality. We also thank Jean Dickson and Tom Nardone for help serving lunch. “A good example brings about so much good, but hypocrisy brings about much evil.” Pope Francis I @ Pontifex November 1, 2014 November 9, 2014 7 Family Connection to this Week’s Gospel Families take pride in their homes and strive to keep them neat and clean inside and out. Talk as a family about the various chores that each family member has that contributes to the upkeep of the home. Thank each member for doing his or her chores and encourage everyone to take pride in the home. Explain that people’s homes are a reflection of themselves and that a home that is clean and welcoming shows respect and hospitality. Point out that this Sunday, the Church celebrates one of its very special homes: the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome. Explain that this basilica is the seat of the Bishop of Rome, the pope, and that, as we celebrate its dedication, we are reminded of the people the building represents: the pope and all God’s people throughout the world. Read aloud this Sunday’s Gospel, John 2:13-22. Say: When we celebrate the dedication of this great church, we are reminded of our own parish church where we gather to celebrate and, even more so, of our domestic church, our home, where we encounter God every day. Remind family members that when they are asked to do chores that contribute to the upkeep of the home, they are contributing to the upkeep of the domestic church. Reprinted from Readings for the Week Monday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:16; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]
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