NOVEMBER 15 & 16, 2014 OUR MISSION We are an inviting congregation growing in faith through worship, learning, serving, and fellowship. OUR VISION Responding to God’s grace, Trinity Lutheran Church is a community of disciples that values everyone and expresses faith by connecting with God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and all creation through worship, learning, serving, and fellowship. IN HYSON HALL THIS SUNDAY Sign-ups Family Ministry Code Blue WELCA Table Coffee and Goodies 8 – 11 am All are Welcome TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST AT A GLANCE: Trinity Information…………………………………………….2 Discipleship Opportunities and TLC Announcements...3-16 Taking Faith Home…..………………………..………....Insert Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore ...…...Insert Congregation Council Candidates..……………………Insert New Disciples……………………....……………………Insert WELCA Stocking.Appeal.……………………...………Insert Memorials, Honorariums, Sponsorships..............….. 17, 19 Prayer Corner………………………………………………..18 Who’s Serving…………………………………………...…..19 Calendar ……………………………………………………..20 All are Welcome All are Welcome PAGE 1 Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church If you are visiting our congregation for the first time, WELCOME! We are glad you came to worship with us today. If you are a visitor, please stop by the Welcome and Information Center located in the lobby and sign our guest book. We will be happy to answer any of your questions and feel free to introduce yourself. Please follow the Worship Folder to participate. We celebrate Communion almost every worship experience here at Trinity. All are invited to come forward to receive the Sacrament. Communion is celebrated by Intinction. Radio Broadcast at 11:00 a.m. on WNPV (1440 AM) Saturdays at 5:30 p.m. Sundays at 8:15 a.m. Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Sundays at 10:45 a.m. A casual and intimate worship experience in the chapel. A lively experience with upbeat music, present-day wording, children's sermon, biblical storytelling, musical leadership. A quieter, more reflective worship experience with hymns, scripture, and biblical storytelling. A traditional worship experience with the familiar Lutheran liturgy, children's sermon, biblical storytelling, and choral leadership. Trinity is a Reconciling in Christ congregation COMMUNION - The church offers grape juice and gluten-free wafers for those with certain diet restrictions. NURSERY care for infants and young children through kindergarten age is available during worship beginning at 8:15 a.m. in Room 124. LARGE-PRINT BULLETINS AND TODAY’S BIBLE PASSAGES are available at the Welcome Center in the Lobby or from an usher. SEATING FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED 9:45 a.m. Service Only- Please reserve the first pew on the pulpit side (Valley Forge Road side) for members of the DEAF community and those with hearing impairments wanting to watch interpreter. YOUR FEEDBACK, PLEASE SHARE - There are several ways you can share your questions, celebrations, concerns, and suggestions. Use the green and white SHARE forms/envelopes in the pews, email, or call the church office at 215-368-1710. Place the forms/envelopes in the offering plate during worship. And, of course, you can always speak with a pastor, staff or council member. WEEKLY ATTENDANCE November 8th & 9th – 722 PAGE 2 STAY CONNECTED Visit Trinity’s website at for upcoming events, happenings, sermons, and devotions. Plus sign up on the website to receive weekly emails with devotions, prayers, links to the current newsletters, happenings, ways to serve or give, and much more. Join Trinity Lutheran Church on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter, tlcLansdale. View our videos—sermons, storytelling, VBS on Giving for the Holidays TURKEYS FOR AM Kulp Trinity is excited to announce we are partnering with nearby A.M. Kulp Elementary School in Hatfield. As part of our outreach we will be helping with Thanksgiving baskets for Kulp families. We are asking Trinity members to donate frozen turkeys or a $25 Giant gift card that can be purchased at the WELCA table on Sunday mornings. Frozen turkeys can be dropped off in the kitchen on Sunday mornings. Donations need to be received by November 16th. For more information, please contact Jennifer Willison at Christmas Stockings Christmas Stockings for Norristown State Hospital. During the Advent season as we prepare for Christ’s birth, let’s remember those who are in need. Every year, Ruth Circle fills 50 Christmas stockings for Norristown State Hospital. Please consider contributing by placing your donation in the envelope marked “WELCA” found in this issue of the Trinity Weekly. Remember that these patients are often forgotten and this may be the only gift the person receives. Thank You for your generosity. Thanksgiving Baskets Manna on Main Street, will be distributing Thanksgiving Dinner baskets to less fortunate neighbors in our community in late November. Trinity disciples are asked to contribute 500 boxes of stuffing mix (We dropped off 352 boxes already!) and boxes of quick breads or muffin mixes for these baskets. Please place your donated items in the white food bins in the lobby or in Hyson Hall by Sunday, November 16th. If you would like to give a monetary donation, please put your gift in an envelope marked “Thanksgiving Baskets” and place it in the offering plate. Your check should be made payable to “Manna on Main Street.” COAT DRIVE WELCA has decided to extend our annual coat drive to a third weekend due to the amount of coats still needed for the AM Kulp Elementary School, as well as those requested by Patterson. Coats will be on display in Hyson Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 16th, as well as available, at the Saturday evening service for your personal selection. We deeply appreciate the generosity of our very supportive congregation and hopefully we will be able to accommodate more children in need this winter. PAGE 3 Family Ministry NOVEMBER EVENTS Lost and Found in Concert On Saturday December 6th the Senior High Youth in grades 9-12 will be going to Upper Dublin Lutheran Church for the Lost and Found Concert. We will be meeting at Trinity at 2:30 pm to go help with setting up and will return around 9 pm. This could also be a great family event! The concert is from 6-8 pm. If you are coming with the Youth Group, you need to sign up by November 30th. Friends are welcome. Just make sure they get signed up too. 14-16th Second Year D2D retreat – Bear Creek Camp 21st Winterfest Cookie Baking – Trinity kitchen 21st Senior High Youth Group – NPHS Fall Production “Once in a Lifetime” 22nd Craft Fair to benefit the West Family 23rd Winterfest Upcoming Events: Friday November 21st - Those in grades 9 - 12 will be going to see "Once In A Lifetime: at North Penn High School. Please meet at the Knight at 7pm. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for adults. YOUTH GROUPS Kid's Rock (3rd-4th grade) Mingle & Game Night! meets the first Friday of the month in the WELL from 6-7:30pm. Contact Miwa and Bob Sperring with any questions at Friends are welcome! CHAOS (5th-6th grade) Sunday, November 16th, 7-9 pm in the Parlor meets the 1st and 3rd Sundays from 6-7:30pm in the WELL. Contact Karen Strobel Join us for some games and activities to get to or Sue Slawinski know each other even better. Bring a friend at with any quesand get a prize! tions. Bring a friend or two along with you! Also as part of the AM Kulp Elementary School partnership, we will help put together food boxes for local families in need which were kindly donated by the Pre School families and TLC members PAGE 4 Here We Go (7th-9th grade) meets this Sunday, November 16 from 67:30pm in the WELL. We typically meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays and friends are always welcome! VOLUNTEERChange your life! ASP 2015 ADULT LEADERS Celebrating Advent with our winterfest November 23rd 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. Come and enjoy making an Advent Wreath and Christmas Crafts, finish with a wonderful Spaghetti Dinner (no fee) Sunday, November 23rd. Winterfest is a potluck dessert. Please bring your favorite dessert to share. Pick up your Winterfest tickets for the Spaghetti Dinner and crafts at the WELCA table in Hyson Hall. A signup sheet will be available. Make sure that you and your family are on the signup sheet so that we have enough crafts for everyone to enjoy. A HUGE thank you to everyone who helped serve and those who brought their children to the first Parent's Night Out! We enjoyed playing with and getting to know your children and look forward to seeing them again at our next event scheduled for Friday, December 5th from 6-9pm. Any questions please email Mr. Drew at or Karen Gilbert at Currently we have what amounts to 4 ½ teams of youth. We are still looking for some adult leaders to join us so that we can take all the youth who want to go. We don’t want to leave ANYONE home! Adult leaders must be a minimum of 25 years old. If you have ever considered joining our ASP family, this is the year to do it. This is our THIRTY YEAR anniversary. You can make it a great success by signing up for the trip, June 27 to July 5, 2015. No specific talents or skills are needed. Only YOU are needed. Please contact either Sara Heil 215 723-7498,, or Karen Wenhold 215 264-7042, , for more information. Parents night out (and some afternoons) Family Ministry is sponsoring free babysitting for children ages 0-10 on the following dates: Friday, December 5th from 6-9pm Sunday, January 25 from 1-4pm Saturday, February 7 from 6-9pm Sunday, March 29 from 1-4pm Saturday, April 18th from 6-9pm Enjoy a Date Night, go shopping or just hang without the kids. Mark your calendars and sign up in Hyson Hall at the Family Ministry table or email Karen Strobel at Invite friends and family. All are welcome! PAGE 5 Can you GIVE? November Food Collection: Keystone Opportunity Center Please consider bringing in some much-needed food and supplies for Keystone Opportunity Center and others in emergency need in our community upon personal request. Leave them in the large white boxes in the lobby and Hyson Hall. Indemand items: peanut butter, tuna fish, canned fruit, canned soup, canned meat, cereal, pasta, diapers, and baby formula. PRESENTATION OF BIBLES Sunday, November 23rd WINTERFEST Sunday, November 23rd COMMUNITY INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING EVE NO need to collect Styrofoam Many people have been asking why we are no longer collecting Styrofoam cups for recycling on Sunday mornings. With our new trash hauler, the styrofoam cups can go in with the other trash for clean burning! WORSHIP SERVICE Wednesday, November 26th ADVENT BEGINS Sunday, November 30th HOLDEN EVENING PRAYER December 3, 10, & 17 COOKIE SHOPPE December 7th Photos from All Saints Sunday not earmarked for the archives are available on a cart in the upstairs office reception area during the week and on the weekend. CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP Wednesday, Dec 24th 1:00, 3:00, 5:30, 8:00 & 10:30 pm CHRISTMAS DAY WORSHIP Thursday, Dec 25th 10:00 am CONGREGATION MEETING Sunday, January 25th PAGE 6 COOKIE SHOPPE NEWS Save the date - December 7th New Ministry Meal Delivery Receiving a home cooked meal after a hospitalization can be a godsend. Can you give in this manner? Prepare a meal and then deliver to one of our disciples just discharged from the hospital. If you have a gift with Mercy, Hospitality or Encouragement, here’s an opportunity! Please contact Janet Frederick at 215-393-7528 for more information on this ministry. Local Support Group for the Unemployed Joseph's People is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to offering support, guidance, and job counseling services to people of all faiths who are unemployed, underemployed and/or seeking full-time employment. The Hatfield chapter of Joseph’s People meets downstairs at St. Maria Goretti on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7:30 pm. Please use the porch entrance. Additional information can be found at Do you like baking cookies or would you like to learn to bake cookies? Come to the Hyson Hall kitchen and help us bake extra cookies for the Annual Cookie Shoppe on December 7th! Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult and middle school and high school youth can come on their own! No experience necessary and different tasks for everyone (making dough, frosting cookies, "manning" the ovens, rolling and cutting out cookies or doing drop cookies…standing and sitting jobs!). Come when you can and leave when you must! Questions and to let us know when you'll help…. Cricket 610-715-5438. You can also sign-up on the sheets on the FEAST white board in Hyson Hall! Tuesday, Nov. 18th Saturday, Nov.29th Thursday, Dec.4th Friday, Dec. 5th Saturday, Dec. 6th 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm 11:00 am - 3:00 pm 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Trinity WOMEN’S RETREAT Save the dates April 24th-26th for our Annual Women’s Retreat. PAGE 7 When you shop on Amazon this holiday seasonRemember Trinity While online shopping for the holidays on amazon, go to first. Sign in with your amazon account and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Trinity. You must select Trinity Lansdale. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. Just extra savings for Trinity! Discipleship Opportunities Ushers for All Services: If you would like to serve as an usher at the 9:30 or 10:45 am services, please contact Vicki Seal at in the church office or Bob Reitz, Sunday Open & Close Building: Are you interested in either opening or closing the building every six weeks on Sunday mornings? We need one more team of two disciples. Please contact Vicki Seal at or John Walz at for more details. PAGE 8 Trinity Singles Ministry TSM COMMITTEE MEETING – Postponed until November 17. Our next planning meeting will be Monday, Nov. 10 at 10:00 a.m. in room 126. All singles are welcome to attend. If you have an idea for a Singles activity and can’t attend, please let Judy 215-855-3212 know. BIBLE STUDY – Our study of Uppity Women of the Bible continues on Monday, Nov 17, 2014. Sign up to bring something to go with hoagies for dinner at 6:30 p.m. in room 125/127. Study begins at 7:30 p.m. If you have questions, call Judy 215-855-3212. ANYONE IS WELCOME TO COME TO OUR STUDY. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE SINGLE. THANKSGIVING DINNER – Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner will be Saturday, Nov 22 at 5:30 p.m. in Hyson Hall. Roast beef, coffee and tea will be provided. Sign up to bring food to go with beef. All singles are invited whether you belong to Trinity or not. Bring friends. There is a choir concert at Trinity from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. that evening if you wish to attend. LUNCH BUNCH FOR DECEMBER – Our Christmas brunch will be Sunday, Dec 7, 2014 at the Washington House in Sellersville. We will eat at noon. Brunch with tax and gratuity is $24.75. Soda/juice are extra. We need 20 people to get that price. Therefore, we are asking you to pay when you make your reservation with Helene 215699-8231. We will have to pay for as many people as we reserve for no matter how many come. Parking is limited so we are asking you to car pool. Call Judy 215-855-3212 if you want to car pool at Trinity at the back of the big lot along Columbia at 11:30 a.m. SERVICE PROJECT – Come to Telford Lutheran Home on Tuesday, Dec 9 at 2:30 p.m. to sing Christmas Carols with the residents. Meet at Trinity at 1:45 p.m. to car pool. We will sing at the Skilled Nursing Building again. Come and have an enjoyable time singing & get in the mood for Christmas. If you have questions, call Judy 215-855-3212. You do not have to be a good singer. You just need to enjoy singing carols. . ON EAGLE’S WINGS Our book sale will be on Sundays, November 16, and 23 in Hyson Hall. Pray for patients waiting for transplants and for those families who have given the gift of life. The entire weekend is known as National Donor Sabbath. There are literally thousands of people across the country waiting for organs. Many people die each day because there are not enough organs available. New books are always welcome. If you have slightly used books, both paperback and hardback, you can bring them to Hyson Hall during our sales, or anytime during the week. Books should be placed in the corner of Hyson Hall near where we usually have our tables. New disciples are also always welcome. If you are feeling called to work with native children in Northern Canada, please stop to see us. It’s a week that will forever change you. Christmas Tree Sale The tradition continues at Trinity, where ASP youth and adults hold their annual Christmas Tree Sale beginning Saturday, November 29th. The proceeds support the ASP trip with 20% going to a local charity. This is a great time for fellowship, community outreach, and meeting new people while supporting the youth as they continue to enrich their lives through their commitment to helping others. The Tree Sale is located on the Valley Forge Road side near the playground. Saturdays beginning November 29th 8:30 am—4:30 pm Sundays beginning November 30th 9:15 am—4:30 pm The trees are premium Douglas and Frazier Fir. They are cut FRESH the week they are delivered. The trees range in height from 5 feet to over 9 feet and are priced from $30 to $65. Each tree can have a fresh cut trunk and will be bound and placed in your car by the students. If needed, local delivery can be arranged. PAGE 9 Community Interfaith Thanksgiving EVE worship service Wednesday, November 26th at 7:30 p.m This Community Interfaith service will include Jews, Christians and Muslims gathering together for worship. Reception to follow the worship service. The North Penn High School Choir and the Cantabile Children’s Choir will be performing at the service. Please bring food items to be donated to Manna on Main Street. Thrivent Financial Charitable Grant Program As of November 6, eligible benefit members of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans have designated $24,179 Thrivent Choice Dollars to Trinity for 2014! Through the Thrivent Financial charitable grant program, members can select where Thrivent Financial distributes part of its charitable grant funds – including Trinity. Don’t miss this opportunity to help support Trinity. Go to or call 1-800-Thrivent and state “Thrivent Choice” to designate funds. PAGE 10 SUMMER STAFF-Bear Creek will be hiring fun, energetic and God-loving people for many positions including: Counselors, Kitchen Staff, Maintenance Workers and Junior Counselors. For more information about the Summer 2015 Staff Positions and to download an application, visit SHOP ONLINE There is no need to wake up early on Black Friday or fret about what to get that special someone in your life. The Bear Creek Camp Store has everything you need to outfit everyone on your Christmas list in great gear! We have items ranging from sweatshirts to Nalgene bottles to notebooks! TRAILBLAZERS CLUB Join the Club! Formerly known as The Order of the Bear, the Trailblazers Club is a group of individuals, families and churches that provide generous and consistent financial support to Bear Creek Camp. CAMP NEEDS LIST: 1.5 ton dump truck 46 inch or larger flat panel HDTV White copy paper Basketballs Kickballs Volleyballs Footballs Pool balls Your time and/or talents (many volunteer opportunities available) Bird seed Suet Bird feeders Repto Filter or Top Fin (medium) disposable filter cartridges Repto Filter or Top Fin (large) disposable filter cartridges PAGE 11 In Memory The white carnation in the chancel today announces the entrance to the church triumphant of Carl Schwartzer on Monday, November 10th, 2014 November 19th– Italian Chicken Stew & Salad No FEAST on Dec 24th A Very Merry FEAST Christmas! Adult Forum Nov 16th and 23rd 9:30am Room 125-127 Shedding Light on the Facts and Fictions of Alzheimer’s and related dementias Let’s talk about the myths and realities of Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias vs. normal aging Are there warning signs or risks? Is getting a diagnosis important? What are some of the latest research findings? How can we support families and caregivers affected by the epidemic? Discussion Leader: Joan Grasso Trinity member and Program Coordinator, PA for the Delaware Valley branch of the Alzheimer’s Association. PAGE 12 Thanks to a very dedicated team of disciples, our FEAST Ministry feeds over 125 members, friends and neighbors each Wednesday night in Hyson Hall! Due to illness, disability, unemployment, food and housing shortages, many of our weekly guests, both adults and children, are staring at a rather bleak Christmas this year. We want to spread a little extra cheer by distributing Gift Cards to our FEAST family, on Wednesday, December 17! Please help us by donating Gift Cards in any denomination. Suggested retailers are Target, Walmart, CVS, Giant, Acme or VISA, but any Cards in any amount will be most welcome. Gift Cards will be collected in Hyson Hall each Sunday morning and Wednesday evening through December 15! Or drop off in the Church office, labeled FEAST. Please join us in this new and extended Christmas gift-giving opportunity to bring a little joy to someone in need, right here among us! Questions please contact Marian or David Schurz, 267-664-6228. Thank you for your generosity! God on Tap Gathering Join us Monday, November 24th at 7 p.m. at Molly Maguires. This group meets the 4th Monday of the month to enjoy a beer and talk about our faith and Christianity. The group is open to all - Christians, nonChristians, beer drinkers, and designated drivers. All are welcome. Enjoy the half-priced appetizers with us. CODE BLUE –A serving opportunity The cool weather foretells the approaching winter season with night time temperatures dropping. When the air temperature drops to 20o, CODE BLUE is activated by Montgomery County and the shelter located in Luther Hall on Trinity Lutheran’s campus is opened. This is a program which provides safe, warm lodging during the night time hours for those without homes. Dinner and breakfast are also served to the guests. This program is fully staffed and operated by servant leaders from the North Penn area including our Trinity community. Assistance is being sought to staff three shifts as noted below; as well as cooks to provide the evening meal. Servant Leader Shift Schedule/Responsibilities:. Intake: (7:30—midnight) Register guests as they arrive, serve dinner, and visit with the guests. Overnight: (11:45 pm—6 am) Be awake and aware should someone need help (We especially need help for overnight shifts) Breakfast/Cleanup: (5:45—8 am) Serve breakfast and clean-up guest sleeping area, guest eating/fellowship area and kitchen. Meal: Prepare a hot meal for 4-5 people and deliver to the shelter by 8:00 pm. Other opportunities: Donations of bus/train tokens or money to purchase them, individually wrapped snacks, bottled water, waterproof gloves, hats, socks, lip balm and/or hand/feet warmers to give to our guests as they leave the shelter would be greatly appreciated. A bin will be placed in the Main Lobby of Trinity marked for Code Blue Donations. Any monetary donations may be placed in the offering plate during worship or sent directly to the church office clearly marked for Code Blue. To sign up to help or request further information, please send an email to: or check out the table in Hyson Hall. Training for each shift will take place at the shelter located in Luther Hall on the following dates. Please email the Code Blue account listed above if you plan to attend a training session: Sunday 11/23/14 at 1:00pm (please note correction of date from last week) Monday 12/1/14 at 7:00pm PAGE 13 MARRIAGE PREPAREDNESS Lutheran Congregational Services offers a 6 hour Marriage Preparedness Series for engaged couples. This skills-based series centers on communication, conflict, values, finances, intimacy and spirituality. Cost per couple is $60 ($80 for full day series which includes lunch.) Register at www.lutherancongregati, under the "education" tab. Questions, contact Pr. Jennifer Ollikainen at jollikainen@libertyluth or 610.425.2981. Programs are held: Sundays, March 15 and 22 (snow date March 29), 2015, 2-5:00 p.m. at Grace, Royersford. Saturday, June 20, 2015, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Reformation, Media. Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Emmanuel, Pottstown Tickets can be purchased at the church office or in Hyson Hall on Sundays. Adult is $20 in advance, $25 at door. Senior Citizens are $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Student is $5 in advance, $10 at door. PAGE 14 Learn more at: article/lcs-offersmarriage-preparedness/ A hearty thankyou on behalf of the seafarers who visit our port for your generosity these past two weekends in donating $316 toward the purchase of work gloves for those who bring us by sea the commodities upon which we so depend. Your donations made it possible for Lynn and me to purchase 196 pairs of gloves at Harbor Freights over the past two Sundays. They will be delivered tomorrow to Seamen’s Church Institute in Northern Liberties to be packaged with toiletries and other gift goods to give to visiting mariners this holiday season. As so many of them spend 11 months at a time away from their families and are not home for the holidays, your gifts will brighten their winter days. Trinity has a prized and long-term relationship with SCI. Our youth and adult volunteers have spent many hours working at the center, and a few have visited ships, thus serving as ambassadors from a grateful nation. Lynn and I extend our deepest thanks for your commitment to welcome the stranger on behalf of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Council Points 1. Approved the recommendation that $34,432.00 received from the Melvin Kline bequest be distributed as follows: $3,400.00 to the endowment fund $1,700.00 to the Bear Creek Camp fund $1,700.00 to the SEPA Synod Capital Campaign $10,00.00 for Congregational enrichment in 2014 and 15 $17,632.00 held in general fund as a reserve for future needs and ministry 2. Selected a nominating committee for council replacements in 2015: Dave Olson Normal Nish Julie Kinzel Chip Kern Chuck Hertz Chairman – Warren Ditzler, Council President 3. Trinity has been asked and council has approved being a Supporting congregation for the Lutheran Community at Telford. This will require 2 members and one pastor to be a part of their Corporate Board. 4. Council is reviewing a proposal to hire a consultant from The Center for Healthy Churches to evaluate Trinity’s organizational structure ( aligning staff with the resources available and organizational needs.) Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 1000 W. Main St., Lansdale, PA 19446-1926 Phone: 215-368-1710 E-mail: Fax: 215-361-1710 Disciples: all the baptized in this congregation gathered for worship and sent out to do what matters to God Senior Pastor: Paul Lutz Pastor for Family Ministry: Dane Skilbred Interim Visitation Pastor: Anita London Director for Music: Eric Gombert Associate Director for Music: Andrea Baxter Associate Parish Musician: Sue Sheppard Director for Finance & Administration: Michael Scharff Financial Assistant: Cathy Pezzuti Director for Discipleship Gifts: Victoria Seal Director for Early Learning: Lisa Corr Director for Communication: Victoria Thomas Assistant to Pastor for Family Ministry: Karen Strobel Manager for Buildings & Grounds: Dennis Smith Nursery Coordinator: Cathy Grever Maintenance Staff: Saci Bartos, Mary Swords-Greene Church Secretaries: Karen Brown, Carolyn Hoagland Global Outreach: On Eagle’s Wings, Northern Canada; Bill & Nicole Lohmeyer, Dominican Republic; Young Adult in Global Mission, ELCA PAGE 15 Trinity Weekly Thanksgiving Deadlines The deadline for submissions for the Thanksgiving week edition is Monday, Nov. 24th at noon. Please submit by email: ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, January 25th Lansdale Lutheran Newsletter Deadlines Please submit articles and information by the following deadline: January 8, 2015 to C OMMEMORATIONS FOR THE Join us for the ONE worship service at 9:30 am on Sunday, January 25th, followed by the annual congregational meeting at 10:30 am. A brunch will be served at noon for the whole congregation. Mark your calendars. Nursery will be staffed during worship and meeting. W EEK As a means of recognizing the witness of exemplary Christians throughout church history, Evangelical Lutheran Worship includes many commemorations which may be observed in corporate worship as well as in personal devotions. Monday, November 17, 2014-Elizabeth of Hungary, renewer of society, died 1231 Born in Hungary, Elizabeth was betrothed to the son of the Landgrave of Thuringia, and at age four was taken to be raised with him at the Wartburg Castle. Ten years later they were married. She was very generous to the poor, and after her husband's death she lived in cruel hardship until her own death at age twenty-four. Sunday, November 23-Clement, Bishop of Rome, died around 100 Clement was the third bishop of Rome. He is best remembered for a letter he wrote to the congregation in Corinth, still struggling with the same problems that led to Paul's letters to them. As did Paul, he focused on the need for love among Christians. Sunday, November 23-Miguel Agustín Pro, martyr, died 1927 Pro grew up in a time when the Mexican revolutionaries accused the church of siding with the wealthy. He became a Jesuit priest, and worked on behalf of the poor and homeless. Falsely accused of throwing a bomb at a government official, he was executed, but not before crying out "Long live Christ the King!" From Sundays and Copyright 2014 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #20549. PAGE 16 M EMORIALS & H ONORARIUMS Listed below are financial gifts made in memory, honor or celebration to designated ministry funds. Gifts can be given using the green & white envelope/form in the pews and placed in the offering plate or mailed in. HELPING HANDS MEMORIAL FUND In memory of Donald Benner by Richard and Nancy Chancellor and Clarence and Patricia Kinsey ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of Donald Benner by Joe and Carol Voicheck In memory of George Aaronson, Jr. by Helene Newton CAPITAL CAMPAIGN FUND In loving memory of Kathy Markley (2/8/14) by Carol Bennett PASTORS’ DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of our 72nd wedding anniversary TRINITY RADIO PROGRAM FUND Thank you and with gratitude for all the Trinity prayers that God has healed me by Sallie Cassa CELEBRATING THE SAINTS Contributions given by the following will go to the Trinity Endowment Fund: Diane C. Curtis Dot & Ron Underkoffler David and Lorraine Crosson in memory of Aunt Nancy Crosson Manna on Main Street is in need of volunteers to fill a number of spots for the successful operation of servicing the people in need in the North Penn School District. For those disciples of Trinity who are looking to utilize their special individual gifts, this is an opportunity to fulfill this desire. For as little as two hours a week you can touch our neighbors’ lives. To meet state requirements, it is necessary for all of their volunteers to attend a brief orientation class before serving. Spend an hour learning about their operation, and you are ready to sign up for whatever service you prefer. These orientation classes are scheduled on a regular basis to fit into your busy schedules. Just visit to find out more about this great service organization in our community and how to "give your time" effectively. PAGE 17 P RAYER C ORNER Please pray for the following people, places and situations throughout our congregation, community and the world. THOSE HOSPITALIZED Please pray for the people who are hospitalized or recovering from surgery and for those coping withDAY illness. P RAYER OF THE CONCERN AND CARE. For Virginia Senuik and family on the death of her husband, William Senuik on November 5th. For Virginia (Ginny) Schwartzer and family on the death of her husband, Carl Schwartzer on November 10th. For those who are in need of humanitarian assistance around the world For those who are hungry and food insecure. For those who are hospitalized, recovering from surgery and those coping with illness For those who are homeless For those who protect and defend our country. All military personnel serving in the United States Armed Forces and Activated Reserves For those looking for employment For those affected by violence, war and unrest. For all family and friends who have lost loved ones. For those affected by the unrest in Israel. For those affected by the Ebola crisis. P RAYER OF THE DAY Righteous God, our merciful master, you own the earth and all its peoples, and you give us all that we have. Inspire us to serve you with justice and wisdom, and prepare us for the joy of the day of your coming, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. NEXT WEEK’s READINGS Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Matthew 25:31-46 CONTACT US Please remember to contact us at the church office at 215-368-1710 or email at if you or someone you know is hospitalized, has prayer concerns, or of any changes to the information listed on this page. PAGE 18 S ERVING T HIS W EEKEND S PONSORSHIPS Acolytes: 8:15-Garrett Thompson, 10:45-Nathan Baxter Crucifer: Bob Bartholomew Lectors: 8:15-Paula Kadel, 9:30-Christine Morris, 10:45-Stephen Stewart Assisting Ministers: 5:30-Teri Lanan, 8:15-Dave Freudig, 9:30-Paulyne Gardner-Smith, 10:45-Kevin Schanely Communion Assisting Ministers: 8:15-Carol Connor, Curt Deardorff, Tom & Nancy Mellon, Maria Shaw, 9:30-Warren Ditzler, Janet Frederick, Marcia Pitzenberger, Carol Reitz, Laura Scattergood, Cricket Snearing, 10:45-Linda Brennan Gift Bearers: 8:15-Bev & Tom McGuire, 9:30-Shirlely & Allen Kulp, 10:45-Joan Anton, Carole Doose Media/Video-Linda Graeff Altar Guild: 8:15-Pam Clemens, Cindy Green, Anne Mohr, 9;15-Barbara Grosch, Susan Pashos Ushering Teams: 8:15-P-Chris Paul, 9:30-,L-Becky Howard, 10:45-W-Curt Rissmiller Nursery: 8;15-Pat Good, Cathy Grever, 9:30-Cathy Grever, Dot Underkoffler 10:45-Cathy Grever Maintenance Support: OPEN-Stephen Stewart, CLOSE-Christopher Worrell Evening Security: Bruce Shaffer (November 16 to November 22) Greeters: 5:30-Teri Lanan (Council Greeter), 8:15-Debbie Neves (Council Greeter), Diane Koch, Leslie Kachmar, Bill & Michelle Kienzle, Dale & Pearl Weber, 9:30-Liz Ricketts (Council Greeter), Jim & Sandy Cottrell, David & Denise Stock, Joanna Muth, Earl Schrack,10:45-Al Hanna (Council Greeter), Dave & Lorraine Crosson, Deb Jurin, Jean Flosdorf, Alison Randall, Betty Sergeant Welcome and Information Center: 8:00-Cindy Ryan, 10:45-Jim Komerska Coffee Hours Volunteers: 7:45-Rob Garbaccio, Lisa Nase, 9:15-Amanda Brown, Russ & Polly Stewart Ushering Next Week: 8:15-Team F, 9:30-Team G, 10:45-Team M BULLETINS In honor of Ruth Weber on her November 22nd birthday and in memory of our father, Dick Weber and Pastor Robert Hyson by Helen Weber and Linda Weber Rudnick, ALTAR FLOWERS In honor of our wedding, November 15, 2014 and in memory of Sharon’s dad, J. Kenneth Jones and her Uncle, Donald Benner by Sharon and Scott Hofer. Flowers will be distributed by Carol Simcox to our hospitalized. RADIO BROADCAST In memory of Pastor Hyson’s birthday, November 22nd, given anonymously. PAGE 19 T HIS W EEK AT T RINITY Saturday, November 15, 2014 Worship - 5:30 pm Presentation of the Bibles Class Funeral: Carl Schwartzer Wedding: 9:00 am 9:30 am 3:00 pm Sunday, November 16, 2014 Worship - 8:15, 9:30, 10:45 am WoW LifeSong Adult Forum Small Group Small Group BSA High Adventure Meeting Here We Go The Choristers Rehearsal Girl Scout Troop 7193 Girl Scout Troop 71030 Mary/Martha Circle 9:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 1:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Monday, November 17, 2014 Sit N Stitch Small Group Cub Pack 9 Monday Bible Study Boy Scout Troop 610 Imagining Worship Sanctuary Parlor 218/ 125/127 Parlor 264-Conference Hyson Hall The WELL Sanctuary 126 125/127 Parlor 9:00 am 10:00 am 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm 125/127 Parlor Scout Rm 125/127 Social Hall 123 6:30 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm West Main Diner 123/125/127/126 Library 108 Luther Hall 1-1 Parlor Music C-218/220 Kitchen Hyson Hall 264-Conference Scout Room Luther Hall 1-1 9:30 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:15 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm PAGE 20 7:00 pm Parlor 125/127 Hyson Hall 123 Music C-218/220 Hyson Hall Music C 218/220 Bell Room Music C 218/220 Music A 232 Parlor 126 105/107 Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Small Group-Men in Mission ESL Class Academic English Class Al-Anon Trinity Seniors Board Musikers in the Making Cookie Baking TYA Travel Basketball Finance Boy Scout 610 AA Big Book Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Small Group Wednesday Bible Study Merck Retirees Staff Meeting Musikers in the Making FEAST Meal Cherub Choir Generingers Joyful Choristers Daybreak Small Group Prayer Shawl Committee Meeting Yoga Chapel Social Hall Sanctuary Sanctuary Baptism Ministry Meeting Wednesday Bible Study PM WELCA Board Meeting D2D Learning Night Thursday, November 20, 2014 ESL Class Small Group TYA Travel Basketball Chorale Rehearsal Trintinnabulators Boy Scout Troop 61 North Penn Al-Anon Trinity Choir Rehearsal Friday, November 21, 2014 COCOM Meeting Winterfest Cookie Baking Girl Scout Troop 7147 Senior High Youth Group The Choristers rehearsal Saturday, November 22, 2014 Worship - 5:30 pm Biblical Storytelling Guild Craft Fair Singles Thanksgiving Dinner Choristers Concert Sunday, November 23, 2014 Worship - 8:15, 9:30, 10:45 am WoW LifeSong Adult Forum Family Ministry Team Code Blue Training CHAOS Girl Scout Troop 7193 Girl Scout Troop 71030 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:15 pm 123 125/127 264-Conference The WELL 9:00 am 1:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:45 pm Library 108 Parlor Hyson Hall 232-Music A Bell Room Social Hall Luther Hall 1-1 232-Music A 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Luther Hall Kitchen 200C Hyson Hall Sanctuary 10:00 am 10:00 am 5:30 pm 7:30 pm 9:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Chapel Chapel Hyson Hall Hyson Hall Sanctuary Sanctuary Parlor 218/ 125/127 264– Conference Luther Hall The WELL 126 125/127 For up to date monthly and weekly calendar times, visit and click the calendar link. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 1000 W. Main St., Lansdale, PA 19446-1926 Phone: 215-368-1710 E-mail: Fax: 215-361-1710
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