FALMOUTH COUNCIL ON AGING SENIOR CENTER SENIOR HAPPENINGS NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2014 PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITES!!! SIGN UP NOW!!! SENIOR HAPPENINGS NEWSLETTER The Senior Happenings Newsletter is packed full of great information and resources available to the Falmouth community. We are publishing a 2-month issue in order to provide you with advanced notice of all the upcoming programs and activities for you or a loved one to enjoy. With such a high demand for many of the programs, activities and services, we ask that you be sure to Sign Up Now to reserve your spot. Many of our programs have wait lists and we don’t want you to miss out on some great opportunities. The Staff at the COA Senior Center would like to thank you for another fabulous year and wish you and your family the happiest of Holidays!!! Thank You!!! HOLIDAY PARTY!!! “LIZ LIVE” Friday, December 12, 2014 at 12:45PM Back by popular demand!!! Liz Saunders sings … because that’s what she was born to do!!! You will be taken back in time remembering favorite classics from yesteryear. Liz's energetic, interactive performance captures the style of the original artists of Big Band, Jazz, Pop, Country, Broadway, Gospel and Rock 'n' Roll. A Delicious Holiday Lunch will be provided. Space is limited… Sign up Now !!! $3.00 Payable in Advance...And an Unwrapped Toy!!! Call us at 508-540-0196 to reserve your seat!!! DAVIS BATES “Celebrating New England” Monday, November 17, 2014 at 12:45PM Join us for an afternoon of Entertainment by David Bates…. Parents’ Choice Award Winning Singer & Storyteller. Celebrating New England with Songs & Stories for Everyone!!! A Delicious Lunch will be provided. Space is limited… Sign up Now !!! $8.00 Payable in Advance Call us at 508-540-0196 to reserve your seat!!! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED !!! WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP…. *You don’t need to be a Senior to Volunteer* ¨ DRIVERS - Volunteer Drivers needed to take people to Medical Appointments. This is a High Priority Need!!! ¨ FRIENDLY VISITORS - Volunteers needed to visit with a homebound Senior. ¨ REASSURANCE CALLS - Volunteers needed to call a Senior who lives alone and to check on their well-being. Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 for information!!! The Falmouth Senior Center and The Falmouth Service Center are Community Partners with a mission in helping those within our community. We ask all who will be attending the Holiday Party to please also bring an Unwrapped Toy to help support the Service Center Holiday Toy Drive. Thank You!!! BE AN ELF TO A SENIOR We have many financially needy Seniors in our Falmouth Community. We INVITE you to pick an ornament off the tree and bring a Gift Card to the Council on Aging Senior Center Office. The Falmouth Senior Center will be setting up our Christmas Tree (early December) decorated with ornaments for Gift Card suggestions (Stop & Shop, Shaws, Walmart, CVS, etc). Your participation in this heartwarming program brings joy to our Seniors in need. A Special “Thank You” from the Senior Center Staff NOVEMBER – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 2 FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER FREE WORKSHOPS - SIGN UP NOW!!! FALL PREVENTION PREVENT FALLS FREE WORKSHOP - This program will address the many causes of falls and offer strategies to manage those factors. A self-assessment tool will be provided to help you identify your own fall risk factors. Recommendations to manage those factors will be provided. It will be very informative. THE CHORALIERS HOLIDAY SING AT THE SENIOR CENTER Monday, December 15, 2014 at 1:00PM The Choraliers, a female vocal ensemble Holiday Sing will include Fa-LaLa, Christmas Grace, Faure’s In Paradisum, Beethoven’s Fur Elise with our own Elise, The Prayer, Hanukkah Nagila, and The Night Before Christmas. Rumor has it that Santa and his Reindeer may appear…. And of course a sing-a-long. This popular group will begin their 15th season!!! Dessert and Refreshments will be provided. Space is limited… Sign up Now !!! $5.00 Payable in Advance Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 to reserve your seat!!! FREE MEMORY SCREENINGS Hope Dementia & Alzheimer’s Services of Cape Cod will provide Free, Confidential Memory Screenings here at the Falmouth Senior Center. Memory screenings help identify people with potential problems who may need more extensive evaluation; they also provide education and reassurance to those with mild age-associated changes in their memory who may otherwise worry that they have dementia. Please note that you will not receive a diagnosis in a screen but rather an indication of whether or not symptoms of memory loss are present and should be evaluated further. Memory screenings will be administered by qualified staff from Hope Dementia & Alzheimer’s Services, part of the HopeHealth family of services. Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 1:00PM-4:00PM Registration is Required… Sign up Now !!! Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 to make your appointment!!! Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 1:30PM Registration is Required… Sign up Now !!! Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 to Sign Up!!! REDUCE HOLIDAY STRESS INTEGRATING AROMATHERAPY AND THE USE OF ESSENTIAL OILS INTO YOUR WELLNESS PLAN TO REDUCE HOLIDAY STRESS Although the holidays are much-anticipated family times, shopping and balancing our everyday tasks often seem to interfere with the joy of the season. You are INVITED to attend a FREE Workshop that will focus on healthy ways to reduce holiday stress with the use of essential oils. Monday, December 8, 2014 at 10:30AM Registration is Required… Sign up Now !!! Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 to Sign Up!!! NUTRITION EDUCATION PROGRAM You are INVITED to attend a series of FREE Nutrition Education Workshops with Registered Dietician & Licensed Nutritionist Amy Rose Sager. The workshops will focus on the following: REDUCING YOUR RISK OF ALZHEIMER’S - Tuesday, January 6, 2015 CREATING AN ENERGIZING BREAKFAST - Tuesday, January 13, 2015 REDUCING HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Tuesday, January 6, 13, 20, 2015 at 10:00AM Registration is Required… Sign up Now !!! Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 to Sign Up!!! UPCOMING WORKSHOPS ¨ Relaxing Techniques: Way to Reduce Stress ¨ Emotional Regulation: Ways to Understand and WELL GROUNDED A FALMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT A special “Thank You” to Shawn and Emmett and the entire Well Grounded Group for all the wonderful landscaping Fall cleanup work you and Falmouth’s DPW crew provided to the COA Senior Center. We truly appreciate all you do for us!!! Thank You!!! Control the normal healthy emotion of anger. ¨ Chronic Disease Management PAINT CLASSES!!! Want to be an Artist…. Look for our upcoming Paint Classes to be offered in January 2015!!! NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 3 FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER LEGAL ASSISTANCE We are very fortunate and obviously very happy to have five attorneys visit the Center on a monthly basis. The Attorneys and the fields that each would feel most qualified to assist seniors with, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY are: ¨ Patricia Mello’s Office: Wills, Health Care Choices, Nursing Home/Medicaid Planning, Estate Planning, Asset Protection, Guardianships ¨ Thomas Kosman: Housing Problems, Government Benefits, Health Law, Guardianship, Reverse Mortgage, Consumer Issues ¨ Michael Lavender: General Legal Problems, Trusts, Wills, Estate Planning & Settlement ¨ Carol Kenney: Probate, Trusts, Estate Planning, Wills, Guardianship, Health Care Proxy, Real Estate matters ***Please try to consider the urgent questions that you have and try to choose the appropriate attorney*** AARP DRIVERS SAFETY REFRESHER COURSE ‘The Life You Save Might Be Your Own’ Why Should I Take This Course…. 1.3 Million People die & 3.5 Million are involved in vehicle accidents annually. To get the latest info on; Accident Prevention, New Car Innovations & New Rules of the Road. How to prevent injuries to you and your passengers. Find out about Air Bags, Side Curtains and proper use of Seat Belts & Head Rests. Where to hold the Steering wheel properly so no injuries occur if the air bag is deployed. How to use your ABS Brakes properly. How many Air Bags in your car and there location. Find out about Distracted Drivers, Impaired Drivers, Road Rage, and what to do I this occurs. You will receive a completion certificate for your Insurance Company for possible premium deductions. There will be NO Testing for the completion of this course. The cost is $15 for AARP Members and $20 for non members. Please bring a Bag Lunch. Date: November 7th, 2014 - Friday (10:00AM-2:30PM) Location: Gus Canty Recreation Center Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 to sign up!!! THE CAPE COD FIVE CENTS SAVING BANK A representative from The Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank will be coming to the Falmouth Senior Center on the First Thursday of the Month from 10:00-11:00AM to help you with any banking or financial questions that you have. Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 to make an appointment!!! FALMOUTH CARES WAYS WE SUPPORT AND ENGAGE SENIORS A conversation featuring Neighborhood Falmouth Falmouth Council on Aging Senior Center Falmouth Service Center Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 10:00AM First Congregational Church Hall - 68 Main Street, Falmouth FREE · OPEN TO ALL · BRING A FRIEND Sponsored by Neighborhood Falmouth FUEL ASSISTANCE The Massachusetts Low Income Energy Assistance Program for the 2014-2015 heating season begins November 1st. This program is designed to provide relief to low-income households. The income eligibility guidelines are as follows: Household Size Gross Income 1 $32, 618 2 $42,654 3 $52,691 4 $62,727 5 $72,763 Seniors interested in applying for fuel assistance must make an appointment by calling the Senior Center at 508-540-0196. ORGANIZING YOUR MEMORABILIA AND PHOTOS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2014 AT 2:00PM JOHN WESLEY UNITIED METHODIST CHURCH ON GIFFORD STREET Falmouth’s May Anne Threadgold will share tips on how to present a story through organized photos and memorabilia. This is a FREE event. FALMOUTH CHORALE FALMOUTH EATS TOGETHER With a vision that community members of all backgrounds and economic circumstance will sit together as a community rooted in compassion to enjoy the “breaking of bread.” Come one and come all and become a part of this Falmouth-wide community get-together. Share a free delicious meal with your neighbors on the following Thursdays from 4-6PM!!! November 6th John Wesley United Methodist Church December 4th John Wesley United Methodist Church DECEMBER 13, 2014 AT 4:00 & 7:00PM DECEMBER 14, 2014 AT 3:00PM FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, FALMOUTH, MA A CHRISTMAS HOMECOMING - Celebrating Americana at its best, this Yankee-inspired holiday concert culminates the Chorale’s 50th anniversary year and is a tribute to American music and American Singers. The world premiere of a composition commissioned by the Chorale and composed by Artistic Director, John Yankee, will showcase the talents of both the composer and the chorus. A variety of medleys will ignite your holiday spirit and remind you that American music-making is alive and well in Falmouth. NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER Page 4 ACTIVITIES EXERCISE CLASSES OSTEO PREVENTION: Monday & Wednesday at 9:15AM • Tues & Thursday at 11:00AM YOUNT AT HEART: Weight Training for Seniors BRIDGE: Contract Bridge at the Intermediate level will meet every Wednesday at 12:30PM. CRIBBAGE: Will meet every Tuesday at 12:30PM. **Please do not arrive before 12:15. Tuesday & Friday at 9:00AM • Wednesday at 10:30AM POKER: Will meet every Thursday at 12:00PM. CHAIR YOGA: Classes held at the Gus Canty Rec. Center SCRABBLE: Will meet every Thursday at 1:00PM. All we ask is that you have a basic knowledge of the game and a game board. every Wednesday from 11:00-12:00 Noon. Yoga is a gentle, relaxing and meditative practice which is centuries old. It has many benefits such as stress reduction, lowered blood pressure and clear thinking, leaving one with a feeling of overall well-being. Elizabeth Davies, MA CNA, has been practicing Yoga over 40 years. Drop-in price $7.00. Please bring non-skid socks and/or Yoga mat. REIKI: Reiki is a gentle and non-invasive system which greatly enhances all other healing methods. It is an ancient and sacred healing art. Reiki has helped in the healing of many injuries and illnesses including migraine headaches, broken bones, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, low energy, depression, back pain, etc. Dawn Tavilla will be at the Senior Center on Friday, November 21st and December 19th, 2014 from 9:00-11:30AM. Please call us at 508-540-0196 to make an appointment. YOGA CLASSES: Gunjan Laborde will be conducting the Yoga class every Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. Each class costs $8.00; a package of 6 classes (to be used within 8 weeks) costs $40.00. Please bring non-skid socks and/or Yoga mat. TAI JI - Tai Ji class meets every Thursday at 9:00AM. ZUMBA GOLD: Classes held at the Gus Canty Rec. Center every Mondays at 11:00AM!!! Zumba Gold is a fitness program specifically designed to take the exciting Latin and International dance rhythms created in the original Zumba and bring them to the active older adult. This program provides a safe and effective total body workout, in a fun party-like atmosphere. It’s great for the mind, body and soul! For more information contact Instructor Kelly Johnson at 774-836-8277. Drop-in price $8.00; special package pricing available. Get Walking Program TAP DANCING: Tap Dancing Class meets every Friday at 1:00PM. The objective is to give people the pleasure of tap dancing while exercising. The instructor is Margaret Rogers who has been an instructor for many years. The price is $6.00 per class or $24.00 per month. LINE DANCING: Line Dancing class meets every Monday at 11:00AM. Spaces are available. PATWORK QUILTERS OF CAPE COD: Will meet on Fridays 10:00AM -2:00PM at the Center to make quilts for children at risk. Experience in quilting necessary. For more information, please call Rosemarie Paliotto at 508-548-4003. SEWING GROUP: This joyful group works on their own projects from hemming to quilting. If you wish to learn to quilt or if you have pieces you started and never finished, this is the place to be. No need to sign up, just come in any Thursday at 1:00PM. SING-A-LONG: Join Judy at the piano… Help us make music together the 3rd Friday of each month (November 21st and December 19th, 2014) at 2:30 PM. Light refreshments will be available. Donation $1.00. HAVING FUN WITH POETRY “The Quahog Poets” are a cordial group, any level of writing is welcome…. “criticism-free”. The next sessions will be on November 6 & 20, 2014 at the Gus Canty Center. **December 4, 2014 at the Senior Center - All are Welcome to bring their own poem to read!!! And then December 18, 2014 back at the Gus Canty Center. All sessions are at 1:00PM. END OF YEAR DECORATIONS Join our Walking Program provided by the Falmouth Senior Center. If interested in joining, please call us to provide your input on days and times that work for you and we will make it happen!!! Sign up Now !!! Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 to sign up!!! “A regular program of brisk walking prevent and manages several major health problems which often concern older persons: coronary heart disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, anxiety, depression, arthritis and osteoporosis”. Poetry readings at the Senior Center on Dec. 4th @ 1:00PM. All are welcome!!! Bring a poem to share or just listen!!! Autumn’s coming into focus First with costumed hocus-pocus But the goblins at our door Smash our pumpkins, spoil décor We buy new gourds for November Dress a turkey we’ll remember Change the front décor to holly Soon there’s snow, let us be jolly! ~Alice Batchelor NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Page 5 FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES BOOK CLUB… ALL ARE WELCOME!!! MEN’S CHAT GROUP The Falmouth Senior Center Book Club invites you to join them for a discussion of the following books: (Guest Author and Mashpee Resident Chip Bishop will be joing us here at the Senior Center on Dec. 9th). Contact Susan Weliky at 508-548-8747 if you have any questions. The Falmouth Senior Center would like to invite you to join us for some GREAT conversations, discussions and stories!!! The Falmouth Senior Center Men’s group will meet ***November 19th, 2014 at 10:00AM at the Senior Center. Men’s chat will not meet in December. “BIG LITTLE LIES” BY LIANE MORIARTY “QUENTIN AND FLORA” BY CHIP BISHOP Wednesday Nov.12th at 1:30PM Tuesday Dec. 9th at 1:30PM MOVIE MATINEE AT THE FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER The Falmouth Senior Center Book invites you to join us for an afternoon of movie entertainment!!! Space is limited… Sign up Now !!! WALK THE LINE BEAUTIFUL DREAMER LADIES’S GET TOGETHER Join us for Fun, Great Conversations, Craft Projects…. And more!!! The Ladies Chat Group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10:00AM. NOVEMBER 12th We will be making Edible Pilgrim Hats!!! DECEMBER 10th We will be doing a Holiday Craft Project $5.00 Payable in Advance Call us at 508-540-0196 to Sign Up!!! OCTOBER PROJECT Wednesday Nov.5th at 1:00PM Wednesday Nov.19th at 1:00PM WHITE CHRISTMAS LINCOLN COMPUTER TRAINING AND SUPPORT Have questions about how to use some of your electronic devices (i.e. Laptop Computer, iPad, etc.)??? Please bring your electronic device. NOVEMBER 3 AND 17 AND DECEMBER 1 AND 15 , 2014 AT 10:00AM LAPTOP COMPUTER, TABLET & IPAD SUPPORT Space is limited… Sign up Now !!! Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 to reserve your seat!!! LOCAL LUNCH GROUP Wednesday Dec. 3rd at 1:00PM Wednesday Dec. 17th at 1:00PM WIDOWS GET TOGETHER SUPPORT GROUP The Falmouth Senior Center would like to invite you to join the Widows Get Together Support Group. They will meet the 2nd Friday of the month and then proceed to go out for lunch. Friday, January 9th, 2015 at 10:00 AM JUST SHOW UP!!! The Falmouth Senior Center would like to invite you to join the “MONTHLY LUNCH GROUP”. This is a great way to meet people, socialize and have some FUN!!! The Monthly Lunch Group will meet at a different nearby restaurant each month. You can order off the menu and will be provided with individual checks. The Coonamessett Inn Monday, November 24th, 2014 at 11:30 AM Space is limited….Sign-up Now!!! Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 to sign up!!! NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Page 6 FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER MEDICAL BLOOD PRESSURE HEALTH INSURANCE - “SHINE PROGRAM” MEDICARE OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD IS COMING UP!!! October 15th - December 7th Medicare’s Annual Open Enrollment will be here before you know it and it is very important to review your Medicare options during this period. If you have a Medicare Prescription Drug or a Medicare Advantage (HMO, PPO) Plan you will receive a notice from your plan in September. Make sure you read this notice- it will explain the changes in your plan for 2015. During the Annual Open Enrollment , you will have a chance to CHANGE your plan for 2015. SHINE Counselors can help you understand your plan’s changes, screen you for assistance programs and discuss other options you may have. If you do not change your plan during this period you may have to stay with your existing plan for another whole year. (Note: the open enrollment may not affect those with retiree coverage). DO NOT WAIT UNTIL IT’S TOO LATE!!! Call 508-540-0196 for a SHINE appointment now!!! If you want this service, please make an appointment with SHINE as soon as possible. *(If you call after November 26th, we cannot guarantee you an appointment with a Falmouth SHINE counselor.) WITH MEDICARE PLANS, DOES IT MATTER WHICH PHARMACY YOU USE? For many Medicare plans, the pharmacy you use could make a big difference in the cost of your drugs!!! All Medicare drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans (HMOs, PPOs) have network pharmacies. Most pharmacies accept most plans. However, if you go to a pharmacy that isn’t in your network, your drugs will not be covered. In 2015, 80% of the Medicare drug plans have preferred pharmacies. By using a preferred pharmacy, you will save money!!! Many plans have changed their preferred pharmacies for next year. You should check that the pharmacy you currently use is still a preferred pharmacy. Most plans have a mail-order program that allows you to get a 90-day supply of your covered prescription drugs sent directly to your home. This FOOT CARE FOR SENIORS A foot care program is open to our residents each month by specially trained registered nurses. The following services for those that are not diabetic are: several assessments of the feet and lower extremities including circulation, skin conditions, overall podiatric health; trimming, filing and cleaning of nails; reduction of thickened toenails; smoothing of corns and calluses; massaging, moisturizing lotion and powdering of the feet; referrals to Medical Doctors and/or Podiatrists as needed. The cost is $29.00 per visit and is not covered by insurance. Home visits are available for shut-ins at the cost of $50.00. Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 to make an appointment. Kathy Ganey, RN-VNA of Cape Cod will be at the Senior Center every Thursday afternoon as noted on the calendar from 1:30-3:00 PM to check blood pressures. Please feel free to stop by and address any medical questions or concerns. Now that the cooler weather is upon us, let’s talk about the everyday things we can do to keep germs at bay. We all know that getting our flu shot is the best defense against contracting the flu but we can keep ourselves safe from many other bacteria by just using some simple precautions. Clean your hands often. Frequent hand hygiene is the best for keeping household members healthy. Clean hands before and after meals and especially before preparing food. Be mindful of the germs present on the faucet and toilet handles, cabinet handles and doorknobs, phones, keyboards and light switches. Any open cuts should be cleaned with soap and water. All open areas should be covered with the appropriate size band aid or bandage. You can use an over the counter topical antibiotic such as bacitracin before covering the wound. Leaving a wound “open to air” is no longer the protocol in wound healing. To avoid food borne illnesses, always keep hands and surfaces clean. Cook foods at the right temperature and chill food promptly. Clean out the refrigerator and freezer, tossing out expired products and clean surfaces with warm soapy water and a clean cloth. COLD OR THE FLU? HOW TO RECOGNIZE THE DIFFERENCE. Flu symptoms tend to be more systemic, meaning more overall body aches, extreme fatigue, and higher fever, usually 100.5 and above. If you become ill with the flu, see your doctor for an antiviral medication, like Tamiflu or Relenza.Taking these medications within the first 48 hours of illness will shorten the duration of your symptoms by 1 or 2 days and decrease your risk of developing serious complications of influenza. Cold symptoms are mostly in your head. The symptoms include nasal and sinus congestion, runny nose, cough and fever that is generally less than 100.5.Over the counter medications like decongestants and expectorants can help loosen and remove the mucus, alleviating congestion and cough. Remember the common cold is a virus too but it isn’t typically treated with antiviral medications. Call your doctor if you notice mucus changing color because you may be developing a bacterial infection that warrants antibiotics. Generally, colds have shorter duration FREE HEARING EVALUATIONS & AID CLEANING MIRACLE-EAR HEARING CENTER of Falmouth from 72 Davis Straits will provide FREE Hearing Evaluations and also FREE Cleaning of your present Hearing Aids regardless of which brand or where from. A representative can be seen at the Senior Center the 2nd Friday of each month By Appointment Only!! Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 to make an appointment. 25 Commonwealth Travel PRESENTS 508-548-5100 Bermuda Cruise Cruise for 7 DAYS aboard the Norwegian Dawn June 5-12, 2015 michelle@commtravel.com $ 1,157 00 Include: bus from Falmouth all port charges & government taxes. Doing Business for 45 years 508-548-6013 18 Davisville Rd. • East Falmouth *Traditional & Modern Cuts *Hot Lather Shaves www.DannysBarberShop.net = Less than 20 minute wait = More than 20 minute wait Compassion. Excellence. Reliability. Nursing, therapy, and assistive care Nursing/therapy 508-540-8770 | Assistive care 508-540-0071 www.bayada.com THIS SPACE AVAILABLE For Information On Advertising, Please Call our Representative Nina Kritter 800-732-8070 x 3448 or email: nkritter@4LPi.com FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-732-8070 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. OCTOBER 3, 2014 11:41 AM FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER, FALMOUTH 04-0655 G ID OSTEO LINE DANCING ZUMBA GOLD (GUS CANTY) LOCAL LUNCH GROUP T. KOSMAN, ATTORNEY PAINTING/ STAIN GLASS (Anything goes...On your own) OSTEO COMPUTER TRAINING LINE DANCING ZUMBA GOLD (GUS CANTY) ENTERTAINMENT & LUNCH PAINTING/ STAIN GLASS (Anything goes...On your own) OSTEO LINE DANCING ZUMBA GOLD (GUS CANTY) PAINTING/ STAIN GLASS (Anything goes...On your own) OSTEO COMPUTER TRAINING LINE DANCING ZUMBA GOLD (GUS CANTY) PAINTING/ STAIN GLASS (Anything goes...On your own) 1 9:15 OSTEO 10.00 COMPUTER TRAINING 11:00 LINE DANCING 24 9:15 11:00 11:00 11:30 1:00 1:00 17 9:15 10.00 10:45 11:00 12:45 1:00 10 9:15 11:00 11:00 1:00 3 9:15 10.00 11:00 11:00 1:00 MONDAY OSTEO LADIES Get Together YOUNG AT HEART CHAIR YOGA (GUS CANTY) PARTY BRIDGE BOOK CLUB FALL PREVENTION P.MELLO, ATTORNEY MEN’S CHAT YOUNG AT HEART BEREAVEMENT GROUP CHAIR YOGA (GUS CANTY) PARTY BRIDGE MOVIE MATINEE 12 9:15 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:30 1:30 1:30 19 9:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:00 12:30 1:00 PEDICARE YOUNG AT HEART DIABETES WORKSHOP OSTEO CRIBBAGE MEMORY SCREENINGS 26 YOUNG AT HEART 10:30 YOUNG AT HEART DIABETES WORKSHOP 11:00 CHAIR YOGA (GUS CANTY) CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 12:30 PARTY BRIDGE OSTEO CRIBBAGE 11 18 9:00 9:00 9:30 11:00 12:30 1:00 25 9:00 9:30 10:30 11:00 12:30 2 3 9:00 YOUNG AT HEART 9:15 OSTEO 10:30 CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 10:30 YOUNG AT HEART 11:00 OSTEO 11:00 BEREAVEMENT GROUP OSTEO YOUNG AT HEART BEREAVEMENT GROUP CHAIR YOGA (GUS CANTY) PARTY BRIDGE MOVIE MATINEE YOUNG AT HEART DIABETES WORKSHOP CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP OSTEO CRIBBAGE C. KENNEY, ATTORNEY WEDNESDAY 5 9:15 10:30 11:00 11:00 12:30 1:00 4 9:00 9:30 10:30 11:00 12:30 12:30 TUESDAY TAI JI YOGA OSTEO POKER SCRABBLE SEWING POETRY GROUP (GUS CANTY VNA BLOOD PRESSURE 20 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:30 4 9:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 TAI JI YOGA CAPE COD 5 OSTEO TAI JI YOGA OSTEO POKER SCRABBLE SEWING VNA BLOOD PRESSURE 27 FRIDAY YOUNG AT HEART REIKI PATCHWORK QUILTERS BRIDGE CHESS TAP DANCE SING-A-LONG YOUNG AT HEART MIRACLE EAR PATCHWORK QUILTERS BRIDGE M. LAVENDER, ATTORNEY CHESS TAP DANCE 5 9:00 YOUNG AT HEART 10:00 PATCHWORK QUILTERS 12:30 BRIDGE 28 21 9:00 9:00 10:00 12:30 1:00 1:00 2:30 14 9:00 9:00 10:00 12:30 12:30 1:00 1:00 7 TAI JI 9:00 YOUNG AT HEART YOGA 10:00 PATCHWORK QUILTERS CAPE COD 5 10:00 AARP DRIVING SAFETY OSTEO 12:30 BRIDGE POKER 1:00 CHESS SCRABBLE 1:00 TAP DANCE SEWING POETRY GROUP (GUS CANTY) VNA BLOOD PRESSURE 13 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 1:00 1:30 6 9:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:30 THURSDAY SENIOR HAPPENINGS CALENDAR NOVEMBER ~ DECEMBER 2014 OSTEO LINE DANCING ZUMBA GOLD (GUS CANTY) T. KOSMAN, ATTORNEY PAINTING/ STAIN GLASS (Anything goes...On your own) OSTEO COMPUTER TRAINING LINE DANCING ZUMBA GOLD (GUS CANTY) CHORALIERS Holiday Sing PAINTING/ STAIN GLASS (Anything goes...On your own) 29 11:00 LINE DANCING 11:00 ZUMBA GOLD (GUS CANTY) 1:00 PAINTING/ STAIN GLASS (Anything goes...On your own) 22 9:15 11:00 11:00 1:00 1:00 15 9:15 10.00 11:00 11:00 1:00 1:00 17 9:15 9:00 10:30 11:00 11:00 12:30 1:00 10 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:30 OSTEO P. MELLO, ATTORNEY YOUNG AT HEART BEREAVEMENT GROUP CHAIR YOGA (GUS CANTY) PARTY BRIDGE MOVIE MATINEE LADIES Get Together YOUNG AT HEART CHAIR YOGA ( GUS CANTY) PARTY BRIDGE 11:00 CHAIR YOGA (GUS CANTY) 12:30 PARTY BRIDGE 1:00 MOVIE MATINEE Budget & Financing Options for your Future 508-548-0177 or 888-752-3326 419 Palmer Ave. (Rte 28), Falmouth, MA 02540 www.capecodreverse.com NMLS #1617 “We will come to you" Locally owned; over 27 yrs experience. Mike Burton • Charlotte Green • Scott Liebkemann Reverse Mortgage Professionals 31 10:30 YOUNG AT HEART 11:00 CHAIR YOGA (GUS CANTY) 12:30 PARTY BRIDGE 24 YOUNG AT HEART 10:30 YOUNG AT HEART CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 11:00 CHAIR YOGA (GUS CANTY) OSTEO 12:30 PARTY BRIDGE CRIBBAGE PEDICARE YOUNG AT HEART OSTEO CRIBBAGE C. KENNEY, ATTORNEY YOUNG AT HEART OSTEO CRIBBAGE BOOK CLUB 30 9:00 YOUNG AT HEART 12:30 CRIBBAGE 23 9:00 10:30 11:00 12:30 16 9:00 9:00 11:00 12:30 9:00 9:00 11:00 12:30 1:30 9 8 9:15 10:30 11:00 11:00 1:00 OSTEO REDUCE HOLIDAY STRESS LINE DANCING ZUMBA GOLD (GUS CANTY) PAINTING/ STAIN GLASS (Anything goes...On your own) 12:30 CRIBBAGE 11:00 ZUMBA GOLD (GUS CANTY) 1:00 PAINTING/ STAIN GLASS (Anything goes...On your own) 25 YOUNG AT HEART PATCHWORK QUILTERS BRIDGE CHESS TAP DANCE Ravies.com • 300,000+ MLS Listings updated daily • Follow us on our blog - blog-raveis.com “The Best Website in Real Estate” INTEGRITY • SERVICE • EXPERIENCE Wendy Vogel, REALTOR® • 508-272-6046 222 Main St., Falmouth, MA • wvogel9544@comcast.net 26 9:00 10:00 12:30 1:00 1:00 19 TAI JI 9:00 YOUNG AT HEART YOGA 9:00 REIKI OSTEO 10:00 PATCHWORK QUILTERS POKER 12:30 BRIDGE SCRABBLE 1:00 CHESS SEWING POETRY GROUP (GUS CANTY) 1:00 TAP DANCE 2:30 SING-A-LONG VNA BLOOD PRESSURE YOUNG AT HEART MIRACLE EAR PATCHWORK QUILTERS BRIDGE M. LAVENDER, ATTORNEY HOLIDAY PARTY !!! CHESS 18 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:30 12 9:00 9:00 10:00 12:30 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:00 CHESS 1:00 TAP DANCE TAI JI YOGA OSTEO POKER SCRABBLE SEWING VNA BLOOD PRESSURE POKER SCRABBLE SEWING POETRY GROUP (Senior Center) VNA BLOOD PRESSURE 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 1:00 1:30 11 12:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:30 Discover the Quality that sets ATRIA apart... offering a gentle helpinghand when needed. • Temporary/short stays for hospital recovery • Eight levels of care from the very active senior to 24 hour programs • Assisted living for people who need help with daily tasks and Memory-Care Life Guidance* • Free help with moving expense and room furnishings JML CARE CENTER 184 Ter Heun Drive, Falmouth, MA 02540 Adult Day Program A Daily Dose of Caring... Our goal is to provide social, emotional, physical and medical services, respite relief or support for the families and caregivers. Daily exercise, activities and lots of fun. Family Style Dining. Call Bobbee Frazer R.N. • 508-289-8826 Call Joan for a whirlwind visit & discover how much fun assisted living can be! 339 Gifford Street, Falmouth, MA 508-540-1600 or 800-456-3183 www.atriaseniorliving.com DRS. SEAN and TRACY GALLAGER 143 Palmer Avenue Falmouth, MA 02540 Phone: 508-457-6000 Fax 508-457-7150 190 TEATICKET HIGHWAY E. FALMOUTH, MA 508-540-2020 WWW.FALMOUTH-FLORIST.COM Donna Xenakis Lori Muschko Total Orthopedic Care David M. Chapman, Jr William B. Chapman, Jr FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATION SERVICES Family Owned and Operated Since 1862 Falmouth ~ 508-540-4172 Mashpee ~ 508-477-4025 www.ccgfuneralhome.com Also located in: Marstons Mills - Wareham - West Falmouth Martha’s Vineyard - Bridgewater - E. Bridgewater FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-732-8070 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. Paul M. Dimond, M.D. Lara Baldasaro, PA-C Ellen Faulise, PA-C • Justin Cobis, PA-C 360 Gifford St. • Falmouth, MA P: 508-457-4900 • F: 508-457-4911 www.drdimond.com OCTOBER 3, 2014 11:41 AM FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER, FALMOUTH 04-0655 G ID NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER Page 11 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER “VANGO” MINI-VAN SERVICE ¨ ALL “VANGO” Mini-Van Reservations can only be made between the hours of 9:00AM - 12:30PM!!! ¨ Appointments can be scheduled no sooner than 2 weeks in advance of appointment. ¨ Medical Appointments are suggested to be scheduled as morning appointments. ¨ Please be ready for pick-up 1 hour prior to your appointment. ¨ Grocery Shopping: Monday: Falmouth & North Falmouth - Wednesday: East Falmouth - Thursday: Locust Street. BOSTON AREA HOSPITAL TRANSPORTATION - Enjoy comfortable and safe transportation from Cape Cod DIRECT to Boston Area Hospitals. Wheelchair accessible bus. Monday – Friday (No holiday service). Fare $30.00 ROUND TRIP $15 one way. Reservations by 11:00AM the DAY BEFORE by calling 1-800-352-7155 (Monday – Friday (except Thursday) 8:00-5:00PM. Schedule your medical appointments between 10:00AM and 2:00PM. The bus will leave Boston no later than 3:00PM. Pickup Locations Mid & Upper Cape: 8:00AM - Barnstable (Rt. 6 & 132 Burger King) & 8:15AM - Sagamore (Rotary Commuter Lot) MEDIVAN - A Medivan “Life Van” will meet Falmouth folks in front of the Ticket Office in Woods Hole at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesdays. Transportation to Boston Area Hospitals and Medical Services are available by making reservations at 508-693-9440. NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER Page 12 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TOWN OF FALMOUTH LOCAL EMERGENCY PLANNING ______________________ EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TIPS What Families Need To Do In The Event Of An Emergency One of our main goals is to ensure that our community is well informed and properly prepared, particularly where evacuation or sheltering-in-place is required. ! ! ! ! ! Create a Plan to Shelter-in-Place Create a Plan to Get Away Assemble an Emergency Supply Kit Know your Resources Talk with your Neighbors about how to work together KNOW YOUR RESOURCES Falmouth Emergency Operating Center…………………………………………………….1-508-495-2602 Falmouth Fire Rescue Department (Non Emergency Line)……………………………….1-508-548-2325 Falmouth Fire Rescue Emergency Line………………………..………………………………………...911 Falmouth Police Department (Non Emergency Line) …………………………………….1-508-457-2526 Falmouth Police Department Emergency Line………………………..……………………..……….…911 Falmouth Senior Center …………………………………………………………………….1-508-540-0196 NSTAR (www.nstar.com) …………………………………………………………………….1-800-592-2000 Community Announcements will appear on Falmouth Community Television (www.fctv.org) Channels 13 & 15 as well at the Town of Falmouth Website and will be provided to WCIB, WQRC and WMVY. Please refer to the Town of Falmouth’s Home Page at www.falmouthmass.us for information about emergency planning. COA CLOSURE INFORMATION and WEATHER POLICY If the schools are closed due to weather, Senior Center activities, programs and VANGO bus will be cancelled. The staff will still report to the Senior Center and be available by phone. If weather is severe enough for Town Hall to close, the Senior Center will also be closed. Do you have an updated File of Life? Would you or a family member benefit from enrolling in the 911 Disability Indicator, Special Assistance or Reassurance programs? If you had to shelter-in-place or at a community shelter, do you have the necessities on hand? For more information please contact the Falmouth COA Outreach at 508-540-0196. EMERGENCY SUPPLY KIT ¨ Flashlight, Radio and Batteries (NO open lit candles) ¨ Fuel for a Generator (if you have one) ¨ Full Tank of Gas in the Car ¨ Non-cordless Phone and Charged Cell Phone ¨ 3-4 Day supply of Food ¨ 1 Gallon of Water per person/per day ¨ 1 Week Supply of Medication and other necessary equipment (such as oxygen) ¨ Pet Food, Water and Supplies ¨ Basic First Aid Kit NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Page 13 FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER INFORMATION TOWN OF FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES *You don’t need to be a Senior to Volunteer* All of the activities, services and programs at the Senior Center are designed to meet the needs, and enrich the lives of the Seniors in our community. With your help as a Volunteer, we can continue to provide quality services and remain committed to improving the lives of our Seniors. We Really Need Your Help - Volunteers Needed !!! Driving Seniors to Medical Appointments • Reassurance Calls • Friendly Visitors • Respite Volunteers • Program Group Leaders • Newsletter Mailing and Delivery • Special Talents, Experience and Knowledge…Let us know!!! Please Call the Senior Center at 508-540-0196 SENIOR CENTER WEATHER POLICY Winter Weather Reminders…. If the schools are closed due to weather, Senior Center activities, programs and VANGO bus will be cancelled. The staff will still report to the Senior Center and be available by phone. If weather is severe enough for Town Hall to close, the Senior Center will also be closed. A Note to Transportation Clients…. In order to keep our transportation clients, bus driver and volunteer drivers safe, all driveways and walkways must be shoveled. We also suggest wearing footwear that has good tread to help prevent unnecessary falls. We do not want anyone at risk for a fall. HOME DELIVERY The Falmouth Service Center, our local food pantry, offers senior citizens participation in our home deliver program. Clients who are eligible for our pantry and are housebound permanently or temporarily because of a recent hospitalization may call us at 508-548-2794 to be added to our service. We deliver on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month between 11:30AM -2:30PM. Our delivery includes meat, canned goods, milk, eggs, cheese. We also send vegetables, fruit, cookies and home cooked meals if available. FALMOUTH PUBLIC LIBRARY Do you know about the Falmouth Homebound Service? This service provides residents that cannot personally visit the Main Library or the satellite facilities in East and North Falmouth with: books, large print books, books on tape, books on C.D. and D.V.D. movies. Contact the Homebound Service @ 508-457-2555 ext. 2910. Providing financial assistance to eligible applicants residing in Falmouth for low cost spays/neuters and vet care. Call People For Cats hotline, 508-540-5654 and press 2. A volunteer will return your call and provide the necessary information. How to Receive our Monthly Newsletter…. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS NEEDED!!!!! MEALS ON WHEELS Volunteer drivers are needed 1-2 hours/week (9:30-12:00 Noon at the latest) to deliver meals to Falmouth residents. We have immediate openings on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday mornings, or you may prefer to be a substitute driver and deliver meals on a day convenient to you. Mileage is paid to drivers. Contact Cindy Harris at 508-548-4198. AROUND THE TABLE We wish to thank all the wonderful seniors who each month show their gratefulness for what they have by sharing in the needs of the Soup Kitchen. On behalf of clients and volunteers, we thank you. Could you help… This month we are in need of PAPER TOWELS . Soundings Newsletter 2015 Renewal Options ! E-mail a copy to me. ! I will obtain a copy from the Website. ! I will pick-up a copy at the Senior Center, Town Hall, Library, Senior Housing. ! Mail a hard copy Please send a donation of $3.00 to the Falmouth Senior Center for your 2015 mailed subscription. Include your Name, Address, Email and Telephone#. Name Address Email Tele # CONSUMER ASSISTANCE COUNCIL Consumer problem? If you are having problems with a product or service you have purchased, call 508-771-0700 or 1-800-867-0701 for free assistance. (Renewal Required Each Calendar Year) NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER PAGE 14 TRIP INFORMATION **All Trip Reservations must be made on Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:30-3:30PM ONLY!!!** LIMITED AVAILABILITY……. SIGN UP NOW AND RESERVE YOUR SEAT!!!!! TRIP PAYMENT PROCEDURE: Each trip will necessitate a separate payment check/cash balances or deposits on each trip. By adopting this procedure, we will do away with the practice of switching payments to different trips. EVERY RESERVATION FOR A TRIP MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A $10.00 OR $25.00 (trips $100.+) DEPOSIT TO GUARANTEE ALL RESERVATIONS. TRIP BALANCE DUE 30 DAYS PRIOR TO TRIP. (If balance is not paid within the 30 day period, all deposits will be forfeited) TRIP REFUND PROCEDURE: Each trip must be considered separately. Cancellations must be made 30 days prior to trip. If notice of your cancellation of a trip is made less than 30 days prior to the trip, a refund can only be made if your reservation is filled from a waitlist.. Thank you for your understanding. PAGE 16 FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 The FRIENDS OF THE FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT To those of you who have donated to The Friends of the Falmouth Senior Center in the past, THANK YOU for your generosity. We hope you will continue to support us this year. If you have never contributed, we invite you to do so at this time and become a Supporter of The Friends of the Falmouth Senior Center. Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated. Approximately one-third of Falmouth’s population today are Seniors-those age 60 and over. And by 2030 it is projected to be nearly one-half of Falmouth’s population. Certainly, a NEW SENIOR CENTER IS NEEDED!!! NEW SENIOR CENTER UPDATE… ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ December 2013 - Falmouth Council on Aging Senior Center Needs Assessment Study conducted by the UMASS Gerontology Institute to examine the current and future services and program needs of Falmouth’s growing senior population. The Needs Assessment Final Report is available on the Town of Falmouth Council on Aging website: www.falmouthmass.us December 2013 - Board of Selectmen appointed a Senior Site Feasibility Working Group charged with evaluating and recommending potential sites for a New Senior Center. June 2014 - A rigorous evaluation of over 39 sites was completed narrowing that group down to 7 with a recommendation of the top 3 sites presented to the Board of Selectmen. July 2014 - The Senior Site Feasibility Working Group held a Community Feedback Public Forum to present and discuss sites for a New Senior Center. Next Step - Board of Selectmen’s approval of the recommended sites, following which a Consultant will be selected to conduct a Site Feasibility and Conceptual Design for a New Senior Center. The Friends of the Falmouth Senior Center has established a New Senior Center Building Fund for Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment in the New Senior Center which will be built by the Town. Your support is needed to help this vision become a reality!!! Board of Directors President – Cindy Lehtinen, Vice President – Carol Lyonnais, Secretary/Treasurer – Bruce MacKilligan, Marie Basmajian, Mary Bishop, Elaine Burkly,Teri Ferreira Keyes, Bobbee Frazer, Joan Houlihan, Robert Kelley, Mary Lawton, Nancy Lovendale, Ann-Beth Ostroff, David T. Vieira The Friends of the Falmouth Senior Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to raise funds and receive bequests and donations in support of the Falmouth Senior Center. Please use the coupon below to accompany your donation. On behalf of the Friends, Thank You. THE FRIENDS OF THE FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER 300 Dillingham Avenue, Falmouth, MA 02540 Tele: 508-540-0196 • Email: Senior@falmouthmass.us Here is my/our tax-deductible donation: Support Programs/Activities: $ Building Fund: $ o My check, payable to The Friends of the Falmouth Senior Center, is enclosed. o Please charge my: o Visa o Mastercard o AMEX Here is my security code: Account #: Name on Card: Name: Address: City: Exp. Date: Signature: EMAIL: State: Zip: (S-14) FALMOUTH COUNCIL ON AGING Falmouth Senior Center 300 Dillingham Avenue Falmouth, MA 02540 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID FALMOUTH, MA 02540 PERMIT 32 FALMOUTH SENIOR CENTER 300 Dillingham Avenue, Falmouth, MA 02540 Tele: 508-540-0196 • Fax: 508-457-2597 • Email: senior@falmouthmass.us • Website: www.falmouthmass.us Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00AM-4:00PM MISSION STATEMENT The Falmouth Council on Aging functions as a human service organization for all residents of Falmouth who are at least 60 years old. The Council on Aging provides assistance, information on available resources, health services, referrals to other community agencies, education and recreation programs and activities. There is a special emphasis in promoting Healthy Aging and Enhancing Quality of Life for Seniors. SENIOR CENTER STAFF Jill Irving Bishop……………………………………………..Director Kathy Barrett ….………………………….…Outreach Coordinator Kathleen Coyne………………………………..Administrative Asst. Linda Moniz………………………………………...Mini-Van Driver COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD James Vieira …………………………………………… .Chairman Brenda Swain ………………………………………Vice Chairman Cynthia Barkley…………………………………………….Member Susan Gallagher ………………………………………....Member Patricia Mello…………………………………………….....Member Jane Perry………………………………………………….Member Judith Rebello……………………………………………...Member Susan Ripley……………………………………………….Member Patricia Shufelt……………………………………………..Member EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Falmouth Town Hall: 508-548-7611 Emergency Shelter: Falmouth High School Emergency Radio Station: WCIB-COOL 102AM Local Cable: TV Channel 13 EMERGENCY CALL LIST: If you would like your name to be placed on a call list in the event of an emergency or disaster in Town, please stop by the Senior Center to fill out an informational form. Anyone who is unable to come by to pick-up the form can call and ask that it be mailed to them. CONTACT INFORMATION UPDATE Please notify the office if you have a change of address, email, telephone # or emergency contact information. Thank you!!! LIABILITY STATEMENT: The Falmouth Senior Center offers many legal, financial, recreational, medical screenings or other services and/or activities by volunteer or nominal costs practitioners. Seniors participating in these services/activities do so with the understanding that the Falmouth Senior Center, the Falmouth Council on Aging, the Town of Falmouth or its long term care insurance information employees do not assume any legal or other responsibility for any advice or services rendered by such volunteer or nominal cost practitioners.
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