Document 416463

Monday – Friday: 6:30 & 9:00am
Saturday: 8:00am & 5:30pm (Vigil Mass)
Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am & 5:30pm
Saturday: 4:00 – 5:00pm
Father Corey V. Piccinino Pastor
Father Rolando Arias
Parochial Vicar
Father Chris Perrella
Parochial Vicar
John DeRoin
Kate Fitzgerald: Parish Secretary & BulleƟn Editor
Pat Jackson: Parish Secretary
Julie Doerner: Business Manager
Paul Orsino: Property Manager
ST. MARY SCHOOL (744-2922)
Sister Anne McCarthy: Principal
Mary Ferri: Director
Elizabeth Cuneo: Secretary
RCIA: (203)744-5777 (Call if you are interested in
becoming a Catholic or compleƟng your iniƟaƟon as
a Catholic with ConfirmaƟon and/or Eucharist)
Dean Aufiero
Michael Ferrari: Music Director
Elizabeth Barnes: Choir Director
Karen Ma era: Children’s Choir
Bob Kozlowski: Chairman (794-8512)
Most Sundays at 12:45pm. Please call the Rectory at
least six weeks in advance to schedule your Bap sm
and to sign up for the New BapƟsm Class that is required for both parents and Godparents. These classes are offered on the first Sunday of each month.
Anyone reques ng a Sponsorship form must be a currently registered and prac cing Catholic, and they
must a end one of the New Bap sm Classes to receive it. There is a 3-month wai ng period for a sponsorship form for the newly registered. The Catholic
requirements for a Godparent/Sponsor are: you
must be at least 16 years old; received the Sacraments
of Bap sm, First Holy Communion and Confirma on
in the Catholic Church; a end Mass regularly on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obliga on; receive the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion regularly;
sincerely try to follow the moral teaching of the Catholic Church; and if married, was married in the Catholic Church.
All couples must meet with a parish clergyman at
least six (6) months before the marriage is to be celebrated.
Prior to Your HospitalizaƟon: You or a family member should noƟfy the Rectory.
Saint Mary Parish
26 Dodgingtown Road, Bethel, CT 06801
Phone: (203)744-5777 Fax: (203)744-3740
Visit us on Facebook: StMaryChurchBethel
9am –3:00 pm, Monday – Friday (Closed weekends and Holidays)
November 9, 2014
DedicaƟon of the Lateran Basilica
Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6
Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10
Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19
Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25
2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37
Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8
Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt
25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]
St. Mary Catholic Church
Dedica on of the Lateran Basilica
♦ I would like to share with you a le er from the organ company that gives us all an update on this worthy project:
Dear Father Corey,
All of us at Peragallo are very excited to begin building the new organ for St. Mary’s Church. The project can be outlined in
three phases.
The first stage is the removal of the current instrument from the balcony. Over the course of a week, our staff will be cra ng,
packing and car ng the pipes and organ components to our workshops in New Jersey.
The second phase includes construc on of the new organ console designed to match the church furnishings. This console will
control the pipes using new key boards, pedals and draw knobs. Construc on will also commence on the new pipe facade
and oak case work in the gallery. The casework will house the many bellows and mechanisms that allow air to enter into the
pipes. All mechanisms and components will be fully assembled and tested at our factory, packed and readied for installa on
at St. Mary’s Church.
Addi onal sets of pipes will be added to the new organ, including a new set of fanfare Trumpet pipes that will bring a tangible feeling and power to liturgies on Feast days, weddings and funerals. These pipes will project out horizontally high in the
While the organ is removed from the balcony, the large stained glass window will be relocated on the central axis of the
church, mirroring the smaller windows to the opposite side. Along with this architectural symmetry, the redesign will allow
the organist to func on effec vely from the center of the balcony while direc ng the choirs. The new choir layout will allow
the voices to project evenly throughout the unique architecture of St. Mary’s nave.
Once complete, the organ will have a total of 56 organ stops with some 347 speaking pipes. The Peragallo family will tonally
voice and regulate the organ in its new home over a period of several weeks.
While the project is set up in our factory, we will plan a day for the members of St. Mary’s to join us to see the organ under
construc on. If you have any ques ons about the project, do not hesitate to call or email us.
Sincerely, John Peragallo IV, Staff architect , Peragallo Organ Company
♦ During this month dedicated to Our Faithful Departed, I offer another prayer for those who have gone before us:
God our Father,
Your power brings us to birth,
Your providence guides our lives,
and by Your command we return to dust.
Lord, those who die s ll live in Your presence,
their lives change but do not end.
I pray in hope for my family,
rela ves and friends,
and for all the dead known to You alone.
In company with Christ,
Who died and now lives,
may they rejoice in Your kingdom,
where all our tears are wiped away.
Unite us together again in one family,
to sing Your praise forever and ever.
♦ Something to (hopefully) laugh at:
~ Li le Bobby: Mom, why was nothing said about the other persons that Jesus raised from the dead together with Lazarus?
Sunday, 11/9
Monday, 11/10
Tuesday, 11/11
Wednesday, 11/12
7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am,
11:30am, 5:30pm
6:30am Mass
9:00am Mass
6:30am Mass
9:00am Mass
Parish Office Closed
9:00am Mass
6:30pm Senior Youth Group
4:45pm Children’s Choir
St. Mary Catholic Church
November 9, 2014
Mom: Oh dear, now were did you learn that there were other persons? It was only Lazarus. Li le Bobby: But mom, every me I
read that verse I cannot help but assume that there were at least four persons. Mom: Now why would you assume something like
that? Li le Bobby: 'Cause Lazarus came fourth (forth)!
~ Q: How do we know Peter was a rich fisherman? A: By his net income.
~ A minister told his congrega on, "Next week I plan to preach about the sin of lying. To help you understand my sermon, I
want you all to read Mark 17." The following Sunday, as he prepared to deliver his sermon, the minister asked for a show of
hands. He wanted to know how many had read Mark 17. Every hand went up. The minister smiled and said, "Mark has only
sixteen chapters. I will now proceed with my sermon on the sin of lying."
♦ Some thoughts from Deacon John DeRoin:
Last weekend a er mass I was confronted by several parishioners who are deeply concerned about the brutal massacre of
Chris ans, which is taking place on a daily basis with virtually no protest from around the world. The plight of the Sudanese
woman who was sentenced to death for no other crime than reportedly conver ng to Chris anity helped bring the issue into
the public square. In the midst of the bloodshed currently taking place in Iraq, Chris ans are being openly threatened to convert or be killed. It is approaching genocide as adherents of radical Islam have openly stated their intent. Early in July a er
sixteen-hundred years, Mass ceased to be said in Mosul, Iraq, one of the most ancient communi es of Chris anity in the
world. The mass cleansing and persecu on is not taking place in retalia on for anything other than the fact that these people
are Chris ans. or non-Moslems. "The ISIS announced publicly with street microphones- there’s no more room for Chris ans in
Mosul ...” [Syrian Patriach, Ignace Joseph Ill Younan].
In the last century, the Holocaust took place and the world waited to act. The Rwandan genocide happened and it took the UN
a long me to respond. Chris ans in the Sudan have been persecuted for years and nothing has been done. Sadly, it is only
ge ng worse. Humanity faces the real prospect of the removal of Chris anity from large parts of the world.
I see these things happening without comment and become frustrated beyond words when I hear people complain about a
“war on women" because they feel they are en tled to free contracep on, while ignoring the degrada on of women in some
parts of the world who are being treated like property; or that our greatest threat is from '"climate change," while ignoring
religious fana cs who systema cally brutalize thousands of innocent vic ms.
“If a tree falls in the forest when no one is around, does it s ll make a noise?” That classic ques on is intriguing, but there is a
far more serious varia on. If Chris ans are being killed simply for being Chris ans and no one reports it, are they s ll dead?
YES! The world needs to speak out. Unfortunately, some people can’t dis nguish between speaking out and going to war.
Shedding light on evil does not automa cally imply military ac on. I encourage you to write to whomever you can or speak to
whomever you can to challenge people to speak out.
I know some are familiar with the appari ons of Fa ma. Part of the message of the Blessed Mother was to request that the
Pope consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. I believe that we must consecrate the world to Mary and beg her intercession for peace. I ask everyone to say the rosary reques ng an end to this persecu on. Many who pray the rosary add the Fa ma prayer at the conclusion of each decade, “Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the first of hell, and lead all souls
to Heaven, especially those in most need of Your Mercy.” I think it is me to add another pe on: “Grant us, O Lord, an end to
all religious persecu on and convert the hearts of all who kill others in the name of God.” This is a ba le that must be fought
on many fronts, beginning with the spiritual. We must pray, and a er we have prayed, pray some more. “Then God spoke to
all these words: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall not
have other gods beside Me. You shall not kill.” (Exodus 20:1-3, 13)
Thursday, 11/13
Friday, 11/14
Saturday, 11/15
Sunday, 11/16
6:30am Mass
6:30am Mass
8:00am Mass
9:00am Mass
9:00am Mass
8:30am Men’s Ministry
7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am,
11:30am, 5:30pm
7:00pm Choir Rehearsal
4:00pm Confessions
6:30pm Senior Youth Group
7:00pm Bible Study
5:30pm Mass
7:00pm Harvest Wine Tas ng
5:30 + Bud Riesenberg — Family
7:00 + Enrico Bonacci — The Bonacci Family
8:30 + Kelly Whi man — Pat, Richard & Donald Kuhn
10:00 + Hugh & Mary Ellen Lee — The Pluff Family
11:30 + Robert & Johnathan Timm — Grandma
5:30 + Frank & Lucy Chiarella — Family
6:30 Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Inten ons
9:00 + Nancy Sangiorgi — Doreen & Claudio Di Iorio
6:30 NO MASS
9:00 + Chris an Major — Family
6:30 + Cathryn Z. Costello
9:00 + Edward Gallagher — The Gallagher Family
6:30 + Henry Clay Hines, Sr. — Marilyn Murphy
9:00 + Thomas Fritch — St. Mary Religious Educa on
6:30 + Henry Clay Hines, Sr. — F. Gallagher Family
9:00 + T.J. Burke — Eleanor Roche
8:00 + Ronald Bernard Dardis — Susan Dardis
5:30 + George Woronko — The Sherman Family
7:00 + Ernest L. Allen, Jr. — The Allen Family
8:30 + Gary Schneider — Coral & Bill Pres
10:00 + Dorothy & Raymond Stelzel — Family
11:30 + Robert & Johnathan Timm — Grandma
5:30 + Donnie Keenan — Mr. & Mrs. Edward Terriberry
Offertory for the weekend of November 1/2
Collec on: $13,698.00
On-Line Giving: $2,519.00
Religious Ed Office hours
Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thurs. 9:30am-2pm
PLEASE NOTE: There are NO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES on Thursday, November 13 due to Parent/Teacher conferences at St. Mary School.
Join us for our next BIBLE STUDY on Thurs., Nov. 13
at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall class on the "Acts of the
Apostles". wri en by Saint Luke. For info contact
Rick Lawlor at, 204-4708084. You don't need to a end every session to learn something new, so please join us. All are welcome!
ST. MARY MEN’S MINISTRY Our next mee ng is
on Sat., Nov. 15 at 8:30am in the Parish Hall. For
info, call Eric Keener at (203)739-0468 or
Join us for our next mee ng of the LITTLE FLOWERS
GIRLS’ CLUB on Monday, November 17 at 6:30pm in
the Parish Hall. The Li le Flowers is a fun, flexible
and Faith-filled Catholic Club for girls ages 5 and up and their
Moms. Any ques ons, call Mary at 203-743-4557.
On Friday, Nov. 28 we have been invited by the COMMUNITY
for a special, prayerful alterna ve to "Black Friday". We will
leave St. Mary's at 1:45 PM via Bus. While there we will meet
Mother Dolores Hart at a book signing for her book The Ear of
the Heart. An Actress's Journey from Hollywood to Holy Vows,
visit the Abbey's Monas c Art Shop for their Christmas Season
opening day, view the Abbey's 18th-century Neapolitan Creche,
go to the Abbey Church Jesu Fili Mariæ for Vespers at 5:00pm
and arrive back at St. Mary approximately 6:45pm. The cost for
trip is $30 per person. Please call the Rectory or drop off your
payment to sign-up by Tuesday, November 11th. If you like,
you can bring so drinks and snacks for the bus ride. For more
informa on call Tony Caraluzzi at 203-730-0804.
ST. MARY BOOK CLUB: Our next book is “”Crossing
the Threshold of Hope” by St. Pope John Paul II. Join
us on Wed., Dec. 10 in the Children’s Room.
November is dedicated to Departed Souls. The BOOK OF
NAMES will be in the Sanctuary, to the right of the altar. Write
the names of your departed loved ones, and we shall keep
them in our prayers during November. Envelopes for All Souls
Day may be returned any me during November. Masses are
offered throughout the year for Souls in Purgatory.
The ST. MARY ANNUAL COLLECTION will be taken up
during the month of November. Please be as generous as possible to this collec on and drop your envelope into the offertory any me in November.
WOMEN OF FAITH The Church of St. Mary is organizing a new women’s ministry dedicated to offering a variety of activities for the women of
the parish. The “Women of Faith” activities will encompass three areas:
spiritual, fellowship and outreach. Please join us on Sunday, November
23rd in the Parish Hall at 3pm for our kick-off event. We will have fellowship, prayer, and refreshments! We hope all the women of the parish can
join us to learn more about this exciting new ministry.
THANK YOU to those who visited our school during the Open
House! It was a pleasure mee ng all of our visi ng families and
students. We look forward to your joining the St. Mary School
There will be an EARLY DISMISSAL on Wed., Nov. 12th and
Thurs., Nov. 13th for Parent/Teacher Conferences.
St. Mary School BOOK FAIR will be held on the stage in the
school gym Nov. 10th through Nov. 14th. Times for the book
fair are: Mon., Nov 10: 9am to 2:30pm; Tues., Nov 11: 9am to
11:15am; Wed., Nov 12: 9am to 9pm; Thurs., Nov 13: 9am to
4pm; and Fri., Nov 14: 2:30pm to 4:30pm.
St. Mary School’s 9TH ANNUAL HARVEST WINE TASTING will be held on Saturday evening, November 15th
at 7pm in the Parish Hall. Advanced ckets are $25
per person (or $30 at the door). Wine and beer samples presented by Caraluzzi Nutmeg Liquor. Light fare prepared
by LaZingara Ristorante. All are invited to join us!
St Mary’s Annual TURKEY BINGO will be held on
Friday, November 21st in the school gym. Doors
open at 6:00 pm and Bingo begins at 7:00 pm. Dinner and refreshments will be available for purchase.
Cra ers and Vendors Wanted! St Mary School ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR will be held on Saturday,
December 6th. If you are interested in having a table
at the fair please contact Kathy Friscia at 914-3207779 or Email
I I I — Zachary Glazer & Kelly Almeida
Welcome to those newly BapƟzed
Ethan Murphy
REGISTRATION for students entering Pre-school through Grade
8 is ongoing. Please call the school at 203-744-2922 or email
at for informa on. You can also visit
our website at for school and registraon informa on.
Our next mee ng of the SENIOR SCHOOL YOUTH group will
be on Sun., Nov. 9 immediately following the 5:30pm mass.
Join us for friendship, fun, and food in the parish hall.
Contact Dean Aufiero at for
more info on our Youth Group ac vi es or if you wish to volunteer.
Our next mee ng will be on Mon., Nov. 10 at
8:15pm in the Parish Hall. If you are at least 18
years of age and think you may be interested in joining our ranks, call John Licari at (203)791-8682.
St. Pauly Used Clothing Drop Off Shed
November 15 is “AMERICA RECYCLES DAY”!!
Come drop off your used clothing in our
shed so we can get clothing to people in
need who can use it!!
St. Mary Church
26 Dodgingtown Road
Bethel, CT 06801
Please put all clothes in plastic bags (no larger than
tall kitchen bag size)
Please tie bags shut
Never put in loose clothing
No household goods, toys, fabric scraps or pillows
DEFENDING OUR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Pope Francis has emphasized that “religious freedom is not simply freedom of
thought or private worship. It is the freedom to live according
to ethical principles, both privately and publicly.” If you haven’t done so already, please voice your opposi on to the mandate by calling President Obama at the White House at 202456-1111 or U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell at 202-205-5445. Let them know that the
mandate is in viola on of our First Amendment right to religious freedom.
Register for the IMMACULATE HIGH SCHOOL Placement Test
(HSPT) to be given on November 15th. For details please visit, or contact Tom Burns,
Director of Admissions at or call
(203) 744-1510, X 148.
The BETHEL WOMEN’S CLUB is once again sponsoring a community drive to collect Christmas presents for our brave men
and women in long term care who fought for our freedom.
The items must be new, with original tags and packing and unwrapped. A list of items can be found in the church ves bule
beginning by the collec on bin. We are also suppor ng the Vet
House and the Home for Heroes in Danbury, both of which are
homes to local veterans with specific requests, so we are gratefully accep ng monetary dona ons to fulfill their needs. Make
check payable to the Bethel Women’s Club and sent c/o Zimmermann, 5 Long Hill Road, Bethel, CT 06801.
THANKSGIVING is only weeks away, and
once again you have the opportunity to
share with those less fortunate. You may
drop off your food dona ons (canned or
dry foods, etc.), in the Church ves bule every day from 8:00am
- 5:00pm. Frozen Turkeys can be dropped off Mon.-Fri. mornings un l 11:30am in the freezer in the Parish Hall Kitchen.
Monetary dona ons may be sent to: Brotherhood in Ac on,
P.O. Box 581, Bethel, Ct. 06801. Please be as generous as you
can as our food supplies are very low and demand is great!
14-18 and in high school is on Nov. 21-23, at the Seton Newman Center in Danbury, CT. It will be a weekend that you will
never forget. Come and deepen your rela onship with God
while you also make friendships that will last a life me! We
have PLENTY of food too! Emmaus = faith, food, friends, and
fun! We promise you won’t be disappointed! If you are interested, please call Kris n Nauheimer at (203) 512-5285 or Taylor Morosky at (203) 826-6765, or visit us at Looking forward to seeing you on
the Weekend!!
Like us on Facebook!
Search: StMaryChurchBethel
The Bethel Senior Center is holding their
14 9:00am - 4:00pm and Sat., Nov. 15
9:00am - 12Noon at One School Street,
Bethel 203-792-3048. Vendors, handmade items, tag sale, ceramics, raffles, baked goods, lunch.
Something for everyone.
As November celebrates National Religious Education Month, we would like to
say “Thank You” to our DRE Mary Ferri, Secretary Elizabeth Cuneo and all
those catechists and volunteers who lead our children toward a life-long relationship with Jesus Christ through our Religious Education Program! We, at St.
Mary, are very grateful for their heart-felt commitment to the children of our Parish. By participating in this ministry they not only build and strengthen the faith
life of our Parish, they also participate in the building of the Kingdom of God.
They are beautiful examples that Jesus is alive in our parish!
Prayer for Catechist: O God our heavenly Father, You have given us the gi of these catechists to
be heralds of the Gospel to our Parish Family. We li them up to You in thanksgiving and intercede
for them concerning their hopes and needs. May we be a en ve to the presence of Your Word in
them, a Word that li s up and affirms, calls forth and challenges, is compassionate and consoles.
We pray that our Parish Family will always be blessed with those who have responded to the call to
share in Christ’s prophe c mission as catechists. May we too be open to the universal call to service
that Christ addresses to all of His disciples, contribu ng our gi s to the communion of faith, the
Church. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Please pray for our catechists and those they teach:
Rose Bambach
Diane Barriere
Peter Baumgartner
Fudgey Belardinelli
Cathy Blondel
Matilda Cafferty
Pat Carraturo
Marybeth Cook
Elizabeth Cuneo
Katerina Cuneo
Tatiana Cuneo
Kathleen Czel
Sharon Czel
Marcella Daily
Joe Daly
Susan Daly
Darin Del Guardo
Patricia Del Guardo
Deacon John DeRoin
Brian DeRosier
Clarine DeRosier
Karin DeShan
Kara Devine
Katelyn Devine
Julie Doerner
Susanna Donotucci
Kathy Ellis
Kate Fitzgerald
Kristy Folan
Jeanne Gallagher
Roseanne Greco
Mary Guertin
Matthew Guertin
Diane Herzman
Pat Jackson
Kathleen Keener
Mary Korin
Jen Larson
Gabriella Licari
Rosann Licari
Rick Lawlor
Francesco Mastracchio
Cathi McCabe
Taylor Morosky
Ann Nauheimer
Lori Paulin
Father Chris Perrella
Bianca Perrone
Brian Platz
Mary Lou Reseska
Holliland Schuurmans
Michael Shea
Judy Spak
Shani Specht
Mary Stocks
Barbara Sullivan
Victoria Tralli