S. S. Jain Subodh PG (Autonomous) College Department of Computer Science Ram Bagh Circle Jaipur-302004 Rajasthan (INDIA) “Technitude-2014” on th th 6 & 7 November, 2014 9.00 - 15.00 hrs. Day 1:6th November, 2014 Mind Bloggers (Technical Quiz) Participation: Teams Allowed: 01 Member per Team: 02 Rangoli Participation: Teams Allowed: 02 Member per Team: 02 Free Thinkers (Power Point Presentation) Participation: Teams Allowed: 02 Member per Team: 02 Bright Sparks (One Minute Discussion) Participation: Teams Allowed: 02 Member per Team: 02 C-Mania (Coding) Participation: Teams Allowed: 02 Member per Team: 01 Face Painting Participation: Teams Allowed: 01 Member per Team: 02 Day 2: 7th November, 2014 Viral Voice (Antakshri) Participation: Teams Allowed: 01 Member per Team: 02 Haunted Villa (Unearthing with the Help of Clues) Participation: Teams Allowed: 02 Member per Team: 01 LAN Gaming Participation: Teams Allowed: 03 Member per Team: 01 D-Virus (Dance) Participation: Teams Allowed: 01 Member per Team: 3-6 Valedictory Ceremony Important Note: Please mail your entries latest by 4th November, 2014 on subodhmcainstitute@gmail.com On the day of event, each team should carry a consent letter, duly signed and stamped by the Principal or an authorized person. All Participants should carry their college ID. Each College can send maximum of 15 participants. Reporting Time: 9:00 AM No Registration Fee Undertaking form would be signed for the “Haunted Villa’ Event. Details are displayed on College Website www.subodhpgcollege.com For further queries contact: Ashish C. Swami 9829251110 Dr. Leena Bhatia 8107774702 Dr. Madhu Sharma 7737766066 S. S. Jain Subodh PG (Autonomous) College Department of Computer Science Ram Bagh Circle Jaipur-302004 Rajasthan (INDIA) “Technitude-2014” Event Schedule First Day (06-Nov, 2014) S.No. Event Name Registration 1. Mind Bloggers (Technical Quiz) Location Time Duration Reception Area 9:00-9:30 Seminar Hall 9:30-11:00 2. Rangoli Room - 210,211 9:30-11:30 3. Free Thinkers Computer Lab.5 9:30-11:30 4. Bright Sparks Seminar Hall 12:30-2:30 5. C-Mania (Coding) 6. Face-Painting Second Day (07-Nov, 2014) S.No. Event Name Computer Lab.5 12:30-2:30 Room - 212 Location 12:30-2:30 1. Viral voice Seminar Hall Time Duration 9:30-11:30 2. Haunted Villa Room - 115 9:30-11:30 3. LAN Gaming Computer Lab.5 9:30-11:30 4. D-Virus Seminar Hall 12:30-2:30 Valedictory Seminar Hall 3:00-4:00
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