November 2014 T r i n i t y T i d i n g s Grow in Faith… Share Christ’s Love "The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." -2 Corinthians 9:6-7, NRSV Worship Schedule Worship Schedule Sunday: 8:15 & 10:45 am (communion at all services) Services shown on Charter cable channel 98 & digital tv channel 994: Saturday at 7:20 am & Friday & Sunday at 2:00 pm & 6:50 pm Pastor: Mark Dressel Office Admin: Cate Urbas Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30 am—2:30 pm Dear Friends, It is November and we are about to start our annual fall fund drive. As we do so, I wanted to share some of the exciting things happening here at Trinity. Ph: 920-648-2717 Pastor’s office hours: off on Mondays. Please call office for an appointment. Emergency: 920-253-6957 Index Reflections, pg. 1 Church News, pg. 2 Upcoming Events, pg. 4 Parish News, pg. 6 In the News, pg. 7 Church Council Minutes, pg. 8 Volunteer Schedule, pg. 9 Financial Report, pg. 9 There is a new High School Youth Group. After two meetings we've had nine students show up and a number of others express their interest. There is also a new Men's Bible Study with a core group of six that meets on Wednesday evenings after worship. New participants are always welcome! Wine, Women and Word is going strong, with eight to ten women reading a new faithrelated book each month. Ladies' lunch out has almost twenty people gathering for food and fellowship. We have a new coordinator for YOW and a good mix of new and returning table leaders for the thirty-five students participating. The 100 students in Sunday School are enjoying a brand new opening time with music, prayer and preview of the day's lesson. Teachers are also enjoying the arrival of their classes, focused and ready to learn. Our fall food drive for the Lake Mills Food Pantry is underway and the shopping cart is filling up. People are already signing up for Christmas Tree Sale unload and we are looking forward to this year's sale. After selling out early last year, we increased our order by 25 trees. If you are around on the Friday after Thanksgiving and could help carry a tree or two we'd love to have you. The more the merrier. Both adult and youth chimes are back in session and are blessing our worship services with their music. The Choir is gearing up to present a finely polished version of the Advent Cantata that they offered last year (if you don't remember it, that's because the copious amounts of snow we had on the morning they sang it prevented all but thirty of us from hearing it. I highly recommend coming on the morning of December 21 to enjoy this year's version!) Worship on Wednesday is back in session to provide people with an additional worship opportunity if they can't make it on Sunday. We've baptized six people and received six more new members in the last three weeks. And there is much, much more happening. We are so grateful for your involvement and encouragement as part of Trinity's ministry. It is your faithfulness, participation and support that God has used to grow this congregation. As we begin our annual fund drive for 2015, please remember that it is the kind donations of members and friends like you that provide the resources for God's ministry through Trinity. As Calendar, pg. 10 (Pastoral Column Continued on next page… ) Trinity Tidings Page 2 Pastoral Column Continued you consider pledging for the coming year, please take time to remember your blessings and deliberate whether God has given you the ability to expand your giving in the new year. Your willingness to sow bountifully reaps great spiritual benefits! November Birthdays 1st - Jeff Byrum Cheyl Kempfer Tyler Patrick 2nd - Lia Constable 3rd - Paul Guckenberger Don Primmer 4th - Andrea Billinghurst Kimberly Carmichael Ryan Lessner Kasi Samson 5th - Arlys Hawkes 6th - Bonnie Eisele Alana Enerson Jaxon Hornby Lisa Schuenke 8th - Jakob Bahner 9th - Amy Mahr Michael Sand Sawyer Szecsy Samuel Zastrow 11th - Steven Busch Jacqueline Erwin Hayden Iverson 12th - Harper Gerczak Casey Wegner 13th- Damon Wegner 14th - Steve Quandt 15th - Christopher Hamilton Millie Ziebell 17th - Angelina Dressel Jack Richardson Tish Topel 18th - Sarah Hafenstein 19th - Kaleb Koester David Walters 21st - Addison Bridger Heidi Kabat Marli Murphy Patrick Stevens 22nd - Richard Birk 23rd - Jon Laundrie Miguel Quintana Dian Reynolds 24th- Eric Clark Marsha Laundrie 25th - Max Ruedebusch 26th - Mary Carncross Trav Hardy Renee Jordan Madeline Olson Matthew Rosecke Tim Topel 27th - Holly Bender Matt Christian Atticus Clark 29th - Benjamin Anhalt 30th - John Bade Katrina Breaker Janet Cowley Whether you are in a position to increase your giving or not, please take advantage of the resources that Trinity has to offer and know that we are so very grateful for your partnership in this ministry we share. Blessings to you, Pastor Mark Trinity’s Trees That Give It’s the most wonderful time of year, and Trinity is getting ready for the annual Christmas Tree Sale. We are looking for volunteers to staff the Leader Site Saturdays and Sundays beginning at the end of November, Nov 30th and Dec 1st, through Dec 21st and 22nd. We need you to help make the Christmas season brighter by helping out! The proceeds of this event go to the Lake Mills Food Pantry. If you are interested in volunteering, please either sign up on the board in the Gathering Space or e-mail Cate at Ecumenical Thanksgiving Worship The Ecumenical Thanksgiving service that is being held at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church (602 College Street) in Lake Mills on Monday, November 24th at 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to join! Holiday Soup & Sandwich Luncheon Our Holiday Luncheon and Bake Sale is Saturday December 6th! We will be serving from 10:30 am and 2 pm. There will be 5 different soups, hot turkey & hot ham sandwiches, dessert, and beverages. Don’t forget to save room for the Bake Sale, the proceeds benefit the Youth on Wednesdays (YOW) Group! Tickets will be sold at the door: Adults $7, Kids 4-10 yrs $4, and children 3 and under are FREE! Carry outs will be available. We are still looking for donations and volunteers! It takes many hands to make this a success, so if you can help in any way please sign up in the Gathering Space. Questions? Please contact Carol Moehrke at or 920-945-0221. 2 Trinity Tidings Page 3 Adult Music Opportunities! Music is an important part of our congregation's life and worship services. Through music, we express our common joys and sorrows, celebrate our Christian beliefs, and proclaim the history and tradition of our church. Being a church musician offers the opportunity to serve God and grow spiritually by offering time and talent in music participation. High School Students and Adults are invited to participate in Trinity’s adult music ministry. For more information, please contact Betty Oertel at: 648-8403 or ADULT CHOIR: The adult choir sings a variety of music to lead and enhance worship (traditional, contemporary, blended, & holiday). At this time, rehearsals are scheduled for Wednesday evenings from 7:15-8:15 PM. The Adult Choir will sing at services on the first and third Sundays in most months from September through May. All voices are invited and encouraged to attend. ADULT CHIMES: Eleven players are needed for a full ensemble. Subs are needed to fill in throughout the year. At this time, rehearsals are scheduled for Tuesday evenings from 6:307:30 PM. The final rehearsal schedule will be dictated by the wishes and schedules of the group. Adult Chimes will play at services on the first and third Sundays in most months from September through May. Sunday School Service Project! The next Sunday School Service Project is scheduled for Sunday November 30th during the Sunday School hour at 9:30 am. The kids will be making Chocolate Chip Cookies in a Jar for the Lake Mills Food Pantry as a special gift for Christmas! We are in need of donations of 9 Cases (12 Jars each) Wide Mouth Quart Jars, 25 2 lb Bags of Brown Sugar, 18 4lb Bags of White Sugar, & 20 5lb Bags of White Flour (Chocolate Chips have already been donated) Please bring all donations to the church by November 28, 2014. Advent & Christmas Eve Worship Volunteers Nov. Anniversaries 1st: Gordon & Alice Genz (56) 1st: Bob & Diane Miller (28) 3rd: Izaak & Rachel Newhouse (7) 4th: Daniel & Lisa Topel (14) 6th: Shawn & Deanna Cannon (10) 16th: Jason & Sarah Hafenstein (12) 16th: Shane & Pam Moen (23) 16th: John & Connie Schulze (18) 22nd: Jason & Melissa Polzin (3) 27th: Nate & Trish Fullerton (8) 27th: Mike & Mary Strasser (21) 28th: Eric & Kathy Bahner (27) Its time to sign up to volunteer for one of our many Advent and Christmas Eve Worship Volunteer Positions! We know this is a very busy time of year and would like to give the congregation the opportunity to help out during worship where they can! The positions for Advent including reading a short candle lighting ceremony and a candle lighter. We are looking for ALL positions! The sign up is in the Gathering Space on the podeum. This is a great way to get your whole family involved for the holiday season. If you have any questions, please call the office at (920) 648-2717. 3 November 2014 Page 4 Marriage Course Org. Meeting Trinity will be offering The Marriage Course this February and it is time to start planning! This is seven session course set in a fantastic atmosphere. We are looking for volunteers who have participated in the Bethel Series, Alpha, the Parenting Course, or are just interested in volunteering to join us at our organizational meeting! If you would be interested in learning more or are interested in volunteering, please come to the organizational meeting on Sunday, November 16th at 9:30 am or contact Cate in the office at (920) 648-2717 Wine, Women, and Word Wine Women and Word is an open group and you can join in at any time! Most women are so busy taking care of others that they forget to take a few moments for themselves. So, take a breather and join the monthly book club called Wine, Women & Word. This ladies night out will include wine (soda, coffee, etc.), dessert, discussion, laughter and prayer. Leah Fritsche, director of the Deerfield Public Library, will lead the book discussions. She has enjoyed leading book clubs in the past and has a multitude of resources and many insights to bring to the group. Volunteer to help run The Marriage Course! The next meeting is November 20th from 7:00-9:00 pm, at Trinity. The book for November is TBD. Please make future book reservations through Kris Guckenberger at or contact her with questions. High School Youth Group Get excited because Trinity is offering a High School Youth Group this year! The HS Youth Group will meet Wednesdays at 7:15 pm beginning October 15th for a Kickoff Meeting (parents are encouraged to join this first day)! This group will explore a mix of faith, fun, and service. All High School youth and friends are welcome. Ladies Lunch Out Join us for our monthly lunch with fellowship at 11:30 am the 2nd Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will be at 11:30 am on November 12th, at Soups On in Fort Atkinson. Please join the ladies of Trinity for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. Questions can be directed to Dee Ann Persson at 648-8271. P.S. There are a number of husbands who drive their wives to have lunch. If your spouse brings you, they are welcome to stay and eat with the other hubbies along. Husbands are invited to stay and eat with other hubbies along! 4 November 2014 Page 5 Red Hymnal Drive Our Music Committee, with the blessing of Trinity’s Church Council is pleased to announce that we are launching a New Hymnal Drive for our church. Our green hymnals have served us well, but they are beginning to show their age. The Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymnal (red hymnal) is the recommended hymnal for ELCA Congregations. The ELW was published in 2006 and is already in use in the majority of ELCA Congregations. It includes many well loved traditional hymns, as well as some new ones. Each hymnal costs $25, including shipping, and we will need 175 (we are still looking for about 75 hymnals). We are offering our members and friends the opportunity to donate and dedicate hymnals in the “Memory of” or “Honor of” special people in your lives with a bookplate that will be attached to the inside cover of the hymnal. Donate for someone you love! If you would like to dedicate a hymnal, please fill out a form found in the Gathering Space and drop it in the offering plate or return it to the church office. Ten Commandments Adult Faith Class Faith Intersection with Modern Life Sundays 9:20-10:20 am Sept 14– October 19th Meet in the Fireside Room This 10-week class will celebrate and explore some of the true anchors of our Christian understanding: The Ten Commandments (no, not the movie...but we'll talk about that) and Martin Luther's Small Catechism (one of the great teaching texts for faithful life). Come to learn, come to refresh, and come to discuss our faith heritage -- and how it lives and informs our everyday lives today under the mantle of God's grace. If you have questions, please contact Peter Franson at peterfran- Trinity Men’s Bible Study Trinity will be hosting a men’s Bible study starting Wednesday, September 10th at 7:15 pm in the Fireside room at Trinity. This Bible study will be using the Master Builder’s Bible for Men, which is geared toward men of all ages to help them connect God’s word with their lives. The cost is $17.00 per book. If you are interested in participating or need more information, please contact Steven Busch at or (920) 648-7834. 3rd Grade Bible Presentation! 5 November 2014 Page 6 Pictured In the News Nicholas Anderson, Julie Carncross, and Eli Primmer were members of the 2014 Homecoming Court. This year’s theme was “cities.” Pictured with the entire High School football team were Nick Anderson, Kyle Gums, Keaton Hogeboom, Collin Moen, and Bennett Polzin. Robert Dimperio, School Board Member, was shown in the October 14th Watertown paper with three of the four Lake Mills Elementary School staff who have been employed in the schools for 25 years or more. Rick Mason, school board president, and Bob Dimperio, school board member, were pictured in the paper with others during the dedication of the new Elementary School October 10th. Samuel Quintana with Civil War Cannon Rick Mason was pictured in the Watertown Daily Times with the 1954 time capsule which contained the blue prints from the Prospect building during the dedication of the new Elementary School. The American Legion Auxiliary Post #67 installed their new officers at their last meeting which included Ruth Hugener as 2nd Vice President and Kathy Bahner as Secretary. Boy Scouts from Troop 148 helped Samuel Quintana install a Civil War reenactment cannon in front of the American Legion post #67 as part of his Eagle Scout project. The cannon was donated by Bob & Jill Scharr. The second annual “Miles for Meal” was held recently at Commons Park. Rick and Mary Lynn Mason were with this group. Junior quarterback Collin Moen throws deep in the Lakeside Lutheran and L-Cats sliders game. During the same game, Collin tossed two more touchdowns later. Senior tennis player, Maddy Bergum hits a return ball against Columbus. Kayli Buchli and Sydney Iverson during the Lake Mills girls crosscountry run recently at Korth Park. Abby Carr returns a hit against Jefferson in a non-conference tennis Lake Mills High School Homecoming Court! 6 November 2014 Page 7 Pictured In the News Continued match on October 2nd. Hayden Iverson goes up for a reception during football late in the fourth quarter. He gained 34 yards on the play against Columbus. During the same game, Collin Moen ducks out of bounds after a scramble with the ball. Funerals Trinity in the News! Arthur Nickel, 81, passed away September 19, 2014 at Willowbrook Nursing Home. He is survived by his wife Dorothy, three sons, seven grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, three stepchildren, three sisters and other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held September 23, 2014 at Trinity Lutheran Church with Pastor Mark Dressel officiating. Burial was in the Rock Lake Cemetery with Military rites. Mildred “Millie” Johnson, 88, of Strum, WI who is formerly from Lake Mills, died September 28, 2014 at the Mayo Clinic Health Systems in Eau Claire. She is survived by her son, two daughters, six sisters, including Alydia (Lloyd) Anderson and other relatives and friends. Memorial services were held on October 11, 2014 at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Strum with burial in the Rock Lake Cemetery, Lake Mills. Millie was a former member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Marlene J. Widish, 82, passed away October 1, 2014 at her home. She was a former member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Survivors include two sons, one daughter-in-law, three grandchildren, one great-granddaughter, one brother, and other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held October 6, 2014 at Trinity Lutheran Church with the Rev. Mark Dressel officiating. Burial was in the Rock Lake Cemetery. Strength and Guidance to the Families and Friends. 7 November 2014 Page 8 Church Council Minutes TRINITY LUTHERAN COUNCIL MINUTES Date: Thursday, September 18, 2014 Time: 6:30 pm Call to Order made by Lani Urbas at 6:30 pm Prayer was offered and led by Tony Newton Congregational Mission: We are committed to grow in faith and share Christ’s love Attendance: Pastor Mark Dressel, Lani Urbas, Tony Newton, Steven Busch, Monica Hepp, Dan Zastrow, Jamie Stock, Kyler Kabat, Carol Moehrke Absent: Tracy Neupert, Craig Corsten Approval of the Minutes: Motion by Steven Busch, second by Monica Hepp, to approve the minutes from the August 2014 Council Meeting. Motion approved. Reports: Evangelism - Steven Busch: reported on his new men's bible study, which has five men attending. Long Range Planning - Kyler Kabat: talked about expanding capacity or staffing, which came into play with the addition of Kara Smith-Laubenstein who is coordinating YOW and helping every other Sunday. Social Concerns - Monica Hepp: reported that she looked into adopt a family for Christmas through the Optimist Club, and also collecting turkeys. Worship - Tony Newton: Talk about a church picnic at Korth Park for next July. Monica will check on the openings. Also discussed was the ice on the slope of the parking lot by the front doors and a car port or awning. Pastor Mark Dressel - planning on beginning a Wednesday night High School Youth Group on October 15th. Kara SmithLaubenstein cannot be ordained by the Lutheran Church only Presbyterian church. She will be here until an opportunity comes along. New signs are in the making for front of church on Main Street and Mulberry. Devotions for next month: Carol Moehrke Motion made by Dan Zastrow, seconded by Pastor Mark Dressel, to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved. PRESIDENT LANI URBAS VICE PRESIDENT TONY NEWTON SECRETARY CAROL MOEHRKE TREASURER JAMIE STOCK EDUCATION COMMITTEE CHAIR CRAIG CORSTEN EVANGELISM COMMITTEE CHAIR STEVEN BUSCH LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE CHAIR KYLER KABAT BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE CHAIR DAN ZASTROW SOCIAL CONCERNS COMMITTEE CHAIR MONICA HEPP STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE CHAIR TONY NEWTON WORSHIP COMMITTEE CHAIR TRACY NEUPERT PASTOR MARK DRESSEL BOOKKEEPER KIM O’LEARY 8 November 2014 Page 9 Worship Volunteer Schedule Sunday - 8:15 am November 9, 2014 November 16, 2014 November 23, 2014 November 30, 2014 Greeters Millie Ziebell Anita Wilderman Lloyd & Alydia Anderson Mark & Kate Anderson Acolyte Michael Hafenstein Caleb Clark Lily Templin Kaleb Koester Reader Mae Laatsch Steven Busch Marie Ziebell Mark Anderson Communion Assistants Mike Sand/ Marie Ziebell Steven Busch/ Holly Ingersoll Jackie Erwin/ Heidi Kabat Monica Hepp/ Jenny Koester November 9, 2014 November 16, 2014 November 23, 2014 November 30, 2014 Greeters Constable Family Rick & Marie Puttkamer Wayne & Carol Moehrke Gary Martinson Acolyte Lucas Lambert Kaitlyn Twesme Logan Patrick Beau Buchholtz Reader Karen Peters Jason Polzin Kirsten Menzies Sue White Paula Constable/ Teri Strohschein Bob Dimperio/ Melissa Polzin Jamie Stock/ Al Zuehlke Gary Martinson Melissa Polzin Monica Hepp Marie Puttkamer Shelley Quandt Sue Larson Sunday - 10:45 am Communion Assistants Communion Bread Usher Team TBD - If interested, please contact Martin Butzine at (920) 648-5477 Alter Guild Pam Moen and Darla Behling Wednesday - 6:15 pm November 5, 2014 November 12, 2014 November 19, 2014 November 26, 2014 Greeters YOW YOW Ashlyn Primmer YOW Acolyte John Bade John Bade YOW YOW Readers YOW YOW Sophia Thompson YOW Communion Assistant YOW YOW YOW YOW Financial Report and Attendance FINANCIAL REPORT Year Runs May to April Year to Date Aug 2014 General Fund Offering Received $61,002.38 Appeal Fund Offering Received $8,493.00 $8,559.00 Total Offerings $69,495.38 $70,103.45 General Fund Actual Expenses $66,134.98 $62,648.88 Appeal Fund Actual Expenses $13,802.88 $13,969.28 Total Expenses $79,937.86 $76,618.16 ($10,442.48) ($6,514.71) Amount ahead (behind) $61,544.45 Block Fund Attendance Last Year Aug 2013 Week Of 2014 Wed. 6:15 Sun. 8:15 Sun. 10:45 Total Oct 5th 24 92 96 212 Oct 12th 29 50 160 239 Oct 19th 26 60 115 201 64 89 153 Oct 26th In Memory of Art Nickel Lloyd & Alydia Anderson, Shorty Shoemaker, Ruth Hugener, The Butzine Family 9 Trinity Tidings Published Monthly Trinity Lutheran Church 346 West Pine Street Lake Mills, WI 53551-1193 Office: (920) 648-2717 Website: E-mail: Return Service Requested Growing in Faith… Sharing Christ’s Love N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 4 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 All Saints Sunday Daylight-Saving Time Ends 8:15 AM Worship/Com/Adult Chimes/Choir 9:15 AM Fellowship Hour 9:30 AM 10 Commandments Adult Faith Class 9:30 AM Sunday School Service Project 10:45 AM Worship/Communion/Dylan Wegner Baptism/Olivia Billinghurst Baptism 4:30 PM Youth Ringers 5:00 PM All God's Ringers 3 No School in Lake Mills Pastor Mark Off 4 10:00 AM Staf f Meeting 6:30 PM Adult Chimes Rehearsal 5 6:00 PM Confirmation Extravaganza 6:15 PM Worship/Communion 7:15 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:15 PM High School Youth Group 7:15 PM Men's Bible Study 7:15 PM YOW 9 Stewardship Sunday 8:15 AM Worship/Communion 9:15 AM Fellowship Hour 9:30 AM 10 Commandments Adult Faith Class 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship/Communion 4:30 PM Youth Ringers 5:00 PM All God's Ringers 10 Pastor Mark Off 2:30 PM Bi ngo at Willowbrook 11 Veterans Day 6:30 PM Adult Chimes Rehearsal 12 13 11:30 AM Ladies Lunch Out 6:15 PM Worship/Communion 7:15 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:15 PM HS Youth Group 7:15 PM Men's Bible Study 7:15 PM YOW 14 15 16 17 8:15 AM Worship/Com/Adult Chimes/Choir Pas9:15 AM Fellowship Hour tor Mark Off 9:30 AM 10 Commandments Adult Faith Class 9:30 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM The Marriage Course Org Meeting 10:45 AM Worship/Com/Lorelai Cook Baptism 4:30 PM Youth Ringers 5:00 PM All God's Ringers 18 10:00 AM Staf f Meeting 6:30 PM Adult Chimes Rehearsal 19 5:00 PM Lake Mills Community Supper 6:15 PM Worship/Communion 7:15 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:15 PM HS Youth Group 7:15 PM Men's Bible Study 7:15 PM YOW 20 6:30 PM Chur ch Council Meeting 7:00 PM WW W Meeting 21 22 9:00 AM Tree Sale Yard Set-Up 23 8:15 AM Worship/Communion 9:15 AM Fellowship Hour 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship/Communion 4:30 PM Youth Ringers 5:00 PM All God's Ringers 24 25 Pas6:30 PM Adult tor Mark Off Chimes Rehearsal 26 No School in Lake Mills 6:15 PM Worship/Communion 7:15 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:15 PM HS Youth Group 7:15 PM Men's Bible Study 27 No School in Lake Mills Office Closed Thanksgiving Day 28 29 No School in 10:00 AM Trinity's LM Christmas Tree Sale 9:30 AM Tr ee Sale Unload Day 30 Advent Pastor Mark Off 8:15 AM Worship/Communion 9:15 AM Fellowship Hour 9:30 AM Sunday School Service Project 10:00 AM Trinity's Christmas Tree Sale 10:45 AM Worship/Communion 1 2 Pas10:00 AM Staf tor Mark Off f Meeting 6:30 PM Adult Chimes Rehearsal 3 6:15 PM Worship/Communion 7:15 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:15 PM High School Youth Group 7:15 PM Men's Bible Study 7:15 PM YOW 4 5 10:00 AM Pin es Communion 1:30 PM Sarah Circle 6 7 10:00 AM Pin es Communion 1:30 PM Sarah Circle Saturday 8 6 10:00 AM SSchool Program Rehearsal 10:00 AM Trinity's Christmas Tree Sale 11:00 AM Holiday Soup & Sandwich Lunch and Bake Sale 10
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