Document 417158

______________________________________________________ _
Estherville, Iowa
November, 2014
David Bergstrom
Dr. Mark and Linda Jacobson
Missionaries to Tanzania
Messenger for Estherville Lutheran Church
Under the same management for over 2000 years
“Transformational change
Can take place when people
Mobilize around a positive
Vision and follow through
With purposeful action.”
Michael D. Higgins
Our Mission Statement
We are the body of Christ called by the Holy Spirit
To share God’s love and foster spiritual growth.
All baptized Christians are invited to share with us
the Body and Blood of Christ. You are encouraged to
sign our guest book in the back of the church near entrance if
you are a first time worshiper at Estherville Lutheran Church .
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Estherville, Ia. 51334
Permit 5
Church Phone (712)- 362-4607
Pastor David Bergstrom
Church Office E-mail:
To the members of Estherville Lutheran Church and our friends,
You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will
produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this
ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows
with many thanksgivings to God.
2 Corinthians 9:11-12
I thank all of you for your outpouring of generosity for the Tuck
Pointing Project. After our first weekend we have commitments and
gifts from 37 individuals or families in our congregation totaling over
$22,000. Only $10,000 left to go. If you have not turned your gift or
commitment in yet, please get it to the church office as soon as possible.
Of the $22,000 pledged we have already received over $13,000 of it.
Thank you so much for your dedication and generosity.
On the first weekend, Nov. 1 & 2, we will again have the Cast Your
Upon the Waters Reverse Giving Event. Everyone who comes to
worship will receive a cash gift to use in some way to make our world a
better place. Be sure to come and get your special gift!
This month Pr. Tim Johnson begins his ministry among us. He will
be with us leading worship on Nov.1 & 2. I will be on vacation the next
weekend, Nov. 8 & 9 so he will lead worship and preach at both of
these worship services. Be sure to come and make Pr. Tim welcome.
The weekend of Nov. 15 & 16, Hans Peterson from Dakota Road will
be with us to be our music leader during both of our worship services.
This would be a great time to use your “Free Tickets” for worship to
invite friends and neighbors to worship with us. Some of our guests
have asked what they are to do with the tickets. They are to be put into
the offering plate as their offering the first week they worship with us!
On Sunday, Nov. 16, following worship we will have our Harvest
Dinner. The turkey will be provided and members are encouraged to
Bring pot-luck to go with the turkey. Welcome your guests to eat on
Their “Free Ticket”!
The weekend of Nov. 22 & 23 is Christ the King Sunday, the last
Sunday of the church year and on Nov. 29 & 30 we begin the new
church year with Advent. How quickly the time goes.
From November 3 – 11 Marsha and I will be visiting our children who
live on the East Coast. If you need pastoral care during my absence, feel
free to call Pr. Tim, 712-260-4791, or email him at
May we give thanks throughout this whole month of November for all
our Lord has done for us!
Your pastor,
David Bergstrom
-From the Treasurer-None submitted
Beginning balance****** + $
Receipts************** +$
Transfers************** +$
Expenses************** -$
Ending balance
MEETING October 8th, , 2014
Next Meeting November 12th, 2014
5:30 P.M. - 7:00P.M.
Liz Fick, Melissa Leonard, Kristia Pollock, Mary Jo Huntley,
Brenda Harris, Marilyn Sampson, Roxanne
1.Sunday school is growing –Kids coming new all the time.
2.Confirmation, October 26th, 2014 – 7 kids: Hunter Harris,
Longman, Jacob Olson, Lincoln Coakley, Treyton Jacobson, Carter
& Kayla Zufall.
a.Plan on 125 – 150 people, 75 pieces White & 75 Choc cake.
3.Have kids bring box tops, can Tabs & soup can education labels
stewardship projects. Part of Sunday school lessons.
4.On December 14th, 2014 Christmas program will have a bake sale
make money for Vacation Bible School.
Ann Goebel, Pat Swalve, Mark Caboth, Bruce Radtke
Mary Jo Huntley, LaDonna Bergeson, Carol Berven, Kay Doyle
None submitted
Karen Hanson, Carol Berven, Brenda Juhl, Ann Goebel
November, 2014 Volunteers:
Greeters: Nov. 2nd & 9th Rhonda Olson, Renae Rierson, 16th Connie
Hattle, 23rd Lorri Olson, 30th Ann Goebel
Ushers: Harland Bergeson, Judy Tagen, Ann Goebel, Brenda Juhl
Lector: Nov. 1st & 3rd Sundays Bruce Radtke, 2nd 3rd Sundays of
LaDonna Bergeson
Communion: Lorri Olson & Brenda Juhl
Communion Set-up: Kay/Gene Kaltvedt
Offering Counters: Betty Schichtl, Marilyn Sampson
Bulletin Delivery: Lorri Olson
Kay Kaltvedt, Jan Clymer, Mark Caboth, Don
Valen,Ann Goebel
Pat Swalve, Marilyn Sampson, Raymond Dahna, Glen
Sue Doyle, John Varcoe, Kitty Roberts, LaDonna
Bergeson, Ann Goebel.
Unfinished Business:
1.The ordering of pens & pencils was expected in the next 24 hours and
will be paid for by matching $150.00 payment from the Worship/Outreach
Board & Congregational Life Board. An additional $100.00 donation was
made by Ann Goebel, President to bring the total expenditure to $400.00.
2.The Labyrinth suggestion was tabled for the time being.
3.The Harvest Dinner potluck, Dakota Road Music & fellowship is
Scheduled for Saturday, November 15th @ 5:30 p.m. service & Sunday
November 16th @ 9:30 a.m. service followed by Harvest potluck.
Congregational Life Board will provide turkey & coffee. Please bring a
side dish to share such as your favorite Thanksgiving vegetable, breads,
dessert, potato dish & refreshment of choice. Mark your calendar to attend
for fellowship, fun & food.
4.The Cookie Walk in December is being considered.
5.We are still considering a Valentine Dinner in February, 2015.
6.The Fall Fest proposal of Becky Varcoe is looking at an early spring date
around May 1st, 2015.
7.The Winter Puzzle Challenge is being organized with members looking
for puzzles.
8.The “ Tickets” are printed and decision was made to spread them wide
and far as soon as possible. These tickets are handed out to anyone
desiring them, and to all attending the next services on Saturday &
Sunday. The back side of the ticket has contact information for Estherville
Lutheran Church and are good for a “free admission” to guest of any
worship service. Guests may drop it in the collection plate in place of
a donation. Remember to use your tickets and welcome friends and
strangers to visit our Worship Services.
9.We are still open to persons with creative minds and progressive
ideas who wish to make changes by being on the Congregational
Life Board.
Congregational Special Mtg. was held October
12th, 2014
Called to order by Ann Goebel, President
Motion made by Bruce Radtke to accept Tim Johnson
as intern pastor
from 11/01/2014 to 10/31/2015. Funds of $6,500.00
to be given to help
with Pr. Tim’s expenses. Mission Funds & Thrivent
Funds will help
cover expenses. Another vote will be taken to
approve continuation of
Pr. Tim’s service @ next years Annual
Congregational Mtg. A verbal
vote was taken with majority in favor, second by
Pat Swalve.
Motion made to adjourn mtg. by Ann Goebel, Pres.
verbal vote made
by all to second.
Call Committee:
Harland/LaDonna Bergeson
Mark/Pam Caboth
Bruce Radtke, Mike Dalen
Ann Goebel, Dennis Wheatley
Our Sunday School Kids have challenged the adult Congregation to
collect change in a jug @ the back of the Church. The challenge is on!
Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, paper money it all adds up!
Gavin Benjamin VanWyhe son of Josh & Christine ( Radtke) VanWyhe
Born: December 30th, 2013
Where: Sioux Falls S. D.
Baptized: October 25th, 2014
Sponsors: Vanessa Radtke & Greg Savoie
Elaine Mae Hatland (Probst) October 24th, 2014
Esther Circle –7:00 p.m
November 17th ,2014
# 1.Please notice & feel free to use wireless headphones @ back
Sanctuary & large print bulletins in green binder. Questions ask
Sarah Circle - 9: oo a.m.
usher for assistance.
Free Clinic
November 18th , 2014@ church
The Free Clinic, now in its 14th year, located at the Frist Christian
205 N. 7th St. in Estherville, Provides free medical services for those who
Elizabeth Circle- 2:00 pm
are uninsured or underinsured. The clinic open on the 2nd & 4th
Tuesdays of each month. Check-in-time is between 6:30 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.
For more information please contact Glenn Bohmer at 712-209-1213
.November 18th, 2014
To schedule your appointment
November 2014 Birthdays
2nd. Laura Synder
3rd. Judy Tangen__________________________________
5th. Noah Danner, Mary Sifrit
6th. Marjean Kaltved, Linda Kautz, Stephanie Dahl
8th. Mikenzie Olson, Craig Sorbo, Allan Reinders
9th Marsha Bergstrom
10th. Haily Hanson, B’Ann Jones, Mark King, Evelyn Nath
11th. Jeff Enderson, Sherry Fisher, Pat Gunderson, Laura King, Ely Jones
14th. Austin Fick, Margery Reid, Deb Sorenson
16th. Laicie Edwards
18th. Haily Cody, Fred Danner,
20th. Michelle Jacobson
24th. Ruth Bondhus
26th. Valerie Eaton, Curtis Caboth
27th. Mallory Bradley
28th. Tim Handeland, Logan Stinar,
30th. Renae Rierson
If your Birthday is not listed it’s because we don’t have it on file. Please
update office with this type of information. Thank You
Recipe Board
Excellent Sweet Potato Bake
3 cups cooked mashed sweet potatoes
1 cup white sugar or brown sugar
1 stick (room temperature) butter
1 cup shredded coconut ( optional )
¼ cup whole milk or ¼ cup evaporated milk
2 eggs
1tsp. vanilla beat all the above together until creamy, turn into an oiled
casserole dish.
Top with:
1 cup brown sugar, 1stick ( room temperature ) butter, ½ cup flour, 1 cup
(chopped) pecans. Mix all of topping ingredients then crumble it onto
sweet potato mix.
Bake @ 325 degrees, 30 -45 minutes or until golden brown
The Quilting Ladies are forever grateful for the gifts of material.
The articles we can use are clean material, flannel sheets, cotton sheets.
Please no mattress pads or stained materials.
Quilting is on Wednesdays @ 1:00 p.m. you do not have to be a quilter
to give a hand. Rewards are the smiles of needy children and their families.
Plus coffee & treats after the quilting session on Wednesdays.
Please remember the collection for the Food Pantry for Emmet County.
Place nonperishable in back of Sanctuary
Dakota Road Music & Harvest Dinner
November 15th @ 5:30 p.m. & 16th, @
9:30 a.m. 2014 @ Church services we will be
entertained with a musical service by “Dakota Road”
a Christian Band. After Sunday service we will
have our Harvest Dinner in Bethany Hall.
Congregational Life Board will be serving turkey
& coffee. We encourage each family to bring a
side dish to share, such as your favorite
Thanksgiving vegetables, breads, potatoes,
salads, desserts & refreshments.
Nov. 3rd, 2014
Nov.11th, 2014
Nov. 26th, 2014
Nov. 28th, 2014
Christmas Gift Ideas for family and friends
An Estherville Lutheran Church 2015 calendar
of our church will be available. Each month a different
scene will be depicting colorful quality pictures.
Contact the Congregational Board for more information.
Sponsored by the Congregational Life Board