www.grassvalleyelks.org Nov 2014 BE A PROPOSER ATTEND MEETINGS VOLUNTEER Volume 20 - Number 11 We have 114 years of continuous Charitable Contributions to the Community, and we are one of the oldest and still operating Elk Lodges in the Nation. Our Lodge History has been long and rich as we remember the valiant deeds of our Absent Members. Lodge Officers Exalted Ruler Leading Knight Loyal Knight Lecturing Knight Esquire Chaplin Inner Guard Tiler Treasurer Secretary Organist Debba Boles Bill Convis Jim Moore Robert Beem Bruce Sund Jim Bowman Mike Kochis Bill Stewart Jerry Maxwell Julie Slaten Darlene Grenz debbaboles@gmail.com bconvis@sierracrm.com 272-7526 277-6243 bruceasund@gmail.com jim@adventurec.com n.u.miner1973@gmail.com billstewart@oro.net 273-2053 secretary@grassvalleyelks.org Trustees Trustee 1 yr. Trustee 2 yr. Trustee 3 yr. Trustee 4 yr. Trustee 5 yr. Will Grenz Dan Davis Jack Johnson Ed Molineaux Jim Darnell wg7@theunion.net 272-4110 272-4559 277-2270 jdarnell71@hotmail.com Committee Chairpersons Auditing & Accounting Activities Committee Fraternal Committee Standing Relief Com Accident Prevention Vacant William Stewart wistewart@oro.net Debba Boles Jim Darnell debbaboles@gmail.com 392-0523 P.E.R.’s William Stewart Jay Nau Ed Bourne “Red” Maurath Joaquin Aguilar Larry Aguilar James Allen Glen Chileski James George James Moore Hartmut Schwarz William Thomas PER Year 2012 2010, 2011 2009 2002 1999 1978 1967 1988 1983 1986, 2003 1998, 2007 1966 37 8 25 25 50 39 51 39 34 38 15 54 # years member Birthdays for Nov: Nov 05 Bruce Sund Nov 13 James Driver Nov 19 Joseph Kasza Nov 25 Richard Garcia Nov 27 Norman Phares Nov 28 Donald Crabtree Nov 28 Jim Darnell Grass Valley Elks Lodge #538 Nov Birthday List Subcommittee Chairpersons Accident Prevention Americanism Apartment Manager Bar Manager Bill’s Wheels Bingo Bingo Kitchen Boy Scouts Bulletin Editor/Publisher Christmas Baskets Christmas Party Drug Awareness Elks Picnic Elk Training ENF Fire Fighter Dinner Flag Day Gov. Relations Hoop Shot Indoctrination Investigation Lapsation Law Enforce. Dinner Memorial Service Membership Mother’s Day Nat’l Veteran’s P.E.R. Assoc. Presiding Justice Purple Pig Public Relations Ritual Training Scholarship Soccer Shoot Taco Nite Web Master Youth Activities Jim Darnell Elisabeth Sund Jim Moore Chad Wingo Bill Dobbins Debba Boles 392-0523 Jim Bowman Bill Convis Jim Bowman Lady Elk’s jim@adventurec.com bconvis@sierracrm.com jim@adventurec.com bjchallic@oro.net Bruce Sund bruceasund@gmail.com Cindy Homa cindyn@theunion.com Debba Boles Chad Wingo Brian Hoyle debbaboles@gmail.com chadwingo@yahoo.com brhoyle@msn.com Julie Slaten secretary@grassvalleyelks.org Bill Convis Julie Slaten Bill Convis Bill Dobbin/Dan Davis bconvis@sierracrm.com secreatry@grassvalleyelks.org bconvis@sierracrm.com 273-1550 / 272-4110 Bill Philips Bill Convis Cindy Homa Jim Moore Mike Kochis Darrell Echols bconvis@sierracrm.com cindyn@theunion.com fuzzyroscoe39@live.com n.u.miner1973@gmail.com dwechols@gmail.com Angel Johnson Bill Stewart hjohnson@redshift.com billstewart@oro.net Bulletin Articles Deadline th Is the 15 of the Month Articles are due to Bill Convis by 15th (PLEASE!) bconvis@sierracrm.com fuzzyroscoe39@live.com chadwingo@yahoo.com 273-1550 debbaboles@gmail.com Lodge Meetings Social Quarters Bar Open 5:00 pm Lodge Dinners – 6:00 pm Lodge Meetings – 7:00 pm (Meetings 1st & 3rd Wednesdays) For reservations call 273-9228 or email: secretary@grassvalleyElks.org From the Desk of the Exalted Ruler We are almost to Thanksgiving, and as such need to remember all the things that make us grateful. I am especially grateful for all the support and effort that the Bingo Crew makes. As some of you may know, our Bingo nights are every Thursday in the downstairs dining room. Bingo proceeds fund our charities. In addition, the winning Bingo players are very generous to our Purple Pig Fund, making it possible to help many children with physical challenges. The Bingo proceeds fund our Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Veteran’s, scholarships, youth activities, and Americanism essay contest programs. So a big thank you to all those who come to Bingo and the workers who make it possible. On that note, we will still be serving our traditional Thanksgiving dinner on Family Night this month. (Reservations please…) Brian Hoyle is heading up the cooking crew and promises to make it spectacular. So mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 12th. Cocktails start at 5:00 pm with dinner following at 6:00 pm. Reservations can be made by calling the Lodge Secretary (273-9228). We had a great visit with our District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Kevin Correira on October 15th. Kevin reported that our Lodge is doing well, and so needed no “meeting” to hash things out. Instead we visited, laughed and everyone had a great time. The Lady Elks cooked a traditional Oktoberfest dinner with local bratwurst, which was a hit for all who came. The Girl Scouts served dinner, winning the hearts of everyone there! It is with sadness that I report that William “Duke” Hamilton, a life member here at the Lodge, has passed away. His celebration of life service is scheduled for November 8th from 2 – 6 pm. Please join me in paying tribute to one of our life members. I also have some other sad news. Bev McPherson, President of our Lady Elks Association, has sent me a letter to let us know that the Lady Elks will be disbanding as of October 31st. The Lady Elks have been a huge support of our Lodge for many years. Unfortunately with economic challenges as well as diminishing membership, Bev has decided to move to Oklahoma. She won’t be leaving for a few months yet, but the Lady Elks has decided to end it now. In Bev’s letter, she explained that the Lady Elks would be donating $500 to the Purple Pig, and donating all of their physical stash (linens, decorations, etc., to the Lodge. I wish Bev and all the Lady Elks a heartfelt thanks for all their years of dedicated service to the Lodge. We will miss you greatly! Our Trustee Jack Johnson is heading up a fund raiser to purchase 2 de-fibulators for the Lodge. He is making gorgeous hand-turned wooden bowls for raffles. We are selling raffle tickets for 6 for $5, or $1 each. You do not need to be present to win. Just put your name and phone number on the back of the ticket. Bowls are given out each month at the last Bingo of the month. They are absolutely beautiful, and would make a great present for anyone. On a more positive note, we have some great events coming up. In addition to Thanksgiving on Family Night, our annual Veterans’ Dinner is November 10th. Veterans eat free. Everyone else pays $12. Taco Nite is of course the 3rd Monday of the month, November 17th. Due to how Thanksgiving falls this year, there will be no Mama’s Spaghetti this month or next (Thanksgiving and Christmas falling on the same week as we would normally have it). We will resume Mama’s Spaghetti in January. Thank you for all you do to support the Lodge by coming to the events, and working when needed. See you all soon at the Lodge! Debba Boles, Exalted Ruler From the Desk of the Leading Knight Grand Lodge Newsletter – Reprinted from Nov 2014 Message from the Grand Exalted Ruler – John D Amen November among Elkdom’s greatest months November is one of the most important months of the year in Elkdom. On the fourth Thursday we celebrate the second biggest family holiday of the year – Thanksgiving. Families across America travel for our traditional annual feast. Another outstanding holiday this month is on November 11. That date was selected by a great Elk, General John “Blackjack” Pershing of New York Lodge No. 1, who set the date for signing the armistice to end the “Great War” – World War I – “the war to end all wars.” Brother John remembered that “with us, the hour of eleven has a tender significance,” and he set the signing of the documents for the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, thus, memorializing our hour of remembrance. More significant than these dates are the things we, as Elks, do during this month of special recognition and support for our military and our veterans. If you have a VA medical facility near your community, November is a great month to give support to our hospitalized veterans. Something as simple as a personal visit and chat with a hospitalized veteran will brighten his or her life. Many Lodges will even provide a special “thank you” meal for all veterans. Plan to do something for your Elks veterans as well as the veterans in your community who will exemplify our motto of “ Care – Share,” and by so doing you will prove that we are: “Elks: Elevating America.” In addition, you will honor and care for our veterans and help satisfy our Elks’ pledge: “So long as there are Veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them.” Marcia and I wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. Please take time to count your blessings, recognize our veterans, they deserve it, and give thanks that you live in America and have membership in the Elks. Bill Convis – Leading Knight November Calendar 2014 This past month on Oct 18-19, the scouts from our Lodge troop 21 spent the weekend at The Zeibright Mine /Donner Mine Camp helping them close up for the winter. The scouts helped with Painting, cleaning and moving a down tree. The camp is a music c Our newest member Hershel Golden and Penny Johnson’s Memorial Support your Lodge Come to Meetings and Events!! Big Bucks Drawing Oct. 15th Raffle Winners $100 – Donald Tremewan $25 – James Moore VETERANS DINNER NOV 10th Nov 2014 3rd 5th 6th 7th 8th 8th 10th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 17th 18th 19th 20th 24th House Committee Meeting – 6PM Lodge Meeting - Lady Elks 1:00 PM – Lady Elks 5:00 pm – Social Hour 6:00 pm – Dinner 7:00 pm – Meeting CHEA Mid Term CHEA Mid Term CHEA Mid Term Duke Memorial – 2PM Veterans Dinner Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts Sportsman Meeting – Dining Hall Family Dinner Bingo Wine Tasting – 6PM Taco Night Trustees Meeting – 6PM Lodge Meeting - Lady Elks 1:00 PM – Lady Elks 5:00 pm – Social Hour 6:00 pm – Dinner 7:00 pm – Meeting Bingo – Big Bucks 6:30 Boy Scouts Meeting Nov 5th 5:00 pm – Social Hour 6:00 pm – Dinner 7:00 pm – Lodge Meeting Nov 19th 5:00 pm – Social Hour 6:00 pm – Dinner 7:00 pm – Lodge Meeting Scout Meetings Nov 10th and Nov 24th 6:30-8 PM House Committee Meetings Nov 3rd – 6 PM Trustee Meeting Nov 18th- 6:00 PM Nov Menu 5th 5 star dinner (TBD) 10th Veterans Dinner 12th Family Dinner 19th 6 star dinner (TBD) 17th Taco Night 4:30-7 PM Tacos, Beans, Nachos and the BEST Margaritas in Town! Lady Elks Ice Cream Sundaes 24th Mama’s Spaghetti $8 5:30 pm Support your Lodge Come to Meetings and Events!! A letter from Beverley McPherson, President Lady Elks October 20, 2014 Exalted Ruler Grass Valley Elks Lodge 538 109 S. School Street Grass Valley, CA. 95945 Dear Exalted Ruler, It is with regret and sorrow that I write this letter. The Elks Lodge 538 has been like a second home to me since 1986. Due to the economy, the loss of membership, and my need to relocate, I find that the Lady Elks cannot remain functional. We have voted to disband as of October 31, 2014 and perhaps allow for an occasional committee, in order to help support the Lodge. With that, we will be giving a check to the lodge for the Purple Pig in the amount of $500.00. We will also be giving the balance of our funds to the Grass Valley Elks Lodge 538, to go to the general fund. We will also be giving the Grass Valley Elks Lodge all of our tangible assets i.e: chair covers, linens, kitchen utensils, decorations, etc. Barbara Hensley is in the process of trying to recruit volunteers to keep the Ice Cream sales going at Taco night for the Elks. My hope for the future of the lodge is as always the best. Warm Wishes, Beverley McPherson President Grass Valley Lady Elks Duke Hamilton Obituary William Glenn Hamilton, better known as "Duke" passed away on October 16, 2014 at the age of 75. Duke was born to Beryl and William Hamilton Sr. in Prineville Oregon on January 30, 1939. The family moved to Dunsmuir CA where Duke attended the local schools. He graduated from Dunsmuir High in 1957, Following graduation he married his high school sweet heart and love of his life, Nancy Wyllie. After high school, Duke continued his education at Chico State, earning a degree in education. While attending college he and Nancy added 3 beautiful daughters to their family. Duke accepted a position at Nevada Union High where he was a beloved teacher and coach for 35 years. Duke lived his life to the fullest, enjoying his family and friends while traveling the states, Baja and Canada. He enjoyed fishing, golfing, hunting, and plain "ole" giving people a hard time with his great sense of humor. Duke is preceded in death by his parents and by his wonderful daughter Tracie Ann Hamilton Nunnink. He leaves behind a large family who will miss him dearly: his lovely wife, Nancy, oldest daughter Pam(Paul Wiley), daughter Terri Hamilton Britton, son in law Tom Nunnink, 10 grandchildren, numerous great-grandchildren and sister-in-law Darlene Ball, as well as many "self appointed" sons and daughters. The celebration of a life well lived will be held at the Grass Valley Elks Lodge on Saturday, November 8th at 2 p.m. Kate Richiger Grass Valley Elks Lodge #538 109 S. School Street Grass Valley, CA 95945
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