VOL. 60 No. 11 November 2014 Circuit Rider NEWSLETTER OF: CHANNAHON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PASTOR STEVE GOOD 24751 W. EAMES, CHANNAHON IL 60410 815-467-5275 WWW.CHANNAHONUMC.ORG Our mission is to create disciples who nourish faith and work in ministering to the community. Mark Your Calendar 11/1 Annual Turkey Supper 11/ 2 Daylight Savings Time Ends Turn your clocks back 1 Hour All Saints Sunday 11/4 Election Day 10/18 Outreach Vendor/Craft Fair 11/16 UMW Thank Offering Sunday 11/23 Consecration Sunday Hanging of the Greens Chili Cook-Off Community Ecumenical Service 11/27-28 Church office is closed ‘Good’ News’ For anyone who has heard the term “Sputnik”, they normally would be reminded of the cold war “space race” between the United States and Russia, in which Russia became the first nation on earth to successfully launch a satellite (the size of a beach ball!) into outer space in 1957. Dr. Paul Farmer, a well-known public health tuberculosis expert, has done ground-breaking work in Haiti, Rwanda, and Russia. He recently noted that, in Russia, the term “Sputnik” has also come to mean “special friend”, someone whose life revolves around you, as an orbiting satellite. “In Siberia”, he writes, “extreme weather reminds people each year of the need for collaboration, of looking out for one another. Serious illness is another reminder.” So, Dr. Farmer and his Russian associates have named their complex course of treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis patients as the “Sputnik” approach. This intriguing concept made me think of our own church’s caring ministries for people in need, ministries that are designed to surround the person under our care with orbiting acts of mercy and justice. Continued on page 2 ‘Good’ News’ continued. When a person in need is brought to our attention, we have multiple resources we can launch to create an orbit of care around them. We have launched prayers, prayer blankets, breast cancer pillows, Meals that Heal, Good Samaritan assistance, visits, calls and cards. We launch other “Sputniks” of care to people we have never met through our food pantry donations, our fundraising to Imagine No Malaria, The CROP Walk to stop hunger, and our help to build the new Grace Children’s Hospital in Haiti. Observes Dr. Farmer, “. . . the Sputnik experience shows us that when (TB) patients are at the center of all our efforts—when our attentions and resources revolve, like satellites, around them—we succeed, even though our treatments are imperfect.” As we continue to launch our satellites of care to surround people with the love of Christ in the midst of their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, may the Lord bless our efforts and bless the brothers and sisters who are the focus of our care. Let’s continue to look out for one another as special friends. What wonderful ways to connect faith and works, love and action. CUMC ~ Annual TURKEY SUPPER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st 4:30-7:00PM CARRYOUTS BEGIN 4:00pm Dinner seating begins at 4:30pm (4:30, 5p, 5:30,6p, 6:30 and 7p) $11 Adults & Carry-outs / $7 Kids under 12~ for Dine-in Volunteer Sign-up sheets are in the narthex, to prepare, serve, setup/cleanup and for food donations that are needed. Call the church office for dinner seating reservations and availability because the earlier seating times are full. 6:30pm and 7:00p are still available Peace, Steve Veteran’s Day Luncehon November 11th - all veterans and their family are invited for a celebration luncheon sponsored by the Senior Services Center of Will County at the 1st Congregational United Church of Christ Fellowship Hall - 604 E. 9th St - Lockport 10:30am - Bingo and Raffle Prizes - 12noon Daylight Savings Ends November 2nd. Catered Luncheon Change(turkey, yourpotatoes/gravy/vegetable/salad/milk clocks BACK 1 Hour On Saturday Night dessert) $5 suggested donation (Veterans over 64yrs - no donation asked) A collection for the ‘FISH’ food pantry will be taken. RSVP - before November 6th - 815-390-5020 Proverbs 22:11 Those who love a pure heart and are gracious in speech will have the king as a friend. UPCOMING DATES to remember: Your Calendar 2 Mark October 4th - Youth Group - Ultimate Frisbee 12:30p-7p Wheaton Confirmation Orientation for Parents and Students On Sunday November 9th at 11:45 am in the sanctuary, our new class of Confirmation Students and their parents will meet with Pastor Steve and Youth Director Roger Beitzel for their Orientation. The Orientation will include class schedule, learning goals, mentor system, parent involvement, and costs. The class is for students currently in 8th grade through high school. Seven students are currently enrolled: Adam Platt, Kylie Blazekovich, Connor McKay, Genevieve Denton, Seth Bouselli, Alex Beitzel, and Elizabeth Gear. Please call Pastor Steve or the Church office ASAP if your student is not yet enrolled (815)4675275) Also, on Saturday Nov. 22nd the students and prarents will go on a field trip to purchase a Bible for themselves, subsidized in part by the church to recognize this Faith Formation Milestone. The first Confirmation Class at the church will be Sunday November 30th at 12:15 pm (after our Light Lunch). Is November 23rd Our spiritual journey involves our prayers, our presence, our service, and our gifts. On November 23rd, we will give you the opportunity to make an “Estimate of Giving” for your 2015 general offerings to Channahon UMC as a spiritual act of joy and trust in response to your relationship with the Lord and God’s people. Your estimate will be confidentially handled and a follow-up letter will be sent to you to confirm your estimate. Please make an extra effort to be with us that day as a way to give your information and to encourage your fellow brothers and sisters. For more information can be found in the ‘Letter to the congregation’ on page 16 of this newsletter. 3 Children & Family Ministries Bonnie Babich Sunday School Offering Sunday School Family Advent Craft Day November 23rd at 10:30a As of Sunday, October 19th, the Sunday school classes have collected $140.00 for the “No More Malaria” campaign. The goal is to collect $300 by Christmas – we’re almost half way there!!! Keep up the good work… and those chores!! Join your children for a day of preparing for the Advent season! Each classroom will be making ageappropriate crafts to take home and use in celebrating this special season. Supplies for all of the crafts will be provided along with samples. The Christian Education Team will be crafting and singing holiday tunes along with you! Yes – this is the same day as Hanging of the Greens! Part of our time together will also be spent in decorating the classrooms and the Education Wing for the Christmas season. And yes – it’s also the Chili Cook-off so you don’t even have to make lunch! Check out the article about the Chili Cook-off under the Nurturing section in this newsletter! United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF provides nutrition, education, protection and advocacy for children around the world. Collecting money (change) while trick-or-treating is one way we can reach out to other children in need and respond to the call from God for social justice. For more information about UNICEF visit their website at www.unicef.org. The Christian Education Team is excited to share in this fun-filled morning with you and your entire family! The children in Sunday school have been given the option of taking a box along for collecting coins – the boxes are available in the Narthex for anyone who would like to take one. Every dollar raised will help save children’s lives. For example: Faith Formation Milestone “Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a $69 buys 10,000 tablets to purify water $120 immunize 7 children against deadly diseases $300 can feed 200 malnourished children a day light to my path” Psalm 119:105 Please return all boxes and money collected to the church on Sunday, November 2nd. This special offering will be blessed during worship on that day. Aaron Platt will be presented with Bible as a gift from the congregation during the month of November. Congratulations to Aaron on continuing your Christian journey. Feel free to take an extra box or two for your friends! 4 Youth Group Reflection From Roger Beitzel Your Worst Day Ever? What’s not to like about a 42-page book with a 10 word title? And since 1972, over 4 million people have way more than liked—they’ve adored—Judith Viorst’s classic work, ‘Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.’ You’ve probably read this story, and, if not, the title obviously gives it away. A normal kid named Alexander had what seems like an abnormally awful day. But what one thing I really appreciate about story is that it focuses on the fact that everyone has a bad day now and then. And being grumpy and sad one day and happy the next is as normal as the sunrise and sunset each day. But when Alexander’s story goes through Disney-fiction and onto the big screen, you get all the bells and whistles of slapstick comedy topped off with a dash of Freaky Friday supernaturalism. The movie is a fun-filled family affair, but it may leave you wishing that every terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day would wrap up as neatly as the film. Of course, most of the time, they don’t. The stinging pain and aching memories of unfortunate events linger, and weigh our hearts down as though they were attached to a ball and chain. And for followers of Jesus Christ, bad days seem even worse, given the fact that God is supposedly on our side—right? And it is during those “Very Bad Days” that we wrestle with the question of “why do bad things happen?” Or more specifically … WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO ME??? The car breaks down, the relationship breaks up. The depression reappears as my joy disappears. Old habits and addictions become new problems again. The news is bad, and the future looks worse. Now theologians and philosophers have spent a lot of time thinking and writing about this question, and unless you have private access to the eternal and unsearchable mind of God, you will struggle to find the answers as well. The movie tries to show us that “hard times are not so bad when we have family to support us.” But Paul writes something in the Bible that addresses this issue on a much deeper level: Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the merciful Father, the God from whom all help comes! God helps us in all our troubles, so that we are able to help others who have all kinds of troubles, using the same help that we ourselves have received from God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. We may never know why we face suffering, but one thing is certain, when we go through difficulties, we can know there is a purpose to it. These verses in Corinthians tell us that when we have terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days, it equips us to help someone down the road who is going through the same stuff! Think about it…when you have been down and facing a tough time in your life, how amazing is it to meet and connect with someone who understands what you’re going through. I know we all want easy answers and quick solutions to life’s problems, but that just isn’t going to happen. However, the next time you feel like Alexander, don’t wish hard times on the people who seem to have it all together. Instead, remember that God is with you and will help turn your terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day into a blessing for someone else. And that could be your best worst day ever! Is that a Teen Choice you would like to make? 5 Youth Group Ministry November Calendar Nov. 2 S.T.O.M.P. (Senior High Small Group) 6:00-8:00 p.m. Nov. 5 Junior High Small Group 6:00-7:30 Nov. 12 Junior High Small Group 6:00-7:30 Nov. 15 “M&M” Night Youth Group Milkshakes, Popcorn & a Movie 7:00-10:00 p.m. Nov. 16 S.T.O.M.P. (Senior High Small Group) 6:00-8:00 p.m. Nov. 19 Junior High Small Group 6:00-7:30 Nov. 23 Hanging of the Greens & Chili Cook Off Following 10:30 service Nov. 23-30 No Small Group Proverbs 22 : 6 Teach your children right from wrong, and when they are grown they will still do right. Youth Group “M” Night Milkshakes & A Movie Sat. Nov. 15 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. Sign up on the Youth Group Board, through the link in the Info & Devo, or by calling or texting Roger Beitzel, Youth Leader, at 630.338.2692 6 1 A Word from Staff Parish Relations The members of Staff-Parish are very pleased with the performance of the Church’s paid staff. • Our newest employee is Matthew Miller who became our pianist in January. Matthew’s music lifts our spirits as we sing of God’s glory. • Brittany Alcantar leads our inspirational choir. She has developed our children’s choir and produced holiday musical programs involving many of our church members. • Bonnie Babich is our energetic Director of Children and Family Ministries. Give her an idea and she develops a program! She’s led many Celebrations of Faith Milestones during worship – blessing of the backpacks, graduate recognition, Bible Presentations to name a few. • Our youth leader, Roger Beitzel, works with many adult volunteers to develop programs to assist our young people in strengthening their faith. Under his leadership our youth have become actively involved in our church. • This month Kris Hayden celebrates the beginning of her third year as our office secretary. Through Kris’ creativity and organization, we are all kept aware of the activities of our church. We appreciate her mid-week spiritual words and information about church happenings and read every word of the Circuit Rider’s information each month. • Nancy Snow is the woman who literally puts the sparkle in our church. She keeps our building shipshape and very clean. • Barb Sweet pays the bills. She keeps the books and makes sure we are fiscally responsible. Thanks, Barb, for being so accountable! • Our two nursery attendants, Stephanie Friel and Lauren Sweet, are always on time with big smiles for all their “little responsibilities”. And all of these people are led by our Pastor Steve who ministers to all of us all of the time. His gentle leadership style combined with his absolute faith in God guides all of us. Please help us in giving them our thanks for their work. Outreach would like say that the Craft/Vendor Fair was a huge success…. Shoppers and Vendors all requesting to do it again next year!!! $533 was raised to help fund more Outreach missions. Thanks to Dunkin Donuts @ the Channahon Pilot Station for a generous donation of donuts, and to Channahon Jimmy Johns lunch sandwich samples. Many Thanks to everyone who helped and supported the 1st Outreach Vendor/Craft Fair! It was a lot of fun and we look forward to doing it again next year! Witness Committee would like to thank everyone for their generous donations that came in for the Fall Food Drive. Approximately 40 bags were donated to Chanooka Wish Food Pantry. Thank you all for a great year of our helping our community to fight hunger and poverty. Our next Food Drive will be in January 2015. 7 Nurturing Team News We were very excited about the Trunk N Treat event that was held on October 19 th along with fun pumpkin carving activity! Everyone had a ton of fun!! A word from our Nurturing Team The Nurturing Team Budget for 2015 has been approved. Channahon UMW is sponsoring a fundraiser for the building of the new Grace Children’s Hospital in Haiti. We count it a privilege to share in God’s mission in the world. Our membership has been given this opportunity to send letters to friends and family asking for support for the funding of the new hospital. Now we would like to open this up to the entire church. The new hospital will house the permanent adult and children’s outpatient clinic, the 22 bed HIV/AIDS in-patient ward for children (the only one in Haiti), and a 22 bed Tuberculosis in-patient children’s ward. The second building will include a pharmacy, lab and imaging services on the first floor, and an OB/GYN clinic, Tuberculosis clinic and HIV/AIDS clinic on the second floor. Then on the third floor there will be the TB/HIV adolescent in-patient ward. Together, the two buildings total 48,000 square feet. Phase Two will create an Emergency Room, office, and mechanical space. * If you would like to help support this mission, please send a check to the church payable to “Channahon UMW”, marking in the memo: Grace Children’s Hospital. * There is also a letter available on page 17 of this newsletter and in the Narthex if you would be willing to send the information to your friends and family. * Thank you in advance for considering this valuable mission where we already have a connection through Pastor Steve , a former member of the U.S. Board of Directors for Grace Children’s Hospital. ****************************************************************** *We continue support those suffering with breast cancer with our “Breast Cancer Pillows. Please notify the church office or Cindy Vong if you know someone in need of a pillow. *World Thank Offering will be held on November 16 at both worship services. *Our Annual Cookie Sale will be held on December13, 2014 at 9 a.m. 8 November Dates: Saturday - November 1st - 4:00p - 7:00p Turkey Supper & Christmas Craft Bazaar Monday, November 3rd Thursday, November 13th Monday, November 17th Thursday, November 27th Closed to due Election on 11/4 8a - 2p 6p-8p ½ Price Sale!! Closed for Thanksgiving Ladies Aid ~ Meets November 13th ~ 9am Hannah Jessup Circle Rachel Circle November 11th 6pm @ Elaine Coen’s We are excited to offer a new adult class called Not a Silent Night Circle of Hope November 13th 7pm @ Gwen Tunney’s November 12th 7pm @ Keta Lindstrom’s UMW Circles Ruth Circle November 10th 10am @ Church Baking cookies written and filmed by United Methodist pastor and author Adam Hamilton. This 5-session class to prepare for Christmas will approach the story in a new way. We’ll begin at the end! We’ll start with Mary at the Crucifixion and Resurrection and then go back in time, witnessing Jesus’ life and ministry, until Mary arrives where the story began – in a stable in Bethlehem. We will facilitate three different classes: Wednesday Evening Class at 7 pm Wed. Nov. 19th through Wed. Dec. 17th. Hosted by Nancy Geldean in her home at 415 Rivers Edge Dr., Minooka Sunday Morning Class at 10:30 am Sunday Nov. 23rd through Sun. Dec. 21st. Hosted by Pastor Lora Zink at church in room # 143. Tuesday Evening Class at 7 pm Tues. Nov. 25th through Tues. Dec. 23rd. Hosted by Pastor Steve at church in room # 144. Celebrating Our Staff! Kris Hayden (Church Secretary) and Brittany Alcantar (Music Director) are both beginning their third year of ministry this month with us at Channahon UMC! We are blessed to have them sharing their gifts and graces among us! Let's be sure to give them a special thanks for their fruitful ministry. Sign-up sheets for Not a Silent Night are in the narthex. The participant books will arrive very soon. Book cost: $ 12 (if check, payable to “CUMC”, noting Advent Class in memo) 9 1 CUMC & Community A worship service will be held on Sunday, November 23rd at 6:30pm at Grace Bible Church 748 Jones Rd. ~ Minooka (just East of Ridge Rd) A worship hosted by many participating local churches, together known as ‘FUSION’, is a wonderful opportunity to gather with your friends, family and neighbors to observe the spirit of Thanksgiving. At Channahon UMC th Wednesday, November 12 , @ 11:30am Suggested Donation is $4 per person The gathering is an outgrowth of a successful clean-up day in the local parks in Spring 2014, organized by the same group of local churches in cooperation with the Channahon Park District. The churches of ‘FUSION’ include (but not limited to): First Baptist of Minooka, Resurrection Lutheran, The Village Christian Church, Minooka Bible Church, Platteville Lutheran Church, Grace Bible Church, both Minooka and Channahon United Methodist Church, Southfield Church, FHC West, St. Anne’s and St. Mary’s Catholic Churches. Reservations are requested by calling the Channahon Township 815-467-2569. The Community Thanksgiving Worship is designed to be a simple time of giving thanks for one’s blessings form the past year. All are invited to come, whether or not you have a home church. It features a praise band, combined choir, participatory homily, scripture and prayer. Worshipers are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to donate for your offering. Financial gifts will also be accepted and sent along with the food to four local food pantries at Minooka Bible Church, Chanooka Wish, Minooka United Methodist, and Living Manna. Fellowship and refreshments will follow. For more information, call Grace Bible church at 815-467-2100. & Hanging of the Greens Chili-Cook Off and Consecration Celebration Sunday, November 23rd following 10:30a service Chili Cook Off will begin at 1:00pm Bring a pot of your family favorite Chili to share and be the prize-winning Chili for 2014!! 10 1 Fundraiser for VEARL KEETON Sunday - November 23rd ~ 12n - 5:00pm at FAT BOYZ PIZZA - 408 W Mondamin - Minooka All you can eat Pizza, Beer, Wine & Dessert $25 adult $15 (12-17) $10 (11 & under) More details to follow - Mark your calendar! Barn Dance & Dinner in our New Fellowship Hall !!!! Mark Sunday February 8th on your calendar as an event you won’t want to miss! We will be celebrating the completion of our brand new Fellowship Hall while raising money to build the new Grace Children’s Hospital in Haiti. Pastor Steve will call square dances, circle dances, and the Virginia Reel with music provided by a live band. A soup/salad/bread buffet will be set up for supper thanks to our 2014 Haiti Mission Team, the Outreach Committee, and other volunteers. The dance and dinner will be from 5 pm to 7 pm. We’ll be trying out our new tables, chairs, sound system, projector, screen, stage, and (dance) floor. You won’t want to miss it! 11 1 Save the date, and don’t be late!! 55 and Alive has a Christmas dinner planned at Syl's Restaurant in Rockdale. December 10th, Wednesday @ 5:00pm. They allow separate checks for each person or couple. Please call or email Sharon Hedgren if you plant to attend, so that appropriate reservations can be made. Hedgen@comcast.net or 815-521-9032 CUMC Photo Gallery Highlights from ‘Trunk N Treat’ A little glimpse of the ‘New Building Progress!’ 12 OUR CHURCH’S CONCERNS Surgeries/Hospitalizations Fred Asp & Mark Lemmerman(Hedgren), Gary Bockholdt(Good), Kellen & Mary Arnold(White) Health Issues and General Prayer Requests McLaughlins, STOMP, Regan Caher, Liesl Comer(Waller), my friends(Geldean), Sandy & Frank Fodero, Grandson Payton(Warren), Jennifer Hayden & Family, Jean Lawrence, friend Lydia(Schuler), Grandma & Grandpa(Olsen), Angie & Blake Zinn(Hayden), Drew Priddy & Family, Layton Family(Babich), Alexa Barga(Brick), George Johnson, Channahon & Minooka kids going to Prom. *Names in ( ) are those who have requested the prayers. OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHIES Thank You’s… Thank you very much for the love and support of CUMC for the ‘Crusin For Logan’ Fundraiser. $5,500 was raised this year to help Logan. Pixie Koenig James Holt Benefit was a great success. Jimmy & Lisa and our entire family thank everyone for your prayers, support, donations and contributions. Jimmy has a long road ahead, so please continue to keep him in your prayers. Frieda Manion There are not enough words to say Thank You and how blessed I am after all that I have been through. The prayer blanket is such a blessing in disguise. All your prayers have been a true blessing and I thank everyone for all of your love and support and payers. Thank you. Vickie Dunavan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Romans 14:7-9 For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself; for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord's. For to this end Christ died and lived again, that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.… Michelle Walker and Family On the death of her Grandmother Mary Pat Collins Mike & Mary Katheryn Edwards On the death of their son David Edwards Vicki Breen and Family On the death of her great-nephew Collin Ickes Harry & Carol Breen & Family On the death of Carol’s sister Jewel Ostrem Darrick Swanson & Family On the death of his mother Pamela Rush Angie & Blake Zinn On the death of their unborn baby Jaxon Edward Vernon Zinn Carrie Turner & family On her recent passing Our Joys to Share Babich Family- Bobby is officially the newest Eagle Scout from Troop 444. A celebration is in the planning. Brittany Alcantar - Celebrating Mom’s birthday. It has been one long year. Thank you for all your prayers. Donna Szoke - it is such a joy to see all the new landscaping. Sartori Family - Celebration Ryan’s 18th birthday and he is officially cancer-free 5years!! God IS Good! George Johnson - Good News, the CT was clear and not signs of anything new. Thank you all for your prayers, cards concerns. MRI brain scan in few weeks. Then 5-6 weeks of radiation as a preventative measure. Cassie & Tim Norman - we are excited to say we are expecting our first child. Mom and Baby are doing well. Yenerich’s - We were married in 1957 and now celebrate our 57th anniversary. We have been so blessed. Robb’s - Thanks be to God, Roy was finally able to come. The weather has been beautiful, enjoying all the colors. Prokops- Congrats to MCHS Band!!! Channahon UMW - Thank you for such generous hearts in giving to the ‘Grace Children’s Hospital’ campaign fund! McSteen - Congrats to Emma for placing 13th in the state qualifying meet. Headed to State Finals! Warren - I have a new great-granddaughter, Crystal Rayne. Hedgren’s- Our grandson Austin became an Eagle Scout. Holmquists - we sold our house!! New owners are excited to live close to CUCM and have enjoyed visiting here. Thelo- Congrats to Grace - headed to State for Tennis! Williamsons - new baby boy # 20 great-grandchildren!! Geldean - Thank you Tom Leatherwood for fixing my basement leaks… You Rock! Thank you to all who supported and participated in this years CROP WALK!! Pastor Appreciation Month - Thank You Pastor Steve for all you do and all your love and fellowship! 13 November Birthdays 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 10 11 11 12 13 14 16 Michael Boys Felicia Poore Ray Breen Wendy McSteen Kylie Blazekovich Sandy Fodero Don Meyer Carol Holt Emma West Robert Babich Nancy Snow Tedd McCauley Camden Elmore Evelyn Craig Maggie Hargis 17 18 18 19 20 20 24 24 25 27 28 29 29 30 30 November Anniversaries Kent McMillin Penny Kendrick Erin Sweet Kim McCauley Ken Bassett Charlie Bassett Rick Lyman Joanie White Lowell Rainwater Eddie Fields Anita Young Carol Cissell Ali Mondrella James Allen Everett Holt 11/2 11/23 11/27 11/28 Al & Kris Mondrella Bill & Sara Smith Amy & Michael Holmquist John & Aileen Cotter If we have missed your birthday or anniversary and you would like it to be added to the weekly bulletin announcements and monthly Circuit Rider, please contact the church office @ 815-467-5275 or email: cum_church@cbcast.com November Sunday Service Volunteers Church Ambassador: Sandy Fletcher Counters: Aileen Cotter and Gordon Vong 9:00 am Communion Servers: Barb Powell, Lana Stafford, Janet Robb, Pixie Koenig 10:30am Communion Servers: Nancy Geldean, Tom Sweet, Mary Caher November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Greeters Sergeant Family Francsico Family Hedgrens Knott Family Lou McCoy & Donna Buckley Liturgists 9am George Johnson Dottie Priddy Elena Warren Elaine Coen Janet Robb Liturgist 10:30am Joi Walker TBA Mary Caher Mary Essary Sommer Middleton A/V 9am Anita Young & Adam Platt Steve Olson & Adam Taylor Mark Lindstrom & Tim Wasilewski Anita Young & Adam Taylor Mike & Amy Geldean A/V 10:30am Bobby & Max Babich Liam O’Brien & Erin Sweet Bobby & Max Babich Liam O’Brien & Erin Sweet Bobby & Max Babich If you are interested in serving on any of these ministries on Sunday mornings once a month, please contact the church office to get on the rotation list. 14 1 CHANNAHON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 24751 W. Eames St. Channahon, IL 60410 / 815-467-5275 www.ChannahonUMC.org / cumc_church@cbcast.com C November 2, 2014 To Friends and Members of Channahon United Methodist Church, Sunday, November 23rd is our congregation’s Consecration Sunday. I urge you to plan now to attend the two important events scheduled for that date: Sunday Morning Worship at 9 am and 10:30 am & Chili Cook Off Celebration Luncheon At 1:00pm that same day Immediately following our 11:30am ‘HANGING OF THE GREENS’, we will sit down and enjoy our Chili-Cook Off Celebration. If you are planning to bring a pot of your favorite chili, please contact Janet Robb at 815-729-0388 or the church office at 815-467-5275. Consecration Sunday’s spiritual growth-oriented process is designed to enrich our biblical understanding of Christian stewardship. Rather than focusing on the need of the church to receive, the experience concentrates on the need of the giver to give as part of his or her spiritual development and faith commitment. During the next three weeks, we ask you to prayerfully consider what percentage of your income God is calling you to give. We believe that you are concerned enough to attend the November 23 Consecration Sunday and make your financial commitment as an act of worship in the church sanctuary. We will give you your Estimate of Giving card during the service of your choice on that day. No one will call on you at your home for a pledge so we hope you can make every effort to attend the worship and chili-cook off on November 23, 2014. God’s blessings on you! Ray McSteen Chairperson of Finance Team Malachi 3:10 ESV Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need. Channahon United Methodist Church The CIRCUIT RIDER Volume 60, No.11, November 2014 24751 W. Eames (Rt. 6), Channahon, IL 60410 www.channahonumc.org Pastor: Steve Good Cell #: 815-922-6872 pastor@Channahonumc.org Youth Leader: Roger Beitzel Youth@Channahonumc.org Director of Children & Family Ministries Bonnie Babich Director@Channahonumc.org Editor: Kris Hayden CUMC reserves the right to edit all submitted materials. SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Traditional Worship Contemporary Worship Coffee & Donut Fellowship Sunday School (all ages) Office Ministry Assistant: Kris Hayden Cumc_church@cbcast.com Office Hours Mon. – Fri.: 9:00am-1:00pm Phone: 815-467-5275/ Fax: 815-467-7435 CHANNAHON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 24751 W. Eames St. Channahon, IL 60410 We are especially grateful for: 9:00am 10:30am 10:15-11:00am 10:30am
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