www.singlesoutreach.org 518-452-6883 sos@singlesoutreach.org SINGLES OUTREACH NEW YORK’S CAPITAL REGION NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 January 2015 Newsletter Submissions ar e due by December 9. Send to sos@singlesoutr each.or g or mail to the PO Box addr ess below or call, 452-6883. Send your E-Mail address to SOS for weekly updates. Also Check www.SinglesOutreach.org for activity updates or call 452-6883. Participation in SOS activities is at your own risk. SINGLES OUTREACH Hanover Square Hill Street Entrance 435 New Karner Road PO BOX 12511 ALBANY NY 12212 November & December 2014 U.S. Postage PAID PRSRT STD Albany, NY Permit No. 470 31 years of building community for singles in the Capital Region. www.singlesoutreach.org 518-452-6883 sos@singlesoutreach.org SINGLES OUTREACH NEW YORK’S CAPITAL REGION NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 Happy Holidays November/December Newsletter Please take note that this Singles Outreach Newsletter includes November and December. One side of the calendar page is November and the other side is December. Page 2 (left column) shows the weekly activities for both months organized by days of the week. Pages 2 (right column), 7 and 8 show the individual activities by date. Hill Street Meeting Room The Hanover Square Hill St. meeting room has generated the following income from use of the room: May $400, June, $550; July, $750; August $1,000 and September, $1,350! Why has the income been increasing? It’s because many members have been creating and hosting events including Sunday potlucks, Monday movies, Tuesday bridge & Real World, Thursday workshops, Friday special events such as Cabaret Nights and Saturday game nights. We’re looking for more activities that would appeal to members. Let us know if you have an idea. Singles Outreach is a NYS not-for-profit corporation. Our mission is to serve the Singles Community by providing education, activities, and a supportive environment for personal growth and socialization. Happy Holidays Individual Activities Continued from page 7 Dec. 22, Monday: Newsletter Mailing Pizza Party, 11:30am, Hanover Square. No charge. Dec. 25, Thursday: Holiday Dinner, 4pm, Hanover Squar e, host, Tinamarie who will provide the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy. Bring a side dish to share & a drink. RSVP a must by December 22, 817-1643. All faiths welcome! $3/$5. Dec. 26, Friday: Coffee & Conversation, 7pm, Hanover Squar e with host Tinamarie. Share stories; look for answers to questions; fill our minds & pick our brains. Bring snacks & drinks to share, $3/$5. Dec. 28, Sunday: Holiday Dance, with a var iety of music, Polish Community Center; 225 Washington Ave Ext., $10. 6:15 to 7pm: Swing dance lesson by Eileen Spadaro 7-10pm: Dancing to music by Bob Englert 8:30pm: Showcase Dance by Pasha & Daniella $10 — Open to all. Come enjoy a great Holiday Dance! Dec. 31, Wednesday: New Year’s Eve Party, 7pm, Hanover Square. Bring snacks and drinks to share. Welcome the New Year with a toast to 2015. We’ll play games, sing, dance and watch the New Year arrive at Times Square. Cabaret Night entertainers are encouraged to come and perform. $3/$5. Looking ahead to 2015 Jan. 1, Thursday: New Year’s Day Potluck, Jan. 4, Sunday: Holiday Party, hosted by Russ at the SOS Community Room, Hanover Square. In January: TBA, SPAM Party, hosted by Mar ia & Donna. April 19-25: Trip: Shenendehowa Adult Community Center trip to Savannah, Jekyll Island & Beaufort. Siggie, 725-1483. For SOS Camping Info contact Ellen 235-5526. Details will be published in the January SOS Newsletter. October 16, 2015, Friday: SOS Gala Masquerade Ball, at the Polish Community Center. 30th Annual Holiday Hunger Appeal for the Regional Food Bank November 20, Thursday: 12:30-3pm and 3-6 pm. Singles Outreach Volunteers will be helping the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York with the 30th Annual Holiday Hunger Appeal at Crossgates Mall. This event is their largest and most successful fundraiser. A corporate sponsor matches the donations collected each day which doubles our efforts. Five people are needed for each shift Singles Outreach volunteers always make a difference helping and the need for our neighbors is great! Contact Ellen to sign up, 235-5526. Tuesday Real W orld & New Member Meeting At this point I’d say that Real W orld is the heartbeat of SOS. About 20 to 25 people usually attend and the topics are generated by SOS members and the friendly and engaging discussions are also led by SOS members. The first Tuesday of each month, beginning at 6pm, is a “new and prospective member” welcome meeting. At the October meeting there were five new and returning members, as well as two activity leaders and several Board members. All of the participants stayed for Real W orld. Thank You to Our Many Volunteers Thanking people can be troublesome because some people, who deserve thanks will inevitably be left out. Nevertheless, I want to give it a try without having room to list everyone by name. Thanks to Maria Immediato, Dave Chalmers, Ann Parillo and their Gala team; to Gary Burgess, Eileen Spadaro and the Ballroom Dance team; to over thirty SOS activity leaders (listed through this newsletter); to Ed McCann and our Picnic teams; to Martha Zibro, Nancy Smith and our Newsletter Mailing team; to the 19 members of the SOS Board of Directors (listed on the December calendar); to Loretta Raymond, our phone call champion, and her helpers; to Sam Gallucci, SOS webmaster; to Luella Dozois, SOS data base manager; and to Tinamarie Cleveland, Donna Sorrento and Marge Mabee for tea, hot dogs, soda and a whole bunch more! Bring a Friend to SOS And an end of year Holiday Challenge: bring a friend to an SOS activity. If you bring a non-member to any SOS activity, they can participate at no charge, if they join. I hope that by the end of 2015 we double our membership — that will be from 281 to 562. Happy Holidays I personally want to wish Happy Holidays to you and I hope that SOS activities and SOS members add to your happiness in general and to your enjoyment of the Holidays. Gregg Millett, SOS Founder and 22nd President of SOS Report on the Gala Maria Immediato We had an incredible time at the 2014 Gala! There was dancing, lots of mingling and laughter...everyone sparkled! The Silent Auction was the true star of the evening, and everyone was impressed with the low starting bids. It had a wonderful response. This was our first Silent Auction ever, and while we had some bumps in the road, we are ready to take on 2015! This amazing fundraiser raised over $3,000 for SOS! Thanks to all who helped and participated. My sincerest appreciation to you all for great team work Showcase Dance by Pasha and Daniella At the Holiday Dance, on December 28th, the showcase dance will be performed by Pasha and Daniella. These dance champions started dancing together in January 2009. Together, they are the current U.S. 10 Dance Champions. Daniella is the youngest US competitor to ever hold this title. Daniella and Pasha were also selected to represent the US at the 2009 World Games in Taiwan. They made the semifinal in the world championship, taking place in Spain. Pasha and Daniella held on to their 10 dance US championship in both, the NDCA and USA Dance Nationals in 2010 and 2011. In October 2011, they won the UK Open Ten Dance Championship, which took place in London. In 2012 they became the USA dance national Latin champions. In 2012, they also made the semifinal of the prestigious Blackpool Dance Festival. YES, thanks to Paul & Louise Giuliano, they will be performing at the Holiday Dance at the Polish Community Center on December 28th and D.J. Bob Englert will be playing a wide variety of dance music. The dance is from 7-11pm. Activities That Repeat Every Week Mondays Mondays: Movies, 7pm at Hanover Squar e, $3/$5 with popcor n and soda provided. Bring a snack & beverage if you wish. Check the calendar for movie titles and Google for reviews. Movies are from the collections of Eddie Johnson, Jr., Dan Perry & others. Hosted by Donna & Tommy, 664-5782 Tuesdays Tuesdays: Casual Bridge, 1pm, Hanover Squar e with Luella Dozois. Fun & friendly play and beginners welcome. $3/$5. Tuesdays: Real World, 7pm, Hanover Square. $3 members; $5 non -members. Check the calendar for topics and leaders. Wednesdays Wednesdays: Lunch, 11:15am, Holiday Inn, Wolf Road, Colonie. Wally, 477-5334. Will not meet on Christmas Eve (December 24) or New Year’s Eve (December 31) Thursdays Thursdays: Bike Rides & OUTDOORSEY STUFF. 10am, J ohn Feret, 488-8792 or email vabchpop@aol.com. Will not meet on Thanksgiving Day (November 27) or New Year’s Day (January 1). Depending on the weather we may hike or ski! Thursdays: Dinner & Dance, Ukr ainian Amer ican Citizens Club, 1 Pulaski St. Cohoes, $10. Bob at 782-0608. No dances on Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day. Fridays Hanover Square: Cabar et Night, Movies, Dancing, Cabar oke Party& an Early Thanksgiving Feast. Saturdays Every Saturday: Game Night, 7pm, Hanover Sq. Br ing food and drink to share. Martha, 238-2436. Pinochle players wanted! Sundays Sundays: Indoor Tennis, Tr i-City Fitness, Latham. 10-11:30am, mixed doubles, men’s doubles & women’s doubles. Call Carol, 383-1224. 11:30-1pm, Dr op-in tennis. Both men & women are welcome to join. This is less competitive and a good place to “renew” your skills or begin your tennis playing. Call Dan, 629-0066. 518-452-6883 Nov. 2, Sunday: Dinner & Stories, “Stor ies to Nour ish your Soul," 5pm, Glen Sanders Mansion, Scotia, $35.00 includes meal (Mediterranean Chicken or Hot Pepper Steak), price also includes tip and dessert, coffe/tea! Call Nancy 438-0541 for reservations. Nov. 3, Monday: Old Timers Lunch, 11:30am at the Colonie Diner, 1890 Central Ave. Marge, 765-4525. Nov. 4, Tuesday: New Member Meeting, 6pm at Hanover Square. New and prospective members and activity leaders are invited. No charge and all are invited to stay for Real W orld. Nov. 6, Thursday: Poetry Classes, 7pm, Hanover Sq., $3/$5. Ed, 229-3072. Nov. 7, Friday: Cabaret Night, 7pm with enter tainment by Janice Thompson (a singer/composer), Malcolm Kogut (an organist, pianist and composer) and Patti Audi (a dancer). Other performers might include YOU with poetry, song or acrobatics! Nov. 8, Saturday: 8pm, Curtain Call, 8pm, “The Lyons,” play is at 8pm, but if you would like to join us at The Century house for dinner at 5:30pm, please call Kym at 237-8883. Individual Activities Continued Nov. 18, Tuesday: Travel Buddies, 3:30pm. Come to meet fellow travelers and to talk and network about future travel planning. Meet in the Food Court at Colonie Center, Call Marilyn at 438-3721. Nov. 20, Thursday: Rieki Calm, The Power of Seniors, with Mary Hartshorne, 7pm, Hanover Sq., $3/$5. Seniors are a large and impressive group. Let's make a mark on society! Our version of a "Bucket List" emotional or physical. Mary, 466-6194. Dec. 5, Friday: Dining Adventure, 5pm at Smoky Bones, host Barbara, 785-3506. Please RSVP by December 3. Limited to 15. Dec. 6, Saturday: PWP Holiday Dinner Dance, 7-11pm at The Edison Club Rexford $30. Call 348-2062. Dec. 7, Sunday: Computer Class, 2pm, Hanover Squar e with Tinamarie. The basics & advanced. $3/$5. 817-1643. Nov. 21, Friday: Early Thanksgiving Feast, 6;30pm, Hanover Sq. Potluck supper with a Thanksgiving theme! Bring a favorite dish to share and let's give thanks for what we've got. Candied sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie and of course turkey and stuffing. Eat drink and be merry with a great group of people and the finest food that our members can make. Hosts Joan & Marge, 765-4525. $3/$5. Dec. 9, Tuesday: Music at Noon, Tr oy Music Hall, “Gals Who Play Jazz. Ed, 279-1276. Nov, 22 Saturday: The Comedy Works, with Comedian Louie Anderson. 6pm dinner; 7:30pm show. Call Kym, 237-8883. Dec. 10, Thursday: Geek Gathering, SOS & the Digital World, 7pm, Hanover Square, no charge. We’ll look at our website, the weekly Mailchimp, Facebook, Meet-Up and, yes, the telephone. We’ll try to both coordinate our efforts and plan for the FUTURE! Nov. 23, Sunday: Community Ballroom Dance, Polish Community Center; 225 Washington Ave Ext., $10. 6:15 to 7pm: Cha Cha dance lesson by Eileen Spadaro 7-10pm: Dance with music by Gary Burgess 8:30pm: Showcase Dance, Rumba, by Gerald Weaver & Laurie Ferina Nov. 27: Thanksgiving Day Dinner, 4pm, Hanover Squar e, with host, Tinamarie, who will provide turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy. Bring a side dish to share and a drink. RSVP a must by November 24. 817-1643. Nov 28, Friday: Movie & Snacks, 7pm, Hanover Squar e with host Jana, 356-5758. $3/$5 and bring snacks to share. Dec. 10, Wednesday: Travel Buddies, 3:30 pm. Come to meet fellow travelers and to talk and network about future travel planning. Meet in the Food Court at Colonie Center. Marilyn at 438-3721. Dec. 11, Thursday: Communicating with Animals with David Louis, 7pm, Hanover Square. SOS members will bring one dog and one cat and the remarkable David Lewis will “speak” with them and explain how he does this and how the animals are feeling. $3/$5. Dec. 12, Friday: Cabaroke Night, 7pm, Hanover Squar e. J oin others for an evening of Holiday songs, Christmas Carols and lots of fun. $3/$5 and bring food and beverages to share. Dec. 13, Saturday: History and Art Fans, 9:15 am, “On Safari” special exhibit and Festival of Trees, Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, MA. Call Marilyn, 438-3721 with your name & phone number for tour details and lunch counts, & in case of bad weather cancellation. Nov. 9, Sunday: Computer Class, 2pm, Hanover Squar e with Tinamarie. The basics & advanced. $3/$5. 817-1643. Nov. 29, Saturday: Movie Night, 5:45pm, Cr ossgates Mall. Call Kathy for details any evening before 9pm at 869-7028. Nov. 11, Tuesday: Music at Noon, Tr oy Music Hall, sitar & tabla by Veena Chandra & Devesh Chandra. Ed, 279-1276. Nov. 30 Sunday: Carol C’s BOOK CLUB, “The Last Child” by John Hart. Meeting at Carol’s home. Call, 428-1406. Dec. 14, Sunday: Victorian Tea & Polite Conversation, 2pm, Hanover Square. Tea, coffee, sandwiches and sweets. Hosts: Tinamarie, Nancy, Marge & Donna. Please RSVP ASAP, 817-1643. $10 as a fund raiser for SOS. Nov. 13, Thursday: Rieki Calm, An Introduction, with Mary Hartshorne, 7pm, Hanover Square, $3/$5. Who I am and what Reiki is all about. How I have applied it in my life. How you can do the same. A demonstration for all who wish. Relaxation techniques that have worked for me. Mary, 466-6194. Nov. 30, Sunday: Decorating & Giving Tree, 2pm, Hanover Square. No charge. We’ll decorate the Hill Street meeting room & choose gifts from the giving tree for those in need. Gifts for the tree are due by Dec. 16. Bring snacks to share. $3/$5. Marge, 765-4525. Dec. 18, Thursday: Poetry Classe, 7pm, Hanover Sq., $3/$5. Ed, 229-3072. Nov. 14, Friday: Oldies Night, 7pm, Hanover Squar e with music by Fred Jacobs. Come dance to Rock & Roll and Oldies with a prize for the best dancer! Bring snacks to share. $3/$5. Every Sunday: Brunch, 11:15am, TGI Fr iday’s (Stuyvesant Plaza), Lynn, 383-2920. Singles Outreach Nov. 2, Sunday: Pre-Holiday Get Together/Pot Luck, 3pm Bring a dish to share. We'll spend the afternoon painting ornaments to take home for our tree or to give as gifts. $3/$5. Each additional ornament $1. Ornaments and painting supplies will be provided. Marge 765-4525. Nov. 5, Wednesday: SOS Board Meeting, 7pm, Hanover Square. Members are welcome. Donna, hot dogs ($2) at 6:30pm. Wednesdays: League & Open Bowling, 8pm, Spar e Time Lanes, Rte. 2 in Latham. $13 per week for 3 games for league & open bowling. Come join the fun! In December for the holidays, bowling will be on Mondays the 22nd & the 29th. Judy, 374-0765. Page 2 Individual Activities November 15, Saturday: History and Art Fans, 9:30am, Hyde Collection, Glens Falls. Special guided tour and lunch. Call Marilyn at 438-3721 with name & phone number for museum and lunch counts and details. Individual Activities Continued on page 7 www.singlesoutreach.org November/December 2014 Dec. 1, Monday: Old Timers Lunch, 11:30am at the Colonie Diner, 1890 Central Ave. Marge, 765-4525. Dec. 2, Tuesday: New Member Meeting, 6pm at Hanover Square. New and prospective members and activity leaders are invited. No charge and all are invited to stay for Real W orld. Dec. 3, Wednesday: SOS Board Meetings, 7pm, Hanover Square. Members are welcome. Donna, hot dogs ($2) at 6:30pm. Dec. 4, Thursday: Victorian Stroll, 6:45pm, Sar atoga Visitor Center across from Congress Park on Broadway. Call Sheila, 5875073, before December 3rd so that she knows who’s coming. November/December 2014 Singles Outreach Dec. 19, Friday: Coffee & Conversation, 7pm, Hanover Squar e with host Tinamarie. Share stories; look for answers to questions; fill our minds and pick our brains. Bring snacks & drinks to share. $3/$5. Dec. 20, 8pm, Curtain Call, “Hollywood Confidential.” at The Century House. Dinner at 5:30; Play at 8pm. Kym, 237-8883. Dec. 21, Sunday: Potluck & a Christmas Movie, 4pm, Hanover Sq. Bring food to share for a good time. $3/$5. Marge, 765-4525. Individual Activities & More Continued on page 8 518-452-6883 www.singlesoutreach.org Page 7 December 2014 Sun Mon November August 30 31 Tennis, 10am & 11:30am 9:30am, Tennis Tri City11:15am, Fitness, Latham Brunch Brunch, 11:15am TGI Friday’s, Stuy. Plaza Carol’s Book Club, 428-1406 Decorating & Giving Tree 2pm, Hanover Square, p7 Host, Marge, 765-4525 7 Tennis, 10am & 11:30am Tri City Fitness, Latham Host, Carol, 383-1224, p2 1 Old Timers Lunch 11:30am, Colonie Diner Various hosts, 765-4525 Monday Movie Village of the Damned 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 14 8 21 Brunch, 11:15am TGI Friday’s, Stuy. Plaza Potluck 4pm, Hanover Square Host: Marge, p7 Tennis & Brunch, p2 28 Real World Worst Case Senario Led by Donna 9 Newsletter Deadline Music at Noon Real World Monday Movie ELF 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 Have You Ever Been Dead Wrong? Led by Maria 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 15 Thu Bowling 8pm, Spare Time Lanes Host, Judy, 374-0765, p2 Lunch & Bowling, p2 10 Travel Buddies 3:30pm, Colonie Center Host, Marilyn, 438-3721, p7 Life After Retirement. Led by Tinamarie 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 22 Dinner/Dance, 7pm, Cohoes Host, Bob, 782-0608, p2 Lunch 11:15am, Holliday Inn, Wolf Rd. Host, Wally, 477-5334, p2 Casual Bridge 1pm, Hanover Square Host, Luella, 233-0996, p2 Monday Movie King of Kings 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 Christmas Past, Present & Future. Led by Joan Real World 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 29 Monday Movie Now You See Me 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 Hosts: Donna & Tommy, 664-5782 Bowling 8pm, Spare Time Lanes Host, Judy, 374-0765, p2 30 24 Out With The Old; In With The New. Led by Joan 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 18 PWP Holiday Dinner/Dance 7-11pm, The Edison Club Call 348-2062 13 History & Art Fans On Safari & Festival of Trees 9:15am, Berkshire Museum Pittsfield, MA, p7 Host, Marilyn, 438-3721 Cabaroke Night Sing-A-Long 7pm, Hanover Square, p7 19 Game Night 7pm, Hanover Square Various Hosts, 238-2436, p2 20 Bike Ride, Hike, Ski 10am, Various Locations Host, John, 488-8792, p2 Poetry Class with Ed Bardon, 229-3072 7pm, Hanover Square Coffee & Conversation 7pm, Hanover Square, p7 Host, Tinamarie, 817-1643 Snacks & Drinks to Share Game Night 7pm, Hanover Square Various Hosts, 238-2436, p2 Dinner/Dance, 7pm, Cohoes Host, Bob, 782-0608, p2 25 26 27 Game Night 7pm, Hanover Square Various Hosts, 238-2436, p2 Christmas Eve No SOS Activities Merry Christmas! Holiday Dinner 4pm, Hanover Square Host: Tinamarie Details & RSVP, see p. 7 31 Casual Bridge 1pm, Hanover Square Host, Luella, 233-0996, p2 Real World 12 Bike Ride, Hike, Ski 10am, Various Locations Host, John, 488-8792, p2 Bowling 8pm, Spare Time Lanes Host, Judy, 374-0765, p2 23 11:30am, Newsletter Mailing Pizza Party at Hanover Square 11 6 Game Night 7pm, Hanover Square Various Hosts, 238-2436, p2 Victorian Stroll 6:45pm, Saratoga Visitors Center, Sheila, 587-5073 Communicating with Animals with David Louis 7pm, Hanover Square, p. 7 17 5 Dining Adventure 5pm, Smoky Bones, p7 Limited to 15 Host, Barbara, 785-3506 Geek Gathering SOS & the Digital World 7pm, Hanover Square, p7 Real World Monday Movie Flight Plan 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 4 Hanover Square (Hill Street Entrance) Singles Outreach Community Room and Office Sat 10am, Bike Ride or Hike 7pm, Dance & Dinner SOS Board Meeting 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 16 Casual Bridge 1pm, Hanover Square Host, Luella, 233-0996, p2 Fri 3 Lunch 11:15am, Holliday Inn, Wolf Rd. Host, Wally, 477-5334, p2 Newsletter To Printer Holiday Dance Polish Community Cntr. 6:15pm, Samba Lesson 7pm, Dance Begins 8:30pm: Showcase Dance by Pasha & Daniella $10, Open to all. p8 New Member Meeting 6pm, Hanover Square Host, Tinamarie, p2 Casual Bridge 1pm, Hanover Square Host, Luella, 233-0996, p2 Brunch, 11:15am TGI Friday’s, Stuy. Plaza Tennis, 10am & 11:30am Tri City Fitness, Latham Casual Bridge 2 1pm, Hanover Square Host, Luella, 233-0996, p2 Troy Music Hall, p7 Host, Ed, 279-1276 Tennis, 10am & 11:30am Tri City Fitness, Latham Victorian Tea 2pm, Hanover Square, p7 Host, Tinamarie, 817-1643 Wed 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 January Newsletter Deadline DIRECTIONS Current Membership: 281 Tue Brunch, 11:15am TGI Friday’s, Stuy. Plaza Host, Lynn, 383-2920, p2 Computer Class 2pm, Hanover Square, p2 With, Tinamarie, 817-1643 32nd Year January 1, 2015 30 10am, Bike Ride 7pm, Dance & Dinner New Year’s Eve Party 7pm, Hanover Square Bring Snacks & Drinks to Share, p8 New Year’s Day Potluck Hanover Square Coffee & Conversation 7pm, Hanover Square Host, Tinamarie, Snacks & Drinks to Share, p7 January 2, 2015 31 9am, Golf, Mill Road Acres Movie 7pm, Hanover Square Curtain Call Theater 8pm, Century House Host, Kym, 237-8883, p7 January 3, 2015 October 4 Day Paddle, p7 5:30, Bridge Lessons, p7 7pm, Game Night, p7 Game Night 7pm, Hanover Square Various Hosts, 238-2436, p2 435 New Karner Road, Colonie. From Exit 2W of the Northway go west on Central Av. for 1.7 miles, turn right onto New Karner Rd (Rte. 155). Go 0.6 miles. Hanover Square is on the right, set back from the road. The middle doorway on the right side (South side) is Hill St. Entrance. Inside we are the first door on the left. Polish Community Center, Albany Dance, Nov. 23 & Holiday Dance, Dec. 28 Washington Ave Ext. About 3/4 mile west of Crossgates Mall on your right. Shortcut from the Northway: exit at 2w; from Central Ave, left onto Lincoln Ave; go to end (Washington Ave); PCC on the right. To succeed in life you need three things: a wishbone a backbone & a funny bone Reba McEntire SOS Columbus Day Picnic Story About fifty young Marines were training in the large field next to the Sharon Pavilion at our Columbus Day Picnic. One of their exercises was a tug of war. A few of us went into the field and challenged them to a contest. They accepted! So Donna, Tinamarie and Gregg took hold of one end of the rope and three Marines (actually three young women) took hold of the other end. Well, who do you think won? They couldn’t budge us! We couldn’t budge them either until one Marine jumped on our end and we pulled them as we all fell over. And some other picnic highlights — kids flying kites!, a bike outing, great food, fun games and Fred Jacobs playing great music. Hi Everyone WOW! You missed a terrific High Tea. What a spread; the food was wonderful the conversations interesting. We all got a chance to get to know each other better. The next one is already in the planning stages (Sunday, December 14). Don't miss it! Kudos to Tinamarie. Marge M. SOS BOARD MEMBERS President - Gregg Millett Vice President - Marge Mabee Secretary - Donna Sorrento Treasurer - Scott Stewart Patti Audi, Ed Bardon, Jim Bovair, Gerald Boileau, Maureen Cahill, Tinamarie Cleveland, Luella Dozois, Sieglinde Dugan, Betty Friedland, Glenn Jarrett, Terri Mead, Esther Murillo-Miklic, Steve O’Neal, Loretta Raymond & Nancy Smith November 2014 Sun Mon October August2631 10am &11:30am, Tennis 9:30am, Tennis 11:15, Brunch 11:15am, Brunch 2pm, Carol’s Book Club 4pm, Computer Class & Pizza Hanover Square - Hill Street Entrance 435 New Karner Road Albany, NY 518-452-6883 - www.singlesoutreach.org Tue October 27 1 Wed October 28 2 1pm, Casual Bridge at Hanover Square Thu October 29 1 Lunch 11:15am, Holliday Inn, Wolf Rd. Host, Wally, 477-5334, p2 Fri October 30 2 Sat October 31 3 1 9am, Golf, Mill Road Acres Outdoorsy Stuff at 10am Diner/Dance at 7pm, p2 Game Night 7pm, Ballroom Dance Polish Community Center 6:15pm, Swing Dance Lesson Paso Double Tango Showcase By George & Eleanor Pattton Tennis & Brunch, p. 2 2 Potluck & Ornament Painting 4pm, Hanover Square Host: Marge, 765-4525, p2 Dinner & Stories 5pm, Glenn Sanders Man. Host: Nancy, 438-0541, p2 9 7pm: Monday Movie The Good Son at Hanover Square 3 Old Timers Lunch 11:30am, Colonie Diner Various hosts, 765-4525, p2 Monday Movie Shooter 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 10 Tennis, 10am & 11:30am Tri City Fitness, Latham Host, Carol, 383-1224, p2 Brunch, 11:15am TGI Friday’s, Stuy. Plaza Host, Lynn, 383-2920, p2 Computer Class 2pm, Hanover Square, p2 With, Tinamarie, 817-1643 16 Tennis, 10am & 11:30am Tri City Fitness, Latham Host, Carol, 383-1224, p2 Brunch, 11:15am TGI Friday’s, Stuy. Plaza Host, Lynn, 383-2920, p2 7pm, Real World The “Spirits” of the Season Led by Maria 7pm, Hanover Square Casual Bridge 4 1pm, Hanover Square Host, Luella, 233-0996, p2 New Member Meeting 6pm, Hanover Square Host, Tinamarie, p2 Real World Things To Be Thankful For. Led by Terri. 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 Music at Noon Troy Music Hall, p2 Host, Ed, 279-1276 11 Monday Movie Glengarry Glenross (Strong Language) 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 23 17 Monday Movie MidNight Run 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 Hosts: Donna & Tommy, 664-5782 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 Casual Bridge 18 1pm, Hanover Square Travel Buddies 3:30pm, Colonie Center, p7 Host, Marilyn, 438-3721 Bowling 8pm, Spare Time Lanes Host, Judy, 374-0765, p2 12 25 Casual Bridge 1pm, Hanover Square Host, Luella, 233-0996, p2 Polish Community Center 6:15pm, Cha Cha Dance Lesson Monday Movie Thinner 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 Bowling 8pm, Spare Time Lanes Host, Judy, 374-0765, p2 19 Lunch 11:15am, Holliday Inn, Wolf Rd. Host, Wally, 477-5334, p2 Bowling 8pm, Spare Time Lanes Host, Judy, 374-0765, p2 26 7pm, Hanover Square, p7 Poetry Class with Ed Bardon, 229-3072 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 Dinner/Dance, 7pm, Cohoes Host, Bob, 782-0608, p2 Bike Ride, Hike, Ski 13 10am, Various Locations Host, John, 488-8792, p2 Dinner/Dance, 7pm, Cohoes Host, Bob, 782-0608, p2 7 Cabaret Night 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 with performers Janice Thompson Malcolm Kogut Patti Audi and others 14 20 Bowling 8pm, Spare Time Lanes Host, Judy, 374-0765, p2 Oldies Night 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 With music by Fred Jacobs 21 27 Thanksgiving Day Dinner 4pm, Hanover Square Host. Tinamarie, 817-1643 Details & RSVP, see p. 8 Game Night 7pm, Hanover Square Various Hosts, 238-2436, p2 15 Game Night 7pm, Hanover Square Various Hosts, 238-2436, p2 22 The Comedy Works Dinner, 6pm & Show, 7:30pm Host, Kym, 237-8883, p7 Regional Food Bank Volunteer, 235-5526, p. 8 Reiki Calm The Power of Seniors with Mary Harshorne 7pm, Hanover Square, p7 8 Curtain Call Theater The Lyons, 8pm, The Century House Host, Kym, 237-8883. p2 History & Art Fans 9:30am, Hyde Collection Glens Falls, Guided Tour Host Marilyn, 438-3721, p2 Outdoorsy Stuff at 10am Diner/Dance at 7pm, p2 Lunch 11:15am, Holliday Inn, Wolf Rd. Host, Wally, 477-5334, p2 Real World The Fine Art of Kissing. Led by Tinamarie Halloween Party 7pm. Hanover Square Reiki Calm An Introduction with Mary Harshorne 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 Real World The Holiday. Led by Mark 24 7pm, Ballroom Dance Tennis, Brunch, 30 Book Club & Tree Trimming SOS Board Meeting 7pm, Hanover Square, p2 Real World Three Types of People You Don’t Forget. Led by Nancy 7pm, Hanover Square Various Hosts, 238-2436, p2 5 Bike Ride, Hike, Ski 6 Lunch 10am, Various Locations 11:15am, Holliday Inn, Wolf Rd. Host, John, 488-8792, p2 Host, Wally, 477-5334, p2 Casual Bridge 1pm, Hanover Square Host, Luella, 233-0996, p2 7pm, Hanover Square, p7 Tennis & Brunch, p2 Bowling 8pm, Spare Time Lanes Host, Judy, 374-0765, p2 2015 Picnic Planning Meeting 7pm, Hanover Square Early Thanksgiving Feast 6:30pm, Hanover Square Hosts: Joan & Marge 765-4525, p7 28 Movie & Snacks The Love Letter 7pm, Hanover Square Host, Jana, 356-5758 Game Night 7pm, Hanover Square Various Hosts, 238-2436, p2 October 429 DayNight Paddle, p7 Movie 5:30, Bridge Lessons, Mall p7 5:45pm, Crossgates 7pm, Game Night, p7p7 Host, Kathy, 869-7028, Game Night 7pm, Hanover Square Various Hosts, 238-2436, p2 To the Masquerade Gala Silent Auction Donors Olde Saratoga Coin & The Century House Ridin Hy Ranch Resort Price Chopper Market Bistro Skinnovations: Facials & Skin Care Victorian Rose Beauty Salon Michael’s Hair Studio Simply Starters, Gabrielle Immediato Schenectady Light Opera & Story Circle Mop and Bucket Improv & Danceland Empire State Youth Orchestra Capital Repertory Company Family Players of NENY Mill Road Acres Golf Course miSci, the Museum of Innovation and Science Schenectady Civic Players British Stone, LTD & True Cutt Construction Sand Lake Center for the Arts & Proctors Albany Civic Theater & Classic Theater Guild SOS Campers and Paddlers & Sun Cleaners New Scotland Ceramics & Tailor Tea Sarchioto’s Auto Repair & Choices Hair Salon Mooradians Furniture Tinamarie Cleveland, Gerald Boileau, Marge Mabee, Donna Sorrento, John James, Patti Audi, Nancy Smith, Maria Immediato, Loretta Raymond, Esther M. Miklic, Ann Parillo, Thomas Kearns, Margaret Kaufman, John of Nor Audio, Warren Broderick, Barbara Hawley, Linda Altrock, Judy Arnold, Rita Whitney, Jana Harrie & Terri Mead The Gazette 50+ Expo On October 5th SOS had a table at this wonderful event in Saratoga. We had at least 400 conversations and passed out over 400 newsletters. There were over 80 presenters and a few of them will become SOS workshop leaders, for example, Mary Hartshorne! Check the November calendar for her Thursday Reiki Calm workshops.
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