To You Who Minister in Jesus’ Name…. STEWARDSHIP COMMITMENT

To You Who Minister in Jesus’ Name….
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from
God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows
God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because
God is love.” I John 4:7-8
Loving our enemies, caring for those who are strangers, getting to know those around us in church, even the children,
are all means of fulfilling God’s word to our hearts to truly
love one another.
Returning to a Maryville College, TN reunion a decade ago, I
ascended the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina and decided to drive up to Clingman’s Dome. The fifties valley temperatures quickly dropped to 32 degrees. Hoarfrost was
everywhere in a spectacular showing of white on all the
trees and bushes. A strong cold wind buffeted me as left my
car to walk up the mountain trail to the Clingman tower. As I
gained altitude I passed many folks all bundled up in blankets, noses red as beets and struggling against the elements as I was. At over a mile high, the tower was glare ice
and white trees and fog permeated the scene like a wonderful winter wonderland.
When we meet new folks or see people who are less likely to
be our friends than any we have met before, we assume
there is little likelihood of warmth and relationships. The
apparently cold exteriors make us believe there is no hope
for warmth and relationship. But just as my mile high October visit appeared to be endless ice, cold and snow, when I
later descended to the valleys below, the air was warm and
I believe we must give new folks we meet, an opportunity to
share their true depths. As Oswald Chambers says, When
we discern that people are not going to respond civilly or
spiritually towards us, we should not let that discernment
turn to criticism. As Christians we seek out the warm places
in others. We recognize that there is a real possibility that
everyone we meet could become just as much a friend to us
as the best friends we have.
As Jesus says, “love one another.” If we try to be loving and
compassionate from the first time we encounter new folks,
we may well be positively and most pleasantly surprised, by
the sudden attitude changes we see in them.
Rev. Chris Carlisle
SUNDAY – NOV. 2ND – 10 am
Our November Communion Sunday is also our
Stewardship Commitment Sunday. Our worship
leader for our Stewardship/Communion Commitment service will be our Interim Pastor, Rev. Chris
Carlisle. The scripture for the service is 2nd Corinthians 12:7-12 and Genesis 32:22-31 The message will be “Power Made Perfect in Weakness”.
We invite you to join with us in our Communion
Sunday, November 9th, 10:00 a.m.
The scriptures that will undergird our worship on
Nov. 9th are Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 and Matthew
25:1-13. Lay Minister, Gary Galloway will be our
worship leader. His sermon is “Give Me Oil In My
Sunday, November 16th, 10:00 a.m.
The final event of our Missions Conference Weekend will be our worship service. Jeff Ritchie, Presbyterian Outreach Foundation, will bring us the
sermon. During the Sunday School hour Shane
Hartley will lead the combined Sunday School
adult classes in the Laura Coley Sunday School
Sunday, November 23rd, 10:00 a.m.
“Living Gratefully To The King” is our worship
theme on the 23rd. The lectionary scriptures for
our worship are Ezekiel 34:11-16 and Matt. 25:31
-40. Rev. Walt Griffith will be our worship leader.
Sunday, November 30th,10:00 a.m.
1st Sunday in Advent
“When Is Christmas Coming?” is the theme of our
first worship service in Advent. The scriptures are
Isaiah 64:1-9 and Mark 13:24-37. Rev. Walt Griffith is our worship leader.
We will light the 1st Advent Candle, “The Promise
of His Coming”.
Finance Report for September 2014
Operating Fund
Current Month
Actual YTD
Budget YTD
Net income (deficit)
$ 2,638.03
$ 21,738.18
$ 1,113.68
Operating income in September was $2,600 more than expenses, due primarily to liquidating stock that
had been donated the previous month.
Elder on Duty for the Month of November — Tom Hebert
November Ushers – Randy LaGrange, Cely LaGrange, Julia Huntley, Estelle Link, Tom Hebert, Sue Hebert
November Liturgists – November 2, Mike Coleman; November 9, Gary Galloway; November 16, Jennie Galloway;
November 23, Debbie Anderson Packer; November 30, Elizabeth Albritton
Elders for 2014
Clerk of Session: Paul Albritton 799-4271
Finance: Tom Hebert (chair) 452-5521, Estelle Link 799-9269, cell– 233-2393, Evelyn Morris 799-6808
Property & Maintenance: Bud Townsend (chair) 395-5097, Mark Mathers 279-9691
Strengthening the Church: Janet Coleman (chair) 262-3189, Terry Thomas 620-7838
Mission and Service: Jennie Galloway (chair) 313-0707, Julia Huntley 395-2366
Worship: Carol Pearson 686-0728
Presbyterian Women: Doris Failing 791-4500
Men of the Church: Bud Townsend 395-5097
Elder Nominating Committee for 2014 - Incoming Elder: Tom Hebert; Outgoing Elder: Denny Brandon;
Women of the Church: Sue Stott; Men of the Church: Buddy Locklear; Young Adults: Deidre Wood;
Member at Large: Marianne Wellman
Interim Minister: Rev. Chris Carlisle, 910-777-4401, email:
Secretary: Fran King, 791-5966, email:
Music Director: Candace Williams, 791-5966, email:
Pre-School Director: Leslie Moore, 791-8290, email:
Nursery: Donna Kaiser, 508-2296
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am – 2:30 pm
Our Missionaries
Shane & Dorenda Hartley—Campus Crusade, Wilmington
Bret & Mindy Taylor-Wycliffe Bible Translators, Waxhaw
Sasan & Kenna Tavassoli—Outreach Foundation, Iran
Dustin & sherry Ellington—Outreach Foundation, Zambia, Africa
MEALS ON WHEELS November 22nd! Please sign up!
Mission Statement:
The mission of Windermere Presbyterian Church is to mutually nurture, support and encourage one another toward spiritual maturity while reaching out to the community in response to God’s gift of His Son,
Jesus Christ, for the salvation of the world.
Both circles will meet on Tuesday November
11th. The day circle will meet at the church
at 10:30 a.m.
Elizabeth Albritton will give the devotions
and Bebe Brewton will lead the discussion of Lesson 2
in our Bible Study book, focus texts to read 2 Corinthians 1: 1-24. We had 16 attend our September meeting and 13 enjoyed fellowship and lunch at a local
restaurant. We are looking forward to seeing all of you
again and perhaps even add a couple more.
The night circle will meet at the home of Janet Coleman, 517 Baytree Rd. on Tuesday, November 11th at
7:00 p..m. Members are asked to read Chapter 5 in
the study book "Pathways to Purpose for Women." For
carpooling or information call Ellen Allen, 392-1274.
FOR CHILDREN, For the past several years, Windermere members have been saving Labels (UCP Codes)
from Campbell Soups,Supper bakes, beans, gravies; Swanson Canned broths and related items. Pepperidge Farms cookies, goldfish, etc., Prego pasta
sauces, Franco-American spaghettiO's, pastas, V-8 juices and Splash drinks, You will see Labels for education
printed by the UCP codes so just check if you are not
sure. Save them over the winter and give them to Doris
bring them to circle meetings or give to any council
member. I will be sending the ones I have around
the1st of December so bring what you have. Barium
Springs is able to obtain educational items (free) and
always sends us a gracious thank-you note. PLEASE
Dolls made by the Women of Windermere to be added to the
Operation Christmas Shoebox Mission.
SESSION REPORT– October 2014
Approved new members Paula and Rainer Moeckel
and Martha and Ben Faircloth.
Approved use of nursery room for Pre-School Toddlers class.
Approved use of Fellowship Hall for a new Brownie
Troop on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays.
Approved Cub Scout Pack 255 having a food collection box in Narthex for Scouting for Food Drive. Collection to go to Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard. Also
approved a movie night in the Fellowship Hall on November 22. Church and Pre-School families are invited.
Approved Petite Arpeggio concert moving to November 14th.
Called a Congregational meeting for November 2 to
elect members of a Pastor Nominating Committee.
Elders were reminded of Presbytery Office Training at
Windermere on November 8.
Incoming Elders invited to attend regular November
and December Session meetings and encouraged to
attend Budget Retreat on December 6.
Windermere is doing InterFaith Hospitality Tuesday,
Wednesday, & Thursday, November 25th, 26th, &
27th. It is Thanksgiving week which means that we
will be doing Thanksgiving Dinner. The schedule on
Thanksgiving Day is different. We will be serving dinner about 2:00 p.m. As you can see from the sign up
chart in the narthex, the menu is different as well as
the time for serving dinner. Supper in the evening
will be whenever and will consist of leftovers from
Calling all Children !
A music program for young children is
now being organized, led by Elizabeth
Albritton and Irene Gerhartz. Elizabeth and Irene will work with the little children on
selected Sundays after the Children’s Sermon, when
they leave the worship service to go to their Sunday
School classes. We would like to see this program
grow, though the numbers now are small and attendance is irregular. Help us get the word out so more
children will participate.
November Anniversaries
Our Body of Christ
Betty Jo Register, Charlene Farrar, Paul Albritton,
Bob Huntley, Doris Failing, Margaret Hill, Frances Hand,
Nettie Peterson, Travis Wells, Bebe Brewton
Our Extended Body of Christ
Gary and Anna Sikes, Donna Hicks, Hilda Underwood,
Jack Dudek, Joan Pratt Starkey, Sheila Groves, Ed Casey,
Jackson, Anna Ewery, Ann Qwen, The Family of Elton Ange,
Shelly O’Connell, Cis Dalton,
The Local N C National Guard Unit 1/120th Inf.,
Our Missionaries
Terry & Lynette Thomas
Buddy & Brenda Locklear
Roland & Betty Jo Register
Charles & Desiree Horton
November Birthdays
Terri Dixon
Fred (Fritz) Rohde
Seth Thomas
Ren Holt
Monika Savage
Bebe Brewton
Fran King
Zack Morgan
Catherine Saylor
Cantata and Christmas Cards - Advent
Cantata teams up with Meals on
Reminder: After the last Sunday of each month, the entire bulk prayer list
will be deleted. Members and friends are urged to re-submit those they
wish to be on the list for the next month. You may submit requests at any
time for this month.
Come join us in
March 27th —
April 3rd, 2015
Feed your body and soul
at the
WPC Missions Banquet and Conference
November 15th - 16th
Saturday evening: 5pm Missions Fair – informational
displays with missionaries and representatives
6pm Banquet with speakers, Bret and Mindy Taylor
Sunday morning: 8:45am Shane Hartley, Sunday
School speaker
10am Worship sermon by Jeff Ritchie with Outreach
Assisted Living:
Our cantata on December 14 will present 4 gifts that
Christ brings to us: Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love.
Our decorations in the narthex for Advent 2014 present an opportunity for all our members to share in
giving a Christmas card to a home-bound person. In
the narthex you will see a Christmas tree display in
each of four corners marked separately "Hope",
"Joy", "Peace", and "Love". Each of those trees will
be decorated with Christmas cards representing the
four themes. Here is your opportunity to make or
purchase a card for the tree. After the cantata each
of the cards will be sent to a recipient of our Meals
on Wheels program.
Watch for a box in the narthex with a list of names of
those recipients. You can draw a name randomly,
then purchase or make a card for your named person. You may want to write a note of cheer and
Christmas greetings on it. Sign it or not. Jean Hall
will be overseeing the decorating of the Advent narthex, so you will give her your cards for the display.
On the day of the cantata, a special reception will be
offered in the narthex following the service. Please
bring someone to share this day with us.
The cantata is a beautiful presentation of "Love
Came Down at Christmas". We have an instrumental
ensemble of 11 players and extra singers will be
joining our Windermere choir for the event. David
Williams will be conducting. Put this date on your
calendar now and invite friends!
Candy Williams
Irma Deal, 2145 Cane Creek Rd., Fletcher, NC 28732-7434
Doris Erkes, Brightmore of Wilmington, 2323 41st St. Apt. 230, Wilmington, NC 28403
Helen MacIver, Woodbury Wellness Center, 2778 Country Club Dr., Hampstead, NC 28443
Catherine Saylor, Leland House, 1935 Lincoln Road NE, Rm #305, Leland, NC 28451, Tele. 383-6235
Larry Culp, Silver Stream Health & Rehab. Center, 2305 Silver Stream Lane, Wilmington, NC 28401
Scout News
The Windermere Preschool purchased two signs for the preschool and the church. The signs
have been placed near the entrance on the Tanbridge and the
Windemere streets. One side of
the sign displays the preschool
information and the other side
displays church information.
Be sure to check them out!
Windermere Preschool Board
Preschool News
Wow!! October absolutely flew at
We had a fun-filled
month with pictures, chapel, music,
fire trucks, field trips, and Fall celebrations!! I can't believe it is almost November!
November brings more busy, but fun times. The
holiday season is upon us. During this time of
year, it is so easy to get caught up in the business
of the season, but I hope that we will all remember
to "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good" (Psalm
136:1). During the month of November, our classes will talk about Nutrition, Family, and Thanksgiving. Also, each preschool class is filling a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child.
I pray that everyone has a wonderful and blessed
Thanksgiving season!!
Leslie Moore, Director
Starting in November, BSA sponsors
“Scouting For Food” across the country.
Since our pack is new, we did not get on a
neighborhood list. I am hoping that we
could put a box, ascetically pleasing box,
in the narthex of the church clearly marked with pack #
and purpose. After a 2 week period, the totals would
be weighed and counted, totals would then be recorded with "Good Turn For America", and items would be
donated to the local charity preferred by the church.
The second item is a movie night for the pack and we
would extend the invitation to the families,
Preschool students and parents, and Sunday
school children of the congregation. It is
scheduled for Saturday, November 22nd at
6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Back by Popular Demand!
Bunco Night returns November 21st. Plan on a
great evening of fun and fellowship.
(Game Night for Adults)
6:00 p.m.—Bring finger food to share —
Drinks and desert to be provided
6:45 p.m.—Game Instructions
and practice round
7:00 p.m. Game Time!
Pettite Arpeggio concert November 14th, 7 p.m.
Your are invited to attend our
Windermere Family Night Dinner and Program
on November 5th at 6 p.m.!
Our menu is: Turkey and dressing with gravy, Congealed Cranberry Salad,
Candied Sweet Potatoes and Sugar Snap Peas. Dessert is Fresh Apple Cake
and a non-sugar dessert.
The program will be given by M. Bruce Garris, M.Ed, LPC, NCC, who is a licensed professional
counselor with the Presbyterian Counseling Center. He has a strong history of working with
adults and teens, as well as children. He is also a former YMCA director.
Round-Up Dinner
October 11, 2014
Fun! Fun! Fun! Great Food, Too!!!
Some mighty handsome cowboys, flirty cowgirls and
adorable buckaroos joined
in the evening activities.
There were horses to lasso,
Frisbees to toss, tin cans to
knock down and corn hole
and horseshoes to play.
Everyone enjoyed the BBQ
chicken dinner and the cleverly labeled drinks and desserts which were served in
the Sunset Saloon and The
Cactus Café. The town jail
was great fun for photo ops.
After dinner the Sunset Saloon came alive with singing, rounding up the herd,
and dancing.
The Laura Coley class thanks all the wranglers that
attended. The class donated $325 to Coastal
Enterprises and 38 cans
of beans from the Chuck
Wagon to Good Shepherd
A special thank you to
those helpers that are not
in the class for their time
and talent in creating the
town and leading the
singing and dancing.
“Happy Trails to You”
The Laura Class
Dear Friends,
Keeping in touch with his friends was one of the
pleasures our father enjoyed. He would have wished
you to know of his passing.
Dad suffered a massive stroke six days prior to his
death on September 15th. He died peacefully at his
home at Tryon Estates in Columbia, NC. His children
and their spouses were with him when he died. For
us, his passing has become a memory of love and
Sincerely, The children of June and
John E. Cooper: Jay Cooper and Mary
Hale, Becky and Bob Burgess, Tim and
Barbara Cooper, Bill and Eve Cooper
Sunday November 23rd, 6 p.m.
at Pearsall Memorial Presbyterian Church
Westminster Presbyterian, Windermere Presbyterian,
and Chestnut St. Presbyterian, will gather with members of Pearsall Memorial Presbyterian Church for our
annual Thanksgiving Service. Members of the four
church choirs will join in singing “I Thank You, Lord” by
Joseph Martin. In addition we will have the opportunity
to meet the new pastor of Chestnut St. Presbyterian
Church, Rev. Whitney Fauntleroy. A reception will follow
the communion service.
This year our Advent journey begins on Sunday, Nov.
30th and continues through Christmas Eve. Each Sunday
we will light a candle signifying one aspect of the journey.
Nov. 30th, 10 am– “The Promise of His Coming”
Sermon: “When Is Christmas Coming?”
Rev. Walt Griffith
Scriptures: Isaiah 64:1-9; Mark 13:24-37
Dec. 7th , 10 am– “The Promise of Peace”
Sermon: “the Glory of The Lord Will Be Revealed”
Rev. Chris Carlisle
Scriptures: Isaiah 40:1-15; Mark 1:7-12
Dec. 14th , 10 am– “The Promise of Love”
Christmas Cantata:
“Love Came Down At Christmas”
Joel Raney, composer
Love is the central theme of Christmas. The incarnation
tells us that God loved the peoples of the world so much
that He came to earth as a Baby. The cantata creatively
and compellingly tells us again, or for the first time, of
that love.
Dec. 21st 10 am– “The Promise of Joy”
Sermon: “CHRISTmas”
Rev. Chris Carlisle
Scripture: Luke 2:1-7
Dec. 24th – Christmas Eve
6:30 pm – Musical Prelude Service
This is a time of Carol Singing and special music both
vocal and instrumental.
7:00 pm– “The Promise of Light”
This is a traditional Christmas Eve service
which includes the Christmas Story for both
children and adults, Holy Communion, and
the Service of Light, the lighting of each individual’s candle.
November 2014
8:45 am Sunday
10:30—11:30 am 9:15 am TOPS
Chime Choir/Sanc Preschool L.C. Rm
9:30 am Choir
12-12:30 pm
10 am Worship
Meeting for PNC
6 pm Bible Study
8:45 am Sunday
9:30 am Choir
10 am Worship
6 pm Bible Study
8:45 am Sunday
9:30 am Choir
10 am Worship
Mission Sunday
6 pm Men of the
6 pm Bible Study
8:45 am Sunday
9:30 am Choir
10 am Worship
6 pm Joint
6 pm Bible Study
8:45 am Sunday
9:30 am Choir
10 am Worship
6 pm Bible Study
7 pm BST 255
7 pm Bible Study
7 pm Property
10:30—11:30 am
Chime Choir/Sanc
9:30 –10:30 am
L.C. Rm
9:15 am TOPS
Preschool Closed
10:30 am Day
2 pm Finance
7 pm BST 255
7 pm Bible Study
6 pm Night Circle
10:30—11:30 am 9:15 am TOPS
Chime Choir/Sanc
Preschool L.C. Rm
12-12:30 pm
7 pm BST 255
7 pm Bible Study
10:30—11:30 am 9:15 am TOPS
Chime Choir/Sanc
Preschool L.C. Rm
9:30 –10:30 am
12-12:30 pm
L.C. Rm
7 pm BST 255
7 pm Bible Study
Standard Time
begins Sunday,
so, remember to
turn your clock
back Saturday,
November 1st.
9:30 am Presch/Sanc
Preschool L.C. Rm
12-12:30 pm
11:15-1:15 pm
Pettite Arpeggio/
6 pm Windermere 7 pm Cub Scouts
Family Night
7 pm Mission &
6:30 pm AA 12 Step Service Comm.
7 pm Choir
10 am Worship
11:15-1:15 pm
Pettite Arpeggio/
Preschool L.C. Rm
12-12:30 pm
6-7:45 pm Brownies
6:30 pm AA 12 Step
7 pm Choir
7 pm Cub Scouts
7 pm
Strengthening of
the Church
7 pm Pettite
Concert /
Preschool Closed
11:15-1:15 pm
Pettite Arpeggio/
6-7:45 pm Brownies
6:30 pm AA 12 Step
7 pm Choir
9:30-1 pm
Music in Sanc.
5 pm
Missions Fair
6 pm
8am-2:30 pm
Presby. Officer
9:30-1 pm
Music in Sanc.
9:30 am Preschool /
11:15-1:15 pm
Pettite Arpeggio/
Preschool L.C. Rm
12-12:30 pm
7 pm Session
6:30 pm AA 12 Step 7 pm Cub Scouts
7 pm Choir
9:30-1 pm
Music in Sanc.
8-12 Church
Work Day
6 pm Bunco
Game Night
9:30 am Meals
on Wheels
9:30-1 pm
Music in Sanc.
6 pm Cub Scout
Movie Night/
Fellowship Hall
Preschool Closed Preschool Closed 9:30-1 pm
Music in Sanc.
Windermere Presbyterian Church
104 Windemere Road
Wilmington, NC 28405
November 2014
Telephone: 910-791-5966
Presbyterian Counseling Center
Child abuse unfortunately occurs in too many homes. Identifying those children who are physically abused and
neglected is not too difficult. Verbally abused children can be a bit more difficult to identify. Emotionally abused
and neglected children can be the most challenging to identify.
Certainly no parent can devote all their attention to a child, nor should they. But one example of emotional abuse
is never showing interest in a child’s thoughts, feeling or activities. This sends a clear message “you are not important, you do not matter”.
Persistent withholding of affection when a child falls short of parents’ expectations can be another form of emotional abuse. Constant withholding of affection when a child disappoints makes a child feel unworthy and like a
failure. The message is “you are unlovable”.
Show interest in your child’s thoughts, feelings and activities. Even though you may not be happy with their behavior, let them know you love them. Raise emotionally healthy children by nurturing them with attention and
Call 452-7370, and visit the Center: and
Ann C. Thacker, Counselor