February Newsletter - Windermere Presbyterian Church

To You Who Minister in Jesus’ Name….
Perhaps the greatest dilemmas of life are disease and illness. We hope and pray for our loved ones, but on one occasion and there is an absolute miracle of healing where the doctors are astounded, then on another occasion, after praying
fervently, the patient still has their cancer or another disease.
Why is it that prayer is sometimes unpredictable?
I do not have any ready answers, but one explanation is that
God knows and God cares and God loves and we must await
His timing and the outcome of His heart. Easy to say, and
great for the cured, but less helpful for the unfortunate.
Habakkuk has about the best answer for prayer and compassion for the sick. In his short book we read of his earnest
prayers to God to rid his Jewish community of a violent enemy. Instantly, it seems, God answers his prayer by sending an
even more violent and treacherous enemy into Judah to overcome the threat of the Assyrians. But then the Babylonians,
the victors, become an even greater foe creating worse mayhem than before, out of the frying pan and into the fire.
It is at this point that Habakkuk awakens to the fact that he
must cease telling God how to help. Instead, like Habakkuk,
we must go to our watch tower, our place of prayer, and pray
to God with praise and love, awaiting Gods timing and God’s
solution. While there, Habakkuk declares that he stands in
awe of God and He continues to glorify Him mightily no matter what the outcome may be. And finally at the end of the
book, in spite of the calamitous and horrendous problems destroying the people around him, Habakkuk declares: “Though
the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the lord. I will be joyful in God my Savior.”
Besides visiting, encouraging, and praying for the sick, we
must simultaneously praise and glorify God for all He has
done, is doing and will be doing. With this kind of prayer, I
believe God comes closer to the one who is sick and they will
soon discover that they are experiencing greater encouragement and comfort as a result of our prayers, whether they are
healed to this life or healed unto Heaven.
Sunday, February 1st, 10:00 a.m.
Scout Sunday
Souper Bowl Of Caring
Rev. Chris Carlisle
Scripture Readings:
Genesis 1:1-4; Exodus 34:33-35;
Matthew 17:1-3;
II Corinthians 4:1-6
Sermon: "Christ, the Very Image of God"
Holy Communion
Sunday, February 9th, 10:00 a.m.
Gary Galloway, Lay Minister
Scriptures Readings:
Isaiah 40:21-31; Mark 1:29-34
Sermon: “Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words?”
Sunday, February 15th, 10:00 a.m.
Rev. Chris Carlisle
Scripture Reading:
II Corinthians 2:14-17
Sermon: “Aroma of Christ”
Sunday, February 22nd, 10:00 a.m.
First Sunday In Lent
Rev. Walt Griffith
Scripture Readings:
Psalm 34:11-18; I Peter 3:18-22
Sermon: “The Trade-Off and the Trade-In”
Ash Wednesday
February 18th – 7 p.m.
Pastor Chris Carlisle will lead the Ash Wednesday
service on Wednesday, February 18th. It will be at
7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. An important part of the
service will be Psalm 51. The imposition of ashes
will be available for all who desire them.
Finance Report for December 2014
Operating Fund
Net income (deficit)
Current Month
$ 2,188.88
2014 Actual
2014 Budget
$ 30,313.07
Outside of the Operating Budget we received $298 from the Christmas offering designated for the Pastor’s
Discretionary Fund, $260 for Meals on Wheels, and $657 from the Joy offering.
Elder on Duty for the Month of February — Carol Pearson
February Ushers — Rodney Oakes, Kathy Oakes, Jane Beck, Ted Kalnen, Becky Kalnen, Jeff Townsend
February Liturgists – February 1, Gary Galloway; February 8, Elizabeth Albritton; February 15, Debbie Anderson;
February 22, Dru Farrar
Elders for 2015
Clerk of Session: Paul Albritton 799-4271
Finance: Tom Hebert (chair) 452-5521, Estelle Link 799-9269, cell– 233-2393, Evelyn Morris 799-6808
Property & Maintenance: Bud Townsend (chair) 395-5097, Mark Mathers 279-9691
Strengthening the Church: Terry Thomas (chair) 620-7838, Debbie Packer 712-1535
Mission and Service: Matthew Coleman (chair) 352-1334
Worship: Bebe Brewton (chair) 793-1299, Carol Pearson 686-0728
Presbyterian Women: Doris Failing 791-4500
Men of the Church: Bud Townsend 395-5097
Elder Nominating Committee for 2015 - Incoming Elder – Debbie Packer,
Outgoing Elder – Jennie Galloway, Women – Janet Casey, Men – Fritz Rohde,
Youth – Terry Thomas, Member at Large – Paul Albritton
Interim Minister: Rev. Chris Carlisle, 910-777-4401, email: windermere@bizec.rr.com
Secretary: Fran King, 791-5966, email: windermere@bizec.rr.com
Music Director: Candace Williams, 791-5966, email: towerkat_n_mouse@yahoo.com
Pre-School Director: Leslie Moore, 791-8290, email: windpreschool@att.net
Nursery: Donna Kaiser, 508-2296
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am – 2:30 pm
Our Missionaries
Shane & Dorenda Hartley—Campus Crusade, Wilmington
Bret & Mindy Taylor-Wycliffe Bible Translators, Waxhaw
Outreach Foundation, Iran
Dustin & Sherry Ellington—Outreach Foundation, Zambia, Africa
MEALS ON WHEELS February 28th! Please sign up!
Mission Statement:
The mission of Windermere Presbyterian Church is to mutually nurture, support and encourage one another
toward spiritual maturity while reaching out to the community in response to God’s gift of His Son, Jesus
Christ, for the salvation of the world.
Both women's circles will meet on Tuesday, February
10th. The Day Circle will meet at the church at 10:30
a.m. Estelle Link will give the devotions and Elizabeth
Albritton will lead the discussion of Lesson 4: in our
Study Books “Reconciling Paul.” Bible texts to read 2
Corinthians 4:7-5:10. After a short business meeting we
will go to a restaurant for lunch.
The Night Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the home of
Ellen Allen, 637 Long Leaf Acres Drive. Ellen will also
serve as hostess. Debbie Anderson will lead the discussion of Chapter 7 in the study book.
Women are reminded to bring their goodies for the Scout
Sunday reception on February 1st. Please bring them to
the narthex kitchen before the worship service.
Nine hundred Campbell Soup (and other labels for education codes) were recently sent to Barium Springs Home
for Children.
Please continue to save all Labels for Education bar
codes including the Labels for Education symbols. and
perhaps we can send 1000 next time. Just give the labels/bar codes to Doris Failing, leave in the narthex or put
in PW mailbox. Remember it is Campbell products,
Peppridge Farms, Chef Boyardee, Post Cereals (NEW),
and many others.
and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the
Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves: to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible
study, to support the mission of the church
worldwide, to work for justice and peace,
and to build an inclusive, caring community
of women that strengthens the Presbyterian
Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s
We love good news at Windermere!
We’re so proud of Ryan LaGrange, son
of Cely and Randy LaGrange, for being
accepted into East Carolina Medical
School starting in the fall semester. His
determination, patience and hard work
have paid off. We know he will do an
outstanding job so he can come and take
care of all of us one day. Way to go,
Ryan! You’re such a special young man!
Elected Paul Albritton Clerk and Tom Hebert Treasurer.
Approved Statistical Report to go to Presbytery.
Approved renewal on March 1, 2015 of agreement with
Chris Carlisle to serve as Interim Pastor.
Approved Rev. Roy Brewton to preach on the fifth Sundays of May 31 and November 29.
Approved functions and services:
Ash Wednesday in the Sanctuary on February 18 at
7:00 p.m.
Lenten Lunches in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesdays
from February 25 through March 25.
Joint Maundy Thursday service in the Sanctuary on
April 2 at 7:00 P.m., followed by a reception.
On Good Friday, the Sanctuary will be open from 12
noon until 3 p.m. for meditation.
A Patriotic Concert in the Sanctuary on July 4th afternoon.
February 4 Family Night
Come to dinner on February 4th at 6 p.m. and
bring your family and friends. The menu is
meatloaf, potatoes, and English peas. Dessert
will be apple dumplings.
Following dinner we will be making Valentine
cards for the long term patients at Liberty
Commons. The Laura Coley classroom will be set
up with all the necessary fun stuff for making
your special valentine cards. The cards will be
presented to the long term patients on Thursday or Friday February 12th or 13th (to be determined) between 2:30 and 3:00 p.m. If you
are interested in visiting these patients along
with us and presenting them with a special valentine card, there will be a sign up sheet in the
Narthex. We will carpool from the church on
the designated date.
February Anniversaries
Robert & Doris Failing 02/22
Our Body of Christ
Betty Jo Register, Charlene Farrar, Bob Huntley, Margaret Hill,
Frances Hand, Larry Culp, Ernest Daniel, Jeannette Ramsey, Jean Hall,
Phyllis Morgan, Jean Crawford, The Dietrick Family
Our Extended Body of Christ
Al King, Shelia Groves, Frank and Frances George,
The Family of Bruce McCrary, Mary Sue West, Sheila Horrel Groves,
Luke Moose, Ann Owen, Carol Bowers, Wade Smith, Bill Burnell,
Helen MacIver, Joyce Crump, The Family of Robert & Diane Stevens,
The Family of Janice Davenport, Barbara Broujos,
The Family of Irene Glaeser, The Family of Pat Pane,
The Local N C National Guard Unit 1/120th Inf., Our Missionaries
A Note from the Dietricks - Dear Friends, Ron and I have been
blessed by your prayers, calls and beautiful cards. We miss you and
thank you for your support. Ron and Bess Dietrick.
(Please continue our outreach of love to them: 254-845-1340,
bessdietrick@gmail.com )
Come join us in
February Birthdays
Mary Cox
Walter Griffith
Nadine "Deenie" Leech
Noah Thomas
Dennis Wood
Sanica Coleman
Cecilia "Cely" LaGrange
Ed Casey
Linda Kalnen
Trudy Matthews
Lynette Thomas
Ernest Daniel
Mary McLeod
Ron Dietrick
Nancy Christ
Julia Huntley
Leon Fox
Robert F. George
Carolyn McBride
Heather Cook
Lucas Sayer
Emma Coward
March 27th —April 3rd, 2015
Our sympathies go out to Fritz Rohde in the passing of his father, Fred J. Rohde, to his Heavenly
Father on January 18th, 2015.
Our sympathies to Robert and Diane Stevens on the passing of Robert’s mother, Inez Stevens, who
went to be with her Heavenly Father on January 15th, 2015.
Our sympathies to the family of Catherine Saylor, a longtime member of Windermere Presbyterian Church, who
went to be with her Heavenly Father on January 12th, 2015
Assisted Living:
Irma Deal, 2145 Cane Creek Rd., Fletcher, NC 28732-7434
Doris Erkes, Doris Erkes, 404 Liberty Commons, Wilmington, NC 28405
Helen MacIver, Woodbury Wellness Center, 2778 Country Club Dr., Hampstead, NC 28443
Our Journey Through Lent and Easter:
In approaching the season of Lent and Easter, we have much to offer in our Ministry of Music. We will be presenting a variety of anthems, hymns and instrumental selections. We are so fortunate to
welcome new members and returning members, including accomplished professional musicians into our family this year.
We are
blessed with a variety of talents.
Our Lenten Season will begin with the Ash Wednesday service on
February 18, 7:00 p.m. Prior to the service, our Pastor and representatives from Session will have rendered last year's Palms and
Palm crosses to ashes so they may be presented as ashes to our foreheads symbolizing among other things a commitment to remember
the final days in the life of Jesus. The choir will present music appropriate for this observance and lead us to a holy observance of the
next 40 days and 40 nights.
On Thursday April 2, we will observe Maundy Thursday in a community service hosted by Windermere Presbyterian Church. Our
choir and those of Chestnut PC, Pearsall Memorial PC and Westminster PC will provide the music for a joint service at 7:00 p.m. I have
chosen the music and am in the process of communicating that with
our sister churches. I feel very confident the musical choices will
enhance the word and liturgy being prepared by others involved.
A Meditation period for prayer will be observed on Good Friday,
April 3, between the hours of noon and 3:00 p.m. Selected prayers
and readings will be available for those wishing to share during those
Palm Sunday, March 29 has been set aside for a special presentation by our choir, friends, soloists and orchestra. This year we are
preparing the "Requiem"by Gabriel Faure. The first part of our service that morning will observe the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem as
he rode in on a donkey. Traditionally, "The Holy City" is sung, then
we move on to the cantata and the Holy Week happenings.
The Faure “Requiem” is one of the most beautiful pieces of music
I have ever experienced. Several of our choir members have sung
this work before with other choirs and share my enthusiasm. Gabriel
Fauré composed this Requiem in D minor, Op. 48, between 1887
and 1890. It is the best known of his large works. It lasts about 35
minutes, is written for orchestra, organ, mixed chorus and two soloists, soprano and baritone. It consists of seven movements; most famous is the central soprano aria Pie Jesu (Blessed Jesus), this year
sung by UNCW Professor Nancy King. The texts and theme are a
proclamation of the promise of eternal life made by Jesus' life, death
and resurrection. English translations will be provided by narrators.
David Williams will conduct our orchestra which will include new
members, Paula and Rainer Moeckel. Mark your calendar to attend
and bring friends.
Preschool News
February is the month of
love. It’s the time of year
that we are supposed to
spend a little extra time telling our loved
ones how much they mean to us. The
Bible is full of Scripture that teaches us
about the ultimate love of God. 1 Corinthians 13 is probably the most well known
Scripture teaching us all of the characteristics of Godly love-patience, kindness,
humility, selflessness, hopeful, among
others. It’s so easy to get caught up in
Hallmark’s version of Valentines Day. I
hope that all of us can focus on God’s
idea of Valentine’s Day instead of the
This month in preschool, we will talk
about Groundhog Day, Shadows, Valentine’s Day, Dental Health, and our Five
Registration for next year has begun and
we still have a few spots available in each
class. If you know of anyone looking for
a preschool, please send them our way.
Our annual spaghetti dinner will be
Wednesday, Feb. 11th at 6 pm. Tickets
will be on sale soon.
In Christ,
Leslie Moore, Director
Sunday, February 1st
Souper Bowl of Caring and Scout Sunday
Our scout troop and Windermere will be celebrating the Souper Bowl of Caring event, Sunday,
February 1st. We encourage you to bring can(s) of soup and dollar(s) with you on this Sunday. The cans of
soup will be taken to Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard. The Scouts will be on hand to collect the money which
also goes for hunger relief.
After our worship service there will be a reception in the narthex to honor our scouts.. The women of the
church are taking care of the arrangements for the reception.
February 4 Windermere Family Night
Come to dinner on February 4th at 6 p.m. and bring your family and friends. The menu is
meatloaf, potatoes, and English peas. Dessert will be apple dumplings. Following dinner we
will be making Valentine cards for the long term patients at Liberty Commons.
Preschool Spaghetti Dinner
6 p.m. Wednesday, February 11th
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
6 p.m. Tuesday, February 17th
Ash Wednesday Service
Pastor Chris Carlisle will lead the Ash Wednesday service on February 18th at
7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.
Lenten Luncheons
“Eye Witness Accounts”
Our Lenten Luncheons will begin on Wednesday, February 25th. They will start at noon. Various persons will
be preparing the lunches. The devotional period will immediately follow lunch,
(maybe even during dessert).
Each of the five Lenten luncheons will have an Eyewitness share with us. They are:
“My Son, My Savior”
“Son of Thunder, Friend of Jesus”
“I Love Jesus. I Will Serve Him”
“I Love Him. I Fail Him”
“I’ll Save A Place For Him”
The order may different from the list above.
February 2015
Scout Sunday
8:45 am Sunday
9:30 am Choir
10 am Worship
Souper Bowl of
6 pm Bible Study
8:45 am Sunday
9:30 am Choir
10 am Worship
Preschool L.C. Rm 9:15 am TOPS
9:30-10:30 am
Preschool L.C. Rm
11:15 am-12:15 pm
12-12:30 pm
Chime Choir/Sanc
7 pm BST 255
7 pm Bible Study
7 pm Property
11:15 am-12:15 pm 9:15 am TOPS
Chime Choir/Sanc Preschool L C Rm
12-12:30 pm
10 am Day Circle
2 pm Finance
6 pm Bible Study
8:45 am Sunday
9:30 am Choir
10 am Worship
7 pm BST 255
7 pm Bible Study
6 pm Night Circle
Preschool L.C. Rm 9:15 am TOPS
9:30-10:30 am
Preschool L.C. Rm
11:15 am-12:15 pm 12-12:30 pm
Chime Choir/Sanc
6 pm Men of the
6 pm Bible Study
8:45 am Sunday
9:30 am Choir
10 am Worship
6 pm Bible Study
7 pm BST 255
7 pm Bible Study
10 am Worship
Preschool L.C. Rm
12-12:30 pm
11 am -12:30 pm
Petite Arpeggio/
6 pm Preschool
Spaghetti Dinner
7 pm Mission &
Service Comm.
7 pm Cub Scouts
7 pm
Strengthening of
the Church
7 pm Cub Scouts
9:30-1 pm
Music in Sanc.
8-12 Church
Work Day
11 am Bible
6-7:45 pm Brownies/Narthex
6:30 pm AA 12 Step
7 pm Choir
9:30 am Preschool/
Preschool L.C. Rm
12-12:30 pm
11am-12:30 pm
Petite Arpeggio/
9:30-1 pm
Music in Sanc
11 am Bible
9:30-1 pm
Music in Sanc.
11 am Bible
6 pm Shrove
6:30 pm AA 12 Step
Tuesday Pancake
7 pm
7 pm Session
Ash Wednesday
7 pm Cub Scouts
11:15 am-12:15 pm 9:15 am TOPS
Chime Choir/Sanc Preschool L.C. Rm
12-12:30 pm
7 pm BST 255
7 pm Bible Study
Preschool Board/
9 am Parlor
9:30 am Presl/ sanc.
Preschool L.C. Rm
12-12:30 pm
11am -12:30 pm
Petite Arpeggio/
6 pm Family Night
6:30 pm AA 12 Step
7 pm Choir
Preschool L.C. Rm
12-12:30 pm
11am-12:15 pm
Petite Arpeggio/
12 pm Lenten
11 am Bible
6-7:45 pm Brownies
6:30 pm AA 12 Step
7 pm Cub Scouts
7 pm Choir
9:30 am Meals
on Wheels
9:30-1 pm
Music in Sanc.
Windermere Presbyterian Church
104 Windemere Road
Wilmington, NC 28405
February 2015
Telephone: 910-791-5966
Email: windermere@bizec.rr.com
Website: www.windermerepres.org.
Presbyterian Counseling Center
We all find it easy to believe our own negative self-thinking. “How could I be such an idiot?” is a thought that is hard
for most of us to ignore.
But what about nourishing positive thoughts such as “I’m doing pretty well,” “Life is fine for me as it is.” or “What a
wonderful moment”?
Be on the lookout for these positive thoughts. When they arise first ask yourself: “Is it true?” Don’t let the negative
self-critic intervene. The answer may well be: “Yes, I suppose there is a possibility it‘s true.”
The next question is: “If it is true, how do I feel?” You may well discover feelings of joy, contentment or confidence.
Finally, ask yourself: “Can I let this feeling linger for a few moments?” The positive belief in ourselves can go a long
way to inspire hope and resiliency. Life is filled with challenges, but they don’t have to dominate us.
The Center stands ready to help individuals and couples explore their self-talk and find hope and healing!
Call 452-7370, and visit the Center: www.presbyteriancounselingcenter.org and www.smhealing.org
Jonathan R. Kelly, Executive Director