9 NOVEMBER 2014 BULLETIN! Address: 10 Bishan Street 13 Singapore 579795 Tel: 6259-1943 Fax: 6259-4279 admin@livingpraise.org.sg www.livingpraise.org.sg Living Praise Presbyterian Church Order of Service 7 December 2014 Service Time begins THE GATHERING! ! Call to Worship ! ! ! Prayer of Adoration ! ! Oh For A Thousand Tongues To Sing ! ! The Gospel Song ! Prayer of Confession ! Prayer of Thanksgiving ! ! 11.30am Daniel Lee! @ 8A Bishan St 13 (Chapel Building) Revelation 7:9-12 2014 Meeting Time Youth & Young Adults All To Us 9am to 10.15am OUR WELCOME, PRAYERS & GIVING ! Welcome & Announcements ! Prayer of Intercession ! Offertory ! ! ! Doxology ! ! English Service & Sunday School ! 10.30am to 12pm (every 1st Sunday - combined Family Communion Service) Speak O Lord Mandarin Service Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow 10.30am to 12pm THE WORD ! Scripture Reading ! (every 1st Sunday Holy Communion Service) Kester Teo Revelation 3:1-6 Sermon! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Join us for Lunch Michael Yong Every Sunday! 12pm to 2pm The Church That Lives Like The Walking Dead THE SENDING ! Closing Song ! ! ! Benediction ! ! Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus Three-fold Amen • Get to know someone new. • Talk to someone about the message. Pray with someone. • • Speak with a pastor, elder, deacon or a friend. Please carry our conversations about God over to lunch and minister to one another. Our Mission in Living Praise Presbyterian Church is to know, love and enjoy God forever – and lead others to do the same. Our 10 Year Vision by end 2022 is to have 100 (+ existing in 2012) families, to know, love and enjoy God forever and lead others to do the same. Published and Printed by Living Praise Presbyterian Church MICA (P) 031/05/2013 Welcome to Living Praise! Dear friends, On behalf of the leaders and members of Living Praise Presbyterian Church we warmly welcome you to our church. We hope that you'll be blessed by your visit this morning as you find out more about Jesus and meet some of His people. Do stay back after the service, join us for lunch fellowship and speak to us. We would love to get to know you. We warmly invite you for our regular Sunday services from 10.30am - 12pm. If you would like to find out more about our church activities do contact me at 91821644. Pastor Yuk Yee, on behalf of the leaders and members of Living Praise. CONTACT OFFICE EXT Acting Senior Pastor 9182-1644 105 yukyee@livingpraise.org.sg Reverend Tan Hoo Sun Daniel Associate Minister, Mandarin Ministry 98331984 108 danieltan@livingpraise.org.sg Preacher Stanley Soh Pastor, Youth & Young Adults Ministry 9695-9286 104 stan@livingpraise.org.sg Pastoral Associate (Chaplain & Sunday School Ministry) 9698-6051 carolng@livingpraise.org.sg Pastoral Associate (Church and School Ministry) 9770-9539 gerard@livingpraise.org.sg STAFF Reverend Foo Yuk Yee Carol Ng Gerard Su EMAIL Roy Chang (Study Leave @ Singapore Bible College from July 2014- June 2017) Tan Lip Teng Senior Church Manager, Administration & Facility Management Evelyn Tan 9622-4659 Admin Executive 101 tlteng@livingpraise.org.sg 0 admin@livingpraise.org.sg MINISTRY TEAM (ELDERS) Richard Ong Elders & Deacons Court Clerk, Chairman Personnel 9297-9680 kk_ong@live.com Hospitality Ministry 9824-5105 yeongnamtan@gmail.com Wang Kim Meng Family Ministry 9630-3096 kimmeng@livingpraise.org.sg Chan Siew Heng Cell Groups Ministry 9754-5689 chansiewheng@gmail.com Sunday School Ministry & Assistant Treasurer 9651-1442 jessie@livingpraise.org.sg 9179-7029 d_loke@hotmail.com Treasurer & Young Adults Ministry 9144-3480 wilsontaysk@gmail.com Missions Ministry 9824-4536 dechen@singnet.com.sg Tan Yeong Nam MINISTRY TEAM (DEACONS) Jessie Wong Sow Har Daniel Loke Kwong Yan Wilson Tay Swee Kiat Church and Worship Ministry Martin Chen Wee Bang MINISTERS Congregation of Living Praise 9 November 2014 Name RESPONSE SLIP (Please tear off) (Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms./Mdm.) Address Email Mobile Age Group Please tick where applicable Home 18 & below 19-30 Office 31-40 I would like to join a Discovery Class to find out more about Christianity. I would like to know how to be a Christian. 41-50 50 & above I would like to join the New Members’ Class and be Baptised / Confirmed / Transferred (Kindly circle your response) I would like to join a Cell Group. I would like to join a Foundation Class. Others: I would like to know more about church activities. I heard about Living Praise from __________________________________ (Family / Friend / Came On My Own) 2 SERMON OUTLINE! 9 NOVEMBER 2014 Scripture: Revelation 3:1-6 Title: The Church That Lives Like The Walking Dead Preacher: Michael Yong Introduction As One who holds the life-giving Spirit and the authority, 1. Jesus condemns the many who have polluted their Christian walk by sidelining His name 2. Jesus commands the many to rekindle the "works" 3. Jesus commends the worthy few who remain unpolluted in their Christian walk by standing by His name 4. Jesus promises to those who conquer a celebration of triumph, a confirmation in the book of life, and a commendation of honor Conclusion Reflection Do stay back to pause, reflect and pray about what God has spoken to you during the service. Please be mindful of others who may be praying. Do share with others over lunch fellowship to encourage them. Sermons are available on our church’s website at www.livingpraise.org.sg or on your Android ph ones! Download LPPC App from https://play.google.com/store. Search using the keyword: "LPPC" or "Living Praise Presbyterian Church" 3 Praiselines by Elder Wang Kim Meng 9 NOVEMBER 2014 From The Pastoral Leadership Team Pebbles, Stone and Sand A book given me recently by a thoughtful church brother reminded me of a simple activity we do with troubled young people. It was meant to teach them about having order in their life. I find that it applies to all of us as well. The activity goes like this. We ask the young people to fill a glass jar to the brim with pieces of stones. We then ask if the jar is completely filled. When they say ‘yes’, we give them some small pebbles, and ask them to fill the glass jar to the brim with them. When they have filled till they can’t fill any more, we repeat the same question. Finally, we present them with some fine sand, which will fill up the rest of the gaps left by the stones and small pebbles. We then point out to them that if they had placed the sand or pebble in first, they will not be able to fit in the pebbles, and the stones. As it looks now, their jar is fuller than they had imagined possible. What has all this to do with our life? The stones represent the important (I call them essential) things in life. These would be your faith, your family, your health and your friends. These are things that if everything else was taken from you and only they remained, your life would be full. The small pebbles are the other things that matter too, like your job, your house, having a car. The sand is the small stuff, that nevertheless takes up your time and draw on your limited resources. Note that there is more than just one stone in this life-jar that God has given us. There are several. One of them is that of personal time with our heavenly Father, to be spent in prayer, bible study, reflection, and service. Family time of play and enjoyment of each member of the family is to be part of Godpleasing family’s routine. Taking time to exercise, rest, eat, reading well, to be happy with yourself and with the life God has given you should be part of a believer’s overall health plan. Often, I find that focusing on one or two stones in particular, and neglecting the equally important others, is really being self-indulgent. Turning to the small pebbles, it can be rather strange talking to a typical Singaporean that my job, my house and my aspiration of driving (or driving a bigger, better car), is only the small pebbles in the life jar. They are likely to be skeptical as many of these are important. But if I am to really think about it, I may lose my beloved job due a number of reasons, such as: an accident, illness, corporate downsizing, economic downturn and restructuring, or retirement. I may need to relocate to a new neighborhood, downgrade my housing, when a need arise. Sadly, whether I like it or not, my car COE will run out, or, not impossibly, I might just lose the ability to drive. Finally, the sand makes up things that may be good by themselves. They are the ones that require least amount of planning; therefore, we have least trouble doing them. These activities include: shopping and 4 super marketing, catching up on paper work, chasing assignments (for students), tuition and various enrichment programmes, television and online time, catching up with friends, and doing jobs around the house. The problem is when I do these things first. They may be good things by themselves, mind you, except when they are in the jar first they leave no room for the essential and the important. One of the stones in my life is my family. When my children, Samantha and Annabelle were still schooling, I was in full-time Christian work in Singapore Youth for Christ. Attending to troubled youths and their families takes work into evenings and often weekends. And there was also serving in church, evening classes at the university (therefore assignments and library time), weekly evening men’s group ministry. It was such that, at one time, there were six document bags in the trunk of my car, one for each weekly activity. All my evenings were out for any one of these engagements. Both of the girls were active and pretty good with their sports and played for their respective schools: Samantha, in tennis, and Annabelle in hockey. I made an attempt to attend every game they played. I did not succeed! But each of their teams played well so there were many games and I managed to attend quite a few of them. A sense of the balance of priority that God wants us to have, can be seen in a Bible verse that was very refreshing to me, Nehemiah 8:10: ‘Then he (the prophet Nehemiah) said to them. ‘Go your way. Eat the fat and drink the sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.’ It speaks of the LORD’s care for even our eating and drinking, and to the care of others, to keep away sorrowing, and to be joyful and strong in the LORD. In the Living Praise Family Ministry, we hope to bring that sense of balance that God intended for us to have. In the LP (Living Praise) Family Ministry, we strive to bring the required balance, and depth, into our daily living. We aim to move from the merely idealistic Christian living (which can easily turn into sadistic living!) to realistic Christian living. Focusing on the stones of our faith, family, health, and friends, the Family Ministry started on promoting Parenting Workshops, Couple’s Retreat, the Men’s Monthly and Men’s Quarterly Fellowship, and the Audio Visual Resource Library. We look forward to a time when we can look at gaps that are left in our family life as a church, when we can fellowship around the pebble and sand things, as well. So, whether something is a stone, pebble or and, each contribute to the balance and fullness that God, out heavenly Father ‘who speaks to me everywhere’, wants us to have. So, may our God who alone is full of grace and truth help us increasingly to order our lives so that we may be able to ‘glorify Him and enjoy Him forever’. The joy of the LORD is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10 5 THANKSGIVING, PRAYERS & ANNOUNCEMENTS ! 9 NOVEMBER 2014 Cell Group Ministry We are so thankful to God. In April 2013, He provided Barney, Daniel Lee, Daniel Loke, Joseph Lim, Roy, Abigail, Amanda, Elvira, Michelle, Sandra, Shermaine, Tabitha and Yeilem to join the leadership development programme to learn about bible study techniques and Christian leadership. We are so thankful to God. For the last 18 months, God has protected our time so that we can come regularly to learn, share and encourage one another through God's Word. Through the programme, we are equipped to handle the bible and be able to clearly and faithfully teach it to others. We are so thankful to God. Through the internship programme, we are exposed to the gospel works of other ministries. Now we can appreciate more of our fellow coworkers and support them both with our involvement and prayers. So as the trainees complete their development programme by the end of November, join us as we give thanks to our God for His providence and faithfulness. Join us too as we pray for our trainees, that God would continue to use them to share His gospel. May they remain steadfast in their faith and fervent in their works to bring the gospel to the people around them. May their knowledge and love for God grow more and more, as they encourage others to deepen their relationship with God. New Member’s Service, 30 November Brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise God for His goodness especially in the lives of the following who will be joining us as members of Living Praise. Let us welcome them into our body and by word, deed, love and prayer continue to encourage them to know and follow Christ and be faithful members of His church. • Abigail Lai (Baptism) • Cheryl Seah (Baptism) • Wong Shao Yu (Baptism) • Monita Kurniawan (Baptism) • Richard Rumba Tintin (Transfer) • Sherilyn Tan (Confirmation) Prayer & Dedication service for Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School The prayer and dedication service scheduled on 8 Nov at our newly rebuilt and refurnished Chapel has been postponed due to unforeseen reasons beyond our control. Do continue to pray for the safe completion of the building and final approval for us to move in. 6 THANKSGIVING, PRAYERS & ANNOUNCEMENTS ARREST THESE MERRY WANTED: 24 Dec 5.30pm - 7pm Living Praise Presbyterian Church Join us in a musical investigation followed by dinner! GENTLEMEN 8A Bishan Street 13, Singapore 579794 Dear family@LPPC, Christmas is almost here! It’s time for us to go out there and tell the good news: Jesus Christ is born! This year, we are bringing Bethlehem and some ‘suspicious’ characters to LPPC to tell the Christmas story using song, dance and a mystery. Here’s what you have to do: 1. Pick up an invite card. 2. Write down the name of one person you would like to bring to the musicale. Include a short personal note. You may start with “Please come for the musicale because….” 3. Pray. Ask your cell group to pray with you. Pass the invite to that someone. 4. Continue praying for that someone that he/she will come to know the truth this Christmas. Let’s go out, and share the news! WOOHOOO! CHURCH SCHEDULE NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Week (Mon - Sun) Sunday Sermon Scripture Text Weekly Cell Group Study 3 Nov - 9 Nov The Church that Lives Like The Walking Dead - Sardis 10 Nov - 16 Nov The Church that Endures - Philadelphia Revelation 3:7-13 17 Nov - 23 Nov The Church That Is Indifferent - Laodicea Revelation 3:14-22 24 Nov - 30 Nov Seven Church of New Member’ s Service Revelation - LPPC 1 Dec - 7 Dec Seven Churches of Revelation 8 Dec - 14 Dec Christmas Message 15 Dec - 21 Dec Christmas Service 22 Dec - 28 Dec New Year’s Eve Service Cell Leaders Meeting Event Revelation 3:1-6 The Church That Is Indifferent - Laodicea Seven Churches of Revelation - LPPC 28 Nov-3 Dec - Chiang Rai Thailand Mission Trip 12 Dec to 15 Dec - Youth Camp 24 Dec, 5.30pm - Christmas Musicale 7 MINISTRY INFORMATION OUR FAITHFULNESS 2 November Attendance @ Service 337 (English Service) 54 (Mandarin Service) Sunday School @ Service Roster 9 November 16 November Duty Pastor/ Elder/Staff Elder Tan Yeong Nam Pastor Stanley Soh Service Leader Daniel Lee Elder Tan Yeong Nam Musicians & Singers Tithes & Offerings! $28,737.45 Jeanette Choong, Ian Lim, Benjamin Ho, Ian Lim & Benjamin Ho, Roy Chang, Roy Chang Ruth Chen & Tabitha Lee Scripture Reader Kester Teo Phoon Mae Leen Our 10 Year Vision Visual Team Wong Shao Yu Edwin Chua By end 2022 to have 100 (+ existing in 2012) families, to know, love and enjoy God forever and lead others to do the same. Audio Team Joshua Lee & Keefe Quek Eddy Ho & Phillip Hoh Welcome Team Elder Wang Kim Meng Elder David Lim Susan Chin, Cynthia Ong, Georgina Wang, Building Up, Reaching Out, Passing Down Ushers Soh Ai Bee, Celine Hong & Shermaine Sue, Isaac Lee, Hong Suan Heng Ryan Tan & Ariel Christian CELL GROUPS If you are interested to join a Cell Group, please fill in the response slip on page 2. Thursday, 8pm, Bishan Elder Wang Kim Meng 9630-3096 Thursday, 2pm, Bishan Elder Sue Kim Lee 9695-5395 Friday, 8pm, Marymount/ Toa Payoh Friday, 8pm, Yio Chu Kang/ Thomson Friday, 8pm, Bishan Saturday, 3pm, Bishan Saturday, 3pm, KCPSS (01-01) Saturday, 3.30pm, KCPSS (01-03) Sunday, 8.45am, KCPSS (Tamil Language Room 1) Elder Jimmy Tan 9626-6068 Tan Nguan Sen 6457-4754 Elder David Lim 9620-2953 Elder Chan Siew Heng 9754-5689 Steven Tan 9686-1906, Loh Pui Wah 9630-7618 Elder Tan Yeong Nam 9824-5105 Chew Siew Chin 9618-2745 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-01) Elder Kok Siew Hoong 9622-6087, Chew Wing Kee 9111-0114 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-02) Felix Lim 9826-9750 , Wilie Wu 9652-1180 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-07) Elder John Seah, Tay Swee Kiat 9144-3480 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-08) Priscilla Lam 9754-5182 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (Tamil Language Room 2) Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (02-05) Pr Stanley Soh 9695-9286, Tan Nguan Sen 6457-4754 Elder Richard Ong 9297-9680 ARRANGEMENT OF CHAIRS Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The chairs that we use for our Service have been kindly arranged by our brothers and sisters in Christ from Zion BP. Please help to keep the chairs arranged orderly after our Services. Thank you for your loving consideration.
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