NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID McHENRY, IL 60050 PERMIT NO. 88 VOLUME 2014 ISSUE 9 NOVEMBER Reverend Kit T. Stanich 2107 W. Lincoln Road McHenry, IL 60051 Phone: 815.385.5388 Email: Office Email: FAITH LINE NEWS FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH To: OR CURRENT ADDRESS Phone: 815.385.5388 Fax: 815.385.5328 E-mail: Web: 2107 W. Lincoln Road McHenry, IL 60051 Web: INSIDE THIS ISSUE Church Family Prayers Letter from Pastor Kit Stanich Birthdays Scripture Readings November Prayer Time Announcements Letter from Our Youth Leader Christian Education Sunday Worship Schedule 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-11 12 12-13 15 Our Church Family Prayers We invite you to worship with us! PRAYER PEOPLE OF THE MONTH Kay Lulow, John & Cheryl Lund, Matthew & Sarah Martin, Eleanor Mays, Bob & Carla McAndrews, Glenn & Dottie Messer Mark & Jill Mieritz, Bunny Nendick, Betty Norman and Randy REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE (Two Worship Services, September 7th thru May 17th) Pray for those in need of prayers at the loss of their loved ones: Earl Van De Wege for the loss of his sister, Mary; Sefy Cook for the loss of her sister, Jane; Natalie Gardner for the loss of her mother, Ethel; Kay Lulow’s son Dennis and family for the loss of his wife, Jackie; Carol Braun for the loss of her father, Kenneth; Peggy Votava for the loss of her mother, Darlene; Tom Carl for the loss of his mother, Arlene; The Popovich family for the loss of Bob; The Lewis family for the loss of daughter-in-law Ana; the John Lund family for the loss of his father; the family of Sue Castriota for the loss of her mother; the Van De Wege family for the loss of great nephew, Daxton; the Braun family for the loss of Carol’s brother-in-law, Mitch; the family of Tami Samek for the loss of her Aunt Sheri; Alfred & Agnes Daniel family for the loss of their daughter, Zina; The Carl family for the loss of Tom’s father, Bob; Debbie Jacobs for the loss of her husband, Aaron; The family of Pat Rorig; Loren Root for the loss of his father, Norman and grandmother; Hans Grisse, for the loss of his wife Inge Grisse 8:30 a.m. Worship Service (Communion: 1st Sunday of the month) (Communion is served using only gluten free bread.) 9:45 a.m. Sunday School: For all ages 11:00 a.m. Worship Service (Communion: 1st Sunday of the month) (Communion is served using only gluten free bread.) "Little Learners": Ages 2-5 "Sunday Celebration": Grades K to 4 Pray for those in need of prayers for reasons of health or other concerns: Josh Braun’s friend, Danielle Smith; Richard Kucik; Rusty Freund; Rick and Melissa Gorvett’s friend, Carolyn Dehring; Genevieve Summers’ great grandson, Brody; Glenn & Dottie Messer; Ruth Bellavia; Gail Wydra; Debbie DeRosa; Alfred Daniel; Rena Schoon’s son, Brian; Ed Mauer; Glenn Votava’s niece and brother-in-law; Sue Wilhite’s friend, Anne Marie; Gail Wydra’s family, the Cichocki family & granddaughter, Heather; Natalie Gardner, her son Anders, her daughter Fawn, and friends Susan, Don and Jim; Carol Braun’s mother, Dorothy, & sister Debbie; Jackie & Bob Williams; Sue Kapraun’s sister; Dan Re’s mother, Marge; Marybeth Grammer’s mother, Shirley; Kay Lulow’s sisters Anna & Jean; Carla McAndrews’ mother, Maxine; June Taveirne’s son, Doug; Dianna Lange; Betty Affield; & our missionaries & ministries. Prayers For Our Military P ray for our members and friends in the military as they serve our country during this perilous time: David R. Popovich 11; Karen Malda’s sons, Jon, & Jared; Gail Wydra’s grandsons, Joseph and Tyler; Tony Hernandezs’ son, Tony Hernandez Jr. Class of 2014 Craig Huff** Kathy Re** Loren Root** Second Term** Class of 2015 Judy Albers Andy Keenan** Mike Temple *Shirley Van De Wege *Clerk of Session Class of 2014 Susan Castriota *Sue Kapraun** Debbie Keenan Judy Krueger Joe Popp Second Term** Class of 2015 Sefy Cook *Debbie Jacobs** Kathy Kucik Sarah Martin Dan Re *Moderator Class of 2016 Marion Amberg Jeff Cook Janie Foley Donna Horton Class of 2016 Phil Gardner** Ray Gries Pam Hoffman** Matt Krueger Bunnie Nendick** Page 2 Page 15 Letter From Pastor Kit Friday Friday Friday Friday November 7th November 14th November 21st November 28th Carla McAndrews Carol Braun & Family Natalie Gardner Kay Lulow NOVEMBER PRAYER FAMILIES 11/02 Kay Lulow John & Cheryl Lund 11/09 Matthew & Sarah Martin Eleanor Mays 11/16 Bob & Carla McAndrews Glenn & Dottie Messer 11/23 Mark & Jill Mieritz Bunnie Nendick 11/30 Betty Norman Randy Patterson F.I.S.H DONATIONS NEEDED The FIRST Sunday of the month is Food Pantry Sunday! There is a specific item highlighted each month based on the needs of the F.I.S.H. Food Pantry. November: Dry Cereal/Oatmeal December: Canned or Boxed Meals January: Dried Pasta and Rice Any donations are appreciated. Your generosity is an example of God’s love for all! Contact Kathy Kucik or Sarah Martin with questions. PLEASE include your Envelope Number with ALL contributions to the church. If you do not have an envelope number, drop a note in the collection plate with your Name & Address. PLEASE make ALL checks payable to Faith Presbyterian Church. Indicate any Special Funds on the Memo Line. The church CAN NOT process checks made out to other organizations and they will be returned to you! REMEMBER you can receive credit for "Material Gifts" such as Food, Supplies or Other Materials, etc., if you include your Envelope Number and a declared value or receipt. Page 14 In 1984 Harmon Killebrew was voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. In his acceptance speech he said "My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass." "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply. "We're raising boys." The question could be asked, “What if he had put the grass ahead of the boys?” In all likelihood Killebrew would not be in the Hall of Fame. A great deal depends on that little word “if.” History tells about how Philip of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great sent a letter to a city he intended to conquer. It said in part, “If I enter the city, I will level it to the ground.” The message sent back to Philip was one short word; “If.” That little word told Philip that those people would defend their city. There are two great “ifs” that the Apostle Paul uses in his epistles which are not conditional. Instead they provide a great measure of assurance for those who read them, and for that we can be very thankful. In Romans 8:31 Paul states “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” There is no uncertainty in Paul’s thinking here. God has not given us any empty promises. Paul readily admits that we will face a variety of hardships in life, and even produces a litany of them in verse 35 where he writes about “trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger and the sword…” Nevertheless his conclusion is that in all of these things “we are more than conquerors.” The other place where Paul uses this little word is found in Colossians 3:1 where he writes “Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” Once again there is no uncertainty in the Apostle’s voice. The New International Translation translates it this way, “Since you have been raised up with Christ, set your hearts on things above.” Often it seems that so many of life’s events hinge on that little word. The student says, “If I had studied harder I would have gotten a better grade.” The football player says, “If I had made the tackle we would have won the game.” The businessman says, “If I had gotten out of the market I would be better off now.” So much of life pivots on this little word. Let me reiterate; when the Bible says, “If God is for us,” there is no suggestion of doubt. This clause simply states the basis of assurance that we can have as those who bear the name of Christ. We can be grateful for that simple but profound assurance given us by the Apostle. Even in the perilous times in which we live, we have so much for which to be thankful. Every Sunday we sing what is called the doxology which goes in part, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.” My prayer is that each of us is able to recognize and be thankful for all of God’s many blessings not only during the upcoming Thanksgiving season, but throughout the year as well. Pastor Kit Page 3 Happy Birthday To You We wish you God’s blessings on your birthday and always. May you enjoy good health, love and happiness all of your days. Fall Sunday School ADULTS @ 9:45 am Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study Over the course of the study, Disciple covers the entire Bible (Old and New Testments), following the biblical story from Creation to the New Jerusalem. YOUTH: Age 3-6th grade @ 9:45 am NOVEMBER 11-02 Emily Foley DECEMBER 11-04 Jack Popovich 12-2 Eleanor Mays 11-12 Mary Beth Grammer Kassie Kohl 12-5 Jill Randolph, Hunter Diebler 11-15 Erik Berg 12-7 Wally Braun, 11-17 Glenn Berg 11-18 Rusty Freund 12-8 Jason Wessel Jr. 11-19 Glenn Votava 12-10 11-20 Gretchen Thennes Lauren Harris Jill Cornell 11-25 Ben Martin 12-11 Ed Mauer 12-13 Terry Hargrove 12-15 Timothy Grammer Katie Re 12-16 Shirley VanDeWege 12-17 Maria Lomeka 12-18 Larissa Root 12-20 Erica Patterson 12-21 Maggie Sullivan 12-22 Marcus Harris 12-24 Susan Harrer Larry Riggs 12-26 Leslie Woods McAndrews 12-29 Dave Kapraun, Thomas Acosta Page 4 YOUTH: 7th-12th grade @ 9:45 am Sharing Jesus by Doug Fields & Br ett Eastman You were created for a reason—God had something in mind when He knit you together. This study will help you start living the life you were designed for. Zach Re Pioneer Club (All school-aged children K through 6th Grade) FRIDAYS 7:00-8:30 PM Kids...Friends...Grand Kids Fall/Winter 2014 Schedule November: 14, 21 (no meeting 11/7 or 11/28) December: 5, 12, 19 (no meeting 12/26) January: 9, 23, 30 (no meeting 1/2 or 1/16) Put “Christ in every aspect of life.” Page 13 Letter From Our Youth Leader One of my favorite passages in the Bible is the Beatitudes (Matt. 5:3-12). It’s always been interesting how much this is a countercultural idea. It goes against our thinking today, and it went against what people thought in Jesus’ time. November Scripture Readings By reading from four separate places in the Scripture every day, you will be able to better grasp the unity of the Scriptures, as well as enjoy the variety of seeing four different viewpoints. If the beatitudes were written by the world they’d be more like: blessed are the rich, for they shall be happy. Blessed are the beautiful, for they shall be loved. Blessed are the star athletes, for they shall be idolized. Blessed are the powerful, for they shall be respected. But the meek? The poor in Spirit? How are those people blessed? To be poor in Spirit is an understanding of our dependence on God. When it says that those who mourn are blessed, the point isn’t that we are blessed in mourning the loss of a loved one. The context is that the kingdom of heaven is for those who are poor in Spirit, and when we are poor in Spirit as a result of sin, there is mourning over that, thus we are blessed in our acknowledgement of our imperfection. Meekness is often misunderstood. It’s not about being passive aggressive or spineless, but being submissive to the will of God. Hungering and thirsting for righteousness draws us to God. The Christian life isn’t a side hobby for Sunday mornings, but the basis for everything, and a need to pursue the living God. The merciful are shown mercy not because God owes us mercy but because when we understand the mercy God has already given, it impacts how we treat others. To be pure in heart is possibly the hardest to truly do of all of the beatitudes. How often do we do things that aren’t truly pure in heart? Maybe it’s something good or helpful, but there’s an underlying reason? These are the basics that Jesus gives. And when we study this list, we realize it’s impossible. Jesus is our example and our redeemer. He has shown the way and forgiven us. But we need to recognize our need for Him. Josh Benner faith presbyterian church The purpose of Quest Youth Group is to teach Junior and Senior High students the importance of nurturing a relationship with Jesus Christ and to lay a firm foundation in the Word of God. UPCOMING EVENT(S) New Testament Old Testament 1. 2. JOHN 1:1-18 1:19-28 JAMES 1:1-11 1:12-18 ECCLES. 1 2:1-16 JEREMIAH 1-2 3-4 3. 1:29-34 1:19-27 2:17-26 5-6 4. 1:35-42 2:1-13 3:1-12 7-9 5. 1:43-51 2:14-26 3:13-18 10-11 6. 2:1-11 3:1-12 4 12-13 7. 2:12-25 3:13-18 5 14-15 8. 3:1-15 4:1-10 6 16-18 9. 3:16-21 4:11-17 7:1-14 19-22 10. 3:22-36 5:1-6 7:15-29 23-25 11. 4:4-14 5:7-12 8 26-29 12. 4:15-26 5:13-20 9 30-31 1 PETER 13. 4:27-42 1:1-9 10 32-34 14. 4:43-54 1:10-16 11 35-38 15. 5:1-15 1:17-25 12 39-43 SONG OF S. 16. 5:16-30 2:1-8 1 44-46 17. 5:31-47 2:9-17 2 47-48 18. 19. 20. 6:1-15 6:16-24 6:25-40 2:18-25 3:1-7 3:8-12 3 4:1-7 4:8-16 49 50 51 21. 6:41-59 3:13-22 5 52 22. 6:60-71 4:1-11 6 1 23. 24. 25. 7:1-13 7:14-24 7:25-36 4:12-19 5:1-7 5:8-14 7 s8:1-7 8:8-14 2 3 4-5 Sunday, November 16 @ 2pm-Board Games Page 12 Page 5 In November 11-01 (Sat) Pray that God may grant good health to those who are suffering from illness. 11-02 (Sun) Pray for those affected from loss of jobs. 11-03 (Mon) Pray for our prayer families of the week: Kay Lulow and John & Cheryl Lund. 11-04 (Tues) 11-05 Pray for the Joyful Noise Christian Preschool, that they might open the hearts of their young students, so they might come to know Christ. (Wed) Pray for Brian Lopile, our adopted child from Kenya, Africa. SERVING OTHERS THROUGH PRAYER We believe it is a privilege to pray with and for others and hope you will join us on Tuesday nights at 7pm here at the church. Also, in addition to meeting on Tuesday nights, we invite you to meet 15 minutes prior to Sunday worship services to pray. Let us unite together to see where God leads us through the power of prayer! We look forward to seeing you at either or both of the prayer gatherings! 11-06 (Thur) Pray for Don & Martha Wehmeyer and their ministry in Mexico. 11-07 (Fri) Pray for the Acosta family and their ministry in Mexico. 11-08 (Sat) Pray for Elodie Yale Kiema Garane, adopted child from Haiti. 11-09 (Sun) Pray for protection and wisdom for President Obama and his family. 11-10 (Mon) Pray for our prayer families of the week: Matthew & Sarah Martin and Eleanor Mays. 11-11 (Tues) Pray for our men and women in the military as they serve our country during these perilous times. 11-12 (Wed) Pray God’s Will be done for the United States, as we, the people, align with that Will. 11-13 (Thur) Pray for the Faith Church choir, Bell Choir, and musicians as they provide music for Sunday services. 11-14 (Fri) Pray for our financial secretary, Phil Gardner, and our church treasurer, Rob Grammer, as they so ably do their work for the church each week. 11-15 (Sat) Pray that Pastor Kit may be inspired in his leadership of our congregation. 11-16 (Sun) Pray for guidance for the Session of Faith Church as they seek to lead us in the ministry of Christ. 11-17 (Mon) Pray for our prayer families of the week: Bob & Carla McAndrews and Glenn & Dottie Messer. HANGING OF THE GREENS POTLUCK BREAKFAST Sunday, November 30th 9:30 - 10:45 am (between services) Stay Late or Come Early Join the Congregation for a light breakfast, a time of decorating and fellowship! Hot cider simmering, Hope to see you there. Soft carols playing Bring a dish to share! Sunday School will Participate (there will be an activity for the littlest ones) Page 6 Page 11 2014 THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKETS In November Cont’d It’s that time of year again to think of Thanksgiving. We at Faith are so thankful for God’s blessings. To help others we will be delivering Thanksgiving Baskets full of food for our church community and the community around us. Last year we were fortunate to hand out 35 boxes of food and 15 $25 gift cards to Jewel. We are looking forward to doing this again and hoping to do more! Thanksgiving boxes are ordered from the Northern Illinois Food Bank at a cost of $16.00. Included in the box are the trimmings for dinner and a 10-12 lb turkey. We thought it was a good idea to offer the chance for the congregation to “Buy a Box”. This will help the Deacons distribute more boxes and food cards to more people! th Thanksgiving Boxes will be handed out on Thursday November 20 here at church. Please have the following information in to the church office by November 13th. Please check the following boxes as to how you would like to participate! 11-18 (Tues) 11-19 (Wed) Pray that our Bible study groups in our church may come to know the true meaning of Scripture. 11-20 (Thur) Pray for our youth leader, Josh Benner. 11-21 (Fri) Pray that our new members will be blessed by the Word of God and our church family. 11-22 (Sat) Pray that many new families will attend our Sunday services and hear the Good News of Jesus. 11-23 (Sun) Pray for our Sunday School teachers and helpers as they bring the message of Jesus. 11-24 (Mon) Pray for our prayer families of the week: Mark & Jill Mieritz and Bunnie Nendick. 11-25 (Tues) Pray for the administration and staff at Kemmerer Village as they minister to troubled youth. NAME______________________________ Offertory Envelope # _______ Make checks payable to Faith Presbyterian Church, include your envelope number and indicate: "Thanksgiving Box or Food Card". Please place your donation in the offering plate or mail it to Faith Church. Box/boxes @ $16 each Total: _____ Food cards @ $25 each Total: _____ We know there is need within our community that we may not be aware of. Please fill out the following information if you know of someone. NAME ___________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________ Pray for our volunteers who help out whenever and wherever they are needed. 11-26 (Wed) Pray for F.I.S.H., that their shelves will be full and able to provide food for many families. 11-27 (Thur) Pray for 1st Way Life Center, their staff, and the women who are in need of help. 11-28 (Fri) Pray for Home of the Sparrow women’s shelter, their staff and the women and families that are in need of help. 11-29 (Sat) Pray for protection over our children in school. 11-30 (Sun) Pray for our prayer families of the week: Betty Norman and Randy Patterson. (WE HAVE TO HAVE A CORRECT ADDRESS) PHONE: ________________________________________________ (WE HAVE TO HAVE A CORRECT NUMBER OR CELL) QUESTIONS: PLEASE CONTACT DEBBIE J. @ Page 7 Page 10 Men’s Breakfast Who: All men are invited to the monthly Men’s Breakfast When: Saturday, November 1st Time: 7 - 8 AM Where: Fellowship Hall *Breakfast will be provided!* WOMEN’S POTLUCK BREAKFAST omen’s Fellowship Our next potluck breakfast will be Saturday, November 8th, at 9 AM. Please join us for our time of fellowship and sharing! BRING A FRIEND!! Contact Becky Berg at 815.759.1960 Faith Members and Friends : Once again our little angels will be our adorning our Narthex on Sunday, November 30th. Please take as many angels as you would like but PLEASE make sure you sign your name and phone number in the Angel Tree notebook . Also, when returning a gift, please keep all items in one box/container. If you buy more than 1 thing for a child, WRAP EVERYTHING TOGETHER. Each child should have only one box/bag to open even if there is more then one item inside. This is to ensure it is fair for sibling groups. Please wrap all children separately and do not combine children/siblings in one box/bag. Please make sure to date the notebook upon returning the gifts to the Church. Also, please do not fold, tear in half, or take the Angel Gift Tags shopping with you as they go on the gifts. Please copy information to a scrap piece of paper and take shopping with you. All gifts are due on or before the 11 service on December 14th. We will have tables up in the narthex December 14 with the Family #. Thank you and have a Blessed Christmas! ~ Susan Castriota If you have any questions please call me at 815-578-1711. Page 8 Over the past 16 years, you have given freely with gifts and messages of God’s love to . Because of your wonderful response, the Mission Committee would like to continue this mission once again this year. If you do not have a shoebox at home, you can pick one up at church. If you wish to Christmas wrap your box, please wrap the lid separate. We have labels to place on the boxes as to age and sex of the child your box is for. If you do not have a label, please enclose a slip of paper with this information on it. A $7 gift to help cover the cost of shipping would be appreciated. Should you wish to participate in another way, we suggest you give a gift of money to help in shipping of the shoe boxes. All checks should be made out to “Faith Presbyterian Church” with “Samaratin’s Purse” noted on the memo line. Boxes will be delivered on Nov.16 right after the11am service. Toys: small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, small Etch-A-Sketch, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky, etc. »School Supplies: pens, pencils & sharpener, crayons or markers, stamps & ink pad sets, coloring books, chalk, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, etc. »Hygiene items: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, comb, washcloth, etc. »Other: hard candy, lollipops, mints, gum, sunglasses, flashlights with extra batteries, ball caps, socks, T-shirts, toy jewelry, hair clips, watches, small picture books, etc. PLEASE do NOT include the following items: toy guns or other war related items, chocolate or perishable items, liquids of any kind (shampoo, lotion, bubbles, etc.), used items, medicines of any kind (vitamins, cough drops, etc.), or breakable items (mirrors, china dolls, snow globes, etc.) Contact Donna H with questions: Page 9
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