To cultivate, enhance, and promote the understanding of the Polish language, culture, and arts; To project the accurate and true image of the Polish American; To promote cordial and cooperative relations among the members and the community-at-large; To be a non-sectarian and non-partisan organization in south-central Pennsylvania listopad/November 2014 www.polamhar Andrzejki The Polish American Association of Harrisburg invites you to celebrate St. Andrew's Eve at a Dance Party Saturday, November 15, 2014 7:00 PM - 11:59 PM Middletown Fire Department 10 Adelia St Middletown PA 17057 The Tradition:If you’re a single young lady in Poland on the night of November 29th, you have a unique, perhaps harrowing, opportunity before you; or a great excuse to flee the country. The Eve of St. Andrew’s Day (Andrzejki) has been associated with fortune-telling in Poland for centuries. The first written mention of the tradition goes all the way back to 1557, and while the seriousness of the proceedings have certainly lightened, the basic elements of this ancient custom remain unchanged from the Middle Ages. As St. Andrew’s Day (November 30th) marks the beginning of Advent, in those bygone days it was believed that the spirits of the ancestors were at their most accessible when they descended back to earth during this time. With conditions thus in place for a bit of crystal ball gazing, and with the long, cold and lonely Polish winter ahead, coupling was naturally the one thing on every girl’s mind. Would she be married in the coming year? And what, pray tell, would her prince look like? Following the protocols of the day, a widow, unmarried spinster, or divorcee was then required to light the thirteen candles that would call forth the spirits into the room… In those days divinations dealt specifically with marriage, were taken very seriously and were done in private. As the tradition evolved, young girls participated in Andrzejki in groups until eventually boys were let in on the fun and it became the kind of light-hearted social game playing that it is today. Of the many games that were played on Andrzejki in the past, one that remains popular today involves a group of young girls taking off one of their shoes and lining them up one after another in a single file. The girl whose shoe is last in line then takes hers to the front, and so on, meandering through the house until reaching the front door; the girl whose shoe is the first to cross the threshold will be the first to marry. Today: Andrzejki is a fun, carefree celebration of being young and single more than anything. And that means drinking and dancing. Always a big night out for students—perhaps determined to forget whatever grotesque revelation they’ve just received or change their fate—every club in Kraków will be throwing an Andrzejki party. If you haven’t already received and responded to the Evite and plan to come, please contact Lorraine Buchinski at 717-534-2058 (between 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM) no later than Saturday, November 9, to make a reservation. Wigilia Our Christmas Eve Supper celebration will be held on Saturday, December 6, 2014 at the Linglestown Fire Hall, 5901 Linglestown Road. Festivities begin at 5:00 PM. All Association members, their family and guests are invited to attend. Wigilia (from the Latin term vigilare meaning "to await") is the Polish name for Christmas Eve. Much work must be done, including cooking, baking, and all the housework. This way, the two holidays that follow can be devoted to praying, caroling, eating, relaxing, and eventually visiting. This special day is associated with several beliefs and customs. When the first star appears in the sky, the Christmas tree is lit and the dinner begins. The Christmas Eve meal starts with a prayer, the sharing of the blessed opłatek (bread wafer which is similar to that used during Holy Communion in the Roman Catholic Church), and exchanging wishes. Usually, the male head of the household takes the wafer and turns to his wife, extending it toward her. He wishes her good health and success in the upcoming year, the fulfillment of her dreams, and, if there have been any misunderstandings, he asks her for forgiveness and for the New Year to be a better one. The wife then thanks him and breaks off half of the wafer and eats a piece of it. Next, she offers the wafer to her husband, expressing similar wishes. He breaks the wafer and eats it. This ceremony is repeated with each person present, beginning with the oldest and ending with the youngest. After the breaking of the wafer and the exchanging of wishes, everyone sits down at the dinner table. The table is covered with a white tablecloth and there is one additional place set for an unexpected guest who, especially that night, should not be turned away. This is to remind us that Joseph and Mary were also looking for shelter. Until the first star appears, Wigilia is a day of fasting. Although there are plenty of dishes on the table, this is a traditionally meatless dinner. It consists of several soups (red beet with mushroom pockets, fermented rye, fish, dry mushroom), fish (fried, jellied, in sweet sauce, in beer-almond-ginger sauce, stuffed), sauerkraut with beans, pierogi (dumplings) stuffed with mushrooms and cabbage, noodles with poppy seeds and honey, sweet strudel, and a compote made with dried fruit. It should be pointed out that today in Poland, no one imagines the Wigilia dinner without fish (carp in particular), just as nobody in the U.S. thinks of Thanksgiving dinner without a turkey. In keeping with tradition, our Wigilia will also be meatless. The Association will provide fish and beverages. Everyone is asked to bring a favorite Polish or American dish, large enough to share with about 10 people. Dinner will be followed by singing of both Polish kolędy and American carols. Please contact Lorraine Buchinski at 717-534-2058 (between 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM) no later than Wednesday, November 26, to make a reservation. Please provide the number of adults, the names, ages and gender of each child attending, and what help you can provide in preparing the hall and clean-up. As always, Wigilia is free to members. To facilitate admission and avoid a charge for the dinner, members are encouraged to submit their 2015 dues (membership form is attached) to ensure receipt by the treasurer prior to November 26. Guests and members who have not submitted their 2015 dues on or before the date of the dinner will be charged $10.00 each and $5.00 for each child between the ages of 6-12. There is no charge for children under age 6. Wesolych Swiat, Bozego Narodzenia i Szczesliwego Nowego Roku! CZERWONE GITARY BAND FROM POLAND TOURING USA FIRST TIME IN BALTIMORE! JANUARY 15, 2015 Red Guitar’s first tour in the U.S. and Canada promises to be a unique and unforgettable experience. Their music speaks of love and human desires, things close to our hearts. In addition to their most popular songs, the group will also perform well-known Christmas Carols creating a warm, family atmosphere during their winter evening performance. Ten koncert będzie wyjątkowym i niepowtarzalnym spotkaniem z gwiazdą . Po raz pierwszy w USA i Kanadzie. Czerwone Gitary zagarają oprócz największych przebojów również swoje przepiękne pastorałki oraz ulubione kolędy. Będzie to niezapomniane przeżycie dla każdego uczestnika tego artystycznego wydarzenia.Teksty pastorałek choć proste w formie zawierają ogromny ładunek emocjonalny. Mówią o tym, co człowiekowi bliskie ,w czym sie odnajduje, dotykajaką życia uczuciowego ,opowiadają o problemach: bo i w nóżki zimno, i stajenka mizerna . Mówią o miłości i pragnieniach człowieka . Wywołują różne skojarzenia , nie tylko te dobre ale dają szanse na przerobienie i złych doświaczeń. Wspólne śpiewanie kolęd ,pastorałek oraz znanych i lubianych przebojów Czerwonych Gitar pozwoli poczuć się każemu w ten wieczór zimowy jak w jednej wielkiej rodzinie. Historia w pigułce: 3 stycznia 1965 roku w kawiarni "Crystal" w Gdańsku - Wrzeszczu powołana została do życia grupa muzyczna o nazwie "CZERWONE GITARY." W tym samym roku występowali w sopockim "Non-Stopie." Było to jedyne miejsce w Polsce, gdzie w okresie wakacji można było zobaczyć i posłuchać czołowych wykonawców rocka. W kwietniu 1965 roku nagrywają po raz pierwszy dla Polskiego Radia, a jesienią ruszają w swoją pierwszą trasę koncertową pod hasłem "Gramy i śpiewamy najgłośniej w Polsce." Koniec lat 60-tych, rozpoczyna się okres największej popularności Zespołu. Płyty sprzedawane są w rekordowych nakładach. Wszystkie otrzymują miano "Złotych płyt." W styczniu 1969 roku w Cannes we Francji, zostaje wręczone zespołowi trofeum "Midem" w postaci marmurowej płyty, w nagrodę za największą ilość sprzedanych płyt w kraju, z którego pochodzi zespół. Taką samą nagrodę otrzymała na tym festiwalu również grupa "The Beatles." Rok 1991 to powrót Zespołu "Czerwone Gitary" na polskie sceny koncertowe. Z okazji jubileuszu 25-lecia istnienia grupy planowali 38 koncertów sądząc, że chyba tyle wytrzyma z nimi polska publiczność., zagrali ich w ciągu sześciu lat - 500! Wszędzie przyjmowani entuzjastycznie. In Memoriam Zygmunt Skiba 1927-2014 Zygmunt Skiba, father of PAA member Malgorzata (Goshia) Sudol, died peacefully on September 19 after a long illness. Born in Brzuchowice, Poland, Zygmunt moved with his wife, Zofia, Goshia, her husband and their four sons to Mechanicsburg, PA in the 1990’s. Employed as a construction site manager until his retirement, he enjoyed great satisfaction in his family and in pursuing his many activities and interests. He is remembered by his family as a good listener, humble, wise, warm and possessing a great sense of humor. The PAA joins former PAA President, Agata Czopek in extending condolences to Goshia and her family. Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk Becomes New European Council President “Poland’s legacy and experience can become a very important source of energy, which the EU needs and is going to need in the future more than ever before,” Prime Minister Donald Tusk said after his choice as new President of the European Council. He will take up his position on December 1. “I come to Brussels from a country that deeply believes in the sense of a united Europe. Eighty percent of [the people in my country] have a deep faith that there is a point to the European Union, and they look for no alternative. Each day we must keep answering the question[s]: [G]iven the confrontation in Ukraine, and the situation in Syria and Libya, who are we? How can we respond together to this challenge?” Tusk is prime minister of a country that has weathered the global crisis better than any other country in the entire EU. Poland was the only Community country not to slip into a recession between 2008 and 2011. Poland is generally held up as a model of economic success. Tusk stated, “We will help Ukraine, we will help our neighbors in the south only if we are able to form a common and unequivocal point of view. We must be at once courageous and responsible. Imagination and common sense have to go hand-in-hand, especially given the challenges that are so dramatic in the EU neighborhood.” The nomination of Donald Tusk reflects Poland’s standing in Europe. European political leaders unanimously backed Tusk’s candidacy because they want a new, charismatic leadership in the European Council. “My experience as the prime minister of the Polish government shows that reconciling two challenges – fiscal discipline and growth – is possible. Since I became Poland’s prime minister seven years ago, we’ve recorded a total growth of close on 20 percent, while keeping the financial discipline.” Tusk added that the EU will be looking for an effective way to make sure these two objectives support one another. “What I’m offering is good will, a bit of imagination, interesting Eastern European experience, and above all the faith that there is and will be a point to Europe.” Poland’s President Bronisław Komorowski, commenting on the choice of Donald Tusk as European Council chief stated: “The post of the Council President we’ve won on the international arena is not only prestigious but also very important. [It means} not only … great recognition for Poland’s achievements and position in the European world [and] the Western world, but [it] also enhances Polish opportunities.” New POLAMHAR Officers Named Gabriela Trembecka will be our next President and Stanisław Jarzyna our next VicePresident. Yolanta (Jola) Gorski and Marzena Wolnikowski will remain on the Board. Jola will handle event planning and Marzena will continue to manage the Association;’s email, Facebook, and webpage. Our thanks to Marzena for her contributions as President and for her willingness to remain on the Board. Agata Czopek steps down from the PAA Board with the Association’s gratitude for her many years of exceptional involvement! Without people like Agata, the PAA would not exist. She has our best wishes for her upcoming travels. The official installation of officers will be part of our Wigilia celebration, when members will have the opportunity to meet Gabriella and Stanisław. Calendar of Events 2014 Saturday, November 15 Saturday, December 6 Andrzejki Wigilia 7:00 PM – 11:59 PM Middletown Fire Department 10 Adelia St. Middletown, PA Festivities begin at 5:00 PM Linglestown Fire Hall 5901 Linglestown Rd. Linglestown, PA Calendar of Events 2015 January 15 – Czerwone Gitary Holy Rosary Church, 408 S. Chester St., Baltimore, MD February 8 – Polish Fest St. John the Baptist Social Hall, New Freedom, PA For more information: Contact Greg at February – PAA St. Valentine’s Dance (Date to be announced) May 20 – St. Faustina: Messenger of Mercy St. Mary’s Church, Fairfield, PA Nancy Scimone will present a one-woman drama on the life of St. Faustina July 19 – Bobby Vinton & Jimmy Sturr American Music Theater, Lancaster,, PA Between 1962-1972, Bobby Vinton had more #1 records than any other solo male artist. Jimmy Sturr is the well-known “King of Polka”; his orchestra is on the Top Ten List of the All-Time Grammy Awards and has acquired more Grammy nominations than anyone in the history of Polka music. Polish-American Association Of Harrisburg Officers: President: Marzena Wolnikowski Treasurer/Membership: Anna Rossi Secretary: Bill/Deb Boshinski Board Members: Joseph Boshinski Barbara Smolinski Maria Chojnacka Jola Gorski Newsletter Editor: Carolyn Blaszczyk Submissions for the February 2015 newsletter should be submitted to the Editor at 717889-2623 or, not later than January 31. Polish Lessons: For individuals and groups, adults and children. Contact Joanna Rzeszotko: Business Ads: Members may advertise at for only $50.00 per year, and Packages to Poland. Contact Anna Rossi at Membership Form YES! I want to join ____ or renew my membership ____ and support the Association! Please select a dues category: $15.00 ________ Individual $10.00 $35.00 ________ ________ Individual Senior (over 65) Family SPECIAL CATEGORIES: For those individuals and companies who care to make a special contribution in support of the activities of the Association. _____ Sobieski (male) $100.00 or more _____ Jagielonka (female) $100.00 or more Members in this category receive free admission to all Association events plus recognition in all event programs. Please return this form and enclose a check payable to the “Polish-American Association, Inc.” Send to: Anna Rossi, 850 Waltonville Rd., Hummelstown, PA 17036 PLEASE COMPLETE OR UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION Last name: ________________________________________________________________ First name(s): ______________________________________________________________ Children’s names and ages: __________________ _____ ___________________ ______ _________________ _____ ________________ _____ ___________________ ______ Current mailing address: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Phone number(s): Home _______________________ Cell ___________________________ E-mail address:______________________________________________________________ I would like to receive the Newsletter (please mark your choice): By mail____ By e-mail ____
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