St. Philip Church 1 Father Conlon Place, Norwalk, CT 06851-3821

St. Philip Church
1 Father Conlon Place, Norwalk, CT 06851-3821
Office: 203-847-4549
Fax: 203-847-4148
Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Office
Kali J. DiMarco, Director
Michael A. Pappa, Assistant
Music Office
Maria J. O’Kelly, Director
Facilities Manager
Paul G. Einstman
Father Michael A. Boccaccio Pastor
Father Sudhir DSouza Associate Pastor
Deacon Frank J. Chiappetta
Deacon John W. Mahon
Deacon Paul J. Reilly
Sister Mary Ann McPartland, CND
Pastoral Associate
Finance/Property Committee
Kenneth R. Lalime, Chair
All Saints Catholic School
Linda Dunn, Principal
Alan D. Yoder
Administrative Director
Celebration of the Eucharist
Saturday: 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 and 12 Noon
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. or by appointment
Baptism and Marriage
Please call to schedule Pre-Baptism and
Baptism dates. Marriage dates are to
be scheduled one year prior.
Mission Statement
St. Philip Parish, a welcoming Catholic community, strives to love, honor, know, and serve God. As a family, we gather
to celebrate liturgy, perform good deeds, share our faith, and bring all to Christ. St. Philip, lead us to Jesus.
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome
November 9, 2014
Saint Philip Church
Victorian Christmas Festival
Join us for our Christmas Tree Lighting
& Festival Kickoff Friday at 5:00 P.M.
Carols & Free Cocoa!
Friday, December 5, 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. &
Saturday, December 6, 9:00 8:00 p.m. in the Saint
Philip Church Mansion - 23 France Street, Norwalk CT
Vendors, Knickknacks, Music, Food, Raffle.
Christmas Festival - Vendors Wanted!
Would you like to join in the fun of the 2014 Christmas
Festival as a Vendor or do you know someone who is the
perfect fit? Vendor agreements are now on the Parish web
site and can be printed for return to the Parish Office. The
Festival will be held on Friday and Saturday, December 5
and 6, in the Mansion. For more information, please check
the Parish Website.
Calling all Bakers and Volunteers
We need many cakes, pies, breads, brownies, cupcakes &
other assorted goodies for the Parish Bake Sale Table.
Please deliver your items to the Mansion any time after
Noon on Friday, Dec. 5. Volunteers are needed for all shifts
at the Bake Sale, Raffle, and Kitchen. Shifts are: Fri., 12/5
4:30–9:00 pm, Sat. 12/6 8:30 am-Noon; Noon-4:00pm and
4:00-9:00 pm. Please call Claudette 203 984-2005 or email for more information or sign-up.
Raffle Tickets
An important part of the Christmas Festival is a raffle with
prizes that appeal to everyone, American Express Gift Cards
with FIVE prizes to be awarded:
1 $1,000
2 $300
3 $200
4 $100
5 $100
The tickets are in the rear of the Church by the main
entrance for each family to pick-up. This raffle has the
potential to raise significant funds for the Parish, only if all
members of the Parish help sell the tickets. The tickets are
$3.00 each. If you are willing to work at a “booth sale” at a
local store, please contact Fr. Sudhir in the Parish Office.
NOVEMBER 11, 2014
Drive-By Raking – JOIN US!!
For many years, one of our favorite youth service
activities has been our day of raking. We surprise
unsuspecting parishioners and rake their lawns
as a sign of our love. So many parishioners have
asked us about this special day of service, we
have decided to open it up to EVERYONE!
If you would like to join us on Saturday, November 15,
please contact Kali by phone 203 847-4286 or email We begin the day at
9:00 a.m. in front of the YAC with a blessing of rakes, and
then we jump into cars and go out in groups to rake. Bring a
rake, a pair of work gloves and some leaf bags, and get
ready to feel great… This is a great way for families to serve
Social Concerns
Slips for the Thanksgiving Food Collection will be distributed
at all Masses this weekend. Donations will be collected the
following weekend, November 15 & 16, during all Mass.
Turkeys can be dropped off on TUESDAY, November 25
between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m.
Children Are Special Mass
On Saturday, November 22, at the 5:30
p.m. Mass. the 6, 7, & 8 Graders of Saint
Philip Parish will provide Thanksgiving
Desserts and Cards for the many food
baskets distributed for Thanksgiving.
Next Sunday, November 16 at the 10:00 a.m. Mass.
Religious Education Classes
Classes resume this week.
For questions or if you have not yet registered for classes,
please contact us at
or 203-847-4286.
(St. Philip Youth Catholic Education)
The next SPYCE class for middle school, grades 6-7-8, will
be Sunday, November 16, 4:00-6:30 p.m. in the school
hall. Please come into the school hall to check in, with
your child. Pick-up will be in the CHURCH - please arrive
at 6:10 p.m. for prayer and sharing. If you have any
questions, please contact us at 203-847-4286 or
Confirmation 2015
A Half-Day Retreat will be on Sunday, November 9,
beginning with the 10:00 a.m. Mass followed by our halfday retreat with Dave Dumain. We look forward to seeing
everyone! - Please contact the Faith Formation Office with
any questions.
Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults
RCIA—the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, a process
of conversion and entry into the fullness of faith in the
Catholic Church, is underway. Are you a Catholic who has
yet to complete the Sacraments of Initiation, Eucharist
and/or Confirmation? Are you seeking Baptism in the
Catholic Church? RCIA WANTS YOU! Are you a
parishioner willing to help participants in the RCIA
process? RCIA WANTS YOU! Please contact Deacon Jack
Mahon at 203-912-0092.
We Pray That Christ’s
Lorraine Dennen
Barbara Heyd
Carlos Rodriguez
Healing Be Given To:
Malfada Diurno
Nina Rexrode
Vincent Testani
Sympathy and Prayerful Remembrances to
The Families of:
Fr. Denis Hanly, M.M. Cleophile Lebrun Toussaint
Victor Trizzino
Everyone Can Participate!
Please support the Bridgeport Diocesan Synod by attending
the Holy Hour of Prayer for the Synod at St. Luke Church in
Westport on Tuesday evening, November 11, beginning at
7:30 p.m. Bishop Caggiano has emphasized the importance
of prayer as part of the work of the Synod, so we will pray
with Msgr. Andy Varga and the other clergy of Vicariate 2
(Norwalk, New Canaan, Westport, Wilton, Weston) for the
success of the Second General Session of the Synod
(Saturday, November 15). The Holy Hour at St. Luke will
offer an opportunity for Confession as part of our prayer-time
together. All are welcome.
A Ministry Workshop for Readers is on Sunday,
November 23 at 1:15 p.m. in the YAC. All who are presently
Reading are asked to attend this workshop.
Blood Pressure Screening
Next Sunday, November 16 there will be a Blood Pressure
Check in the Children’s Corner of the Church vestibule
following the 10:00 a.m. Mass.
Birthright of Norwalk would like to thank the parishioners
of Saint Philip Church for their generous donations.
Continued support of mothers and their babies, born or
unborn, is greatly appreciated.
Mass Intentions & Liturgical Schedule Week
November 10, 2014
7:30 am Thomas O’Connor
7:30 am Linda Macchio
Wednesday 7:30 am Rosa Solano
7:30 am Stefano Pirolozzi
7:30 am Special Intention (Living)
Communion Service
5:30 pm James & Helen Clarke
8:00 am For the Parishioners
10:00 am Peter Kniffen
12:00 pm Antonio Galimi & Natale Zumbo
Baptism of Conor Joseph Sullivan
Senior Luncheon
Schedule of Meetings and Parish Events
Sun. Nov. 9
 Confirmation – Half-Day Retreat
Church/School Hall
10:00 a.m.
Mon., Nov. 10  Parish Council
School Board Room
7:30 p.m.
Tues., Nov. 11  Religious Education
School Board Room
4:00 p.m.
 Assoc. of Blessed Sacrament
Day Chapel
7:30 p.m.
Wed., Nov. 12  MOM’s Group
School – Room 214
10:00 a.m.
 Religious Education
School Board Room
4:00 p.m.
 Youth Group
7:00 p.m.
 Choir
Music Room
7:30 p.m.
Thurs., Nov. 13  Bible Study
10:30 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
 Cantor Rehearsal
7:30 p.m.
 Prayer Group
8:00 p.m.
 Choir
8:15 p.m.
Fri., Nov. 14
 Prayer Shawl Ministry
Mansion Chapel
10:00 a.m.
Sat., Nov. 15
 Men’s Ministry
School Board Room
8:00 a.m.
 Drive-By Raking
9:00 a.m.
 Junior Choir Rehearsal
Music Room
4:00 p.m.
Sun., Nov. 16
 Confirmation - Rite of Invitation
10:00 a.m.
 Storytelling
10:00 a.m.
 Blood Pressure Check
Church following 10:00 a.m. Mass
 Senior Mass/Lunch
Church/School Hall
12:00/1:00 p.m.
School Hall
4:00 p.m.
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31
1 Thessalonians 5:1-6
Matthew 25:14-30
The Second collection next Sunday will be for the Catholic
Campaign for Human Development.
Stewardship 2014
THANK YOU to all who have responded to the Stewardship
Challenge. Due to your response we are making progress
toward meeting this year’s budget needs with 131 families
Stewardship 2014 will conclude on Sunday, November 16. If
you have not yet responded please do so, indicating how
you wish to join with other parishioners to serve your Parish.
Information regarding electronic giving can be found at
A very generous thank you to the following who have
already responded to our 2014 Stewardship Challenge.
Names will be published as space allows.
Gifts for the needs of the Parish have been
received from the following:
M/M David Alvarez
M/M Jean Legerme
Joseph and Susana Anastasio M/M Caezar Matic
M/M Joseph J Ancona
M/M Thomas W. Nistico Sr.
M/M Thomas Czako
M/M Vincent Scicchitano
Mrs. Mafalda Diurno
M/M James B. Stapleton
Dr. John F. Fitzpatrick
M/M James J. Stapleton
M/M David L. Legere
Elaine Tracy
In Memory of
Ms. Betty T. Brink
Edward H. Brink
M/M Joseph L. Castellano
Abruzzi and Castellano
Mrs. Sandy Dominick
Andrew Dominick Jr.
Mrs. Marcia Gannon
Patrick J. Gannon
Toan and Matilde Hinh
Domingo Mallari
Mrs. Dana M. Surena-Mattson Justine Justin
Ms. Elizabeth Millburn
Ellen Kling
A gift for Religious Education scholarships has been
received from:
M/M Christopher Rosendahl
¡Venga y Mire!
En los últimos dos años, muchas personas se han vuelto
miembros de la familia de St. Philip. SI a usted le gustaría
saber un poco más sobre cómo hacerse miembro, o si tiene
alguna pregunta, Por favor acompáñenos a un evento
informal para “conocernos mejor” la noche del lunes, 24 de
Noviembre de 7:00-8:30pm en el salón con pizarras de la
escuela (El aula en donde se reúnen los niños de las Clases
de Educación Religiosa).
Tendremos algunos aperitivos y se ofrecerá guardería
(cuidado de niños). El Padre Boccaccio hablará sobre la
parroquia y lo que significa ser miembro de ella. La
Hermana Mary Ann McPartland explicará el proceso de
registración, y la Directora de la Educación Religiosa
explicará nuestro programa de Educación Religiosa
Esta presentación se llevará a cabo en Ingles y en español y
habrá traductores disponibles. Para más información o si
usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor comuníquese con
Kali at 203 847-4286.
Come and See!
Over the past two years, many people have become
members of the St. Philip family. If you would like to know
more about becoming a member, or if you have questions,
please join us for an informal “getting-to-know-you” evening
Monday, November 24 7:00-8:30pm in the boardroom of
the school (the room where the children gather for Religious
Education Classes).
We will have some refreshments, and babysitting will be
available. Father Boccaccio will speak about the parish and
what it means to be a member. Sister Mary Ann McPartland
will explain the registration process, and the Director of
Religious Education will explain our Religious Education
Gifts for the Church boilers have been received
from the following:
Ms. Marian R. Barbieri
M/M Joseph Denaro
The evening will be presented in both English and Spanish,
and translators will be available. For information or if you
have any questions, please call Kali at 203 847-4286.
Gifts for Liturgical books have been received from:
M/M Felipe Negron
M/M Brian J. Nell
Maplewood Service Opportunities
Every Sunday at our 10:00 am Mass there is a contingent of
residents from The Maplewood at Strawberry Hill who join us
in worship.
Some parishioners have inquired about
opportunities to interact more with their community, so we
have set up “Senior Saturdays”. We will be posting some of
the activities and times when parishioners of all ages can
“drop in” to join the fun with our Maplewood friends. This is
a great way for families to serve together. The address is 73
Strawberry Hill Avenue, Norwalk. No need to call ahead –
just show up and tell them you are from St. Philip Parish.
A gift for flowers has been received:
Dr/M David A. Romeo
A gift for a projection screen has been received from:
Claudette Quadrini
Gifts for Youth Ministry have been received
from the following:
M/M Brian E. Fitzgerald
M/M Sal Giglio
Gifts for New Music have been received
from the following:
Dr/M David A. Romeo
In Memory of
Ms. Judith A. Miserendino
Anthony & Rose Miserendino
Richard & Theresa Zaffuto
Annalee Rose Harrington
Church Boiler
A very generous thank you to the following who have
responded to “Plumber Boccaccio” with donations to replace
the Church boilers. To date we have collected over $15,000
towards the goal of $50,000.
Names will be published as space allows.
Ms. Ann J. Fabrizio
M/M Joseph J. Ancona
Toan & Matilde Hinh
Ms. Mary Bauer
Mr. Daniel Krenicki
Ms. Toni Bisland
M/M Richard D. LaBella Jr.
Dcn./Mrs. Frank Chiappetta Dr. Ellen & Dcn. John Mahon
John & Carol Crespo
Mrs Marie McBennett
Mrs. Angelina DeBone
M/M Anthony Mobilia
Ms. Donna DeBone
M/M Felipe Negron
Dr./Mrs. David A. Romeo
Here is what’s scheduled on Saturdays in November.
9:30 am – Casual Italian learning
3:30 pm – College Football
4:15 pm – Casino Pros
Senior Luncheon
A special mass recognizing and honoring our seniors will be
celebrated on Sunday, November 16, at 12 Noon. After
Mass all seniors are invited for a luncheon in the school hall.
To RSVP and/or to help, please call the Parish Office at
(203) 847-4549. The Menu will be: Baked ziti with meat
sauce, salad, garlic bread, and pumpkin pound cake with
whipped cream.
Name ____________________________
___ # of Adults Attending
___ I/we will not be able to attend
All Saints Catholic School is hosting a Holiday Wine
Tasting on Saturday, November 15 from 7-10pm. Join us for
an evening of gourmet hors d'oeuvres, fine wine, and live
music by The Third Rail. This event is open to the
community. Tickets are $40 in advance, $50 at the door.
Trinity Catholic High School Memorial Mass
The annual Memorial Mass for the deceased graduates,
faculty and staff of Stamford Catholic/Trinity Catholic High
School will take place on Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at
7:00 p.m. in the school auditorium. All are welcome to
attend. Call the school 203 322-3401 if you plan to attend.
Saint Margaret Shrine Second Annual Roast
with Featured Guest Bishop Caggiano
Reserve your seat at the Second Annual Shrine Roast
supporting the revitalization of effort of Saint Margaret
Shrine, the only Shrine in the Diocese of Bridgeport. On
Sunday, November 16 at 2:00 p.m., the Bishop will be the
center of attention. The event will be held in the Saint
Catherine of Siena Hall in Trumbull; tickets are $100 per
person, $75 for clergy and religious, and must be purchased
in advance. Represent your parish, gather your friends, and
reserve a table of 10. For more information, call the Shrine
at 203 333-9627 or email
The Saint Cecilia Society Presents
A Festival of Lessons and Carols
The Birth of our Saviour in word and song
under the direction of David Forbes McCaffrey, III
Sunday, November 30, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
At The Cathedral Parish Church of Saint Augustine
399 Washington Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604
Concert is free and open to the public
(free will offering accepted)
All are invited to attend.
We ALL Celebrate Discipleship!!
The USA Bishops define being a disciple as having 5
qualities: [1] making a conscious choice to be followers; [2]
living that choice through actions; [3] are willing to sacrifice;
[4] treating their Time, Talent and Treasure as gifts and
blessings to share; & [5] building the kingdom of God daily.
We, here at St. Philip, ALL clearly fulfill this call to be
Disciples for Christ. We do so in various ways. During the
coming months we shall acknowledge, honor and celebrate
the many ministries in our Faith Family! These celebrations
will replace what had been the annual pre-Thanksgiving
“Volunteer” Dinner. Forthcoming, instead, will be a series of
“During” Mass recognition of the varied ways we ALL serve
Christ, followed by a reception in the Mansion.