Good News! From the Welcome Place Welcome Lutheran Church Pastor John R. Sutton, Jr., November 2014 Number 138 A congregation of the North American Lutheran Church Office: 979-251-7576 I think most of us would be thankful for family and friends who are there with us, standing beside us in both the good and the bad that life brings to us. I think most of us would be thankful for our health. I know I joke around and tell people how old I feel in the morning when I get up, but as someone once said, “If you can count your fingers and toes, and if your mind is sharp enough to do that, then give thanks.” I think most of us would be thankful for this community of faith, this church that has been here for the past 145 years, for our brothers and sisters in Christ who profess their faith and re-affirm their faith here, Sunday after Sunday. I think most of us are thankful for the very gift of life itself, which comes from our creator. And finally, I think most of us are thankful to God for saving us from the power of the devil and promising us the forgiveness of our sins and bringing us to everlasting life, through faith in Jesus Christ. Let us be ever mindful that God gives us so much each and every day. Sometimes we see the blessings and at other times we do not see the blessings from God, but nevertheless, the blessings are there. Let us always be thankful. On Sunday, November 2nd, we will remember and give thanks for those saints who have gone before us in the faith, our brothers and sisters in Christ who lived in the faith and who have died in the faith, giving to us an example of how to live. On Tuesday, November 11, we will remember and celebrate Veteran’s Day as we give thanks for those who wore the uniform of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and the Reserve Component as well as the National Guard, those who served and sacrificed for this nation, so that we would stay free and strong. And on Thursday, November 27th, we as a nation will pause and give thanks on Thanksgiving Day for all the blessings that God has bestowed on us as a nation. My question to each and every one would be this: “What are you thankful for?” I think most of us would say that we are thankful, first of all, for living in the United States of America. From my own personal experiences, I have lived in and been in other countries around the globe that made me glad to be an American. I think most of us would be thankful that God has blessed this great state with a good economy, job opportunities, and just a great place to live and to raise a family. I think most of us would be thankful for the ability and the opportunity to work, regardless of our vocation, and to be a productive citizen in this community. In His Service, Pastor John 1 Church Council Minutes New Business: Bid drafts and specs for mowing and janitorial work were discussed and approved. The fellowship hall will be used as a polling place as in years past for the November 4th election. With no further business, a motion was made by Anneta Buenger and seconded by Scottie Schubert to adjourn. Motion passed. September 16, 2014 Present: Dwayne Schulz, Ronnie Wittner, Rena Abel, Melissa Glenewinkel, Pastor Sutton, Mary Hohlt, Reese Schmidt, Anneta Buenger, & Scottie Schubert Guests: Greg Schubert & Darrell Kolwes Respectfully Submitted, Ronnie Wittner Call to Order: Dwayne Schulz Opening Prayer: Pastor Sutton Building Expansion Report: The Building Expansion Committee recommended Premier Builders as the general contractor. After a brief discussion, Melissa Glenewinkel made a motion to accept Premier Builders as the general contractor. Motion was seconded by Scottie Schubert and motion passed. Building Site Work – Bids for site work were discussed and a motion was made by Ronnie Wittner to accept Schubert Hauling Service. The motion was seconded by Rena Abel and the motion passed. Scottie Schubert abstained. August Minutes: After review of the August minutes, they were accepted as presented. Treasurer’s Report: Submitted by Rena Abel. Pastor’s Report: Submitted by Pastor Sutton. Pastor’s report included 4 hospital visits, 1 office visit, 6 homebound visits, 1 nursing home visit, and 4 home visits. There was 1 marriage ceremony and 3 funerals. Parish Ed Report: Submitted by Mary Hohlt. Mary stated the committee is working on and planning for the Christmas program. Worship Committee: Submitted by Rena Abel. The Worship Committee decided to have Communion by intinction at the Fall Festival and service planning for the festival is under way. Evangelism Report: Submitted by Anneta Buenger. Pastor Sutton was present and discussed ways to reach those not attending church. Building & Grounds: Submitted by Reese Schmidt. Neon signs are now working. A piece of metal flashing was replaced on the parsonage roof. A/C filters were replaced. The partition in one of the restrooms was re-anchored. Informational Items: Proceeds from festival will go to the building fund. Funeral ushering and parking discipleship opportunities are available. Unfinished Business: Duties, responsibilities, obligations, and necessity of a music director were discussed. No action was taken as more information and discussion is needed. Christmas Program Practice Practice for the Christmas Program began on Sunday, October 26th, immediately after the 10:00 worship service. There will be practices every Sunday after the 10:00 worship service. Hope to see you there. Linda Peschel The area churches are again sponsoring the Mission Meals on Saturday, November 15. This is always a time of wonderful Christian fellowship, and those who prepare and distribute the meals are blessed just as much as those who receive the meals. The churches have already signed up for the food they are to prepare, but we still need volunteers to fill plates and take them to the 100 or so folks in the community who look forward to the meal and a brief visit. We will meet at the Industry United Methodist Church kitchen at 9:00 to fill plates and then go out to deliver them. If you can help, please contact Jean Nell Wittneben at 836-7302 to sign up. (This is a good occasion for Youth Groups to help serve the community.) It always feels good to be able to do the Lord’s work. Come join the fun if you can. Welcome Lutheran Church is asked to furnish 3 gallons of cranberry sauce and 120 bananas. People to help deliver the meals to the shut-ins is also appreciated. 2 October "Good News" Memorials Memorials Building In memory of Lydia Winkelmann By: Lee & Jean Ehler Cemetery In memory of Viola Eben By: Robert & Liz Nelson & family In memory of Leon Boecker By: Raymond & Joy Dickschat Building In memory of Elroy Wiecker By: Alfred & Joyce Krause Sandra & Douglas Borchardt Reese & Darla Schmidt David & Linda Kiemstedt Joey & Lori Krchnak The Greg Blezinger Family Hildagard Lange Lee & Jean Ehler Dolores Oberrender Mathilda Sommerlatte Lorene Brown In memory of Esther Spiess By: Dolores Meier & family In memory of Lilburn Meier By: Byron & Annette Balke Charles & Mary Holtkamp In memory of Viola Eben By: Richard & Lois Shilling Verna Mae & Marvin Struckmeyer New Ulm Post Office Adrian & Virginia Fritsch Mildred Huebner Rosie Kirkwood J.L. & Gail Spiess Byron & Annette Balke Dorothy Rinn In memory of Elroy Wiecker By: Ken & Karen Grebe Winfred & Ada Eben Newton Peschel Jean Nell Wittneben Henry & Gloria Schmidt Dale W. Rinn and family Lana & Wilkens Ashenbeck Allen Neumann Bradley & Cindy Schomburg Carolyn Bruening B.W. & Sandra Sisa Donald & Gwen Spiess Bruce & Cheryl Buenger In memory of Viola Eben By: Sandra & Douglas Borchardt Lucille Meischen Joey & Lori Krchnak Cecil & Carrie Froebel Jean & Lee Ehler Connie & Harry Schriber Mabel Fay Wiecker & Dwayne In memory of Lilburn Meier By: Raymond & Joy Dickschat Dolores Oberrender Joey & Lori Krchnak The Greg Blezinger Family In memory of Frank McIntosh By: Mabel Fay Wiecker Dwayne Wiecker Card of Thanks The family of Elroy Wiecker would like to thank Pastor John for all his visits and prayers at the house and at the hospital. Thanks to everyone for the memorials, prayers, visits, phone calls, cards, flowers, and food brought to the house. Thanks to the Women of the Church for providing food and serving it after the funeral. It was greatly appreciated God bless each and everyone, The family of Elroy Wiecker 3 The Colors of Advent With the shift to blue for Advent in most nonCatholic churches, some churches retain pink among the Advent colors, but use it on the Fourth Sunday of Advent. It still remains associated with Joy, but is sometimes used as the climax of the Advent Season on the last Sunday before Christmas. Red and Green are more secular colors of Christmas. They derive from older European practices of using evergreens and holly to symbolize ongoing life and hope that Christ’s birth brings into a cold world. Although red and green are often used as part of the church decorations (see below), they are never used as liturgical colors during Advent since those colors have other uses in other parts of the church year. Historically, the primary sanctuary color of Advent is Purple. This is the color of penitence and fasting as well as the color of royalty to welcome the Advent of the King. Purple is still used in some traditions (for example Roman Catholic). The purple of Advent is also the color of suffering used during Lent and Holy Week. This points to an important connection between Jesus’ birth and death. The nativity, the Incarnation, cannot be separated from the crucifixion. The purpose of Jesus’ coming into the world, of the "Word made flesh" and dwelling among us, is to reveal God and His grace to the world through Jesus’ life and teaching, but also through his suffering, death, and resurrection. To reflect this emphasis, originally Advent was a time of penitence and fasting, much as the Season of Lent and so shared the color of Lent. In the four weeks of Advent the third Sunday came to be a time of rejoicing that the fasting was almost over (in some traditions it is called Gaudete Sunday, from the Latin word for "rejoice"). The shift from the purple of the Season to pink or rose for the third Sunday Advent candles reflected this lessening emphasis on penitence as attention turned more to celebration of the season. In recent times, however, Advent has undergone a shift in emphasis, reflected in a change of colors used in many churches. Except in the Eastern churches, the penitential aspect of the Season has been almost totally replaced by an emphasis on hope and anticipation. In many churches the third Sunday remains the Sunday of Joy marked by pink or rose. However, most Protestant churches now use blue to distinguish the Season of Advent from Lent. Royal Blue is sometimes used as a symbol of royalty. Some churches use Bright Blue to symbolize the night sky, the anticipation of the impending announcement of the King’s coming, or to symbolize the waters of Genesis 1, the beginning of a new creation. Some churches, including some Catholic churches, use blue violet to preserve the traditional use of purple while providing a visual distinction between the purple or red violet of Lent. This does not eliminate any sense of penitence from the Season. With the focus on the Advent or Coming of Jesus, especially in anticipating His Second Advent, there remains a need for preparation for that coming. Most liturgical churches incorporate confessional prayers into the services of Advent that relate to a sense of unworthiness as we anticipate His Coming. It is appropriate even in more traditional services of worship to incorporate confessional prayers as part of the anticipation and preparation of the Season. Thanksgiving Memories The table is set before me. Heavenly scents fill the air. Mama puts the cookies out. Oh, sneak one, if you dare. She's got the turkey basting. The pies are smelling sweet. The children gather round her, Their clothes so nice and neat. I hear the laughter echo As we take our place at the table. Daddy says, "Let's bow our heads," And Mama does, too, if she's able. Daddy always thanks the Lord For the food He placed before us. Bless the hands that prepared it. Then, we all say, "Amen," in chorus. Daddy carves and slices turkey As Mama passes the peas. I look at her and smile, "May I have a biscuit, please?" My memories of Thanksgiving, I hold dear to my heart. I wish I could travel back And, once again, be a part. © 2002 by Claytia Doran 4 CROP Walk WECCO will be sponsoring the 12th Annual CROP Walk on Sunday, November 10th. Registration is at 1:30 p.m. at Industry Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Participating churches include West End Baptist; Welcome Lutheran; St. John Lutheran, New Ulm; St. Paul Lutheran Church, Shelby; Industry Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Industry; Industry Brethren; Nelsonville Brethren; Cherry Chapel United Methodist Church, Industry; and Industry United Methodist Church. Forms for participating are available on the table in the back of the church. Money raised fights hunger around the world, with 25% of the amount coming to the WECCO treasury for our efforts fighting hunger locally. Dear Members of Welcome Lutheran Church, The WEECO Thanksgiving Service this year will be held at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Industry at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday evening November 23, 2014. Once again we would like to have a community choir for this service, and we are inviting members from all the local churches to participate. Practices will be held on Monday nights November 3rd, 10th, and 17th at Immaculate Conception Church. Please contact Peggy DuPont, choir director at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Industry at 979-357-4561. There are copies of the music that will be used in the Welcome Lutheran Church Office, please contact the church office and make arrangements to pickup your copy of the music. We are looking forward to seeing you at the rehearsal on November 3rd. I Count My Blessings I count my daily blessings, Lord, And try to count them all. But, it's like counting all the stars at night Or the raindrops, when they fall. For, my blessings are so many And my troubles are so few ... That the good always outweighs the bad; Due to blessings, sent from You. So, Father, please forgive me If I fail to count the ways ... As you have blessed my life immensely, Through your love that never strays. November 23, 2014 7:00 p.m. Immaculate Conception Church © 2001 by Vickie Lambdin Take A Moment To Thank A Veteran When you see someone in a uniform, Someone who serves us all, Doing military duty, Answering their country’s call, Industry, Texas Take a moment to thank them For protecting what you hold dear; Tell them you are proud of them; Make it very clear. “Ringing in the Seasons” Handbell Concert Free Handbell Concert Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Catholic Church - Parish Activity Center (PAC) 701 Church Street in Brenham Just tap them on the shoulder, Give a smile, and say, "Thanks for what you’re doing To keep us safe in the USA!" By Joanna Fuchs 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri All Saints Sunday 21st Sunday after Pentecost Worship Service with Holy Communion, 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages, 8:45 a.m. Confirmation Class, 8:45 a.m. Flowers: Laura Schumann Self Defense Class Industry Recreational Park, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. 3 4 Election Day, 7:00 -7:00 5 All Committees Meet, 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Class, 6:30 p.m. Karate ages 6-10, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ages 11 and up, 7:30 - 8:30 God Bless Your Service 1 All Saints Day “The Lamb will guide them to springs of the water of life. Revelation 7:17 2 Sat 6 7 Acolytes 02—7:45—James Moriarity (All Saints Sunday) 10:00—Lilly Hohlt (All Saints Sunday) 09—7:45—Kolton Sunderhuse 10:00—Amanda Kaase 16—7:45—Kaylor Steele 10:00—Colton Kaase 23—7:45—Joe Meier (Christ the King Sunday) 10:00—Sarah Kaase (Christ the King Sunday) 30—7:45—Wyatt Kohring (First Sunday of Advent) 10:00—Daniel Kutch (First Sunday of Advent) 8 Karate ages 6-10, 6 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ages 11 andd up, 7:30 - 8:30 Altar Guild 02—Judy Schulz (All Saints Sunday) 09—Lois Schubert 16—Jean Nell Wittneben 23—Rena Abel & Doris Glenewinkel (Christ the King Sunday) 30—Carol Schroeder & Joyce Warmke (First Sunday of Advent) Day Light Savings Time Ends 2 a.m. 9 22nd Sunday after Pentecost 10 Martin Luther’s Birthday Worship Service, 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages, 8:45 a.m. Confirmation Class, 8:45 a.m. Flowers: Ada Eben Altar Guild Meeting, 4:00 p.m. 1483 Karate ages 6-10, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ages 11 and up, 7:30 - 8:30 11 Veteran’s Day 12 13 14 Confirmation Class, 6:30 p.m. Karate ages 6-10, 6 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ages 11 andd up, 7:30 - 8:30 Mission Meals, 9:00 IUMC 17 18 19 20 21 Worship Service with Holy Communion, 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages, 8:45 a.m. Confirmation Class, 8:45 a.m. Flowers: Dolores Oberrender Karate ages 6-10, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ages 11 and up, 7:30 - 8:30 Church Council, 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Class, 6:30 p.m. Karate ages 6-10, 6 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ages 11 andd up, 7:30 - 8:30 WECCO Distribution, 9:00 a.m. IUMC Fellowship Hall 02—7:45—Marian Balke (All Saints Sunday) 10:00—Kerry Schulz and Janice Rinn (All Saints Sunday) 16—7:45—Rena Abel 10:00—Ada and Winfred Eben 23 - 7:45 - ___________________Christ the King Sunday 10:00 - John and Janice Rinn (Christ the King Sunday) 30 - 7:45 - Marian Balke (First Sunday in Advent) 10:00 - Lori Kuehn & Karen Grebe (First Sunday in Advent) 22 Financial Committee 23 Christ the King Sunday 24 Worship Service, with Holy Commun ion 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages, 8:45 a.m. Confirmation Class, 8:45 a.m. Flowers: Diana Lampe Community Thanksgiving Services, 7:00 p.m. Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Industry Karate ages 6-10, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ages 11 and up, 7:30 - 8:30 Worship Service, with Holy Communion 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages, 8:45 a.m. Confirmation Class, 8:45 a.m. Flowers: Janae Wittner 02—Shirley Beum (All Saints Sunday) 16—Britani Schulz 23 - Shirley Beum (Christ the King Sunday) 30 - ____________________First Sunday in Advent Communion Assistants 16 23rd Sunday after Pentecost 30 First Sunday of Advent Assisting the Minister 15 25 26 Confirmation Class, 6:30 p.m. 27 Thanksg giving Day Office Closed C 28 02—Shirley Beum and Jeannie Dieterich 09—Diana Lampe and Lois Schubert 16—Kenneth Kaase and Reese Schmidt 23—Alan Kuehn and Cynthia Kuehn 30—Karen and Kenneth Grebe 29 Flowers 02—Laura Schumann 09—Ada Eben 16—Dolores Oberrender 23—Diana Lampe 30—Janae Wittner Brenham Stroke Support Group, Brenham Clinic Building, 2:00 p.m. Ushers Ushers 23—7:45—G Gregg Schubert (Christ the King Sunday) 02—7:45—Rena Abel 10:00—Reese & Darla Schmidt, Jeff Wolf, and Kerry Schulz 10:00—G Gina Miles, Glenn Miles, Lois Schubert, and 09—7:45—Jacque Shupak D Dennis Mahlmann (Christ the King Sunday) 10:00—Reese & Darla Schmidt, Jeff Wolf, and Kerry Schulz 30—7:45—E Erich Glenewinkel (First Sunday in Advent) 16—7:45—Gary Shupak 10:00—JJohn & Janice Rinn, Lacey Peschel, and 10:00—Gina Miles, Glenn Miles, Lois Schubert, and A Alyssa Peschel (First Sunday in Advent) Dennis Mahlmann 6 Readers 1st Sun. in Advent 30—7:45-Dwayne Schulz 10:00—Crystal Hohlt 7 Readers 02—7:45—Marian Balke 09—7:45—Dwayne Schulz 16—7:45—Jacque Shupak 10:00—Jeff Wolf 10:00—John Rinn 10:00—Gina Miles 23—7:45—Linsey Meier (Christ the King Sunday) 10:00—Glenn Miles (Christ the King Sunday) 8 September Attendance Women of Welcome Lutheran Church Date 7:45 07 65 14 44 21 45 28 Fall Festival one service Total 154 is collecting for WECCO Mission during the month of November. We are collecting canned vegetables and fruits and non-perishable items. Please place your donations in the baskets in the back of the Church. 10:00 75 80 115 228 498 Total 140 124 160 228 652 Financial Report Balance on hand September 1, 2014 $136,784.96 Total Income 14,766.00 Income plus balance $151,550.96 Total Expenses 18,512.73 Balance on hand September 30, 2014 $133,038.23 Community Thank You November 23, 7:00 p.m. Anyone wishing to place Poinsettias in the Sanctuary for Christmas, please bring them to the church by 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 14th. If you would like to place them in memory or in honor of someone, please contact the church office at 251-7576, or fill out the form below and place it in the secretary’s box. Please leave all flowers in the back of the church and someone will arrange them. The flowers may be picked up again after Christmas Day services on Wednesday, December 25th. If you wish, you can order the flowers from the LYO through the church office for $12.00 per plant. Please turn your order in to the office by December 10th, along with the information as to whom you are placing the flowers in honor of or in memory of. The flowers will be delivered to the church for you. __________________________________________________would like to place a Poinsettia in church In Honor of:______________________________________________________________________________ In Memory of:____________________________________________________________________________ This is my own flower: _______________________ Order from the LYO:___________________ Phone Number:_____________________________________________ 9 Those Serving in December Those Celebrating Baptisms This Month Acolytes 03 - Jake Miles (Advent Service) 07—7:45—Aunnika Wittner 10:00—Jake Miles 10 -- Michelle Peschel (Advent Service) 14—7:45—James Moriarity 10:00—Wyatt Kohring 17 -- Amanda Kaase (Advent Service) 21—10:00—Christmas Program Christmas Eve 24—6:00—Walker Schulz and Michelle Peschel 28—7:45—Joe Meier 10:00—Talyn Dierking 01 - Verlyn Mosley 02 - Idell Jean Mertz 05 - Lacey Peschel 05 - Christopher Neumann 06 - Jean Ehler 06 - Bonnie Bolcerek 06 - Floyd Schomburg 07 - Steve Huebner 08 - Cynthia Kuehn 08 - Scottie Schubert 08 - Elizabeth Williams 09 - Billie Warmke 10 - Reese Schmidt 11 - Lee Bastian 11 - Charles Mikeska 12 - Crystal Hohlt Altar Guild 07—Dorothy Dierking 14—Dolores Meier and Bonnie Bolcerek 21—Judy Schulz (Christmas Program) 24—Lois Schubert (Christmas Eve) 25—Jean Nell Wittneben (Christmas Day) 28 - Rena Abel and Doris Glenewinkel Assisting the Minister 07—Britani Schulz 21—Greg Buenger (Christmas Program 24 - Shirley Beum (Shirley Beum) 12 - Alison Malinowski 12 - Mason Wolf 14 - Joseph Sutton 17 - Vernell Eben 17 - Lacey Hurtig 18 - Konnor Klump 19 - Dorothy Dierking 20 - Rachel Hohlt 22 - Lana Meier 23 - Newton Peschel 23 - Matthew Huebner 25 - Dennis H. Mahlmann 25 - Kevin Klump 26 - Doris Glenewinkel 26 - Michael Kohring 28 - Herbert Schomburg, Jr. Those Serving in December Communion Assistants Readers 07—7:45—Denise Brending 10:00—Shirley Beum and Judy Schulz 21—10:00—Anneta and Greg Buenger (Christmas Program) 24 - 6:00 - Kerry Schulz and Diana Lampe (Christmas Eve) 14—7:45—Jacque Shupak 10:00—Diana Lampe 17—Judy Schulz (Advent) 21 --- Christmas Program 24—6:00—Jeff Wolf (Christmas Eve) 28—7:45—Linsey Meier 10:00—Kenneth Kaase Financial Committee 03—Judy & Alvin Schulz, Jr. (Advent) 07—Judy & Alvin Schulz, Jr. 10—Doris & Erich Glenewinkel (Advent) 14—Doris and Erich Glenewinkel 17 -- Shirley Beum and Jeannie Dieterich (Advent) 21 - Shirley Beum & Jeannie Dieterich (Christmas Program) 24 - Diana Lampe and Lois Schubert (Christmas Eve) 28 -- Kenneth Kaase and Reese Schmidt Ushers 03—John and Janice Rinn (Advent) 07—7:45—Doris Glenewinkel 10:00—Darrell Kolwes, Shirley Beum, Lacey Peschel, and Alyssa Peschel 10 - Dwayne Schulz and Marian Balke (Advent) 14—7:45—Gary Hohlt 10:00—Larry & Carol Schroeder, Lois Schubert, and Dennis Mahlmann 17—Judy & Alvin Schulz, Jr. (Advent) 21 -- Larry & Carol Schroeder, Gina Miles, and Glenn Miles (Christmas Program) 24—6:00—Reese & Darla Schmidt, Jeff Wolf, and Kerry Schulz Christmas Eve 10:00—Larry & Carol Schroeder, Glenn Miles and Gina Miles 28 -- 7:45 -- Rena Abel 10:00 -- Reese & Darla Schmidt and Ken & Karen Grebe Flowers 07—Sherry Kutch 14—Verlin Ashorn 21—Christmas Poinsettias 24—Christmas Poinsettias and Frances Merkel and Delta Kolajajak 28—Rachel Schubert Readers 03—John Rinn ( Advent) 07—7:45—Marian Balke 10:00—Darrell Kolwes 10—Dwayne Schulz (Advent) 10 Those In Need Of Our Prayers BIRTHDAYS 01 - Ronald Rinn 02 - May Dell Spiess 05 - Darrell Kolwes 06 - Dolores Oberrender 06 - Dennis Ashorn 08 - Jeanie Stoerner 08 - Allen Schubert 08 - Bobby Rinn 10 - Ada Eben 12- Sally Craig 12 - Alison Malinowski 13 - Lirva Kaase 13 - Michael Kohring 13 - Cheryl Maynor Charles Mahlmann Gladys Herr Newton Peschel Mabel Winkelmann Edwin Greak Brenda Herr Mabel Fay Wiecker 13 - Fallon Schovajsa 14 - Benjamin Spiess 14 - Allison Abel 19 - Justin Locke 20 - Allen Kutch 20 - Vicki Spiess 20 - Luke Lloyd 21 - Kenneth W. Kaase 22 - Joyce Norwood 23 - Pat Blezinger 24 - Lorri Morris 28 - Travis Neumann 29 - Gregory Mahlmann 30 - Amy Beebe Mary Lou Craig Viola Merz Verlyn Mosley Loraine Glenewinkel Waldo Dannhaus Lynn Wittneben Those in Assisted Living Jeanie Stoerner—Gazebo Terrace, Brenham Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mosley - Kruse Village, Brenham Jay C. Buenger - LaRoche Manor - Kruse Village, Brenham Waldo Dannhaus - Brenham Nursing and Rehab, Brenham For friends of the congregation in need of our prayers Brenda Flisowski Ora Dell Ludwig Ronda Pesl Max Derkowski Nathaniel Wendt Macie Gardner Joe Mazurkiewicz Tanya Schneider Esther Gaskamp Viola Wittner Susan Brown Sewall Wilde Tamir Ragonis Susan Mead James Love Diane Rhine Mary Price Richard Herbrig John Lee Sarah Limon Pete Demuth Marvin Worthington Dave May Tamara Wolfe Alexis Warmke Henry Weirich November 1, 1986 - Angela & John Sutton, Jr. November 9, 1957 - Jean & Lee Ehler November 16, 1958 - Delores & Edwin Kuehn November 18, 2006 - Vicki & Glen Spiess November 20, 1981 - Paula & Rick Thacker November 20, 2010 - Courtney & Nick LaDuke November 26, 1988 - Brenda & Greg Blezinger November 28, 1992 - Janae & Ronnie Wittner November 29, 2008 - Erin & Jason Ryan 11 Karen Markwardt Hubert Hegemeyer Buddy & Pat Roulston Ted Stardig Emma Schley Louis Gaskamp Randy Berry Earl Gardner Beth Elansari Tommy Barker Leo Ponce Samuel Engman Donny Jones Katelin Dudensing Becky Macat Jack Miles Valeria Mueller Marvin Schley Virginia Stark Matt Holtkamp Viola Wilhelmsen Sandra McKeown Charles Kokemor Wallene Ludwig Kasyn Goeke U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 2 Bleiblerville, Texas 78931 NON PROFIT ORG. Welcome Lutheran Church 13636 FM 109 Brenham, Texas 77833 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 2014 12
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