Queen of the Apostles Reina de los Apostoles

Queen of the Apostles
A Catholic Community
Reina de los Apostoles
Comunidad Catolica de Belmont
Pastoral Staff
Father Frank Cancro
Emergency #: 704-825-9907
503 North Main Street Belmont, NC 28012
Phone: 704-825-9600 • Fax: 704-825-1413
Office Hours: Monday through Friday,
8:30 am-12:30 pm and 1:30 pm-4:30 pm
Website: QueenoftheApostles.org
Rev. Mr. Chip Wilson
Chrissy Glisson
Office: 704-825-9600 ext. 28
November 16, 2014
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
S. Bernadette McNamara, R.S.M.
704-825-9600 ext. 27
Debbie Seeger
704-825-9600 ext. 26
Jayme Cannon
Faith Formation Assistant
Father Christopher
Adult Formation
Cam Tracy
Padre JoséJuya
Mary Jo Stiles
Susan Colone
704-825-9600 ext. 25
Roger Duncan
704-825-9600 ext. 22
Scott Phillips
Weekday Eucharist
Weekend Eucharist
Holy Day Celebrations:
Misa en Español:
Monday and Wednesday: 9:00 am
Tuesday and Friday: 12:15 pm
Saturday: 5:00 pm, 7:00 p.m. (en Español))
Sunday: 8:00, 9:45 & 11:30 am
Saturday: 4:00 pm, and by appointment
12:15pm and 7:15 pm
Todos los Sabados a 7:00 PM
Baptism: This important sign of initiation is celebrated in the community at
any one of the weekend Masses. Parents must complete the preparation
program (offered every other month). Please contact the church
office at least two months prior to your anticipated date for Baptism.
Marriage: This sacrament provides an opportunity for a couple to stand as a
sign of God’s love in the community. To this end, a period of preparation is
important and necessary.
Contact the church office
at least six months prior to
your proposed marriage
date to begin this process.
Anointing of the Sick: If
you are preparing for surgery
or hospitalization, this
sacrament can be celebrated
with you on any weekend at
the church. In an emergency,
contact the church so we can
pray with you at home or in
the hospital.
Mission Statement
With the Blessed Virgin Mary, the first disciple of Jesus Christ, as our example and patron, the mission of Queen of the
Apostles Catholic Church is to proclaim and share the Gospel entrusted to us. We celebrate our oneness with the
Risen Christ, with each other and the entire Church, through the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist. We accept
the direction given us by the Second Vatican Council. We are committed to this mission by our worship, education,
fellowship, and outreach to the needy.
Our Weekly Tithe:
Thank you for your support of the parish!
Last week, because of your generosity in the
offertory, we were able to send a tithe of $645.00 to
Mount Holly Fire & Rescue “Burned Children’s Fund”.
This week we will use our tithe for the Parish
Thanksgiving—an opportunity to contribute our tithe
to assist in the purchase of food and other
necessities for our annual Thanksgiving meal for
those in need.
Walt & Renee Hinson
Masses This Week
Sandra Hinson
Liturgical Ministers:
Saturday, November 22, 2014—5:00pm
Readers: Charlie Boyd, Elizabeth Atterberry
EMCs: Joe & Loretta Bell, Jennifer Church, Joan Lynn,
Eddie McKnight
Ministers of Hospitality: Bob Atterberry,
Catherine Glisson, Jerry Roche
Altar Servers: Kevin Granson, Steven Murphy
Sunday, November 23, 2014—8:00am
Readers: Sarah Carrick, Rita Paluszak
EMCs: Peggy Geiger, Rose Ann Hill, Deacon Chip Wilson
Ministers of Hospitality: Doug & Joyce McLeod,
Mike Minnick
Altar Servers: Leo & Thomas Paluszak
Sunday, November 23, 2014—9:45am Mass
Readers: Richard Swakla, Lawton Blandford
EMCs: Frances Bruckner, Jeanne & Stuart LaFrancis,
Kathy Lindgren, Beth McCain, Pat Perrigo, Donna Skipper
Ministers of Hospitality: Jonathan Kane, Pete Kinzer,
Joe Shirley, David Viola
Altar Servers: Grace Lamadrid, Jackie Rielley
Children’s Liturgy: Melissa Gardner
Sunday, November 23, 2014—11:30am Mass
Readers: Lynda Bernard, Bethsy SanMillan
EMCs: Gina Halme, Sandy Kumm, William Massey,
Karen & Mike Riemer, Donna Snyder, Evelyn Thompson
Ministers of Hospitality: Erika & Billy McHenry,
Nasser Miranda, Patricia Rodriguez
Altar Servers: Elijah Green, Will Massey
Children’s Liturgy: Colleen Sutton
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Chuma Ononye +
Misa en Español
Sunday, November 16, 2014
For the People
James Aleonar +
Jacqueline Vizard +
Monday, November 17, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Thursday, November 20, 2014
No Services
Friday, November 21, 2014
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 at 9:45 & 11:30
Other Ministries:
Traffic Ministry—November 23, 2014
9:45am—Tom Spada, Walt Hinson
11:30am—Greg Hoehne, Gary Elkins
Coffee & Donuts—November 23, 2014
8:00am—Theresa Eze, Elizabeth & Jerry Hunnicutt,
Kimber Walters
9:45am—Melissa Gardner
11:30am—Mary Johnson
Art & Environment:
Nov. 16: Nancy O’Brien/Alfreda Tanski, Kathy Lindgren
Nov. 23: Jan Kauer, Karen Irvine
From the Pastor’s Desk...
As you might recall, during the month of October we gave the
opportunity for parish members to gather on Monday evenings and
pray the rosary together for peace in our communities and in our
world. I am edified by the large group of individuals who came to be
part of this weekly opportunity for prayer. As the month came to a
close, I was asked if we might continue the practice on a monthly basis
and so I want to invite you to join together on the first Monday of each
month at 7:15 PM in the church so that we might pray a
Monthly Rosary together. Make a note of your calendars now and
look for reminders in the bulletin. Each month I will try to offer a
suggestion for an intention and, of course, you should bring your own
intentions as well. So, in December we will gather at 7:15 pm on
December 1. Join if you are able for this opportunity to pray as one
and to remember the intention: for all who struggle with terminal
illness: cancer, aids, and genetic disorders that will claim or shorten
Next Saturday morning, November 22, the children of the parish who
have been preparing for first sacraments will gather with me in the
church to celebrate First Reconciliation. It is always one of my
favorite celebrations! I ask that you remember these boys and girls
who will encounter the special grace of God's forgiveness in this special
way as they continue their journey to embrace the Eucharist and to
continue to grow in the Faith. Pray for their families, too, at this special
The Belmont Community Thanksgiving Service is scheduled for
Sunday, November 23 at 7:00 pm at First United Methodist Church
here in Belmont. We will gather with the other churches of the area for
prayer and song as we give thanks for our many gifts. Please come and
join us in a sign of unity and an opportunity to pray with others before
this great feast.
And don't forget our Thanksgiving Day Mass and Sharing of
Thanksgiving Bread at 9:00 am on Thursday, November 27 as well
as our Annual Thanksgiving Meal that day at noon. Join us to eat or
if you need a meal delivered to you, please call the church office by
Monday, November 24 before close of business.
And coming along before too many more weeks
is our annual Angel Tree project which allows us
to provide Christmas gifts to needy families in the
area. At that time, take an angel from the tree in
the Narthex and follow the directions for
returning your gift to us. This is always such a
special opportunity each year and I am grateful
that you are so generous. Last year 88 children
were provided for and our Christmas Food
Baskets fed more than 100 families. Thanks in
advance for this year!!!
Be blessed (and warm) this week!
Father Frank
Ministry Moments:
Just for Men
Men of Queen of the Apostles,
age 45 and over, gather on the
first Monday of each month at
7:00pm in the Education Building
to read Scripture and reflect.
There is time for prayer and
discussion of how the Lord guides
His people. If you have questions
please call Roger Duncan at
704-879-4803 or Deacon Chip
Wilson at 704-820-4162.
Quilt Raffle
Sponsored by the Homebound Ministers of Queen of the Apostles Church
A beautiful queen size quilt, crafted
by women of the homebound ministry
will be raffled on Sunday December 7
at the Christmas Cantata.
Tickets will be available following the masses
on the weekends of November 1-2,
November 15-16, and December 6-7.
Tickets are $5.00 each or 6 for $25.00.
Proceeds to benefit the new church building fund.
Friday, November 21, 2014
6:00-9:30pm—Private Event (FLC)
7:00-9:00pm—AA Meeting (Ed Bldg)
Please pray for...
Those in Nursing Homes:
Patrick Bragg
10:00am—First Reconciliation (Church) (Meadow Wood Nursing Center,
Reception following in FLC)
Saturday, November 22, 2014
This Week
Sunday, November 16, 2014
9:45am & 11:30am Masses—KidZone
Saints and Special
9:30-10:45am—Faith Formation
(Sacred Heart Campus)
Sunday: Thirty-third Sunday in
9:30-10:30am—Bible Study (Library
Ordinary Time
10:00-11:00am—RCIA (Ed Building)
Monday: St. Elizabeth of Hungary
5:00-6:00pm—Teen Bible Study (FLC)
Tuesday: Dedication of the
6:00-8:00pm—HS Youth Ministry (FLC)
Basilicas of Ss. Peter
6:00-8:00pm—MS Youth Ministry
and Paul;
(Education Building: Room D/E)
Monday, November 17, 2014
11:00am-12:00pm—Quilt Raffle
Committee (Conference Room)
6:15-7:30pm—Girl Scouts (Ed Bldg:
Rooms A & C)
7:00-8:00pm—Cub Scouts (Ed Bldg:
Room D/E)
Ducky Huffstetler, Rosann Louy,
William Reeves, Jo Ann Rick,
Harrell Rick, Barbara Williams
What will you do with the time,
talent and treasure God has given
you? Will you give it back with
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
increase or bury it?
Friday: The Presentation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Saturday: St. Cecilia
Leave a Legacy
Readings for the Week
Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5;
Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43
9:00am—Staff Prayer (Church)
Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22;
9:00-11:00am—MOMS Group
Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or,
(Nursery, Conference Room)
(for the memorial of the
2:00-3:00pm—Tuesday’s Word
(Conference Room)
Acts 28:11-16, 30-31;
6:30-8:30pm—Homebound Ministers
Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33
Prayer Service (Family Life Center)
Rv 4:1-11;
7:00-8:30pm—Liturgy & Worship
Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28
Commission (Conference Room)
Thursday: Rv 5:1-10;
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014
Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b;
9:30-11:30am—Weekend BackPack
Lk 19:41-44
Ministry (Nursery)
Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24,
6:00-6:30pm-Children’s Choir
103, 111, 131;
(Conference Room)
6:30-7:15pm—Youth Choir
Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b,
(Conference Room)
2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40
6:45-7:45pm—Disciples Night (Church)
7:15-8:00pm—9:45am Choir
Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17;
(Conference Room)
Ps 23:1-3, 5-6;
7:30-9:30pm—12 Step Program
1 Cor 15:20-26, 28;
(Education Building: Room A)
Mt 25:31-46
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
8:15-9:00pm—11:30am Choir (Church)
Thursday, November 20, 2014
7:00-9:00pm—Parish Council
(Conference Room)
7:00-9:00pm—Spanish Choir Practice
7:30-9:00pm—Just for Ladies (FLC)
7:30-9:00pm—Boy Scouts (Ed Bldg)
Sick and Homebound:
Make a safe, secure donation to
QOA by going to our website and
clicking the e-Give link on the
home page below the Google
translator tab.
A bequest is the easiest way to
make sure that the ministries you
cherish will be provided for in the
future. You can make a significant
gift without affecting your current
income and future generations will
benefit from your generosity.
Baptism is
celebrated at
weekend Masses
at anytime of the year except the
Lenten season. Parents wishing to
present a child (under six years of
age) for Baptism must complete an
Evening of Preparation here in the
parish. These are offered six times
a year. During pregnancy or after
the birth of a child are appropriate
times to attend. The next
scheduled Prep Session is on
Tuesday, December 9 beginning
at 7:00pm in the church. Please
call the church office to make a
reservation to attend this upcoming
program. If Sponsors (Godparents)
are also here in the area, we invite
them to attend as well.
Community Happenings:
In November we
will collect food items for the
BCO. Jelly, pasta sauce, rice and
macaroni and cheese are the
items most needed at this time
but all donated items are
welcome. Bring your donations to
the baskets on the altar the
weekend of November 29-30.
Belmont Community Organization
is located on Catawba Avenue in
Belmont and serves our area with
food, clothing, rent and utilities.
Their hours are Monday-Friday
from 9:00am-1:00pm. If you are
looking for a volunteer
opportunity, call Paula at
Angel Tree
Last year our
parish served 88
children with two
angels per child.
We are here to
assist our church
and community,
so please contact Sandy Endicott
at 704-813-2813 if you have a
need or know someone who does
no later than November 28. The
Angel Tree will be available in the
church Narthex beginning the
weekend before Thanksgiving so
you may choose your angel
before you may be traveling for
the holiday. Wrapped angels
should be returned to the tree
with the angel tag firmly attached
by Sunday, December 7. Late
angels can be delivered by
12:30pm on Sunday, December
14. Volunteers are needed to
help carry the gifts into storage
and sort them following the 9:45
and 11:30 masses on December
7. Delivery help on Monday,
December 8 is also needed.
Help is also needed for the same
functions with the late gifts on
December 14-15.
with Santa
December 6
MAK Family Life Center
Santa will arrive around 10:00am!
While you wait, enjoy a pancake
and sausage breakfast along with
a strolling musician, Christmas
carols and Girl Scout supervised
children’s crafts. With Santa’s
arrival, Knights of Columbus
11076 will have a professional
photographer to take photos with
Santa (no age limit—possible
weight limit) and will have gifts
for all the children! Invite your
friends to meet you at Queen of
the Apostles. Hohoho!!!
2015 Coat Drive
Mother on Monday evening,
December 1.
Book of
Don’t forget to enter
the names of your relatives and
friends who have died in the Book
of Remembrance next to the St.
Joseph Shrine. We will remember
these names in prayer throughout
Missing Painting!
The Knights of Columbus sold a
painting at their recent yard sale
that was mistakenly donated and
which they would like to recover.
It is a portrait of Mary standing
with hands outstretched with rays
of sun radiating around her. The
family that owned the painting
would very much like it returned.
The Knights will reimburse the
buyer the price paid and offer a
very heartfelt “thank you” for the
return of this painting. Please
contact the church office or Vin
Lindgren of the Knights Council at
Our annual Coat Drive needs a
volunteer to chair this two week
event in January. We have helpers.
We need someone to organize! For Family Promise
details please call Tricia at
The next shelter
704-648-7878 or
week is November
16-23 at Park Street
United Methodist Church. Queen
of the Apostles is planning dinner
on Thursday, November 20 at
5:30pm. We have the main
Our October Rosary Recitation to
course (chicken casserole) and
pray for peace was so well received
salad. We also still need dessert
that it will continue monthly on the
and bread. Email Tricia Vasil at
first Monday of each month at
pavasil@carolina.rr.com if you
7:15pm in the church. Join with
able to help. Meeting and serving
other parishioners to pray this
guests is a great experience.
beautiful devotion to the Blessed
Faith Formation:
First Reconciliation
Preparation Program:
Disciples Night
High School Youth Ministry
Our next gatherings will be this Sunday,
November 16 in the Family Life
Center. Bible Study meets from 5:006:00pm and Youth Ministry meets from
6:00-8:00. Please contact Janet Blaylock
for more information at 704-473-0418
or qoayouthministry@gmail.com.
Disciples Night with Father Frank will
be Wednesday, November 19 at
6:45pm. Children and parents
should come dressed as disciples!
The First Reconciliation Service will
be on Saturday, November 22 at
Sunday, November 23 at 2:00pm
10:00am. Please keep the children
in the MAK Family Life Center. Each
in prayer as they prepare for their
family will make a wreath complete
First Reconciliation
with ribbon, fresh greenery and
four candles. Suggested donation is
Middle School Youth
$10. There will also be a craft
activity for children of all ages.
Have you thought about what you
Cookies and punch will be served!
are thankful for? Thanksgiving will
Please RSVP a spot for your family
be here in a couple of weeks and we by November 14 so we can be
have so much to be thankful for.
sure to order enough supplies.
MSYM will be talking about what
Call 704-825-9600 or email
they are thankful for and helping
Queen of the Apostles get ready for
the annual Thanksgiving Dinner.
Amazing Grace
Bring your many talents to share
with the group to our next meeting An Ignatian Advent Reflection
presented by Fr. Jim Conroy, SJ of
this Sunday, November 16. We
the Jesuit Collaborative will take
will meet from 6:00-8:00pm in the
place on Wednesday, December
Education Building. Bring a friend!
3. It will be held at the Diocese of
Contact Christine if have questions
Charlotte Pastoral Center at
at tlctine@hotmail.com.
6:30pm with a reception to follow
at 7:30pm. To register for the
Family Advent
event, go to
Get Ready
The Letters of Paul to the
Thessalonians are among his
earliest writings, and are driven by
his belief and the belief of the
entire early Christian community
that the return of Christ was
imminent. Therefore, to devote
time or attention to anything else
was foolish.
As time progressed, this fervor
receded a bit. Today we may
wonder, when we hear these
readings about the coming endtimes, if we should take them to
heart. What should we do when we
hear that the day of the Lord will
come upon us “like a thief at
night”? (1 Thessalonians 5:2) Does
this mean we are to stop our longrange goal-setting, get rid of our
yearly calendars and planners, or
stop putting money in the college
education fund? Of course not.
What it does mean is that we need
Please join us for our
charlotteadvent. Space is limited,
to change our lives, living like
annual Family Advent
so please register by Wednesday,
children of the light and
Wreath-Making gathering on
November 24.
illuminating the world around us
with the light of the gospel.
Then, on that day, when the
Our KIDZONE MINISTRY is now open for the families
details of our daily living
of our parish! This is a faith based ministry offered for
become unimportant, we
the youngest members of our church ages 6 months –3
years of age during the 9:45am and 11:30am masses each Sunday. It is will be ready to find our
peace and security in Christ
a time for young children to grow in their faith and relationship with
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
God. KIDZONE is located in the newly refurbished nursery in the MAK
Family Life Center. Just look for the KIDZONE check-in station in the
MAK Family Life Center to participate. KIDZONE is being supervised by
Angela Shirley. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer,
please call Debbie at 704-825-9600 or email qoaformation@aol.com.
Small Faith Groups
The Advent study, My People, is concluding. This will be the last
week remaining. If you wish to check out a group, please call the
church office to find a day or time that works with your schedule.
Each week’s study is a new lesson. On Sunday, November 23 at
7:00pm we will be having a Wine and Cheese Social in the MAK
Family Life Center for all who participated in the gatherings.
Adult Faith Formation Web Site
Please be sure to check out our Adult Faith Formation web site. It’s
a great source to find available programs here at the parish and
resources that encourage and promote ongoing faith formation.
We’ve change the web site address to make it easier to access; it’s
now www.qofaadultformation.com.
Just for Ladies
Ladies of all ages, please join us for our next gathering on Thursday, November 20 at 7:30pm!
Join us as we venture into a new understanding of the Scriptures. We will be studying The
Gospel of Luke by William Anderson, DMin, PhD. Whether you have done studies in the past or if
this is your first time, this guided study will be a time of blessing and fellowship as we encourage
each other, and find hope through God’s Word. Come as you are! Bring a friend! Light
refreshments will be served! Program will take place in the MAK Family Life Center. Please call
704-825-9600, ext. 26 or email qoaformation@aol.com with any questions.
Just for Men
Men of the parish age 45 and older are invited to reflect on God’s Word, pray and spend time
together. We meet for an hour on the first Monday of each month in the Conference Room. Our
next gathering is Monday, December 1 at 7:00pm. For more information, call Roger Duncan at
412-289-9147 or Deacon Chip at 704-488-5822 orqoadeacon@gmail.com.
Tuesday’s Word
This adult Bible Study will continue on Tuesday, November 18 from 2:00-3:00pm in the
Conference Room. Please bring your Bible and join us! Coffee and cookies are served!
Sunday Morning Bible Study
with Sister Mary Hugh: Please join us as we study The Gospel of Mark! All are welcome! It runs
from 9:30-10:25 in Mercedes Hall, room 108 (the place where we hold our Faith Formation
Classes). Please bring your bibles and join us! Coffee and donuts are served!
MOMS Group
The next meeting for our Ministry of Mothers Sharing will be
Tuesday morning, November 18 from 9:00am-11:00am.
Meetings will take place twice a month. The meeting is for Moms
with children of all ages. It will be a time for fellowship and study
for spiritual growth. If you have an interest in attending, please
email Marianne at marianne@gcube.com. Nursery is provided
for this meeting time.
Smart phone users link to our
Adult Faith Formation web site here.
Spiritual Direction
forms provided on the shelf
beneath the board—no personal
Are you trying to discern what God notices or résumés. Please copy
is doing in your life, what he is
the information from the board if
calling you to be, where he is
you are making use of it and leave
leading you? Or perhaps you simply the posted slips so that others may
want to be more aware of God’s
also take advantage of the
presence in your life and deepen
your relationship with him. Spiritual
direction is the thing for you.
Spiritual direction is not counseling. Adorers are Needed
at Belmont Abbey College
It is listening to another, making
space to observe and hear the Holy Adoration Chapel in front of the
Blessed Sacrament. Coordinators
Spirit. For more information call
will arrange an hour that is
Bethsy San-Millan at
convenient for you. Please call
Margaret at 704-827-8921.
us long for a more conscious
experience of God’s presence and
love.” To learn more about Spiritual
Direction and/or obtain services,
please contact Rose Castillo at
704-718-2876 or
Queen of the Apostles
Online Prayer Ministry
Coordinator Doris Spivey accepts
prayer requests Monday through
Friday each week from 9:00am5:00pm. Emergency requests are
accepted anytime and on
weekends. Please e-mail Doris at
mamad73@mailbug.com. If you
Friends Helping Friends
would like to join the prayer
Registered parishioners are invited Spiritual Direction
ministry and do not have access to
“Spiritual direction encourages the a computer but have VOICE MAIL,
to post requests for services
needed or services they are able to exploration of a closer relationship please contact the church office.
provide on the bulletin board in the with God. In the midst of our busy You will be called with the daily
lives and at the deepest level, all of prayer requests.
breezeway. Please use only the
Parish Pastoral Council
Chairperson: Scott Phillips
Vice Chairperson: Matt Gibbons
Secretary: Michelle Curnow
Pastor: Fr. Frank Cancro
Clare Charzewski
Mark Ebreo
John Fout
Jerry Gardner
Debra Pavicic
Scott Spanbauer
Bill Starr
Ellen Wentz
Finance Council
Chairperson: Charlie Boyd
Welcome Stewardship
Chairperson: Colleen Sutton
Community Ministries:
Tricia Vasil
Liturgy and Worship:
Steve White
Art & Environment: Jan Kauer
Buildings and Facilities:
Marilyn Whitney
Evangelization & Communications:
Mark Colone
Kathy Lindgren
Young at Heart: Cathy Boyd
Nasser Miranda
Jan Kauer
Parish Life:
Clare Charzewski
Education & Formation:
Youth Ministry: Debbie Seeger
704-825-9600 ext. 26
Knights of Columbus:
Grand Knight: Justin Rick
Traffic Ministry: Walt Hinson
(704) 904-0743
Noticias de Nuestra Comunidad Hispana
Recolección de Alimentos Reflexión
para el mes de
Hermanos: Dichoso el que teme al Señor. Vigilar trabajando por el
Señor. La liturgia de este domingo nos presenta la parabola de los
En noviembre nuestra colecta de
alimentos será para el BCO.
Mermelada, salsa para pasta, arroz,
macarroni con queso, son los
alimentos más necesitados, pero
todas las donaciones son muy bien
recibidas. Belmont Community
Organization está localizada en
Catawba Avenue en Belmont y sirve
a nuestra área con alimentos, ropa,
pago de renta y servicios públicos.
Sus horas de operación son de lunes
a viernes de 9:00am-1:00pm. Si
usted está buscando una
oportunidad para ser voluntario(a),
por favor llame a Paula al 704-8254256. Gracias por su generosidad
con la recolección de alimentos del
mes y por su colaboración al repartir
estas donaciones.
El Árbol de Ángeles
talentos para inculcarnos la responsabilidad de lo que hacemos y
también de lo que dejamos de hacer. Todos, al ser llamados a la vida,
hemos recibido talentos de los cuales daremos cuenta al dueño de
ellos. Nuestros talentos pueden ser muchos o pocos, más o menos
valiosos; sobre ellos recae nuestra responsabilidad. Los talentos
representan todo aquello que es de Dios. Los talentos no son confiados
todos a un solo siervo, sino que son divididos entre los tres, según las
propias capacidades. Más que dotes naturales, éstos indican la
participación en la vida divina que está garantizada a los discípulos,
aunque si la division sugiere una cubierta parcialidad de esta
participación. La enseñanza podría ser: una la humildad, teniendo
presente que no es humildad el ir pregonando yo no valgo nada. NO
confundir un complejo de inferioridad con la virtud de la humildad.
Debemos ser conscientes de nuestros talentos, reconocer exactamente
las cualidades que Dios nos ha concedido. Eso es humildad. Vivir en
esta virtud es vivir en la verdad. Dios no ha puesto en su creación
seres inútiles. Si Dios nos concedió la vida, es señal inequívoca que
espera algo de nosotros. La humildad consiste en reconocer que
somos simplemente administradores de los talentos recibidos. Cuando
ejercemos nuestra mision como cristianos bautizados, jamás digamos
hice mucho, porque cualquier acción que hagamos por grande que
sea, no se puede comparar con el gran amor de Dios, que El nos da a
cada instante de nuestra existencia. Meditemos este mensaje con
mucha responsabilidad.
El año pasado nuestra parroquia
sirvió a 88 niños con dos ángeles por
Que Dios los bendiga: P. José Antonio Juya V.
niño. Nosotros estamos aquí para
servir a nuestra iglesia y a nuestra comunidad. Por favor contacte a Sandy Endicott al 704-813-2813 si usted
tiene una necesidad o sabe de alguien que la tenga, hágalo antes del 28 de noviembre. El árbol de ángeles
estará disponible en la iglesia empezando el fin de semana antes de Thanksgiving, entonces escoja su ángel
antes de irse a viajar por las festividades. Los ángeles empacados deberán ser entregados en la iglesia con la
tarjeta bien asegurada para el día 7 de diciembre. Los ángeles que se entreguen retrasados deberán hacerlo
a más tardar a las 12:30pm del domingo 14 de diciembre. Se necesitan voluntarios para llevar los regalos a
la bodega y organizarlos después de las misas de 9:45 y 11:30am del domingo 7 de diciembre. También se
necesitan voluntarios para la entrega el día lunes 8 de diciembre.
Programa de Preparación para la Primera Reconciliación:
Noche de los Discípulos.
La Noche de los Discípulos con el Padre Frank será el miércoles 19 de noviembre a las 6:45pm. Los niños y
los padres deberán venir vestidos como discípulos! Este es el evento final de preparación para el Sacramento
de la Reconciliación programado para el sábado 22 de noviembre a las 10:00am.
Dios los colme de bendiciones
durante esta nueva semana!!!
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