14544 Lebanon RD. • Old Hickory, TN 37138 NOVEMBER 9, 2014 THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Website: www.saintstephencommunity.org Church Email: ststephen@comcast.net Bulletin notices (due by 11am Monday) Email: linda.ramming@saintstephencommunity.com Office: 758-2424 • Fax: 754-0043 Priest’s House: 754-4454 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm PASTORAL STAFF • EXT./PHONE Pastor, Rev. Pat Kibby.......................................................12 Deacon, F red Bourland ....................................... 754-6899 Deacon, Steve Molnar……………………………604-6059 Deacon, Rob Montini ............................................ 884-7541 Deacon, Mickey Rose ............................................ 758-0322 Deacon, Tom Samoray………………………….. 504-6257 Deacon, Hans Toecker .......................................... 482-1895 Office Director, Barbara Couturier ..................................11 Office Secretary, Linda Ramming ....................................10 Adult Formation & Ministries, F rancie Duffield ............21 Life Teen Minister, Angie Bosio.......................................13 Youth Formation, Greg Karn ..........................................15 RCIC, Connie Blevins ........................................... 397-9255 Music and RCIA, Scott Goudeau .....................................30 Life Teen Band, Renee Campbell ......................... 516-2067 RECONCILIATION: Satur days at 4:00 pm in the Reconciliation Room and by appointment. INFANT BAPTISM CLASS: For r egister ed member s of the parish. Second Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm in the worship space, unless otherwise noted. MARRIAGE: Contact one of the following: Deacon Hans Toecker, Deacon Tom Samoray, Deacon Steve Molnar or Rev. Pat Kibby (see contact numbers above) at time of engagement. PRAYER CHAIN: For pr ayer for your self or for someone else, call Rosetta at 889-9495. SICK LIST; If you ar e going into the hospital or are homebound, please call the office, 758-2424. 24-HOUR CRISIS HOTLINE: If you ar e feeling lonely, depressed, overwhelmed, a caring voice is just a phone call away at 244-7444, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. SCRIPTURE REFLECTION "When he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they came to believe." Jesus predicted his resurrection in today's Gospel. But it wasn't until after the disciples witnessed the miraculous event that they realized what he had been talking about. At the time, Jesus' words seemed mysterious, even confusing. Those who heard him understandably thought his reference to "this temple" was about the Jewish house of worship. But it wasn't. He was talking about his body. This only became clear later. As the saying goes, "hindsight is twenty-twenty." How often do we find ourselves in the midst of a situation that doesn't make sense at the time? We question the "meaning" of a sickness, a lost job, a betrayal, or a disappointment. But then, after time has passed, we can begin to see it from another angle. In fact, many times we begin to see how good came out of these tough situations. St. Paul says, "We know that all things work for good for those who love God," (Rom 8:28). Sometimes it's hard to trust in God's promises, especially when his plan seems mysterious or confusing. But just as the disciples learned that Jesus knew what he was talking about, we can believe that too. He tells us that he is "the way and the truth and the life" (Jn 14:6). Although the way may seem indirect, Jesus' perspective is bigger than ours. He knows how to lead us to the fullness of life, in this world and the next. The path may not be one that we would choose. Even Jesus had to journey through the cross before his resurrection-the temple of his body was destroyed before it was rebuilt. But looking back, it's obvious that God's plans really do work out for the best. ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc. MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTION SCHEDULE NOVEMBER 8-NOVEMBER 16 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 5:00pm…………Martha Shoulders 8:30am ............... Lou Packard 11:00am ............... Russell Dennis 5:00pm ............... People of the Community 8:00am ............... Bud Cantrell 8:00am ............... William Thomas Otto 8:00am ............... Communion Service 6:30pm…………Communion Service 8:00am ............... Communion Service 8:00am ............... Communion Service 8:00am…………Communion Service 5:00pm…………Edward Krueger 8:30am ............... Alexis Kaz 11:00am ............... Matthew & Lillian Farris 5:00pm ............... People of the Community Registration in the Parish: Forms are available in the office during office hours, in the literature racks in the narthex of the church, or on our website (www. saintstephencommunity.org) and can be filled out and returned electronically. Sunday Adult Education meets from 9:45-10:45 am in the Lounge (lower level of Holy Family Center). LIFE TEEN All high school age youth of the parish are invited to attend the LIFE TEEN Mass held every Sunday at 5pm followed by LIFE Night in the Holy Family Center Hall. PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) Classes for youth, age 3 through grade 8, are held on Sundays during the school year. The Nursery is open during Sunday Masses for all children 12 months (and walking) through 3 years. Adult Choir & Children's Choir practices vary according to Mass times. Everyone is invited. Contact: Scott Goudeau. Christian Initiation (RCIA) and (RCIC) All non -Catholic adults interested in learning about or becoming members of the Catholic Church contact Scott Goudeau. Youth, age 7 or older, contact Connie Blevins. Meets every Thursday at 7:00 pm in the Hall. Catholics Returning Home. If you have been away from the Church, Welcome Home! If you would like help with transition back, contact Jerry Marcec (630-362-7150 or marcecjj@yahoo.com). Parent’s Day Out. Located at 108 Brookhollow. Call Nancy Otting at 754-8432 for information and availability. Elizabeth Ministry. The purpose of this ministry is to provide support, comradeship, spiritual guidance and encouragement to parents of any age. Contact Jill LaFaye 578-2662. AA meets every Tuesday morning at 7:00 am in the Lounge of the Holy Family Center. Al-Anon meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00 noon in the Lounge of the Holy Family Center. We can help, you are not alone. Funeral & Bereavement Ministry. Information to share on ways to save on the cost. Pre-planning allows us to establish a personal relationship ahead of time. After the death of a loved one we all need to journey with our grief in order for closure to take place. For questions about Catholic funerals or to pre-plan, call Francie Duffield at 758-2424. Financial Report—11-2-14 Regular Collection ........................... $29,777 Debt Reduction Income .................... $10,435 Debt Owed .................................. $1,259,535 Income YTD (starting 7/1/14) ........ $469,535 Income Last Year …………….……$495,466 Online Giving to the church is now available through our website. Go to www.saintstephencommunity.org and click the Online Giving button on the right. side. FAITH FORMATION Adult Ed continues with T he Bible and the Mass. The Sunday group will not meet this week so the Blood Drive can be held in the hall. Next week (Nov. 16), we return to consider more examples of the Book of Revelation that appear in the Mass. The Monday group will meet on Nov. 10 as we see how the Kingdom of God is an integral understanding of the Mass. *The Sunday group meets at 9:45am. *The Monday group meets at 9am. All groups meet in the hall of the Holy Family Center. Catholic Basics Wednesday mornings at 8:30am. Join us in the HFC Lounge. We are studying A Survey of Hinduism (video/ discussion series). Wednesday Morning Scr iptur e and Pr ayer Group from 10am-11:15am. We are studying The New Testament. Join us in Room 105. A Time to Seek—chapter-a-day readings: Sirach 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. This Week: Life Teen will attend the first night of the Parish Mission with ValLimar Jansen. ValLimar is a very talented and inspiring speaker, musician and story teller. Families will want to attend all three nights of the Mission together to share the experience. The Parish Mission will be Sunday night— Tuesday night, Nov. 9-11. See you there! Next Week: Life Teen will discuss the sensitive and yet relevant topic of depression and suicide. We will educate students on what to do if they or a friend are depressed or suicidal, and understand what the Church really says about suicide. Red Cross Babysitter Training: St. Stephen will host a Red Cross Babysitter Training on Saturday, Nov. 15 for students ages 11-14. Cost is $80. Contact Angie Bosio for information 758 -2424 x 13. Life Teen Adult Core Members Needed: Life Teen is searching for adults to add to our Sunday night Core Team. If you are a practicing Catholic, love teenagers and are up for a bit of an adventure, please contact Angie Bosio for application information. All ages 21 and up are welcome to apply. Core Members lead catechetical Life Nights on Sundays after the Life Teen Mass as well as act as chaperones for Life Teen trips such as Summer Camp, Ski Trip, White Water Rafting, Backpacking and other local events. Contact Angie at 758-2424 x 13 or amaddyb@gmail.com for more information if you think God is calling you to this ministry. · Confirmation Candidacy is for ALL Confirmation Students regardless of where they go to school (public, pr ivate or home school). During one of the remaining Masses, Confirmation students, along with their parents (sponsors need not attend), are invited to come before our faith community and declare their desire to PREP receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. This takes place after Fr. Pat’s homily. To participate, candidates must attend one of the following Masses: 11/9—5pm, 11/16—5pm. NOTE: The 11/16 Confirmation Candidacy Mass has been changed from 11am to 5pm. Please call Greg Karn at 579-6975 (cell) or email greg.karn@saintstephencommunity.com to sign up for the Mass of your choice. · Reminder—Confirmation Sponsor paperwork due NOW: The deadline for r etur ning the Confirmation Sponsor form was Sept. 28. If you have not yet turned in your form, please do so immediately. · St. Stephen Religious Education Thanksgiving/Christmas Project: Believe it or not, we only have about 2 and a half weeks until Thanksgiving and Christmas is right around the corner! Every Christmas, the Ladies of Charity provide baskets of food for those in need. This year, they anticipate the need to be about 775 baskets. St. Stephen’s PREP programs will assist by gathering one pound or larger bags/boxes of cookies for their baskets. Our goal is to match the Ladies of Charity’s need by collecting 775 bags/boxes of cookies. You are invited to bring bags/boxes to the Religious Education office anytime between now and Dec. 7. · Children’s Christmas Eve Liturgy: All children in religious education classes (ages 4 years old thru 5th grade) are invited to participate in the Children’s Christmas Eve Liturgy, Dec. 24 at 4pm. Signups will begin after all the Masses on Nov. 22-23 and Nov. 29-30. Rehearsals will be held in the church after the 11am Mass on Dec. 7 and 14. Dress rehearsal will be help at 3pm on Dec. 24. For more information, call Greg Karn (758-2424, Ext. 15). Coming Attractions: · No Religious Education classes on Sunday, Nov. 30 in obser vance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. · Children’s Christmas Eve Liturgy on Wednesday, Dec. 24 at 4pm. · The next First Reconciliation Parents Meeting is Sunday, Jan. 11 at 9:45am in the HFC lounge. · The next Confirmation Parents Meeting is Sunday, Jan. 11 at 6:15pm in the church. · First Eucharist is Satur day, April 11, 2015 · Confirmation is Fr iday, April 24, 2015 and will be celebrated here at St. Stephen. “For we are God’s fellow workers…” – 1 Corinthians 3:9 We are called to help God build His kingdom on earth. We are His eyes, ears, hands and voice on Earth. By giving of our “first fruits” of our time, talent and treasure we help fulfill God’s call. Are you doing all you can to help? Do you spend time in prayer every day? Do you participate in one of the many parish ministries? Do you give generously in the offertory collection each week? PARISH HIGHLIGHTS Prison Ministry: Thank you for your generous support so far on the inmate Christmas items. There is still time to help us reach our goal of 500 pairs of white socks and 500 pairs of women's gloves. For more information, contact Suzanne Visitacion 615-476-8112 or Sharon Kloba. Parish Council Members Needed: Election of Parish Council members will be held in November. If you are interested in serving as a member of the Council, contact Jim Hooper at 615-519-4905 as soon as possible for more information. Unconfirmed? If you ar e a baptized Catholic adult who has not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact Scott Goudeau to be included in the Sacrament of Confirmation celebrated by Bishop Choby during Easter Season, 2015. Email music.dept@comcast.net or call 758-2424, Ext. 30. Coats, Coats, Coats! When you clean out your closets this fall, the K of C Ladies Auxiliary are asking you to donate your gently used coats to be distributed to those that don’t have any coats to keep them warm this winter. Coats for men, women, and children (all sizes) will be accepted and appreciated and collected during the month of November. The coats will be divided among several charities and left to the organizations to distribute as they see the need. The Charities will include Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program, Loaves and Fishes (also part of Catholic Charities), and the Clothes Closet at McMurray Middle School of Nashville. The Clothes Closet is a room of donated items that are distributed to the children at McMurray based upon need as seen and referred by the teachers. If you can’t find anything in your closet, and find it in your heart to donate, we will take new coats. Drop them in the marked collection boxes in the old church. Thank you! The Quarterly Red Cross Blood Drive sponsor ed by Knights of Columbus Council 9282 will be held this Sunday, Nov. 9 in the hall of the Holy Family Center from 7:45am-1pm. If you’d still like to donate, call Mark Marsh at 207-9434 for available time slots. Our Parish Mission begins Sunday! Our parish mission will be held Nov. 9-11. Our presenter is ValLimar Jansen from Oregon Catholic Press (OCP). She is a storyteller, singer, composer, and recording artist. Each night is different and will feature prayer, story and song which will help all to grow in their knowledge of God and desire to become more like Christ. The topics for each night are as follows: Sunday – Created in the image of God for God’s purpose. Monday – Transformed and filled with love of God. Tuesday – We are sent forth to be the love of God. We will meet in the church at 6:30pm on Sunday and 7pm on Monday and Tuesday. Bellacino’s Spirit Night: This Monday is St. Stephen Spirit Night at Bellacino’s in Hermitage. Bring your family or join your friends for dinner there on Monday, Nov. 10 and 10% of your bill will go to help Life Teen and Edge students attend summer camp in 2015. Children’s Christmas Choir: Rehearsals for the Children’s Christmas Choir continue on Wednesdays from 6pm to 6:45pm, in the choir r ehear sal area in the narthex of the old church. The Children’s Choir will sing at the Children’s Christmas liturgy on Wednesday, Dec. 24 at 4pm. Childr en of all ages are encouraged to participate. To join, contact Scott Goudeau at 758-2424, Ext. 30 or music.dept@comcast.net. Funeral Planning Workshop: Our Fall workshop will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 7pm in the Old Church space. We will cover planning a vigil service, funeral Mass, and costs of local funeral providers. If you have any questions, please call Francie Duffield at 758-2424. register, phone Michael Porter at 615-3086777 or email mjpknight9282@aol.com. Coming December 12 - "A Very Merry Christmas" Gala! Dinner , dancing, friendship, and more! Music from the 60's, 70's and 80's. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Tickets on sale Nov. 22. Save the Date: Br eakfast with Santa sponsored by the KC Ladies Auxiliary will be Saturday, Dec 13, in the hall of the Holy Family Center, 9am – 11am. There will be music, crafts, storytelling and free pictures with Santa. Everyone is invited to attend this FREE pancake breakfast. Watch the bulletin for details. St. Stephen Parent’s Day Out program has openings. Would you like to have your child socialize, learn, play and pray with other little ones his/her age in a homelike setting right here at St. Stephen. We have openings in our Monday-Wednesday program (9am-2pm) for toddlers who are walking but who are not yet potty-trained, and our Tuesday-Thursday program (9am2pm) for children who are potty-trained and up to kindergarten age. For more information, or to register for either program, please contact Nancy Otting at 754-8432. From the Pro-Life Committee of the Ladies Auxiliary: “Amer ica, your ver y future as a nation depends on your willingness to Protect the Right to Life of the most defenseless in your society.” Pope John Paul II. The St. Stephen Knights of Columbus are hosting the Annual Ice Skating Party again this year. The party is the day before Thanksgiving, Wednesday Nov. 26, from 7pm–9pm. This event is FREE and all parishioners are invited. The party is at Centennial Sportsplex in Centennial Park, 222 25th Ave, in Nashville, just off West End. See you there! Thanksgiving Day Ministry: Litur gical ministers, you are needed to sign up for this liturgy on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, at 10am. The sign up sheet is between the doors leading to the old church space. K of C Charity Poker Tournament: Friday, Dec. 5, 6:30pm-???, in the hall of the Holy Family Center. No Limit Hold Em. $30 fee for your evening meal and you will receive $4,000 in play chips at no charge. $20 re-donation during the first hour of play. Lots of great prizes will be awarded. Open to the first 80 players registered. Proceeds benefit the MR Foundation. To Altar Flower Donation For Nov. 8-9: In Celebration of Abby Requierme and David Comm Wedding To donate flowers for the altar in memory of a loved one or to remember a special occasion, contact Connie Blevins (397-9255). DIOCESAN AND COMMUNITY NEWS Mt. Juliet Help Center: Most needed items at the center are: soups (especially chili), pinto beans, peas, and mixed vegetables. The Cathedral of the Incarnation Passionist Partners invite all to join them for a special presentation with guest speakers, actress, singer/ songwriter, J. Karen Thomas, and holocaust survivor, Sylvia Forest Crawford. Thomas has been seen on recent shows such as NASHV ILLE and Criminal Minds and has been on stage with Vince Gill and the Wootens. Thomas will perform a few hits from her recently released CD, J.Karen Live! Sylvia Crawford will tell her heartfelt and emotional story of her family surviving the holocaust. Crawford says, “My talk, What is WAR, tells the story of my family. This is not about tanks and bombs, but about the real effects of war on real people. We are all survivors.” The presentation will take place on Friday, Nov. 14 at 7pm on the 3rd floor of St. Albert’s Hall on the Cathedral’s campus. All our welcome! For more information, please email Ken Schmitt at kdschmitt77@hotmail.com. National Catholic Business Women’s League November Meeting, Wednesday, Nov. 19, Univer sity Club on Gar land Ave. Registration and networking—5:30pm; Dinner ($32 at the door)—6pm; Speaker, The Most Reverend David R. Choby, Bishop of Nashville—7pm; Short business meeting— 7:30pm. Please make your reservation by noon on Monday, Nov. 17 to favarallo @comcast.net or 615-292-9131 (when making your reservation, let me know of any special food requirements). If you don’t get a confirming email, your reservation was not received. If unable to attend after the deadline of Nov. 17, you will be responsible for your meal. St. Mary's Bookstore is hosting their annual Christmas Open House on Friday, Nov. 21 and Saturday, Nov. 22 from 9:30am-5pm. Meet Stefano Fontanini from Bagni di Lucca, Italy on Friday, Nov. 21 from 12:30pm-3pm. Stefano will be signing Nativity pieces from the House of Fontanini. There will be daily specials, refreshments, and door prizes. Free Movie Night at St. Frances Cabrini: Saturday, Nov. 22. Doors open at 6:30pm, movie starts at 7pm. Free popcorn, drinks and snacks. The movie is Elf. Please join us. The weekend of Nov. 22-23, Khader & Mary Abu Sada, a Catholic couple from the Holy Land will once again be visiting St. Stephen to mar ket olive wood hand carved religious articles made by the Christian artisans in the Holy Land. All proceeds will go directly to the Christian families and the artisans who are working in this type of hand carvings. They will have on display religious olive wood art works such as: Nativity scenes, crucifixes, figures, rosaries, etc., which are unique and not usually found in religious stores. They make wonderful presents for all occasions, especially Christmas. Price range is $8 to $700. Checks and credit cards are welcome. Father Ryan High School News: Father Ryan's Academic Blends: Father Ryan invites parents of 8th graders to have coffee with Vice Principal and Academic Dean Sara Hayes to learn more about the school's academic program. Registration: Nov. 12, Dec. 2 or Jan. 13, 2015. Please visit, father ryan.org/coffee. Father Ryan’s Purple Masque Players will pr esent two one-act plays for the Fall, 2014 season: “The Gift of the Magi” and “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”. The plays will be performed each night in the Center for the Arts on Father Ryan’s campus. The performance dates are Nov. 20-22, with the cur tain r ising at 7pm. Purchase tickets online at www.father ryan.org/play to view the performances and talents of our Purple Masque Players. Father Ryan Placement testing dates: Saturday, Dec. 6. All students applying for admission to Father Ryan must take a placement test to determine the student's placement in the school's academic program. Required pre-registration is available at fatherryan.org/placement. Please contact Admissions Office at (615) 383 -4200 with any questions. St. Cecilia Academy pr esents “A nnie”, Nov. 7-16. For tickets, call 298-4525 or visit www.stcecilia.edu. Holy Rosary Academy: Attention Veter ans! Holy Rosary Academy would like to invite you to our 2nd graders’ Special Liturgy Thursday, Nov. 13, 8am at Holy Rosar y Church, with a light brunch after Mass. After brunch, we invite you to visit an assigned classroom or two. If you have any medals, pictures, uniforms, or memorabilia you would like to share, the children would enjoy seeing those items. The day will conclude at approximately 10:15am. Please RSVP by Friday, Nov. 7. Please include your first and last name and if you are related to a Holy Rosary student. Email Ms. Roberts at robertst@holyros ary.edu or Mrs. Humes at humese@holyros ary.edu or call the school office at 883-1108. TWO WEEKS AT A GLANCE Sunday, Nov. 9—Dedication of the Lateran Basilica · Blood Drive 7:45am-1pm · Baptism 8:30am · PREP 9:45am · Parish Council Meeting 12:30pm · Confirmation Candidacy 5pm · Parish Mission 6:30pm Monday, November 10 · Adult Ed 9am · Rosary 6:15pm · Toastmasters 6:45pm · Parish Mission 7pm Tuesday, November 11—Veteran’s Day · AA 7am/Al Anon 12 noon · Yoga Prayer 7pm · Parish Mission 7pm · Room in the Inn—St. Stephen Wednesday, November 12 · Catholic Basics 8:30am · Scripture 10am · Choir Practice 7pm · Spousal Loss 7pm · GED 7pm Thursday, November 13 · Al Anon 12 noon · RCIA/RCIC 7pm · Baptism Class 7:30pm Friday, November 14 Saturday, November 15 · Red Cross Babysittter Training · Reconciliation 4pm Sunday, Nov. 16—33rd Sunday OT · PREP 9:45am · Adult Ed 9:45m · Confirmation Candidacy 5pm · Life Teen 6pm · Edge 6:15pm Monday, November 17 · Adult Ed 9am · Rosary 6:15pm · Life Band 7pm · K of C 7pm · Boy Scouts 7pm · GED 7pm Tuesday, November 18 · AA 7am/Al Anon 12 noon · Yoga Prayer 7pm · Room in the Inn—Grace UMC · Funeral Planning Workshop 7pm Wednesday, November 19 · Catholic Basics 8:30am · Scripture 10am · Choir Practice 7pm · Boy Scouts Ad Altare Dei Class 7pm · Spousal Loss 7pm · GED 7pm Thursday, November 20 · Al Anon 12 noon · RCIA/RCIC 7pm Friday, November 21 Saturday, November 22 · Reconciliation 4pm · Children’s Christmas Eve Liturgy Signups after 5pm Mass Call the office to add your/ family member name to the prayer list. Names will be kept on the list until the end of the month. Let us know if we should keep someone on longer. Please inform the office of a loved one’s death so they may be added to the deceased prayer list. 10% Donations The following merchants have offered to donate 10% of your total purchase (excluding alcohol and sales tax) to St. Stephen Life Teen and EDGE on the days listed below to help with funding for Life Teen Summer Camp. Please present the bulletin or flyer at time of purchase. El OK Corral—First Sunday of the month. Bellacino’s Pizza & Grinders— Third Monday of the month; 10% of total sales from 5pm to close. Children’s Trove Consignment—10% back to St. Stephen on all purchases. Choose St. Stephen from the list at checkout. THIS SPACE IS Please pray for those who are sick, especially Robert Greene (brother-in-law of Chris McCarthy), Marguerite Dammann (mother of Dan Dammann),Ed Donahue (father of Susan Donahue), Leanne Krofssik (daughter of Claire Krofssik), Linda Zarlek (friend of Linda Johnson), Suzanne LaPointe (daughter of Patty LaPointe), Kathleen Mattingly (mother of Donna Wagner), Catherine Terrell, Wilson Hogan (brother of Maureen Copeskey), Pete Baker (father of Karen Mertens), Jennifer (Devine) Adam (niece of Maureen Packard), Barbara Christian (sister of Terry Winfree), Lydia Marechal, Geneva Lynch (friend of Judy Bush), Mark Hasty (friend of Catherine Terrell), Jennifer Combs Wilson, Deacon Jim Batcheldor, Tom Humenay (brother of Joan Gunter), Michael Crowe, Lauren Tarro (daughter of Jack & Tammy Klinefelter), Ruby Kitchen (friend of Cam Frost), Paul Milly (friend of Barb Horn), Leslie Derring (friend of Janice Fox), Pat Ackerman, Ed Close (friend of Cam Frost), Kaleb Leigh (grandson of Sally Clinard), Rob Aton (son of Margaret Aton), Anna Fil (relative of Peggy Tempelmeyer), Greg Hamrick (brother-in-law of Deb Varallo), Samantha Jones (niece of Marjorie Dowd), David Maass (brother of Herman Maass), Deacon Rob Montini, Christina Hoover, Margaret Stull (niece of Peggy Waterston), Tim Hulsey (friend of Jim Mattingly), Gizella Ricci (friend of Mark Marsh), Frank Orschlen (friend of Carol Dalglish), Mary Decker (mother of Rosemary Beers), Kellye Burke, Dave VanDeGejuchte, Donna Boss (friend of Peggy Waterston), George Mainville (brother of Betty Micol), Joan Gunter, Betty Batcheldor, Ken Frost, Ferne Harris (mother of Chip Harris), Pauline Strawderman (mother of Helen Walsh), Don Wescott, Beth Covert (niece of Suzanne Valimont), Bishop Mikaelian. 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Juliet CALL JOHN DUSIO 1.800.477.4574 • 216.325.6825 ext 6307 MMcAleer@4LPi.com Parishioner 553-4838 3-D-5-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4lpi.com ©2013 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-1131\i Cajun Seafood LLC OFFERING BREAKFAST AND LUNCH ALL DAY! Authentic Cajun Cuisine Wild Caught American Seafood 615.288.3264 • 14833 Lebanon Rd. Hermitage Mt Juliet 885-JETS(5387) 754-4100 BRING IN THIS BULLETIN FOR 10% OFF YOUR ORDER 3838 G. Old Hickory Blvd • Old Hickory (behind Duncan Donuts) Monday-Saturday 11-9 847-4404 View our menu on our facebook page @ facebook.com/cajunseafoodllc OFFERING UPSCALE CATERING DR. JANET CLODFELTER “Creating beautiful healthy smiles!” 14920 Lebanon Road Old Hickory, TN 37138 615-754-9800 226 Shady Grove Rd. • Nashville, TN 615-889-6816 • www.drjanetdds.com Formally Bobby Ray’s Collision Center STRICTLY INTERIORS Family Hair Cutting Center Dennis Kaney Painting Donelson 889-0132 Mt. 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