November 2014 The Beacon I LOVE APPORTIONMENTS Seriously, I love apportionments. Before I go any further, I probably need to address two questions. First: why am I bringing this up? I'm bringing this up because Stewardship Commitment Sunday will be November 16 and we are inviting you to be praying over your financial faithfulness for the coming year. The second question I need to address: what are apportionments? The short and simple answer is that apportionments are a percentage of our budget that we give to the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. There are some, however, who offer alternate answers. Some suggest that apportionments are a sort of franchise payment that we make to the corporate office each year to keep "United Methodist" on our signs. Others say that they are a tax we have to pay if we as a congregation are going to stay United Methodists. Apportionments are not a tax nor a franchise payment. Instead, people who serve at a conference level use apportionments to fund missions and ministries in North Carolina and all over the world. This bit of information changed everything for me. I used to give to my local congregation out of obligation. The logic behind my giving was, God says, “give”, so I guess I'll give. Plus, I use the church facilities so I guess I'll give my fair share to pay for the lights, air conditioning, and the candy I steal from the pastor's office. Once I realized that the money I gave didn't just go to utilities and paying the pastor to buy more candy to put in the candy dish, I got excited. My small act of giving was actually changing people's lives around the world. Very often, I'll hear people in our congregation say things like, "There are so many children in abusive homes that need a better place to live. I wish we could do something about that." Or, I'll hear, "I wish we could do more to advocate for prison reform." Or, "All the wars throughout the world are leaving countless refugees. Why aren't we doing anything about that?" Or, "I don't think the church does enough to help with education in the developing world." We are doing something about all of these things. You are doing something about all of these things. Not by stressfully figuring out what needs there are in the world, scouring the internet for reputable organizations to help, then becoming overwhelmed by the idea that we have little to offer as individuals. Instead, through our regular giving and through our apportionments, we unite together with faithful servants around he world to show people the love of Christ and the power of the resurrection. Blessings Rev. Jeff Babajtis Prayer Concerns: Names on the Prayer Concern List will remain two weeks unless advised otherwise. Gwen Baskett, Jim Bond, Cathie Brink, Mary Alice Brown, Becky Clegg, Bill and June Davies, Marie Edwards, Emma Ferrell, Dwight Greene, Bettye Greger, Grace Hale, John and Pat Lee, Mike and Carla McKinney, Floyd and Jeanne Munson, Dottie Piontek, Winton Rankin, Virginia Rogers, Sandy Smith, Vic Sydnor, Penny Tate, Barbara Whitlock, all Service men and women serving our country. Names on the Prayer Concern List will remain two weeks unless advised otherwise. Sympathy is extended to… Jack and Linda McCaslin for the death of Jack’s brother. …..the family of Marie Sheets. Marie passed away October 11, 2014. PRESENCE…. Sunday Worship Attendance: October 5—211 October 12—251 October 19– 239 October 26—244 Sunday School Attendance: October 5—138 October 12—133 October 19—124 October 26—149 Wednesday Worship Attendance: October 1—31 October 8—24 October 15—24 October 22—30 October 29—will be posted in the December Issue Baptism, Camden Clark Schmelzer, son of Adam and Margaret Schmelzer. Welcome New Members, Adam and Margaret Schmelzer Lynne Sizemore ANNOUNCEMENTS REMINDER—TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK 1 HOUR SATURDAY EVENING , NOVEMBER 1. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS. ADULT FELLOWSHIP, NOVEMBER 13, 11:30 A.M., FELLOWSHIP HALL – Lunch will be provided by Karen Van Voorhis, Family Fellowship Committee. Cost will be $5 per person. For more information contact Kay Stockett 919-788-0300 or Patsy Skinner 919-866-4556. NOVEMBER 2, WE CELEBRATE ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY DURING MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES. All Saints’ Sunday is a day for remembering the saints, who according to the New Testament are all Christian people of every time and place. We celebrate the communion of the saints as we remember the dead, both of the Church universal and of our local congregation. For this reason, the names of persons in the congregation who have died during the past year are read aloud as a candle is lit and a bell is chimed. CHURCH COUNCIL MEETS NOVEMBER 2 FOR A MINI-RETREAT, 12:15-3:00 PM., FELLOWSHIP HALL - Lunch will be provided. See page 7. THANK YOU to everyone who helped out with Trunk-or-Treat, decorated a trunk, and came to enjoy the evening with us! Everyone had a great time! We ended up with 32 trunks and about 140 people. This was a great ministry to show hospitality to our community and I thank you for supporting it! Cortney Babajtis. ANNUAL BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR JESUS, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 12:30 – 2:00 P.M. HOSTED BY THE CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TEAM. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WILL BE GONE TO PILGRIMAGE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9. There will be no Middle School First Friday on November 7 and no UMYF on November 9. YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTY, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 4;00 – 6:00 P.M. PLACE TO BE ANNOUNCED. COLUMBARIUM NICHES AND MEMORIAL PLAQUES – BMUMC provides facilities and opportunities for Christian growth from birth throughout all stages of life including a final resting place for its members. The Benson Columbarium offers a dignified and serene setting where church members and their families are remembered and honored. Information concerning internment procedures, purchase and payment terms, and cost for niches and plaques are available in the narthex and business office. Interested members may call the church office or Ron Oates for additional information for this practical low cost and valuable benefit. Thank you to Lay Ministry for providing the beautiful fall flowers at the Columbarium. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, LAITY SUNDAY AND STEWARDSHIP COMMITMENT SUNDAY - Our Lay Leader, Chuck Moore, and other lay servants will lead the morning worship services and we will make our financial commitments for Christ's Kingdom work through Benson Memorial UMC in 2015. PLEASE BRING YOUR STEWARDSHIP Announcements continued... COMMITMENT CARDS TO WORSHIP AND A COVERED SIDE DISH or DESSERT TO SHARE AT THE CHURCH WIDE LUNCHEON TO FOLLOW! See insert page 6. THE ANNUAL CHARGE CONFERENCE WILL BE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 7:00 P.M., WESTOVER UMC (300 POWELL DR. RALEIGH). All members of Administrative/Church Council are voting members of the charge conference and expected to attend. However, everyone is welcome! BENSON MEMORIAL UMC IS HOSTING THE INTERFAITH COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE THIS YEAR ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 7:00 P.M., SANCTUARY. TRUSTEES WILL HOLD A GROUNDS WORK SESSIONS. 9:00 A.M. – NOON - NOVEMBER 15. We hope this will give more members an opportunity to help us beautify the campus grounds and fellowship with the church family at the same time. For more information contact Jerry Crenshaw ANGEL TREE MINISTRY – Evangelism has requested families this year in the areas of 27612, 27613, 27545, 27609, 27607, and 27614 with the date being set for Saturday afternoon, December 13, 1;00—3:00 p.m. An important part of this ministry is prayer! We ask you to begin lifting up the families that God places before us as we enter into this opportunity to be God’s servants again. Activities will include, decorating Christmas goodies, reading the Christmas story, gifts, and Hot Chocolate with Santa. Cindy Hallman and Emily van derHoeven, Evangelism Committee. CHANCEL CHIMES NEEDS THREE NEW MEMBERS –We would love for you to join us. The group meets Sundays 2:153:15 p.m. Please contact Jennifer Riggert (919) 785-9079 or NURSERY VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED ON WEDNESDAYS, 6:00 - 8.30 P.M. AND ON SUNDAYS DURING THE 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE. Please contact Cortney Babajtis (; 919.787.0789) if you are interested or would like to discuss this further. Thank you! URGENT PASTORAL CARE NEEDS – If you need pastoral care after office hours, please be in touch with Pastor Kelly Lyn or Pastor Jeff and leave a detailed message. The pastor on call will follow up as soon as possible. Kelly Lyn Logue, Senior Pastor - 0919.462.0339, Jeff Babajtis, Associate Pastor – 919-545-4080. WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY PLANS – NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER – SEE PAGE 5. BENSON MEMORIAL UMC Benson Memorial United Methodist Church Kelly Lyn Logue, Sr. Pastor 4706 Creedmoor Road Raleigh, NC 27612 Phone: 919-787-0789 Fax: 919-787-0466 Web Address: http:// URGENT PASTORAL CARE NEEDS If you are in need of pastoral care after office hours, please be in touch with Pastor Kelly Lyn Logue or Pastor Jeff Babajtis and leave a detailed message. The pastor on call will follow up as soon as possible. Kelly Lyn Logue, Senior Pastor—919.462.0339 Jeff Babajtis, Associate Pastor—919.545.4080 CELEBRATE OUR FAITH, STRENGTHEN OUR FAITH, SHARE OUR FAITH Information for the December Beacon is due November 15. Please submit all information to Mary Honeycutt. (919) 787-0789
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