NOVEMBER 9, 2014 The Pastor’s Corner DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA My Dear People, While challenging us to adapt a broader vision of life, the Gospel also invites us to “look into the hearts of each individual.” While intensely personal with the individual Jesus always invited people to engage themselves as a part of the larger community. St. Paul talks about this when he reflects on the “Body of Christ” where each individual has a role to play. This weekend we are asked to make our annual commitment to the United Catholic Appeal. This is our opportunity to be a part of the larger mission of the church. Please be generous in your prayers and support. 114 Lancelot Drive Franklin, IN 46131 Liturgical Schedule Saturday—4:30PM Sunday—7:30AM and 11:30AM Weekdays and Holy Days—Check bulletin or Call Parish Office Pastoral Staff Pastor, Rev. Steven Schaftlein Also Serving Holy Trinity, Edinburgh Fr. Joseph Moriarty, Sacramental Minister FPLC, Mike Witka - Deacon, Deacon Ron Reimer Parish Secretary, Mrs. Vicki Sargent School Principal, Mrs. Rebecca Floyd R.E. Coordinator, Mrs. Julie Haney Youth Minister, Mrs. Yolanda Burgener Phones Parish Office RE/Youth School Extended Care FAX # This past week I received suggestions for people to serve as the leadership teams of each parish’s involvement in the “Connected In The Spirit” program. I am in the process of contacting these people. As a first step in the process we will begin to count the number of people in attendance at the weekend masses. This is the most accurate way of comparing the sizes of parishes. If you would like to help count, let me know. 738-3929 736-6754 738-3451 738-4156 1-877-208-1154 New Parishioners: You are most welcome! Please call or visit the Parish Office to register. Interested in the Catholic Faith? Call Fr. Steve or Mary Tieken for more information. Baptismal Preparation: Call Patty Moore at 736-5526 for more information. Marriage Preparation: Engaged couples should contact Fr. Steve at least six months prior to the wedding. Sacrament of Penance: Saturday from 3:30 to 4:00PM, First Fridays after the 8:30AM Mass in the Reconciliation Room. Anointing of the Sick: Please contact the Parish Office in case of illness or need. Sick and Home-Bound: Holy Communion is provided at least weekly by eucharistic ministers. Call the Parish Office so that we may visit. School: St. Rose School hours 8:00AM—3:00PM. about registration, please call 738-3451. For information Religious Education: Preschool through High School classes are offered 9:15AM—10:45AM every Sunday morning during the school year. Call Julie Haney for details. This past week Yo and I had meetings with Mike Fahely, the Archdiocesan director of “campus ministry” and with Leah Rumsey, the ecumenical chaplain on staff at Franklin College. We discussed the various opportunities of including the young adult Catholics of Franklin College as a part of the Franklin Catholic Community. We also talked about the opportunities of collaborating ecumenically with the other denominations at the college and in the community. This past Tuesday I attended the “Connected In The Spirit” meeting at St. Bartholomew in Columbus. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, let Yo or myself know. We will have mass at the college Sunday evening at 7 after meeting at 5:45 pm at McDonalds. On Friday I worked with volunteers at Henryville to organize the tools, building materials, and relief supplies. Archdiocesan Catholic Charities disaster relief hopes to consolidate all of its resources to the newly constructed barn at St. Joseph’s in Jenning’s County (a few miles east of Seymour). Let me know if you would like to help with the effort. We will have several trucks and trailers of items to move. Once done, the Archdiocese will have a first class disaster relief operation with all of the equipment and supplies to make an important contribution to future disasters. In the Gospel today, Jesus reminds us that His personal sacrifice on the cross surpassed all of the offerings of the temple. Jesus role models for us that the openness of our minds, the generosity of our hearts, and the richness of our souls provides us with the energy and the vision to make a positive difference in our world. If we first nurture and clean the temples of our own souls then the temple of our parish church will be made whole. This would be a good time to let go of some anger, resentment, greed, or other burden that limits our ability to live the Gospel. This is best done by an open, honest, and humble examination of conscience before the Lord. It can be gentle and reassuring at the same time that it is life changing. As Jesus made the temple of house of prayer, we can make our lives a place of prayer! Knights of Columbus: Meets on First Wednesday of each month. Joe Marowski, Grand Knight-739-0285 Fr. Steve Bulletin e-mail address: Parish Website: School Website: WWW.STROSELIONS.NET PS. On Monday I will be out of town for meetings, I will return late on Tuesday evening. There will not be mass on Tuesday evening. LITURGICAL EVENTS Saturday, November 8 4:30PM . . . Joseph & Anneliese Height Sunday, November 9 7:30AM . . . For the Parish 11:30AM . . . Roger McGinnis Tuesday, November 11 6:30PM . . . NO MASS Wednesday, November 12 8:30AM . . . Norman Bordenkecher Thursday, November 13 8:30AM . . . Roger McGinnis Friday, November 14 8:30AM . . . Garrell Trogdon Saturday, November 15 4:30PM . . . Grace Misiniec Sunday, November 16 7:30AM . . . Joan Carmack 11:30AM . . . For the Parish PLEASE PRAY FOR: Mary Ann Haney, Virgil Kappes, Larry & Pat Schlenz, Janet Asher, Jeanne Sigler, Denise Sparkman, Paula Leukerath, and Barb Giardina, Ben Hagen, Tanya Anslinger, Scott Anslinger, Gayle Merimee, Steve Merimee, Del Edmondson, Mary Ritter, Mrs. Annette Jones (William), Jerry Backer, Theresa Claxton, , Pat Woodward, Jack & Mary Ann Wilkins, Jim and Pat Briddle, Paul Hughey, B. J. Braun, David Talbott, Jean Nowak, Emma Immel, Henry Daly, Dick Wallace, Justin and Julie Proctor, Linda Bradley, Joe Pawlowski, Bob Grabenhofer, Jeff Perkins, Margaret Natali, Marty Griner, and Donna Dalrymple. E-mail Kay Wood at HOMEBOUND MINISTRY During the week of November 9-15, Mary Pat, Ann, Earlene and Cathy will take communion to nursing homes, to the hospital and to those who are in their homes. If you have a Catholic relative or friend who is unable to attend Mass and would like to receive communion, please call the parish office at 738-3929. MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND Saturday - 4:30PM - Team 3A Sunday - 7:30AM - Team 3B 11:30AM - Team 3C *Because November has 5 Sundays, Team 4 is asked to take the 4th and 5th weekend. If you cannot be here, please call a substitute. Thank you for your continued dedication to these important areas of ministry. PARISH EVENTS Saturday Sunday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday Rake N Run 9:15AM-Religious Education 9:30AM-Rosary Making-PLC 9:30AM-REST Mtg.-upstairs hallway 7:30AM– Communion Service 10:00AM-Faith Sharing/Bible Study-AR 7:00PM-Bible Study-Anniversary Room 7:00PM-RCIA-School 6:30PM-1st Communion Family Night 9:00AM-Over-50’s Breakfast-PLC 9:15AM-Religious Education SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Zeke William, son of Brian and Erica Alsip, was baptized at St. Rose on November 1, 2014. Peter James, son of Steven and Elisa Rogowski, was baptized at St. Rose on November 1, 2014. Delaney Marie, daughter of Kevin and Brook Brooks, was baptized at St. Rose on November 2, 2014. STEWARDSHIP November 2 Envelopes & Checks Loose (129) $ 7,818.50 426.51 $ 8,245.01 Weekly Budget: $6,538.00 Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome November 8/9, 2014 In today’s reading from Saint Paul’s letter to the Christian community at Corinth, he suggests that we are all called to be “wise master builders” in the building up of God’s temple, the local Church. Each one of us has been given gifts to offer this building enterprise, and we are called to be good stewards of this project, to build this church together, in communion with one another, according to God’s plan, not ours. Jesus Christ is the solid foundation upon whom we are to build. Saint Paul further suggests that God will judge us according to the quality of our stewardship. Can we see ourselves as “master builders” of God’s church? What gifts are we using to construct this holy place that God will call home? INTENTION WEEKEND NOVEMBER 8 & 9 OVER-50’S BREAKFAST NEW FAX NUMBER St. Rose Church and School have changed their fax number to 1-877-208-1154. Dolly Patterson and Eleanor Wildman will host the Over-50’s Breakfast next Friday at 9:00AM (after the 8:30AM Mass) in the Parish Life Center. Just bring a dish to share; table service and drinks are provided. All are most welcome! November 9, 2014 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RE classes are held on Sunday mornings from 9:15 – 10:45AM for children three years of age by August 1st; up through high school (preschool children get dismissed from class at 10:30AM). If your child does not attend a Catholic school, they should be enrolled in the RE program. Registration forms are available on the parish website ( or show up Sunday morning. Questions? Call Julie Haney CRE @ 317-736-6754. Christmas Greenery Sale- This is the last weekend to order Christmas Greenery! The REST Team is holding their annual Christmas Greenery Sale to help buy resources for our RE Library and RE activities. You can order a wreath online and have it shipped anywhere in the U.S. which is great for those hard to buy for family and friends! Other orders will be ready for pick up during RE class time and after the weekend Masses on December 6th & 7th. Order forms can be found on the parish website or at all the church doors. Payment must be made when order is placed. Thank you! Questions? Call Julie at 736-6754. First Communion News – This Sunday, November 9th, we will hold our annual First Communion Rosary Making Day in the PLC at 9:30AM. The children will need an adult to help them with the knots. Our next First Communion Family Night is scheduled for this Thursday, Nov. 13th at 6:30PM in the PLC. Families Greene through Poff are asked to bring cookies that night. Baby-sitting will be provided. Remember we need a wallet size photo of each First Communicant for a poster and also please turn in all your paperwork from our parent meeting as soon as possible. 4:12 YOUTH GROUP Sunday, November 9 Dinner out and mass at Franklin College Meet for dinner at 5:45pm at the McDonald’s by the interstate on King Street, then we will go to the college for 7pm mass. Parents are most welcome to join us for dinner and mass, and can hopefully give rides to the college. Parents: youth can be picked up at the college chapel at the corner or Forsythe and Monroe streets by 8:30pm. Saturday, November 15 Youth Mass at 4:30pm Any youth wanting to participate in the mass, please contact Yo. We will need greeters, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, gift bearers and those to take up the collection. *There will be NO youth group meeting or dinner after mass. Saturday, December 6 Parent’s Night Out 6-10pm Need many youth and adults for this fundraiser. The evening includes dinner, movie, crafts and games. Please call Yo to sign up. If you have questions about any of the youth group events, want to sign up to participate or help, please contact Yolanda at 736-6754 or REST Team Mtg- The REST Team will meet in the upstairs hallway this Sunday, Nov. 9th at 9:30AM. All RE parents are welcome to attend. Thanksgiving Blessing Baskets- Again this year our RE and school classes will be putting together 18 Thanksgiving Blessing Baskets including a Thanksgiving meal and all the trimmings! These baskets will be delivered on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. We would greatly appreciate monetary donations to help buy the extra food items needed; especially turkeys for each basket. Monetary donations can be dropped off in the collection basket clearly marked Blessing Basket Donation, or dropped off at any of the parish offices. Please call Julie @ 736-6754 with questions. Thanks for your support of this special ministry. RE Christmas Program – On Sunday, Dec. 14th at 9:30AM we will hold our annual Christmas Program, including the play; “Operation Baby King”. Any RE student in grades 3rd through high school who would like to take part in the play should let Julie know ASAP. We need many volunteers to bring this special gift to our parishioners. Please join the fun! Our first practice is next Sunday, Nov. 16th at 11AM in the PLC. Please join the fun! INTERCHURCH PANTRY At this time of year and during the winter months, soups and jellies are the most needed of food items. There is a box by the Sacristy door and in the back of Church for you donations. In October St. Rose donated 164 items. And the Pantry served 1,406 families. Your generosity is most appreciated. The Fight Against Hunger continues. Please help! The Pantry is open from noon to 3PM every weekday except for holidays. LORD’S CUPBOARD Donations can be dropped off at the rear entrance of the Thrift shop at 606 W. Banta Street (just north of Bud and Bloom) in Franklin. Hours are 10AM—5PM Tuesday through Friday and 10AM—3PM on Saturday. Lion Pride This was an exciting week for our 8th grade class. Each 8th grader was presented with a Chrome Book for use at school. This was made possible through the generosity of our PRIDE organization and the success of our annual trash bag sale. We also thank Mr. Roush and Mr. Janis for their dedication to keeping our technology up to date, and their ability to find the best and most economical options in all aspects of technology. This was the first step in providing Chrome Books for our entire middle school. We love being a part of St. Rose School! COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS Do you want to be a part of the Team that handles Coffee and Doughnuts on Sunday mornings? This is an aspect of parish life that has been missing for several years that parishioners have inquired about. If you would like more information on what you can do to help, please contact Julie Haney at 736-6754. Report Sexual Misconduct now: If you are a victim of sexual misconduct by a person ministering on behalf of the Church, or if you know of anyone who has been a victim of such misconduct, please contact the archdiocesan victim assistance coordinator: Carla Hill, Archdiocese of Indianapolis, P.O. Box 1410, Indianapolis, In 46206. 317-236-1548 or 800-382-9836, ext. 1548 or by e-mail: 2014 St. Rose Of Lima Parish and School Sponsors/Advertisers Please support our advertisers! Diamond Platinum Linville Farms 55 years E. H. 43 years David & Karen Roush 24 years Gold Bob & Theresa Claxton 65 years Copper Mike & Qaia Fitzpatrick 3 years. Silver Bronze Gil & Rita Abplanalp 62 years Paul A. Hass/Hass, Vandivier & Norris 317-738-3636 Tim & Kathy Janis 40 years Friends Corner Joe & Susie Marowski 5 years. Bob & Vicki Sargent 41 years. Gary & Mary Ann Woodward 23 years. Tom Vernon & Ann Wesseler Gene and Anita White 29 years Paul J. Janis, OD Optometrist 950 W. Jefferson Franklin, IN 46131 317-738-2181 Office 317-881-3700 Direct 317-506-1152 Take-a-Break Bus Tours Presents A Diamond Bus Tour Atlantic City, Philadelphia, New York Trip Oct. 4-10 Contact: Marie Keegan at mariekeegan58 @yahoo. com ! 3 L ike other churches, the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome is built on the foundations— physical, historical, emotional and spiritual—of an earlier building. The Emperor Constantine commissioned the original church in the fourth century. Today, this church is the pope’s home parish. We’re used to seeing him address the entire world from St. Peter’s. But the Roman Pontifical Cathedral, the pope’s home base as bishop of Rome, Ezekiel 47:1–2, 8–9, 12 < = > ? @ A ? = > B C > D E @ F G > D H I F D F A J A K H KVIEXXIQTPIJVSQ[LMGL[EXIV¾S[IH A L H B D E @ B K D > @ > F B D M B H = A @ F L @ M J Q @ F > I H B T > = V @ J H N D ? B R U H F > J C > I B > H D @ O P N J J D C H A H @ J F J Q B > A M R H K R R T D D F ? I = F > H J R H S D T Q R R F I > G N O 1 Corinthians 3:9–11, 16–17 W H L A R K H J K J Y C A H A ? L J M C > T > U @ C H D B D = Y A F F A J C A D K Z D A R G H J > D @ K > \ R A L = > D X F R C C A F L R J N D F Q T R ] D O H F ? R [ F = E V C @ L F D > D L B B @ ? > G A M A J ? C B F = R > > D D > O John 2:13–22 \ > D B L B = H D R F H Q A M G H C D > N C > A D T D > ` a N J R B R = R A H = H H @ @ B E E D F A ^ C > X B > H U D J R F N F < > Q J B D > J > > Q F = F F B M @ T B D S H B L ? D M O V > H A M > ? R J H ? J E R @ C S S > C F H > J B J @ Q ? R C F A H E F I > I J D > > O B A @ _ = L B = > @ > B > > F @ " ) # 4 " " $ 2 % 5 & ' " ( - % 6 ) * 7 ) 8 9 + : ( ! " , ' ( " - ' * . ' / % 0 % & ' % * 1 is St. John Lateran. Pope Martin V is entombed in front of the main altar. Martin was elected to end the Great Western Schism. After a stay of about seventy years in Avignon, France, the papacy returned to Rome, to what was then (generously speaking) a backwater town. A lot of ruins. Not everyone in the Church’s power structure was happy with the move back. The late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries saw first two, then three men claim to be pope. The Council of Constance resolved the dilemma and elected Pope Martin. St. John Lateran speaks power. The nave is flanked by statues of the apostles that are more than twice a normal person’s height. The architecture expresses strength in stone, grandeur, and magnificent art. I’ve taken photographs of the building. They don’t capture the size of the place, but I can still feel it in my bones. In the nave I sensed the deep desire to speak of permanence and stability. But I felt keenly, too, the sense that stones can be pulled down and stained glass broken. Powerful buildings can say only so much. And then my wife and I received the Eucharist at the Lateran Basilica. That reality helps me keep the place in perspective. b c d e f g c h e i ) 2 " ; j c k l m c f n o j b c d e f g c p f g d q r s t u v w x y z t { s z v w | s } w y ~ } 'VIEXMSRVI¾IGXXLIMVLSPMRIWW# t z t y z t v w y x t u s { [SVWLMTTVE]IVERHTVEMWI# t z t y z t v w y x t u s { FYWMRIWWERHGSQQIVGI# ¢ ¢ £ ¡ ª ¨ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¤ ¨ ¢ ¥ ¥ ¢ ¥ ¢ ¨ ¥ ¢ ° ¤ « ® ¢ ¢ § § £ ¨ £ £ ¢ ¥ £ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¤ £ ° ¦ © § § § ¦ ¯ © ª ¤ ¢ © ¬ ¢ ¤ § § § ¥ ¢ § ¦ © © ¨ ¨ © ¨ ¢ § ± From The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy p q r s t u v w x v y t z p { x | | y pictures of generations of family members. To some, it may be just a family photo gallery. To us, it is our very own communion of saints. In my family, cooking is a big deal. Recipes are passed down from generation to generation. My husband’s grandmother died recently, and when the family came back to our house after the funeral, I served the cake that she had made for so many family celebrations throughout the years. One of our family’s All Souls’ Day traditions is to cook recipes from friends and family who have passed away. Through food and stories, we nourish ourselves physically and spiritually and recall loved ones who have passed away. As families, we spend the majority of our time in our homes. So it makes sense that this is where a good deal of our learning and formation takes place. Sometimes, in the midst of our busy lives, we fail to recognize the sacred that surrounds us on a daily basis. Sometimes, all we need to do is appreciate what’s already going on around us. Take some time to stop and take in those little everyday encounters of grace. It’s those things that truly make a home Catholic. { W hen my husband, Mark, and I got married, we spent a good deal of time choosing and registering for things to fill our new home. Fourteen years and three kids later, many of those things that we just had to have at the time have been discarded, broken, or packed away. The items that remain are ones that reflect our family, our interests, and even our faith. I’m not surprised by the way our home has taken shape. When someone walked into our home when I was growing up, there was no mistaking that my family was Catholic. For example, each of my sisters and I had small holy water fonts fastened to the walls of our bedrooms. On important days, such as for tests, a candle was lit in front of the Blessed Mother statue in our living room. These outward expressions of faith—or sacramentals—were as much a part of my faith formation as my sixteen years of Catholic education. In fact, most of what I carried with me into adulthood are the aspects of faith that my parents taught us as we were growing up. Now my husband and I are following in my parents’ footsteps. Currently in our living room, a palm from last year’s Palm Sunday Mass peeks out from behind a frame on the wall. Each of our children’s bedrooms displays a crucifix and a statue of Saint Francis. A plaque of the “BeeAttitudes” hangs in my oldest daughter’s bedroom, and the Ten Commandments } I J K ~ L L O R K " # $ % # & ' ( ) ' R ~ 9 < : H = A ' . / 0 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 # " < " H # E # - & @ H ( - 3 ' ? ! # ; H > ? ! 3 & = > ) 9 \ - L Q M R L O S P O P N O M ~ ; ) X , K N U P O O K ~ Q R V ¦ O N O Q R § Y M [ K N K Z ~ M U X U ¨ Z R I W ¤ U ¡ J J © I I ¥ ¢ J O Q Q F F * : H B 6 ! ; + A @ " : ) H ( ; * * H ; H D A ) F H C . ( " * : " & F B H 1 I G " + 7 # E / F ) : ) H ! " - * ; ( H . G H 5 " + ' $ ! & % # > % " ( ! - E Y F H * + 3 * # H * & & H H ] H ' ( ( ' # D & 0 ( ( ) ^ ) H - H " C " # C ) # * D * * ( C H ] ) + - # , * - # H " ^ * ( - Z E F # # H " ] ) G C H I Y ^ G ! " # H . # H / - F G H ! " # H F 0 , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 3 8 2 9 4 8 : 4 9 ; E # ^ H + G ) - H J ^ ( K " * L . # M / " H + ' H ) ) N # K _ H * O < - = F P Q R S [ T ` ( > = ` + P > G H U V * K W a ) 9 " # b * - / F H + c . @ - ? = Y H = ) H " * h h < = > ? @ i < c i c < j c e f k = i @ < = l m @ = 9 ` < = > ? @ i > < n ` @ c e 9 ` h ; @ 9 h = o c ` i c 6 F 6 c ? d 9 9 h e < c e < f i f 9 < _ > a f d C 7 g R C D ª R 6 = ¤ O R O Q £ * 8 + T M L ! are prominently displayed in our hall. Placing these sacramentals throughout our home has made them a part of our everyday lives. And if I’ve learned one thing as a parent, it’s that most of what our children learn comes from their surroundings. Now if anyone were to ask me what parish I belong to, I would immediately give the name of our local parish. But the truth is, I also belong to a much smaller, more intimate church whose only other members are Mark and our three children. That church is our home, and it is where a lot of our family’s faith formation takes place. What are your everyday sacramentals, the things your family turns to for comfort, guidance, or inspiration? It is important to remember that things don’t necessarily have to be distinctly religious to hold religious importance for your family. For instance, on the wall going down our staircase hang ¥
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