R.C. Parish of the Sacred Heart, Parish Priest: - Father Jim Dunne. Address: - Sacred Heart Presbytery, Great North Road, North Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 5EB Telephone: (0191) 236 3182 Deacon: John Hawthorne: 243 2379 E-mail: bulletin@sacredheartng.org.uk Web site: www.sacredheartng.org.uk Primary School: (0191) 285 2437; www.stoswalds.newcastle.sch.uk Hall Bookings: Joan Donnelly: 236 5588. North Gosforth. Bulletin 16th November 2014 This Weekend: The 33rd Sunday of the Year Saturday 6:30 pm Living +/Dec’d, Gorman+Grant Families Sunday 10:00 am Parishioners 6:30 pm Theresa McGowan Next Weekend: Christ the King Saturday 6:30 pm Parishioners Sunday 10:00 am Gerard Browne 6:30 pm Margaret Dixon (J.D.) Feasts & Mass Intentions during the Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Nov 17 Nov 18 Nov 19 Nov 20 Nov 21 Nov 22 St Hilda of Whitby Weekday Weekday St Edmund, King & Martyr Presentation of the B.V.M. St Albert the Great 10:00 am 8:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am Mary Bowman Special Intention (U.B.) Joe & Dorothy Jessop (M.G.) Tommy Coyle Katie Miller Bill Emmerson (Birthday Memories) Spiritual Programme (These events take place in the day chapel.) Monday-Friday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday 11:00 - 2:00 pm 7:30 - 9:00 pm 8:00 - 9:00 pm 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm 5:45 - 6:25 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - for specific times, see rota in porch. Bible Discussion Group, usually 2nd Tues each month. Next meeting - Dec 9th. Prayer Group: Prayer and Praise ‘True Life in God’ Prayer Group, with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Sacrament of Reconciliation / Confession READERS ROTAS EUCH MIN 10am CHILDREN’S LIT Anna & Sarah 10am SERVERS’ TEAM C: Jessica,Rosie,Henry,Maisie THIS WEEK 1st READING 2nd READING PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL 6:30pm D Lynn A McKeown C Brewis 1 CHURCH CLEANING M Young / A Garnish 10:00 am G Pritchard P Fenning Taylor Family 6 COUNT P Wright / C Weddell 6:30 pm A Morley C Newton M Potts 7 GREETERS M Weston / M Miller TEA ROTA S Watson / P Lowery 10am CHILDREN’S LIT Anne (Blondie) + Claire COMPOSER OF THE PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL: J Hawthorne READERS ROTAS EUCH MIN NEXT WEEK 1st READING 2nd READING PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL 6:30pm A Rose M Taylor A Plant 1 CHURCH CLEANING 10:00 am P Barton I Dowden C Thompson 2 COUNT S Cunningham / M McKenna 6:30 pm R Green M Clifford D Newton 7 GREETERS M Jackson / M Young TEA ROTAS D Dowden / R Hall 10am SERVERS’ TEAM COMPOSER OF THE PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL: G Shepherd Recently Deceased Anniversaries Theresa McGowan Mary Bowman Katie Miller Florence Grace Albert Grant Charles Ratliff Mary Curran Nicky Hyslop Stanislaw Weglarz Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them May they rest in peace. Amen. Please pray for those who are ill, and their carers: Doreen Duffy Julie Bowland Joyce Bolam Ray Carroll G Borgonuovo Tony Murtagh Brian Nolan Laura Tokell Irene Farnel Kathleen Larsen Susan Hope Steve Antcliff Julie Yoeart Pina Bell Pat White Eileen Pratt Margaret Custis Michelle Wilkinson Richard Frank Earl Baby Dominic Norman Anderson Tom Brewis Fr Richard Harriott Florence Darby John Lant Don Thomas Joseph Higgins Tommy Coyle A: Gabrielle,Francesca,Millie,Philippa Congratulations! This weekend, there are no baptisms/weddings here. Last Weekend’s Collection = £467.17. Many thanks for your continuing support. This bulletin is also on the parish website. If you do NOT wish someone’s name to appear on the internet, please tell us as soon as possible. “BIG” CHEQUE PRESENTATION Fr Jim writes: This Sunday, at the 10am Mass, we shall present a huge blow-up of a cheque to Mike Nixon of the Trussell Trust . In September, we had our water-bottle appeal for a charity that helps local people in poverty. The Trussell Trust was founded in the south some years ago, and recently moved into New-castle. They operate things like food banks in both the east and west ends of the city. We collected nearly £600 over the summer through the water bottles, and the cheque (+ a real, usable one!) will be given to Mike at the end of 10am Mass this Sunday. Well done, everyone! __________________________ “THE SOURCE”.. ..is a monthly event at the Cathedral, run by the YMT, for young people, Year 9++. It’s a lively hour of music & prayer, then food! It’s a sort of “God camp comes to the Cathedral”, with more than 250 young people from all over the NE each 1st Wednesday, from 7pm, OctMay. All young people welcome. __________________________ SMALL CHILDREN... Fr Jim writes: Children enjoy running about, but complaints have been put in these past few weeks re the following:(1) In the hall, on Sunday mornings, children have caused some mess in the ladies’ toilets. They should always be accompanied into the toilets by an adult. Toilet areas are not for playing in. (b) In the gallery, at Mass, they need to be watched, and not allowed to run round the place. This annoys other people, but it’s also quite dangerous. It is impossible to make a Victorian building child-proof. We are most welcoming to families in this parish, but there have to be limits what we let small children do. __________________________ POPE FRANCIS SPEAKS TO US In every activity of evangelisation, the primacy always belongs to God, who has called us to co-operate with him, and who leads us on by the power of his Spirit. The joy of evangelising always comes from grateful remembrance : it is a grace we constantly need to implore. __________________________ AVAILABLE FOR SALE At the back of church, there are seasonal things : Christmas cards, 2015 catholic diaries (£1.50), candles, etc. You can stock up before you leave! __________________________ A CAKE & GOODIES STALL will run in the hall after the 10am mass this Sunday. Two Year 12 parishioners, Alice & Judy, are going in Summer 2015 with others from Sacred Heart High School to Kenya, and they must raise a lot of money to do so. They are not asking for money directly, but wish to sell cakes, etc, to help raise the cash. They will tell you about it in a short talk at the end of mass. We hope to support them, as we help so many other young people in this community. Fr Jim. 2015 1st COMMUNION PROGRAMME Fr Jim writes: The next special liturgy is this Sunday, at the 10am Mass. If the 1st Communion children could meet at the back of church, they will process to the altar, then go into the hall, where there’ll be a special liturgy for them. Afterwards, there will be refreshments for everyone in the parish hall. 1st Communions: 10am,Sat,June 13, 2015. __________________________ ‘FORWARD TOGETHER IN HOPE’... ...is the name of the Diocese’s 3-year plan, which launches this weekend. Each household in the parish will get a leaflet done by Fr Jim O’Keefe & Mr Tony Sacco, who are in charge of the scheme. From now till next summer will be the preparation time, as the leaflet shows. The data (about priests’ ages, etc) in it matches what I wrote about in the summer, re the retired priests’ fund, and shows that doing nothing is not an option. The two Gosforth area parishes appear to buck the trend, in that we seem to be very busy and supported. That it not the case elsewhere, sadly. As I type this (Friday am), I have not got access to a statement from the bishop to go with the leaflet, so I may have to discuss it ’ad lib’ instead. Fr Jim. _____________________________________ YOUTH MINISTRY CONFERENCE with David Wells All adult parishioners and young people (15+) are invited to this year’s conference entitled ‘Outrageous Hope’ , Sat. Nov.22, at St Mary’s High School, Newcastle. The facilitator is David Wells from Plymouth Diocese, well-known as a dynamic and gifted speaker who, at a time when we review the way forward for our diocese, will help both to evaluate and look towards the future for our ministry with young people. There is no charge but please book early. Forms available from Fr Jim or the Youth Ministry Team on 01207 592244 or email admin@ymt.org Details also on YMT website www.ymt.org __________________________ POST OFFICE CHRISTMAS STAMPS For years they have wanted to sell only one set of stamps - SECULAR ones! Grange Post Office has specially got some “holy” Christmas stamps: please support them. ___________________________________________ THE CATHEDRAL BOOKSHOP... ...has a good selection of Advent Calendars: well worth a visit. ___________________________________________ MISSIO RED BOXES £215.85 has been sent to the above charity. Boxes will be emptied again in January 2015. Thank you. Teresa Blythe. FUTURE EVENTS Thu. Dec.18th: 7pm: St Oswald’s Christmas production; Nativity with music. Sat. Dec.20th: 11am: Mass for the Sick and Housebound. Then meal in hall. Mon. Dec.22nd: 7pm: Candle-lit Carols. The readings & music in a lovely setting. Tue. Dec.23rd: 7pm: Service of Penance. Wed. Dec.24th: Xmas Vigil Masses: 6+8pm. Thu. Dec.25th: Xmas Morning Mass: 10am. Sun. Dec.28th: Parish Hog-roast & Ceilidh, in the hall from 7.30pm. Tickets essential. __________________________ NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Next Sunday = Christ the King, Year A:Ezekiel 34:11-12+15-17; 1 Corinthians 15:20-28; Matthew 25:31-46. __________________________ A NEW ECUMENICAL HOUSE GROUP... (Gosforth/Wideopen areas) at 19 Dunnock Place, 5-Mile Park, home of John & Rosemary Whiteman. 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7.30-9pm. Aims: read Bible/pray/chat/ tea/coffee. Next: Nov. 4. All welcome. Info? tel. 0191-236-5118. __________________________ ‘MASH’ CHARITY AUCTION 2014 We need your gifts and talents! Our next MASH auction is Sat, Nov 29th, St Theresa's Church Hall, Heaton. Do you have any new items or talents to donate? All funds raised are for these 3 projects: 1. Dr Mary Hickey Centre working with vulnerable people on the streets. 2. Dr Ann Egan working with the Nana Bell Health Centre, to help children and adults in need in Kenya. 3. Sr Kevin Morton working with children in need and poor families in Bethlehem. They are all volunteers; every penny raised goes to their projects. Please spread the word and get in touch if you can help or would like more details: mash@gohanlon.freeserve.co.uk Thank you and God bless you, Gerry O'Hanlon Chairman, Medical Aid Sacred Heart __________________________ TRADECRAFT STALL A cheque for £46 has been sent for the Tradecraft Exchange Charity Projects. Letter of thanks on the white board. __________________________ THE CLERGY TRAINING FUND ...will close this weekend. After so many appeals recently, just do what you can. FR JIM’S NOTES CHURCH SOUND. If you wear a hearing aid, use the “T” setting for our loop system. TAILPIECE:(1) A couple, out shopping, found some cheap venison on sale, so decided to get it for the Sunday lunch. During the meal, little Sandra asked what the “new meat” was. Mum said it was venison. Sandra asked what that meant. Mum, horrified to tell her she was eating Bambi said, “Err, it’s what I call your dad sometimes..” Little Billy chipped in. He said to his sister: “Don’t eat it. It’s b......d.” (2) A lady got on a bus with her baby on her arm. The driver said that it was the ugliest baby he had ever seen. The lady, furious, stomped down to the back of the bus and told a man there that the driver had insulted her. The man, trying to be helpful, said, “Look, Just go back to the driver, and either tell him off or give him a slap. While you do that, I’ll hold the monkey for you...”
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