NEW MILLS TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the FULL COUNCIL MEETING, of NEW MILLS TOWN COUNCIL, held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, New Mills Derbyshire, on Monday 14th July 2014, starting at 19:30hrs. Present :- Cllr D I Lamb (in the Chair), Cllr R Atkins, The Reverend Cllr J C Baines, Cllr A Bowers, Cllr G Bowers, Cllr M Davies, Cllr L Dowson, Cllr J Hall, Cllr A Stevens and Cllr S Whewell Also present was: Town Clerk Minute Taker Lesley Bramwell Paul Harris 8 Members of the Public were present The Chair announced at the start of the meeting that the meeting was being recorded for the accuracy of the minutes. All mobile phones must be switched off and out of view 395 TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda item 1) All Councillors were present. 396 VARIATION OF ORDER OF BUSINESS (Agenda item 2) No variation of the order was moved. 397 ITEMS TO BE MOVED FROM PART 1 OF THE AGENDA (Agenda Item 3) None requested. 398 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTERESTS (Agenda item 4) Cllr J Hall - agenda item 22 planning The Reverend Cllr JC Baines - agenda item 22 planning, applicant known Cllr R Atkins – agenda item 7, Chairman’s report, heritage centre Cllr S Whewell – agenda item 23, Visit New Mills Treasurer Page 1 of 21 399 PUBLIC SPEAKING (Agenda item 5) A representative from Creative Spaces a community arts project spoke regarding agenda item 28 a family fun day with an aim of bringing people together for a fun day on 3 August. A member of the public raised various issues of damage to footpaths, Health and Safety problems and failure to meet planning permission conditions connected with a building project on Whitehall Road. A member of the public spoke regarding agenda item 21, the first aid caravan. He informed the Council that this had now been added to the insurance of New Mills Festival. Councillor Dowson spoke regarding changes in hire vehicle licensing, allowing a vehicle to be licensed in one authority but work anywhere in the country. There were concerns about hire vehicles being licensed by more lax authorities and working in the High Peak area where the Council is much more strict. Councillor Dowson also spoke regarding changes to planning and a shift of focus on Councils towards having to find reasons why building cannot take place. There was agreement for planning training to be carried out for New Mills Town Council if required. It was reported by Cllr Atkins that the Airport Relief Road had been given planning permission by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, by Cheshire East Council and Manchester City Council, and the application had since gone to the Secretary of State for final approval and had been agreed, it would not be long before work commences. 400 TO RECEIVE AND CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE (a) FULL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING DATED 9TH JUNE 2014, (b) EXTRA ORDINARY MEETING 30TH JUNE 2014 (Agenda item 6) RESOLVED:- That the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on Monday 9th June 2014 be accepted as a true record of that meeting subject to the following amendments: Minute number 375 regarding co-option of members to the Council, the final paragraph incorrectly stated Derbyshire County Council and should read as follows: “Regarding the two new vacancies, following the resignation of Jacqui and Mark Gadd, High Peak Borough Council had been informed and a process was being followed for filling those places by election or if appropriate by cooption.” Minute number 387 should be amended as follows: Page 2 of 21 “It was reported that a stock take had been taken and there was a £9000 retail value loss of stock at the Heritage Centre. There was information that the Heritage Centre had been accessed by person’s unbeknown to the Council and there was uncertainty of who had keys to access the centre, the insurance companies would not look favourably on any claim unless the situation of key holders was managed appropriately, and as such the Locks needed changing as a priority.” 9 votes FOR RESOLVED:- That that the minutes of the Extra Ordinary meeting held on Monday 30th June 2014 be accepted as a true record of that meeting subject to the following amendment: Minute number 394 paragraph towards the bottom of page 2 should read: “Mr Bradshaw further mentioned that an Audit was underway. The Auditor was Liz Boswell. It was noted that an Intermediate Audit was requested by the External Auditor this was to demonstrate that adequate internal controls were in place. Cllr Whewell asked if the audit questions were standard requests, the RFO replied no clarifying this with the explanation that intermediate audit questions were asked of Councils with income over £200,000.” 7 votes FOR 401 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT (Agenda item 7) The Chairman gave his verbal report. Items were as follows: Regarding the item on the appointment of a solicitor at last month ordinary meeting, this item was deferred due to only two quotations obtained. On advice from DALC, 3 quotations were not required for the appointment of a Solicitor. Nigel Davies was appointed The Health and Safety audit was carried out on 16 June 2014. Some policies were 10 years out of date. Full explanation in the Clerk’s Report and following agenda item. It was stated that the only legal place decisions may be made was in the Council Chamber in a properly constituted meeting There was no Policy and Finance Committee item on the agenda, the Council needed to put in place Financial Regulations and Standing Orders to progress this item. DALC advised that membership could be restricted by Council to individual councillors Regarding the Audit of Accounts the Internal Auditor of the Council did not feel she could carry out the Audit Page 3 of 21 The HR Consultant contract was up, policy and procedures were in place and the Consultant was no longer needed. If there needs to be a HR Consultant for any Tribunal then the Town Council will put that in place at that point. HR advice can also be obtained from DALC There had been a complaint by the former HR Consultant alleging harassment and intimidation by a Councillor – Cllr Dowson felt this should go to the Standards Board rather than the Town Council and felt this was not following correct procedure The Responsible Proper Officer is responsible for forming the agenda in consultant with the Chair Heritage Centre Management Committee Chairman appointed until September 2014 Heritage Centre stock take – Acting RFO reported £11,515.68 of stock in Heritage Centre. Councillors and Staff have looked can find no evidence of this. Some stock was not sellable. Main concern was stock could not be found. A proper stock take was needed. Cllr Bowers stated the figure of £11, 515.68 was incorrect £2000 - £3000 stock was there at most therefore a £9000 difference. Cllr Dowson suggested that a professional stock take was needed first then when the outcome was known the Council could react Security keys have been obtained for the Heritage Centre. Alarm fobs were also needed to be changed too – Cllr Dowson raised concerns about lack of security whilst volunteers were present 402 CLERKS REPORT (Agenda item 8) The Town Clerk gave her verbal report. Items were as follows: Staff id badges on lanyards with photographs priced at £4.95 per badge and a start up cost of £25.00. Cllr Dowson asked if Councillors could also be issued with a badge DBS Checks were needed; these were priced at £50 per person and available from a training organisation in Ripley as it was difficult to get them done locally. Cllr Dowson mentioned that Glossop Volunteer Centre may be able to help The Standing Orders and Financial Regulations were needed, it was also noted that the Town Clerk had no remit to spend under the current position Health and Safety recommendations from the report needed urgent action, the 5 year electrical testing had not been done and there was no evidence that it had ever been carried out The Report from David Owen indicated that the Town Hall required around £30,000 of spend to ensure it complied with Health and Safety legislation A premises supervisor was needed urgently Page 4 of 21 A licence was needed in order to play music, the Town Hall had never had one Security at the Town Hall was raised. The Registrar was in the building after 1pm when the office closed, would like a door installed with a security code. It was noted that this had been approved in 2013 and could therefore be done It was noted that the Assistant Caretaker worked as a part-time Registrar and would like to increase hours. This would be of no increase in cost to the Town Council and would help to increase income It was RESOLVED that staff and councillors’ badges could be purchase and DBS checks could be carried out. All votes FOR 403 TO DISCUSS AND AGREE THE STANDING ORDERS (Agenda item 9) Item was deferred to an extra ordinary meeting, to allow for full discussion. 404 TO DISCUSS AND AGREE THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS (Agenda item 10) Item was deferred to an extra ordinary meeting, to allow for full discussion. 405 COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE (Agenda item 11) Cllr Dowson requested that every Councillor receive a copy of the handbook. Item deferred to the next meeting. 406 ASSET REGISTER (Agenda item 12) The Town Clerk reported that she was in the process of updating the register. This item was ongoing. 407 HEALTH AND SAFETY – REPORT FROM DAVID OWEN AND HOW TO PROGRESS HIS RECOMMENDATIONS (Agenda item 13) The Town Clerk presented the Health and Safety Report from David Owen to the Council. A number of the points were highlighted including the 5 year electrical testing of the Town Hall Building, escape lighting, various items identified by the fire and safety officer, training for staff. The tarmac work required near the library was Page 5 of 21 also highlighted, three quotes had been obtained and the area was identified as a safety risk. The Parks Manager had identified a preferred quotation. Councillors accepted that work needed to be done as a matter of priority on all “A Rated” recommendations in order to put the Council on a legal footing. It was also highlighted that a protocol was required in order to evacuate disabled people from the Ground Floor as there was currently no disabled access through the front door. The Town Clerk had advised to close the building. It was RESOLVED that the electrical testing be carried out as a matter of emergency and that quotations be obtained for all “A Rated” items for agreement at a future meeting 7 votes FOR 2 votes AGAINST 408 TARMACING AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE LIBRARY LECTURE ROOM (Agenda item 14) It was RESOLVED to accept the quote as recommended by the Parks Manager and to get the work done as soon as practicable. All votes FOR 409 SECURITY ISSUES ON THE TOWN COUNCIL COMPUTERS (Agenda item 15) It was explained that there had been an external attack on the computer equipment at the Town Hall with an attempt to access the RFO computer on several occasions with a reset of passwords. It was RESOLVED that the IT company that installed the equipment be called in to check everything over. 9 votes FOR 410 WORLD WAR I – COMMEMORATION – REQUEST BY STEPHEN LEWIS TO PURCHASE TWO NOTICE BOARDS (Agenda item 16) Cllr Lamb reported that the Parks Manager would like to purchase two notice boards for placing close to the original sites of notice boards used during World War I and for permission to install and maintain them. The Reverend Cllr Baines reported that if the notice boards were erected on Church Land they could not be Page 6 of 21 used by the Church for advertising due to Diocesan Faculty regulations. It was noted by Councillors that the purpose of the boards was to display roll calls of those killed in action and to be updated with biographical details of the casualties on the anniversary of their deaths. Cllr Dowson reported that funds were available from High Peak Borough Council that could be used to purchase the notice boards and these should be sought first before purchasing the notice boards. It was RESOLVED that the Council would apply for funding from High Peak Borough Council towards the cost of purchasing two notice boards for the purpose of World War I Commemoration. If funding was not forth coming from High Peak Borough Council, the Council agreed that notice boards could then be purchased using New Mills Town Council funds. All votes FOR 411 REPORT FROM THE RESPONSIBLE FINANCIAL OFFICER (Agenda item 17) The Acting RFO submitted a report which was read to the Council. This was as follows: Page 7 of 21 Page 8 of 21 Page 9 of 21 Page 10 of 21 Page 11 of 21 Page 12 of 21 Page 13 of 21 Page 14 of 21 Page 15 of 21 Page 16 of 21 Following the report the Council raised a number of questions to be clarified by the Acting RFO. Cllr A Bowers requested a minute that he was unhappy to accept the report as correct until the Heritage Centre stock take had been completed. A question was raised as to why the Acting RFO mentioned items may lead to court appearances in the section of his report on Internal Audit, more detail was needed from the Internal Auditor as to what court she meant and why, this was passed to the Town Clerk for clarification. Cllr Dowson expressed concern at the large number of Paid Priors; this was beyond the agreed direct debits and at odds with the recommended system previously put in place by the Acting RFO. Councillors also requested more detail as to what the individual amounts were for. A further question was raised by Cllr Stevens as to why the Acting RFO position did not pay Employers National Insurance Contributions. He was self employed so this matter would be checked by the Town Clerk. Councillors discussed whether they were happy for the Acting RFO to remain in position whilst the Audit continued. There seemed to be a general acceptance of this, although no formal decision was made. Page 17 of 21 Cllr Whewell asked a question as to why some cheque numbers were “missing” on the Paid Priors list. The Town Clerk would look into this. The report was NOTED with the request that the information sought would be presented to the Council through the Clerk. 412 APPOINTMENT OF COOK & BUTLER OF CODNOR AS SPECIALIST AUDITORS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE INTERNAL AUDITOR AND DALC (Agenda item 18) Cllr Dowson proposed the appointment along with the authorisation to look back as far as possible towards 10 years. It was also proposed by Council that the Clerk look into whether insurance would cover the cost of this activity. It was RESOLVED that Cook and Butler of Codnor be appointed as Specialist Auditors and that they be authorised to investigate as far back as possible towards 10 years. 413 PARKS MANAGER’S REPORT (Agenda item 19) Page 18 of 21 The Parks Manager report was presented to the meeting as follows: Authority had already been granted to purchase goal posts at a previous meeting. The World War I Notice Boards were considered under item 16 minute number 410. It was RESOLVED that Newtown and Bakehurst Recreational Grounds should be nominated for the Centenary Field Scheme. It was RESOLVED that staff safety tabards be purchased for use at events and other appropriate times. 414 CARETAKER’S REPORT (Agenda item 20) Page 19 of 21 No report was received. 415 INSURANCE RENEWAL AND TO DISCUSS THE INSURANCE FOR THE CARAVAN WHICH IS NOT OWNED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL (Agenda item 21) This item was spoken to by a member of the public under public speaking session. It was NOTED by Councillors that the Caravan was insured elsewhere and it was RESOLVED that the insurance would be renewed without the Caravan. 416 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (Agenda item 22) (Those Members who are on the High Peak Borough Council Planning Committee, indicate that their views are provisional, and they reserve final judgement, on the application until the matter comes before the Planning Committee, when they will have before them all the material considerations including the Planning Officers report). HPK/2014/0226 HPK/2014/0148 HPK/2014/0233 HPK/2014/0017 HPK/2014/0262 NP/HPK/0614/0667 417 Already done No Objection No Comment No Objection No Comment No Objection ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT (Agenda item 23) RESOLVED : - That the Accounts for Payment were accepted but with the following restrictions; it was stated that in future more detail was required and should include cheque number, who the payment was for, a description of the items and amount. Clarification was sought on Crosby and Dorrigo before these could be paid. 6 votes FOR 1 vote AGAINST 1 vote ABSTAIN Page 20 of 21 Due to the meeting reaching the maximum amount of time permitted under Standing Orders, the meeting closed at this point in the agenda, other items were deferred to the next meeting. Meeting Closed at 21:46 Page 21 of 21
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