Much Wenlock Town Council Corn Exchange Much Wenlock Shropshire TF13 6AE 01952 727509 townclerk@muchwenlock-‐ www.muchwenlock-‐ Town Clerk: Sharon Clayton BA (Hons) Fellow ILCM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the above named Town Council PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will take place at the GUILDHALL, Much Wenlock commencing at 6 p.m. on Tuesday 6 January 2015 and Members are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of transacting the following business. Signed Sharon Clayton BA (Hons) Fellow ILCM Date: 30 December 2014 Town Clerk AGENDA FILMING AND RECORDING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 Any person present at a Council meeting may not orally report or comment about a Council meeting as it takes place but otherwise may: film, photograph, or make an audio recording of a meeting; use any other means for enabling persons not present to see or hear proceedings at a meeting as it takes place or later; report or comment on the proceedings in writing during or after a meeting, or orally report or comment after the meeting. Anyone making a recording for non-‐domestic purposes is advised to seek advice on their obligations to ensure any processing of personal information complies with the Data Protection Act. Anyone who objects to being filmed or recorded should notify the Town Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting. 1. CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME 2. APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence 3. MINUTES To APPROVE the minutes from a meeting held on 2 December 2014 4. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTERESTS Declaration of any disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be discussed at the meeting, and which is not included in the register of interests. Members are reminded that they are required to leave the room during the discussion and voting on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, whether or not the interest is entered in the register of members’ interests maintained by the Monitoring Officer. 5. DISPENSATIONS Requests for dispensation should be in writing, addressed to the Town Clerk, and received prior to the meeting Committee Members: Cllr. Bert Harper, Cllr. Mary Hill, Cllr. Yvonne Holyoak, Cllr. Dafydd Jenkins, Cllr. Paul Laming, and Cllr. Milner Whiteman OBE 2 6. LAND EAST OF BRIDGNORTH ROAD, MUCH WENLOCK To receive information from representatives from RPS and Persimmon concerning outline development plans at land east of Bridgnorth Road, Much Wenlock 7. PUBLIC SESSION At the discretion of the Chairman members of the public, who have given prior written notice to the Town Clerk, may speak in support of a planning application or raise issues of concern during the public session. 8. PLANNING MATTERS To consider the following: Planning applications 14/04950/FUL Homer House, 35 Homer, Much Wenlock Change of use of land to horse exercise school/manege 14/05240/VAR Rock House Inn, Farley, Much Wenlock Variation of Condition No: 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 11/04326/FUL dated 12.01.2012 to allow re-‐positioning of the building Crown reduce one Sycamore tree by 33% protected by Shropshire Council (Mary Way House, St Mary’s Lane, Much Wenlock) TPO 2014 14/05266/TPO Mary Way House, 7 St Mary’s Lane, Much Wenlock 14/05487/TCA The Old Shoppe, 22 Bourton, Much Wenlock Crown reduction of three Sycamore trees by 3.6m – 4.5m and crown thinning by up to 30%; crown reduction of one Plum tree by 3.6m – 4.5m within Bourton Conservation Area NOTE: *Planning applications not listed above that are received after the issue of this Agenda and included on Shropshire Council’s website will also be considered due to response time frames Planning decisions To note the following: 14/02127/FUL Bradley Farm, Farley, Much Wenlock 14/02184/FUL Wenlock Edge Inn, Easthope, Much Wenlock 14/03519/VAR Street Record Mendips View, Much Wenlock 14/03973/FUL 8 Homer, Much Wenlock Construction of an equestrian centre to include: main facilities building incorporating reception, offices, changing rooms, therapy room, toilets, boiler room, viewing area, stables, stores and indoor arena; outdoor manege; carriage track; paddocks; two field shelters; vehicle parking; package treatment plant; surface water attenuation pool and associated drainage; formation of access and highway improvements; and landscaping Permission GRANTED 10 December 2014 Erection of two tourist accommodation blocks with meeting room; creation of parking areas, demolition of derelict outbuilding; and installation of sewage treatment plant) amended description Permission REFUSED 10 December 2014 Variation of Condition 4 (approved plans) attached to BR/APP/FUL/07/2012 to allow for amendment to design and orientation of approved house types; window alterations to comply with building regulations (plots 1-‐13) Permission GRANTED 5 December 2014 Erection of one replacement dwelling following demolition of the existing house and garage Permission GRANTED 10 December 2014 9. PLANNING APPLICATIONS REFERRED TO THE SOUTHERN PLANNING COMMITTEE To receive a report from councillors who have attended a Southern Planning Committee meeting to support the Committee’s response to planning applications 10. STREET NAMING* 11. FOOTPATH/BRIDLEWAY CREATION ORDERS* Committee Members: Cllr. Bert Harper, Cllr. Mary Hill, Cllr. Yvonne Holyoak, Cllr. Dafydd Jenkins and Cllr. Milner Whiteman OBE 3 12. FOOTPATH DIVERSION ORDERS* 13. ROAD CLOSURES* Bourton Road, Much Wenlock, closed on 5 January 2015 for 5 days (24 hours) for new gas service to Abbey Mews 14. TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS* 15. STOPPING UP ORDERS* 16. SPEED LIMIT ORDERS* 17. PROHIBITION ORDERS* 18. CONSULTATION* NOTE: *Notifications not listed above that are received after the issue of this agenda will also be considered due to response time frames 19. TRAFFIC ISSUES 20. CORRESPONDENCE 21. DATE OF NEXT MEETING To NOTE that the next meeting will take place on Tuesday 3 February 2015 commencing at 6 pm 22. PLANNING ENFORCEMENT CASES To NOTE any planning enforcement cases Committee Members: Cllr. Bert Harper, Cllr. Mary Hill, Cllr. Yvonne Holyoak, Cllr. Dafydd Jenkins and Cllr. Milner Whiteman OBE
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