The Voice November 2014 Sunday Worship 10:15 a.m. It was intermission at a recent filled-to-overflowing concert at McMillan Public Library. I was lucky to get one of three single seats left in the Fine Arts Center – I claimed the seat second from the end way up in the back. Even though there were refreshments and snacks in the main entrance lobby, I chose to stay put and read my e-book. The gentleman next to me left to check out the goodies. Congregational Watchword for 2014 Christ says, “This is the will of him who sent me, that I should loose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day.” John 6:39 Two couples took positions in the aisle to stretch their legs and entered into a conversation about the latest news item – the Ebola “crisis.” One woman said she had planned to visit relatives in Texas in the near future and was considering cancelling her plans. After all, there were those two nurses from Texas who had contracted the illness and their futures were uncertain according to news reports. Another person in the group expressed his concern for his safety with this outbreak of four Ebola cases and his fear of traveling anywhere in the United States. “One can’t be sure of anything anymore!” And in the midst of this fear, God showed up! Moravian Motto In essentials, unity In non-essentials, liberty In all things, love The gentleman next to me returned and handed me a napkin containing cookies and said, “I thought you might like some goodies – I noticed you chose to stay put during intermission.” I was almost speechless! In the midst of the “fear” talk, here was a man showing compassion and thoughtfulness to a stranger. Jesus shows up even in the simplest acts of kindness. The stranger transformed into acquaintance and Dave and I had a very nice albeit short conversation that had absolutely nothing to do with fear but talking about God’s care for us. Really! We had a conversation about God’s care for us! Church School 9:00 a.m. Pastor Rev. Mary Lou Plummer Board of Elders Robin Werth, Vice-Chair; Matt Fletcher, Kay Heller, Becky Jacoby, Ashley Kelnhofer, Jill Kemp, Bill Mohr, Sandi Mroz Board of Trustees Lee Fletcher, Chair; John Buchholz, Marilyn Hutter, Bruce King, Kevin our Straughan, Wendy Wilson In November, we end the church year acknowledging that Christ is the One who rules in our hearts – Christ the King (ruler) Sunday is Nov. 23rd. The last Sunday, Nov. 30th, is the first Sunday in Advent when we begin to prepare once again for the coming of the Christ child. We will be hearing the words “Do not fear” over and over during Advent. It’s a hard lesson to grasp; this letting go of fear. We are bombarded with fear messages at every turn and we submit minds to hashing and rehashing the chaos in which we live. 1 But Jesus calls us to also live by our hearts; to show compassion to those around us whether we know them by name or not. Can you think of any better way to chase the fear away than by immersing oneself in acts of compassion? Do not fear, brothers and sisters; let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts; reach out in compassion. Have a remarkable Christian New Year! -Mary Lou Plummer Worship opportunities in November 11/02 Our Love of Learning – Week 5 in our Stewardship Pledge Drive 11/09 Our Love of Worship with Bishop Kay Ward leading worship – Final Sunday in Pledge Drive; Holy Communion in celebration of Christ the Chief Elder Festival Love of Worship 11/13 Prayer service in Social Room with area Moravian Churches; focus on Christ the Chief Elder; 6 p.m. 11/16 Dedication of the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. The parable of the talents leads us to consider never tiring of doing what is right. 11/23 Christ the King Sunday; the picture of the Good Shepherd guides us in our ministries. 11/26 Thanksgiving Eve Service in the Social Room; 7 p.m. 11/30 First Sunday in Advent; we begin preparing for Christ’s coming; “Hosanna” sung antiphonally. Advent Workshop to follow potluck. Moravian women Moravian Women will meet on Thursday, November 13 at 1 p.m. at church with Lucy Severt as hostess. We will be packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Love of Teaching & Learning Moravian Women’s conference New Sunday School rotation begins 11/02 June 25-28, 2015 Sandy Cove Convention Center, Maryland Our Sunday School children will begin a new rotation on Sunday, Nov. 2nd entitled “Follow the Star.” This lesson is based on the three wise men who came to visit the newborn Jesus. Children will learn about the three gifts brought to the child and how we can worship the Christ child, discover the wonder expressed by the wise men, and examine ways that God continues to offer signs that lead us to Jesus. We usually hear this story after Christmas – this year, we begin our Advent preparation with the ending of Jesus’ birth story. At the conclusion of this rotation, the children will be going on a field trip so stay tuned in to Sunday School happenings! Every four years, the Interprovincial Women’s Board hosts a three-day conference for Moravian women across North America and other parts of the world. The conference offers time for attendees to relax their bodies, refresh their spirits and renew their minds. Meaningful worship and engaging speakers challenge, inspire and call us to action on God’s behalf. Participants attend workshops on topics of interest and enjoy fellowship, quiet time, recreation and even sight-seeing. Moravian women leave the quadrennial conference with a renewed commitment to serve God, each other and the world. We invite all Moravian women to the shores of the magnificent Chesapeake Bay as we explore what it means to Walk in the Light today. Check out their website at WRMC book club Our next gathering is Sunday, Nov. 2nd at 6 p.m. to discuss our latest read, The Dressmaker of Khair Khani by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon. Next read will be available at that gathering. 2 Moravian young adult convo 2015 Caroling invitation JULY 5 – 13, 2015! CZECH REPUBLIC AND GERMANY! The Board of Elders from Saratoga Moravian Church invites one and all to join them in caroling. Mark your calendar for Saturday, December 6 at 1:30 p.m. Every four years Moravian young adults in North America have the opportunity to come together for a Moravian Young Adult Convocation. The next Young Adult Convo is this summer as participants will travel to the Czech Republic and Germany to see many of the historic Moravian sites and to find inspiration and vision for current ministry. In the Czech Republic the trip includes visiting Prague (where John Hus preached), Kunwald (where the Unitas Fratrum, the early Moravian Church, first settled), and the Chalice Rocks (where members of the Unitas Fratrum met during their time of persecution). In Germany the trip includes visiting Herrnhut (where the Unitas Fratrum experienced a great spiritual renewal). Come and enjoy the gift of giving and making a joyful noise that brightens many a face and heart even your own. We’ll finish up with some warm soup and treats back at the church. Make your plans now. Love of Missions ◊ Bake Sale – November 2 ◊ For New York City Mission Trip All Moravian young adults ages 18 through 26 are invited to attend this summer’s Moravian Youth Adult Convo 2015. The dates for the trip are July 5–13, 2015. The theme for the trip is “Make the Moravian Journey Home and Catch a Vision for Our Future!” Community outreach I absolutely love this time of year. I don't care if everyone else wants to grouse about shopping and commercialism (and I do too, at times). Yet, when I reflect about the meaning of Thanksgiving and Christmas my heart is full of joy and contentment. WE ARE SO BLESSED. For more information about Convo 2015, please check its website at or its Facebook page at “Moravian Young Adult Convo 2015”. You can register online at There is a limited number of spaces for this trip, and registrations need to be in by January 15, 2015. If you have questions, please contact Cynthia Rader Geyer, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at or call/text (484) 554-0102. As I told you, we are providing Thanksgiving dinner for a family of nine this year. So keep that in mind when shopping. The food is due November 23rd . We are doing something a little different for our Christmas family. It is a single mother with four children. Unless, the family had a drastic need for clothing, you will notice that the "request list" is for nonessentials. We will also provide this working mom with their Christmas dinner. We suggest that instead of a turkey, a ham be provided with all the fixings. The deadline for the Christmas family is December 3rd. For the Love of Congregation Care MOVIE NIGHT Friday, November 7th; 6 p.m. “Sweet Home Alabama” in the Social Room -The Board of Elders Saratoga Moravian Church There will be lists posted on the sandwich board by the church offices with a box for Thanksgiving items and another for Christmas items nearby. Have fun shopping while you Share Christ and Serve People. -Rosemary Mooney 3 Thank you starting Monday, November 17. Please call the following to make your reservation: St. Luke’s office hours: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. weekdays 715-423-5990. God bless you and thank you so much for your support of us here at Destiny Point. Please know that lives are being changed forever and we are so blessed by you. -Julie & staff Homeless in Wood County update Operation Christmas child The Wisconsin Council of Churches held a Poverty Summit recently in Stevens Point. Lonnie Selje, Executive Director of Helping Hands Gospel Ministry, shares the following information with local churches: Ways you can help: Find regular sized shoe boxes and bring them to church before November 12 so the women can pack the boxes at their next meeting. Take empty boxes home and wrap them in colorful paper, wrapping the lid separate or just decorating the boxes with old cards, pictures, stickers and such. Take a pretty/wrapped box home and fill it! Bring it to church on or before November 16 for the Dedication Sunday and collection week. Donate money for shipping costs. Each box needs $7.00 to cover getting it to its destination by truck, boat, plane, scooter, camel or elephant! If filling your own box, please remember the following: Choose a boy or girl in an age category found on the label which needs to go on the outside of the box. (See information brochure) Please NO liquids, perishable foods, breakable mirrors or glass, war toys, used item or medicine/vitamins. Thank you for all your help! -Linda Carpenter While 1 in 10 people in Wood County live below poverty level, 1 in 6 do so in Wisconsin Rapids. (Wisconsin overall has a 1 in 8 ratio with Milwaukee 1 in 5, Nekoosa = 1 in 13) Funding through various agencies in our community is diminishing. Stricter guidelines are being set by some of the agencies, which on the surface will curb the abusers. Reality is that there will be more people asking for help. Calls may increase for you. They already have for Helping Hands. Our active homeless client list has tripled over the past quarter. Costs for caring for the homeless are increasing. Supply and demand has increased the cost for us to put people in motels. Besides an overall increase in rates, there are times we need to use a more expensive property due to availability at our usual establishments. Area shelters are becoming full leaving us with no alternative other than motels. Funds are diminishing for us as well as the agencies. [Please note this does mean we want a homeless shelter here.] What you can do to help before this turns into a crisis: Pray Financially support us through any one of the following methods: o Consider taking a special offering for Helping Hands during the upcoming holidays when people’s hearts are more sensitive to those in need o Budget to be a sponsor at our Hearts for the Homeless annual banquet February 20 o There will be a 4 week module on poverty at Woodlands church in January (Wisconsin Rapids). Consider attending or sending someone. Mental health, suicide prevention training, and a Biblical approach to helping the poor will be presented by a variety of speakers. Dates to Remember: Items due by November 12 Complete boxes due November 16 Community Thanksgiving dinner St. Luke’s Lutheran Church will be serving a Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner to anyone who may be alone on this day and/or is unable to prepare the traditional meal for him/herself. Serving will be on Thursday, November 27, from noon until 1 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Home deliveries or transportation to St. Luke’s will be available. There is no charge for the dinner. Reservations are requested and will be taken 4 Adamson Forum – Nov. 7 – 9 John Gunn, Rosemary Mooney and Pastor Mary Lou will be representing WRMC at the upcoming Adamson Forum in Chaska, MN sponsored by Moravian Ministries Foundation. A bequest received from Minnie Adamson allows the Foundation to offer this stewardship forum at no expense to churches. This year’s focus is on generosity and stewardship. For the Love of Stewardship Board of Elders Meeting – 10/15/14: Brief reports given and accepted. Confirmation update; possibly five youth interested. Family dance discussed; rescheduled for 2/14/15. Special services affirmed: 11/13 Christ the Chief Elder Prayer Service at 6 pm, 11/26 Thanksgiving Eve service at 7 p.m., 12/24 Christmas Eve service at 7 p.m. Affirmed Christy Mlodzik as flower person for worship. Approved Pastor’s vacation 11/17 through 11/24. Next meeting: Nov. 10th at 6:30 pm; Robin Werth providing devotions. Have a seat! You may have noticed new folding chairs in the Social Room. Our Board of Trustees recently purchased 50 cushioned folding chairs with money received from the Henricksen family in memory of Fay Henricksen. The new chairs are more comfortable and are much safer for toddlers and young children. The replaced chairs are offered for sale at a cost of $3/chair. Please talk to a Trustee if you’re interested in purchasing one. September statistics Board of Trustees Meeting – 10/08/14: Minutes, Treasurer’s Report and payment of bills were approved. Approved payment on heating system loan. Planned workday on October 25. Received updates on plumbing issues, parsonage roof, and lighting. Broken window is covered under warranty. Approved replacement of heating system motor. Will offer some of the old folding chairs for sale. Received Camp Scholarship Report. Next meeting, Wed., Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. Beginning 2014 Balance = -$39,613.75 Income thru 09/30/14 = $105,925.15 Expenses = $119,263.96 General Fund Balance = -$52,952.56 Ave. Needed/Week = $3,087.67 Ave. for the Year Received = $2,670.24 Ave. Attendance for September = 78 Furnace Loan Balance as of 09/30/14 = $17,522.96 Thank you Thank you to everyone for your support of the Community Book Sale and the Rummage Sale. The Book Sale netted $3,133.92. The profit from the Rummage Sale was $1,219.31. Stewardship committee Our 2014 Pledge drive will be coming to a close on Sunday, Nov. 9th. For the five previous weeks, we’ve explored the “loves” of our congregation. On our last Sunday, you will be asked to consider making a financial pledge for 2015. Please prayerfully consider, as Nicholas von Zinzendorf did when gazing upon a portrait of the suffering Christ, the question “what have you done for me?” The portrait that so moved Zinzendorf is displayed on the bulletin board in the Social Room along with Post-Its to share what you are doing for Christ. Christmas cookie baking weekend December 5-6 is Cookie Baking Weekend 2014 at Mt. Morris! Join friends and “new friends” for baking your assortment of Christmas cookies for your family and friends. Cookies are baked in Arrowhead Center and lodging is in comfortable, cozy Black Oak Lodge. Plan to arrive around 7:00 p.m. Friday and the weekend will end on Saturday around 4:00 p.m. Saturday breakfast and lunch are provided. LOTS of staples are provided (sugar, flour, etc.) You are asked to bring your own mixer. A complete list of supplies that are provided will be sent to you. Join the fun and fellowship and begin the holiday spirit with Christmas Cookie Baking Weekend. Cost: $82.00. Register online at As the Nov 9th date gets closer, please prayerfully consider increasing your giving by 1% over your present giving. As a wise man once said, “Every church has the money to meet its expenses – it’s just kept in people’s pockets rather than the offering plate!” 5 In our church family Birthdays 11/04 Ronald Langsdorf, John Gunn 11/07 John Korslin 11/08 Amy Haas 11/09 Myles Olivares-Campbell 11/10 Kolby Kelnhofer 11/12 Larry Wetzel, Patrice Maier, Diane,Klawikowski, Paul Mroz, Carrie Heltsley 11/13 Conlin Maier 11/14 Thomas Mehlbrech 11/15 Dominick Timm 11/16 Keegan Guinn 11/17 Noah Wellach 11/21 Helen Henke 11/22 Jere Haas 11/27 Larry Davis, Dawn Wesenberg 11/28 Victoria Schultz 11/30 Mark Abbott Anniversaries 11/07 Gordon & Marilyn Dakins 11/10 Matthew & Renee Barnes 11/26 James & Shirley Hanneman 11/29 Dan Miller & Elizabeth Behrend Nursing/group home residents Edgewater: Florence Garfield, Ronald & Dorothy Langsdorf Managed Care: Danny Hedin, Ethelmae Schulz, Orva Schmick Maple Ridge Assisted Living: Kay Doll Pine Ridge: Gilbert & Anna Plantico Arborwood Lodge: Bette Lauby, Conlin & Peg Maier Our House: Arvilla Zimmerman Harmony House: Betty Bates Renaissance: Elizabeth Cooper Homebound: Marlene Young, Bill Williams Our servicemen Paul Eklund, David Eklund, Dustin Wesenberg, Jeff Paschal Hospitalized Dayne Fellowes Birth Lonna Rosemarie Kelnhofer on October 8 (daughter of Jim & Ashley) Received into communicant membership Jim Kelnhofer was received on September 21 by Reaffirmation of Faith. Pastoral care If you or your loved one is hospitalized, please call the church office. We are not always contacted by the hospital. For pastoral emergencies, please call the parsonage at 715-423-2072 or 715-451-9992 (cell). New email for Pastor Mary Lou In an effort to provide confidential email correspondence with Pastor Mary Lou, a new email has been established. Please update your contact list with the following email address: November 3. Check them out for many of your Christmas decoration and gift needs. They will have a special Christmas Open House on Saturday Nov. 22 beginning at 8:00 a.m. with most items in the store going at 20% to 70% off! Ladies, this is your day to shop at Bethesda. Refreshments will also be offered. On Black Friday, Nov. 28, they will have a 50% off sale on almost everything in the store beginning at 7:00 a.m. They will also have a 50% off sale all clothing, shoes, books, and media on Nov. 23-26. The store will also be open on Sundays from Nov. 23 through December 21 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thanks for your support. From Saratoga Moravian Church Game Day at Saratoga Moravian Church (SMC) will be on November 20. This is the 3rd Thursday of the month. It begins at 11 a.m. and a light lunch will be served at noon. SMC CEC will appreciate it if you plan to attend to let Avis Schroer know (715-325-5238). However if you didn't let her know and can make it.... Come anyway. Around the community Saratoga Moravian Church will be holding their Chicken Dumpling and Chili Feed/Bake Sale on Saturday, November 22 from 1 – 6 p.m. Proceeds from the meal will go to the Salvation Army and the proceeds of the bake sale will go to Christian Education. Believe it or not, Bethesda Thrift Shop is getting the store ready for Christmas. They will transform the store into a Christmas Store by 6 Mark your calendars Dec. 11 -- “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” performed by Playhouse Theatre Group. Open to the public; 7 pm. Dec. 14 -- Choir Christmas Cantata in worship Dec. 20 -- Children’s Christmas program rehearsal with dinner; 4-8 pm Dec. 21 -- Children’s Christmas program in worship Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit #176 Wis. Rapids,WI The Moravian Church 310 First Avenue South Wisconsin Rapids WI 54495-4155 RETURN ADDRESS REQUESTED Wednesday, November 26 at 7 p.m. 7
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