New Students Guide

New Students Entering in Fall 2015
Welcome to the best four years of your life!
The Moravian College family welcomes
you with open arms and excited hearts.
Moravian College is our school —
­ it is our
education and it is our home. It holds our
friends, it holds our inspirations and it
holds our mentors. This is where you will
lay the foundation for the rest of your lives.
The opportunities here are endless and you
have a blank canvas before you to shape
your experience into whatever you want it
to be. My best piece of advice is to dream
bigger. Take the time to settle in and explore
the endless opportunities; as Student Body
President, I can tell you first hand there’s
a worthy cause, a research opportunity and
a community partnership looking for a
passionate new hound like you. If you have
any questions, please contact me at any time: (I just became a
resource for you…please take advantage!).
Here are a few of the United Student
Government’s (USG) responsibilities:
• Allocates student activity funds of
over $250,000
• Books entertainment, such as:
Hoodie Allen, John Legend and
many more
• Coordinates Lobby Day, during
which our students get face time
with State Congressmen and
• Contributes to major college
decisions and policies
• Advocates for student wants
From one Greyhound to another,
Rebecca Eisenstein ’16
2015 USG President
The Guide is intended to help you ­— the new student — as you
begin your journey with Moravian College. It provides you with
basic information, answers common questions and outlines the
many exciting steps that you will take in the months ahead.
Inquiries regarding its contents may be directed to the Student
Affairs Office at 610.861.1503. Our top priority is making sure you
are fully prepared to begin your journey as a hound!
On the right: President Bryon Grigsby ’90 and his greyhound, Mo, lead
the Moravian Mile Class Walk during New Student Orientation.
Did you sign up for MayReg?
❏❏ Wednesday, May 20, 2015
❏❏ Thursday, May 21, 2015
❏❏ Friday, May 22, 2015
May Registration (MayReg) is an opportunity to meet your First-Year
Seminar faculty adviser and upperclass student adviser, as well as
learn more about programs, resources and support networks available
to you. Faculty advisers work with incoming students to explain
academic requirements while families learn more about college life.
Those unable to attend in May have the option of participating on
Thursday, July 2 or may call the Academic Affairs Office after
May 22 to schedule a one-on-one appointment (610.861.1348).
At MayReg, you will:
❏❏ Step 1: Meet with your academic adviser and register for
fall classes.
❏❏ Step 2: Have your photo ID taken. You will receive your Moravian
College ID Card when you arrive on campus in August.
❏❏ Step 3: Pick up your MacBook Pro and iPad.
❏❏ Step 4: Sign up to receive important information through e2campus.
After MayReg and Throughout June:
❏❏ Step 1: Use your Moravian College email, as well as Google drive
and Google calendar for college-related work and activities. We’ll be
uploading important documents to the “Class of 2019” throughout the
summer. When new documents are added, you will be notified via your
Moravian College email.
❏❏ Step 7: Consider applying for the 1742 Experience Pre-Orientation
Service Program which will be held August 23-27 and costs an
additional $200. The application deadline is June 19. More
information, including the application is available at
❏❏ Step 2: For students considering payment plan options, look
for payment plan information via mail from Tuition
Management Systems.
❏❏ Step 8: Consider attending a First-Year Welcome Picnic.
More information, including the RSVP form; is located at
❏❏ Step 3: Complete your First-Year Housing Questionnaire at by Wednesday, June 10.
❏❏ Step 9: Student Athletes: If you are an incoming student
athlete (not including intramurals or club sports), visit and complete the following forms:
❏❏ Step 4: Purchase and read your Common Reading book, Twilight:
Los Angeles 1992, by Anna Deavere Smith (New York: Anchor
Books, 1994).
❏❏ Step 5: Complete and submit the following assignments to your
First-Year Seminar (FYS) instructor by Saturday, August 15.
Additional information regarding each assignment is located in the
“Class of 2019” Google Drive folder.
❏❏ Assignment 1: Common reading
❏❏ Pre-participation form
❏❏ Medical clearance form
❏❏ Student information form
❏❏ Step 10: Student Athletes: If you are an incoming student-athlete
(this does not include intramurals or club sports), visit and complete the “Student-Athlete
Bio/Eligibility Form”.
❏❏ Assignment 2: FYS college expectations letter
❏❏ Step 6: Complete and return your health form by Wednesday,
August 5. Keep in mind that physicals must occur after April 1, 2015.
In Early July
❏❏ Step 1: Review a mailing from the Bursar, which will include:
❏❏ Your tuition invoice with payment instructions due
by Wednesday, August 5.
❏❏ Tuition payment worksheet
❏❏ Payment plan brochure for families interested
in this payment option.
❏❏ Step 2: Stafford Loan/Perkins Loan Borrowers (refer to Financial
Aid award): Review items from Financial Aid, which may include
student loan information regarding Stafford Loans (sent via email)
and/or Perkins Loans (sent via mail). Activate your student loan,
complete your entrance loan counseling and sign the Master
Promissory Note by Wednesday, August 5.
❏❏ Step 3: Resident Students visit AMOS to learn your housing
assignment. Reach out and begin connecting with your roommate.
❏❏ Step 4: Mark your calendar for your arrival to campus!
❏❏ First-Year Student Move-In Day is Friday, August 28.
New Student Orientation begins that afternoon!
❏❏ Fall sport athletes, members of the marching band,
and 1742 Experience participants will receive specific
instructions regarding move-in from their coach or director.
❏❏ International students should plan to arrive no later
than Sunday, August 16 for International
Student Orientation.
Before Your Arrival
❏❏ Step 1: Read through the Student Handbook and agree via AMOS to
abide by Moravian College guidelines.
❏❏ Step 2: Complete Alcohol Edu & Haven (Part 1). Information,
including instructions, will be shared at MayReg and has been
downloaded to your MacBook. Part II can be completed 45 days
after Part I.
❏❏ Step 3: Add M-Flex money to your Moravian College ID Card at You can begin using M-Flex when
you receive your Moravian College ID Card.
❏❏ Step 4: Purchase textbooks for classes after Saturday, August 1.
Changes to your class schedule and/or class section can occur by the
Registrar up to that date.
❏❏ Step 5: Check your Moravian College email or the “Class of 2019”
Google Drive folder to learn your Orientation Group and Orientation
Leader’s contact information. The New Student Orientation schedule
can be accessed at
❏❏ Step 6: Ensure the following items are completed and submitted by
Wednesday, August 5:
❏❏ Fall tuition payment
❏❏ Financial Aid paperwork
❏❏ Health form
❏❏ Forms for incoming student athletes (this does
not include intramurals and club sports)
After Your Arrival
❏❏ Step 1: Participate in New Student Orientation from Friday,
August 28 through Sunday, August 30. Information is available
❏❏ Step 2: Stop by the Campus Mailroom in the HUB to pick up your
mailbox combination.
❏❏ Step 3: Pick up your Moravian College ID Card in the HUB.
❏❏ Step 4: Commuter students: Register your vehicle with Campus Safety
to obtain your parking permit.
❏❏ Step 5: Attend the Job Fair on Thursday, September 3 to learn more
about employment and work-study opportunities on campus.
❏❏ Step 6: Stop by the Organizational Fair on Thursday, September 10
to learn about campus clubs and organizations.
❏❏ Step 7: Complete Alcohol Edu & Haven (Part II) before registering for
spring courses. Information, including instructions, will be sent to your
Moravian College email.
August 28-30:
New Student Orientation
The Office of Academic & Disability Support is responsible for
serving students with disabilities, as well as all students needing
academic support. Moravian College adheres to Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities
Act Amendments Act of 2008 in ensuring accessibility of programs
and services. This office is responsible for assisting the College in
providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities
and serves as a resource for departments with regard to serving
individuals with disabilities. Contact us if you require information
in an alternative format.
The Office of Academic & Disability Support
First Floor of Monocacy Hall
Contact Us
Phone: 610.861.1401
Fax: 610.625.7935
By Saturday, August 15: Complete
and Submit FYS Assignments
All students are asked to take placement exams for math and
foreign language prior to coming for MayReg or July Reg. The
results of these placement tests — combined with your academic
interests and high school record — help us best advise you in your
course selections.
The math placement exam exists in two versions: calculus and
non-calculus. You will be placed in the appropriate placement exam
based on which math courses you took in high school. Even if you
know which math course you want to take, we ask that you take the
placement exam for advising purposes.
The foreign language placement exam begins with a questionnaire.
All students must complete the questionnaire, but only students who
took Spanish, French, or German in high school will complete the
entire placement exam. Other students are expected to start the exam
so that we can collect information on your high school language
study in order to give you the best course selection advice.
First-Year Seminar (FYS) is a required course for all incoming first-year students. This course is your introduction to college-level writing. You
will have a clear picture of what is expected of you and the services that can and will aid you in your success. Your FYS instructor will serve as
your academic adviser through your first term of study (after that, you may declare a major, if you wish), and your class will be your advising
group until you declare. A trained upperclass student adviser will also help guide you throughout your FYS.
Prior to MayReg, students received an invitation to make their FYS selections. Those who submitted their top five FYS choices prior to
Thursday, May 7 are guaranteed placement in one of those five. We try to accommodate the preferences of students who submit their choices
after this date but, as enrollment is limited in each section, we cannot guarantee a particular placement.
I’m not sure about the choices that I made
at registration in May (or July). Can I make
changes now? We allow incoming first-year
students to change their course schedules
until August 1. On August 1, final schedules
are available on AMOS. Students who wish to
make changes after this date must wait until
the drop-add period.
What is “drop/add”? The drop/add period is
the first seven days of classes in the fall or
spring term. During this time, students may
attempt to change their course schedules
by taking a “Change of Roster” form (often
called a drop/add form) to the classes they
wish to add. Students must get the instructor
signatures for all classes they are adding
AND dropping as well as that of their adviser,
before turning the completed form into the
Registrar’s Office. Once you turn in your form,
you will get one copy and the Registrar’s
Office will keep the other. Retain your copy
until final grades are posted at the end of
the term.
How will I know if I got into the classes I
have on my drop/add form? If you have the
instructor’s signature, you may attend that
class. However, an instructor may choose not
to sign the form if the class is already full,
if the instructor is keeping a waiting list for
spaces, if you do not meet the prerequisites
for the class or if you are attempting to
add the class after the drop/add period
has ended.
I got my course schedule, but there are no
rooms shown. How will I know where my
classes are held? Approximately one week
before classes begin, the registrar posts the
classroom assignments on AMOS, on the
registrar’s webpage and on a large bulletin
board near the HUB Desk.
When will I get my course schedule? All
first-year students receive a preliminary
course schedule at the time of their
registration (in May or July). The final
schedule, however, is not available until
August 1 and is not released to the student
until his or her bill is paid. Student schedules
are available through AMOS. If your tuition
bill is not paid in full by the due date, the
bursar will place a “hold” on your AMOS
account and you will not be able to view
your schedule.
My final course schedule does not have
the same classes as my original course
schedule. What happened? It is not unusual
for the sections of courses to change over
the summer. Sometimes, before the start of
classes, the registrar “balances” sections
of a course to make sure that the number of
students enrolled in each is fairly uniform.
This means that all sections of Spanish
100, for example, should have about the
same number of students, rather than one
section holding 35 students and another 5.
So it is possible that you were “balanced”
into another section of a course between
registration time and the date your schedule
was finalized. If, however, you discover
that the actual courses (not sections) have
changed without your approval (for example,
you were originally in Spanish and now you
are in German), you need to speak with the
Registrar or one of the academic deans at
your earliest convenience. Call 610.861.1348
for questions regarding your schedule.
I took some AP tests, but have not gotten
the scores yet. What happens if I find out
I am getting credit for something? If you
arranged to have your AP test results sent
to Moravian College, we will get the scores
around the same time you do, in early July. At
that point, the academic deans evaluate the
AP test scores and determine what course
equivalences, if any. For some AP results, you
may earn elective credit only; many others
equate to specific courses, such as Calculus
I or Intro to Psychology. We will then compare
the expected course equivalences to the
courses you selected for the fall; if a change
is needed one of the academic deans will call
you to discuss this. If you are receiving no
credit, or elective credit only, we will send you
a letter regarding your AP results but will not
contact you for a change of schedule. If you
have any questions, call 610.861.1348.
I took some college courses while in high
school. How can I get credit transferred
to Moravian College? You need to arrange
to have a final, official, sealed transcript
sent directly from the other institution to our
admissions office. (For courses taken after
you enroll, the transcripts should be sent to
the institutional registrar.) If you took the
courses at a regionally accredited institution
(for PA, NY, NJ, DE and MD, that is Middle
States) and earned a C (not C-) or better,
the courses could be eligible for transfer,
depending on the topic or other restrictions.
Once we evaluate the transcript and evaluate
it, we will compare the courses you took
to the courses you selected for the fall. If
a schedule change is required, one of the
academic deans will call you and help you
make the change prior to the start of the
fall term.
After Saturday,
August 1: Purchase
Investing In Your Future
Wednesday, August 5:
Fall tuition payment due
Student bills are prepared and mailed by the Bursar. The Bursar manages AMOS access to class schedules after bills are paid, handles requests
for refunds, payment options, M-Flex accounts, online account inquiries and student health insurance coverage and coordinates billing of
businesses, community organizations and clubs and government agencies for tuition assistance.
Payment Estimator
An interactive payment estimator is available at to help estimate your cost prior to receiving your
official invoice in early July. Use your AMOS login and password to access the Estimator.
Payments on Student Accounts
Payments can be made:
• Online at Credit cards and electronic checks accepted.
• In person at the Bursar’s Office, Room 106 in Colonial Hall. Cash and checks accepted.
• By mail to Moravian College, Bursar’s Office, 1200 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018.
Checks or money orders accepted. Checks must be payable to Moravian College.
Bursar’s Office
First Floor of Colonial Hall
Contact Us
Phone: 610.861.1333 or 610.861.1588
Fax: 610.625.7790
Cashing Checks: Students may cash personal checks up to $100 at the Bursar’s Office in
Colonial Hall. Payroll checks cannot be cashed on campus.
ATM Services on Campus: Wells Fargo Bank provides the on-campus ATM machine in the
Haupert Union Building (HUB). Learn more about Wells Fargo student banking at
M-Flex acts as a debit account that can be accessed through your Moravian College ID card.
It is a convenient method of paying for many things on campus. M-Flex funds can be used
for the following:
• Bookstore purchases
• Moravian College Dining transactions
• Moravian College sponsored concert tickets
• Vending machine items
• Health Center fees
Learn more and add money to your M-Flex account at
Federal Work-Study Program
Federal Direct Stafford Loans
Financial Aid Handbook
The federal work-study program helps
prepare students for ‘life after graduation’
while providing income during the college
experience. Students who are granted
work-study awards are given the opportunity
to gain valuable work experience, including
participation in community service activities.
Students who received a Federal Direct
Stafford Loan as part of their financial
aid award must complete a Federal Direct
Stafford Loan Master Promissory Note
(MPN) and Entrance Counseling before
these funds can be transferred to their
account. To complete the MPN
and Entrance Counseling, go to Directions on
completing these requirements are
sent with the financial aid award letter.
The Moravian College Financial Aid
Handbook is available at
fahandbook and provides information about
financial aid policies at Moravian College.
Students receiving any form of financial aid
must review the Financial Aid Handbook as a
condition of their financial aid award.
Federal funding pays a portion of the
student’s salary and the institution supports
the remaining portion. If awarded workstudy, the student must be enrolled full time
each term, must make measurable progress
toward completion of an identified course
of study and must be eligible for continuance
at the College.
A student job fair will take place on
Thursday, September 3 in the HUB.
Available work-study jobs can also be found
on AMOS under the College Students tab.
Federal Perkins Loans
Students who received a Federal Perkins
Loan as part of their financial aid award
must complete a Federal Perkins Loan
Master Promissory Note before this loan
can be transferred to their account. The
MPN is mailed in July to all students who
received the Perkins Loan.
Thursday, September 3:
Student Job Fair
Financial Aid Office
First Floor of Colonial Hall
Contact Us
Phone: 610.861.1330
How will I receive my financial aid?
Financial aid is typically credited to your
student account in two equal disbursements:
half in the fall and half in the spring. Once
college charges have been paid (tuition, fees,
room, board, etc.), any additional monies
will be refunded. Use the refund to help pay
for educational expenses, such as books and
supplies. Federal work-study funds are an
exception to this rule. Students must work
to earn their federal work-study funds and
are paid twice a month for what was earned
during the pay period.
Will my financial aid be the same each
year? Eligibility for Moravian College
need-based aid is reviewed each year.
Federal and state grants are subject to
change each year.
Wednesday, August 5:
Financial Aid Paperwork Due
Must I maintain a certain GPA to be eligible
for my financial aid? Yes. To continue
receiving any financial aid, students must
achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress
(SAP). Additional information on SAP
and merit scholarship requirements is
available in the Financial Aid Handbook
Student Affairs
The Haupert Union Building, also known as “the HUB,” serves
students, faculty, staff, alumni and guests of the College. The Arena
Theatre, College Bookstore, food service, H.Paty Eiffe Art Gallery,
mailroom, meeting rooms, Prosser Auditorium, Career Center and
Leadership & Service are all located in the HUB.
Two campus dining areas, the Marketplace and Blue & Grey Cafe,
are housed within the facility. The HUB offers many services,
activities and programs for the convenience and enjoyment of
members of the college community and functions, in many respects,
as the “living room” of the College.
Haupert Union Building (HUB)
Monocacy Street
Contact Us
Phone: 610.861.1491
HUB Hours
Monday thru Thursday: 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
Friday and Saturday: 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
The 1742 Experience is a one week, pre-orientation program
that introduces a select group of new students to the Bethlehem
community through service and reflective leadership development.
The program is coordinated and led by upperclass students who serve
as mentors and guides to first-year student teams. The application
and additional information are available at
By Friday, June 19:
Apply for the 1742 Experience
We believe all students have the potential to engage in acts of
leadership, and the leadership and service office provides resources
for those interested in action, theory and discussion about leadership
and to address the needs in our local and global communities.
Opportunities include, but are not limited to, the 1742 Experience,
America Reads, Community Fellows, Emerging Leaders, First-Year
Leadership Challenge, LeaderShape, leadership workshops, service
trips and various volunteer opportunities.
Leadership & Service
Haupert Union Building (HUB)
Contact Us
Phone: 610.861.1498
The Career Center is committed to helping students explore,
discover, experience and succeed in their chosen career paths by
providing appropriate resources and programs by facilitating
hands-on learning opportunities. We guide and support students
as they strive to enter graduate school and the workforce. From
choosing a major to résumé writing, career counseling and networking,
the Career Center is a great resource to help jumpstart your future.
The Counseling Center offers individual, couples and group
counseling at no cost during the academic year. Some of the
reasons a student might talk with a counselor: develop greater
self-knowledge, to discuss a wide range of personal difficulties or
to develop more efficient ways to cope with stressful situations.
Career Center
Haupert Union Building (HUB)
Counseling Center
1307 Main Street
Contact Us
Phone: 610.861.1509
Contact Us
Phone: 610.861.1510
Greek Life has been a tradition at Moravian College for more than
90 years. Nearly 20% of Moravian College students are members
of one of the College’s four national sororities, two national
fraternities or one local fraternity. Members of the Greek community
are involved in all aspects of campus life and often hold campus
leadership positions.
Fraternities and sororities are values-based organizations dedicated
to the development of character and leadership. Each organization
subscribes to a specific set of core values and beliefs that incorporate
concepts of brotherhood or sisterhood including service to the
College and community scholarship and leadership and the building
of relationships congruent with the specific organization’s ideals and
traditions. Students are eligible to join a fraternity or sorority during
their second semester at Moravian College or thereafter.
Student Affairs
1301 Main Street
Contact Us
Phone: 610.861.1503
Wednesday, August 5:
Health Form Due
The Health Center, under the management of St. Luke’s Hospital,
provides a variety of medical services for students during the
academic year. If medical care is required when the Health Center is
closed, students may visit St. Luke’s North at 153 Brodhead Road in
Bethlehem or the emergency room at St. Luke’s Hospital in Fountain
Hill. Students should inquire about fees.
All students must submit a completed medical form to the Health
Center. Required immunizations include a tetanus-diphtheria
booster within the last ten years, two doses of MMR vaccine, a
polio immunization series, tuberculin screening, hepatitis B vaccine,
two varicella vaccines or history of disease and Menomune vaccine.
Student Health Insurance
All students attending Moravian College are required to have health
insurance. Health insurance information should be provided on the
health form. If you do not currently have health insurance, it can be
purchased through Bollinger at
Health Center
250 W. Laurel Street (Hillside 5H)
Contact Us
Phone: 610.861.1567
The Center for Intercultural Advancement & Global Inclusion
supports the overall mission of the College as an inclusive
community of great embrace, welcoming of men and women
from all walks of life, locally, nationally and globally.
The Center serves as a resource to welcome and educate a more
diverse population so that our College community more closely
mirrors the world into which we send our students to live, lead and
serve. The Center also provides support and advocacy for students
from historically underrepresented groups and international students
while encouraging collaboration and community development
across the institution. We work individually with students, as well as
provide support for student organizations with similar missions.
Center for Intercultural Advancement
& Global Inclusion
1105 Main Street
Contact Us
Phone: 610.625.7847
Moravian College is a residential campus where more than 1,000
students live on the Main Street Campus and Hurd (South) Campus
in either a traditional residence hall or a more independent
suite-style apartment unit.
What do I need to bring?
Chat with your roommate about “who is bringing what” items. A
microwave, television and small refrigerator are typically shared. For
a successful move-in, mark all containers, boxes and bags with your
first and last name, as well as building and room number. This
will assist volunteers who are carrying items from the car to your
new home.
Clothes and Hygiene: Each student will have a dresser and closet
space for clothes and storage. Consider bringing: flip-flops for the
shower, a bathrobe, hangers, a laundry bag and detergent, a plastic
shower caddy, bath towels, toiletries (shampoo and soap) and
anything else you use on a daily basis.
Linens: Each bed has at least 10” of space underneath for storage.
The College provides a bed frame and mattress but does not supply
bedding, so please bring sheets, pillows and other accessories.
Electronics & Miscellaneous Items: Each student is different when
it comes to customizing a room to make it feel like home. Consider
bringing: television, small refrigerator (less than 3 cubic feet),
microwave, fan (Bernhardt-Wilhelm, Main and Clewell do not have
air-conditioning), computer printer, power strips, desk lamps or
free-standing lamp (no halogen bulbs), flashlight, wastebasket,
umbrella, storage bins, snacks, dishes and silverware, paper towels,
cleaning supplies, adhesive mounting products and first aid items.
Vital Information: Health insurance card and photo ID.
Photocopies of your social security card, birth certificate and/or
passport are needed if you plan to have a job on campus.
What do I leave at home?
Refer to the Residence Life section of the Student Handbook
( for a list of items that we ask to
remain at home.
Monday: July 6: Visit AMOS for
your housing assignment
Student Affairs
1301 Main Street
Contact Us
Phone: 610.861.1503
When will I receive my housing assignment? Room assignments,
as well as contact information for your roommate, will be available
on the New Students page on AMOS following the July 4 holiday. New
students should complete the First-Year Housing Questionnaire on or
before Wednesday, June 10. Information from this questionnaire
is used to determine room and roommate assignments.
Can I choose another incoming first-year student to be my roommate?
Yes! Each year, a handful of incoming students request a particular
incoming student as a roommate. This request should be made by both
students on their First-Year Housing Questionnaire.
Can I see my room before I move in? Residence halls are unavailable
during the summer months due to conferences, camps and facilities
improvements. You can glance at an example of a first-year resident’s
room on
What size sheets will fit on my bed? Standard twin, except in the HILL and
2nd and 3rd floors of Hassler, which have extra long twin mattresses.
Residents in need of an extra long mattress should contact Residence
Life at 610.861.1503.
Where will I do my laundry? Each residence hall features a laundry room
with washers and dryers. All laundry machines are coin less, which
means leave your quarters at home! Your room charge includes your
laundry costs.
Are my personal belongings insured? We do not cover your personal
belongings under the College’s insurance and encourage you to check
coverage under your family’s homeowners insurance.
Who is responsible for cleaning my room? You are! A custodian will
routinely clean bathrooms and common areas, including the hallways.
The custodian does not clean your room but is able to help if something
is not working in your room, such as replacing a light bulb.
What do I do if I want my room set up a certain way? After learning your
room assignment, log on to the New Student page on AMOS. You or your
roommate can select a room layout and note if you would like your beds
bunked. Facilities will do their best to make this happen prior to
your arrival.
Is storage available over the summer? The College does not provide
storage to residents over the summer. Residence Life can provide
information for local storage facilities.
How will I learn what is expected and permitted in the residence hall?
Read the Student Handbook and/or talk with your “RA” who will explain
everything once you arrive.
What is an “RA”? Each floor has an “RA” or Resident Adviser. This
upperclass student has many roles and responsibilities, including (but
not limited to) building community providing support, serving as a
resource for those with questions and enforcing College and residence
hall policies.
What will my mailing address be? 1200 Main Street Campus, Box
—, Bethlehem, PA 18018. You will learn your box number and mailbox
combination on the day you move in.
What address should I use until I receive my campus box number? We
encourage the use of box numbers when addressing mail to students,
but in the meantime, use: Student’s Name Moravian College 1200 Main
Street Bethlehem, PA 18018.
What time should I arrive to campus on Friday, August 28?
Residential students are welcome to arrive anytime after 8:30 a.m.
and before 11:00 a.m.
Where do I go once I arrive? You will be directed through the College
entryway at the intersection of Main and West Locust Streets. Follow
the road and arrive at the Check-In Tent located in front of the Haupert
Union Building (HUB) where each new student will receive a personalized
“Hound Check-In Sheet.”
Once I arrive at my residence hall, will someone assist me with
unloading my car? On Friday, August 28, each vehicle will be greeted by
a member of the College community who will identify a team of student
volunteers to carry items from the car to the room. These students
include Orientation Leaders, fall athletes, members of our fraternities
and others interested in assisting with this memorable morning.
I am arriving early to campus, what do I need to know? Those
participating in an early arrival group including fall athletics, marching
band or the 1742 Experience will receive information check-in process
from their coach or director. New students will move into assigned
rooms, with the exception of members of the football team who will
reside together in one residence hall until a few days before New Student
Orientation begins.
Get Involved
Thursday, September 10:
Organization Fair
IMPACT, the student programming board, strives to provide
Innovative, Multicultural Programming Activities for Campus
Togetherness. IMPACT sponsors a new, unreleased movie each week
and provides transportation to local shopping venues every Friday
evening. IMPACT also offers special on-campus events and provides
opportunities to travel off campus. Most of these events are open to
students at no cost. Learn more at
Interested in extracurricular activities? Join one of the many USG
sponsored and funded clubs and organizations. At the beginning of
each semester, USG hosts an organization fair. This is a great
opportunity to find a club or organization that interests you. Learn
more at
Celebrate with a variety of student activities ranging from banner
contests to BINGO, and be sure to attend the parade on Saturday.
This is a time for current students, alumni, faculty and staff to come
together for a variety of activities and athletic events.
The United Student Government provides activities, representation
and services for students. Get involved in student government by
running in the annual fall elections or applying for an appointed
position. Learn more at
October 23-24: Homecoming
Moravian College offers 20 NCAA Division III varsity sports. Visit for information about each team. Come
cheer our teams to victory!
Moravian College also offers fitness facilities and intramural sports.
Over 10,000 square foot, state-of-the-art Fitness Center, located in
the Breidegam Field House, is open to students, faculty and staff.
The Performance Center is a 3,200 square foot room with power
racks, lifting platforms and an agility area. A Moravian College ID
Card grants access to either facility during open hours. The
Breidegam Field House has four full-size basketball courts
and a 1/10 of a mile running track. There is also a dance studio
for group exercise classes offered throughout the semester.
Students can sign up for intramural activities and learn more at
Athletics & Recreation
Johnston Hall
Contact Us
Phone: 610.861.1534 or 610.861.1572
Information Technology
All incoming first-year students receive a MacBook Pro laptop and
iPad as part of their enrollment at Moravian College. Moravian
College maintains Windows and Macintosh computer labs on the
Main Street campus and Hurd (South) campus. Residence hall rooms
have both hard-wired and wireless network connections for access to
Moravian College’s network and Internet. There is an extensive
wireless network throughout campus.
During MayReg, Center for Information Technology (CIT) staff
will teach students how to use their new MacBook Pro laptops and
iPads. They will teach a second set of classes during New Student
Orientation. First-Year Seminar faculty also integrate training
into their courses.
Moravian College uses Gmail as part of Google Apps for Education.
Google Apps for Education provides data storage, collaboration,
word processing, spreadsheets, presentation and other software tools.
CIT Help Desk
Memorial Hall
Contact Us
Phone: 610.861.1500
Do I need to insure my computer? MacBooks come with a four-year
warranty that covers hardware and software issues to include spill
coverage. Many homeowners’ policies will cover a computer for use at
school so check with your insurance carrier for specifics. Consider an
extended warranty since many warranties expire at different terms.
Am I permitted to use a laptop in class? Some faculty do permit laptop
use in class. Check with your instructor.
How do I secure my laptop and its data? To physically secure your
laptop, check to see if your laptop can accept a lock and cable. This will
permit you to lock your laptop to furniture, thus making it more difficult
to steal. Lock your laptop when it is unattended, including while in your
residence hall room. To secure your data, set a screensaver that requires
a password or encrypt your laptop’s hard drive.
Do I get a network account and email address? All students receive
email, AMOS and Blackboard accounts. Through the campus network,
you will have Internet access, web portal, learning management system,
black and white and color printing and access to library and
course-related software. These resources can be accessed from on and
off campus.
Where can I get my computer repaired or serviced during the
semester? Incoming freshmen should bring their MacBook or iPad to
the CIT Help Desk. For upperclassmen, since your new computer may still
be under warranty, the first call should be to the manufacturer. CIT Help
Desk technicians can help triage/troubleshoot your computer problem,
but since it is under warranty, they cannot physically repair
the computer.
Can I buy a computer through the College? Moravian College does not
sell computers, but there are a few vendors who offer discount prices to
Moravian College students. Information is available at cithelp.moravian.
edu. First-year students will receive a MacBook Pro and iPad.
Is Internet connectivity included and available in the residence halls?
Internet connectivity is included in the technology fee. Refer to the
Student Handbook for a list of other services covered by the technology
fee. All residence halls have wireless and wired connectivity. You will
need an Ethernet network cable to establish a wired connection.
How do I connect my computer to the network? Instructions are
available at, by calling 610.861.1500, or by
visiting the CIT Help Desk in Memorial Hall, Room 102.
Information for Commuters
We recognize that the needs of commuter students often differ
from those of resident students. You will be looking for the best
parking space, finding a spot to relax between classes and deciding
whether to eat on campus or at home. We are here to assist with your
transition to life at Moravian College and provide you with
ways to connect with other students and services on campus.
Student Affairs is a great resource and can provide more
information on Commuter Connection Events, Commuter
Advisers and the Commuter Lounge in the library.
Commuters should arrive on Friday, August 28 between 11:00 a.m.
and 1:30 p.m. for “Hound Check-In” at the HUB. From there, join
residential students for New Student Orientation.
Moravian College Dining offers meal plans designed especially for
commuter students. All commuters will automatically be enrolled in
the Dining Dollar option at a cost of $143 per semester. Commuters
can upgrade to a number of other options, which are outlined on
First-year students commuting to campus must register their vehicles
with Campus Safety & Police. Registration is valid for a full
academic year. Any change of vehicle or vehicle registration must
be reported to Campus Safety & Police. Any vehicle parked on
or within a half-mile of campus without a parking permit will
be ticketed.
Information for Families
What should families participate in on Friday, August 28?
Lunch for families and new students will be served and President
Bryon Grigsby ’90 will host a welcome reception following move-in
for resident students. The Class of 2019 Convocation will be held at
2 p.m. in Central Moravian Church. Convocation is the academic
ceremonial beginning for new students and a formal “farewell”
for families.
When should our family plan to leave campus? Families are
welcome to attend activities Friday morning and early afternoon.
Following Convocation, we encourage families to say their goodbyes
and plan to depart campus by 4:30 p.m.
Does our student have to attend all the New Student Orientation
events? We strongly encourage each new student to participate in as
much of New Student Orientation as possible. There is no second
chance. Students who engage in orientation wholeheartedly make
more friends and connections and gain confidence and insights
about how Moravian College works right off the bat. This is an
incredible opportunity.
How will we know how our student is doing in the classroom?
Ask your student directly! We cannot say enough about the benefits
of maintaining open communication with your student. The
College sends grades to the student because federal law, the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, limits the ability of
faculty and staff to discuss these matters with you. This law sets
privacy standards for educational records and limits access to
information. Professors do send out warning notices at mid-term to
students performing at an “unsatisfactory” or “failing” level. During
this first semester, especially, you might ask your student how he or
she is doing and whether any warnings were received.
What should we do if we know or suspect that our student is
having academic difficulty? First, talk to him or her about it and
try to get a sense of the situation while, at the same time, conveying
a message of support. Urge him or her to make use of campus
resources for academic assistance, including speaking with their
academic adviser. The Office of Academic & Disability Support
(610.861.1510) is also a good place to start.
Is it okay to call Academic Affairs or Student Affairs if we have
concerns about our student? Yes. Consider telling them you called
or give us permission to do so. This will enable us to address your
concerns in a more straightforward and effective manner.
A few resources that have been helpful to new students and families:
• The Student Handbook (
• The Parents’ Handbook
Saturday, September 19:
Family Day
Around Campus
Dining Locations Include
• The Marketplace, located in the HUB
Shuttle service is offered between the Main Street campus and Hurd
(South) campus to all members of the campus community. The
shuttle schedule is available at
and the “MoCoGo” app.
The Shuttle Stops at:
• Haupert Union Building on Monocacy Street
• Main entrance of the HILL on the Hurd Campus
• North Street Parking Garage at North and Main Streets
• Church Street across from Bethlehem Public Library
Moravian College Dining offers two distinct dining locations in the
HUB and on the Hurd Campus. Vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free
options are offered. Our registered dietitian is available to guide
students along the way.
• The Blue & Grey Cafe, located in the HUB
• Clewell Dining Room, located on the Hurd Campus
• The Root Cellar, located in the HILL on the Hurd Campus
Meal Plans
During the first year on campus, all resident students will be enrolled
in the full 20 meals-per-week plan, which includes $25 Dining
Dollars per semester.
All commuter students will be enrolled in the Dining Dollar option
of $143 per semester, but can change to any meal plan.
The city of Bethlehem and the Lehigh Valley offer Moravian College
students a rich blend of history, culture and recreation. Moravian
College is located in lively Bethlehem, a small city noted for its
historic sites, musical events (especially Musikfest in August!),
craftsmanship, art and local industry. Bethlehem, along with
Allentown and Easton, form the Lehigh Valley metropolitan area,
home to nearly three-quarters of a million people and eight colleges
and universities. With its founding date of May 1742, five months
after the founding of Bethlehem, Moravian College is the oldest
institution of higher education in the Lehigh Valley.
Moravian College’s two campuses are situated at either end of “the
Moravian Mile,” a stretch of Main Street that includes an attractive
downtown shopping district and a wide selection of dining options.
Learn more about Bethlehem and the Lehigh Valley at:
1. Colonial Hall – Admissions
and Administration
2. Alumni House
3. Lenox House
4. Bahnson Center
5. Moravian Archives*
6. Greek Housing
7. Greek Housing
8. Greek Housing
9. Seminary Student Housing
10. Collier Hall of Science
11. Priscilla Payne Hurd
Academic Complex
12. Greek Housing
13. Anna Nitschmann House
14. August Spangenberg House
15. Jo Smith Hall
27. Antes House
39. Memorial Hall
50. Benigna Hall – Comenius Center
16. Hillside Complex 1
28. Burnside House
40. Monocacy Hall
51. Seminary Student Housing
17. Hillside Complex 2
29. Lenape House
41. Zinzendorf Hall
52. Greek Housing
18. Hillside Complex 3
30. Rau Hall
53. The Betty Prince Field
19. Hillside Complex 4
31. Hassler Hall
42. Hamilton Hall – St. Luke’s
School of Nursing
20. Hillside Complex 5
32. Breidegam Fieldhouse
21. Hillside Complex 5 – Health Center
33. Fitness Center
22. Hillside Complex 6
34. Johnston Hall
23. Wilhelm Hall
35. Haupert Union Quadrangle – Soccer Field
24. Bernhardt Hall
36. Haupert Union Building
25. Beck House
37. Haupert Union Building – Prosser Auditorium
26. de Schweinitz House
38. Reeves Library
43. Comenius Hall
44. Comenius Hall – Borhek Chapel
45. Seminary Student Housing
46. Student Affairs
47. Campus Safety
48. Center for Information Technology
49. Lehigh Valley Association of
Independent Colleges
54. Facilities Management, Planning
and Construction
* Building belonging to the
Moravian Church
• Monday, August 31: Classes Begin
• Monday, September 7:
Labor Day, classes held
• Saturday, October 10 to Tuesday,
October 13: Fall Recess
• Wednesday, November 25 to Sunday,
November 29: Thanksgiving Recess
• Friday, December 11: Classes End
1. Central Moravian Church
2. Gemein House (1742)*
3. Old Chapel (1751)*
4. Bell House (1746)*
5. Sisters’ House (1744)*
6. Clewell Hall – Residence
7. Widows’ House (1768)
8. Frueauff House (1819)
9. Main Hall – Residence (1854)
10. Hearst Hall – 1848 Old Chapel
11. Single Brethrens’ House (1748,
12. West Hall (1859, Music)
13. Peter Hall – 1867 New Chapel
14. South Hall (1873, Art)
15. Payne Art Gallery (1890)
1. Steel Field Grandstand
16. Foy Concert Hall
2. Calvo Field and Breidegam Track
17. Day House (1840)
3. Blue & Grey Softball Field
18. The HILL – Hurd Integrated
Living and Learning**
4. Hoffman Tennis Courts
* Building belonging to the
Moravian Church
6. Field House
** Building belonging to the
Bethlehem Area Moravians
5. Gillespie Field
• Monday, December 14 to Friday,
December 18: Final Examinations
• Monday, January 18: Classes Begin
• Saturday, March 5 to Sunday, March
13: Spring Recess
• Friday, March 25 to Sunday,
March 27: Easter Recess
• Saturday, April 30: Classes End
Monday, May 2 to Saturday,
May 7: Final Examinations
A complete academic calendar
is available at